U. S. MAIL B LA IRS 10 CENT TABLET A WONDER FOR THE MONEY. BOX-PAPER ALL THE LATEST TINTS Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS WEDNESDAY. OCTOUEK 22. 1902. JIM YOUNGER. The manner of death of Jim Younger, the outlaw, was not a sur prise, oven to his most anient friend and lover. It was not a surprise to any one. It was a natural result of the conditions and times. It was the natural result of the man's past life. The past half of a century has been ripening into freakism and abnormal conditions. It. is not only the ease morally, socially, financially and po litically. but has entwined itself about humanity i nail of Its forms from the crodle to the grave. It is responsible for the scandal In the social circles from the highest to .ne lowest. It is responsible for the corruption of poll- tics from the national capital to the smallest town ward. From It comes the trusts and combines and mergers. as well as the strikes and failures and the suffering therefrom. From it sprang the thief and the burglai, the footpad, the highwayman, the outlaw. Nothing else could spring from a people of greed and gain, who pander to dissipation in all its forms. Such a bundle of abnormity cannot beget other than abnormal results. It would eem now that the country l as reached the limit, yet If we are to accept the llible and ancient history, it would appear that we are only be ginning the era of degredatlon; that we are saints and our country :s a heaven compared with the depths to which ancient peoples fell after re-ieh Ins a high state of civilization. Hut we possess freaks and freakish con ditions that appear to be an advance ment in the realms of freakdom. It is true that we have better con ditions along with the bad than have ever existed before, and the country has a right to boast of its great civili zation, but the theorist has s.ome grounds for viewing the future with alarm. Jim Younger was an outlaw, an ex murderer, padoled convict. The early days of Missouri border life had had its effect. His inclination ran that way. He joined the guerrillas In time of war, robbed and killed after the war, until he was finally imprisoned. Like a caged lion he had years to brood over his life. He was brought to a realization in his confinement Then, the old, old story came over him. He loved! A felon's cell sep arated him from his love. But love laughs at locksmiths, etc., and he gained his freedom. He saw a new life, a new future! But law is more stern even than locks and prison cells. The law said he could not en ter into a marriage contract. It's de crees proved fatal. Though a woman of these times, a prodijct of respecta ble society, fell in love with him, her sense of propriety so dissipated in casting Its affections, though so for mal In yielding to the law led her to practically abandon him. The future, the past all rose before him. It took but an instant Ho had killed others. he could kill himself The fatal liul let crashed through his brain! It was not a surprise. The condl' tions that formed his life created the woman that willingly entered Into it. and these were responsible for the un natural death that ended It human effort will gain It and In a new country llkj Cut a where lizy Spaniards mauage to keep fat; i.ny American ought to prosper. Ten to i one these follows repot ed to be starving are broken dowi. politicians who are not worth thult transportn tion. And now comes the news from Cuba that Americans are starving there, and public subscilptloas are being tafcon to send them back to the Un.led State?. Ths class of Americans that will starve In Cuba or any othor place where human beings survive would not be much loss to tho coun try. The true blue American will And the way to live If honeaf toll t nd From two to Ihrw tram wrecks may now be counted on every .lay Railroad men are becomtif. care'ess or the matnrial of wjich the euulp ments are made is becoming more de fective. Measures should be taken to lessen these accidents, as the num ber of lives lost annually In train wrecks is becoming appnling. The California "Venus" hab been killed by a paramour over a love af fair. It is the usual termination oi a woman whose head is turnJ by an Idea of her own "beauty. Give a wo man notoriety and nine times out of ten her life is ruined. The good old time woman, who thought more of home than clubs and swe ' society, left not a line for the yellow journals. The sultan of Morocco may bo credited with one good deed. He dis posed uf a fanatic in the proper man ner. A fanatic In his cou.Uiy killed an English missionary and lit sultnn ordered him shot immediately. In this country his plea w miu have been insanity. Bryan is calling the dmocratb of Idaho to duty today. Th-.' democrats of Idaho already seen, to be In the saddle, and with the great Common' er's eloquence to encourage them they ought to have a walkover. PROTECTING FORESTS. The Call has long advocated a proper foresting of the government timber reserves. Such foresting" re quires that after the fallen leaves have served their purpose as a forest floor by holding the moisture In the rainy season, they should be cieared off by burning. This conservative use uf fire is necessary to prevent the de structive effects of fire in fnest con flagration. If allowed to accumulate year after year, the fallen leaves and limbs and bark form a thick duff, which in the dry season Is not only exceedingly Inflammable Itself, but make a Are that reaches the lower limbs of small trees, which in turn reach the lower limbs of large trees and serve as a torch to set on fire the whole forest, which burns from the ground to the tops of the tallest timber. s We have frequently described the method by which the Indians pre served the great forests of this conti nent, which were their home and hunting ground. They used Are in the spring on the dry spots as they appeared, and when they did the for esting a general forest fire wjs un known. It has been objected that this conservative use 'of fire destroys the annual plants, flowering and others. But this Is Incorrect, since all testi mony bearing on the primitive condi tions of our forests joins in proving the great abundance and beauty of the wild ferns and flowering plants and grasses and other forage found in the virgin forests. The official and expert reports on the destruction of timber by forest llres in the State of Washington show a loss in that state alone amounting to more than thirty million dolla'.' This loss Is estimated only on the merchantable value of the timber destroyed, and does not include the losses that follow to agriculture, horticulture and navigation as the re sult of stripping off the forest When the losses In Oregon and 'California are added to that of Washington it will be demonstrated that In these three states enough potential wealth has been destroyed by forest fires to buy, at a reasonable valuation, every ncre of standing timber In the United States and subject It all to such con trol and to such conservative forest ing as would preserve It forever as a forest domain sufficient to supply the country with timber and lumber per petually, The frequent flres In the Yosomlte Park reservation have admonished the military superintendent, and he makes the proper recommendation of a remedy in line with the policy per- j slstontly advocated by The Call. In ; his report to the secretary of the in terior he recommends that stricter regulations for the control of tourists and campers be made anu enforced, and that fallen trees, pine needles, cones, limbs and leaves be systemat ically burned every year. This, we be lieve. Is the first official recommen dation of that absolutely necessary policy. What use to carp at the cost' The merchantable timber destroyed on this coast in one summer represents a sum that" will take care of every tree on the continent for half a century U all forests were in government con trol and carefully ud ministered the economic output of timber and lum ber would not be decreased, It would increase with the growing needs of the country. The only use mlllmen have for the forest Is the timber. They don't want and don't use the land when It Is striped Their business would go on Just the same if they paid stumpage to tVe government and harvested merchant able and ripe timber under the super vision of experienced foresters. The government has jurisdiction of har bors and navigable waters, to preserve their potential wealth. Without the forests and their direct and indirect relation to the wealth of the country navigable waters and harbors would ; be useless. San Francisco Call. j THE "SWEAT-BOX." The supreme court of Indiana j handed down a wholesomp M'ul nni'uj needed decision on the 10th. It de-' cided that the police "sweat-box" lei utterly illegal, and sustained a Judg-I ment for dnmages against a sheriff ; who itad subjected a prisoner to somej of Its procc'ses. ' No bodily injuries had been Inflict-, ed. The sheriff had merely arrested, a suspect without a warrant and, probed him with questions to make; a case. But the highest court of the! state decides "that an ofllcer cannot i legally held the person arrested In, custody for a longer period of time, than Is reasonably necessary, under ; all the circumstances of the case to! obtain a proper warrant or order for his further detention from some trib unal or officer authorized under the law to issue such warrant or order." i If law suits like that of Indiana! were Instituted against the lawless j "sweat" box policeman of Chicago, an excellent effect might be produced. The Indiana court has declared uo lo- cal policy nor new law. It has simply applied to a modern instance legal principles as old and universal as the political principles of English liberty. The Public. Fall and Winter Millinery and continuing will make a cent, on all t miss this Beciuninp on Tuesday until Saturday night we special reduction of 10 per ( Hats from $2 up. Don' chance, ladies. Trimmed Hats from $J.50 up to $5.00 Street Hats from 75 Cents up to $4.00 Children's Hats, Plain and Trimmed, all Prices. Money saved is money earned. You can save money by buying your Fall Hat of us. THE FAIR, THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY A Little Angel. .Mother" "Willie, I hope you never do anything so wicked as to tie tin cans to dogs' tails." Willie "No'm. I never do nothing but hold tho dog." Detroit Free Press. Carpenters Headquarters We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid ered. Estimates furnished on builders' hardware and plumbing. "Money saved is money earned." See T C. Taylor, THE HARDWARE MAN. 741 Main Street Phone Main 671 Only one-tenth of the emigrants who leave Euruiie by German ports are Germans. A Secret Disease Of all human diseases, that known as contagious blood poison, or the Bad Disease, has caused more misery and suf fering aud ruined more lives than all others combined. It not only wrecks the hopes and aspirations of the one who contracts it, but often the innocent are made to share the humiliation and dis grace of this most loathsome and hateful form of blood poison. Children inherit it from parents, and thousands of the purest'men and vamien have been con taminated and ruined simply through handling the clothing of one infected with this awful malady.ordrink- J INNOCENT ine from the salne vessel and SUFFER WITH using the same . . toilet articles. THE GUILTY. And when the real nature of the trouble is known, many prefer to suffer in silence or leave the disease to do its worst rather than make known their condition. Through our Medical Department we offer advice and help. Write us freely about your case, as nothing you say will ever go beyond our office. Let us help you to get rid of this fearful disease, for which some one else no doubt is to blame. It matters not how long the poison has been lurking in your system, S. S. S. will purify and build up your blood, and eliminate every atom of the deadly virus from the system and make a complete and permanent cure. S. S. S. is the only antidote for Conta gious Blood Poison and has been curing it for fifty years. It contains no mercury, potash or other harm- mineral ingredi ent but 3 a purely .m, ifcl vegetable remedy that BB feaS cures without leaving any bad after effects. Our special Home Treatment book, rives all the symptoms of this disease. We will mall you a copy free. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go. For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES -CALL ON- Colesworthy -AT TUB) CHOP MILL 1127 and 129 East Alta Street Farmers Custom Mil, Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc always on hand. IN THE LIGHT of our experience In carriage and limitless wagon iclllEg, vre do not neiltate to ray that w have fairly well learned tbe needs of our customers present and pronpectlre. Look as long as you like, teit as long as yon please, joa'U nnd onr output to be all right this day, be next day, every day. Our Winona backs are Just the things, well made, good looking, easy to ride In and strong. We bare tops for all kinds of buggies and cash. Ions and dashes lor hacks. Get our prices on wagons, buggies, backs carts, gasoline en glnes, plows and saw mills. NEAQLE BROTHERS Water St. near UaJa, PeadUton. Ore. Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutters tor Darns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., oop. Court House. Joseph Ell, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARNESS-SADDLERY The- East Oregonlan la Eastern Or, gone representative paper. It leado, ft"hw h.M "PPe'at It and show LhwL..? "b0r?' Patre"0. It Is th advertising mo lum of this section. Lumber, t AH kinds fornix S8 Doors aai Planing of all -u..u.uB material uw2 wusuiicu US. Pendleton Plank Lumber fail ROBERT rOKSTtt. f laTTTTlTATTTTiM mu Arn id wy IS If you have paints. hanging or deeon want done in first-dasi then come to us. Our prices ire net but low. Let us pm you. T? T Court Street THESE Are a gentle remmde ten Stove season is here. Don't overlook BASLER'S Bargain Home it vou neea a neaucz a stnvp nr steel ranee, u ts overlook an opportunity u money if you do. BASLBK has art ta on Stoves C.nmp !n anil insnect til VWB..W . 1 T- and learn the price. T 1.aa hnM IU 1 11UVD UCUKlum tHwmp to locate Valuable , Timber Claims On the line o. J This means a for flrst-comen' tatfl Have some gow Laatz Br FOR- Wood, Coal and Delivered Prompt1' We are in the pareu 10 iiiu "t cles. OFFICE MAIN 81,