Men's Mm The superiority of our clothing is apparent at one glnnee into our window. The coloring, the Bhape the style in every suit shows grace usuallv to be found ouly iii the bwt custom tailored clntliinp. Then tli nvp g h-re is frmT$2.50 to fo. 0 what you would pay in other stores. Men's All Wool Suits, wor steds, tweeds and cheviots $11 00 12 00 $15.00 Coats and Pants $5 00 and $6.00 Coat and Vest, for summer, all sizes .v $4.00 to $7.00 Coats only $1.00 to $3.00 EUer & Daley ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS FOUND A TRACE OF ROGERS WEDNESDAY. JT?J,V i. 1902. GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. G. S. Toungman, E. B. Coman, J. T. Lanibirth, IL B. May, E. D. Sawyer, J. J. Burns, Julia il. Brooks, C. Ot tershagen, Portland; 31. Holt, M. J. CAST OFF CLOTHES OF ESCAPED CONVICT FOUND J Rogers Entered a Sheep Herder's, Cabin and Helped Himself to Clothes. Food and Weapons Pos-: tal Telegraph Opens in Walla Walla. j Walla "Walla, July 2 A trace of : Rucker Rogers, tlfe escaped convict.1 has been found, where he left his, suit of clothes made from a blanket, stole a revolver and butcher knife ! and what food he could use. This oc-1 curred a few days ago on the south! fork of the Walla Walla river. ' The posse found the clothes but ' the man had disappeared and no fur-! ther trace has been secured. The con vict found a sheep herder's cabin in . the mountains, made himself at home and carried away the weapons found, in the cabin. A funny thing in the matter is that ' Rogers failed to do away with the! clothing, leaving them lay in the cab-j in, where they were discovered when the owner returned. The alarm was given, but Rogers had again eluded i his pursuers. M. E. Carson, guard at the state' penitentiary yesterday returned from , Bucoda, where he was with the posse 1 I m 1 at Ml TTt;,, I pursuiug xrai;v aim Jit-uin. n ; him Mr. Carson brought back the bloodhounds, Hunter and Don, and the dogs are taking a much needed rest For the present the chase has 1 been given up and it is doubtful if the dogs will be allowed to renew the chase even if a new tra.l is found. Superintendent Catron will -i - 111 r-vl nrrttn nnnonnf r flic Tl Fourth of July Excursion Rates. The O. R. & N. Company has made an excursion rate of one and one third faro for round trips botween all stations on its system, not to ex ceed 200 miles apart, for Fourth oj July excursions. Tickets will be soid at these rates on July 3 and 4 and are good returning until July C Some SPECIALS AtOur FOUNTAIN Egg Puncbine Orange Frappe 10c Pirjg Pong Punch 10c F. W. Schmidt & Co., Rel'able Druggists, The officers of the Centennial, re cently arrived at Seattle, say that Keafe, W the Oregon was in port when they Ehas, A. D. Banks, New York; Geo. moval of the hounds from the prison : W. Herbein and wife, C. J. O'Neill, I under anv circumstances. Rucker Geo. Putnam. San Francisco; K. F.Rosers escaped while the dogs were r.. xiaii. jnicago; m. tl.lnt Vancouver on the trail of the Ore- Association Block. Phone S51 left Nome. She had not been beach ed, but was leaking slightly and had some trouble with her rudder. John H. Hause, who, as magistrate Patton. R. H. Caston, T. W. Jackson, j r0n escaned convicts, and he could c J. H. Kloeckman, A. A. Bennett, Spo- have been captured readily with the kane; Wm. Henry and wife, Sirs. M. i aid of the two hounds. Mr. Carson t J. Crandall, La Grande; O. T. Kel-1 speaks highly of the work done by the t logg. city; J. O. Leonard, Sheridan; I doss, beine the first real test they t of Jeffersonville. Ind.. had. it is said. Is- G- Sargent, W. T. Sargent, Johni,ave had. c during the past 10 vears married D- touSn an" Wlfe. Miss Lillie Has- The Postal Telegraph company yes- C 6000 couples, the majority of whomkijs- Bert - Driven, Pullman; Missjterday opened an office in this city t -were elopers, is dead, aged Go vears. "ancis irvm. uouax; -ranK uamn-; making a bid for a part or the busi He was one-of the uninue characters !lin Garfield; John Synie, Nampa; i ness. The Western Union has had a rrmTfnT of Southern Indiana. There is a possibility that the four American teachers of Cebu, P. I., who have been missing since June 10, are alive. A native who was made prisoner by constabulary of Cebu says the four teachers were prison ers in the mountains of the island June 2S. Lightening: Mondav mornins- k-illeJ ' Elmer Chastain, W. A. Banister, T, Mrs. Dr. Clark, of Duncan, L T., par-! J- E- H- Buprke, Anson George alyzed her husband and splintered 1 Portland; Wm. McKinzie, Athena; the bed in which their two children' A- McKinzie, TJkiah; W. E. Johnson, were sleeping. Mrs. Clark was Gustav Volmer, Washington, E. B. standing in the doorway behind her,'Beat5'. Bollston; H. W. Voght, Cold husband when she was killed, and her Springs; F. L. Green. Seattle; John body fell over his prostrate form. Loughead, Walla Walla; John W. The electricity hit him first (Smith. Winona; H. S. Law. Idaho; A low estimate placed on the dam-! Be"- B,aker 9lt,y: E. Schurider, age wrought within a radius of 150 1Horu J;0 AU , miles of Alton, 111,, by the storm of souri; - Sivesy, John A. Grant, j -wind and rain Saturday night and .j. -rut. Sunday, is $1,000,000. In the Ameri-1 m J -rintTr. ..! v.. , t. We offer One Hundred Dollars He-ward can Bottom farming districts the for any ca3e ot catarrh that cannot be' farmers are ruined. Wood river, a cured by Hall's Catarh Cure. small and usually harmless stream,: p J. chknby & CO., Toledo, o , -,ntT. ,. ,. ,.. . ' We, the undersigned, have known F. J. overflowed its banks early Sunday Cheney for the pait 15 yean, and believe: morning and the farmers In the vast him to be perfectly honorable In all bual- expanse of boUom lauds were lorrert nesa transactions and financially able to to get into the upper stories of their gST out any obsa0oM made b' their I homes to save their lives. Their- WEST & TKUAX, Wholesale Drngglata, houses were flooded. After spending, To''rP,Vr. .. t . a night of peril they watched the wholesale DrngslstnV Toledo. O. Mrs. Benjamin Barnett, Lorma; Gus .monopoly of this section until the Anderson. present time. An office has been j opened in the Jones block, in connee- The Golden Rule. tion with the Upington drug store. Mrs. Alexander. Hunts; T. H. Dean;fnd E- Ellsworth of Spokane will and family, Chicago; Mrs. R. Alex-ibe ttte manaSer for this territory. and. Adams; Daniel O'Conner, Gold- endale; C. Knutson, W. H. Starkey.J E. L. Bunnell. Spokane; S. R. Coe.' SAVE YOUR MIR WITH SHAMPOOS Of c ,c c c p It , t ,1 it g Springs... ...NOW OPEN... Health and Summer Resort Twenty-two Miles East Pendleton on 0. R. & N. .Excursion Rates from all oints 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 LATEST STYLE COLLARS MEN'S SALE Worth $10 to $12 SUMMER UNDER- WEAR.... NOW 50c to St A SUIT Boston Store For further information address Manager Bingham Springs GIBBON, Ore. aad liifht ciretticjr of Crrxctnu, pom: of tmaU Uen:inrore This itops falling hair, remorea C7U"., aixl dandroff, eoolhtJ irritated. Itching uriaee, timnl.ite the hair follicle, luppliv lha roou wllh eoere? and nourishment, end mniffi the hnir grow upon a iweet, whoio onic, healthy ecaip Khen all cie faiU. SM tiiroottajaJ ti wmW M.S.wr,S5e Oitr- txT.iCe VomrUts u ADliitu Cusk. SilePrapk, Euus. i.-fcad tar " Haw G-Te litaatifcl Iliir." tm. niiiimuiiiijiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiinmiin ! 3 1 - 3! 3, 3 ft , . 1 . .flt I au aiways ue uau ai ruiiBf i, (nil.. Imfnxuin ottoeYa fYrt. tun t uDi.ncr;u rcaouiA vnu i r . i tt 1 . i lines nave yet many nne iob for fall trade. Now is the tim to Jess than cost 75c Carpets now 50c Carpets now 35c to 40c Carpets now ... That SATISFY US day light come only to see their crops had been washed away. PACIFIC NORTHWEST flEWS. "Curry county Monday .made a pay ment of ?1.048.17 on Its state taxes lor 1902. Hall's Catarrh Care la taken IntpmnllT. acting directly upon the blood and mucou surface of the system. Testimonials ent- irec i-rice T&c per botOc Bold by alt Drosslsts. Hall's Family PI1U are the best. BEST FOR THE BOWELS Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of T. F. Howard, archl- Joseph B. King and J. J. King, of j tec. P, o'clock noon, of Sat-; """lttn u,0aN nY -r . . rr,r,r 1 i urnaV- lrn I H 1 1 lha w . iiariuw, uave suiu uuuu jjuuuus uii .v..- uon oi a two-siory aweumg nouse tf you b&Tcn't a mralar, baltby moTement of Um bowels cTery day, you're III or "111 bo. Keep yoal boweLiopea. ami ba well. I'oree. In the ihapeof. rla tennhv.inornlll voIxoii.lj danirerottf. The imoottv Mt.e&ilettrnaitverftctway ot keeping the bowel! have sold hops from the George Zlegler yard, one mile southeast of Barlow, to H. J. Miller, of Auroria, for 15 cents per pound. Lincoln Geiger, of Cornelius, is cir culating a petition at that place ask ing that the Southern Pacific com pany extend the service one day longer and run the train from Sheri dan to Portland via Cornelius on .Sundays hereafter. Jt has heen decided to hold a street fair and carnival in The Dalles in September, the date having not yet been set The committee .will act In conjunction with the Second Ore gon District Fair Association, which will bold its fair and races at the same time. t Two horsethleves who stole a bug gy at "Wingvlile and a team of .hors es from the O, R. & N. contractors .near Durkee Friday night, wero pur sued so closely by officers that they abandoned the 'buggy near Rye Val ley. One escaped to the bills but the other fled to Snake river where lie swam across and escaped. lira. Andrew McCornack, one of the "best known pioneer women in Eu gene, died suddenly at her home of apoplexy. She was 78 years ot age, mad crossed the plains to Washington 3b 18C3, and in 1858 came to Lane county. She was married in 1842 to .Andrew McCornack, who died In 1872. he was the mother of twelve child xen, all of whom are living. a with attic and stone basement, for Leon Cohen, according to plans and specifications prepared for the same by T. F. Howard, architect Separate bids will be received up to noon of Eaturday, July 5th, 1902, for all stone work of basement and chimneys. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids for the work. June 28th, 1902. Manual Training Teachers. Pittsburg, Pa., July 1. Manual training teachers from Detroit, Cleve land, Dayton, Philadelphia, New York, Washington and numerous other cltieB were present today when the Eastern Manual Training Asso ciation opened" its ninth annual meet ing in Allegheny. During the day pa pers treating of various questions of interest to those engaged. in manual training work were presented by Sup erintendent Hailman of Dayton, O., Superintendent Dr. John A. Bras hear of Western University and P Charles P. BInns of New York City. Don't Forget Dates. On July 2, 3 and 4, ihe O. R. Sc. N. will sell tickets to Minneapolis and return and to Missouri river points and return at the extraordinary low rate of $44.50. It's a chancre of a lifetime to go "back east" at a trifl ing cost Chicago and return on above dates, $04.50. Men's bats for harvest Teutsch's. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. Bold by JOHJ? SCHMIDT The Louvre Saloon PKJTDLETON . . . ORKOOH SAD IRONS Asbestos Sad Irons . it.. . iiiiaranippn in p iren rrcim ucicLLh. auu " -r i wo yeuxb. ... JCC l.JTJ Ul&pidJ' 1U UUl WIUUWYj Ul ww-fcw look at them. The THOMPSON HARDWARE EAT JEW LIKE CANDY PlMunt, F1aWle. I'oUnt. Tute Hood, Do Good Intr Ulcken. Wn. or Ocipe, 10, rS, and to cntt pr box. Writ for free sample, ana booklet ot Stealtb. Addreu 125 rrmmu nrxior coiput, cuiuco siw isiu. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN iMMIIHMIrimwimiMMMmrrW I The Strahon I TiTumno 3 Roomlag home Martin. BIogIc Everything New, Clean and first class. E Good Beds and Well kept and Cool Rooms. CONDUCTED BY MRS. STRAHON Formerly ot the Dwpaln gilUUUilUUMIIUUllllUIHIIimil,ll,j 3 3 UMBER Gray's Harbor Coch. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot When getting Bgures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Budding Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. There Is Mo Question AROTrr nrwrr wrrorrQ np RVERS' FL0I It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing but the choicest wheat enters into Byers' flour, and satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for brea or fancy baking. PENDLETON ROLLER M W. S. Byers, Proprietor . STANDARD . BLUE FLAME WICKLESS OIL AND GASOLINE STOVES W. J. CLARK & CO. Court Strtet TRANSF - . . ft A I r VM For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. l if 14 :RHP