East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 02, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
TonlRht and Thursday fair;
voolor tonight with frost.
3C xx t
NO. 4398
j. 15.
Lists Proposed His Destruction,
Inlets T0P GIven
kce the tannc . - r
I say the Reporw.
SiS ' this morning's story el
JL i Rome, mat Ulu i'uilv-
tslnate King Bflwaro,
topped the king's proposed visit
Ity was Founded More Than 150
Years Ago.
.i,iQini,in Anril 2. ismmeni
of science from all parts of the
ed States and, Canada are .attenu-
Uun moot 11 IT 01 me AIUBIlUttU
bsophicnl Society, which began
l,inv nnsnlte the fact that the
L.. m.c fninulnd more than 150
Is ago this is the first annual
king. Heretofore tne activities
Lo Rfioifitv have been confined to
liesiilnir of naners and reports of
i scientific value, but recently tne
Uors .iRfiidod that the exchange
liowK in nnen discussion would do
l tn nroniote the objects of the
knization and so tne meeting wnicn
an today was decided upon.
hr ir8 vears the American .rniio
fipni Rnrlfitv. which is one of the
1st in the world and which ranks
the Roval Society of London,
Royal Prussian Academy of Scl-
fes. the Royal society of Vienna,
Institute of France, and other not-
European bodies of antiquity and
bwn, has exercised its Influence
intellectual nrosress through the
flura of its published reports and
espondence. Besides the sclen-
of America, it carries on Its roll
nembership nearly every all the
bent natholocists. astronomers.
locists. chemists, surgeons, arch
ogists and naturalists of Europe.
t Winn Shoot at the American
(tnsas City. April 2. .Clear, warm
per marked the opening today of
great wing shoot event at the
l American handicap. There were
entries when the shooting began,
event promises to last until to
row night, and probably until Fri-
Day for the Shriners.
harleston, S. C April 2. The
M gathering of the Nobles of the
Itic Shrine at the South Carolina
Irstate and West Indian Expos!
opened todav under favorable
anions. Several thousand mem
of the order are here from Flor-
Loulsiana, Mississippi, Virginia,
bama, Georgia, the Carollnas and
Pr states. The ble feature of the
Jbratlon will come tomorrow, when
re win be a parade of the desert
Big Wedding at Greenwich.
Ireenwich. Neb.. Anril 2. Fashion
i society peonle from New York
other cities are here for the wed-
of Ellsha Belcher Mead of the
Imlard Oil Company and Miss Har-
i uyne Bradford, daughter of
"ui uratirord of Brooklyn, Conn.
ceremony, which will be on an
borate scale, will be solemnized
evenlnc in thn Second
Bal church.
W. J. Furnish was born in Randolph
county, Missouri, on August 16, 1862,
and is therefore not quite 40 years
old. All but three years of his life
has been spent in Oregon. When 3
years old ho crossed the plains In '65,
landlne in Polk county late in the fall
of that year. His father died en route
at Lost River, Idaho, and Mr. Furn
ish became head of the family at the
ge of 3. They located upon a farm
in the Willamette valley until 1870,
when the family moved to Pendleton.
Here young Furnish attended the
nubile schools and completed an
academic course in a private school
conducted by John C. Arnold. He dm
janitor work 'to pay his tuition, which
was then required in the public
schools, and labored Saturdays and
evenings for money to buy his books
and clothes. In a similar manner he
made his wav throuEh Arnold's 5 pri
vate school. Later he , was graduated
from the .Portland Business, uoiiege,
and for two years was employed as
a bookkeeper for a firm In Portland.
He then formed a partnership with J.
L. Sperry in the wool business in Port
land, in which he continued his in
terests for some time after his return
tn Pendleton. Later he conducted a
wool commission business on his own
account for several years afterwards
along with his numerous other enter
Tn 1889. when he was 24 years old,
he was appointed deputy United
States marshal, with headquarters in
Ron lint nr. Tn 1R90. he was elected
sheriff of Umatilla county,, being re
elected in 1892.
In 1896. Mr. Furnish was elected
mRvnr of Pendleton, and the following
years was re-elected to the 'office.
For the presidential election of laou
Mr. Furnish was chosen as one of the
nresldnntial electors upon the republi
can ticket in Oregon, being elected
with the other three candidates.
Assuming charge of the Pendleton
Savines Bank In 1893 he became its
cashier, and in 1899 he was elected its
His family consists of his wife and
two children.
1n Thirteenth Indiana District
Plymouth. Ttlf! A null 9 TVimn-
. ot the Thirteenth Indiana Dls-
hi' ,c.omnosed of St. Joseph, Starke,
faski, Marshall, Fulton and Elk-
ft COUntleS. met In onnvpntlnn harA
lay. PrnfAaaA 1. TI TT I
tnictor in English and history at
I . "une university, was unani-
Li"'' osen to make the race
pot. v,ongre8man A. L. Brick.
Baseball at Columhla.
i. Z Y.ork' Apr11 2.Today marku
Priii I, 01 tne baseball season
olumbia University, a game be-
lo- UU1U J71UIU WW
tlumw- x. "uw xorK -university.
T! arran80d good sched-
kh Yalo t ,eaaon Including games
td othftn .t uaiayette, corneu
0lner "lg schools.
Denver to the Salt Lake Line Its
Denver. Colo.. Anril 2. The award
ing of contracts for the first ten
miles of the Denver & Northwestern
hpvnnd Arlvada to Coal Creek marks
the beginning of construction work
on that line. The Denver & North
western Is to be an independent line,
which will make the link between tne
Rnrllneton and Rock Island lines,
reaching to Denver to the new San
Pedro, Salt Lake and Los Angeles
road, from Salt Lake City to tne jra
clfic Coast. As surveyed, the line
will cross the front range of the
Rockies by a tunnel, about two miles
in lfinirth. north of James Peak, en
tering Middle Park and passing
through that fertile region Dy way oi
Rtflamhoat SnrlnES. thence westward
In almost a direct line to Salt Lake
City. The distance will be about five
hundred and twenty-two miles. The
estimated cost of the projected road
is fl5.000.000.
Choctaw Road in New Mexico.
Santa Fe. N. M.. Anril 2. The sur
veyors of the Choctaw railroad have
completed their preliminary survey
tvr thn extension from Amarlllo. Tex
as, to a junction with the Santa Fe
Pacific, 50 miles from Albuquerque.
Tf in understood that when this line.
350 miles long, is completed, the
Santa Fe will run Its tnrougn trains
to Los Angeles and San Francisco
rVia nimotnw linn from Amarlllo.
Texas, to Puerco, N. M., while the
Choctaw line will run tnrougu trains
to the Pacific Coast over the Santa Fe
Pacific from Puerco to Los Angeles.
A Fight at Salt Lake.
Rait Lake. Anril 2. Maps of three
routes of the San Pedro road have
hflAn aelected. On Anril 10 m LOS An
oioo thn directors will select the
route, award the contracts and work
will commence, me wbbu ouuu
T.lnn hull nnnllfid to the City COUUCil
for a franchise to lay trackB on West
Fourth street. If granted, it will chut
out the San Pedro road from ine .un
Ion depot site.
Flood Blockade Broken.
Ht Pnnl. Anril 2. The flood block
a Ha nn thn Northern Pacific Ib broken
and the .first coast train in a week
arrived today.
Portland, April 2. The nomination :.
of W. J. Furnish, of Pendleton, for
governor by the republican state con- ,
vention today, ends the most brilliant ! RUSH TO THUNDER
ante-convention fight ever waged in MOUNTAIN DISTRICT.
Oregon, The Pendleton candidate bo-
gan his campaign with only his own From California Will Bring Thousand
energies mm uiusu in m inumis u
his homo city, and from tho beginning
he met opposltio ntlmt might have ap
palled a very nervy man. Upon his
claim that eastern Oregon was entitl
ed to recognition by receiving head of
tho ticket, and by convincing tho
leaders of his party thnt ho was a safe
From the Gold Camps of That State
at Once.
Snn FranclBco, April 2. Tho excite
ment over tho Thunder Mountain gold
fields In Idaho has reached hero. Orub
staking syndicates aro helng formed
to outfit prospectors. Several hundred
man with whom to entrust tho Import- j men stnrt from different pluces in Cal-
ant affairs of tho gubernatorial office, j ifornia during tho week for tho scene,
he made his plan of battle, and it has . Tho excitement is spreading to tho
been of a character to entitle him to old camps, and it is probablo that
creuii. lur iuusieriui uiiKuiuuiuit, mm
intrepid courage.
Portland, Apt. 2
W. J. Ftitnisfc, of
Pendleton, was nom
inated for governor
by tne republican
state convention this
Thn convention assembled at 11
o'clock to effect temporary organlza
tlon. It was apparent from the first
that W. J. Furnish, or renaieion,
would be the winner In the remarka
ble fight that has been put up for the
place at the head of the ticket. The
Furnish men had won out with Mult
nomah county, and during the night
that delegation had met and caucuss
nd with the result that they decided
to throw their strength to Furnish.
At the caucus 65 of the 67 delegates
were present, and that many were
added to Furnlsh's vote already se
cured. Before the Multnomah county
delegation decided to support the
Pendleton man, he had about 116
votes assured. The 67 added gave him
apparently 183, or 10 more than
enough to control the convention.
Early it was bruited about that
Johns, of Baker City, had withdrawn
in favor of Furnish, and that Geer
had nulled out. askine his supporters
to throw their strength to Ankeny, of
Jacksonville. ,
rt was annarnnt. that Ankeny could
not hold the Geer strength, and that
when the present governor loosenea
his hold upon his delegates they felt
free to scatter whither they desired
to go.
The thump given the opposition
when Multnomah cast her lot with
Furnish was so severe that things be
gan to come towards Furnish, and It
was early in the day claimed tnat x ur
nish would win the nomination by ac
No sooner was he nominated for
oonorreRn than Williamson, of Creek,
kept hiB word and called upon all of
his followers to exert every energy
for Furnish. The .Williamson people
aided materially In accompnsning tne
rasnlt. for Furnish.
The pressure was Intense. Interest
was deeper than has ever neiore Deen
the case in a governorship nomina
tion In Orfiiron. Every politician
of any influence in Oregon, with
few exceptions, was In portiana to
watch or take part In the great battle.
"""The Temporary Organization.
Portland, April 2.- The republican
state convention met at n ociock.
Senator R. A. Booth, of Lane county,
was made chairman, and Harrison
Allen, of Clackamas county, secretary.
After appointment of committees,
the convention adjourned to meet thlB
At 3:45 o'clock, the convention was
waiting for the report of the commit
tee on platform, before proceeding
with the nominations. At that hour
It was conceded on all sides that Fur
nish would receive the nomination,
and it was only a matter of requiring
time for the regular routine of the
convention to be gone through to
reach the naming of the Pendleton
Fifteen hundred badges had been
secured by the Furnish people and of
fered to the delegates ana otners.
When those badges were available
they lasted only long enough to per
mit their giving out, and soon the
Furnish supporters were apparently
numerous enougu to indicate victory
for the man whose name they uore.
Although there was considerable In
terest in the makeup of tho rest of
tit a tloirot tho fnntpst nvpr thn head
place hail absorbed attention and up
to the time that Furnlsh's nomination
was assured the pressure increased
like steam in a boiler in which there
in nlentv of water and a hot Are.
At 5:15 voting had proceeded, with
Furnish and Ankeny before the con
vention, and at that moment Furnish
had 176 votes to Ankeny's b&. lnsur
ing the nomination to the former. As
thn rnuntlntr went on. the Furnish
supporters broke forth into thunder
ous applause, so great tnat pauses
were necessary, xne convention was
in fonntant unroar. and as the
strength of the Pendleton man grew
and grew the jubilation was ueyona
description in its vehemence.
Again and again broke forth 'the
excited delegates, until all who shout
ed were hoarse and the air was rent
with thn fliers of the victors. It was
the most remarkable scene ever wit
nessed In an Oregon Btate convention,
and all the energy that bad been put
Into the previous campaign being
compressed Into tho few Bhort mo
ments of expressing satisfaction at
the outcome of the struggle.
The naming of Ankeny as the heir
to the Geer Bupport was the last at
tempt of the Furnish opposition to
stem the tide that was setting towards
the bunchgrass candidate. Geer
malo strenuous efforts to rally his
people to the Jacksonville banker,
Furnish waB written on tho winning
cards, and to Furnish went the
doubtful delegations that had hereto
fore held out' to watch for the direc
tion in which the band wagon was go
ing, and who would be the driver.
When tho vehicle was sighted, and it
was seen that, Furnish was Bitting
in the seat and handling the reins,
seate behind him went at a premium,
and soon it was loaded to the limit,
A gold weighing machine in the
Bank of England' is so sensitive that
an ordinary postage stamp If dropped
on the scale will turn the index on
the dial a distance of six Inches.
His Opponents.
Entrenched behind tho bulwarks
of patronago and power in the state
house at Salem, T. T. Geer demanded
and strove to secure a renomination.
He had the backing of Senator Simon,
and lived In the Willamette valley,
to which nearly always has gone tho
Henry Ankeny, of Jacksonville,
shied his castor Into tho ring, and se
sured support In southern Oregon for
his governorship boom.
Stephen Lowell, of Pendleton, con
ducted a vigorous campaign for his
home delegation and for outBlde support.
C. A. Johns, of Baker City, made
thousands of boomers will lcavo dur
ing the month.
Knocked Out Two Antl-Trust Statutes
Followed United States Supreme
Court Decisions.
Austin, Texas, April 2. Tho court
of civil appeals this morning knocked
out tho anti-trust law of Toxns in tho
Waters-Plerco Oil Company penalty
suit, and tho suit against tho Papers
Compress Company charged with buy
ing out competing concerns. The acts
of 1895 and ot 1899 woro declared to
ho unconstitutional, in lino with tho
United States supremo court decision
battle for the place and succeded in,ln tUe llllno,s caBe-
going to Portland with his county's
1 t .1 A .... 1. I . U
delegation pledged to support him as HOISTING ENGINEERS WALK OUT
long as he was in tho fight.
Throwing 3000 Men Out of Employ
ment In a Number of Mines The
Works All Closed.
Butte, April 2. Twenty-eight holst-
, ing engineers employed in the Ana-
J. M'. Church, of Union, president of
the Oregon League of Republican
clubs, was regarded for a time as a
candidate, although ho was not long
considered as one of those who were
really striving to win out In the Btate conda, Parrot nnd Washoe Company
convention. mines have gone on a strike, corapell-
Others from time to time appearea , jnir tuo closlnc down of all mines and
on the field, and complicated tho situ
ation. Various counties had favorite
sons who were out for places on tho
throwing 3000 men out of employ
ment. The strikers nre making an ef
fort to get the men of tho Butte and
state ticket, and these wore to boBoston nnd Montana mines to walk
reckoned with.
When Multnomah Was Won Over.
The disposition of the forces was
finally such, after tho county convex
Strike in Pennsylvania.
Shamokin, Pa April 2. Fifty-two
thousand men and boys in tho ninth
eight-hour day, returned to the col
lieries this morning. A number of
operators may order a lock-out on ac
count of tho employes' action.
tlons had benn held, ab to leave to United Mine Workers' district, who
Mnltnnmnll nnllntv tllO deciding DOW" I utnunnl rm.1r voolnvrlnir t nnfnt tin
... .1.1 . . w aiWl'l'UU HUIH J V.'L.H V V v,..w.,w MM
er, and, to convince tho statesmen oi
Portland that Furnish waB the
strongest man for tho place was the
crowning feat in tho brilliant battle
and virtually ended tho struggle, al
though watchfulness to the end with
no pointB uncovered was tho policy of
tho "Slim Cayuse from the Umatilla
Hills." as he has been denominated.
The Pendleton and Umatilla county
republicans wio were here have work
ed valiantly to assist Furnish In win
ning the battle. Naturally, thero is
rejoicing in the Pendleton camp; in
deed, somewhat of wild hilarity mark
ed their feelings as Boon as tho suc
cessful end of tho lond and stronuouB
campaign for tho nomination hove In
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, April 2. Tho wheat
market was firmer today tho light
northwest receipts and continued crop
damage reports from Kansas being
the most potent factors. Liverpool
closed 511. New York opened V
S higher, 77 , and closed at
78J4. Chicago opened 71 and
closed 72.
Close dyesterday, 77.
Opened today, 77.
Range today, 77878'4,
Closed today, 784. .
Sugar, 132.
Steel, 42.
St. Paul, 165'4.
Union Pacific, 1004.
Wheat In 8an Francisco.
San Francisco, April 2. Wheat
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, April 2. Wheat
Deaf School's Jubilee.
Delavan, Wis., April 2. The fif
tieth anniversary of tho Wisconsin
School for tho Deaf was observed to
day with appropriate and Interesting
exercises, The celebration terminates
this evening with a banquet to which
the state officials and other persona of
prominence have been invited.
San Domingo Revolutionists Are
Fighting the Government Troops.
Santo Domingo, Republic of Santo
Domingo, April 2. The revolutionists,
who on Monday captured tho town ot
Barbahona, and woro later dislodged
by the troops from tho government
gunboat, have entrenched themselves
In a stronghold near that town and
aro making a bold front, despite the
hard blow received from tho federal
forceB. Many of tho rebels were take
prisonors, including somo of the lead
ers. Nearly CO woro killed and wound
ed in the attack on Barbahona.
Apparently no Fear That Cuban Re
ciprocity Will Injure.
Now Yvik, April 2. Tho annual re
port of the American Beet Sugar Com
pany seems to dispel any fear that
the industry can bo harmed by the
proposed 20 .per cent tariff reduction
on Cuban sugar. Tho report shows a
production for tho year of 77,932,500
pounds, against 33,351,560 tho year
previous. The gross earnings were
Virginia Alumni Banquet.
Louisville, Ky., April 2. The Louis
ville Alumni association of the Uni
versity of Virginia has made elabo
rate preparations for its annual ban
quet tonight. Bishop T. U. Dudley
will act as toastmaster and the guest
of honor will be Noah K. Davis.,
8panlah War Veterans.
Springfield, April 2. The first an
nual meeting of the service men's as
sociation, an organization formed, by
Yeterans of the Spanish war, began
here today. Ten states are represented.
Less than 2 per cent of the people
of the United States reach the age of
70 years.