Trankst Valises Suit Cases and Telescopes A Complete Line at Popular Prices. 90 T TT"k O y; r One Price Olothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton. nie-nots with centers of white. The thin goods shown upon the com 'pis tire crisp, dainty and exceptionally beautiful in coloring. The simple ele gance which has characterized the modes throughout the winter Is evi denced In the patterns of spring dress goods, and the dresdon effects have given place to less motley polka dots, lovers' knots and zig-zag stripes. E THEFASHION LETTE SATURDAY. KKHHUAHY 15, lf)02. It Is safe to predict that pedestri enne skirts will bo worn more than over for morning use during the com ing spring and summer, hecntisc many women who "shied," as one Knicker bocker girl expressed It, at the inno vation last year, have been converted to the fashion, and though walking frkirts will be numerous, they will be stylish among all classes of women on account of the energy that Is put forth to make them original and dis tinctive. The short skirt, too, is re sponsible for a new fashion in lin gerie which will prove a blessing to women who ride the wheel the divid ed petticoat. This design as it now appears, seems incongruous with any athletic ideas, however, for it is sr-arcelj more than a delicate fluff of linen and lace, but more substantial models ol plain tucked line bt copied from it to advantage. No more material is used than is required for a petticoat of ordinary, size, but it is divided like the regulation bievel skirt and gives perfect freedom of movement in ease the wearer chooses to indulge in any exercises other than wheeling where limited width would be a hindiance. 0' ROME'S SECRET OUT The Great Trainer-Put His Faith in Nerves. ENDURANCE 11" WANTED! GENERAL NEWS SPRING STYLES ARE SHOWING IN GOTHAM. In response to an Inquiry from Ald nich, Teller expressed the belief that 1 ahe offer of statehood to the Filipinos vould settle all dlllietilties between Ihem and the United States. Murmurings of discontent are heard quite frequently among republicans tvIiu do not find much graciousness and sauvity at the White House ah they did during McKinley's term. While no definite agreement lias Seen reached, a vote on the Philip- j sine tariff bill in the senate seems to Lc in sight. It appears likely, judg ing from a discussion of the Abject, That the vote may be had next week. Senator Mitchell's speech was lis tened to with considerable interest by those who are following the Phil ippine debates. It will not have any ftecl upon those who have already made up their mind, but will give ' (some of the ultra.-proteetionists some ibiug to think about . A concurrent resolution was agreed 'to directing the secretary of war to -report whether there is danger of the .Mississippi river cutting through the 'apace between that river and the St. Francis river, near Walnut Uond, Ark., and if such danger exists to pre tient an estimate of cost to avert the longer. The house unanimously adopted a resolution proposing an amendment io the constitution of the United States for the election of senators by direct vote of the people. There was jao demand for time to debate the res olution. This is the fourth time the iiouse has adopted a similar resolu tion. Teller continued his speech pre senting clippings from newspapers reciting instances of cruelties prac ticed by the American troops upon the Filipinos. He did not vouch, he ;isfd for the accuracy of the reports, and he disclaimed any intention to elrticise the American army as a vliole. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS Fur Trimmings Are Going and. Light er Effects taking Their Places. New York. Feb. l(i. Spring fash ions are gradually beginning to assert themselves, and although the most (ippmen novelties lor tne rejuvenating season so tar are in the labrics wnlcn will be worn, some new and very pretty effects are shown in the spring jacket. This, in its best, guise, is rob bed of every vestige of fur trimming and the sott, expensive decoration is substituted for a less costly, but just as smart one of stitcliings. Spring ' jackets are distinctly divided into two classes this year those that are a j part of the gown, and those to bo worn over the gowns. The former are more elaborate both in design and . material and this season something j lias been added to their length simu-1 hilive of the Louis XV. effects. The models are distinctly intended for spring use, for in nearly every case j tlipy are provided with high, rolling I collars quilted with cjiiffon and outer- ' lined with heavy silli or light weight j cloth, so that they would he inappro-i pos. to say nothing of uncomfortable ! lor warm weather. ' The women of Gotham's smart set have taken a new interest In the plan I'm King Edward's coronation since it is announced that so many distin guished American women will proba bly be present. From the general ac tivity in the dressmakers' shops it v.ould seem that thee is going to be an unusual exodus of Americans to the English capital during June. What is greatly to the credit of a "eat many of the women who intend going abroad is that they are having a large number of their costumes made on tills side of the "great, pond." A crisp cornflower colored organdie made over cornflower blue taffeta, will be included in one wardrobe. The skirt Hares very broadly at the bot tom and is finished at the top with a series of graduated tucks which are most seductive in effect and outline tho contour of the figure faultlessly. The ablest manager of professional athletes in the world, Thomas O'Hourke of Now York City, writing to the proprietors of Paine's Celery Compound on January 11, said: "One of the most important feat ures in tho training of an athlete is to invigorate his system, and noth ing takes the place of Peino's Cel crv Compound to accomplish this, it 'facilitates getting a man into prime condition. In my experience in hand ling athletes I have never found any thing to equal it." This from a man of whom the most wonderful champion in the world said when one of Mr. O'Uourke's pupils had won the world's championship: "The secret of O'Rourke's success I cannot understand. Wonderful en durance and inexhaustible supply of nerve force distinguishes the men he coaches from their opponents in every battle." For the past 1 1 years Mr. O'Rourke has been recognized as the greatest trainer in the world. While he wns coaching George Dixon, that young Owing to the many wrecks at llu 0, Josephine county, the Southern .Pacific company has put an extra lorce of section men and trackwalk rs at work. George 13. Hart, of Grant's Pass, itho is in the customs department of the Philippines, has received a pro motion and is now inspector of sta tions of the island of Mindanao. It is reported that the Oakland quarantine prevented 15 tenchers troin attending the examinations at ) Hoseberg this week. A special ex amination will be ai ranged for them 2a tor. The Klamath county clerk's office receives a daily average of between ! 300 and -300 scalps, mostly those of rabbits. One day 1000 rabbit scalps tame in. The bounty on rabbits is 5 cents. , Edward Boyce, head of the Western federation of Miners, and a leader In Uio recent strikes declared by tho miners, Is a wealthy man through tho find recently made in the Hercules mine, at Burke, Idaho, in tho Coouri a Aienes. J Clackamas county officials have do-1 eided to buy a poor farm, and are ' now looking for a suitable site. Tho ! pauper expense of the county Is about $G000 n year, and the commis sioners believe they can save much of this by running their ow nfnrm. The annual meeting of the stock holders of tho Pacific States Tele phono & Telegraph company was ield In Portland at the local offices of the corporation. Expenditures T. cre authorized for extension of the Jines of the company and for other improvements, which aggregate $2, 100,000. Since the recent escape of tho 11 prisoners from the United States pr.'e , on at McNeil's island, which is but , a fow miles north of Olympia, an agi tation has been commenced by govi eminent officials to secure the penl-j tentlary's location as some more ac cessible point and it would appear! that tho government contemplates 1 aonie such action. ' The outer jackets are more desira ble for a woman .with an uiidergrown purse than can bo developed in the light satin-faced cloths and trimmed in such a way that they will be serv iceable throughout the summer at the various resorts, and the use extended nen to early fall. The vogue for red in gowns has extended its province to light wraps and several of the spring jackets are seen in the new stamp red. This is a pleasing shade, soft in tone, capable of artistic com bination and warm in effect without being suggestive of heat. It leans to ward the rose tints with a suggestion of fraise under certain lengths. One of the jackets merely reached to the waistline or rather barely covered it, yet it was too long to be called an Eton. The seams were stitched In severe tailor fashion and the lining was of white silk. The distinctive feature about the model was a narrow piping of the dullest cream silk, used under the edges of the cloth strap pings over the seams. Light linings are extremely fash ionable, and not only wraps but entire suits are built upon foundations of the palest silks imaginable. Certain ly in the end the white lining is to be desired, because the silk used for the foundations that come in this color usually wear better and then when the gown is sent to the cleaner's there is never a fear or the lining's losing its color a result always horrible to the woman who looks ahead to rainy days and muddy street croslngs. Yet the long coats mado with tho spring tailor suit has its advantages. They extend well below the hips and afford a degree of warmth for cool days that the short outer jackets do not boast. They are extremely graceful and nothing short of bewitching when worn by a tall, slender woman. Tho most fashionable are done in tan Ve netian or ladies 'cloth and have re veres of the same color silk, covered with ecru or white lace. Others are trimmed in galloons and embroider ies of silver and white with unex pected stitching of green hero and there. Green in fashion will vie with the leaves that eomo with tho flowers of spring and quite a number ot the now shades take their names from natural colors which thoy simulate so cleverly as to deceive the most ex perienced eye. The bodice is tucked over a silk lining and over it there fall a tiny jacket of renaissance lace finished at the side-front with long tabs lined with silk. Protruding from the jacket ,u either side of the vest of tuksd organdie alternated with Valenciennes insertions are tiny tabs composed of three lays, one each of blue and white taffeta and lace. Another sep arate bodice designed for the sani" person has a fitted back and a front gathered at the bust around a yoke of lace, unlined. Below the yoke falls a Gieciau border of chiffon hand-painted in clusters of pink rosebuds around which are appliques of lace stitched on with gold threads. White moire shirt waists are one of the fads of the moment. They are very smart and are made upon such simple lines that they can be easily copied by the home artist. Purple, hitherto regarded as tho predominant spring color will be seen scarcely at all this year nnd when it is worn will bo In a shade so light that it will be introduced under a now title. A now tint called hollo mauve, which as tho name suggests, Is a cross between heliotrope and mnuve, Is to bo found In silk mulls and linen dimities. It Is extremely dainty combined with white and one design has a simple bodice of the latter colored muslin, laid in hem stitched tucks, with a bolero of hollo mnuvo hand embroidered In forgot- A trying fact in connection with the fashions nowadays is that though they are simply designed, a certain amount of talent is required to make them a success, when constructed at home, and one must be, as it were, almost divinely gifted to make them with the "all but" appearance elimi nated. It was Worth, the founder of the famous Paris dressmaking estab lishment of that name, who said that American women spoil the effect of their gowns by paying too much at tention to the details of finish. Cer tainly in the constant handling neces sitated by many extra touches, some thing is lost, and to sacrifice fashion able effect to minor details is' some thing that the woman who tries her dressmaking at home must -avoid when "finishing off" her work. In fact, it is far better to spend some of the money saved in dressmaking fee upon the ready-made details which un be purchased in illimitable vari ety and prices ranging from 50 cents to as many dollars. RING WORM AND DANDRUF. They Are Each Caused by a Pestifer ous Germ. Ring worm and dandruff are some what similar In their origin; each is caused by a parasite. The germ that causes dandruff digs to the root of the hair, and saps its vitality, causing falling hair, and, finally, baldness. Without dandruff there would never be baldness, and to euro dnndruff it Is necessary to kill the germ. There has been no hair preparation that would do this until tho discovery of Nowbro's Horplcide, which positively kills tho dandruff germ, allays Itching Instantly and makes hair glossy and soft as silk. At all druggists. Take no substitutes, Thoro Is nothing "just as good." Thomas F. O'Rourke. Representative Tongue Introduced a now Irrigation measure. It pro vides for the accumulation of a re clamation fund from tho snles of pub lie lands. One half of this fund Is to bo at tho disposal of tho secretary of tho Interior for use In examinations and survoys to ascertain the oxtont to- which arid lands may bo reclaim ed, location of reservoir sites, avail able amount of water and tho gauge flow of rivers. TO CURE GRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno removes the came. K. W. drove'! signature on every iiox. I'rico J4cnta, athlete was the world's champion. Sharkey, who at first was a rough and tumble giant, under O'Rourke's, train ing developed into an even tempered, strong, hardy, rugged boxer. The above unsolicited words from Mr. O'Rourke, who, by the way, has been the owner of the Broadway Ath letic Club, the Lenox Club, the Coney Island Club and Royal Golf Club, and who Is known to be one of the finest gentlemen among the devotees of the manly art, tell the whole story. He found Paine's Celery Compound na ture's food for tho nerves. While this remedy has effected thousands of cures among those who are sick, and has restored to healthy life innumerable men and women whose nervous systems have been shattered, and who are suffering from the symptoms of the beginning of a deep-rooted impairment of tho nerv ous system it is worth noting that oven in those exhausting contests whore absolutely perfect nerves are preeminently needed as beneficial In repairing the exhaustion due to high training. If such men, who require above everything else above muscles which cannot dovelop without nerves ; above courage, which no man with weak nerves over had who lequire above everything else perfect nerves if such men have found It necessary to feed the nerves and brain with tho food nature requires it is good proof that this greatest of all remedies, the discovery of one of America's ablest professors, ac complishes all that Is claimed for It. Every man and woman whose ner vous system Is not In perfect con dition will find that this remedy will make It so! No other remedy In tho world has ever so universally ac knowledged by physicians and all those who have manly and womanly development in hand to be so perfect ly adapted to cases of failing health and lagging vitality. True. The occasional ad Is one of tho vory best methods by which to squander money. Continuous advertising, on tho other hand, will bring ample re turns for tho money Invested. Suggestions. BICYCLES BEST IN THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD Cleveland AND Crescent Wheels for Cash or Installments The Prices Range From $25.00 TO $75.00 WHEELS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Sold in Pendleton and Umatilla County by James B. Welch, AGENT East Oregonian Budding, Webb Street, Come in and Sec tne Wheels, For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moensoprietor. 1 -.