East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 14, 1902, Image 3

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muary Clearance
jagtill going on in full Want. You will miss
money saving opportunity if' you do not at
I iinm..nA Ct.F.ARAVl'F. SAI r
KM HER the stock is petting lower every da ;
L ee ire out some things. All Pendleton is
.. Mir valuos we are inviim for h little
Thf crowd of eople that have hought of in
fa will testify M to the Bargain.
Not cheap goods but
good goods cheap
Alexander Department Store, j
l4HIMIHHtT', H t f 1 1 1
ine Engine for Sale
Lum gasoline engine With pipes ami fittings, oil tanks
tunks, evt rv tiling necessary lo set up and opTat Engine
lire all new. bring in use only a lew weeks.
irery economical ann guaranteed to le satisfactory. Price
tat fittincs. Address
East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon.
ENTERTAIN brothers
Second Annual District Convention on
January 20, In Pendleton Officers
of Damon Lodge.
Pamon l.odgo. No 4, K. of P., In
stalled the following officers laat even'
In. I. B. Reeder. rllatrlrt deputy,
actinic as Installing officer:
J. F. Nowlin. C. C. l.ec W. Hold
V 0 ; W. J. Keyea. prelate; J. T.
I .sin birth. M of W.; R. W. Fletcher.
K of R 8. and M of F. . 0. R. Dutton.
M. nf K ; J. W Duncan. M t A.; J.
R M. Pill, I. O
At the second annual district con
vi nt ion nf th KuigkU 'f Pythias for
Umatilla county. Whlen will ho held
In Pendleton on January 'o, there will
be a session for discussion of Pythian
matters In the afternoon, and a com
petitive drill In the evening. Flvr
towns will he represented Pendleton.
Athens. Weston Milton and Helix. At
the afternoon meeting the program
will bo.
Convention railed to order By J. W.
Maionoy, grand vice-chancellor of the
On gon grand lodge, w ith L W Hold
as i 'Ti'tary.
Flection of officers.
Address of welcome by .1 H tlwlnn
oi Pendleton.
Response by representatives or the
visiting lodges.
Address by .1 H Aitkin Of Hunting
ton. Or.
"Ilrothorly Advice." r.y .Indge W L
Uradshaw. of The Palles.
Same topic, by Judge TV. M Pake,
of Portland.
' Pythlanism ." by J P. Kennedy, of
"Wise Thoughts. ' by Herman Wise,
of Asenrla
The evening session will be opened
by J. F Nowlin
The local knights are preparing for
rather elaborate entertainment of
; their visitors, and propose to make
I the occasion one to he remembered
, by their visitors.
Ik" mj
Iil ; y la
jsMn ic bbvtV
VI ! ! - a jg, yjSTLja'f ffijMaaaaaM 1
for a lowly peasant girl a serf.
"Plga." the serf girl, has hen brought
up In iho household of Prime Valde
mar Radetsky. a .nobleman of me
right Impulses and great courage.
He (alls in love with the peaeant girt
8he returns his lov. It Is the storf
of the i onSSSJttSafSS of the violation of
the stern law of caste, nowhere mora
Inexorable than in Russia There are
plots against th.- prince and against
ttta woman of his choice plota Ik
which membcis of his own family fl
lire as well sm n villainous member (
the "third Nctlon," th. secret polio
of the csar's dominion It Is a com
plicated story, though loarlv and eon
vlnclllgly worked out ai cord u g to nil
of Walla Walla Coun
Horrlbly Before His
expect people to know what
you have to sell If you don't
cat never be A f" T) TI O LTO
It advertises WL V C- II I I O CI f
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership
Motloa is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing be ,
twuen O. M. Taylor and W. W. Pang
burn, under the Arm name of Taylot
a l'nrhiirn conducting a restaurant
business In the City of Pendleton. Or
WO, is hereby dissolved by mutual
The said W. W. Pangbum will col
lect all accounts and pay all existing
debts of said co-partnership.
Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this 1st
dS of January. A. n.. 1901.
Fletcher Fields.
ty, Suffered
Willi Walla Jan II lit mistak
ing strychnine lor Halts. Fletcher
Fit Ids. a farmei residing on Russell
i n ck in this county, lost his life gita
lin The accident Is peculiarly dla
iickniuk on a count of the advanced
: of the deceased, and of the hori
hie suffeilng which followed IBS swal
low lug of the drug
Mr. Fields wns BO years ot EM and
hai for some time suffered with cote
ma I'm the disease he used salts la
small dotal. On Sumlav he took dowa
i bottle supposed t.v Bin to contain
i lie medblne. took a leaspoonful. and
In a' few minutes was denil. A few
days ar.o the strvohnlne bottle WSJ
broken and the drug was placed la
.in ordinal mfdlclne bottle nearly
like t tii one used to contain salts
Mr Fields had lived h) Walls Walla
COUOtl many vears nnd was a highly
r. spcci. d and well to do oltlron The
funeral services were held yesterday
nt the conntrv home
It Girdles the Globe.
The fame of Buckles s rales anivy
as the best In the world extends
round the earth It's the one perfect
lioalcr of cuts, corns, hurns. bruises
sores scalds, fiolls. ub era, felons,
aches, pains and all hMu eruptions
Only Infallible pile cure He n hoi
at Tsllman & C.n
The play which conies to the Fraoi
losanfrow, WennsaAaj night. "For Hat
8ake. Is laid In Russls. the realm of
the "F.mporor of all the Uusslaa." who
with hli family, appear In this pic
ture. The play attracts especial at
tention because of the recent lecture
on Russia and Siberia by Captain
Alhertl. so that the announcement of
the advance agent of the company
"For Her Sake" Is the more to he no
He aays:
Certainly the story of the new Rus
so-Rlberlan four-act melodrama. "For
rial Sake." the play which Is to en-
iteitaln the patrons or the Fra.er to
I morroa night, win cotumond Itsuli as
full of promise In that BOli or material
which the patrons know as henrt In
terest." It Is the story ot true love
which does not "run smooth" the
old. old story, which, under the deft
liTtnd or Hi. skllirul dramatist is mail"
over to si in new The storv of this
play has a lotting, however, which.
If not Wholh novel, is vet susceptible
I of t Fast 111 Sill tliut must place It In
I the class of novelties among things
; theatrical The plot hinges on IBS
love of a Russian prince of the blood
V it Increase of 24.0et,OW in the
sjSSSSSd valuation of all the property
in the state, as comparci' with laat
year, U shown ! 1st SSSSMBMBl
ummaiiSS for IWI tiled In the. office
or the secretary of state Owing to
an Increase of about tr.im.unfl In tha
exemptions, the net Increase In the
Value of taxable property Is $21,600.
QAfl The total value of taxable prop
art) Is now lf1.mt.St8.tl us against
117.M4,tT4.1S In ItSS The total val
UBtlei Is now hlghei than It has been
In tive vears before.
ten's Ready to wear
iWrspfierr always told for 75e, clearance price
fjinj :V2 to 44
Mind me (he Jackets, Capes and Tailot made Suits
Muslin Underwear more interesting every day.
Black Taffeta 19 inch Silk
Qoori value 76 , olMfnoe price
Dutchess Satin 2 i inch black
Always w 1 1 1 1 $1 , clearance price. 69o
Black Dutchess 25 inch Satin
Regular price $1 6o, oltarnnoii priee 98o
th annual Clearance Sale
doz. Men's Shirts
tboodered, stift'boaoiUH with aeperate
''"flf. ami lot of Huft boaom, collars and
liaMiohed, alway aold fof 76 to $1
France price 48c.
Men's Clothing Dept.
J Lois of Men'. Suits, were $6.50. $7.50 and $.50
Bit diMplay in Urge niiddlt window
jj.-j.aiju j.-.JtijiJiiMjruraitttjs MtmfimmmmtmM
Trrnn nimrrrrrrrrrir ' ' 1,1