Jeveningedition DAILY EVENING EDITION aatees eeeeeeeee SVBRTI5BRS ,-mii tin lj EASTERN OHF.ItON WEATHER. a RJldlisi-esslT ... , i FACT innlghl km. I vv ednesday nbnwor. M ! PENDLETON, UMATILLA 'OUNTY, OKKttON, TUBSDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1901. NO. 4i!H7 )L. 14- he Place . ran have a hie onerc a m eelfet from. Call L.i mi- Mv stock is nu r ittt I'otti m fane) ami Maple . K. Uemott The Alexander Department Store. Fine Dress Goods. We have juet received a full stock of the cbOtOtnl imported drtM poods "ever shown in Pendleton" direct from the manufacturer. WY have a full line of the new weave hujuatine. Col ors residu. new rose, old rose, parm-t. light gray, navv llue and Mack. Prunella, whip cord, garnet cloths, whalv- cords, satin tiniali and mixed wool Venetians in ud the latest shades, colors which you cannot find in any other store you can procure from us as our stock of Hack and colored dress goods is as complete as any I'ort land stock. Our stock of rainy day skirtings including heavy waterproofs, meltons, plain and pehhled cheviots and plaid hack worsted? cannot he surpassed. Your inspection is solicited." R. ALEXANDER GENERAL NEWS The Boston Store. FIFTY CENTS on the DOLLAR. Myers Festival will close Thursday, Oct. Hist 100 Pieces of Fancy DRESS GOODS ..One-Half Price.. All careful purchasers must atteud this Sensational Sale. Every piece marked with a RED TICKET. Prices in plain figures During this sale purchasers of Dress Goods may re ceive our exceptional values of Dress Linings at discount of 10 per cent. The big busy Store ederick Nolf I IIUUUCII IVI a mm -r - "mier conies apart J he 1 mj . Fln lo think ol lamps. Their me . -- will Mltmrii inc inline Z . P 1 Uiantities and nav soot L - Ji.i i . k h r in i .1 1 1 , 1 1 . ''K' ; lantitlfS anrl ivav ennt r- iu uw lactorv. As Lcrone Knows freshness m groceries is just as essential at it is in eggs lor the making ol puddings, pastrs . etc BvyOM OUfhl to know that 1 take a special pri-lc m selling only groceries that are fresh. No stale stock in this store. The mackeial we sell at 121 a piece is r. sh C. ROHRMAN. The movement to erori a ii.on.iinenl for evUovernor William A Newell, developer of the tiff h service is taking definite shape in New Jr-r soy 1 ISUleBBBl flOaOTUl Miles. In his an nual report. kIvpf the total strength r the Army at present as M.MS, of which number 3S.S74 are In the rnlted States. MJH In the 49H in (.'iiha anil the remainder In small detachment, being In Porto RtCO Ma wall. OhinB and Alaska The North Herman l.loyd Com pain ha made overtures to the ('anadian Pacific Steamship Company ror the establishment of a Joint Herman and British steamship aervlee from Orl ental Hirts to Vanrouver and Pugol Sound The Berlin National UOltUBf ways that deal Britain treats the Rom, who ate still. In a military x oaf, mas ICTI ! the country, as though they B n acassins. The TaKeldatt talks of "Bnteher" Kltrhener. and of the "larlaron- herdlns of defensidess wo men and t hihlren In the MIMKMM of th KnKllsh eoneentratlon CMBM ." t BoatOO, in eonnei'iion with what tin lulled States marshal's oflk At rterM lO 1h OM of the htKIKest frauds ll ver had to deal with in thai city, members of the firm of J. C. Flshei CO., bankers, wei'- anxled on a harne of uslns the United BUltei mails in a seheme to defraud. It Is alleged that 11.000,000 has been taken from the publle slnee January I, 1900, Thi' m treaty which Is to be tub Bitted to the senate as the result of the DDSfOfMOM ol Mr t'hoate and Uortfe l.ansdowne and Bauneefote. to ! take the pla-e of the Clayton Bvlwer i treaty, provides that the D Kited,'. will he the sob- guarantor of the prin dple ol the neutrali.atlon of th M I rial, and recoanies the rlnht of tin United Stat's to fortify the eanal Th, stipulations of the new treaty will applied not only to thp Nlearacua ('anal but to all Other anals taken up hy th' l niii cl Stai, - Tin- Yale varsity oarsmen will i i Cnptnll Phil KuniK at MOt and in :ni training lor the eomlna yeai Tin' plan tor the work this Kail will be to Form three erewn, whleh win be kept growing until . olb g, i loses for the holidays After the holidays the oarsineti will tot until February 1. when they will l- called together ngani tof tank practice Mr Ken Bedy and Captain Knatif will direct the eoio hlng this Kail. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS Rnamel Coulter, of Forlland. has sold to C S and K S Moore, ol Klam ail. County a trait of timber In the Klamath n-glon ontalnlng 10,101 a i's The price paid for the big trnct was I12.MKI. Tlii fri'lght eat famine .omplained ol by th- shippers to the Ohwebef of l oin, to it. no longer as s, rloiia aa was reported Both the It. N and Soul lo i n 1'aeltie eVmpuuy have greatly relieved the situation and re moveii much of the eause for com plaint According to au entimate of tile re diietloiih mmii by the Multnomah eount) noard of equalization, the will he 111 the neigh 1100,04ft, whleli is a as compared with the total .i He i.' $4o. mill also reductions of former years The severest storm ol the season broke over the Hacific North wool "oust lact wck. and for thnc div shipping was nearly at a staudstill Skagway steamers were forcci to 'k sin Iter and the steamers New Ki. gland and t'apllano. vkioh ha,e arrived lo Vnaoouvor, B. C. report h that the se'a was the roughest seen on the north coast for a year. Health is lull ol highway no I. tuiiiho men thieves ami burglars. The held high carnival Sunday night Au uu tnoeeafUl attempt to blow 0001 a safe . 1 1 .. noli ti Kaufman. Western ave nue. wus made early Monday morning Hait) K'igelk was knocked down cod robbed on Ike water front Tin ioi bet tried to throe him in the knl Thoma. Mannas a i h'ver plcknx ket, is io jail for MVeml jobs Joe White bouse, who attempted to kill a man at Franklin has leeii irrested Sev etal small burglaries have kaaa re imn ted la the i oh e. mm PAID PENALTY. Auburn, N. Y Ot. StV-Lton K. en tod at 7:15 o'clock this morning, Ciolgon was electro Threi oontecti were mtde, OM lasting thirty seconds end the othtirs of short du ration. Ht was pronounced dead ft! . 10210 A. M. trealb s ol the priests who visited him in his last hours He dec hired be wanted no one to pray ror his aoill. It was the Mrst time In the history ol the prison that a condemned man marched to the chair without a spirit whole amount barhoood of small amount e n I anrWjt4r, -aiL Fine plated lillll.n..,.. J 1 I '1- M mantels. nickled reading amp, worth P3 here on sale at Mi 6 dozen beau tiful'night lamp in fancy decora tions, choice at Decorated ban quet lamps, cen tral draught, io inch Globe to match, $1.85 U XC o Immense line of new styles to select from. burners, wicks Si-.. was our hue so complete. Pa fall tmtc in lumes With BB- or ,n bulk, l.i... ,,u.:i, onihlihs. ' eat j.r.tes. Special , drummer's sample line of 2v. worth 35, 4o and 45 teats; 0M-C while they laat at 35 ceols o e CAKFBTS ee The largest stock in the city. If you want a carpet call and see the line. We will give you estimates sewcu ou A Mammoth stock of Furniture. BAKER d FOLSOM Next door to Postoff ice. S3 Auburn. N. Y.. Oflt M PmaMenl Mi Kn lc) s assassin is dead l.eon t (Volposz was sucessfully electro rated In the Auburn prison this morn i u si H, was pronounced dead at T If; II With the parol animal POttraaa that bad sustained him. anil the Innate cowardice striiKKliuK to his lips, the youthful murderer. Bated by the nation ami by the win hi paid the penalty or his tearful crime. Seated in the death chair. CSOtCOM no i d his witnesses ami said "l nhot the I'resldent bOCMM I tlMMtghl it would lienctlt Rood workinc people." Appearance of Ctoigotz. Throt contn, ts were made, one last Infl thirty seconds, the othei two of abort duration The work of pn pat inj; for the electrocution was dons quletl) M,i the witnesscK were seated and tha apparatus had been teste)1. ( Volcos. was hustle)! fiom Ills 11 to the death poors, ih walked lov ti tbi 1 on Mm w ith a shamblint; unit. His face was almost ahastly 1 1 the niur b't'et ippioached, the wit ". sat silent. Immovable, every c on the SOOT from whbh UlS dOORl il man would enter ihc death 1 limn iet IaiM tlioiialit theasMi-sin nu lii idlnpse others that he miaht die iropoundlaa his anarchistic theories rhoss who saw the prisoner's face for tin lost time noted th)1'y ii tin' amorous hps. the load '' ''' troni thick aoae, ins dncvenir tiDildi il li'iiturea The Electrodes Applied. in laOS time than It takes to toll It. whs placed in lb, 1 hall, the clo nics applied ami tin' straps drawn Mill (Volvos Klam 1 d helplessly file witnesses were surpilscd Thov i;liicd tin 11 cv s on tlo' assassin ami trained their car to catch the words , hb Ii followed Only sounds nunc Thc were almost iinintelllKtbli words "t am mil sorry for the crime," how ver. was painfully distinct Home ol lie witnesses 1 ast siKUtttcnnt Klain'es It each Other " him die. the )I))K." bay sahi. Spurned Spmtual Consolation. HuriuK this time tue uttemlanli Ace Inisy stinpplliK Io 11 in lie Inn His last wonts were I am heartily sorry I did mil BBS lilt 'nili. 1 This was saiil afici tin strap hail hccll dIUWII .1' n.'s his face, vet his wonis wars in aid bi ail in ihs room CoIkos win) Iti his diatb iinSUP ootteil by spiritual inlnlstral bin H s ),rii) )l Its aid ami spurned the en AIRTIGHT HEATERS I have a full line of the celebrated COLE'S AIR-TIGHT Wood and coal atove guaranteed to he aholutely air tight. None of the heat is wasted and the stoves will nave ONE HALF of your fuel bill. I also have a full liae of cast cook stoves and steel ranges. Prices are the lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. 741 Maiu street, Peudlelou, Oregou. la BBC of the curious eapicssioii'. usrd of LoikrJ aut, Maaj amuM drops into a chair m sum waarlnem "all . ... , pUveil OUl lIDI I ,l.v iif I eels so weak iiba bas nat ret n-.ii4-i tiwt the xeera' eaalth is so int. naul . n I sUm Uj the lov il BBSlta si the noawal) organhnn, tiwt aoahnMS oiaat foll'x vamanl y ''' haUe elloa 'A the nsasral ileal '.1 1 lnvarl a h 1 y lo.low A.c 1 o I Or. Hone's l;a- ror Its I' re j , ,! 11,11 I 1 .eXilatr, the period., tlrif. wiakealBf Ir.iiilj. Ilea a 111 ilalllllU'.lOU aU'l ul 'a ,1,.,, 1 tire, leitwle w ,'sii - ll traBquiliaes nerves. neMiragea tin aDBtliuaud Induces rerreshius Tbrre Is i.o saislitule fn " I .n ,1 lie Prascriutioa,'' for there i- nothing "jtut i H , , I ' for -inaii "I h'i luMilve llir xiacriuk woiurli till ' 1 In Mil Ml 'I" 1:1 O, uu 1 fruin It-1 u a I c- o lu tl" vru III y I had soi 1 1 sir I ml lUru riiill at lllllr, a a tlllai'l aor. ! ll.o-i 111 'hf fan Ibat i -a8Vr4 a.i.e,a StUtb d ' ll all,: '.aSmif 6,' lulc if yuut ittrdleiu iruU.lally a t.iat )iiy h,al' 1 UTKfVt i I SSV a t ' . : ai't W nl ritfSI tMsi lW . ' la timr iu ti,-, rar llutl I I v 1 M m Clcaaia all n Ul,arll U) a:' .ii I I fsli.u, ar.'.aUrv-rr I huor all .ud.riti may r. ud rclirt a I have don, "in 1L.111 hi tf) ijht lias la 1 11 ja-.t tru auiiiU and I am still gaiawta " Or Pierce a Coiuiiion iim Me ; .1 Advia-i n..-, Ure pea. ), coven is seat htt on receipt o! ." ' m n' staunus to pay exprnsi- of mailing ci or for cloth laaund Isjok . stIhI .1 .t Add 1 c in K V. Hercc, BuUalo, N Y unl advisor. Tbe Fatal Currant. His lust WOrdS were BBOkah WlUl Winn in had eenasd speak uu tbe lai il alanal was kUcu. the lever turned, and CoIkos.h iioiix atlffened with startling suddea bom ii bounded with powerful con rulslvenaoa, a If it would burst the strap which belt, him In the hah I'ln 11 tin current was turned off No Bound 1 ante from the Imtly. Twice more lbs current WUS turned on. nft i which the doctors prooouaced him fMBd The corps.' was taken to a in adjoining the death eoH, where an autopsy was held. Czolqoat Slept Last Night. C sol aoaa spent the groats r part m his inst nlaht sleeplnCi appnrontl) peai s fully He tnlked with no one aftei the visit from his brother 11 mi hrothei inlaw The warden wont to hla cell at . n o'clock ihis ntornlng ami found Imn asleep He was nwakeneil am' 1 the d ath warrant read to him Thi assassin llstettod In alienee ami gnWS no outwnrd mnnlfeal itlon of ths emo lion he must have I fit . f.olaos then isked 1h.1t hi' inlaid ' hla hrothei agala but this was rnfruuodj ami bronh , last was sent to bun The BftBOUei ate siaiiuan. then pronorod lor the denth 1 hair Othrr Convicts Were Silent. Tin thousaml convicts In the prlSOtl rere BO! taken out until the .-I. -ii' 111 knd I n launched Into eternity. As the Witnesses passed down the rolTl dot not a round was heard Irotn tlo ronviets who ware atamliiia in their eii doors w batched tin little proem slon as it iiied pant Heretofore moans iiml iiit calls have a reel id tin wltneeses bound for the death chum In 1 but today there was silence thai v, us linn st Impressive, ''he autopsy showed CioIkomx s 'I on In In' In perfectly lull llial cell , dltlOll. alio)' thi' aver.iKe III weliihl snd.showed not the siiKhtest lea Ion NEver. ornan In the hotly was in no null louilltioll .It Hie Utile of death Completely Blotted Out. Soon alter tin autopsy was com pbteil llu- boil) was lecretly hurled Melon I" tonight, the prison null in , I ties saj not a raotltni or it win re Btnla 11 s tin' quick lime and rltriol in 1 ahuh it was burled win quickly eon aume It Tin' place of Ii. trial la uu kOOWO A BHHIBd marks tin' gmvf ami there is aothlng 10 Indicate thai I I VoIkos ever lived. BOER-BRITISH BMOAQEMENT MISS MONIi IS LOCATED DELAREY AND KEMP LI8H MET ENG Near eerust They ' Forty Dead on the Field British Lost Twenty Eight Dead and Ninety two Were Wounded. London. Oil If, Lord jCltehaBOl in a dMpalili lin'av. tells il a nam u- ,1 betWOen tin Itoers iiiub't lie Ian -v ami Kemp ami a IIiiiimIi column mat Keerusl The Itoeis Blacked thi- Mritlsh but were repuls. d altei a hlubiioiii Hirht. leavina forty iba)l Hrlllsh losses wen twn lieiinnaiiis ami twenty six tin 11 silb d ami five offlieis anil fit'' unii WOUBOOd I'll 1 rt s veu ol tin in nu 1. escort ulso w i) W)iiimleil I in- lloei koi ) mnt vaaona, SCHLEY ON THE STAND He Met All Questions With a Ready Response Little of Interest. WashiiiKtou Oct i'i Cross exatul nation of Hi hie) was reaumofl tins ammlng Pnv ucallr Bothlaa of iu ' 1 h hlcy 1 ' 1 tit 1 11 iu 'il to meet all uuesllons with riatity 1 smu lei in BBBWi 1 to various gneotlonj chle said the Hpaulsh lleel would 'iavi been kuis ked out, Uo HiatMl Ale re ll hail hapia-lied THE NEW YORK MARKKT Reported b I. L. Ray 4 Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokera Nan Vork. Oct '.'' The wheat mat ket was very dull today and price haiiKCN wen small Liverpool closed on baagOd ai I S . New York opened at 7i, '., and held within a fluat ' Ol this hll day, closing at TC, Coin a as stiaily and closed high ft it ', . Stin ks were strouKei ami most ol lie lirt showed gains of a point 'Ins.- ysieiday, 77. Open today. 7. f -t fHhrf, Close. 7tt. tigr I1T) SLeel, 11, Ht. Faal, llh. Dnloa PbtHK iou. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, 1 it Wheat. 71'. to Wheat in Ban Franclece. San KraiK isivo Oct. 2S. Wheel I'M. to s. lie TrjrT1 valley Kellway Com pany is uteuiplatluK the building of a spur south of the main Hue just above Ixckhart station. There Is a Hut belt of timber in the section through which the Hue will be hmlt and it is the purpose of the company to log out this Umber TWO artoade of cevairy horses w,-i sbippid m,,i uight to latthiop Mo. 1 hem 1 to go to South Africa They were purchased by Captain Orlsaell. oi Sheridau, Mo j 1 A T E DEPARTMENT NOTI11ED BY AGENTS IN THE EAST. A Sofia Cablegram Aserts That Sin Young Bulgarians Have Banded Themselves to Search for Her and Mrre. Tstlka. WashlliKlon. Oi l ."1 I lie state do 1 ill 1 1 in -nt has been BBClBOd by aaeuls in Consiantlnopli nml Sofm that com mUUhatloii with Miss Stone has been ealahllahed Sis Gallant Young Bulgarians. S iii, itiiiaaria. Oct H six yoBBg Million inn have banded themselves lOgethOI to sell 1 ih tin Miss Stone and Mine Tsllka With the couaeiit of Ho llulKatlan authorities they left lamahot lot Mehonsetai nh tins on i) i I in view 'I'ln' abai'in e of news alum! Miss Stone has led lo a revival ol Ho report Hut she has already BI.(M)I) RU RK)T KNDED BALLTOWN. LA., WAS THE 8CKNE OF A CONFLICT. The' l Iff la Nine Negroes, One Wiotr Man Trouble Arose Over Restaurant 1 ,, rose at a Camp Mrrto i Srvrui Were Burned to Deatn. One a Negro Child Precau tions Again. t Another Outbreak of Hostilities. New lb leans tl,-!. ill, The Bull town race rloi practically is ended. BBd although first reports worn B BglrerS ted tin .lash was one of the bloodiest in thi hlatorj of the state. Ten persona nun rolorod ami ne white an ib ud tlrent unreal la felt at the arena 01 the trouble, and. while there are t,o outward simia of a re newel ol hostllltlee, preoautlons nn being taken to prevent another onl ine ii, N, tin Loll, who refuseil to take out 11 In 1 use io run a icstaii 1 am ai a ramp iiueiina, cauaed the trouble Whet, a stable and Mmse staiieii on the pin. e to anforoe thi- law. Loll ami s. vital other tiearoea bnniended themaelvea in the rnnhnu 1 nut Irlng lli)'ii llu poaae when they ippronched When tlir Killing Occurred. The rlghl became geaerali nogtood on tin' outBlde coning to the aaals tat i their barricadod brothers. The reutuurunl nhoily as it red, Wheretipoa ami another nearo emerged trlng into the whites, kill ins lot Beak ami aertounly wound Ins another other male membevs of the barricaded party tried to escape, hill all Ben Shot down's h'ad was ''iiowi off After cooeuttou of bOBtllltb s livi- ileail ileal oes. three neKi ' ssi s 1 ml one nearo child irotn round, loin oi the latter hav'.iiK tssen Inn m il lo denth In the restaurant REMINGTON ALMOST AI- I , HLD GEN. BOTHA. uoer Leader Waa Surprised at His Leaflet and Had Only a Short Start 01 Effrcting Escape. Pretoria, Od n Oeheral Hntha to) llB) lei 1 I v r a i'i il 1 apt 111 e ul t he blinds ol Colonel Itciilltliltoll's forces. Ill nun. Imi an pi i',,',1 I lot hit's l.nuii the Hoei lender em aping by only a tew hundred yards star! Motha left 'n 1 at revolver ami papers behind in tin High) Ten prisoner were laken Including Oonmnadaal Hans Botha Valuable Postage S'amps. In nn- n 1 hi edition of the I'an t aire lean twoeonl pontage stamps it found that tin' UluatrntloB was printed itpelile down, nml as only a lev ul then wen .l. I hefot, ' being 111. Ill I tin Milne n Mu m hii bi-ell Klcatl) ii leased I'eople who have out e used Hoatetter's stomai h Kit oi i'ln, ' .1 vim Ii 1 k Ii v Inn )ii It as 11 1 h 111 H v medicine It Is tor weak 1 lib' and the nun ' Uellcatl atOSBBOh 'tin retain it It restores the appuilte ami stimulates the dlgeatlvi organs I In 1 . lo e v I 1 ,1 1 line all I he mill IllVe e nil hi fron the fisiil ll has a rooofd of iitty yenrs of cuiwb of indigeetion. dyspepela roaatlpatloa, and tiatuieuey to Its rredll We urae you to try It. Tin genuine has out Prfvahs nie Slump over Ihi' II)') K ol the bottle Ihc Big Restaurant ee no in Behtia. A trust norths la-en I 111. .1 Miss Stone Is Losyaos Oi 1 ii m it is 111 i iitmlution here, says a ilia patch from Soda to tin Inul, 'lei "giaph that Miss Sloin la in the villag)- 01 lillia close lo tin' lion liar. Where you gmg get what you want ami got it inrvet right Private Bosoa. THE FRENCH titlB I AI MM AIM Our Car Load of PIANOS! To OeQfM OUl il soon as poitibll in n!ur to niitki rOOtn for auollioi 1 ai in trnvDlil PinaOf ate living solil at sui iiiisingly low prices to some oi 1 lie leading citizens of this section I )o not ilt-lay getting a piano at once aa you will gel tlie bargain ol your life il you tmy this inonlli Sold en tiaay Time Haymeata. Almost kvery riigli tirade flano TUde tu Chouse I mm Wakefield & Failing Court Bt root, La Dow Hlk PondUotoa, Urtyun. LEA&PERRINS SAUCE The Origiuul Worceaterablre SIWASI OP IMIUbflOMS It is highly approved for the de- lkhalymmebnykonh licious flavor which it imparts to y 6 fSoups, Fish, Game, Moats, Salads, Welsh Rarebits, etc. cw ouscAaaroaB.aanBahVih