M ive you een our stock of Stylish and Well Fitting Suits and Overcoats For Men, Boys and Children; all new patterns and cuts at popular prices. Children's suits $1.50 to $5. Boy's suits $4.00 to 12. Hen's Suits - $7.00 to 20. Overcoats $4.45 to 20. BAER 6f DALEY One Price Clothiers, Fvrnilhcrs awl Hatters, Pendleton. MONDAY. OCTOBKK It 1901. DAILY. WEEKLY AND SKW-WEEKLT T Dim Baal ii.agouia.i Fnbllahlng- Company, l-KXDLBTON. " . OREGON. nail.-. cvirTton urn Oh tfprpt- 1. . by mall pee ccpy -.1 . awatkt. hy ai.il 6.. i r .. br fnai .afactlpttoe i .... v. Mtm : 8 I WMIIT enKa.rTIOH BATt. Daa coav oa. a ?.. . . ft Ml Knnlkl ilal .wtacrtirtlee j .,. . n.lln w... tuncairnoN UMl EaT m ... t I eyy ilB "' I t autaKnaaiee j aft. caar i ADYieTIIimi . . D..l.v Alt.rti.mtai..l Oa. lack, at lata, .n Hewl-Wcaklr pav aioelh f. Qe tack, at laea, .a 4all pet laeau. I It.. M. tlll .lid Wk If p.f PlU.lll . . J Ovat Ikia. t.caa. ftnii Wt.kly.p. lath p wotilh . , I (rrtr IhIM li At., IiiW. prt In n iff nnflth a 1-n. ., . 1 ' ftaaWfl.lly.p.tUchprr (ao.lft . la.in l'.f Im.ln anllf r.rmnm a CW.t m. lar.at. I. W...1 , par Int h ar Month . ... I i tbf. lacaa.. I. Taeedav'. Ittua afkWml.Wa.tly. Ki.rk aaf atoatk ....... t4 noapar.it a4..ttia.an.l. tn taW.WMtlf, W.klv UeUT.ant laavrtie. men,, i t... .n tularin... naa, ax. Lanal aantaa. lee inn pet Una. aaca laeaaatee THE BIBLE A LITERARY CLASSIC In an aditreen Iwlore the ttutlenU oi Whitman college, the Rev. O. W. Kender advocated the introduction of Iht Bible aa a teit book in the public echoola, npou the ground that it ie a litararv rlaaair. The Rv. Mr. I ender ia in tin right in thin advocacy. Tba HibTe ii a claaaic. It contain product' Irom poet a lotty in conception, a lieeutiful in imagery, and a rlniahed in diction aa any that havo graced tbe page of literature. It has romance rivalling thoee of eei-ular masters of the art of atoty telling. It haa dramatic work that would charm a modern audience. It haa biitory upon which ia baaed all other hiatory. And, In the teaching of the higher princi ple of living, it ia the reongniieil book of athice. Hut, The Bible should hi- Introduced in the public aeboola, not aa a religmo autoority No churchman haa riant to aak ting. The public aeboola are the institution of all the people, theiat ami atheist, believer and agnostic. All have eo,ual rights as to the constitution ol the ygteui of public education for which they pay in taxes for maintenance. Furthermore, the Bible will make lie own way when placed heside other literary works. It needs no bolstering up by the aometimea over zealots, who, Id insisting upon its reception in the schools aa a religious teatltook. thus antagonise all who do not accept it as an authority on subjects pertaining to diviuily. It should be in the public schools for just the reason why the worka of William Shakespeare, of Sir Walter Scott, of Chaucer, of Dante , of any acknowledged writer of classical literature should be there. It should be atudied for its beautiea aa a work of literary art. When such a demand is made, no rational auan will object, just aa BO rational churchman would protest against the study of aome of the writinga and addreaaea of Robert J. Ingeraoll aa modeia of pure huglish diction and products of rare eloijoeiu. iu the expression of thought. Tbe man who has not read parts of The Bible has not been liberally edu cated. He is equally lacking in knowledge of the world's best litera ture if he have BM read the plays of the Bard of Avon. FACTS AGATN8T 8CHLEY The behley court of latBlrl h" proved these damnable counth in to Indictment against the old aea dog that he licked the Spanish Bawl lin tier Cervera, that he lost not OB ah!i nor one man in ho doinn that n. exercised hla own discretion, technically disobeying order. anl thereby insuring victory that Saini son was not preaeut at the battle ol Hantiago. arriving alter the tflUon ended, that Schley said Damn tin Texas," thereby injuring the feeling of a monstrouh eugim ol natal tsai that he u: sDiiiewhat stirred Rj) and atlightly agitated at tin- pnnjnjol Ol I hill fight, and did uoi lie in a ham tuocK and smoke OlffJBtwtkM and al low the whole tightiug ItlUlBfl to take cart- of Itself And the iuquio has revealed the la'( that there sTSi a splendid agreement among tin eommaudeiK of tin Ottaffl K se)s to keei irom Schlet all knowledge and information thai would aid him in eoiiductiug the greatest naval bait I. ever waged These damning ret. latioua as to Srhlev should comi l that he be drawn and quartered ami hung up piecemeal at the yardarm of the Brooklyn his t!agbhij. ami that Bampeon, who wasn't there, be given the credit of the vlctoiy If the iuquiry, upon tbe presenta tlon of the Rovprnmcnt'B cage In proeuUOUi have alrea.h shown thfi' Ltetl dearly anil careful road orB certainly tlrnw Ju.t audi foncln BlOBB from the testimony of the pros eeutinn witnesses, what In the name of tin- god o!' navnl warfare will be nhiiwii by Um time taM defense has coftcHtded t H ANN A'S DOCTRINE. If, a the New York Post's corres pondent avers, Senator llanna nro posea to frighten I'reai lent Kooaevelt into a different course than that an nounced for the southern federal up pointments, he will have reckoned without a just estimate of the man in tbe White House. Mr. llanna en joyed the conHtlen : e ol the late I'reai di'tit Mckinley and could exert an in HbBBOO upon him that will he lost when directel toward Mr. Kooaevelt. Another essential element in the situa tion ia the conceded pugnacity of the new chief executiv. Threat will not drive him from the pathway he has mapped out. Htill again, Mr. Roosevelt ia right in his southern policy, and will have the American pnnple behind him 'I pro pose to appoint republicans in 'tie south when tit reponluans are avail able, otherwse, I ahall appoint oeinocratc. iinn in m .eilririf. that la diataatulul to Mr. llanna. Cer tainly Mr. llanna can justify hia op position only upon the Simon-jture argument of the political spoilsman, who sava that a bad republican ia better in otlice than a good democrat. Such a doctrine ia not pleasing to the better element of our citisensliip. It is (or ward heelers and machine job bers. It ia repugnant to all others. A VIEW OF BOER WAR. Kredrn Hutriaon drew a gloomy picture of the Houth ah i 1 ii Mltua tlon In presence of a large and thoughtful audience at Newton Hall In London the other night. Kvery seat wax taken and every foot of .-dandlng room occupied. Contrary to expectations, no sign of opposl Hon developed Inatead tin- aaaemb lagi mauiieHted its sympathy with the orator. Tin appluuse wan fre quent and there wen- continual ex eiamationH ol assent. Alt Harrison asserted that Kn gland wax being alowly bled to death while tin government systematical It suppressed the truth and diffused deceptive report He said: "Four successive attempts have i u made in foui successive centur ies to accomplish what we are try nig to accomplish In South Attica All have failed I'hilip II of Spain, in the sixteenth century, possessing iiuequalcd naval ami military forces ami backed by tit undivided patriot ism ol the Spanish people, tried for eighty years to subjugate Holland only to hriug disaster on his own country ami to stimulate Holland to great teats ol national progress. In th seventeenth century Louis XIV of France took up the task that disenthraled French monarchy and almost wreck ed Frame, but Midland continued to nourish (ieorge 111 ol Kngland. In (pi eighteenth century, tried the pol ley ol insolence and nom-om-ession upon BBI American colonists, driv ing them out of the empire and nriugiug vast loss and humiliation upon ourselves. Napoleon III ol France, in the nineteenth century sai rillced UMjOOO Frenchmen in an attempt to fasten French supremacy on distracted Mexico, bin that country, despite Its distraction, rallied to the standard of nationalism and set at naught the tar niighler strength ot the invader. Ttjis story teaches us unmis akably that one white people, how i h i great ami powerful, canuot po litically annihilate another. On the contrary, small hardy nationalities thrive under tyrSBB) and attack, wlille their assailants either quit the struggle Of link into exhaustion and i onfualon. a a a We must hold out something to tin- BoSfl beside.-, subjugation, or no tCngliahnUtn BOB liwng will see the end ol tin- South African war. I w h in my fellow patriot and 1 ITCHING Burning Scaly HUMORS Complete External and Internal Treatment $1.25 CosMtattiSatl t h- i msmrfiV ),Uifleans tin- .alii of ciurln uiiif rcalcn ami aoftcn Us tbtekaeed cettelw.t uticoh ouiuufni (k'.j, tu alktv lu lling and liilUmiiiaUun ami aooUw Hint heal, ami C'ltTIL-UMA Ksso'-VKNT (flUr.). U euel ami eleauat- Uit- buw A niuglr set ts uflcii BUBVIt-iit lu cure Hie BkOfl Wrturtug, ili.ngurtiis, aud ftuuilllaUiiK sfcta. ax-alp, aud 1 1 i SS fin. in. iu.a uf Uali, lit ii all alas fall. f it I .1. 1 Oaiaoul a.a c oar Sum fi. ,MuaMSk t iu. luaia. Uuiu.i. Imi ' U i. Ciu. I wnir the government that no such peril hip rnnfrnrrt"d a alnce flu ;i poleonu wars VVhlthci shall we turn tot men to pllol us qui ol out sore and narrow Htrait'.' I know not I Let us hope that the nation s ttBtlRBI will call forth lOBdonBlp such m thin emergency donuinds a i mi t mi t ii hi at tin- governraeot'i Ineffectual manner ol making war in South Allien blB7.es forth nowhere more Sercely than among the IndtM trlal and commercial classes With One voice the trade Journals call up OH the cabinet to act or abdh-ati They hurl anathemas al the Cecil famll) ami warn Mr Chamberlain that only a vigorous and successtul in oaectition ot the war can save his pergonal reputation However. these organs stand staunchly by tin- poiiev of iiritish su premacy in south Africa and demand that the war he pushed to a conclu sion with all possible haste, re ganlloMH ol coat. They assert that the prolongation of the war Is not only ruining South Africa hut Is kill ing the trade ol (it-eat Britain THE TWIN 8EAPORT8 Th following Is from the Astoria News and is a rational discussion of the problm of the relation to he maintained between the two towns: The first trtttn. In the DTOblBBI Oi Portland's inten if u as het own. is that using this port she ran do so without any tear of making Astoria her commercial rival The central fact that establishes that truth Is a geographical one that all tin- water levels ot the 00 lUmbta converge at Portland near the mouth of the Willamette river On this great fact of nature 1h founded the truth, in transport! on. that all seaport inn bound for As toria. mnst. on the laws ol gravity, pass through Portland A line from Walln Walla, for instance must come here through Portland So. a line from any other point east or south oi Portland ffom any pOtBl In the Inland Lmplre must on gravity laws. pass through the great Inland metropolis Of course. Hue from Ontario in south eastern Oregon mlgnt OBBM through Salem to Astoria hut on business prlnci pies, tne trright line of such a road would go via Portland on Its way to tne seaport The gravity route Would compel that OOSfM as a mat ter of dollars and cents. Practical l then, nil freight lines hound for Astoria, as the seaport, must go through Portland ... ( iti this great tact in transportation is founded the law P commerce thut n buyer in the Inland ..mplrc. wish nig to trade lu Astoria would have to pay a pro rata freight more than II he stopped lii Portland This rub. on continuous lines, is u settled OtM in railroading The railroads do not have to give Astoria a com mon point with Portland In order to share in hoi trallh which necessltv Is tin- inundation of tlx- common point rule On this rule, the port Innd wholesale merchant would have no rivalry from the Astoria wholesaler tor tlx- trade ol the In land Km pi re It shuts Astoria out of that business entirely This applies to mercantile trading only It means that the Portland merchants will have a monopoly ot that Inland Km pin- so far as Astoria merchants are concerned Tin- question oi the man Ufacturini trade lor tin- Inland Km plre is a different matter So. too, as to the saw mill business But as applied to the mercantile trade it is clear that Astoria, as the seaport could not become Portland's eommer OlBl rival ... From this preniisi it Pillows thut the commercial interests ot Portland cut-, use this port without any danger of rivalry irom Astoria mot-chants Thev should, therefore, look upon thir port as their own ami use It so that PDrtland i ommert ial stiprem BV) In the west, especially ill the north WeBl shall bO assured. Its use by POftlSBd would, as will later be pointed out give her the lead of all other cities of the Pacific roe HI hut before passing on to that duscussion. If will be proper to mushier tin- man iitarturing relations of the two cities Including saw mill ami Other Indus trM. oernliar to this ort. Vie .t ed from a mercantile stand point, then Portland and Astoria are twin seaiairts. having common inter sis am' a common destiny GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Cor. Court and Johnson Sts. PENDLETON. OREGON Steam heat Klactrlc Llf hll. Amertcau flan rata tl.K to tl.aOadaj. Kurouoau Plau. Mc. 76c, I1.U0 BIMK'lal raUM by week or uiuulk Free Bus nwU all I rains Lom mere ia i Trade Solicited. Pine Sample Rooms Special Attention Qiven to Country Trade. CONRAD KOULEK PROP A7 K aie ttie paopla aud tUa only seopla tn tba ' itaddlsry buaiuaaa lu Paudlatwu thai m ll..v a full force of utatiUaulua tha yuar arouua. aud make our own aaddlaa, Haruaaa. ate., sad to not ship tuam from the (aciortaa llkoaowa of our eouiuatilora aud.taau tall you luay ara aa good aa bowa uiaUe ; but la ay ara not. Leading rtaraeea and 5eidtery . ftjWaMsnfctjasittaeW? afEfJkjjB3BfffJSke -". aUaWrtoiJU I aW' ' iSSiLr it 7 IB SvaMtUSLilM k H '9kaS I P jtBar--rsaH aaipjaaaaajaaaaaaajanaaaa.ww- -jBs3Snsa atp CATARRH A Constitutional Affection. Sprnrs, washes, powders, aalres, mrtlic.-tteil tobacco nnd cijfarettes, however long and persistently used, do not cure Catarrh. They relieve temporarily the inflammation in the thrnat nnd nose, ancl enable you to breathe more ea-dlt and freely, but the con tinual rush of imnurr blood to these parts keens up the irritation ami ultimately produces ulceration of the plnnds, when the hreath becomes cuceedinply offensive Bad the soft bonej of the nose are frcquctitlv ilectrnvrd Tftr r :itn rrh :i iiiltiimtTi'itinfi rTtpfldu over th entire surface of the mucous membrane, or inner skin . the stomach, kidneys nnd lung-i are often involved ; the whole svstrm soon become.-, affected by the rapid absorption of poisonous matter into the blood, and the disease that you had hoped to cure with simple local remedies, assumes a danjferous fonn I had Catarrh about IB yeare, nnd l.lnl iliirliiirth.llm. n v hlnv T umilit hear of, but nothing- did me any (rood. At lnat I enme to the oonolnalon that Catarrh must be n blood disenaa, and daoidad to trlvo 8. S. B. n trial. I eould aee a little Improvement from the first bottle, and continued It three or four months, or until I wan cured. Have not taken anything for alz yeara. nnd am Just as wall as I nvor wae. - M. MAT RON, Lapaai. Mloh. Catarrh is a constitutional disease a blood disease which is frequently inherited, and onlv a blood medicine, such as S. S. S., ran remove the hereditary taint, destroy the' poisons that have been accumulating- in the svstctn for years perhaps, ami rcstorr the blood to a healthy nnd pure condition Tin inflamed membranes and tli cased glands are healed bv the rich, pure blood which is earned to them and the offensive diachatgOl from the nose, nnd the terrible headache and neuralgic pains cense. Chronic cases of the most desperate character and apparent ly hopeless, have been cured completely and permanently hv the use of S. b. S. Write our physicians fully utsjtit vour case and they Will cheerfully assist yo by their advice. W'c charge, nothing whatever for this service Hook free c application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. AMERICAN PLAN. $3.00 per Day and Upwards THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, UKBOON. Special Kates to Baatern Oregon people vlattlng Portland. H eadquartars for tourists and commercial travelers. fi. C- BOWHKS. Manager. Hotel Pendleton Under New nanagement mMTi'iJ .... ... Strictlv Plrst-Clasb nUJUMBal -i v- U:- a I ria: 9 Biullent Cuisine. Kvery Modern Convenient Bar and miliar i Rooms. The Beit Hole Van Dran Broi., Props You get Good Beer. When you tlrink PILSNER BEER. Guaranteed not to cause huududiu or dizzinuHH Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. I Ray & Co., Buy and asll Stocks, Bonds and Crrain lor cash or oil margltii. New York Stock Bxcnange. Chkago Stuck Hxcnange. Chicago Board of Trade. klaurl aUHl. idlaluo. Urn. Help or Situation Wanted. C F. Cook's Employment Agency Uoruer Main aud AltalBtreut. PKNDUCTON . OKISGOW i I ii Mil I I had Catarrh ao hart wan anurniy rl.af in nnn nnr. nnd nil tilt inSlae of my none and part of the bonn eloua-hed off. The phystoinns B-nrn me UP B, lnournble. I determined to saw ana .,,,. h...n to imnrove at once. It seemed to get at thn seat of the disease, and after a few waeka' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than aevan years ha-ve had no sir n of the clisaaae -MRS. JOBB PHINK POLHILL. Due Wast, B. 0. Hotel Pacific rth west Rates $2.00 a day Special Rates by Week or montb T Ilaadauarteri for Traveling Men In baatern Oregon. Successors to J. E. Moore N, BERKELEY Mas the following bargains 8S0 Allien Wheat I .and ,$1500 Beat stock and Dairy Ranoh in ( :amas Prarie, Cheap. I lood Route, B t, 1 200. Very Desirable Residence ci ( iicap. Also a big list ol town and county property cheap. LOANS Oil WHEAT LANDS At lowest rates J. R. DICKSON, tiaat Oregontan Building , Pendleton, Oregon. TRANSFER, TRUCKING, S T (3 R A G E. CROWNER & SON. raxaruoMK maim . itNa The Place to Buy : : : : Ib where von ran net Kooda qnlck aM efaaap prirea. Beat line ol Jjuniber, Lath, Shinglew, Build ing paper, Tar paper, Lime and cement, Pickets Plaster, Brick, Sand, Moulding Screen Doors A Windows, Sash & Doors, Terra Cotta Pipe. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. R. F0RSTER, - Proprietor. Wholesale dealer in... Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke PHYSICIANS. dr. w. i. ociai. ornca in juud DiiildluR Offlcu houn, 10 to B a.m.; 1 to 6 p.m. Traphou77. V. W VINi tNT.JI.il. OKKICK KKAK ol Pint National Hauk. Office bouri lu to IJ a . m . , 1 to H p . m DR.C, J. SMITH. OKKICK OVKR THE I ..ii. li.-i. in Harliifa Hauk. Talaptaona 'il, r.-al il.'llee L'll.p.'ulllC H b. (.AKKIK1.1) M. Ii HOafBOPATB' IC I'nvniMiti. ami Hurfeon om In Judd HulldlUK lulepti oBlit;, black 7.1; real- teup, black i. J, L. KILLBa, M. 1)., DBSPAIM BLOUK. IraalK and tOirecU ye trouble!, catarrhal coudltlou. an. I impaired hoarlug. Ulaanu. properly fitted for refracttra erron. 1)K. 1). J. M'KAITL, aUOM 17, AHHOOIA tloii block leleplioue i; residence tele aaene) black i6i. OHTROPATHK' t'HVHiciANH HKh Kayet A Keyea Ottct), one block want of Boa ion more Dlt. l.YNN K. BLAKaBLHB, CHUONIU and norvoiM illaeaae. and dlaeaaaaol woman llpp. Hotel, cor Water aud Malu rtu., faudlu- tou, Or. ATTORNBYS. UAKTKK 4 UA1.KV. ATTOUNKYH AT L . Office In natiuga Hauk Hulldlui. BEAN A LOWKLL, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Htxim u Aatoclation Block. I'eudlv ton, Oragou. T. O.HAILJCY, l.AWYKR. 0IT10I IN Judd Building, Peudletou, Oregon. N. UKRRKLEY, ATTORNEY AT .-AW um. lu Aaeoclallou Block E. 1). MOY1), ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Oourt Bt, L H. RKKDKR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAM Kb A. KEE, LAW OKKIUE IN JUIJU Building 8TILLMAN PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at law. Mr HtillmAii Iia Ik-cii admitted to practice lu United male, paluut otttcea and make, specialty til I'aluut Latw Kooma lu, il, 1. aud l.i Aaaociatiou block HANKS AND BHUKMHS. THE KARMKR'H MANE OK WESTON, tneatou. Oregou. -Ooaa . geuerai banklux buklueaa Bichaug.- buugnt and aold Cm lecllou. promptly alleuded to Attain, lu moal exi-elleul i-oudlliou, and ao reported upon b luiaitigauoni ommltteeol reapiiuainle clllaei.. Offlix-1.. K Jameaou, preaiduui. tioo. W Hroenatel, nu- prvaideut . 0. M 1'icrw,. caabloi J. B. Klllgore, aatUlaut oaahler; diraclora 0. A. Uartiuau M g Joliu. I J Hrloo, O. i- 1 . raw. J. K Kiligor-. Hotwrl Jameaon, O. W FroeUtel FIRST NATIONAL HAN K OK ATHENA, Oragou Capital, Au,UUI, aurplua aud pronta, 6,000. lutereal on tlmj depoalu. baa la iu foreign aud domeatlc exebauge Collectloua orompil) attended in Heury C Adami pros Ideui.T J. Kirk. vUti praaldeut; K. L Bar uatt, oajular; kirn K. I. Hamuli, aaiUiaui caanler KIRBT NATIONAL HANK OK KEN OLE ton. Capital, 170,000; lurpiua, WO.OUO. Iran, acta a geuerai bauklug luaiueaa. axcbaugi and telegrapbu trauafera aold ou Cbloago. Man Frauclaoo, New York aud principal polnia lu tbe Nortawaat. UrafU Drawn ou Chium, Jau aud Kuropu. Makaa oolleclloua ou reaaouable lerma Levi Aukeuy, prealdeut; W V Mailock Tlcv pragldeul, U. B. Wade, uaanior; H. U Mueruaey, ualiiaul unihlar. THK KENDLKTON BA VINOS BANK, Pendleton. Oregon Organ laed March 1, laa-J; oapiial. kou.uoo .urplu., kflu.uuu iuuireai al lowed on time depoalla iUchnuge bought and i ao.d ou all priuolpal poluu Special al teutlon given to oollenloua W J Kuruiab prealdeut J. N. Teal, tloo prea'deul . T. 1. Morris, oaahler ARCBITICT8 ami u u iLUBHh. T. K HOWARD, ARCHITECT AN1J HU- JS&B&tSkJB?' "PtUs and reliable plana for bulldluga lu the city or couutry. Room 17, Judd buildltig ' 8HKKK A COLK, CONTRACTORS AND bulldera naliiualea luruuhed ou ahort no tice. Job work a apecUiu Prompt aarvioe. Mhop on Bluff ureal, near Main itieet L A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND builder, luiltuialee furuuhed ou all kluda ot uiaaouiy oemeut walk., ,uue walla, etc Or daraoau be left at the Kaat Oregoulau offloa. UBNTlaTB. Kti n?'NN' ENTIBT, IN ABHOCIA Uol Block, o vo. W. B. Oloplon-k office MILTOu U. METZLER, DENT 1ST. 8aT viug. B k Building. U10BS. PKLT8 AND JUNK. yU CAN GET THE UIOHKST MAR- ol ii iiV .,..k u.uea, peiu anu all ku.da n juuk, luch oa rubber, braaa cuouer l..d lnc. raa. -ml l,..l-. .... .. uJir la. .nanialtv V.. . , , " " .U1I a .pecialty lou can hrlnv in i. ........ . .. ... old raa. ur hu, m uio 7.,,i. X X...,r. . 1 laaa I Puau, , . , t " w "M WD ailli Will atiahed. L tihank A c.i nin.i -,.,t 17ephrilHed'.U)rn "' WB. ' di'Vili?:1? HEREIN AKTER DE- -.T "? won it, a an ui bv tua Ci y manual aud will be aold al the plre t ion of leu daya lor coala and expeueea ' orown norae, branded with a quurter circle V m. left ah....l.i. ..a . ."..r". .. del, weight about Mui poouda, age about .6 baled tieplember ib. luui HBAi-HMAN. (Uly M.rabal The Rnat Uiumu.ii k. ...... . gon'a repreaeutative paper. Ii leada, aod aaa, i , .i I . - r. . r aciaic u aua a how it D hair Ubernl Ditnuun it u k. ieimg laediun. of Ulg aecUea. mm k k fl afl f'WONpAliflt nkPART run "-fSSS. 9. ('hicago. Portland ena, DatV k" npm-iKl ,1V..8IU1.7? n Ii rn ' " "11 Una. via flun..! ' """ Ka,,. lug ton. Atlantic Bxpreaa IU a. m. via Hunt ington -H i i.i.. .. Worth, hyyrt. eagandMruw'll,l Bt. Paul : Faat Mall tUU a. m. Hpokane. m ., ... i'ui Dumtbj, . Chioagoanoij t . vecan ana Kiver Schednk. . ruitlLAND All talllna- nmntana- I :i;p. ni. Daily Bexcept Hutiotiy " p. m Hatuniuy H i in nfkaMEBH "H rtry.'idayt. Columbia To Aitorla.nd Umllati I Mlangfti'TVtP DaUs ex. Monday 6a. ni. lngon City, Naak-, ! Halani. IniaaS?!.- ' I and WajaanJlr" kalf'Ja 0rralUAmwej Tm rhra, Landing.. ' and Hat. " WllianiAita,n0, ..7" VI "I" Hlri lue. I nr.., Uragan Ob, But. and Hat auil Way Undiog, Laarc ' wawta laakg wm Dally. HI pari, to Uwlthn r. r. wambLKY, Agaot. M11V kltVlll Washington & Columbia River Railway For (Atoafo, St. hwL St. Loak huh ( It y. Ht. Jim, Oiuahk.llkl AH I'nillK I HO iiiel wi. Purtland and poiau on the Sound miK CAItH. BKPTgJfllR I i eat iiouiiu Leave v. alia WtUal m; ...e.ou , pm ; npoxaua 7 JUpa; Afim aw am ; ncait.a an. , Kaal 11. mn, I lav Heallla l:U 1 110 pm; Arrive Walla Walla Ita: V .-i am , Spokane IMI am. Por informatiiiii ragardliuj rata, u; lllinlAtliu rail ii or adargB v.. ADJJU.ua H H. CAl'llKKHKAU, (1. P. A, Walla alia. Walk RUNS Ym. I I Ik2lu.k.imji r aaa tkikau I it.t l.inifu Cats. lalVHUI 1'lUttia, amwan Tourist Sleeping tar ST. HAUL urvvvtHi Dl'LUTH FAWH" CHOOKsTUI i VYDfNKWti I HELEN Aid mm THKOl CxH TICKETS UaUCAOO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA M: YORK HOrJTON and all point fcitauilu rgemga m-keu to it. BjlfJ rrnir and Northkrn racm ami Aiiiere aii hue. ti mk icinpu. . . .... j.llw aaaatt Tralna leave reujiewu - ai haw p in . Kor lurther luformalwu. uw Tklrd aud BorrinMi Wa, rnw .it f . . nnnh. lm A f I n n a n n n n iiiiiiiiii an b 1 1 in iii.i i wood anWBL Kor baruk god d"' .Cheaper tbao U- Lumber, Lath, aahiniflt. h..ii.inu' n ggnmnwa a Tar Paper. Liiueand Cement. Mouldiiias- Pickett. planter, .....i, ,...,i Hand. wv . , Mm mm ....M.n laajiaa mwawj r- Terra ia- Boric & Light A la. oa nn. CoBtt H n. i to w. -rr ... THE-- Oregon Mortgage LIMITED. A Ou improTna H .. I. aaL olirMal PF' CHAS. F. 0. FATTUUA Walla WalU, NORI ym PACIFIC