TUESDAY, cctobf.r 8, mn. Ladies slippers New neat nobln styles for party and home wear largest we havr shown Price 9LM I Ttif People Warphott had cial niarkt" day salt- to lay. Home marie carulim a ipwcfalt,. ; Faurv line of bon bon at ''HxleoaV I Palsr of Swt on Coort strwt Uliml bacon ano wafer slirssl smokrtl bel in glass bottlr. BWM thing very litis for I line lias t Hawley Broa. Call anl roe if yon aunt itrncer iaa. I bny in carlota ami aflJ mII cheaper than any store n eastern Oregon. K. Martin. New invoii of syrni -ii.tchers, bowl anil UltabSW. Mlt and pepper tliskcrs, vegetable diahe and plat mrr at Hawley Mrua. W. R. With in aan: (or the Do rueetic and Oavis sewing mtthfaaa. A fall line of suppl le. BsSpalrlSjg ipe cialty. All work guarantee.!. Mv stock of fancy groceries is well sle'tel and I wnnld like for yen to see then., t alley pickles. relihei- and chow chows are of the basil imported and domestic brands. I have tine line of smoked tish, fancy mackerel and the heat rheeae on UM market R. Martin. ttw THE I IRST EXCHANOE FAIR atorml toira. This virtue of sii porters. theory has the RKRT DAT SXPSRiaiNT BE SUCCESS. PBOVkS TU In to Cleaver Bros VITUS. Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loans Doll carriage, hoyi' wagons. R I ahirt waista, now 4c. QtaStwf Broa. Dry Goods Co. Wanted A food, strong b.y o work in store. R. Martin. The line of cloaks at Aleiatider's if etjtial to any in Oregon Store room tor rant, annire at Mr Caniptmlls' milliners store. School handkerchiefs, lr each. Clearer Brothers Dry QWMI 0 Oo tc Empire meat market to- I real ysters and clams in balk and fish. Mrs. Host, corner Ann and Blsfl street, haa a cookstove for tale cheat Best achool hoae ever sold, 25c pair. Cleaver Brother Dry Good Co. The flannel wasting at Alexan l I are new, they are pretty and ttiev are uboap. Yon can boy a cape lor 76c, a coat for 11.60 and a ailk waist for I'. . at Alasander'i. For nrat claaa rigs or a cab at any boor telephone Depot tables, Llvin Craig, Prop. Freah fro, lefts, tobaters. O. vim la and eastern oysters served an the French restraurant. Mi the groceries ' M an 1 clean at F . Younger A -such quick delivery. Wanted Two furnished BOMBfe ing rooms for man and wife. A X. care Kaat Uregonian. cbool suit at discount cent during this week. Brothers Dry Cioods Co. Y i ne stock ranch for sale. l'rairie. Fine summer ing. also 1'iO cattle. E Take yoar pictures to Sharp k BSMrS them fraoist'. Dealer in nils, paints, wallpaper and glass. 206 Court street. If it is 11 o'clock snd you wsnt something for luoeb. von can always get it delivered in 16 minutes bf f. v Yoonger & Son. Yon can not get goods for nothing a', any place, hot ycu can get silk waist, an odd line of coats and calico writ er below cost at A Inlander's. Lost A lady's pocket book cut o Ing about I1W and s ime palmers Fts I er plaaae return same to East orwgim tan oflice and receive reward. Wanted, a voung woman, between 1ft' and SO Near of age, to go to Csl ifavi with an invalid in a hack. Wsg. Addrwss H. W. Hern, a Adam. Or. Ob, my ' it i dinner time and ttioae groceries havn't come yet. Not with F. B. Yoonger A Its Mb. order will be delivered in 15 minutes. At bad time I take a pleasant herb drink, the nest morning I tee! and mv complexion is better Mv doctor any it acts gently osj ttst tomach, liver snd kidneys, and is a pieaaant laxative. It i made I !irt, and is prepared ar t. It is called Lane's v Lane' Familv Medicine movea the bowel each day. Price 36c and t For sale bv Talman A Co.. sole agent of 10 per Cleaver in Camas range adjoin T. Wade. PKRSOftAL t.1 I. Union went to Adams last even ing. Mrs. F. K .1 ntlil returned from Walla Walla last evening. S. Berkeley re:urne i (rum a ruix! ness trip to Portland tbil morning. S. M. F.acem of Pii t Rock in reg istered at the iiolden Kule today. Industrial Agent K. 0. 'inlson snd Livestock Agent C. ' M 1 is are in town today. Frank Fra:er i gfg n la PandlatOB sfter two month's at'tence at racing meet in Montana, Washington and Oregon. S. Stevens of Milton was in town today. He was a guest at the Oolden Rule hotel. Carl Nelson took tba Owkfa of inten tion to become a cituen of the I'mted Statas. A H. Todd was lsTV Iron. Meai-ham last night. He say that the range around Meacham creek is in tine shape and that the cattle e do.ng weil. Word hss been received from n ine Ellis in Portland thai ins son l.ddie has suffered a reiai and is in a vert serious condition. FALLlhO HAIR STOrPKD. Baldness lured by Dstoying th Para site Oertn fkal lursi lu Baldness follows falling hair, fal ling hair lollows dandruff : and dand ruff is the result af s germ digging its wsv int.. the .:ai. 10 the rut of the hair where it gftfS) the viui ity o! the hair. To destroy that germ i to pre vent as well a cure daudrti:!. falling hair, and, lastly, luil.lnes. !.. M on; one prasasjratton known to .1" ttiat. Neanro' Herpicide, an asstirs new. scientific discovery. Wherever it ha teen tired it hao proven wonderlolly sncceasful It can't be otherwise, i cause it utterly destroys the dandruff germ. "You destroy the cane you remove the effect.'' Brain-Food Nonsens. Another ridiculous lood fad has been branded by the most competent author ities They have dispelled the silly notion I list one k;ud .( food i needed for brsin, BSJOUwi lot mucle. and still another tor hone. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part Ol the twdv. but it will sustain every other part. Yet. h -wever good yoar food may be, its nutriment is destroy ed by indigestion or dypepais. Yoo matt prepare for their apimarance or prevent their coming by taking regular dusws of tvraso's August Flower, the fsvorite medicine ol me nealthv mil lion. A few dose aids digestion, purine the blood, ami mases you feel buoyant and visjOrwM, You can get Pr. fl 0 ' iron's reliable remedies at Tallman At Co.'. Ssg "reen's Specisl A mauar. Demand for Stoek and Produes Was Extess of Supply. The casual observer would not hsve teen impressed favorably with the ap parance Ol the Pendleton cxihsnge fair upon looking down Alta street this morning. Yet i( he had mixed with the crowd and listened t the conver sation he would hsve discovered that BMH transactions were taking place where the goods did not appear upon the grounds. The lair had trie advan tage ol bringing together people Rfbo nad something to sell with those who l ad the means to buy. Sheep and borSB buver were there ready for a favorable opportunity to make pur- chafes. A few good deals were made ami many more would hsve been closed ifthe large number of farmers had kept their promise to come with samp le, of whatever they had n sell. Some came according to agreement and what ever they bad to sell thst was mar ketable was ouicklv disposed ot Oth ers were present who did not keep their promises to bring something and MM that they were afraid that they could not find' buver and desired first kg see what the result of today's fair w ni id be. R. T Cox, who has undertaken the management of the ex. tiange fair, says thai the experiment has proved more satisfactory than he had expected. It was onlv an experiment and the peo ple could not be expected to bring in wagon load ol produce without bifflf r, as.inabiy sure of finding a good mar ket for tiieir wares Those aim came sj to the fsir todsy hsve satisfied themselves thst they can bring the It prod sea lata town on market dav and have no trouble in selling it. Horses . , . , ..... . . . II demand tlKiay anu :i or rigm BlBtj I Ikonfe had lieen put up fr sale, W head could have been disposed of Bsstl le the loan horse buyer, a hoard of inspectors headed bv Msj. A. H i'ver of the Vancouver barracks, were - prepared to buy 252 horses for t tie tad tates srtillery service. They cam- here DSSanM tney had heard ol arket dav and had thought it a good time to boy a few horse. It the opportunity offers in the near future to Bwjr the required amount of stock, ttiev will return here for thst Ml POM. Col. R. C. .ludsou, the t. K. fl N. iuduirial agent who proposed the fsir. and t J. Mlllis. the.ivestovk agen' ol Uo ri ad. were present.. They said the fir: dav' show ins was a good as is usual v" made in eastern place here 1 1 ia; mel e: Bsrprl I are inangurute. Pscislon Favors Oil Produers. San Francisco, Oct. 8. -The stste board of rsilwsy commissioners this afterniHii handed down a decision in the Hakersfield rate case brought by oil producers to SSasfS 1 the, railroads to estahlish more etioitable rates. The board cut lbs present rste M 42 cents per barrel to :7 cents, to take effes t November I. The uwclsioCl on switching chsrges wa I MSI 'BO until the next meeting. Two Negroes Wr Hanged. Philadelphia, Oct I t ls. Perry slid Henrv Ivor, negroes, were banged here thi morning lor oOtnnMoity ! the murder Ol Prof. R 4 W'nie. it the I'niversitv of Pennsv Ivania a ye?- ago Amos Stirling. another tsBgt waiting senten. : deatl lof SOB KM in the same crime. The motive of the murder was robbaffV. . . . ....mhiint Havana. Oct. S. " , b Cubans Of llvan 1 ' ',nJflb.,l. Msnt.al aid to the t oM "" P,n, . fKraSSjatt ."r"' '.ml'monascho-ner fr.m l;ere. S200.00C Fir m Chieaso. i H -Tne plant of the der the falling wall ot th Is. tor . Tbe -HH-n'tarv of Mate is expecte.1 to Te in te Uacat.oti, ureatlv iinprove.l ITb-lth.adj daW work H- ir to receive tht degree ,T,HMoron.w-sat . Haven on the Touna Boekstallar'i Wedding. Providence. R. I., Oct. 8. -John D. Rockefeller, jr., and other raaabari ol the Rockefeller familv will arrive thi afteirnwn from New York for the wedding on Wednesday ol the t ief heir ol '.be RiH-keleller millions and Miss Ahbir Aldrict, Fiftc-ii pTVtalS detective and a regularly appointed nress agent w;'! sec .mpanv ttie pariy. In Philadelphia for Martina Sfetl urr-.tel Howard K. Sloiin. ar. Unn ploved reorter: Henry W alia OCi- tUs editor of one of the morn tag pa. en.: J. Knight Findlay of Way ne. ste- fwfjrraphtr, a nt Osaat i I'lttiiai- a tarlr iploywd In one of the m t prominent BbflM m the nlty, The victim I Mrs. Mai-i OiaKirich, tbe proprietress, of an vetab'.isbmrnt on North Tenth atrH.i BOBBERS CAPTURED about $14"' I at a Kaloon re cently but you may' vajuiiv" a tlirte cent remium ticket with tvery Iwwity-flvi pvrohtasf of our tt-a- WINTER SHOES The GREAT TEST ol a shoe il ,ts BEHAVIOR m WBT WE THER A slio. not prop- erly made or made ol leather not properly gaaaoned SVN 1. Ll.s WHEN WET art : . se hape Our ahoaa arc mavie oi the most carefully I a n n a d, th. .roughly trotehefl and reasoned leather so; that tht-v not ONLY WEAR tut THEIR SHAPE even iitel 'having heen lHUKUiuni.1 WET. Tlie are made artistic. Stylish and comfortal'le lines. Betidei being inexpensive in their r. (,' A RAN TEE I1 t wear j so long as to he the most econo mical shoes. Wf fit ail kinds ot feet TER FECTLY as that's our long suit ( ir Clnthin? S;iK' 1 nmL vil II 1 unng this week, rie member re iU, Free, Free Absolutely Free ith t'VtTV suit of clothes darini this sal. ia. hat one pair suspenders and one nice haL I t .-.,.L- .t ..'O.lilu 111 t in a our prices arc puarante-d the lowest. -m. m ai -a, fan. sa LYUrfa xuiiKLsATlLE CO., Furniture and Undertak of e. Be ward Ksiravetl !r mi W pasture, Bear tlie (ool.ill sootb ol Pendleton, a niouw oiored tilley. two vear old. brainlil air of cltltm. aitli nusricr ilre!r over it. oi tell siiniliit A reward of l"i fur info ing a the re turn i C tlAl p nersl v s leail ,Lr K.ri s. ( .! .'.."i lr Avoid all drying inhalant ami u- th is rh School Books All ready for First Day of School that which niina j. I: a em Bts at aruggnat or u c'atarrti auavj difficulty ing and to a great extto hearing tiy uae of Ely' Haiti. iaofspJag of niuu hi voice aad nuanug hav- gi prosasV J W. Itavidsou. Law, ilonnn.uLh, 111. School E.scuor.. Tor Utwr.) .: :. . ... truntu- are aaat l cali-.l together thi aftarnuou at .'clocc ti arrange lor tbe school election ut for today. They hurried together a few uo-i. t" act a clerk and judge? and tlie electl"n t e gao. Tbe queatiuij l. bs v.iUxi upon was. wtiether the high school was BO i coiitinued or abolished. We have all our books for t.oth Public Schools and academy atui will exchange new books for old ones at half price. Companian boxes, rulers and blotter away with purchases. TALLMAN & CO. The Columbia Lodging House XKWIA KfKXIriHKH HAH IN ' ONNECTION IX 'KXTJih (K Hl.m K Htri Al.TA A WEBH -1- F. X. SCilfcMPK Prop. FRANK FLBTCHER S KLOI'SftBhr. Coupl Supposed to t in Sluior. in Walla walla An eiopiug couple fro;u We-i.in aoi to be enjoying bridal sscla ..ilieW!,ere :n Walia Wal.a. y '.ne Stateeman t rans Iraiier is reported to bare tagfti awav the l.Vyear-old daughter Bf Mr. aad Mr. Mark Henderson trim the Fletcher aawmill where ttie Hendersons lived, the girl's father he lag employed in the mill Shortly : el. .re ".tie eioKitiicut young KlStphef iM.rr.iaeil ome feuiiuine garments troni tlie a He of a mountaineer near the mill. It i thought be did this to en large the limited wardrobe ol tbe girl. Trouble in thi instance did not ome singlv lu the Handersoi. f.renti. Mars Henderon, jr.. ha also disap I eared. hast Friday young Henderson drove to Athena with his father' four - team anu a load of lumber lrom tbe mill, and drew ff on tbe load. He '.lien put the team in a livery barn lured a addie horse, snd rode QltlbMl, where be isaarded an east bound train. Two day later ttie sad dled horse was f ond in s corral near iibbou. where it bad ueither food nor water, by James Carden, who reported tbe fact at Atnena. Joi n McLean then aent lo'iihbun and cure : Iks auimal. Two motive are ascribed for Mark ii.'Ii 1er.il,' dlMplNNsrance. mie le,iiw tnat fie wanted to pursue hi iter and tier iarauiour, the other is that he is reported t have been concerned :o certain ' cattle bustling" in tbe neigh borhood of the mill, and considered ilia: uni .eaaaut embarraasuieut and an uovance unght : e avi.i ie.i ny lea ng the t iuntrv. it ii said at aliitoD that rcaag r r and the girl beaded lor Walla Walla. The local police bars not been requested t' apprehend them. Rt.PlBLIl.AN STSTB BADS Pfaetioally Settled it will o br. lag! Portland Lorrspondnt. l'..rtlaud. "ct. A democrat stated vely recently, that the repnbll . an late fia tieen pract icall v made up o far as governor and iberift of Mn human county are comerned. Tbi informant said that T. T. (ieer would lie re-uoui mated and that tieuerai -muiiier was slated for sheriff The general, however, wants uott.ing less than governor, although there is more money in tbe sheriff s office. If this assertion prove true, then the demo crau have already elected their gov ernor aud all tnat remaius o be at- tended lu 1 tbe UUlldlUg of bonfires. UeXMRJS B. t'liamisarlain's slruugth continues l grow in tbe country aud . enter the state cnnveutloh a lit. a great bacxing. There is one thing in Chamberlain'' favor that cannot oe ignored. To earry Multnumali ..in:y. Ihe repuh.iian strong:. . '. : tue stale, it i necessary fur a demo crat o overcome a majority of about uXi Few there are iu the minority party capable of making such inroad in the rank of tbe enemy, yet thi wa accomplished by Chamberlain last vear in tbe teeth of organised opposi tion xtate benator Ima, while suck of for governor, also, will probably be '. tailed with mayor. Tbi ticket is . unceded to be tbe strongest cumbins I tioa the democrat can poeaihly make will he fjKtractt, redeenitvl vent and etc.. T fii1 fiaasasaa m faftfl 3rfC ffc Ml , " "' MW to jf- . ? MV' .M.i.:; ...... . rfcf Pilot ' Whvtratha Uncle Sam: 'Bai, has the finest line of Fur t- he bund in Ewtrrn il. . i nil ,,, i , wwess v; BUI BI1I lo feajt ejdl n tht many nice furniture mtiooi and wms ol Um rare bargftini ht is offering.'" A . A. RADER. Corner Main and VVehh street. in pretty china dislies. Kedeetn yourself by trying our coffee. We have the gOodl you bfsvi the mousy; let trade. Owl Tea House. jvlls Mothei 's Priil. itf.-e. The Peoples Warehouse THE FITTEKS OF FEET. 716 Main Street. Pendleton, Or A complete line of Stationery and books School hooks an. I School supplies FRAZIER THE New lint of ! Ciittierv. I etc. Nts a designs ic j goods, poo tmrecs fir. 1 TRANSFER, TRUC K I NG, ST OR AG E. STATIONERY , Canes in all st les MAN r uiln -. 4,1 Help or Situation Wanted. C F.Cook's Emptojmciit AgaCoWNpD & son. Corner Main and A la ""trm't. TK1 KPHONl Main t LOT FR SALE IN BLOCK 61. ! For sale, lot 4 In hlock 81, fine residence lot at a low price. Ap ply to & C. S. JACKSON. ...POULTRY. ..E(iGS... International Poultry Food makes them, fleet Meal gives them flavor. Clamshell mak- tn itn solid. Mica Rrit aid' Ufjettiofa, Try a sample. C F. COLES WORTHY, May, Grain and Peed. m and 110 East Alta Street. Pendletos Let;t';Put Our tiesds Tofather; 11 .. , law 1 iur p. sr. r-t t: malt, .id ny r.-pairiug dsns. t.ai' ul ai'iut i" r ors I .,1 ..-rik NEAGLE BROS. distributors for .RUBBER.. at our window a you go by and obttrvs) some of the NEW EST and .SWELLEST shaping's in ladieo' and geoUemeo'a t-hoeti ever bhown in Pendleton. Our itoek is all NEW and of the LATEST STYLES Our 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE iu Helling .hue. enable u to FIT PEKFE TLY all kind, uf feet. Properly fitted ghot mean EfOfJI I II I month longer wear Tbe Peodleton Shoe Co., 645 Main Street. ia nil. oouDtjr. Son. Saiital.uti.. boisip BBBBa fa some talk relativt to tin next Muatoriu. ouuteal in ttif wiuu. , rienatur Joaapli (jiuiuu ilosirr to ui' reax! iiiaisalf, bat Im will bv upmr! )ra rigorously, avcorJioK u jiruaeut lodlcatiou. auk beiialor Cnarle Fnltou of As toria is a strong candidate. If he will I ix luntaut witb tba DomiDatioo for ' ii'ivernor. be can wio it bauds dosu. cretarv of Ktale Iiuoliar Ul a creatur- of trultou's aud ba expressed bl BU' liuguea to do aliatever bi cbiel com mand. By tbrowiug bi support for BBgAj State Senator Williamson, for secretary of stata, iu return for atreiirftli from Kasieru Oregon, Kultou cau entice tbe nomination from Go jraOl . r despite tbe fact that tbe latter i supposed to bave a mortgage on tbe renominatiou. It i uot generally believed tbat H. M OarbafH will outer tbe race for senator again, but bi tortuer manag ers are said to be grooming a dark borae. It is furtner aaaartexi ibat tbis dark boras will be jocsied up to a oer taiu point and then sidetracked, as .1 in .ii did Cornell, and oue of tbe tuauagerial quartet will aalae tbe eu- BERKELEY Hat the following bargains 320 Acres Wheat Land. 1500 Be.st Si.srk aud lain Hunch in Ctail Prarie, Cheap. Good House, Lott-. vlJtJ. Verv Iiesiraolt! Hf-ni- . Very ( heap. The Dead TZ- SEALS! Notary and Corporation S3.S0 to 8 Delivered i rder of us and save m mey. Orders for Rubber Mtanij al Solicited. I ASTOREGOHlalli PUB. CO "I rHBBSBBlaw Hole! SI l.uropeaa Mian Ulovk snJ kslllrts I. UnnRS in -iia Mmpic RWV - Room fVate jin. Subscribers to A iso a bii? county pri , list of tow:, and ( haaa. ir vol a ast to bi s rifat Iur mas'aiiuss or i u the I'Dltoa Siala ur Europe, rvaml S ujala. uole, cbecs Of teua u. IL. a.n uaswo i laydIIICb .... u 3 you dssire and mm will base II ssot lo sou and assumr all rias ul lbs uuuc Urine iuai Hi lueai.li. it vil: tare Ton bulb iruuli.e and nt It ,i,u .it . iul rlner la, in remnunc tou can just received fJOfM Fine After Dinner Cheese And many Fancy Delieacio Standard Grocery Opposite Golden Kule HoUl. la jc'hh ; leu pel tatii irum iuc uuu.itusrt urios Addrct KAST UKBttUKlAli Pt'h 1:0 Ceodtt HOW DO YOU ex you . . . a A IC I 1 ' I gas j The new store tan never be known unless It advertises a n.PRTlS Another Bip- Smash in Prices of Pians 4 . m m A at T SB e . . . . l jbl WAi , KIMBALL, CHICKERING, and otner will be sold at less than factory cost. A. , v w . a f s m. - s U. I l ! a : a. ui fm t ut i as ar a. . v m iBnu nanus iur ti-Ui!. t-i-.-u ririnos iui fi WZH rianos tor 41S. $550 Pianos tor I ns.1 think of it a Pidinti tht h: ,i wave koan i h.-rr ill I aws - ' - - -a a t j its lVli 1 S "'WIU nvi " - mt cannot today be obtained for less than $8.ft0 is going for $IH- 1 thing else at correspondingly low prices. JOHNSON & RIDGWAY, Factory Represent Judd Block, Corner of Main and Court Streets.