East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1901, Image 1

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    , -
sir tonlihl ami rrt4r I
NO. 4888
to Place
i rifnrAriP
0 0U ui v,vv"
elect from. Call
me. Mv stock it
in lanc and staple
i. R. Demott
How to win a Shetland Pony
The Wayne Knitting
Miiis arc going to five,
away ten pcnics How
much do the weigh 5
Buy a rrnir of Wayne- j
knit Potty Stockinc,-
and make otir guess on 1
the printed ticki-t. Ynu
have chance to win a
posy, A guess with
I t ry pair.
Trippie iueis
Tnppie Itnwt
Trippie toe
W ivni Lni' t
......v w nuaj gay,
for boys and girls arc f
the biggest
worth ever made. I
f !
1L !
The Boston Store.
. .. . . .
School Shoes Opening Sale Dry Goods
) i
B I I bttvy.
12 l-2e
15 to 32 lj-c values. Plaids and Novelties
This covers the least. ,
Fineshuet? (or girls $1. $1.25
UOaad 11.75
sroiic huf fr I toys, tnade
like ft man's shoe. 11.25, 1.50
1.71, 100, 2J5 and -'..50.
Big Urn art- young men.
Uod 3.50
f age in price from
If these don't attract you prices don't count,
ttf a
ZC id plenty of then Thi price is made tor
5b. a.
. J 1 piece hut many of them.
These are 0:1 centre counter counter, easily found.
A grand opportunity to get fall dress goods.
am f
The Boston Store.
.imes Jeffrie failed to put eel Hank
lirirtin .colored' in four round and
forfeited N0 at ta Angeles.
The anarrhist habeas corpus case
have been adjourned until Monday
next at the request of the primmer at
The Hong k ng Profs' publishes the
I report that recently Li Hung Chang
err to an insulting letter to Sir Krnest
Satow, an.l a a reproof the British
have re-occupied the summer palace.
The Cologne Osteite sa it learn
(mm semi-official sources that the
great power will give their moral sup
port N Spain in her conflict with
Morocco in regard to tolen children.
The Chicago grand jury yesterday
vote. I indictment again! IVtecttve
' Kraminer and Tracy, and I iciitctiant
Joyce. They are charged with con
spiracy k0 defraud the Mate. Thi wa
done, it 1 allegeo, hy padding MfJMM
The 1. on. Inn Irnth ay the will ol
the late Kmpren Frederick wa not
toll) revealed, it ha been ascertain
ed that the left ;.ikw3,hih. mark to
Count von Se kend' rff, tier court mar
shal, to win m, it wa alleged, he had
beee wfligfeeifiotlty married.
The Kobe .lapan Herald says that
the Japauee cabinet i discussing the
placing of ,!apanee bond to the value
of fifty in ill 1011 yen in America. A a
retell of the collapse of a number ol
Jerry belli beeeei at Beee Keag M
Iffej were lot up to Augut H
lust ire Jerome of New York issued a
warrant lor trie arret of Peputy Coin
uiiioiier o f'olire William S. Ie
very. I he .leputy comiuiioner is
charged witti oppreKn and neglect id
duty. Peputy t.omililMioiier levery
urfetidered himself in court accompau
I led by a Iv iidcman .
Prof, Sekeli of l'otdam, QeeeMMy,
el look an aetiea part in peeootiBp
the scheme for a balloon earch fur
Andree la?t Septeinlwr, will shortly
r 1 1 .1 k an enper incut a ith an enoriii"U
ballooo 01 l.OXki eeblfl metres, lie'
will roakn a tet a in tlie height it is
iiossih'.e to go and how long the hal
lo h can remain in the air. Thi bal
loon is about four tunes the. site of the
one 111 which be is atout to try ta
cross the Meditcranean.
o- -
Judge Lowell on the Life of
the Lale President.
o .
P'OdletOD sod U rati i I It County Unur m Pay
toft Respec; 10 tbe Drtd lo Open Air Memo
rlil Ssrrlcfj it the Court Mm
Never InMore in it history has Pen
dleton Wen o quiet nnd orderly as to- votnm of that husband to her, and to
rontmodttler ehtetl find ultimate de
mand in the civic markets of the
world, and in that first candidacv for
noHUeel honor, the result dleoloeed
that party 1 1 no had van ititd before
them, and that the candidate of the
minority had triumphed, In the same
pn tnr. finds place the courageous en
trance upon a larger Qeld. He did not
hide behind the political pretense that
'1.' nas 111 the hands of In friend, but
a Mi mod the responsihility of bis am
bit ion himself, lie never livssl or
countenanced a lie, and in those be
ginnings of a matchless public career,
the "ii mi men of the land may .
ft it t an inspiration as they enter the
avenue" ol political life. Their found
ations are probity, and devotion to
dntv as he conceived it. I'pon noth
leg less can enduring success be
grounded Money and sharpness may
temporarily re cooed, but such success
is in dark near and its end disaster.
An Ideal Horns.
Itni the fairest stne 111 the panoram
ic vision tbu disclosed in that per
lod of Ins earli manhood, 1 the home
established, rhe marriage, the birtb
and death ol little ones, tbe young
mother broken 111 health by tbe intens
ilv oi hof griel, and t he ousel lish de-
The City Was Filled With
Enormous Throngs.
Wu Written rodtj 11 tei Oku Tin lien
He Made His Home Fwn Earlr lake
ind Anion His Lifetime Prlradi
inspectors Wednesday
three llritish Columbia
schooners which, it is
in American waters il-
Thee," was snug by a
l"ilet Snap.
ul new soap
loc a bos 1 3 hars
11 soap, 5. a bar. for ,
Onme... ur
p. GlyceftM !oap
m rose, vi.jiet, cerne-1
""Stalls 5c to 65c, rul,U-r
,0ct4. rabbet bands 10c
'"'nd Supplie,.
j"4' Ptn.es on books. Six
Ppel r, 1 ...a.j penc,s jC
7 : '
On the Truy.
Sidebuard or Table.
Fine chinaware is always attract
ive, and you never saw such line
china offered at such low pri es as
in our present sal'- A visit to
our sales counters will well repay
you in the attractiveness of the
Misplay. 'I hen you can appreci
ate the attractiveness of these
prices. We want you to s.-e those
117 piece dinner set at 57-5
The custom
evening ceiled
built nshing
claillicil Were
The final preparations (or tbe big
street fair which opened in Kosi-tmrg
ion Wedneslay insured (or lour day of
te Joy eel by the largest crowd ever
Been there.
ipnc who haw- len encamped on
tbe outskirts of Walla Walla fur the
I a-! Week Were or lerel f. keep ollt
of town. Tlie women riameil the
streets telling (ortuues.
Ihe last Oregon legislature appropri
ated nearly three and a half millions
tor tie- bieeetol session, wheu it cust
the state of Iuwa with seven times as
many people only a little over four
niilliuus lor two years.
Tbe case of I'r. Mursou of lioise, who
was arrested for the alleged utterance
of anarchistic ideas, has attracted a
'great deal of attention. The doctor,
.himself, denies that any of Ins words
I were of revolutionary character or that
they expressed satisfaction at the mur
der o (lie president .
Few days ago Ihe price of logs in the
Columbia River district war reduced
irom Into 'i.5u per thousand, and
now what equals a further reduction
ol 5o cent has been made. The price
'remains ic mmally at lo.'sJ. tint the,
I system of scaling at tbe mills is so
! strut that it virtually amounts to a
cut to an even 15 per thousand. '
Bnould this continue during the re
' mainder oi the seas Hi It will entail a 1
I loss ot lolly tOO.ISJO to the tlmlier III
; terest of that section.
Bids lor turnishiiig tlie war depart
ment the largest single order of forage , joins with Us
ever purchased by the government on
the Pacific ('oast were opened simul
taneously in Seattle and iu Kan Krau
tieM at tbe iuartenuaster's office.
Ihe tenders are to supply tout) tons ..f
double compressed bav and Vsi tons
of the hi m aiilte oata, for shipment to
day. Out of love ami respect lor the
late l'reident McKinlev, place Of
business have tieen dosed.
Teeards o'clock the people began
to move quietly toward the court
house 11 roil nils, where Ihe ceremonies
were held. ,
The band, followed bv iraternal so
cieties ami old soldier and a leojp line
of ritisen proceeded to the sound 01
low music.
When all ha I arrived, fully "JtHM
people stood uncovered waiting lor the
services to begin.
On the step 01 the c urt house was
erected a stand lor speaker and -ing-ers
an.l above it was the picture 01
the dead president dntped 111 black.
It was an impressive icrcuicliy and
the tear stained eyes and beved beads
ol the multitude gave eivdonce of sor
row which every one felt.
Mayor Vincent presided.
The services niened with a selection
by ti e band, billowed by a prayer bv
Kev. It. J. Diven, deeply touching the
hearts of his li-t.-ners.
Fhe hymn, "Nearer, My Ood, to
holr 01 twenty
voices, list by Kev. W. K. PotwiBO.
The priN'lamat ions ol President
H 1 -i-veit aed Qeveceor Oeer were read
by T. O. llailey.
Alter the hymn, "bVmM I'ay We'll
1 eeWetoed , " an nldieei a given by
I b. A. Lowell.
The choir saug "l.iad, Kindly
Light," and Kev. K. W. King 1 m
prouoilliced the helled Id loll.
"America" Ml started by the band
and the assembly, man, woman and
child, took up the air and sang it
through with pathos 10 the end
it was a heurtielt tribute paid by
peonle of all classea ami conditions, all
opinions ami creeds.
oi an occurrence marreil tlie pn
tore a aoeaeteeliy Heed leg elte bow
el head in sorrow lor tin- dead.
Judge Lowell's address was:
Judas Luwsll's aulogy.
Hover, nt we stand 111 the mighty
tOtOf Of death.
Il.e republic mourns, not with the
gOMOOei. pageantry which marks the
passing of a crown, but with thai im
pressive hush which pav- -inieri-st In
Ijilte to a loved one gone.
The gnm messenger of the Maker
came, uh'l from the loftiest stall 01 111
the land called hoiuu Ills own, and de
spite its tears and sadness, ihe
nation, looklllg beyond Ihe present,
martyred cho-l in an.
wer, "i mils will, not ours, he iioue
Huoyed by the inspiring eiampb- ol
his life and death, Ibis government of
tlie people rii-disl icates Itself lo the
principles upon wbieh the fathers
buildnd, and is ready to move graudl)
: if !' 1 upon its mission of equal jus-
the I'bilinnilies. I be i.ur. hase w ill ! tlce and human 1 1 . rt v
aggregate aboel UU,uOU, The award! ibis funeral day means not the end
on the Olds w.ll not b announced lor ' o! aiiylhnu, sa.e the wrong ami crue.
several davs.
lPr 8c package,
" JP:"c.se napkina.
m W s Purac,
"e i"Ut received, 5c to
'"ratiful black seal, al
lK , otftfc' popular shades
n new purse we
Koods ari,j lowest prices
erick No
uUus. iieadquarters.
For Cjmnmitan Folding Cots and
Chair. Just the thing to take to the
mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- --
Next Door to Postoffice
' " OH
J have a full liue of the celebrated
W ood and coal stovew guaranteed to
se abaolutc-ly air tight. None of the
h.-at id wanted and the Uive will
save ONE-HALF of your fuel bill.
1 also have a full l.ne of cast cook .toves and steel range.
Fnces are the lowest, -jual.ty considered-
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
741 Main sucet, Pendleton, Oregon-
r 1
1 - . b .
I y r'-V I
! -v j t '
I -Z ,
! v ' v v , '
I bl In r Ut Burst and XMiri.il a In si h
it. I rfarripiioii
1- r "ptui.i cm amt
iios no
1 bloral nt '
.m hil' o 11 prle Mr.
ty ol anarchistic ereed
Kor the better and higher things it
is but a re-beginning, for no well
lived life ever 1 --, tad as the earth
ly form of the great president passes to
UM dust, there IS BMOMted ' b-arer the
eiaiied character of his manhood.
In tt.'um latest hours of agony, wheu
every ear was attuned to the music ol
tlie grand old hymn he hisM-re.
and on every lip was a breathing
prayer, we saw anew, as ill ecstatic
Vision, the Uplifting scene. of that
ktU'llv life.
I (.. re came the picture ot a child of
tlie plain people, a stmdy boy 111 whose
veins loved the achieving blood of
Of and Irishman, loyal alike to pa
rent and duly, honest, faithful, clean,
bearing bis lull share of family labor,
struggling lor thai elm at ton en Iffe lie
km-a a as nnceasary to make the most
I ol life. And every boy 111 America to
day who wants to count when man
ho'sd come.-, aill paint that picture 011
his breeef led wear l then- a badge of
dedication to a manly life.
Oi ruuna tuldlar.
I ben followed tin- vivid rtraval of
1 a youth not yet attaliitsi to aBBOed'l
rights, wearing the blue, with cbk
ilonoed and faca set to do or die, a
soldier 10 the ranks lighting for those j hiatory d our country la rich with ll
.r on iplo ol government Imhllstsl Irom luslrallous that such a policy is Ijswt
a iiooie uaothar s breaat, and dearer to ami wlaeat
lorn hy far loan gold or honors of this j He never was a practical poiitioiau.
earth And alike nlay the tueii liillim lifeaas dedioatad lo priucipJaw,
wore tbe blue and llo who wore the 1 ami he nought result inrougn mair
mv at leal the aiucerily ol that ilay. aUvooacy, and n ueneveu, as naa
every pi.puiar leaner, inn me average
judgment ol uiaaaea ol men, II given
time fur oouslderall'iii, was la III
main or reel
ills genial temperament. Sterling in
legriiy, ami social gins gave lilm en
tlie nn iiiorv ol those child graves, in
all the vear of In eminence and s
er. Oh. ye women, (ail not to teach
feel sou to honor the memory ol him
who has made the sacred family tie
stand illumined with love, and revi
tallted it value a the MN ground
work of the slate, and of fhe happiness
of the race. Oh, ye men, plislged for
ever to the protecting care "f her, who
in the years Id her beauty, vou proud
ly led before Qod'l altar, And In the
story ot those years of cbivalric devn
.1 benediction upon kindness,
fnitli ami virtue, and make your home
the better ami happier for il.
I 1 next picture was of larger pro
portions, its canvas the lower house of
cniiifrcas, and it central figure a young
man of thirty-four, dignilled, calm,
perpoaefiil, entering upon Ma life
work, ami beginning the mastery of a
-object soon to make his name the
synonym of an eeoaomle (mliey around
shlefa tbe travel el party shall surge
and break, until out ol it comes in
turn deleat and triumph. Hut in all
Ibe Storm this man, now paaed to
middle 1 1 fo. remains the same, ion
li lent, bopefal. believing in bis cause,
ami the llnal just ideal inn ol his course
Ami when after his fall be rose again
sustained bv great popular majorities,
In a is the auie iiiet, unassuming,
tolerant Iribuue o' the I'eople, witb
oel Man and without reproach. The
in to the future of that spectacle is
that this is an age ot specialties, a
eeeea Ol the elevation of men who are
IBOeteri o something,, and who dedi
cale their lives lo Ihe flirt htiranre of a
rlghtaOOl cause. No man has ever
hocn supremely great escept as Ihe
emlsslimeut of an idea. 1'hat is the
high measure ol martyrs, statesmen,
I every man who leaves the
eorld bettor than he found it.
1 Un it ot Hit Aieanl.
iad then at last the chinas, the
last great scene, when this commoner,
humble born, self made, enter the
purple , in le of the rulers ol the earth.
Iltll he H'hniiii ihe same gracious,
n inly man At the head of the
mightiest nation the world has ever
en, he lowered in intellect and aiwer
above kings and prunes, hut bill pomp
ami ceremony to smaller munis, and
went and OH WO a acilnen of the great
reiiublii administering his olflce as a
sai red trust, accepting honors only as
a tribute to the position he waa called
bra time to till. Ibe bullet of I he
assassin found him with smiling face,
and band out -slretched to grn.it the
throwing people, whose live ha knew,
aith w hom- aspirations he sympa
thised, and in whose hope- ha joined.
I litis falling, tike miici ceding hours of
11. 1 impJalaiea sullering have linked
ins memory forever with the nations'
.ii.. heal , to die only with the end of
language and the race.
fin bl-toric place of the dead chief
magistrate canuot una he J'ltlf deter
miaed and II would lietler mil be al
temptod. iliased by our love and
bl laded hy our laafl we can more wise
j leave that duty to generations Vet lo
I'erhaps to you ami I, who knew
' no an t admired the nprlebteeoi of
his life, charmed hy the brilliancy of
pil career, melee, him yet as be met
'h hurtling lead, might place him
higher than tint future will sustain.
In si. il . rail, he probably will not
. in 1 1 1 1 tin- standard of Wash
ngl oi and Lincoln hut aurely 110 one
oi the mher preeieeata has ismm his
leperior Hi administration was, we
must remember, called upon to lace a
m aember ot aee ijeeotieae thau
aai other -in. 1 the goveraejeal was
e-tabliMhed, and if the future shall eu
dorse 1 in aiedoU Ol Hie solution ol
the problems thus arising. It may be
that he will one day enter the uieli ol
ilory alinrc, in Ihe western world, the
lather and BfOOOVMI ol their country
how dwell alolle
II l- lame is pan. Ihe unit o ns
tlee 1- bis rank in the annals of tbe
a orld.
Uavolloii tu rrlnslplas.
II.- kej beea styled an opHrtuiilt ,
sad t" soiin deem to- was, Imt rarely
- the dea Ipla ul opportuoiam weildtHi
to any priueipla,and devotion to ideals
was the ruling charai lenllc ol Wil
liam nfeKieley'a life. i s apiiarant
, , or i no 1 -in was more iruthtully a da
sire that bis administration should re
gat t the sentiment of the people. All
Ills years he trusted them, Iselieved Hi
- ,. indues., of their conauusus of
opinion, and iijsui the near ami grave
problems presented, waa con lent to fol-
ow where nuhllc ..mliuieiil iimi in
luiu Us. tin ta l
a child .m.
Piercr'r r'lrail fiUcl
iul HU4UCU
it ia beat
fsere is mi billerueas, lor now we
know (bat tlie arui i' ol nortll auo
Mouth were hut the unwitting instru
ment of f rovldeooe tu lift the nation
to a higher plane. The tears now fai-
I iiuu kuuw no aeclion, hecausa more
I thau any other it was
Mm whosw memory
aard, Ut efface tbe line of demarka
Hon. au i make this people one.
And Ihen the graphic story of tbat
yuuug mauhixxi, devoted not to pleas
ure ol frivolity, but to earnaat purpoge
and acrupulous cilieuahlp. Am' 1
tious. tor boitorahla ambition
unfailing mainspring
tlie privilege of irauca lo the field of polfliw. and his
is the nation' intellectual endowment and habits uf
Crugrea ami
jtMgrily aud
industry kept film there. Probably
his long advocacy uf Ibe protective
idea, and the marvelfous reaction Im
11 favur at a time when ha waa ttff.
central hgur in an ItMUttrtmMt fl
douhllul al-le. made biSB UtmaimfPt '
uihition 1 tin liul Mil uieu are ia fame daaaw
ol humanity' reo ol clruOUisaesMsar, and ml asea
Otatoo, 8ep4.lt, A cold, damp and
gray Mineral day dawned at Canton.
Loeerieg eieeea eeaieaei lae beavana
and chilling mist addeti tn tbe depree
sion which affect.! tboas who canto to
perform tbe last olHcaa for the martyr
mi dead ah derief the night sod
nioruiug spivial trains packed U. sufto
calioii were arriving. The trweta
soon were pack.sl until they became
almost unpayable.
An Array of Olsilngu isbad esaraoes.
I he b?dy 01 the late lamented presi
dent wa placed 111 it temorary aep
lib ber this atterniMin, while thousands
sI.mh! 111 the Waal Lawn reuiatary
mourning lor the nation's late chief.
Pree Ideal ltisievelt and his cabinet,
peetol honorary pallbeerera, locaM
honorary pallbearers and Troop A 01
Cleveland assembled at 1 he Mckinley
bouse at ItlM o'eloek. In a short
time the casket was borne from tbo
house and then In the hirst Methodist
Kpiscopal church ot which the 1st
presnlehl was a uiainliar and a trustee.
Mrs. Mckinley waa not at the funeral,
her serious coiidittun making it impos
sible lor her to attend
The sarvtsat.
I he church walls wars hidden by
Mowers and crepg. Services therw wore
simple ami cniiialed uf prayer, scrip
tural readings, ioging "Itaautiltil Isle
ol H c where'1 hy uartette. "Land,
Kiadl) Light,' Hiing tiy a tloublaqoar
tOtte, a leeenl oration and a banadic
tion. The lace oi the dead waa eol
OSeeeed t view, marks el death being
too plain In the church ware army
comrade ot Mapir Mi'kinley, Presi
dent Kooseveit's state officers, cabinet
mnmlMirs, Heversl members of ties di
plomatic corps, senator sud other
high Dttle lain, nai I dents ol Uenton who
had long Ihkui (wirsoual Irlaods, and
Ofltoiall irom neigh, Miring stales and
cities. The txaiy was placed In tba
public vault, where it will remain un
til a permanent mausoleum Is provided.
services at the tomb wars briel.
Hie Knights rnmiilar quartette aaug
one nloolkm and llisbop Joyce ol Mm
Beepolll delivaraii a prayer
ThS Knori
I he hiaJv was tene M tbe luneral
car bv ih Moldiers and sailors wbo
have acted as palllejares sinos tbe fun
oral party laigan to move Irom Buffalo.
rreop A aclail as an escort to tba
iHsly. The cortege was coiiiMaad ol
all the Ohio Natioual Ousrd, indonea
geal. military urgsniMtions, Knights
templar, rami Army siaU, civic so-
cielles and 1 ' 1 1 1 sell s Llggg ol itit
aoldiers kept the crowds back. Wnan
Ihe two great hronse ibsirs of tba vaolt
. ins. . 1, eeeme eriod aloud, man eob-
bm), and, while the soil, sweat strsina
oi "Nearer, My !, N Tbea" stole
out over the multitude, the sun sboue
out lor a moment 111 gentle lasnadic
lion ami tlm last chapter m William
Mckinley's life was written
ers. asglalsv Vails.
1 anion, gaps. Is -Abnar MoKialev
said last night that Mr. McKluley fa
tailing paneptlbly, bul there has baan
110 1 ollapMe.
Loadsn esarasrs.
igaaeee, ept. t. a 11 oi i...misu to
day was mourning tha death ef Mc
kinley Vleinorial services wars bald
in Want minister Ahlaiy. Over two
thousan l sraoiis were preaani Roy
ally waa wall repraaeulad.
This kftareooa impraesiva asrvioaa
w. r. hel l at Hi. I'aul's. Tbe lord
mayor and city corporation 111 state at
tended An hour befure the aarviosa
began 1 imedl ware unable tu gale
admission kiceptional bouor was
sboeed lbs nwmory el ibe i.u praat
lent hy the chauuel stUairou which
tired leleUlO guns al liuoa.
o. ... ..r . ...
leiiua, epl 1 Memorial SSfvtu
... fol Mckinley were bald in tba
British embeeiy ebereb bare ulay.
I I,. , were all. ml.! by Ibe ampMOf.
New Vork lepS. IV- New York has
given Hsell up entirely usiey hi uu .
A .t L . I
values in uieuiory 01 asr. woaiuisi
iarvii as were held lu every . hurob In
lae all) business was at a standstill
caisage's TrlSuie.
(Jbieago, kepi. IV. -Today Obicaao
IS paying a remarkable tribute to tbe
memory ol Mr. MeKiuloy. Never
the history Oi tba city hS there bwau
sin h general suspension of bus loses.
AieMu.rlsi easreiasa bald lu tba eoboole
ami uburvbas tbroogboet tbe sily Ibis
ue.ru ma This allaruouai a great me
uiuriai parade marched lb rough in
tuwntuwu street
aavasa Susaaadad eeaiaees.
ila.aua. Oapl. if. Sasleeee was
eervieee were naid
tre tins afleruouu.
saspsuded o.la
lu the tnaal
Vliigiaa ititi Jasuse
Manila, Hapt. IP
vices ware bald ia
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