SATl'K DAY, AiKirarr ai. 1H01. IMPROVING 0. R. & N. TRACK RAISING URADK RIGHT INCHRS TO PRNDL1T0N. HURON Bxpsnss Oesaslonsd In other Wayi the Bit Mogul That hava Baan Rnucthi. The O. R A N. la ballasting the track from Hnrori fo Pendleton with Umatilla gravel, raiting the track eight inches above its present bad. Helow Pendleton, where in tnanv places new roadbed has been nude f'r the sake of eliminating many of the sharp curves and stsap grades, tbe new track is being ballasted in the same way. In anticipation of the nae of the uea- 90-ton .engines of the ":W0" cla tor regular freight service , tbe "B A B." department has expended over 110,000 in strengthening its bridges, sod the tracklaying department is put ting in thousand of new tien . turntables will also have to be built and meantime tomporarv V'a will be tiHnd to turn the engines. Railroad I pen say that the ponderous engine arill very quickly find the "eolt" .pot in the track bed. Tbe new moguls are thru- described by a locomotive expert : "The new '300' clip- of engines on the U R. A N. were built by the Bald win Locomotive works. They are of the compound consolidated class and have triple cylinders, the third one being a special attachment to the side rod- and eccentric for an instaiitmi eous change from the compound to the tapis action, or the reverse. Tbe cylinders are 16 1.82L', with a 28 inch stroke. The boiler shell measure about 78 incbea. Tbe engine alooi weighs tons and the engine and tender, equipped for service, weigh 106 tons. The tank has a capacitv ol ilOU gallons of water. Tbe tender car ries 10 fame of coal. This engine has a hulling powor of over MO tons besnle its own weight. The engine is fitted with tbe New York air brakes, air ball ringing attachment, patent auto matic aanu blowers, electric head light, steel cab, etc." Over Harriman Properties. Spokane, Aug. 20. A special la th spokesman -Review from New York says h II. liarriman proposes on retire ment ol Charles If. (lays iron, tin presidency of the southern l'ai'ii onihine tbe executive and traffic man agement of all the great transportat lot .ne- .controlled ny mm umler mi. presnlent and one director .if tlSffli The Chicago A Altou, Kansas City i Southern, Union I'acitic and snuthen 1'acidc, Oregon Railway A Navigation company and Oregon rtiiort Line are to be . ncludeil iu the deal and s. M. Kel son, president of the (Chicago ,", Alton will be made president of the entire system . Mr. Helton denies that he li to leave the Alton, hot this would not be necessary, aa the Alton is embraced in the combination. Th Resent Changes. President A. L. Mohler official m de niea that he will liecome president ol tbe southern Pacific to succeed C. M Hays The Ht. l.onis Poat-Pipatcti aaye: "A telegram from Charles Mays, president of the Southern !'. -1 tii- railway, to a St. l.ouis frieml. auuouuces that he has not yet resigned his position as president of the road, and that at present he baa n idea of doing ao. " An (i. R. 4t Mi circular has I i- lued announcing the appoint mem ol Wilbur B, I'oman to be assistant gen eral freight agent of the I). R. a n vice R. B. Mi Her, res inn.- I to take aor ice elsewhere. Mr. Miller has bean general freight and passenger agent .. the Oregon lines of the Southern l .i citic. and C. H. Markham, who now holds that position will g. t Francisco as assistant freight trsrth manager of the "-out hern l'acih . pany. Consolidation of I mon I'acitic On gon Bbort Liue; and Southern Paclffa Mil I-ake City agencies under the Southern Pacific man, D. B..Gray, let no place there .or Mr. Ionian ami he was elevated to the assistant general freight ageuiy oi th. 0, K N. The position of assistant II trattic manager of the Southern IViii. was created for Mr. Markham. This left as opening lor the advancement ol Mr. Miller from tbe assistant genera: freight agency uf tbe O. R. A V i. tbe poaition of general freight and passenger agent of the Oregon lines of the Southern Pacific. The new ap pointments will take effect rtepteni her 1. Traffic Director Stubbs oi the .ioutn UB 1'aciiir and Datoa Pacific railroad announced tbe changes in tbe general office that would be effected under the consolidation of tbe traffic depart ments of these two hue in different cities of (ht country The Chicago nth. us oi the twi tenia will be consolidate.: under W. G. Neiuiyer of the southern Pacific He is made geueral agent in Chicago with gensral supervision over the agencies Ol the lines in ritisourn Cincinnati am! Detroit. J. II. Lathrn formerly of i'ortlainl, a ill be genera. agenf in St ! - with genera! su- ier vision over the aoulbweel. their npMlty Swd cost h.i crtsined. The amount 01 aster available by stor age is als. Iieing measured I DO facts recorded so as to make it possible to know definitely the bengfltl M ba IM rivetl from the construction ui these hydraulic works. "One of the source- of unxietv ami uncertainty in regard to these reser voirs is the matter of silt or sediment. The tin. m I waters rot I along sand, grav el ami even Itoiihlers, deposition them wherever the current is c necked. These flood entering the artificial re servoirs are brought to a halt ami quickly lay down their load, forming a coating or layer of mud iu the reser voir, tending, to diminish the atoruur capacity. If the water comes from for est slopes, where the soil is protected ami bead DJ roots, tbe amount of sed imp. 'ii- may la' negligible; but if, on tbe other band, these ioresta are cut away, the underbrush and hflDTM burned, tbe driviug storms soon at tack and move the loose earth anil dis integrated rock, starting it on its journey down the slope to he dually caught in tin. reservoir below. Thus it happens that it is of the first im portance for tlie prolonged life of the reservoir that every can should be tak en to perHtuate the forest cover upon tbe uatcbmvnt area wherever this can assist in holding the soil." TAUGHT ALASKAN INDIANS. lift Mann Hers en Route to ths East Whsrs Shs Will Study. Mis Kraucis N. Maun, sister ol Dr. Bi A. Maun, arrived in Pendleton last Sundiiv from the Aleutian Is lands, on her way to New York city. Miss Menu has been for two years in the Indian service at I nulaska, situ ate near Dutch Harbor on one of the Aleutian islands. During her stav in (.'nalaska, she has lawn employed as principal of the Indian school, assist ed by two otiier teachers. he says that she enjoys her work even though tbe psoas; Alaskan idee din not shoot as Mp id If as the American Miss Maun has u hoe col led mi ol Indian curios and photographs of Nome City, Dutch Harbor, and other points of interest in that vicinity. Among the collection is a perfect pho tograph of the midnight sun as it is aaen in Alaska. A portion of tbe views and Indian baskets may lie seen in the Tallman drug store show win dow. Miss Maun expresses it as her inten tion either t" return next summer to Alaska or t. accept a position in Ma nila. During her stay in New York, she will follow a cotirs- o! Knglish und literature, possibly in Columbia col lege, 'in her way east she will Senii a ten days at the Buffalo exposition. kniertalnlnti Newtpapor Features. Probably no other newspaper in the I nlied -tate- can show o brilliant an array of special features as is found in the columns of the t'nicago Kecord Herald, which combine in one great newsaiter. all the entertain hRJ department- ot both ttc Chicagi Record and the Chicago runes-Herald. (be dally I ami bnadaj news and special features , of the Cnn ago Re ord-Hurald include the Washington letter of William B. Curti-, lie BasOM Hera his' special Sew York dispatches, its uueqiiaied foreign news service, embracing its own special cables w ith those of the , New York Herald, the New York Tri bune and the Associated frees; its pages devoted ,, the markets ami financial und commercial intelligence i exhaustive to the most satisfactory degree, its isipular sporting page, its extended editorial department. "y;uecii Hprigs oi iientilitv," Kiser's humor I oos "Alternating Currents," "Stories I of tbe Day," "The Current Tooie Club." the department of railroads and insurance news, music and the! drama, society and cluhs; the column I ol Isiok reviews, the continued story, the "Woman Beautiful," department, j me uany lasniou article, "Meal lor a Day," news uf the great lakee, etc. all muting in furnish to the people oi Chicago aud tbe uorthwet, a news paper which com mends itself to dis criminating readers a ouly a news papar aaa which combines the world wide facilities of two of the greatest metropolitan newapaiHjr of modern times. A POLICE COURT SENSATION PORTLAND JAILRR ACCUSED Of TAKING OMIY. Woman Paid f8 to aur 8r Bslsses Prom Prison, Portlanil. Aug. II. Tliere was quite a sensation sprung in tbe Milice court this morning when Belle Naylor, a colored woman, declared umui the wit ness stand that she had given Jailer Mil. 'hell of the Multnomah milnty jail :ts m order to secure her release. it appear that the woman bail been sentenred by Jnds Cameron of the ' municipal court to nay a fine ot 6t or serve av day on a charge of assault and battery. She served six days when friends came to her rescue. My paying I8B, they got her releaseil. It WRI probably figured that The six days in jail equaled 111.'. Instead of Mitchell turning over the 1 money to lodge Cameron and the mon . . nut in Die city funds, he remained silent and it was not until this morn ing that the facts became known. When the woman was released, Judgv Cameron saw her upon the streets and upon making an inquiry at the count) jail, he was told by Mitchell that the woman had been dangerously ill aud that the county physician hail advised i him t let her go. ! day the woman was again arrested I on a charge of vagrancy. When ques tinned by Acting Judge MoDevitt a to why she was at liberty, the woman told the story about the fJ and as soon as court adjourned MclH-vitt went ti Mitchell ami asked for an explana tion, lust what took place at that ' toe i- not known, hut Mitchell will return the money Baton ls,.ing appointed jailer, Mit chell was a deputy constable. He was before the last republican convention for the nomination of constable, hut was unable to get it. As a sort of a alve fur his wounded feelings, he was appointed jailer, after moch opposition. 3000X0f V Will open Monday or Tuesday Evening FOR DINNER I IB Taylor A Pangburn. Props. Mm Q I I o o Q O O s o o o o I o o ANNOUNCEMENT We will opatl With a complete line of staple and fallCJ WOCBrie in the store formcrls KBOWII aa WhlU Hdttaa on Tlmrsdav. September Jth, 1901. . Having purchaaed tin same some time we hava been enlnr(ing painting, etc., to BCCOIBOdnte our new fresh stock which is on the road We hope we may merit a continued patron afa of all former customers, and we also trust that a great many of those whom we now do not know . may so favor ns with a trial that at tliis time next year we may he intimately acquainted with them. F. S. YOUNGER & SON Everything will bt RratolMt, nil Are invited to call. Our aim is to give Spokane Excursions FOR THI Industrial Fair SEPTEMBER 10-21 LOW RATES via. II. UN. LINES vou vVomfall! Work i trying n ths vjrr It thr ! nor limit) ll: whsn swln yon 'hnulil mbnOt to s test stut . ur- n pair ! ULVSHKM w&kI will rs lors ihr tit 10 nnrrnsl condition 'Mhsr W total ..r psrtlal bllmtn msy ivult Harm litres ttoek nf market irritoup in i . eiasse aiul n tit all onlinoi spectacles in a frw mluiihw ro nip lira iarr nil at amal. .t Whsrs lhrr ar i ..i-i- w mni. 10 order Ik. W. E QARRET50N, sisn Bis Rts. Main rfi. Hsudiston. Or I ripht V will monev'i worth and servi baV6 evt'rvthinp thut Watch tor ' IregonieUi rVfondtv TAYLOR, PANGBURN yoooom in O o g s mmm I pfl l or mil particulars call at the O. R. & N. ticket office. F, F WAMSl.EY. Agent. In Selecting a Carpet Vou w ill liml Ibt laritest 1.. meiit to solfit trotn at Kailiat'i -ton-. Hf geoda bate iaaiTli latest tiattertiH. t!if Kreatsa van- t v mni the l't valu lor tin money. in ran Uml iti (bit miii want here .01 just U: v -need. The Im-hI carpst t .,. ever offered in 1 iri-Kun. Wall p. per 1 In'iiper thai svsr. Th loo. lentil iiiiprovnl rotary Wbitr sewing inarliine buy uu otae until yon try it. JESSE FAILING. i3c: 3E 3E 3t We. 3c 3E 3 3c 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3c 3E3K Tnat rrilllna NisKer Uroon. a aaaaaj naaau al sfanwa City mko retunml rwcently Irani a vi tit to friends in rural Kentu bltMlrt back a good darky story. WUeu tio-y reached tin- nouse of tlieir t-iends site eras given, as is tbe castoui there, a coloretl girl who eras to br tier ierson al servant durini; her stay. After about week tin- colored girl asked permission to be absent one night at tin- wedding oi a girl frieml. The next morning her temporary mistroas asked her about the wedding. "Oh, bad a line time," said "Maudy," "lots to ..: 4ud lots of ire cream and cake, and tiddhiig and dancing all night. And the bride, she wore a white dress snd while satin slippers aud a big, long white veil." "Ami. how alwiut the groom'" asked her mistress. iJon't you know." reulied "Mau dy," "that trilling nigger never did SII"W up. NEWELL TALKS IRRIGATION Waa at Oanvsr at American f orestry AaseelaUon Heetiaa. (leaver. Aim. M At tbe sessioo of aha American Forestry association here, a paper was read bv W II Ba" well, hydrigrapber of tbe geological survey, explained tbe beuetfts to U water supply ol the foreet resery.--He aaid "Full (levelopiueut of the reeonrcer of tbe United H la tea, especially in the arid West, teal upon a complete Illation of the water for irrigat ' i (siwer aud iiiuuiciual aa well as do niextir nupplv. 1 lie ion n tlie water and tlo- protaetion Iron pollution, both uatural aud artihcia! rests larelv upon the proper treatment of tbe foreaia at the head waters of tl xtreams. There can he no question as to the Ismeticiai liilliieuce of there for eats, although the extent of this in tiueuue may lis and still is open to in vestigatioo and dist-uesion. Tin- for est, with the accumulation ot vegeta tion upon lha itround, serve to bfani tbe force of the rain and ragalata Um run off; excessive noil t-rosnu. ir- p targe extent ptovented ami tin- u i. drained from the tonal an al a rul tree Iroui auspendetl uniiurui mattut Tbe government has set alMiut tbe pro lection uf the forest uimjii the liead water streams of tbe West aud coogres has under consideration legislation in tending to promote the construction nf large reservoir with or adjacent to the forest reserve. "There are u be fouud upou the headwaters ol the stream.- many val leya whose outlets can be closed by a dam of moderate height, holding back tbe water from melting miiow or from occasional aires ma These uatural re servoir a l tea are beiug surveyed and Hooblss as Safety Valut. the haat Oregon lan, an excel lent paper a ith a tew impractical bohitie which we all ought to have, to he used as safety valves, aa it were a lew day since made its annual ruar because liaker county in men are mvt assessed their proportional -hart ol taxation. There no equity in taxa tion; that conception is an irridesoetit dream Hut the stitijrct of mining tax ation is a reality m tbe uhape oi a RaottJ problem, in the same category with the taxation ol mortgages and ORnaf such "invisible" wealth, whioii statesmen of tlie egen have wrestled with : always to be thrown, tbe bt five out of three. Will the Kast Ore gonian kindly MfOta a spare moment to the subject and solve the problem'.' -ouupter M iner. lata ol Mm Bor War. When the Trannvaal war was al. its height, I'aul Kruger sent a c-iumia--nont-r to Kuglam! to tlno out 11 there were any more men left there. The commissioner wireu irom l.outon to say that there were t iSsl.OOO in. . aud women "kiiixkiug about the town, that there was no excitement, and that men wen- begging to be seui to light the fitters, kruger wirjd back: (JO North.' The coiuiu i-auumr found hliuseii in Newcastle eveiitua llv. aud wired to Kruger: 'For Hod's sake. stop that war' Fiugland is bringing up men from hell, eight at a time, in agea fe had seen a coal mine." morls oroia. A young girl was cauiiht kiat.iiur "i.r - ti a lew days ago Her moth er took hitr to task hir mini. .J...,..,.- hut the girl HiUuiceii her bv tins uuu- tation, "Whatever ve would thai mm, abodld do unto you do ye even so unto them " The old lady willed. Me mories uf old were bruuuht fuvciblv to mind. One nail of the atmosphere is within two aud a hall miles of toe. tarth's surface. m ... m TT1 Ui Ttt tit m w ut m Ui m Ui m iii m We have Purchased at a Big Discount The elegant stock of merchandise in the Magnet Cash Store formerly Clements & Wilson, corner Court and Cottonwood Streets Pendleton, and must turn it into money without delay, therefore will sell entire stock by RETAIL AT WHOLESALE COST commencing at 9 a. m. on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Every item a bargain; cone see for yourself. Plenty of help will be employed to serve you. J. Gollober. iii F. Frank. Mgr. ui m m m Ui m ui m ui m m m Ui m m Ui n ui 1 111 ui I Hi iU ffl iii I 111 ui fl lit fl ui fl 111 tat 1 1 I I m ttt iii tit Ui 1 11 UI i 3E 3E 3 3E 3tE 3E 3