uny EVEfiiHGtDii iuh i A V , .,oront.nlhronlT "-WW THI5FACT- bASTERN OREGON WEATHEi. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OllEeON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 81, 1901. VOL. 1 NO. 4217 The Place To buy Groceries j, where you can have a hi $0ck ,o select (mm. Call jml hi me. Mv stock is W hoth in fancy and staph jroceries. 0. R. Demott Prices Pushed Down s Notch and hammered and slashed until cost and value are no longtT thought of. To gel rid of summer goods is our idea and to do it quickly we are giving such vulims as seem almost impossihlc Alexander & Hexter, liRNRRAL NEWS. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ALL SOLD OUT Fall Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Gloves Here EVERYTHING FOR FALL TRADE IS HERE UfL wish Is snow every man and hoy the newest and nobbiest line of up-to-date styles and fabrics of Clothing lor the fall trade. A lowr-r price lor the same goods or a better article for the same money. . OVERCOATS here, but w.ll Ulk of them later . . Ql'K entire attention is cen tered on the Furnishing Goods line We have the most complete line and the lowest prices. ... . OUR STYLES are above sua picion and we give correct in formation on styles, qualities, size, price, etc., etc "THK M w I. lock for (all, 1901, of KNOX is her. $5.00 Also the latest ZEPHYR S.00 STETSON ..$.$5 and $0 GORDON .$3 and 8J0 OUR HRAND $1. I JO, 2.00, 2.RO WE have the i el lrat- ) Han- sen Glove thai wears so well You know it. THE . BOSTON STORE, The Money Savers 'hat Parent P Scholar:::: ill Overlook These Prices tenuis.. .. , a-. U)Qrl P... ,,Uir5C Pencils 2 U2c Nln . L tljei-- ... Ired n,.-.: r. wing riiMls cc P T,l,. . ... . . town "'ggest in N I 2c bottle. A Lover of (iood Livinn demands good bread as the leading article of his diet. When he has our bread he has the best that is made. We use the best wheat tlour in this bread, and our every process is the best result of experience in bread making l u "t C. ROHRMAM. WYour Money ""v rijR ll 1 'tlilltlll Md School Books N Books . IE)ERICK NOLF. !0s and Rle, t V aW ,th Every Order BAKER &F0LS0M For Combination Folding Cots and Chairs. Just the thing to take to the mountains - - -- -- -- -- -- -- Next Door to Postoffice Pendleton, Oregon The naval hospital hit Solace arriv ed (ruin Manila, via Cuam ami Honolulu. The veaeel brought a num ber of paaaenger, am. ng them the wive ami children of naval officer. It ia Cuba's dav at the Pan-Ameri-can and Henor Don Thoma Katrada Pelma, the Cuban leader, ia preaent with a nnnitter of other distin guished citizena of the "Hem of the Antilles.'' djntant (General Camron, in )a report to Governor IVtokery, on tha re cent Pierre City race war, holds IbfJf ' iff Man love of Lawrence county re pOOalbia for the lynching of the three innocent negroes. I'reident U, B, Mellen tiaa ap pointed William L Marling chief en gineer of the Northern Pacific railroad company, the apint ment becoming effective September I. Marling anc ceel Kdwin II. McHenley. The court of St. James, which hail aaaomed full mourning for the dowager empress of Germany, will per mit black dreaae with colored rib bon, tlowere, or feather ; or gre Of white drees with black MMmMBR. By the turning over of a Pullman car on a Rio Oran.ie train Mother Raptiste of Menver. the mother uper ior of Colorado, waa killed and Sister Mary Nora and llarley McCoy of Men ver and Pullman ('nmiuctor Whan were injured. The secret arv of the interior tiHe re ceived from l ieutenant K. P. BerthofT, of the revenue cutter aervice, a report of purchaaea of reindeer made in Si beria for eh I pm set t Alaaka during the preaent aummer. Me aav he haa secured 4JS0 vonng doea and .'HI buck. all of the large Tunsu breed, ami he think that a contract can he madt for 1 (' rein. leer for next summer. Senator George V. Hoar ia 7o veara lit Out, aa haa leen his wont in the past, there waa no apecial com memoration ol the event. A number f hi old friend called to pay their respect and telegram are com ing in to bim from variou part ol the countrv. I he -enator'e health ia el cellent and hi teal in public attain, o atrnng a mark of hi character, i aa uuabated a ever The day on which the tirt Iruitx ol the harvcM were bleaae! in the chunhe. which waa celebrattxl throughout KuHla tlilo week. inut have been a dav of mourning in many of the province. The outlook haa growa worae almoat every week during the laat four weeka. Kven vegetable, including potatoec, have laen largely burned bv the acorching heat in aome diatrict. The approaching winter ill be one ol the gloomieat Kuaaia haa ever aeen. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. At McMinnville, the reanleuce of Mrr. Sidney Burnett, mother of Qajo Burnett ol Saleni, bnrneil Thuralay. I. oh, 2(Kaj. Miaa A:iiiu llanua wa ele'td queen of the atreet lair and carnival t he held in Baker City Kepteuilwr H-7. Mihh Manna .bleated Mia lila Pri ett by .r)0 vote I in- broke out Thuraday afternoon in the atore room ol the Brown Paper Company at Oregon City and apread aero the canal, igniting the tore and ware room ol the Willamette rulp and Paper company Both building were leatroyod with the contenta, conaiting' o! alum, aulphur, pulp ami machin tn Loaa, lln.iaaJ ir flo.Ua). No former Aatoria regatta liax opein-.l aa auapU'iouaiy a dnl the oue winch wa heralded at auuria inurmiay morning by the firing of the National aalute. Throughout the day. Actor- lalir gave theniM-Uea up to the enter tainment ol the many thouaand ol via- 1 tor- and did homage to the queen and ber auite. The weather conditions eu perlecl, with an abaolute calm during the morning juat adapted lor the rowing race and other event re quiring atill water rbf BritMO hark Horado, hound from I'ullao (or Portland, Or., want an, ..re al I AO Thursday morning nine mile aouth ol the Coquille river. She Ntruck lieail on and awuug around, lay with her bo to H' ea. Hbe had two beavy anchor out, and the cantain bad hopea of Moating bit ihlp off, but men who have had eieriem'e on the Ijeach in that locality laim thai the ebanOM are agaiiiHt her being Moated, hhe haa about 1UU too ol coal lorwar I and aOSM l.allaal alt. 28 LOOSE CARS KILL 28 AND INJURE i3 o Supt. Downs of Great North ern and Son. e 26 LABORERS THE OTHER VICTIMS TV Bodies Werr Coosumad In tbf Flimm Tbit Turned the Wreck Into 1 Horrlblf HolOMuM "See Dem Freezers" I have a full line of The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream in from three to five niinuteu; also have a full Hue of tibhiug tackle, hammocks, etc. See my line before buying T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. SI. Vitus S Dame, or chorea, i one ol tin moat piti . ile afflictions humanity ia called on to . iidurr Th.it lbi oiata.-- can I cur.d, hiMMVtr, is proven b llir fact Out ii aV0 luud by the in of Pavaritc I'rew njjliou 'I he ! I lUOIIIIlllll' I III I t I'M I ll iff L, or tn.t iqaiii tue nerve e ertcxd by iliit. re ni.rk.ihle uicdnine U witneavd In by thoiif. iini w ho UaVjB fout.d bMlillj id Btrtimtli in its im. Ii im) only turn, wntatih olaawt but 11 proi ion k the health ol the wllnle )t is ., hi I VI - leedino, htrVMMtaV i . . . 1 I. 1 y,nuiy. si' ij. .ii'iui Hig mcdiciiM. It I WA nwl is weak women atrouy ,iin Kick uolnt 11 w ell. " I'avoriti- i'l e -hCiptiun " 1 out. mis no aliohol and ia entniK free lioni OptUBIi ciaanii .nut all other narcotic It I'.tuiiol disa;(ut with the weakeat lelicate couatitul ion Kaliapel, Mont., Aug. .tl.- Twenty eight wild freight car going dowu a mountain at lightning upend craahed into the Great Northern paaaen.r train near Niao on Friday morning de moliahing the private car of Aitaut Oeneral Superintendent Mown, and a day coach full of lalorer. Two wrecked car caught fire ami burned PD, I 'own and hi aon inalautlv were killed with their 000k, Many lalsirer were killed and hurnel. The sleeper caught fire, but it i reported all the paaaengert eacu pisl . A train bearing the dead and injured arrived hero tin morning. Train IBM reported thai M were kiiltal ami II wounded. Of the 'J'i laborera killed lite corpae of twenty were conaunied in the llame that deatroyed Super intend. oit )own' car and the lalmrer'a coa.-h. The paaaenger train had juat reached the level ol the main line when the JH freight car broke looae from the train on a mountain aide and a few ml later craahed into the rear ol the pa engr train with terrific lorce I be apecial car and the worker' coach were crushed like egg Mhella. The debri immediately took fire and the DBforlO- outer wcr. 1 angld under the heavy timlNr and burntxl to death. Tin waa the late met by Oowna, hi aon and In conk. The burning car de troyed the telegraph wire and it wa many hour lie (ore relief could U aent for Soon newa of the diaaater reached Kaliapel and a wore of phyaician ami h.ire and a wrecking train were aent to tin acene. Portion ol aome of the lualiea were on the relief train. It ia believed now that at leaat twenty of the corpae of the working men were deetroved by the Maine. Many ol the injure) are in a sen. hi ...million and cannot recover. Later Report. The hat ol killed waa increa-d to 3ti, Twenty-eight Irodma were BQMMBa ed in tiie wreck. Victims or Newark Wreek Kiaheater, N. Y., Aug. 31.-K. A. Bradlev, the twelfth victim ol the Newark wreck, dim! thia morning. CAPT. 0RSYTH 4LS0 DBMBS Ha Repudlatat a Kantat City Interview Anenl Slahley. Washington, Aug. M. -The navy de partment thia morning received a letter Iroin Captain Jamea Korayth denying the Ranaaa Citv interview ill which he ia quoted aa Baying that the ioblwj roiitroveray ia due to favoritism ahown Sam peon. Will Challenge Howlaen. Vahington, Aug. 31. rich ley 'a i ouuael haa determined to challenge the fitneaa ol Admiral llowiaon in ail aa a ujeintier of the court ol inquiry. 1'hc i hallenge will lie made en aonn aa the formal aeaalon of the court opens. They claim they have arUdavita show ing he baa be,eu a moat ardent partisan of Kampaon aa against Schley In his letter to Acting Secreiarv of the Navy llackett, Admiral llowiaon said : "The uewspaper culling in queation contained a atatement that I made a compariaon tietwnen Hchley and Samp son unfavorable to Mchley. "I am sure I could never have said this a he reports, nor aaid Schley had the reputation ol being nervous and hot headed in the naval academy. "1 have in. rec.l led ton ol the gen tiemau reporting lor the Koaton RMOrd and 1 do not aprnve Ilia public state ment aa mine. "1 annul say 1 have mil diacusaed with acquaintance matters publiahod in the newspapers re ai'.ug to our navy' iuosm, a well aa ttie uulortu uate dispute so widely commented on. "If the department feel the cauae of the navy and juatioe would be tattler aerved by relieving me from duty on tbe court, 1 am entirely ready t with draw voluntarily or have the depart im nt relieve me upon its own initia live. "If, on tbe other baud, tbe depart ment, knowing all tbe circumstance, desire 1 should perform the duty, I am entirely ready in perlorm it, ami can, upon my couacieuce aud oath, do mv duty aa a member of tbe court, without partiality a the law re quire." In reply Secretary Hackett wrote: "The department, let me assure you, baa no liuruoae of relieving ynu ol Ibis duty. It La implicit confidence in your s. ns. of j.istue and fair minded tea." SULTAN ASKS PROM PRANCE th Resumption of DIplontall Relations Pending Setttaniant of Olapute. Conatantinople, Aug. 31. The an I tan baa aent a telegram to Paria rela tive to mattera in diapnte IwMwecn the two conntriea. the lelegram give onlv vague aaanrancea for aettle ment of the dispute and reqiieat that diplomatic relation lie reauined until an agreement baa tseen reached It ia probable thai Hrance will assent sultan Would Pay Up. lenna, Aug tl Turkiah advice r-ceivinl here imllcate that the anltan la - -1 ,,r a,,!!,,,., the Kri.thli claim when the neceaaary money ha Keen raiaist THI: PLAYED HIUH STAKBS Wealthy Hen Said to Have Won tf.00. ooo at Poker. New York. Aug. 31. A atory waa pnbliabfjd here todtv to the effct that J, T. Mutin, preaidenl ol the Pitt burg Stuck Ktcbange, ami President John Chainliers, ol the glaaa truat, won half a million dollar at poker on the voyage from I'orope on the I eut at bland which arrived bore on Thurday night. Muatin i aaid to have won ". in one ackM.t. THEY THREATEN TO SUICIDI Prlne Chun and Suit Don't Llk th Kaiser's Conditions. Berlin, Aug. 31. Prince Chun and suite sav thev will suicide of the Lat er inaiat upon the humiliating Condi tiona in connection with tbt apologv lor the murder of Baron von ketller Plot o Larey Caplurad. London. Aug. 31. -I.ord Kitchener I POrM (rom I'reloria the capture ol Pint de l.arey, brother of the Itoer commandant-general, lie alao report tbe blowing up of a train hv the liner near Waterval. A number of men wire killed, including a lieutenant colonel. SOME URAI TERS QRAPT $2.S COLUMBIA WON FIRST RACE OF FINAL SERIES 0 - Old Boat Beat the Constitu tion at Newport. m RIVALRY IS ROW VERT MM A Harvl Hand. Ale. Slsalikl. Has the Familiar "Con" laperlanoa. Yeaterday morning a harvester cal ling bimaelf Ales Hiaeliki came Into town from the t aaey ranch to huy some clothing ami incidentally to get a lew drink lie viaited the illhTereut aabaiua and by the middle ol tbe after noon had obtained a very comfortable jag. lie waa free with hi inonev and took every opportunity to exhibit tbe ..intent of hia pisrket laiok. Harvest abarper are numeroiia ami in the coiirae of Ins rounda, Hia4tskl became acquainted with two of them. I luring the converaat ion which follow ed he confided various in. ts concerning hia career up to date ami found to hi agreeable surprise thai his new Iriends were intimately actiuiti tiled with hi dinner employer ami had worked lor him S hen Sisel.kl had bia'nme very much liitnx icatetl , one of the bariera sug gested that ll be, Slaetakl, bad any in IM atimit him it might be well to deposit It in a safe place and conde scended to take charge of it hnuaell The victim agreed and passed over hi puree containing The arrange merit wa that the money should be returned in the morning when he had become sober. The "con" men plead ed an engagement and left "Meet ikl Ii aiung inmost halpleaaly on the liar It dawned slowly on hi I m fogged brain that something waa wrong. He limn. I a policeman ami reported the i-ireum stance. Up to the preaent time, no Ira i the gratters ha bean diacovered. Chief of Police Deathman Investi gated the matter tin morning, hut was unable to discover any evidence that SiHotski had Iteen held on. The victim, however, atill hold to hi atory that he gave hi money to a man w to (ailed to keep hi promise to re turn it. New York Yubl Club Itobm Secretly Fr Ibe ColuoMi fill win tbe Series Hew Ob. Itrentotr I'oint, K. ., Aug. 31. Columbia win tha first of bt final series.,! race U determine whether the Chimin Of ( .miltl,iiti,.n g to lie l"' HW against l.ipt.m' challeng ar, Hboairoati h. r ,r,. m are sch.slu e.l o lajgj mn llrenton's MM, K I . Aug .11 The first race nf t, ,t n,,, , M'1 I'll rl l(i'flllr i,.r el,.. ...a al I I wv' iiiieniriioiiai t't'litt'-' WM a) MBtilusI aaaaam. tl.. V roiifNr tf n!v. Tt-initituiKm ....1 lombla with iiht vict.r.M i ika credit ol will tw mui.i ik.i limit Thu rivulry Mwrn the s vn. 1 1 cnles ..a nn,g tM. t,t. i... ItauV use in. tens,. While the members u the New York Yacht clah (ondlv .herish tbe de-ire that OueaWitOtkM will he m led. si, thev feel a secret .lr...l thai OolOtOhla may win the series sn.l make ll necessr lor the cup iilteeto sele. t bet A fine I7.kn..l hreete blew and the sea wa simaith when tbe yachts started. " W'llin .all lUllghlt l 1.14411 had St Vlltls's ilaiKr l aappeued iu uri urn- t vuur ainall Ixjuk. uiul trail u " write. Hrurv 1. tgllltl Kaa afloU North, ilist Hiirhiigiun lows 'A.i...u uthn things 1 lututd thai It Pierce' PsvoriU Prsacriptiuii lured puin-uls sunning In, in i:ui KuubU ao I wrut ..ill null gut . U'ltfi- She ,n vnv bad at thai lour aud cuuld harult lalg Wht-ii I rrad about voui nirtli, int- in that small t- I t.. ntysrlf with thr I -n ,.i t.ml awl thai lurdlclur we cau cure out Uauylltt't Wr (Ud so h'uur Uatlr-ol l-avurtn rYrscriptiuu ' LUird her ai. I del uu( havr p. tag bl to the doelor auy uiote aa Is well thank . ,od ami Umt ' Favorite Prcscripikta tot it 1 r. fletct's Pleaaaul fellcU cute Ul-touaiirsa SOME (i(H) U00 tYES IN PARIS Prneh War HlnlsUr and U 1 Naval Commandar I tlKltsl Rath Other. I'aris, Aug. II. riie visit yeaterday "I ral iiiim. the minister of war. to the t uned Stale training ship Hartford, which h. pm into i . Kotbolla In witness tha western inm maneuvers, was the isiasinn lor a lit tle rraiico American . li.iiiiintratloii Alter an inspection ol Hie cadet who Were drawn up uu deck and being shown over the vessel, Ceueral Andre wa entertained al luncheon. Me ei pn.ss.isl keen Matiilacllon at being alaiard an Ainern an ship and said he Imped the visit would luiilnhute In the tightening nl th Ikiii.Ib n( Iriendship unit.ng the sailor ol the two nation Commander John M llawley ul the llartlortl in resuon thanked rti Andre lor the MM ( Ins uiieipwlaul Vilit and pVOaRiaBR It Inlorm bis gov eminent ol It The ship's band tin n plavisl th " Marsnillsise " and "America . " A banquet waa given in tbe evening at which all the admirals ami generals were preaeul and to which the American officers were in vited Al.(iliR NOT TO ATTACK MILES win Msrsit orad Miattcir ia ta Itflw Ms Publltkas. Washlngtuu, Aug U Kl SecreUri ol War Alger has decided not In attack t.ein ral Miles in ins lorthc.iuiiog bis tort of the Hpaiilth war. It la aaid In I r lends advise 1 1 list In make tha hajfljl entireli one in dalenaa ul Ins own a. turns. NORMAL SCHOOL REGENTS Will Heat on Monday to rrancact Many Iterni of Ruslnait. ft. A.eiander, president ol the board nl trustee ol the Oregon State norma, sclnsil at Weston, esect to call to order on Monday a meeting nl the huard to consider a hiiinbei ol uu porlant Item ol business tin. I (In most important is tbe resignation o II. W. Monnal, pr.. lessor of s. lenc-ea and vice president ol the h.,.,1 Mr MoiiiiuI leiidensl his rt.aignatiun ROaTawtlaM ago, and has gone uaat to re i.iain. II ia departure ia rngretted ,.i much by the uinmbera ol Ibe board and the friend of the Institution, who re garded him aa a competent . teacher. A siucessor will be side, led, perhaps on Monday. Ibe hoard will alao consider matter relating to the new hall now under construction, ami it fitting. The hall will Ire a handsome structure, aud pla. . the acbiail in a much better p.. sit ion to handle the work ol the year itegent J. II. Kaley i absent in tbe mountains, and liegeul J. W. Htirllsar I ill at bis home in I. a (ir nile Hulldlng Reads I Tusaa. Vancouver It I' ug. II John fioodrirl imaklaRl af the llaallugs mill "I Vail tel. and Captain Mc- Kensie, agent nl Ihudreat Northern railroad, leased sctiv work to be be gun on the ..instruction nf the Van couver, Nurtheru A Ynkuit railway. It is said in.- line ill lie constructed within a year. o latperianl stsa. A man vsstly iiupurtsut in Hregnii and who has seldom reiwivnd much public attention Is II. L. 1'Ht.ak. busi ness manager ol the I'ortlsnd tlregou lau, ol ahum the Astoria Daily Nws IhlMSpsddM; Henry I.. I'lttia-k, busi ness manager ul tin Oregouiau, wa on board the list. .ml IJueeu yesler.lai allermsin, though mil one ol tbe loyal party. Mr i'ltltak I the man 1st whom, more than to auy oue else, the OragOObU. owe Us proud pre-eutl-nence in the ii..rthel He IS a lltll fellow Aeiylil U iounds. but he is all man His high personsl i bara. ler lias U the IMRgM ul Hi tlregoiiian through Us ntir career. Iing III to II I I'. tt.sk . a 0 " The largest prison iu th world la at r resiies, frame, eight miles I rom Paris CARNEGIE MILLS RUNNING Tbs Rport That They Would Close Wss Hoi Correal. PitUburg, Aug. 31. -The wills of Ibe Carnegie company at l)uquene are iu operation tin morning a usual notwithstanding a report of laat night that the plant waa badly crippled and would have to close dowu tin morn ing. W. J. BRYAN E0R HARRISON unior lb Msbraakan Ravers Chisago Man for Praaidant. i i, ..ago, Aug. 31. It ia rumored that William J. Bryan iu a speech to be delivered here on .September 14 will formally launch the Carter ffarrisou presidential boom. ud from Taaeaseat fir: New York, Aug. 81. Two more vic tim of the Williamsburg tenement house fire laat night died this morn iug, making the total five. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY. THE POPULAR PRICED DRUG STORE ON COURT STREET. Moo, Sodp... KlckatNjker'e Dog Soap is a positive cure for animal skiu dia caeea. It kills flees and given a gross to tbe coal. RJ cts. a cake. We alao have Otovere' dog amp. Bee Keeper Iriend... For scouring, cleaning and polishing .hull, hoards, tiu, Hilt , copper, nickel and all kitchen uteusilH. A pound ptLckage for 26 tlits. Our HI OH Man Hi osh 'Puis ia a well made pure bristle brush, soli. i block and water proof, baud drawn brass wire; no thread to mt or rust or oorro sion. We know it will compare well with most 11.26 nruslies and plenty of l. Ml brushes on tbe market. We have s good assortment ol brush. from 26 oellU up Ui$.6U Ask to see the 10" hair brush A. C. KOEPPEM A BROS. yOUM MONRV BAl'K IK VOL' w i. t ii, i i