East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 25, 1901, Image 4

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    SATURDAY, MAY 2ft, tOI .
For Babies
RrccmvimI by Mprata
linr of blua shoes, also a
line of patent kid shoi-s
with red suedr kid topi.
Tin- prettiest baly shoes
in thr city also
Qilt Strings
for ladies' shoes;
lati st tiling out.
t I.
Practical Boot and Hlioo Mi'ii.
Swwi MMi Diittdn'i.
ten oreatn, any flavor, Diitton'n.
Naw invoiea o( dihi at IUwlay.
Boiled ham for lunc-lie at llawley'a.
Inks, pencils, tnilat soap. Noll's.
Buy yonr window idiadeM irt
(die .vinil-linnd mid' for mil'1 lit
Bran, HliorU, chop, barlnv anl iwwd
at Hawlev'a.
A tew racycle and Crawford liicylen
left at Withee'i.
-i(iarden hoae at all price anil iiarnn
taed at Withee'i.
Have your picture framed ; latent
atylea at Murphy'.
All kind of kIovmh, Indian anil fac
tory tiiadn at fiawley'i.
New ilatian in wall paper at
Murphy'a paint itore.
At Kader'i furniture atwv in tin.
rlneat line cf ruga and mattinu.
Automatic refrigerator and water
coolers at Kader'a furniture atore.
Window ihadea, curtain polea, mir
ror, etc., at Kader'a furniture lion
Oldeat place and heat tamaiea, at Ui
Hoy'a. cor. (Jourt and (iarden atreetx.
Hear the new Ludwig piano at the
opera hoaae during the High achool
I' meat hama and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, ita guaranteed.
Hchwara A Oraulioli.
Orescent bicyclea on the installment
plan at the Oraaoant agency in the Kaat
Oregonian building, payments 1 a
week, no interest.
Ke member I have a better stock of
oil, nxle-grease, rope, belting and all
other harveat supplies than ever be
fore. I Hones, llelis.
Silk waists, new ones just in. Hen
them at Cleaver Bros. Dry ioxIh c
Worth H and ftt, to be sold at and
6.75. Aak about tliem at Cleaver
Bros. Dry Uoods Go.
Do you remember thai a piano is to
be given away absolutely tree on Mon
day, Jane 3, at 1 p. m. and that the
Peoples Warehouse gives a vote on
said piano for earb 26c purchase'.' Ouly
a few thousand votes lot and only a
few days left in which to vote them.
There Is no guess work about what
ou buy here, that's one advantage you
ave Uoods bought at this store are
guaranteed to give satisfaction, tbey
all for as low or lower than the same
ijualities could be bought elsewhere,
and you have this privilege: If what
you buy does not prove satisfactory,
return it ami get your money back.
Alexander A Heater
N. Herkelev linn some very
town and country property for sale on
eaay terms.
New, new, arrived this morning
direel from New York. See them at
deliver BMa, Irv Hoods Co.
The (). It. A N . Co. haa now a (Inn
new switch eiiulne for ttae in the Pen
dleton vards, h ti-driver of very heavy
l.oat-a lailica' jacket. Friday even
ing, between Byera' mill and the
Fritter. Finder will ideate leave at
tlilp office.
It f atated that the Hot Lake prop
erty. Union enmity, haa ('banned
oivnerahin. and that the (). R. A N
comnanv will put up a commodious
depot there.
UMMT n mean I ordinance every one
haa to number hia place of bnaineaa or
hia residence . Marie Broa., 30.r Court,
-treet. can auiiulv niiiiitierM on iirMMH
aluminum and nirklo at very
hinilon Harrettaon, while riding on
freiulit cars ilav hef.ir. veaterdav, wsa
carried out of town on the train t
Umatilla, the cara beinit under tor
rapid motion tor the boy to Jump off
He came home Friday evening.
A committee of ladies to raise money
for the orican fund of the Presbyterian
church will serve ice cream and lemon
nilc on the jroiin.l- of (he High achool
field exercises. Monday, Mav '27. All
school children. 10 cents, others K
Thr Baptlit MlnKtsr Will Tashls a Llvs
First Baptiat church On account of
the union services at the court house at
II o'clock there will he no morning
service in this church except the Nun
day achisd. The pastor will tie out of
the city diirinir the day but will return
in time for the evening service at
o'clock. The subject lor the evening
service will be: "Pendleton Through
Hole in the Wall. or. Who la In.
A anecial invitation is extended to the
citixena of the city to be present.
Church of the B.xieeiner - Divine ser
vice tomorrow. Whit Kiuula . at hour-
aa follows: Celebration of the Holy
Coiiitmiiiioii with sermon at II a. B,
Kvenimr nraver at 7 -AH. The usual
session of the Sunday achool will le
held at 10 a. m.
Chriatian church-Servicea Hunday aa
fnllowa: Mundav achool, 10 a. m. Y
P. S. ). K.. 7 u. m. Preaching at H p
in. Mr. William A. I laker occupying
the jiulpit, subject, 'The Outlook of
the Work."
Pint Presbyterian church Hunday
school, 10 a. m. No service 11 a. m.
Preaching at H p. ni., subject, "The
Tent Pitched Tnwad Hodom."
i -saV m
Haa a Bin of Sals of the Wssssi Dry
Uoods Sloek.
C. K. Roosevelt, of the Boston Store,
baa purchase 1 the dry goods stock of
the Weasel department store from K.
Y. Judd, who iMirchased it a week ago
from Mr. Wessal. Mr. Baieevell has
a force of clerks arranging things and
will open the new atore on Wednesday
May '."I. He will run both stores (or a
while at least. Mr. itoosevelt was
called to Walla Walla by a telephoue
message this morning, and when he
returns within a few daya morn will
be said in regard to this sale anrl hia
future plans.
Worked In th Pendleton Wool Ssour
Ing Hill for Ysars.
A telegram was received this morning
fey I). B. Bailey, keeper of records and
seal of Damon lodge, No. 4, knights
of Pythias, to the following effect:
"Hrant Johnson died this morning.
He claimed to be a member of Damon
hslge. Advise immediately." The
telegram was dated at Kugenu, Or.,
Saturday, May '2b, and was signed by
1. T. Lincoln, chancellor commander
of Helmet lodge, No. S3, of that city.
Mr. Johnson came to Pendleton and
worked in the wool scouring mills for
nearly lour years, tils wile died and
was buried here in 1807, and short U
afterwards be left and went to n
Francisco. a number of the boys uow
in the scouring mills worked with him
iu San Krnacisvo during the past win
ter. Deceased was aged about Hit years.
The receipt of the telegram started
a rumor that Tom Johnson was the
person referred to in the telegram, but
it was ipiickly disproved, as he is iu
the h.li. ii and restaurant busmen at
Wallace, Idaho, With J. K. Moore
li.rinerlv of the Hotel Pendleton.
shoes ol the most desirable styles ami
shapes adorn tlie windows and shelves
of oor store. Its. a moral certainty
that we can please you as to fit, c un
ion ami lash inn. We have mad
every precaution for spring and sum
mer, and await your visit with perlert
coutideiioe of our ability to suit you.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
I. Martin Leads.
It. Martin is entitled to he called
the leader in the grocery trade on ac
count of bis loug experience in the
i.iisineas. Then as he buy iu ear lots
lor cash he gets a trade and cash dis
counts which give him his goods a
little cheaper than other stores. Mar
tin gives this saving iu bis buying
price to bis cu to uitrs. If yon want u
ing hill of groceries gut prices at other
lores and then Martin can beat their
Interesting Rxsrolsss by Class of 1002
Pspsrs Read and Hulls and
Club swinging.
On Fridav evening, at the Fritter,
was given the first of a series of rive
entertainments by the Pendleton
nubile seh'Mils in connection w ith the
ending of the academic year. The
theatre was packed frnm pit to dome,
every lox was 0OnpldsT. and people
ve re turned aay from the d.sirs, un
less they were willing to stand during
the evening.
The program wa rendered by the
members of the class of lW, graduat
ing next vear. K. B. Coiiklin, princi
pal, presided. Excellent papers were
read by Miss llesaie Krehi, "Marcus
Whitman Saved Oregon." and Miss
Uavelle Moorhoilae. "the Bridge of
the Qfldi " UiM Krebs gave n com
prehensive and vigorous defense of the
Whitman idea as to the saving of rc
go ii. She wrote in forensic style, and
oravelv championed the fame of Whit
man as a national hero who per
formed great things for the I'm Iftfl
North weal.
Miaa MoorboMSSj'l paper was a con
denaation of K. H. Baled 's story,
"The Bridge of the isls." It ia a
heautilul tale, rightfully elasaed by
Miss M'Hirhoiiae as the vrv I .( story
ever written of the Pacific statea, in
ao far aa OOMOrAl the diction and the
I tic ipiality of the prose, used by
the author in telling about the tradi
ti.ined Multnomah enfedcracy. This
was headed by old Chief Multnomah,
win. se organizing ability held the
union together in all the northwest,
conditioned, however, on the standing
intact of the "bridge of the gisls," a
natural rock arch spanning the Colum
bia at the place now called Cascade
Ixii'ks. where the river tumbles over
rapida auppoaod to have hern made by
(he fall of that very bridge, the fall
bringing, bv the "tomonwoa," the
downfall ol the confederacy. A pretty
love story runs through the hisik, and
some beautiful description.
Miss Kdtth Kpple gave "Hen llur
and the Chariot Bare," the famous
Oriental tale of Law Wallace affording
scope for the declamatory powers of
Miss l.pnle.
Sixteen young girls gave a club
swinging drill, that captured the fancy
if the audience, and liroiight lorth
rounds of applause. They were: Klva
turner. Florence Moiisaii, .losle Lame-
ron, Uarol VanOrsdall, Aliluia Mat
lock, Maud Hheek, (eueviove Koeppen,
K.I il I. Smith, Willie Milne, lona
Wells, Blanche Sbull, Nora Forth,
Dora Forth, Kibe I (lllliland, Bita
Musical numbers were: Two vocal
solus hv Miss Jennie Beatie, Miss
WihmI accompanying; piano solo by
Miss Wisst ; vocal solo by .1 . K.
lthrop, Misa Baley accompanying.
these are the turt tier aiinoiicementH
for the achisd sense:
Masipie ol the year, opera bouse,
this evening.
Field and track meet, Simpson A
Peringer'a track, Monday afternoon,
May 'J7.
Operetta, Bed Biding Hisid, opera
house, Monday evening, May 27.
Physical culture and gymnasium ex
ercises, opera house, Wednesday even
ing, May '2l.
Mlsa Frlsda Roatsh Gives a Pleasant
Kvenlna at Har Horn.
Misa Frieda Koesch gave a pleasant
evening ol entertainment Friday night
at her In niie on Lewis street, receiving
the Peudletou academy students, the
members ol the laculty and a number
of other friends. Mian Boesch was u
very charming hostess. The evening
pod rapidly and remains a pleasant
memory lor tier guests, Vocal solos
were sung iiy Mrs. C. II. Carter, K.
H. Pond and J. K. Lathrop, and piano
number by Mia Boesch and Mrs. J.
A. Marstou. A unique leature was the
fortune tolling by Miss Delia Beagle,
who, appropriately costumed, amused
the guests with some pourings into the
hi tan
Oeorge Black, IntptetOP of cuslnma
under Co He to I'atterHon, is in Pen
dleton. He has been enjoying a vaca
tion rj two wetkaat Bingham springs
II. ill remain in Pendleton for sev
eral dava.
Mrs. Frank Smith, of Mnttlr, Mif
(lerirude Williamson, ol the italics
and W. W. King, of Hllnvllla, Wssh.,
left for llial duce today. M isaes Will
i hi nttOfl will visit her sister, and Mrs
Smith will go home to Seattle In a
few days.
John Hughes has returned from
(Biartaburg, a mining camp mar
Prairie City He is interc-led with
Zielh Homer and other I'endlelon
in in the standard mine and hrougi.t
home some valnatde ere eclinen
from that tiroierty.
Mr. and Mra. C. K. Kooaavelt are
parents ,.( a girl baby horn en Satur
day. May 25. Mrs I; m ii lias
at the boo ' her parents nt Walla
Walla for several days ami Mr. h iaM
velt went over on the train tins morn
Astoria Budget: Mis. C. II. Wa le
of Pendleton snd Mr- Sarah I vans of
Oswego, president and MvPnlnTI
pectlvely of the Federation of Wo
men's . hi ha will arrive In the city
tomorrow and will tie entertained hy
the ladies of the lottl Blob During
their stay they will he the guests of
Mrs. Perry Tnillinger.
Heppner limes: Prol. and Mrs. D.
V. S. Beid are enjoying a visit this
week from the latler's fattier and
mother, Mr. and Mra. John It. Smith,
of Lebanon, where Mr. Smith ia iisl
master. They also Vltltnd another
daughter in sherman coiiutv, and from
bpre will go lo Milton, UtMtllll
county, to sM'iid a lew das with
relatives and friends.
Fav LntraW aon ol A. B LaOrtW
ol Walla Walla, was hi l endiei. n to
day making some purchase. He has
charge ol 10,000 head ol slieep in the
mountains south id Meacham. ami is
interested with hi father in ti e
ownership thereof. He devotes hia
time atrictly to business in the su n
mar time, but ia u conspicuous
figure in Walla Walla society during
the aiadai winter sen on.
l.ars Hansen, who r aide in South
Cold spring, l.'i mill . orth of Pendle
ton, was in the cllv today. Hellas
32 acres ol winter v. heat that looks
good to him. The land out in that
section usually yields about 2f bushels
to the acre, and Mr. Hansen say the
indications at present are excellent,
lie didn't wish to ls quoted as to IM
yield tin- year per acre, at present, as
a few week- mav change tilings won
derfully. ILtCTINU A CHIBP.
Showaway Not a Candidal. Claiming th
Hsrsdllary Rights
The election of a successor of Young
(Thief hy the Cayuse Indian is
occasioning some excitement among the
members of the trilai. Paul Showa
way, the real chief by reason of his be
ing the aon of old Chief Sbowawav,
complacently looks on, ami refuses
to tiecome a candidate, holding that he
ia the hereditary chief and that an
election is invalid. However, he take
part in the fun, and on Friday cam. ...
town and secured the 'vice of Col.
W 1 1 1 nun P.irsoi p a in 'in iii.it
ing pa pe r , to be signed the Cayuse
who favor Young Sunn .m as Young
Chief's aucceanor in the theoretial
cbieflainahip. It ia ex e( tod that the
election will incur on Monday.
VlfM Will B Larg.
New York, May 26. Dispatches iron,
correspondents ol It. Dun .v Co.
throughout the winter wheat lielt
promise an unusually satisfactory
"Damn" Not a Swar Word.
Bloomlield. N J.. May 25. -The
recorder of Bloomlield has rendered a
decision that "damn" is not a swear
An Old Bird
ad ..r1,tr
in ine www j ;
come out perfectly ciean ana
free fromreasc.
jt is almost a pleasure to wash (fishes with
I c
VW have the largest and fluent st'iek of dlOH
:)(ids in Pendleton, For thi uwrt ten (Iq.vh we
will ilosfa prioM Come and take advant
age of our hi cut prices. Follow the crowd
We have a lovely line of wash I'ahrics fipom lh'
cheapens to the best, all included in sale.
We are still selling SHOES cheaper than
Best Goods for Least Money.
The. Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SONBMPP, Prop.
M VlUUICcr, tin prt"i'riiiuiii of a f ttunu Krrnrh i'i vhh un, will qu
Thtt Rrwit VrrU.
U k i y I'tU nil ul ull
f Ltiit itrtit rativ firikiia. mu ii jm I. ami 1 itlt I . I nstMnllnV
it- lit n. it . i. s. ....... i i ...,,.( .... NfnoNk l bim- I'lmpi.
I iiiinr v., . ,lne,.iin in ,.... it ... lr m titi on 1 1 pn ln.
I I Hi ilia ul i liMMit Ii V tin V ii r lrl,l. I'r. iui uuii'Liim . f iIim . nrtfi. w 1. c Ii If in it rlirtW i-tl
li-a h tn hiirrumuirr ' ihrn li.irmrt i f n i II 11 llt'N : Iran-' thu
llt r.llte k i. i 1 1 v i . i Hut ii.ln.irv f.rsruna of ail l . , i .m 11 1.. VI! VI lit'M h' ai r.-.iu 1 Iihu
'1 lMir'ilr)ll HHirerfTM HT" llflt rttfrit hv lktflAl II rfaailM M nat Mil ( aM vMulhlowl aviih enaMaalllla
rUl'I l)i:N K th oitiv known rvnuitt t ir wltbcttl uiriku, Aiun MwUninUiK A written
rmntjrirrn ainl inoin v rrturm-l If r, x, ihuu x inxiu .nnuauuui rur. LW m Uoi,alor .,.utA
umii. nciKi inr riiKKii rrtimr m.hI tt-1 miiiiiUlaV,
IMMTH BMil(l:ts I. o. Box -3-WI. Hn Krw.cnuu.Csl.
KOII Htl.K VTAI,t,M (V in.. 1 1 It 1 1 i.u IK I'M. IKM llt.KTOV. i if ir
Ids ror Sirt Sprlnkllna.
Uiil will bo reoaivml fur sprinaliiiK
till' streets of l'eiellet.,11. In. . lei to
fiiriiiah ttie tuaui, liaruaaa and orifat
rurticulars mii bo olitaiiml at the 1 It
r.lei 's olliee. Hiiis will Iw rtMwive.1
until Monday, May If, IMUl, at ikshi
Tna rilit is rosorvrtl o rejin t any
and nil bid.
WoodMso atuation.
iitrHl f ami family are. reiestel to
1... A . 41... ,l
oe present ai me memorial cureim m
in Ke bald at the eoiirt house Hunday
niav Mi at 1 1 a. 111.
A Mssilnv Will He Hsld at Wsston on
Wsdoasaay. May 29.
UN rtiuular annual iiiealniL' ul ths
hoard ol r.enlti of the l aalern (lre)iiin
state normal seliool will he held at
Weston 011 Wotiueaday, May W. lor
the puriiose ol oriiaililUW, elect iiik the
o:tuer of the Hoard, electing teachers:,
selectlUK janitor, matron, etc., and
transacting inucli other routine hual-
ness At that time alo the an liite. i.
who was selected lor that imriMMe will
have tlie plana ready for the new nor
mal school hiiildiliu to be erected. Im
mediately after tlie iiiaorctioii and
adoption oi tlio plaus the work a
putting up the huildinii will he pro
ceeded with mi rapidly that the Weston
.eader will clan both ita bands with
tllad approval. H. Aleiauder, ol tlie
hoar.) ol regents, stated this morning
that there had been a lew days' nn
aw. ..table delay, but that tlie work of
construction would be rushed afler th.
hoar. I meeting, so that the new build
ing aould l ready lor thu commence
in. -ul ol the iall tern.
PKKtiOaiat. MKNT1UN.
and a
i''i.-.ii, is not
t e 111 t e d with
MMBlWOn irnnstone
war when they
Can Buy
Johnson BfOS linu
senii-poreehiin tor
the HUnt prtofl at
Owl Tea House.
Clieas'st place in Oregon.
Spring Troubles...
ioss of tppoUto.
Stomach ailment
and Other Eruptions
are aome of them.
Corrects all of
makes the hlood
Laadiag UrugguiU.
Mum Mabel Nye lias gone to Spokane
10 visit tor a month or more.
anas roae, ol AUieua, was. a guest ot
Miss Mabel Uariialt 011 Friday.
Jame Uruce, now ol lwiston. lorm-
eriy oi reiniieton, passed tlimugh l en
dleton today en route lo Portland.
i U. a J . , .. , , .
y- n . ivery, 01 liie mini ham snrmuH
1 t . 1 1 . - , t. - - - -
noiei, is a visitor m ruin ul.. ., t..
; lie opmh hi return huine on Mundav
U . . L -1 . .
ju wpueiiiieimer was arrested 111
luniaud thurailay night ior alleged
irawiug a lalae ch.nik 011 a Walla
vt.it 1.4 bank.
Mm i I - I I I . t . 1.1.
v,i.iiuan, 10 inn llanos, I a
guest of Mr. K. P. Marshall, at the
Hotel t'eiitlleUm. She will remain
over Hunday.
Marshal Jobr. Deathman will accom
pany the bluerock shooters to l.
lirande 011 Hundav. The IVn.llei,.,.
party will consul of about eight.
The Kt Kev. I; Wiur Morris
pected in town Sundav eveninir on hi.
way ui vrestou where he will m mini.
lor the rite of oojitlrmation at - v. ,,,
1 Monday.
Uobert Kl I ia kinao baa Hh.l .111,
tlie county clerk a oartilicate from. to. .
iaie medical board eutititnti bim 1.,
practice mollcim an. I surgerv. liu is
university graduate.
ii. K. KellUtidv 1. I urn. ..I - --
J . -. . . ,,,, 1,1 ...
SI , "J ,t,,l. ure be anw in,,
lortlaud proieasiunal Uuim ,iMl..Ui n..
Spokane team by a score ui 4 lo 0, iu
one of the beat games ol tne season'
lieurire S. Ilakur
. aaiBws Ul UO
Baker City opera house, is in 1..,,
an rout 10 hi home, lie was lormer'
iy state printer, and baa twi. .,,.
rounuaut in ruUblicau politic in
Talk ahout your pivm
lllOW, ladies, you should sto'i
in ami feast your uyus on our
Patent Kid
and Welts
lo difiorent Btyles.
giving a discount of
umWTtaku.fc I'arlors in Hear.
' ' 1 aawaMaaajamaaawawawai
A Special Sale or
A Good Fl
kn..H- 11. 1. th. .arret of mrrru n Ik
UltlvaUon n lir llecil. ImuiIIIuI . rop UirrSl) j
nun nr In. labor. We. mm bli asi .1.1
.1 'Irtli.tit r' If villi Mr.. It, itntihl . lj, wiHk ell
II.. i.e. i improvsiii Implement - iny u I
ui nxMie -.lu. k ul atiir'lliliig in tin. lis
is the tlcsire of every woman wlio
has an eye to tlie In aittilnl nnd a
a cultivated taste. Site can lit tin
bar alanpiDg room, parlor oi dining : and Poilltrv Yflrd&.
locust Hill kabbitry
rotiip Irotii our elitburale stock Ironi
the plainest tn the highest grades
and at prices that are tight.
MATTINGS at reduced pre es lie
cause ol overstock. Carpets, Ungs,
Window Shades, Curtain pole ., Imliy
cahs, go cms, minors, pictures, etc.
Main and WVIih Streets
All tl llllllllM
9Qrj tti $4.88,
to lt.50. 8a
lore liuying uUewheru
httf at aOtUtl cost raniiiK f'oin
Street hats and sailoi fVom '2 e
our MM)( itnil L'e! out' i.rlooa tut.
! also wish to in-
qnww our iaIm on ladies shin
uwvw ery iow prices tor a short tin,,
forget The Fair's uarantt money
goods are not satisfactory. .
waists and ean
aek if
Ik a
MiDerry Kuililii
, Main Street.
Notary And
tti $R UclivcrcU
Unlr ol in aB,i ,HVe Maaat
Orders for Hubhr sjUmn
alto iull ltrd.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fr4 Waltsr. Proprietai
0lty, tro ban,-1, ,. ,j,y
Flour aclmua.mi k.r Wh-i
save 27 cents on every dollar 'a i J"ni''M"-aa. w
worm you buy.
Call up
PedlKrswd Balgian Mara
and pure brad Fowl.
Ham, f 5 00 par pair, ' sata.
Km rv.1, iiulr, and Wl.it. Vjm-
iit'i KivkH-KKC f" ,&
ilMno for IfiOO; also soom
llarmi Itia k sstjih at $1.M) ptr
H mill siugiu Oonta Khod
Uliiml Kials KK" I- l'r ''
S ainiaga i..r 15 ).
n.iri. welcome For ftirtiMS
iiiloi'inatioii aaldrMui
Pendleton, 0rpl
Soon be
Harvest Time
Come in and ej
my stock ol di n' s
granite ware, tin
.i i ,
wan: uiu hj.i. i
iitsnsila. lilk lot !
of camping outfiu
Court Strati-
too, which
moans you
No. S
nd Sand.
The Peoples Warehouse
Shoe Store 71b Main Street.
For Rig
To go Fishing
or for a tal
Heavy Hauling
lcll aiuiiiuwi
Ui Coualgiiuieju,
Li niuL .. u ..ii
ixi-..i -r "
w,o nimii iy
MtVlN 0KA1U,
otpotstabfe Laatz Bros.
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