.A GREAT SALE. Of rihhon remnants at Thr Mafjt.ot Cnsh Store Now is the time to buy your rihhons for X-mti and The Magnet is the place. Some marvelous bargains there, Ribbons' of all shades, lengths and widths for little money. Conn 81) and get your choice. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood SATURDAY. DEOEMBK 1000. DAILY. WEEKLY AID SEMI-WEEKLY Kast OreaTonlan PublUhUaa: Company, ff-AI- rPNDLETDN. ,'K1 .ON. Cne coyly en. k ' 141 1. M'.r.irTlr,N RATH . in : nnth-. l-y in. . I week . I . .arti.i 1 rtkl cm ... nuilfl AIMl-wilKLT HJMtBtVftOM UIMl P.. tcpy one nw Lin. t.iy ,i momllii . . nnc lota. rt('u ttarle number. . . . . W..KIY ncnc.irTKel UTM 1 Ova copy off year (t - copy aiy miinik. Ml autejenaaum Singla copy anecdote, fact aiul lea-end anionc t lie memories of men yet living, wh wrought the foundation "f nur beloved statr! W ho will write i r history : Strangers, wiio will preserve onr 1 narratives? It mint be dune hv Vot I'tn !i ii. ! am) pen. It. inii.it lr ret-ciii while ii vi t liver- in lln' heart ami memories of tin- pioneers. Let even O.-egotiian turn historian. Maki I public sentiment end patriotism in aid vi.ur work. ( .diet ; Kfiu'i.'ti tin. nln i, Tn- 1 1 1 i r i I urn will !' 8 '5 I 1 '1 I 7 ,.. ll ... la. eee tli.neln. ADVBHTItlNd BATR. . IDM.ilay Ail.ertt.rinr .i One-tack, en-1aa, in -raMVeeaiy tarr tiiaiilh . . . . Of. im.1i. of leak, IB ilkily in moat!, Tu tucket, el lM, HI ll.ily an 4 W eel . v ei I , O-et the lnfce..nee, Week., ,ei,n i -1 ... I'll , I'.tif u ..I ini ink . . .ie anil Weekly, fee Inch oertnuklii I One in. I). ol let,, ri Meekly .er BB..U t It teal a..rr Miree ta.fce.. In Weekly . pet it . i per turnta . . . . IN Oeee thtee in. hn. In Tueaj.kan t.ua ( Seml-WMkly. pre in. h p.. taonth n SilU nuannweil AJeertiiemcr.lt tl Sens -Wrlk1 , . Weekle ,4 anally, hicl ikACfkuk, per tn.li,c..v . each .utaciuer. . Lnaaa. kjuk. ecu, a-wcal atrtlce, lea canty per Line, ench Inamion. unrivalled. Write iketehM of a.l- vonturt' which von have I istonol t ami mill vnur activitv to tin' work of BMakieg nur ietevy e part el ette pruh in this teeoiel drisKrtlon Mr.. Dye( of Oregon Citv, has issued a little volumu .Sue oi "Oregon Stories," full of u nativi ! ceo I'liarm am! beauty. Thin charming j3 little hook in nil Id i itMd hv tin Whlteaker, ltay company. San l-'ran cisco, anl gold at any hook st. .re. AttD WHAT CAME OK IT STATE DIVISION. AW (DBA. TtM Oregon Historical society pro none" a coniiiieriiorativo celcbrat nm at ' Cortland, in IKOo, of the centennial anniversary of the Lewis ami Clarke ... 1 cy v next i t ie.lt fn til,, lJn,. i I) r ciMflt Itiv state division is a surprise to most j Mwn wU, ,M, oxt,.,1,,,.,l , t, coveniors oi us. we neve Krown accustonieit to Oreaon, Wasliinvtti ii, Malm. Mon- countv neat wan, county tlivi-imi tana ami Wvominu to share in tin echome, railrooil smvevs into unex- interesting historical festival. . ,. .... . . Die r.'in cti. n " f.iHcinatini; thai everv r-acti-l localities, booms ami stamp. .!.-. llf,tl,i, .., ,.,,,, uohievei it .., tK town site surprirH;. numi rushei-, worhl'i. history sprain- from an i.len smallikux scarei-, tram robberies, fool, born in tin' numi : one in'rHmi. Tl hall cflMiialt I.. i.tion Kecta tl,.. hipth i 'act ia inturtMtiny that the thouebt , , . , ii iwhitb h'.l up to the Lewis ami Clarki c. v..y,.c.,. imun. .......-. 'M'"' ejjpejjtio,,, un,j to winch -are tra.e- "iiecroaikj," Hoer victone- ami Melon- able the historv ami itrowtb ami lev pros peril v. but thin sa.'ril iviajus romance of tin- I'ariiie northwest, cam. ihruAt ka Lmj H... .I.vi.limr bnif.. itt.on int.. tin- lrtile min.l of Jeftersoii when . ' .... ... i that eminent natesioan wa servinc as tl,.. au.'r.. e -ir' .tf lip....,,,, t- o .i.ifv' ,,n.. . .. I .'iiti'il ritate- minister to I ran. to ui. Wh. n . . i stream to Us commence with llin Snake; panscl dOWTi the Snake rlvef to the Columhia. ami thonee down the ttreat river of the west. until, on November 180., "Thoy behehl to tlieir k,reat joy the horUoii line of the Peetfle ocoan.'-' Space will not peiniit a detailed ac count, of thi' parly's exploration". It pasted the winter of 18066 nar the v'olumhiit'N month, the spot leleoted for the fort, belnu about i!0O yards from the bank of Uewll river, near its entrance into the bay, on the OlttWp or OrefOll shore. The winter WW nassril in hunting for food, In making treatiei with the stirronti.linr trlbee, ami dlCtrlbutlng medals anil ccrtilicates of kited DOM to the leading ebieft, Before Mertlng on the long return journey, bewifl and Clarke potted this notice in the fort : "The object of this is, that Uafosgh the nediun of some otvllleed person, who may see the same, it may he made known to the world, that the party ootMittlng of the gemoni w ho names are hereunto annexed, and who were Kent out by the government of the Pnited States to explore the interior of the continent of North America, .lid penetrate the same by the nay ol the Missouri an.l;t oluniliui riven, to tile discharge of the latter into the I ac I lie ocean, where they arriveil on the 1 lib ilav of November, LBDS, an, deperted the' .:(.! .lav ol March, I80i by the same route by which thev had come out. e e e The assertion i occasionally heart! that l,.wi anil Clarke claimed th l'acilic northwest as territory of tin United states, but h not well founded I In' time wa not vet opportiiin' lor so bolil an.! IWeeplttH a claim, ami lU ini- vauctuieiit then woul.l hav alarme.l the iiwers of Kurone, ami iiiieht have lost us the ureal ennlie which is now our noble hentaue. Hi ti Is m range lan'ie.ition in re llectiiik,' on what miidit havt been. Wo won the OregOO OOSntry by a narrow m.iruin, with nothing to spare in tati crait an.l diplomeey. If Jefferson had not conceived the great iilea. nurtured it in his fertile mind, am! i.lvaiu.tl it to the point of .taring ac tion, history might r.ior.l a verv lifferent story. If l.t.lyar.1 bed not met our ambassador at ran;-, nor pour..! Into hi- read ear the ambit: ous plan ol northwestern civilization mil c uioiiest, a diltei.'iit pun ov" might have L'ontroll. d I ho ioflv spirit of Jefferson. The red ensign of Hritatn might wave where nou Ltoatl to the free breeites the beratoottl lianner of our gloriou.- I nion.- u ikesman-H . view . Divide OreKon.' the old boioved Oregon, and would suffer to he reehristened'.' would remain "Thomas Jefferson," nays one hi who torian, "was the father of Unit n-i.. Stat xploration". Whi le lesser minds " i m .. v. . ., l.e.eVc.,,1 I,, np.ivii.iel.i umioIj . 1 . y. . C . C" .l-W. ' ,11 ,... ,.,. I ,1 III- y.reg.j.1 is 100 i..i. now. r.uil wre- , . (, Mlittitv ,,.;.( rate I gon in every direction! .Make her forests, and Bought to reveal the extent borders wider, to contain tin- snienJid , and re-' ur.e- "i tie- ne w nation. And future assured her. l'ush back the barriers around her, and touch into being the possibilities within her border, l-un't touch her with that political carviii'.' Unite. Don't lay upon her tin. violating hand of sena torial aspiration. She i- too small for her prospect- now. Her bounties of the 30th century will slop over tin edge. Her rainbow can't dm! standing room on her own soil today, hut rest ono foot upon tbu Pacific and one upon the Heiven Devils, and is cramped for room, at that! (live us a alii - pansiea. We don't want to discourage snybody, but Oregon is not. big enough to divide. Make her better, not smaller. The ery proposition of dividing Oregon is ridiculous and it ii seltlsh because, it must have been horn in the little brain of MM one who hopes to ikk, tho mpply of public flnci increased. iloili . OF OHXliON." .tvi history should be uiu.b' more ota spAAcial aim in Oregon schools. Topics which lie aruiind us so closely that wu can't turn without iearnuig oi their huaaty ami charm, must, he ... pa thoroughly unearthed. How many school boys ol dltcen, in Oregon, can toll you anything of early homo his tory, romance, dlSOOtetJ or lifrlltthold legends.' Thoy know iiy heart tho story of the "Pintj Tree Khilling :" the slorius of Kiuk l'hilip; the talus ol witchcraft, of (.overnor liradlor.l, of t apt. Smith and l'oculionua; of the suggestive gift ol the quiver lull of arrows, and tho swift reply of the rattlesnake bkiu.crauiiudd with powiiei and shot. They know Mow Knglanil logvuds one and all. They love to reu.l thu charming romances of Irving, Cooper or Hawthorne. 1 n.-old ian of Puritan settlement thoy know lull well. but of our own story they are almost entirely ignorant. Western hist.,rv in detail has not entered our school . It is not lound among our text liooku. Tho old romances of the early settle ment, discovery, dispute and hn.il triumph of American rights in Oregon aro confined to a few clutnsy govern iiieut reports. No more int thrilling narrative ever run,.: in Ottf oars than Oregon history, lis old hiinteinen, trappers, trader.-,, aUven- turers, scouts, frontiersmen, Indian chiefs and inissiouarieHaod their siril ous j.. Here. i lives, II learned and re membered by Oregon youth, .could Is- within itself a good historical educa tion. Who of us younger ones know who named our famous river-, moun tains ami valleys'.' Who lirst blazed Oregon trails, and built and named Oregon cities'.' These tuhjecln lieloug ln front rank in Oregon public sciiools. Our pioneers are passing. Much of the best of our family history will poos away with them. We must gather it piece by piece und page by page, before it is too late. We must search for chief among the incidents which around in him a mere than ordinary intere-t in the sulnect was tin' ap pearance, in 1780, at the Dotted Mates legation in I'aris, while Jefferson was minister to 1 raiue, of that most re niarkahle man, John Ledyard of Connecticut." I fiyar : e. a With Uaptaill Look III his voyage to the I'jioin. . and had Imhmi th" lirst in Kurope or America to . is, . ir 1 1 v veyagi to the north west coast, "and was now in I'aris, panting for rnh adventure." A constant guest of Jefferson, he in- spired in that great American the noble dream of exploration mat wa- to add an empire to the young republic Hemming in l"8'.l to the United states, the though' grew upon Jeffer s and in I7UJ, while -ecreUrv of state, he proposoi I to the American Philosophical society that some com- p. tel.. person he engaged to a-cend the Missouri river, cross the Stony inoun tains, and follow a western river to the seu. Tim plan was attempted, but was not carried to Loti-iimmatioii. Jeflermn, however, never lost sight of his tavorit" nnm-ft. and when he en tered the White House in 1801, the idea developed into the stupendous di plomacy which gave us Louisiana, am! put our western border in contact w ith the distant Pacific northwest, the mys terious No Man's Land of the Oregon. Uut Jefferson wa" rcn.lwd that it should not long continue as No Mun's Land, and in a confidential uiussage of January It), UM he urged cuiigrest, to authorize a military expedition across the continent. The mesun- was sanctioned by congress, ami the Lewis and Clark" expedition followed. Besides I I United States soldiers, the partv included nine young Ken- tuokians, two French voyageurs, a hunter, an interpreter, and u negro servant of Captain Clarke, ft passed the winter of 1803-4 at the mouth of the Missouri. In the spring of IH04, it was reinforced by a detail of six sol tliers under a corisiral, with nine boat men, am! proceeded hv leisurely stages up the Missouri river. It went into winter quarters in October, in the country of the Maiidans. In tfM spring of 1805, the party pushed its toilsome way up the Missouri, crossed the Hock; moun tains, and alter enduring severe hard ships am! encountering innumerable perils, followed a tributary of the Clearwater, and after that the larger Silverware, Carvers and Chafing Dishes PRICES ABE LOW, QUALITY HIGH l all in Mid examine my Itock bdbrtJ buying holiday prawn tg Taylor, the Hardware Man. pleVWVVkrVr'WtV Have iiii a relative m friend in the Ham to to itttti n krNrrVrVAefaaJtinWk-ac SeSJBBJg, whom you wish Christmas Present Nntliinc would please them mnre than a PENDLETON BLANKET OR AN INDIAN ROBE The mill ift now runnin tin extra fine grade for the Ch trade and merchants; will shortly have a fine from winch to make selections rist assortment I 1. 1", scicnUtlc dlseorvry that stfeo . .ii . - fall. I n GOLDEN RULE C. F. K0HLER, Prop ISftSSM nn.t Amoricsn Plan. t ho Only tint Clin and Cnmnleto Holt I III ttii City. 5 -'!rvs HOTELS1 !oa"y in in wuriu. Nly Ksmoclnleil and HemivitiKt. StMin Hutod. IM Meet All trains. Irtyi Sample Koomi Electric UgMt, Firs Proof Bu'ieiog. Cor. Courl and Johnson Strcnts, lENIl.l TON mjRiON Byers' Best Flour To nrtkc good bread ttsc livers' Hes'. Pl'etl t took iit.st premium at the Chicago World ' Pair, vet Ml competi tion, and gives excellent satlstactioit -.vhcrever used, fw.r suck Is guaranteed. We have the liest Steam Holted Barley, Seed Rye and Heard les- harley. Pendleton Roller Miiis VF.flS Prnn Bi s .. etc. AMERICAN PLAN. S.J.00 per Day antl Upwards Mnest Hotel the Pacific Northwest I.UC'AI anil I.1MATK Nutlilin: ten t it I t.en I MnSVSf nr IliUltri' of Itlllrtl,- will i-uri- CATARRH. Tho Speelfte is Ely i Cream Balm ft quickly HrvutrlsM. M Kt'Ht I HI OlHf. ihii- mi'i Itx'iiM'j .In v InilitiuniHtiiiii CATARRH PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. BREWBItYH own r.in i i.lNi. Highly reeiiiiiin i i. ii to family trade Rvery buttle full) iiiavnnteedi Schuitz Brewing Co. NEW LUMBER YARD. PHYSICIANS. Ill: tV n IT- n A- : ii inn (imci. i,,.,,.. ,.t 1 1. ! in li'leplione 77. ' "'.; K. W. V1NCKNT. U rsi nstlnn 1 to ll p. m oi rir-i -.Hi mm; n,,i, . V Kill Ll.l tm, . i -- I' . I It li 11 In... -nv,,,i. it,,,,. ,,it. ---.n,iy III!. I'. J, SMITH aiatoti ilQllrc t.ili yy e. . ........ . " '..I.,'. .11. I, l.lll.L , I,. i. . . i . i . . .... - - - -.. u. r. ("IT K!!,phonu: .STt! Ill' It I XI'tTAl'f lin.... . tkli.kti.. I . . i til ' a kW'I'L'a all t ' i ' I I I ' 1 ' 'ill , , ks.t-oa. A. V . ass. V ) inn Hlstr., ' W10I Kit L HMIitit. . ' .f.c-kuii. I.I. I y ar .. i ...... . T." ' .'. ill .,.. IIBNT1STS. K. A VAIlllU tV I I 1.. , ',. I urn "T7 n i. tit. ii it u ,,,.... .. , ,,. n, urrn it i v Kuunuiattfreci. We are now ready fur biixinof'i near Wtvthlngtoe at Oolnmbia Hiver Irflchl eiot with a general assortment oi lumber direct from onr own saw mill, and can furnish nnythiiiit promptly. Gauntry orders in car loads u hipped direet from onr mill in c.trload tote at correct priren. '4lvi in a call. THE PORTLAND HOHTLANO, (IHROON. Spectal Kates to Hastern Orexon pc.iplo vi.nt mK Portland, tteetluuartcrs lor tourists and commercial travelers. H. C. BOWURK, Manager. A.C.Shaw&Co. W. d. SEWELL, Mgr. I A l t VV I.I . ........ s. .t. Jim'iil, IT.A I K IV llkW.s'l. e. ,oil SUallf, ARUIITUCTS AND HUlLDSBsT T b unur.nt, . .1Z! . . nun ....j,, in tl 1 '. AMI. all (.lllltoi.ili.nl. ini.k ll.i iil.-t.. anil l,.ki u. mi ...ii.m; in m(. Maa 0. ft ltm.ni 17. J .l.l.l bulltllUK. . .. . it, , ,y. " r.Kiiiimii - iiiriuaiit .1 i,n aii jinj, iiiiminr). i I'lticni walk., kinm-walla, ate. uci.n cam o, nil a. int. nam orcsonian oBm BANK!, AND UHOKHHS. rilihl NiTltlNAI. HASKOKI'EMilJ, wu c,i-iuai, kA'.uuu: TranaacU tri in r,.i inaiia in, ...... w . . .in. i.ifkm .in I. Nil. h i, a, ,,. i nil i nieaau. a new iiira aim minimal n,. nt. ' i i. u vi. tbim. as I. 1 vr JtZ! I COLD n HEAD llt-rtU itnt proii'i u th Mfiiaiirttiit , Ic-n.i. th) Hfii. nl TskMt Hint Wmclt. No MVr'ur . No llUurlotM lru. .U'tfuUr itUu tVOi: ; i'Miiiily oUu V- - K I I H '::.! - Uf t' ! in EIsY HKtt i'llKKStV, Wurrcu 61 ., N'-'v York. BADCOLDS )mriiiic U tvn t'ttfe Iwhintl. t!nM do noH now kve t. Iw emiurt- t. IIKNOKL'S J-VN'ASIJt TAD I-KS i.l: J tit iiftinii." Ir.-t i tt'rir t in-r-i' t ruW'l t u,-l. Mf iiimn tru.ttitiont lnt t 1 . - liun -ml uUfft thv wtn.t of colds, nt vt niirtit. It w u th.- wi.ri.t ciwc of urln I t!rr hit 1 A half UoaU-li In u tide tut-l Miff cun-i. Still It Inn., un, Ilvttfil of thv DVNAlsIM' TAW 'UW. T " suittw MMllbM Kto)KJl : 'tJi OOU Mil coil. i tin. Hit hltflit. 1 i inlor. mi l rtuoinitu h i tin m UiteM MCh HAl.i I. t IH.i.i. . a M. mi,, i Couuro-et tunl Atttmttjv , 1L1 betiusoinu ktruft, Mt i r rtiiviaK-o, July 7, I'.Kio. Wittt r l- ilds haw alwuvn lu't-n mtIoih thiiijfii Ui 1ht urf httril uii'l Ml.it for iitontlo.. hut tlio iv' iWjM Uup04 widdtsfjli bi Mi NJKl, H iSAMI' Mill l. liotii couifli .m l tol l h-ttiipa. uvrt tl in Misijiilo i I iLn. Notiuii..' t-l.tf ilots this for lllf." Mfc. .MUA J.. JiOLl.IN.il Mo s-i , Ktw Jio- L'lttO' All.' la, lil I Hv.- nwritt tloiklrit't iioio Uvt' MKNIMS l . N AMI' ' I VIII LKH ar ' uiu.1. 'Maul h lo.u I Mrnl Uisik llit to 'In.-, attiii oliU h ithoitt nolic I took Iw.. u hioi vt ttli mo fi.r hi If .tii Iro-'lns vshi'o I stint t.. N.nio II I. AN INKLK, I ttl.ituliat. JU17 WuhhiiiLtoii sttaTDtt, fr miteittco. Atu'iiat I MB httiit iHaNtiitthl i ' r ' i a. f i . t in tstulnlis i. IM.ANJ' UHlti CO., rJ3l UtsNhiiiirtoii SUui-t, hayi' VrttutUHjo, AIsm. on duIl- bt our local ttgunt, hOKITKN'j II A AM At Baby's' ath UN CUTICURA SOAP. i' a.S-l-l AJT m N Christmas Presents Here in the o,i.jrtiinlty of a life lime t.i mv your friend a ChristiniiH present and buy it eheap. I haye an elegant lint, of unredeemed plettflH MtSjgf of ladies' and (rtfuls' walches, linger rinir-. MrrlngS), and other jewelry whii h I am ..li.-riu; very eheai. for the holiday trade. Joe Basler. Also Wholesalu akciii for SCIILITZ MH.WAt Kl l in bottles, barrels, or caas. Telephoue No. 5 H. K0PITTKE. Pendleton Pianino- Mill rranrl.i u , tn N.m llinc al. .-tuj. i Aiiat-ny pnianii'iii; u Manl . ii-yiuf'nie.ii , n. naiii-, raalile.-. yyuv.nx aa.iauiiu t'nMiln. lllf. I'.;.N I.' TON SAVIM1K luvi: 1 ...11. I ., ...II . I .... I . , I I . ....I ...II ... .11 1- Tiuayyieanuiii ; i . i. Murr.a, ta.li la r. I ll.lU.1,1 I ul.llj ,'JI l,,. ......I... t Ckl I. ai ciai u.iiav. uawv.lviaa litoiii jitir . tc-uutii tu. ii' iirv t Auaou iirt'.iaeut. aui M. Arthur, rkti-prsstilsnt ; h . I.. Harnett, est er ; i.. w . Hamuli akauuiil caaliler. IllK I A K M I I' . I. A Vk III U'KxmiV ii. iirt-sin. i - ti tcciii-ral i- Kaelianc, laiuslit anil ski intice ii. , .i 1 1 u " in i. - 'iiiiuiu riuaak it I.. ... . i. ii llan ero. ciatul. vi. i- prtn.lc iii , . . Hettc esatiei J. H Ki1Ik.ii. , w.lalaul issbler. .liracu.ra (I. A llarluiaii. M M.Julma. T. J WlM.G. t i.raw.J. V. KiUaorv. uatwii Jaaaasoa, 0. I'n ,"..li ... ll. .-.i r.e.i.'.N. .t t ti it, ..ttti't i in I ii , 1 1 , . ...... ,, i . .... ii i . t i -ill. cV I n. ur Willi mi i.i -l..; v Kuaa. Hotel Pendleton Lumber Yard Under New "UtnnKement. It prereui iuiiu.. i - am-,.-, .utd roualn"-i vt Uiu skin, ...uii" - r-r1tmnrif"V, sUsys LtoU- Init awl Irnutltuu, uml ulinu loilnwu.l I., ,i n. UuaiipUrsUuai. ' It I'll aA OttSSSSat, Urn .in .i akin cure, apvvtlily . urva all Itirin. of sati- nii't w alp tiuuiurii suit roatun-i ibu nan. l-lke Chrietmat Snow la the color of th, shirts, collars ami Dltfll that are done Qp at the DonMStlO l.uiiiidry. Bute Clans knows a good thing when he setts it, and that fault less beauty of the linen laundered hero will excite bii admiration, as well, an the man who loves to dress well and have his linen perfect in color and finish. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY i. F. Robinson, Prop. Telephone 60 Lie THE NEWS! lake the Hast Oiogomaii. Daily &.5.00 u year by mail. Weekly tjl.so, and lieun. "Voakly ga.oo a year. Samplaajsapy free A' 1 Strictly First-Class Lxcellant Cnisioe. Every Modem Conveniem jjpl tr'fGB.al anV. 4 Give Us a Trial. Cm soil clmaiicr than any linn in the county hccaiibc they buy in large quantities. If you need Special Kates by Week or uioiitti lumber or any mill work call' their prices. or kind anil Km hAl.bSMDN WANT Kll Til SKI.l. ot ....... I . fav a.aal.kl.1. I.. 1. cri . ultll rr On. ' flrrtrrnn I nmhnr Vor W I VrUII nWWIiaWI ana. aaaafinUlsataoaas I.UUllH ) , i.uth. Shioi'.l- -. Build mil !Japer, Tur Faper. Mouliiiuuta. t'ickotts, l.itiu uutf Cemeot, Brick and Saud, Siiuh anil DlMII'S. CW.ICCM f ec , c . - -. terra Cotta Pipe- I Uv;ak Xr 1 oht prnn utri it tA u.i,mi r Alta .St , opp. Court H.-istt. Bar and Billiard lloonts. Headquarters for Traveling Men The Best Hotel In LasUrn Oregon, Van Dran Bros., Props. Successors to J. E. Moore i V,l$,:,tAt R. FQRSTER, - Proprietor. IP YOU WANT A good livery riK oall 011 us. If you waul a oab niktht or day let us know. We'll be there. Depot Stable. r BoJ.l or JOI1H SCIIM1D1 Th l ouvre Saloon OBKJC- 'H.NIIIXll'N CAI F GREAT CARPET 1 o malt . room tor nw stook J will soil carpocts and wall panor f, cost vu. v prii. All 16c oarpntg at 660, all 6O0 caroota at fill Ka Ul. ... ' ' U in naiiio iio,.i n.m. Ki,,t, H,lH nfO.U,' "l ' iwpois a. w, ?&&XS7S!$ mm -.11 i' .. & - "u"iiK ivuiurv WIUIll .Na.ujiiiir 1 ., '!.. ... .... i it Hit ...T pi in siiiiio proporl 1 1 lasts, Leather SwueimrH and and don't .'nrgut Near Main St. Bridge. near wliolwalw puts at 5()c, ofchore