East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 17, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    ' I
We will meet you
and greet you
For of court yon are coming t.. tin- Harvey
Carnival. Knthuaiaam ll broad la tin- land
It contagenn. and eon will MMh it. W.
want yon t get it In earnet anil when ftU
are here make yourself at home vitfa aa.
If m want to puabaaa an article vlaii ni
'efore buying. Kail and winter truxl art
all in. It- the hip value am! t Ii -price
that attract attention : you will find
them l M at The Magnet.
A chance for a gold watch given with every dollar purdWM
Clements i. Wilson. Court and Cottonwood
than that of the MltltinlM t'lril
the nernilanr, and not by nnv device
In imitate the atfnfeBl oi bird' w:ng.
Not onlv dO the hUMM bird nml til.
j of the longi-xt flicht for the XM mrt
wail or mmr. but it i apparent that the'
I limit of iw in a vibrating wine mart
I aoon be rvarhad. since in a rtVona
I wind, with it varying ed.lte, i! would
he quite out of the qWMtfcM to niHIli-j
j pnlate MMtt I plan of mci'tinni'in.
Neither bird nor any creature that
(live or haw lived affurd any criteri n ,
a to the limit of ie that inut bal
I. laced in an acroidanv. The largv.t of
whaler if weak and im-igiiincnnt heaidal
Inn ocean liner, ami the condor ami .
albatmiw. with their praajd of tan or
j twelve feet and weight of ten or twenty '
Niiiml. tell W n 'tiling of what may bal
the posaihilitie of otic and weight of
an air ship.
The mode of BtapaMBB may le, tin-
'donbtedlv will I.', a. entirely dillafuBI
from a wing a. the propeller i Ml
the tail of a fi!'. and a the tud of I
Iflabbaatbroan little or no light on j
Nor doe it e-ni likely that a study j
j of the bird wiil ngget any new le
vice, in the way id toiata. iira. e- or
rudder, for what munt he dix-oiiru.-mg
a t rM 1 7 A aTI I"7 3
til kin.
Hardware, flu, Grarite. Iron and Copperware,
B oils. Axle Grease. Lime. Coal and Cesneit.
1 SAVAGE AND WINCHESTB Rilles and Ammonition.
ew .-Id ataM "f cut na: I at J".."' l,r keg.
lvin! order- hM proCHpi att.-r.'ion.
Karl's Clover Roof Tea
I Taylor, the Hardware Man 1
721 Main Street.
For ' or T.lim.n I
KoK I'l.EjiIliKN.
William J. Bryan.
I vice HMaW(
E. Stevenson.
M HUOS. of I matll.a.
IialX 8TCART. ! Muttnuntah
J WHITTAKKI. of Kenton
K. KJtUNER. oi Hui;aonii..
Newton. Conn., in tlireatened with
extinction by the closing of It only
industry, the rupport of AV operative
and their (ami.ie. The ruh'ner tru"t
war. riie total revenue receipt ..(
government at Wahingto'i for
i placed a: f.V !.. mj.. The
total liiiirenien- i..r t-iiMii for the
am. tin., wa IIS, 483, 171, or '24 per
I cent of the total receipt". The t. tul
eij cn.::.;ir. - : .r ::. u..r ..i.. ti . n..vy
department durnig the came t:me na.
l'.J.7-4:..WO. or 33 1-3 per cent of the
receipt. In other ..rd. ba repnldi
can manager admit and slum hy mi. -illation
that under the HMrtM re Bl
can administration one-fourth of our
enormous tax burden it (or pension,
and the amount i increasing, and tt at
in time of MM are MM si-ending
one-third of our taxes MaM war a
grand total of " 14 per cent of our
revenues for war burdens. The demo
crats tliould we that this d.-ciiment
reaches every voter in the I'mt.-d
Maaw. It is a vote maker lot Iba daa -ocratic
e:rds as flying machinks.
standpoint, for the work it is called
upon to do. In all its articulations
there is a ire don. oi movement, ami
amount of play, that would l
inadmissible in any machine.
Subtract the element of life from the
ing of a bird mid it bacOflaM at natoc
limp ami usele. Ami bare is tie' bag
t the bMg naaaM a- a Bytng ma
chine: it lias life, and while the wing
may reveal certain principles of
Iwlancing. it .-anuot teach all the art.
tot it is done instinctirely.
In conclusion Mr. Lucas minis ti.
v. i, .it h;i 's-en gained bv tcielitiiii
.tudy of the structure and (light
tdnis. Iriatfy staled : Kirt, the
Rffoajar Biatboa of constructing tin
wing of an aeroplane, so as tt. insure
lability and utuite the ner of the
wind to the het alvAiitage. and.
aecooU, aonie bjajaj regarding balancitu'
ami steering.
Sporting Goods
--m ' m , "v-w, sa0TJi n J
3 . ,., '- '
1 ' .
irry a In:. Ml
i-Utlerv ell the
1 U8 oi ritle an
: r..
Home Otfico. Portland. Ore on.
a ;
S'-akc iMr
Rlpam !, Uwis
;.. ... ni. ' ""Hi
for Ii... laionaauoa (alltraM.
or ae.
1 ion. on
less am unit of
n; ..r Acer
d-'llt I'.enetits
pr e v iuui I y
paid in event
of death.
Take the...
Columbia River
Alie lirviirrj . .Hi. "V7I1 1 111: TIte 1
nuu tbe plant aad Hnda it of advantage bMa ie 1 qaaatiou mieb allot
to oncentrate the business at its other ' In the
. . ,,, .. i development .f rui.nl tran.it
p.ont. This will empty W dinner- i , lii4je ' ... .
and the pneumatic tab; wt.
W, D. Hansford & Co.
Planing Mill
I or Chicago,
- Cfir,
w Paal.lt.baj
All Poh.ts East and
si Htietv 1- now in the
a be pluaaail t"
r maoibaranlp.
Morllani! and pui.
on the Sound.
..r. a..
The lWtker OttJ
Herald h..u c11-! mg bed.re n steel raibi aad
aiderabie improvement under it.- nea j boulevards are t. row Bad .
management. H. t . Caaaidv ii uoalanxiou Mai aaaaRMTa. loofcl I
it proprietor. The Herald was torn.. ' WBV t'" "'' -'" '.-.
..... apper air.
erly the Kpigram. a people t party j drIti, til.. . , .tt .
paper. Mr. Caaaidv cnautfeO. its name , I.uc;.- la UN Popolai Beiaaoi M.oa
aa well as it politic. t i. now a re- 'or Septemlr, I. as ei
...... i. ..... i... ...... im. ex.iau-i .. u-aiiw on
Mi Kir.iey and RaMMaH. In spile of
ita "political leanings" the Kaat 're
gonian bopea it will aucceed.
!.:r.i- ..-
'11. on
Ruaaia has already burrowed a large
amount of American money and now
tiermany if to be accommodated with
fLV.OUU,UUU. In dims quarter it is aa
erted that theac loans are being niaie
with the view ai bringing about a
tight money market tt mat the mom-y
ring can exert it. cruahiug power in
the event that Bryan ', chance grow
brighter or that he should be elected.
The standard i ; I syndicate furnished
moat of the monev for bolt, i . uti s .
and exhaust v.
FMriagM achinea
Forget I Bp Noa .
says: "froii
ward the wav of ,
beu a fuhjet-t of general inter. -t. and
tbe attention given to the problem ...
aerial navigation of late years ha
caursti tiie (light of bifaW to be earaf al
studied in tiie bofa tnat h Blfajbl
throw .ome ligiit on the subiect."
a a aj
Tn.-re have leen many comvp-.iont.
not to aay misconception", reganlinv
tne (light of bird- it :..i- a-,
.uiued that their niu.cie- IBftld a
power q-iite tweoad that of other ait i -
aea o( eome bir..
-y " .V .ii utter liurien.
.'. "ff chanje
ri"1' I ,:
T e- .f I Uau illj antici-
U I po;r.i..rr the vife-
L .v' ' '3 sutfernn; might
. DrJNarcr'i Fa-
.- -
I, . J 9 h U in....!
- . , '-I of weak, ami Mcklr
i arornen. i: CBtM
i the womanly .1
'. , iaea Un.t l A Iba
SjSms ln-utne Ittaiet
r-. ' , up the sven. .md
L -W eatabli.hc the
and Lumber Yard
Dealer in a!! U.n h o:
Lambat and Baitdfaig
Material. Big Hock o:
lath, shingles, tar paper,
mouldings. sash tan.l
doors ti:at art qnanortaad
not to warp. Batin .
iurnished on bttUdinf
material on short nc :ic .
In 18911 repnoiicar mayor presided
over moat of the larger citiea oi New
, Uiair . tltat tile .ii
j and the hotles bnai
I them a degree
I tamable bv tin- ii"
teriali. ou.e have
to auggeet the piataa
! (Miiv..r in.f hini. lilr
York atate. Both Tammany and ti.e.tive gravuv. wbarabt
Mil. democrmcy gave weak support to naught the law of .t.
Bryan. With the influence ni theA- at will like a bal loot.
democratic mayor" and the democrat i
machinery in hue (or Bryan this Tea
there will be surely a (ailing off in tin
republican vote in the F.nipir.- Mat
in the November election. Ami i. i
quite probable that Bryan
the suit-.
Btfdi a i
not la lie ui
plant it talon
own tia an
vietini ldll'
ami ia.-ar
.ii... .o.
loui-.g tn.
atiaf Bbnv
Adviaar. It
i tn: free
' i N. V.
crtpuaa oon-
tain no alcohol,
. cochin, nor other nar
t :n til.iitute There ia
Um " tu a gool " (ur
rest silTm: (nmj feinalr wrak
w yxT wrltei Mr. Kiaiaa
on of th ttta. f leok iur
F.onir Prwcnpoes and
MOBMa will tvr.d a
in Dr. Fierce'. Medical
contaui. ics page and
in paper cover . on IBS
The Best
He Read
m.MlatluiiK, .... .in in a.i,ira
A LAM- it-
a B CiLiamii ti, ,. m
Valla Walk: aa
Qel our Gun...
rench Restaurant.
Tilt: MM
v. kata ...' . sii a
to I, i
lu LaFuntalne,
1. Cat.
' BBBBtblag
Crop, letoi .
Quick Cab Service. ... I- armers Custom Mill
Depot Stable
Fred Waltera. Proprietor.
r.. -T. . i '... . ,!;.
ut ex'it.uf fur abaat.
BWi Mill raeU, Cnonpe.1 Keetl, etc.. aiwajr.
Livery, Teed and
aIe Stables.
1 ' f :Ur
r S. H 4M
Nea I.. ht riptadicaH
in the . itjr, BoirrtswgH-o
Im-m attention.
Sv.rt ice u hour of thcDukl
Telrphnn Na. y.
Eer Brewed.
With Colli. 1'. Huntington ii. the
ground there will be aomc chance lor
the Nicaragua canal bill in congrva,
particularly to if the neat coiigreas is
democratic, as it i. -.nought t will be.
for year the Huntington intertata
maintained at the capita! a Lobby
wh.Me most intiiietit iai member were
senator and representatives and (oimai
member. o( eongreaa. It i. aaaerted
that Huntington '. annvaaor will not
continue tlse practice of capitalizing
iK-oundreM.nj and rewarding raacalitr.
In consequence, Waalungton "grafter
sincerely mourn Huntington's demiae
On October H, lttM. at Peoria, III.,
Abraham Lincm gave utterance t
tne lullowtng words: "Let u. re-adopt
the lteciarali.il. of Independence, and I
a iti, in.- i.ra.-. . - and .licy which'
harniouiie with it U-t Nortl ami
Suutii let all American. let all I
wing with ease, cannot riae from tl.r
water after a hearty n.eul and tn
humming binl, un.upraaatd in aerial
evolutions. may be trapped in a
spider's web.
Turning to tne . j ur-:. ..: to.
played by tbe air ac it may be said 1
that their value is not pr.ired : B bm
of the fa.le.t iurd- get .liung v m
them, while bird, of the Mai labor. .1 .
(light are sometime- wen provl
Tbe holloa bone ..( bird, are lr(ii.-iii-iy
citrd a- bnauliul instance .( pr..- j
videutiai mechanic in building the'
itrongeet aud .argeet piiible limb,
will, tiie least expenditure of materia!,
aud Ibta i largely true.
And yet birds " like du.-g-cleave
the air with the pn.l of an ex-1
pr-j. train, hav. the long Imne. Biled
with marrow or aturate.l aiti. (mt,
while the lumbering bora bill thai '
For those who rvear
Made from Iiitere-1 wi
meiided by physicians. '
ill yon want at it ami
l.eadache or get dizzy.
ou cai i .1
not lwi.
Schultz Brewing Co.
Oregon Lumber Yard
tairiy nnrtiea over tlw tree to ha L in and ahirt waists, eoiiars. ruff.
one of the most ..on, 1. 1, u iy pnelimati. ef , the iKimeatic LaUlidrv offers
ksletoiis imag: liable a-rn.eaUMl with . special ailvautaea. Ve never arv
air to the very tip; and tm- tin-, (ron. i -un.iard. Every an
gairilv pelican is i.earlv a well off. araat to u is canal tor a Brail Bl
sltill i i but (air to aay that the laundere.1 in ,a.rie,-t stvle. Patron,
.over. .,1 line,,, .-..-rv. n.-r ! .' . I .iira., -rea- BJHl tnat tbeir linen am! other
, - Hires wn l, ar.
great and good work. If we do tin.,
we .hail not only aave tbe union, bat
we .hail have m, wved it a make
and geep it forever worthy of the cav
ing. We ahall have ao saved it that
the succeeding miiliuu ol iree, happv
people, tbe world over, .hall riae up
and call u. bleaned b the latest genera
tions." Thi. exhortatlun applie aith
as great (orce bxlay a in IBM. The
pint and letter of the Iterlaration of
ii.dindence ia Iwing violated and tier
iutereet. of the plain paople Ijeiug
The republican national commit
toe ha nssued a campaign docu
ment which ahow that the Daftod
State have sseiit upward of u.o!,
UUU.OOo through the pension depart
ineiit aii.ee the civil war; that since
Mr Mckinley became prueideut there
ha Ix-en distributed upward of f-LM,-UUU.UUU
to more than MkJ.UUO civil war
pensioner.: that the list of pensioner,
ha. increased JbUi in the peal year;
that wuile the C'levuiaud administra
tion allowed only 31, per cant of all I
new claim, the McKu.iey admnnatra- '
tiou has allowed s-j Kr cent : and
ttnally. thai 4J7.UU0 claim are pend
ing. Alter till. plekMiug slaUiiient to.
holloa bones,
11... St at a.e alien ol. so... ia.t l.tllel. i..n.t... l.a.. m... .. .
the wing have -xtri-mel ig.it an. .w wii.-n tln.ir -...L- - ..........
nut comitring one bird eatah! ishuienu. Prolit b their ex-
itor- !
tance of a pneuniati. skelelon o a lord
fai not a evident a that ul a pm-umatu
vire ... nievele.
It i decided that builders of air
ship, have nothing t. laarn ir -
II. the aav ol huiidmg an envoi.. Tit-
next .jueation i. that ol IBaaa. o (ar
the lemon taught by ti.e bird i. tltat a
; machine of o ii.t mav attaiii a
very cmaiderani- spee.1, BM it remain
Uf ie aaeu i( there i. anything to i.
j learned concerning BsUada of liignt.
The author treat the turee dtatiaat
, m.alec uf liight (tapping, soaring and
a combined movement in a atiaatitlc
manner The humming bird rapn aaU
the perfection o( .me method . tltat of
! Happing, and the frigate bird the
higise! type of aourn.g liignt. The
aloatr.-M stand next. "It ha that
type of wing which beat (ulllti. the,
(-un.iitioii i.e. . ..arv ior an aer.
i. f Reomaw, Prop. Telepnooe 60
Old A- !
IA ls.
Buildinu Fapci .
Tar Fa per.
Li tne and (Jernent.
Brick and Sand.
Siiih and Ifcsorv.,
Screen OoorhA: WinJi
Terra Gotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop's
Wednesday Sept. 19th. 1900.
1 1 r 3AN FRANCIS ' ,
IKH8 il'KN A l
- 00 !'. H
M l'i;)MTKV.
Alba Creamery and
Cheese Factorv
Urder ProaatlyfMl
J. L. BISHER, Prop..
Alba. Oregon
University ol iwd
1 uition Free.
.in!. . I ul Milt. - mid MlniatB
. m BMBlBI 1
Civil, aa.
.i-iii aan
l.tr vataiuttuv. .ie.
nu. w. ii. wKKIcil
uui aaVuap Hani ouimiuc a
taiga a ! t.
(. W. VIN. KM M P. St
ul Kiri Katlna " ac
. a. . i
lik . J. SMITH, iimi'aOVIM
mm '
i. OAKKIKl 'i' M. 1..
Ii r-l.y.tu.li u l .u:-
I.e. W. I PKUK
..nt. III. t .ti.t.M.lr
lilt... buun .'i'1 1"ul
K. h. V.'. I '.HAS
III Jll.lll Btt...l.l:
bavmg. Haiti
t. a. Maria
T. v. how 4JU
, .... t I
li. Ii. B orriv
oi srihT. if
. . , ltl ui.J
Aw "
lur L.tt. nu.
?, Jud.l buili
. i, n:ik'
, ia ia cm
UuL-uu.unt gia ou tt uiintari.ii,
l.ow. mat J-rauue aud iter man. are
oach .pulliiillg alxtut ! par ceul ol ll.tjir
total revenue i..r war ami preitarati'.iin
ueiug long ami narma, u that while
a (utlv grown albatriav. may i.r-atl
from ton to twelve le. i (r..iu ti v. ti .
thi aiug i aol Bon man nine lantiBi
wi.le. "
If any hir! know hna to utilize
verv breath of wii.(l to the ftfTr 1 that
' bird i the allflruw., and it i equally '
j a delight aud a marvel lo we kbit bird
apparently testing at naught all'
'natural laa. a. he Mil with out
atretched pinion. alolltHt u.lo the etc
. o. ...e n.itu or nang. )ill on tiie iee
and quartor ..( a hi. reeling .If ten
twelve knot ai. It-... r .
It ban loug been evident that if man j
i. lo navigate the air it mini In done I
altur tbei.HiU.od ol the albatruaa ratlur
reiiicdr (or OOBjhi and
colli thjt'a as good to
day as it e rer a and
alway has bean the b. ist. Twcoty
nve year of K-aiant. siag Foley
Honey and Tar, bcc.. .use it was a
BBrercmedy.haabruu gbt its reward
in large sales anJ ny (,,,0,,
lt still tne same j uarantced-to-Curi..,rmoite.,Jcl:
It will cure all eat bJm am! colds.
Croon anu aiinop uk Cough, la
fTrippe and broncl utis. It will
relieve asthma and consumption,
avaa the art cast 1, and will pre
vent pneumonia. I t's guaranteed.
For cut, brm
es or orci
-VE ia best.
Fai. Jts, Wall Paper,
Glass, Picture Mxraldtafl
and A xtists Materials
Ii. J. rHumtv,
I ,. -. r
ir( Si
The o.ily exclvisivu maker o( hand mailt harness
iothaeaity. THU RIGHT PHlCli Good
stock. All work guarate. d.
CoiMi t, op. Golden Rule Hotel
'I UK 1
I'tfUdivtuu , Ore.' 'U
capital, jMi.'' '"H
IMM1U tit lilie I.
eipai poiuu aaaaav
u.iiu a. J. '"rnt
Vii:-pre.liK'Ut , l.J.
.,.,1 aw
ieru.1 uii nut.- 'ieAi MLuiite
,vi. Ariiiu-. .- 1 ::i
ler; L- W BBwB
uti titer VA'llllS'Ab
x.tto. aaaa
li.l. . "1" IJillO
1. .. ir.l.i.e ."',?.Taal-,
awn " - - w - 1 -
a '
1'ia.w--7 . flaw" .
. ..a.ii-. We tal, 1
na r-u."!-
ut.ltt. T j u
nRW , , ,..glf
Ouerur, aii.lui
l . 1. II . I! UAK
1 r. r. r n. .. . , frji Wi
lu'ti. .am.".
OaVuai: H
. , B gll.u
tt A Mj.rl.uaL
. , , 1.
ial '
utau oBw at li. d a.uuiu
u a.