East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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tove Your Dollars
f; (mo varda Valinclnes Lce, wortli B to y
'' 7i cents, Sale price
. jdjeg Vests, worth 10 oenti Vp
f Bite price
SO dozen Towels, worth 12J, cents.
Sale pri
. Waists, worth $1.00
.in nrice
5 dozen Ladies Pint DwssSkirts, worth M CA
J8.00. Bale price PI .UU.
mil values in new ('rush Skirts, Crush Suits, Fine
. tin ""s'.riic suitH Mid imported Covert Olotli suitK.
800.0u PISBO K'vt'ii SWSjr.
tover Bros. Dry Goods Co.
nC. . ii M
wmtm.m ( oMeuc Three p. m.
nundi In West Pendleton.
rinlli't" "Kid Tmib,
,.011 Islir-'l- l",r'' ,w" V''"rH
lid. I. I"'" "ecured u
I .', rm.v ill' II"'
., Whitman college. The
,.. in l.a lirmicli' today,
, ism al the old Midlers1 re
in,! will oonie throiiKh rendle-
; . ,. Ii in . I hov luivc lieon
' Bid t itop "M 11 nd give the afore
S"K..I Team" t"""". ','"! " wl1
Zk.. ,, at Ihr Lull tirniindl HI WM
falU,n:tt the Ii"ir of three 0 dock
'iTatalerloti I w ! oenti MM IB
fc,"ii,h" will bti charged, us usual.
r. ,,, in, Mid "Kid Team"
maim' M.m.- phiving 'H '""' H'.ios.
lit- larki-r "i till) I'ondlotOOMMi !
irivi (Ml any Indlvldosl wh St
,,j hill, II; nil if till' home
mmiti Mt outplay the Whitman.
; Tkr.. i-cimmili .l.iulil iiOiiut this to
tiki ii,. bum Interesting,
Robjeil the Uravs.
( -i.iriiinK incident. o( which Mr.
ktoOlirer of Philadelphia, wiim the
I : i. narrated by bin a loJIowai
I sat in ii mm) dreadful .oniliti.ni.
Mr skin w almost yalloWi even
Ma, taajM coated, .pain oootinu
ilk in luck ami aidea, no appetite
ejgaSlr flowing weaker day by day.
Ii.w plivit'ian- had given iiih Dp,
I rrtanatt-f v. u Iriunil advised trying
i trl Whet ' and t.. my great joy
la I surprise, the lirst bottle made
a aaaW Inrarovainent, l continued
tint osr for three week, ami am now h
itiiDiiii. I knoa they Mved my Ilia,
ul r.,bM Ilic grave of another vie-
na..'' la om thou Id fail t.. try than.
firM cts., guaranteed at 'I'a 1 1 mini
tiVVdruK store
Cuily Judge, Commissioner and Juatloe
hteo Document., on Hecord.
" "Hi ' i' a In Kill mtv.' during
ateominf leriua, unly Q. A. Ilari
aiii. county ii,lue.iilt'i:t, Hornet.
Mkfr, fount v i'iiiuuiiaionoreleeti
aJ TboaiM H'itxeriiM, jimtico-uleet
fibc Feti.lli'tiin liiatrict. nave tiled
Uirir bondH and u.iIIih of ntliee. The
nanlj jmle i mil riiired to Kive u
l, but merely lil, - an oath ol olliee
Hltr four yeur "I liif term. Neither
fcntlie ooiiiniiwiunur glee bond,
ki nukm outh Unit for two vuurH he
m Uitiifully ,eriorm the auttM of
olBiv. Tlie jii.t mimt uivn u
WJ) h.n.,, ,,,,! H,,, jr. Kitaurld
J"U.', Iuviiim ;i- HiiretiuH W. .1.
trnili ami rank I ra.ier.
w ifcetlff iic.etlH hlmaalf, u doen
U"1 rrr,,-r, , HiiM.rinttiiihsiit,
Jja. IhiI new iiniimlMintH will he
art, Nrreynr, ...roner ami treuHiirer.
u Uenlley i, .ii-l ulm nive u homl
Jywaiiiri'rliii in likelv to be eon-
J1', ami th. I, ,n. ia not he tiled
ee liai yet.
" il MHV, , U t. ..I,) 0,UIly
lr"iii iie". un the iMth or :ioth of
JPMocloae I, InHjiii.NM helore uoiiiu
a mmh. i in. aoceptenee of tho
the varioiiM oflteOM Will fon-
Mlomial luduetlon into otilee. Ho
ao.,11 u that aball huve heen
done, the new OfaOSri nnd thone who
were re-eleeted will he ntnrted ii.on
their otliciul eiirrerx lor the comiiiK
The olrenlt (edge mid dletriet at
tunn y BJttOl tile their oalbl in Sulem.
The offleera all begin the new tema
on the firnt of .Inly, or ao noon there
after an t heir bondi are approved hy
the eotirfH, except i 11 the iiHHCHHor,
whose term begilll on .laiiimry Brat,
A Thousand Tonguea
(?oiild not , M.i- the rapture of
Annie K. Springer, of llgfi Howard
St., Philadelphia, Pa., when the
found that I r . K imk'h New DlaOOVery
for Oonennption had ooropletely oorea
her of it ImekiiiK eolith that tor many
yearN had made life it hnrdeii. All
other remedieH and doetorn eonhl (;ive
her no help, hut nhe MM of thin
royal enre "it MM removed the pain
in my client inn) I ean now -lovp
Moiimlly, aoinethiiiK 1 ean neareely rem
emher doili( hefore. I feel like Hoiind
iii:' III praiMa throughout the uni
verae. " So will everyone w ho tried
Dr. Km.- New IMaeovery for any
trouble of the throat elicit or limn.
Prioa 80c aad 11.00, Trial bottlM free
at Tallnuin t Do.'l drag Htore; ev. r
bottle Kuarantee.l .
Kplaoopal Annual Convention.
The twelfth annual eoiivention of
the Protectant jtplaoonel ohnreh in
(Ireioii will he held ut Trinity ehureh,
Portland, baalnnlMj in the evening ol
June ISfh, The delegatM from the
i pariah of the Ohnreh of the Redeemer
'ure Meaara. Thoa. ti. Ilailev, John T.
1 Lamblrth ajid K. J. sinter. The
alternates are Meaara. N. W. I'olwine,
I B, I. Boyd ami .1. V. RoblneoB, The
annual meeting of the arontan'i
lanxlllary will beheld in the fame
' piaee beginning in the Doming ol tlie
mime ilav.
How the O. R. ii N. Train Will Run Bo
tween Walla Walla and PondleUm.
To aeeoiimiodate exenraioniMta to Pen
dleton on July -Ith, train No. -II will
leave Walla Walla at 7 u. m., Milton,
7:'-'n; WeetOD, H:0f; Athena, Itlg,
Adane, B:S5 1 arrive reodletoii va. n,
RetarailMi truin No. 41! will leave Pen
dleton at 1)::M) p. in.
f. r. WAM8LBY, Agent
BcarathralKlliiluieof i'iias H 1'l.aTcn
In ur lot murr lltau thirty yrara. and
Tkt Kind Yu Uut Atwujit JongM.
For Pleasure.
(io to tiie Udiniun Hot Spriniia,
foruierly the Teal Sprinyn. located III
the wild- of the Kim- moiiutuina of
Umatilla county, the biiurt of the
aportmun'H nanidiae. Thia year the
apriuiiH will be under new manage
meat, umi everything thai will '"' "'
convenience to jiiiealh will he prompllx
; looked after The plciiaiiit.' fMUIN 't
! the ipvinp th ir- year will be danolug
end mnaie. Kirkman'a orobeetra will
fiiruiah maaui For partleolari auoreM
II. K. Warren, marBger, or Or. J. Mc-
Panli Heppoer, Or.
p keralquarhiri for
0,1,11 kind, and our pricu.
'"' lowest....
!V"H'!ye Du One Prioe
gMfcat la tho ,amo
m overybody.
Woi ia Than War.
Hundreda are killed In war, hut
hundreds of thnurMimla are killed hy
oonaamptloo. There would be no
dentba ut all oanainl hy thic larrlbla
dim-use, if peonle could lie made 10 un
derstand that Sblloh'i eoagfa and "-
sumption cure is a sure remedy if taken
in the earlv stages. L'fi els., oil 't- and
$1 it bottle.' OruijiriMts will refund the
MOney a BUM I not effected. Tail
mull & (.-'..., Itadini! flriitCKiato.
Jeweler and
tP ii. mo
L Hunziker
A Word to Farmers
All up-to-date Llcvde ut 2.r, ludiea'
wheels f.'O, at the (Vci-c nt Aiiency 111
the Kust Oregon lan building. A Bee-ond-hand
bioyele in Ko.al order for $16.
Tarmi easy, Vitbonl interest.
9 m
Sunday Sohool Plenlc.
Tlio Sunduv bchool of the Obnnfa ol
the ICcdeeincr will i!" on a picnic 90
ThUreday Ol thia week II the weather
is pleaaant, atarting from the church
bI hi .. . lock. Parent and Irlendi ol
the children und all othera interest.,
in the children ure cordiully invited
to go. Ohlldreo are expected to bring
luncheon. Other refreahiueiila will lie
prov ided hy the pariah.
Come mid look ut the l.icy. les at the
Crescent Agency in the Hast Oregon lan
building. Hn vcles f..r u small amount
down und the balance in monthly puy-
uienla, no intereat.
A tlnr, ia the dawn of harvest we wish to announce that
e have complete Una ol Harvest Supplies, Dishes, Table
u ';11 ud Cooking Utensils. We Imy for spot cash, which
L"',l,i' Ul to Bad obeapnr than those who buy on credit,
t-hast dj Sanborn's Teas and Coffees a specialty-
Aeut for Pcudletou. Court Street
The Wheat Will Alao Be or the Best
Quality and the Yield per Acre
From SO to 36 Bushels.
Athena, Or., June Ml. The weather,
condition, of the past week have heen
of Hitch a character aa to lie a source
of unalloyed pleaaure to the fanners
of Athena and to thOM who reside
within a radius of II or H mile, ol the
bnatlinir town. Todav is the fifth dav
in siicceaaion that it' has rained here'.
The rain has la-en of the right kind,
to... Not storms of hail, wind and
heavy ruin to hca) . grain down or
blow it from the face of the earth, hut
baa been like mm ol the qnalliieei ol
mercy, it has dropped "like the gentle
dews from heaven". The results have
Im'.-h noticahle and verv heneli. ial.
Wheat is in the milk ati'd ia rapidlv
filling, giving great pfOMiM of a
heavy yield. Still, in the opinion of
many most deeplv interested, and who
aeem to hp the be1 informe.l upon this
ull Important Bllbject, the vield of the
reservation wheat fields to the aonth,
and of the tielda within 0 or H milea of
Athena fo the north and eaat, are net
going to he as phenomenally heavy 'r
acre aa they have heen in aome previ
ous years, notably in IS'IH.w hen 4i mid
50 huahels to the' acre waa of common
"i rrence. The stand is excellent and
the growth very rank, hut the hen. la
are smaller, and, conaetpientlv, do not
contain B0 many grains to the head.
The herrv gives everv promise of Lcim-
plump and Bra, a., that there will Is
very little w heat raised in this section
that will not be ..f strictly No. I
quality, and will go ahovp the
minimum weight of ;h pounds reipiinsl
to grade us No. I .
The Cropi or 'P7 and "98.
In 1H!7 and ISM, the latter year our
Ocularly, many Melds in this neighbor
hood yielded more than ,Vi huahels per
acre. That statement may Hound
"fishy" to wheat growers of the
Oakotas. Minnesota, mid of the middle
states, where farmers arc pretty well
please when they harvest 12" to 20
huahela to the acre, hut nevertheless
it ia u statement that can he fully
verified hy the records. In those years
the heads of wheat contained four and
live grain- to the mesh and frequently
U meshes to the lieu. I. The reuson for
the prediction that the yield this year
is not uoing to he so great will he
readily seen when it ia stated that the
heads only contain on au average three
grains to the mesh with only l:! meshes
to the head. Much of the wheat unit
contains two grains to the mesh.
A slemlid feature of the situation is
that the danger ia practically over
from hoi winds. The gentle rains have
supplied the eurth with sufficient mois
ture to lust almost until the wheut in
ready to he hurvcated, which will he
in about three weeks. The grow ing
grain is also free from (lunger.. us and
destructive insects. A few Melds are
infested with myriads of green lice,
hut these insects Hy away after they
attain their growth, ami no danger
from this source is apprehended. The
proper MUM for thin-particular insect
has n.,t us yet been given with any
great degree of satisfaction. Some cull
it the green aphis, hut they lire not
very strong in their belief, aa the
statement thai that ia the name of the
"varmint" bai beeo atrongly contro
verted. A Meld of wheut that will go 50
huahela to the acre this year w ill he an
exceptional one. Many of the heal
wheat-producing hinds will this yeur
yield hut Ho to 40 hush. -Is, while the
maximum nveruge is placed hy conser
vative dealers, buyers and growers at
.'to huahels und from tlutt shading off to
lid bushels to the acre.
A. C. Uussell, with his horseless
carriage, took u representative of the
Kust Oregon lun out for u drive Monday
allefllOOn through the wheat country
west and southwest of Athena. From
the Melds insK'Cted on that trip ami
from the heat information obtainable
from other aolircea thia letter has heen
written. An iUHu.ction of the held- to
the south and southwest may necessi
tate u revision of some of the figures,
hut not to any greul extent.
(Kute Mr. Huaaels' horaeleas car
riage is druwu hy u trim little span of
mules. )
Looal Notes.
It. J. Bmldv, the meat market man,
and Juck and Hcrt Wurren, returned
Monday from a trip to Union OOOnta ,
whither they hud gone to inspect Mr.
Boddy'a atoek renen 11 milee aootb of
LeOrande, The result of the looney
wua ao satisfactory tbut it resulted in
the Warren hoys piirchusing the prop
er! v. the "oii'siderution Is-ing fllMis).
The lailohaeeW ure aona ol the fft,
PrenoU Wurren, of Athena, who
recently 0BJM here from Knglund. The
young men are huatlers und will luuke
MOM) in their venture. The ruiich
comprise- TWO acre- and is situated be
tween the ranches of C. 1) Wa.le,
cashier of the First National hank of
Pendleton, and John K. Smith, of
Union. It ia one of the best sts-k
ranches in that county. The Wurren
hoys will devote their attention to the
ruising of cuttle.
A sneak thief g..t in his work in this
Mil ls'.' at 12 o'clock Tuesday, lie en
tered tin- restaurant of Nib Ving. a
Chinaman on Mum Street, and stole
two watch.--, one of gold und one of
silver, the two combined being wortli
something like ISO, it waa ut first
sups,sed thul aome one did it for a
"josh," but Marshal McOonald was
notified and after diligent search he
came t" tlx- belief thut the thief was
in earnest in his Intention to gel uwuy
will, the g'.'sls, hut hud not, ut lutest
accounts. succeeded ill locutillg bin
mull so us to bring him to the bar of
' just I. e.
' V- 1C. I, ...tor I I, on...
.Ulss .euif u .
Stiudav from utloiidunce ut school at
st Holea'a Ha", Portland. Her
father, Sam Purdy, went to Pendleton
lo meet her. She expects to return to
the same school in the fall.
Tin- infant child of Jesse 1.. Stumper
died lust katurday and war buried on
Sunday. -
Charles and Claud.- Kstes left sun
day on a prospect iug tour through
Union and Ituker counties, exMctiiig
to mukc u long trip- They curried
urms und ammunition of MSmenUy
deadly nature to offset any prohuhh-
attack Iron, near or iraw Hiawe
August Arp, "the big Dutchruui."
from Adams, James N.daoii, one of the
higgest wheat raisers of this auction,
und Edward l.a rave, well known eiti
Mn, residing on the reservation, were
visitors in Atheiiu today.
Han Kirk left today for ha Orande,
where he will attend the mil. district
session of Woodmen of the World , be
ing u delegate from Weston cump.
Five Thing!.
The Bve diseases for which Shiloh's
Consumption Cure is especially recom
lueoded, are Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, Croup and Consumption. No
medicine ever made hy man is MUal
to it in any respect. Sold under a
positive guuruntue. Money back if it
fails. 25 els, 60 ots aud f 1 a bottle.
Tallwan d Co.
Arrangements Made by the Committees
Will Attract People From All Parts or
the County.
With all the principal details ar
ranged for the Ponrth of Jail celebra
tion in Pendleton, including the
running of special trains on hoth the
l. R. .V, V. and W. A 0. R. r,m,K
at boor nvenlent and at low rnte'for
the trip, and with a good list of attrac
tions, it is hclicved that the largest
crowd will he in Pendleton on that
day which has ever been seen here.
One reason why thia ia looked for, is
that plans forming have in every par
ticular heen laid with the comfort of
the city's guests in view. On former
oeca-ions, complaint haa Wen made
that there wua no place where popl
from other tOWIM and neigh. KrbOodt
could rest from the bent and dual, and
where familieH could eat their luncheon-
with -eat- provided for all.
This has heen a reasonable com
plaint, and persona heretofore making
the remark that they did not care for
such eclehrations wore certainly mak
ing just complaint. Willi this in mind,
the Committee on arrangements has
decided to utilie the Myers grove in
the eMMn part of the city, WOOfO the
literary exercises are to ltc held. Sena
tor C. V. Fulton aa orator, and where
a free dancing platform ia to be
ereeicl, with an orchestra playing
throughout the day.
In the center of the town. Main and
four' -trcets will lie lined with trees,
on both sides, and ill the RoDU build
ing, now lieing erected, another free
dancing platform will he kept going.
Four hand- have heen engaged,
Athena, Milton, Helix and Pendleton.
thOM mneieal organizations being re
garded all os ol the best in Fa-torn
Oregon, and so there will be plenty of
mirtlal musical keep things lively,
and remind the ..Id soldiers of the day
when they marched to the wars, and
were inspired hv the notes of the regi
mental hands.
Bepeolal attention is called to the
Bra men 'a tournament, and the fine
li-t of athletic events prepared by the
entertainment committee. Also to the
brilliantly Illuminated night parade,
to he participated in hv a number of
Hecret orders for a pr!z.e. I'.lahorate
reparations are being made, and n
large quantity of Breworki have been
ordered for its tam ing out.
The people of Pendleton are sure
they can pleasantly entertain their
gneetl on the Fourth, anil will sHnd
lifteeii hundred dollars with that end
in view. No effort will be spared to
make the celehralioii successful.
R, ALEXANDER, Chairman.
Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that
Contain Mereury
ks inrr.'iiry will surely ,e-(roy the pensr of
smell slid fouiplt'iuly ilt-rsiige Ilic whole sys
tem w hen entering i'l throiigli the mucous stif
(sees. Such Hrli.'les sit. nil. I never Is used ex-
offM .a. preeoflpcSoni from rape table pByn
.'Ihiih. M the ilsiusse Ihev will .to I- U'll I":. I tu
the ii.hmI you . hii hi ibfy ,1. rive (rein ttiein.
fluir- t'ltlitrrh t'ure, mitnii(s,'tarel hy F.J.
Cheney v I'tt., Tole.,i. o contains no merrnry,
and i- ibbbb fateraaii)', setiiiv .Ureciiy upon
the hlotsl slid litueoii- -urfsee- of the system.
In buying IIhII'-CitlKrrh I'ure Is -ure you gel
thcKcuuUlf. It is lalteii iulerin.llv. Sli'l utiete
la Toledo, Ohio, hy F. J. Cheney ,v Co. leu
most la Is free.
Kill, I by nil 'IniL't'i-t- prfee " V . per Ik, Hie
Hall's Fi.lllllv I'll I- lire the bt'.l.
I)yapcda can he cured hv using
Acker's dyspepsia lahlets. One little
tuhlet will give ilnmediute relief or
money refunded. Bold in bendaoMe
till h.'.xes at SBe, hv llrock .V McC us.
suid lltflit drajatliitfn Cn urn a, purcat of mo.
Iltriit akin I'll ra Thin atopa fuiliiisj buif, r,
crualn, gwwlfa stml Untiilriilf, gMiutbe a Ir t it tt d,
U'Ihhk mirfiarn, athnuhttt tb Liilr ("ill W,
aoppii'-a ihr riHfU with rttwrfy stud MsWWMMMi
ami BBakeja Ut htr gtrow tipunr av.uul, whole
gtum', i . ..'Mi. at t i' whvu all rlavfatla.
b.'l-l tliruut-mt t1 ""M, I'rVe, a-iAf. -- ht
tY,UC. Ft.Tri H tai nU'llM ('"Hi ., ..r )'
IbamIwB. ua Wr ' iiaf ki Uava Ueaulilul Ua.r. liej.
Ladies Are Critical
in mailers of linen. Our faultle
laundry work challenges the closest
ami severest scrutiny, To discover de
feels in anything done up by us one
must have ey. rharp t o.i.igh to sec
what ir.'.'t there. Oili finish is so per
fect Cat it is not oonlly retired by
broiling Pout. And W5 degrees in the
hade d's -n't phase its silish.
J. F. Rohiiiion, Prop. Telephone OU
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stables...
F.verylldug New. New Horses;
New Kigs. Best rigs and teams
in the city. Boarders given the
hest atteutlou.
Service auy hour of the night
Telephone No. 70.
French Restaurant
In connection
LaFontaine Hotel
Best Meals lo the City.
Opeu Day and Night.
Qua LaFontaine - Prop.
AwiUder UcJldiug . aula At.
IT You Live In Second or Fourth Ward
and Have Not Been Enumerated, Let
This Ofllee Know.
Harold M Horton, enumerator for
the second and fourth wards of Pendle
ton, ha. Completed his work and i
ready to -end away his schedules to
the headquarter!. Ilebelleveahe haa
done the work in 11 thorough manner,
and that there are hut few. if any,
persons in those wards whom he has
It is urged that ii there are any Itwh
persona, they send or bring their
namM to the elty department of thia
otticc, that the attention of the enum
erator may be oalled t the matter.
This should be done by all means, for
every name missed will cut down the
reported population of Pendleton just
that much. It won 't ls much trouble to
notify this office if one has been over
looked, ami will asstat to make com
plete the can as of the city.
Peter West, who has the first and
third wafdl to enumerate, haa not yet
ended his work, und will Is1 sometime
longer. Ia't anyone overlooked in thoae
wants also send word here It is do
nimble that everyone la' found.
. e m
Is This Plain Bnough.
If yon have a nagtiing cough and are
losing Seoh, go to a drug store, and
get a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption
cure. Take two-thirds of it, and then,
if you are not IsmcHtcd. return the
bottle to the druggist, and he will re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
one could aak more. 'J5ctH.,50 ctn.
and fl a bottle. Tallmun tic Co., lead
ing druggiata.
Reduced Rates rrom Pendleton Over the
Lines ol the O. R. a N. Co.
Annual Encampment Oregon Slate
(i. A. K., Women's Kelief Corps and
Sons of Veterans At l.a Grande, June
111 to IB, Hound trip. '-'. !-". Selling
dates. June 17, 18 ami 10.
Washington Stale Christ inn KndeOVOT
Society At Spokane, June 'Jl , 22. 2:t
and 24. Round trip, IW.iiO. Selling
dates, June III, 20 and 21.
For full particulars en.piire ut the
0, it. a N. depot.
I . I WAMSLEY, tgent,
Mokl ten pool tl Vol y cures aick
headache, indigestion and const ti.a
tlon. A delightful herb drink, lo
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro
ducing a H'rfect complexion, or money
refunded, SBC and We, For sule by
ltrock tV MeOomaa,
Purity and Accuracy
are necessary hi drugs Medll InM when
prepared with adulterated IngTedlant
cannot serve the purpose desired. Our
drugs are all standard and our pres. rip
ti.m department has our special care
Mall orders will receive prompt and
careful attention.
Headquarter for f'ametas and
Photographic Supplies.
Corner Main and Court Sts., Pendleton.
Also Wholesale Agent for
In bottles, barrels, or cases.
Telephone 11U.
Lots i, H, 9 10 and
H in Block Hi, Re
serve Addltloa lo Pen
dleton, opposite Wash
ington & Columbia River
Railroad depot, will be
sold at reasonable prices
each. The lots are ex
cellently located and are
only Ave blocks from
Main street. Apply to
East Oregotiian BuJjjditti-
Boys' Clothing.
With Boys' f'lntliiii"; up are giving, free of charge, Pife
Snmll Oraekers for Bmall Bnvt
tdirgt Crackers for Large Boys,
Boya' Veetee Suits, from :: to 10 years, L00,$1.3A, Lfl0,
$1.78 to 4.00.
Boys' Wash Suits, from 3 to io y, nrs mi 7". tnd $1 aach,
Hons' twopiece Pants suits, from i to 1 1 yars, T.u'. i . m ,
11.00, 2.00 to N.w,
Boys' ibree-picoe Pants Suits, fn mi w i.. :: ypaiM. $ w,
16.00, 0.00, IT 00, fl .
See Display Nortli Wlntlow.
jyiw p1
Leatlinv; Clothiers
tttt T.i - m v j l .r i u,
UltiICCi,ailll : II
BjH.tJim.jri BtrthopSj' fills I
aC '
I, rraB potency, too Power, NlRht-Lntses.
KM p , J inB.tch, 1,1 Ds...-s, a .mlrtuT Co,
kit' bllltl, Hniiil.lt tin Unfit or. 1 . M,wf.
oanrann Mlaamlaapi (Is Israln aiitl mm irtttrn, t ,t hnn. A I r I
AttOrtvia, sllihfv
umbT irtMi j it mi ertrt t
luraji L M.i i t tin
Insomiil.i, Pulna
i i.iii., ,ic, Ntjrvoua Oej
1 Sketmstn, V.tru rfl,
fTj , . i
..in Frunrlaco, Ostl.
KOH I.K lv il,l,MN .1 . Dill Hl.h In. 1'FNol I ION. OUKUON.
To Celebrate the I mirth we have
Fireworks and Flags
including Japan.'-.- Napkins, I. ml. ins, sky Uueketl
Roman t an. lies. Torpedoos ami Pane, our prleei u
lowest ill Hie City.
7lf Main St.
Get Ready for Harvest
Ilnve ynur hsndst beds fasdt( fOUl water tanks
Iflokad over Bad have your Med racks iii order, so
there will bi BO lel.iv vvlic.i the time cones to
harvtsl tin yar'i big crop We stake besdei bads,
wilier tanks and Ice. I rucks ni very reasonable prices,
Call und see lis.
Pendleton Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
R, PfJMTBRi I'roprletor.
Horn Pendleton
Under New nanagement.
Strictly Plrst-Clasb
Excellent Cuisine.
Kvery Modern
ssTsa t
Give Us a Trial.
Kates $2 00 a day
Suecial Hates bv
I Week or moo to
Kar and Kllllard llooina. H.:ailiiiarter for Trdvellmj Men
The Hest Hotel In BaStSfM Oreoon.
Van Uran Krus.. Prups. Syccsaaors tu J. I:. Muure
i,t 00 per Day and UpTWsYff
i in. -i Hotel
In the facllic
1 niV tTKJXX 1 1 vi IN L J
poiM'i.ANii, ORsVOONi
Special Kates to Hastern Oregon peupls visiting Portland. Headuuartera
ur tourists and cominciclal travelers. if. C. BOWtiKS, Maoaser.
Byers' Best Flour...
To make khI bread use Byera' Beat Flour. It took fiiat
premium at the Chicago World's Fair, over all competi
tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wheiever used.
Kvery sack is guaranteed We have the best Steaiu
Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
W S. BYERS, Prop.
lit uu. Shot-la, t-'cc', etc