Did You Ever 0 THE MAGNET Clements &. Wilson. BATURDAY, MAY M, 1900 DAILY. WBEKL1 AM' BEMI-WEEKLY v Tiie Bast Oregoninn Pnbliahitiff Company, AT pail. mrnow MATB (n toiV H " v tngil f On pae cpy lu Bjonth. -y mat: j linn cop par .. t ..rnrr tj Trie) (Mbwrtpiuw am.. ri-.u.-' l 4 IIMI WltK LT ftaVTBirTloN A I Oe M on e.lr f - W Ihir top tli monibt Jmi Meacfiattea B-inglo number. wiiklv iraaceirrios RATM ! lOfV OB . " $ - n Oae cepf tn month . Trial r.i (i B-i-f'V AOveeriitNi. h Oe lack, or lee. inMni'-ii pei month , . .ftiei mh.b.ci ifti. in u - v rrr monin ... Ft:: :a itrtt kaaai i Orrr t' r in. i Oatf lhtlsrfea..tall.ilTaaillVahi.l'.rln.hfrrtai....ti 9 tsa In. h. or la... in tv trklf par Month tlaar thtasrs.liet. Iii Waaalr . ,ai In. h pat seinth . .14 Oval thras In. hat. In Ttiat-la, . I..-. f rr. II. Mr... ill tach par month ... ?, inllit iriiiiiil .iliriTir.raanti i i Irr '"rrl'i ttaa.K of Daitv. Int laMittas. par lain, i. . lath unr ur nl Inaar ran. rax. Lar-al aotwaa. taa .ant. pat unt-, ...h ia.tfil.ia. Tlif republicans nf OftgM MM n littlf bit uneasy regardim: tin- re-ult of tlif election on tin- (ourtli of MSI month, or they would In- iiiakin,.' greater claim- tli. in Hi. -j an We planted our il.i.- In A Mia la-t v.-.i, ml tin- year before ami this v.-ar A-ia li.i- planted her bubonic plague on our shores. Thf "iiia. k danth" onne la San Franci-co by way of Manila with- llllt tlnllbt. Tlif government built livf milt- of railroatl in Cuba at a font of am thing Ilk.' from l.krO.llUU to tM).lHK) Wf tlo not cart' for any inorf "govern ment ownership" of railroad- at any Mat price. Auk Um republican party cand idate in Oregon who killed tlif Nicaragua canal bill at this session of cninires-. Tongue ami Mootly. republican candi dates tn emigre ss know who did it. and can answer tbf ipiestion. but they will not. The pr.is erity we are enjoyini.' is due to the McKinley administration ami the republican party, we are told. Just so, and probably thf fact that the "increase" in the sheep im - in. i about 117 er cent thi- i-;i"ii t- prob ably due t" tin- -aim- c.iii'e Mirfbty is poUllaa ami nighty shallow U tin- artisan ' It would not cause any urei MtTpriaa if Iiernanl Daly, demorrilt, w.i- ehvlt-tl in the tirst district to conirress, and William ISmitb. dfinocrat. in tie sfc'ond dMlllal Thf only tloubt of Mr. Kniilb's election is in the vote of Port land, which thi" year will not be mani pulated unite so much as usual, thank to tin- registration law. The Salem Independent -ay- with considerable pith and golal that "it is .nun-::..- to hear men tike ('buries W. Fulton oi Astoria, ami ('"nurcssiuan Tongue berating (n-e silver in their public speecb.-. when he and Tongue Were the hamuli ami I'vthia- free silver candidate- fur tie- I'-dpb legisla ture in l-i.'v Seinibb- republican- ban become tired of such talking ami shouting ollicf seeker-a- l iillon. An appeal to party prejudice won't work. Voter are thinking fur thernttlVM and will vote to suit tle-ln- lle- this vear ' ' Judging tr im what is happening in Cuba, if all the rascal- tier.- turned out of otticc under the present admin istration there would !s mailt- vacan cies: (or honest men. The Cuban ecaudul gmws worse and worse, a- the investigation proceeds, (iotsl govern ment appears to have suffered at the bauds of the appointing rower Our government in Cuba has been in theory a military government. A mass of items footing up a Intel ol neurit iftOU, 0UI ure ehargtii as "e xtraordinary ex-..-n-e- nrdere.1 by the military gov ernor," but just what they were in curred for is not slated, behind thi bigli wall of cipher- many secrets un concealed. Among them an- Kste- Q, Hathbune's gorgeous life in out- of Hut ana 's finest inan.-n.n-, conducted on a scale of lljU.IXHi a year; Charles F. W. Neely's sudden rise from poverty in Indian. i to alllueuce and grandeur ill Cuba, and more splendid still, tin ea reer oi tiie North Aiucruun Trust company, the government's "liscul agent ior Cuba," witli Fletcher 8. Heath, brother of First Assistuut i'ost-masU'r-tieiieral Heath, BJ one of the dimcturs. Fven the aBMton at Wa-h ington areumaaed at the development I The poor Cubuus eacuped the "blood tiiirsty" Hpauiards to iall into the clutches oi the thieving "Yankee pte." I he F:ast Oregoniau, in referring to the presence of a political "seek" in Pendleton, said it wus hold by a man who is now at the business and gralu- W Buy a Wrapper for 6q Cents? The Magnet usli Store can quote you prices on Ladies' Wrappers rang in", from '.c tip to $1.60. A now lot j'ist received, Don't fail lb tee them, itli every dollar purchase you get a ehanee for a gold watch. CASH STORE Court and Cottonwood fill and appreciative for tbf trust In i d. a well ui" under obligations for tbf boiinr conferred. Now. there arr OSM pBOfMe Who arc "shallow patfd" tnongii to hfiifvf tlmt r. w. Vluoanf, tbairuian of tin' rfpubliian MXtBt committef . via- ri'lfrnil In. I i: itcli l mil tin- OtMt ('liairnian VI boiif't man, bOMal polHiOBi a in Um oUmT walk- of liff. On-Kouiaii Inm iitnioal con ' If All Writ Im Kitl It'IUT II) him nml bta good eillaaoablpi In abort, tin- honor- of rliairni.in grtn ootilWrnd upon him to give rat pacta- bility to UM early ami thf t-ainpaiiiii thin year, ami jut ajtMOgl nion.-y to pay tin- li'iiitimatf oxpfiin- of thf anvaaf in thf county ha- lfii placfd iii bit band-. AatOttMf man. 0M WbtM fnitivf conncif ciif iinver kecM him awaki . wan nclffttil tn bold the -ack and dlatvltrata thf boodMi ami hi- i i; i villi: clow attention to hi- work, rh.iirinaii Vimfiit ha black hair bin It la OttMT mail b.i-n't. In onicr t pWM that tin- Ka-t Oragoillgll in in NN if t'bairin.in VilMtBl ill furni-b Tlii pafr with thf nanif- of tboat at bo Lwvv apprtMobad him ami art- approachiiii him, mi accoun! ot the adtraftlaing given him. for Um pur if capitaliiing their polltlaa ami Iheir votp the Kant Oretroniau will publinh UmM and make an effort to have them permanently dinfran-chi-ftl, (ora man who would attaih a Money consideration tn bin rijfht of franchise i- worse than a horsethiff, an fiifiny to his country and nut lit to participate in sipuar Kover.iment. A SCKNE IN THE SENATE. On Wediiestlav a collotiilv occurreil in the I'nitetl State- senate between tit" "I the ablest member- of that body, which i- interesting: Spooner i Hop. Wis. then resumed his speech on the Philippine question, incidentally, he relerrtsl tn the situa tion in Cuba, and our responsibility tliere. iiaie Hep lit, n terra ptod him t.. say that, in view of what had hgpiMnad III Cuba, it would have been better hail Wf abandoned it. "Doe- the senator think." inquired SpiHiner, "in the cam- 1 have put. we should have abaadotMd Cuba'.' "I think it would have been the I rest thing in the worbl (or us i( we had done it," replied Hale. "I think i( it wen- toiiml that the population of Cuba as us hostile to us as it hail bean to Spain are boo Id bat. than. dolled imiiI been glad tn get rid of it." "Well," said Stsionei, "that is u matter oi opinion, in the case I have put, i lielieve we should have taken Cuba and held it, giving to the people of Cuba individual liberty and good goveranent, " llale The senator lias more con lidence than 1 bate in the e-.TIlneiH we are trying Plat ol teaching the pgOplfl of Cuba honesty ami goist guv ernnii'iit. 1 think it. in.iil.l n.t. batter off if we bad not taught the Cllbuns the lesson that has been taught in the last lew months. Spia.ner- What lesson'' Halt The lesson of iratid. specula linn, cheating, apprnpt ml im nf revenue-, stealing, a carnival in every direction nf corruption ami Hand. H tier ttaruilt it is a little tir me (or nie to he called upon on tin- aide ol tin- chamber to rcnlv to a democratic ipeoeh . Hal. I am a- -r -1 a n-publ lean as I tin- -enator tmin i-con-in. I t(o not recogniae any party nhligatiniis that inini- l me In consent to the pfopoei' Hon that everything has gone right in Cuba. Hpoonar Nobody pretends it. Halt I tlo think the experiment has bean a failure. I would vote tomorrow to withdraw fmui Cuba and leave that people to establish and set up ami maintain their own government. The time will come when republican- it ill Is- glad when we get out of thi- thine without wnna thing- happening than an now. "What does the senator mean," de manded IpooMTi "whan ha spcuks in general terms nf ., carnival ol fraud and corruption ." ' "l mean the thing- dlaeloaedr" re Ullad Hale. "A bill of particulars has i n lied already. It is nut the ad- in latent ion at fault. It is a natural result. There never has In-eii an in stance of the setting up oi a supreme government in a colony nr dependency that has not been attended tilth prat ticallv the same things that we have seen in Cuba. Congress is a- much at fault. The ad rn in latrntioii has selected men who are U-liet.-d to Is- good men. We went Into it with niter oanldence, balteving that it wai an taav thing. I voted against the peace treaty, bec-uise I believed colonial itependewiiea would result in preciselt wliat ha- ueourred, 1 am glad, ton. I am glad to see that the administration is trying tn guard it, but I do not want anylsxly to sat that it is an unexpected tiling." "So fur us anything 1 suiit is con cerned,'' suid Siriruiaer, "thf senator ' observations ure, in the language of Shakesiieare. 'a i ..It of nothing, shot at nothing.' We wenl to war to free Cuba. Have wt dune Cuba and the Cubans no kindness by pouring out millions oi our money unit shedding the blood ui our soldiers in order to drive Kpuuisii tyrunuy lon ver from i ui..,. lias mo senator ant suspicion in bis mind or in hi heart that the I dodge made in the NMOlntion passed y congress us to the temporary char acter of our occupation in Cuba is not to be kept'.'" "I bgVa very grave suspicions, " an swered Hale. "I think there are very iMiwi-rful inllnences in this conntrv, largely located in New York, largely npeculativf and connected with money making enterprises, that are deter nllMJtj that Wa shall never give up Cuba. I think that tin- time will never coine, mile-- something earnest and dnttle is done by congress, that the last snldier of tile United States will be Withdrawn from Cuban soil. I do not think the president favors holding Cuba. I dMoovered vary powerful Influencee, commercial ( hut Otntlle. money ami political, that are opno-ed to-our ever w itlulraw ing from Cub i I take up the new -papers that an- foremost ill tin- large cities, and I tint every day intimations anil hints that we an- to withdraw ironi Cuba. Hpooner If I were inclined In doubt for one moment that the United States government will seasonably withdraw from Cuba. I should be ashamed of the government anil ee bamed of its action. Hale-That assurance from the sena tor more than repays nc for all that I bate said. 1 shall count upon him in tin- future. Sp. inner it ill count To -ay that the senator upon me in the future is little less than an in-ult. Tin- is government ol honor, ami it is a pom pit- of honor, What have we done for Cuba? When linn the morning stars tir-l Mttg together in the heavens bus any people done for another pie what we have done for Cuba.' As rapidly a- may be, in absolute gtsrd faith, not hurried by demagogy in violation of national honor, by in sinuation, by venal polities in a presi dential election, thi- administration is going forward to redeem to it- utmost tin pledge to Cuba. We have given the beat government to the people of Cuba thus far they bnvf ever had. livery man's life is safe in Cuba: every woman'.- honor is safe in Cuba. Iff nr-. , then ha- I n -peculation in Cuba. I. ten one i- asliameil of it. Hut in no gotorninciit ever Inetltuted has that not occurreil. lint it will never turn out that any man in any country ran point In the Teller rrsnlu tlon and ny with truth that it was a legislative if. Hale I hope so. Spooner The senator need not hope bad lietter know so. A woman's Face Tells ita own ttorv. A laugh is often a lie on a woman's lipe. It Iwlies the pain which is tearing at the nerves. But the t -. h u e no part in the laugh. Their purple ting ipeak of suffering. There an- hue.- too about the mouth which only pain can give. Many wonieti look for ward to a week of such misery each month. Three months of each year are given up to suffering. It wcaken.s them, h ages them. It robs them ol social I mm and family joys. Can tliere be xcuse for such women who fail to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite 1 i-escription t It has cured thousands of such sufferers. Cured them perfect.-, anil permanently. It cures ninety -eight out of every hun dred who give it a fair anil faithful trial. i"i wre to help, it's almost sure to cure. "1 hit! fatting of Internal organs and had to ir In Irtsl ever,- month, lu-l irregular monthly period, which would aometimea Uat ten or twelve diva " write. Mrs Alice L. Hi.lmra. of t '-'laprtdf airest, Cnlont-rwn. Pa "Had In diKealton so bad that I could not est anything hir-lly ! eieree-'a Faveiilr 1'rc.criiiliou sad 'l. j.den Slcdicsl Discovery ' cured mc " I;ree. Ir. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of -t imp-, tn pay exK-ne of mailing only. Send u one-cent stamps for papcr-liound book or stamps for cloth binding to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. V. Oregon Lumber Yard ....SEI I S .. I ii ill he I , Lathi Shinule , Bulldin. Paper( I ttr I'.tper. Moulding-. Picket, Lime and (.ein. nt, Brick and Sand, sash .Mi.i Doore, Sjievii Doon ii Windows, Terra .tta Pipe, Borie cS: Light, Prop's Aha St., opp. Court House. PON Insurance Fire, Fife, Accident, Plate tilas-, et. Loans on City and County Prorerty, Real Estate Unproved ami DnlnjBjnvad city Iou, ntooh ICaiicbes and Wheat Farms SEE J. R. DICKSON, Fast Oregtinian lhiilding. A Complete Line Furniture, Iron Beds, Carpels, Ifasby Carriages and Picture Moulding, Lamps Crockery, ami a full hue of Undertaken Goods. W. 8. NELSON, Mailt i-ur.iet i ppirstie Kest Uregonieu SO. Ill tSPT-A-F FOR. FARMERS uS v-'. With on, Holt Bros ' Improved LI k Bolt Side-Hill Combined clean and -nek fOW grain at about the sane- Boat BJ to bead and -tack it by the hill. You not Only save v-nur threshing hill, but VOU make a further MVlng 1)1 each iicn- harvested. Write to us for testimonial-, or el address any of the IOW tar r- woo proved Link Kelt Combined Harvester- in MSt, For further inforin.it ion, addrt'ss TOE HOLT MANUFACTURING stock (on, Califoroia, or vas, Lap l)uler., If one. Stri g Feather, etc. . I.s kept h Joseph eh The Feeding Ha n . and Saddle "Ian- mac i -jr i ol I a-tern Oregon New Goods... And Cheaper Than Ever.. Portieres, Carpels. Lace Curtains Wall Paper. Hcailiiuarters lor White, Stitidanl and Bkiiwdgf Sewing Maciiiucs JESSE FAILING Main St., near Bridge. TO THE WISE lilllli.-i, ni tnoae ui.. lllli-uii pntnilllL' their aanlen- ,,r doing ipHng ork ni an) kind iii tin- lino, yoo tiiii nml everything in Harden tools am! wed. i.arPtiir. itaplee, nails, huavt and -beii hardware ..t the .'r. k-si quality ami al tin- loereet prices al w. d. Hansford & co. s Pendleton, Oiaglgl. c N WINsi.tiw I III.AP Winslow & Head Contractors and Builders Jobbing a Specialty . Tanks to Order. Simp on Cotti inissl St., between Alta .....I U.-..I.I. rrri.r rr vi'U. PKKDIaKTOM, OBBOOR, Jersey Milch Cows FOR SALE. The undersigned offers (nr sale FOK .IFFY DEUVBJOr, at his place miles west oi Kclm, nn Uutter t'reek, a MMehgf of young, I,, grade Jersey- cows, tith calves on foot, for sale. Correspondence solicited. F. 0. MOBBB, Fcho. Oregnii. French Restaurant In connection with.... LaFontaine Hotel Best Meals in the City. Dpen Day and Night. Ous LaFontaine - Pron. r - Awltller Belliting. Main St. ALL THE NEWS! Take the East Oregomen. Daily gj.oo a year by mail. Weekly $i.so, end Semi Weekly ga.oo ysar. Ssaiol. e spy frse I I r. c VIV -IT .,-.. I. 'u., ' J1'W.T'':-' s ,-- No. 10 Third Street, Walla Walla, Wash. i alt on us f tr Hn-W.r-R DRAPBRf, a I CVlatNDBR BBLTe. LeATNBB Ht-:i.r. OIL, etc. Wn ran aave ym ET i. .Hammocks.. targee! line ko pick from in the city, at jirict's tn suit nil jiockct bookt, from 7" cents up, I also hevee large stuck ofOardao Hoee, From l tn ''" oenti per foot Try tin- "Veto" Barb 'v and save onethird the ooet I Taylor, the Hardware Man 1 J2 Main To the Public I have in my employ a I.ratcltt8i Tinner and Plumber and am prepared t do all kind-nf work in that line Hot Air, Steam and Heating Plants put most workmanlike All work guaranteed. Let me lirure with you. I filmi ileal in second-hand goodi ai well us well a new guilds. all and see me. JOSEPH BASLE R. You Can Get The Celebrated Pilsner beer t --l 1 f 1,1 ''ehveretl to any part ol city, at 1 sz.r nr. mmm -r 4-' -- w jp&X ijOZS'Il. n,..! t a-- nn. Bottled by Geo. J. Pottner a I he Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard KIT HAVS & CO., Proprietors. All kind- ,.f Hay ami tiruin for sale. t ,., .. st.-aiueil Harlet -,r an.eed tin- bee) o .be mark.',. Plenty oi -,.,11 , ...,. , ' , Hicorlu lor bs.se stnek. Kates reasonable, tiiv.- us a call 0'l.iorrals 0.R.&N. i . iKi Time Schedule ahkivs "' From Pendleton. hmh IM Mn ssii uke. peam.jeetVM u:i no. worth. uawhOi Ksn- gUi lilta.M. sow Oily, at. Louia. 7ia u , JJO' - ' lit' " S.U.I KrUI, tlS So :i I' ,u Ort-snii Shori Llue. lu:ip in S-.ki., WsJJe WoUe. Spiiksut-, Si.,kue Uter. Mliiueapulia.iiTl'sdl, Klyvr. Nl' Duluth. Milwaukee, No 7 .ilia. ui. tiiissii aii.l Ksi, via 5w p. tu irresi Koffiterej. Ks.t Mall t'orlUinl unit Ssu Ka.l Mall g; - I in Oeean Stesnuhips iMii. nj, From Portland. Kursan Krsiiclsco tier) Urn Uay. I 1 smut u, Columbia River BjtB.Bi hi .-., I, Stoainers. K Suu l.j SsiunU) To Astoria sedWai lus. ui. Lsu.liuga. 'vKjfjarl. 8n.h.Blv.r. Lvu,w..ln I an a . iu. IsewateMteanaasV 7i m Mut-.i Iran, i,-,i,. -, mil, , (,,r ItaiuvVslla UlbtSit UU'Uy' MIB" eud arrives VU lull luluriusliou t-sll or aril,- lo W H 111 HI. Ill KT, Ireueral 1-a.a. nsi r Ageut V WA.Ly, Aeeoi, luil- IN POI Mi THF FiiFFl.WlNu AM- I.I. !i.- U'fll Ukfll it, hv lilt- I hi i m8 Hiii Eg tttulhill&JZ dae(.,r cunuaud cxiatfiiMajj, : "-ii Wl I.,'. rOMll hurkt' llMH ll.lie url.il. a t . L..IJ ISC- Sllil Slsaa f)e. Height aUrlll tu, .,l' n-ajl I, ,1111 rltClUll Al.lt li '1 SI.. 4. ai- UKATUMAK, Lily MaraiiiU Harvesters old Way, there Nn lOOr to ' hi can i ut. threat), re- voiir threshing til ol grain to bv saving tghl im i n-i- tie Holt Pros.' Im- c T8BTTI, chain no nay. 3 Street 3 3 Hot Waler up in the manner. NORTHERN PACIFIC KL'NS Pullman llaagtag Cars, Elegant Uitting (aars. Tourlat Rleep.ng Can IT. I'AI'I (MINXEAPOLIB i 'I' i.i li To II Alttitl (URAMlJ Funks KJROOKKTON IWl.N.N I'Fl. HELENA and IH ITK. rHBOUGfl TICKtTS TO eiik'.uio WAHHINOTOM PHIIaAOELPHU NEW Vi iKK 1(1 ISTl IV ainl all siint F:asl and South TIME SCHEDULE. ItSajyV' ,'U'"",i,OU d"- -aada, .u,M.k'eol'':rn,,or,'l,1'J,' wte aUSja, uispa "0..1 ..ml M.rrri-,., i. . I'onlsu.l,' ore. I.N 'lll'ICII 'I'llL' a.. . . oi.l I ' ' .W'WINU AN1- j- M 1 1 K A T 1 1 it a v rai.u.uL.. . -wnrBaau Democratic Ticket. PliKHIIIKNTIAI.EI.BCTOItfi. Wsllor M. I'lercc nr - Dell Hti.srt nrKiSftel Krnesl Krt.nor ..'..'.'." "; ,'''! "M John Whlltsker ' "ntt riiN-iiiKiwMAN, sKcoNii innntct Stslt- Kt-nslor Vi m. C. Hmlth.. .. of nak , joint LBontaATivj RgpiutagNTATt v ' (I mslllls nml Mirrron Countln.j i J. A Waotatf , . Ht'PHKMK Jt'lKIK. ' lee.o.Onaaa n, ,,, rtOD AMD DaVMY OOttaigtlOKKli ' v. HciiuiiiuTicii oi Wnaitngtee eaaw SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET ontooit itnei A.n.Hiiiimsn tePandhnj DDJTaiOI ATTOKNEV. T- "alley BtNe4teWa COUNTY TICKET. RKI'M EHKNTATI VJCH. W. J. Cliastuln ii(miii DO DHT1 (VMt Oeoff a. BarWaaa attntelNn I t II' NT Y CUM.MIHHIliNKIl. Thenwa V. I'sge of Alliens laiattVt t m. iiiskiey oi randleiee lI.KKK. It . i ITisniberlslll ol Allnu, TUKASCItKK. (itttirfi- D. IVi'bler 0 rgw. HJKWtUUni OF CONVKY ANCEs. ,,,.- it Ms loney ol Aiiu.n Aggggjok, II II. "all ol Wwuni Mi IP ml. Ml I'KKINTKNDENT. Hi L. WalW ot Alliens Ml KVEYOK. Ohatke i nrketei oi I'cn.iicion ouROMBa Dr. H . K l'niibell ol I uion M ITICg AM' I IINMTAMLK. 1 1 , in Iii luii Inalrlclj Ueo i ReMBbeig of Nastnaa lean It. Beauey oi NaMleHa ; Republican Ticket. I'ltlJilPLN I IAL ELECTOR. W.J. Klirlllall ol I'tlnllctsa I I. in. ii. Iillil ol -.i.i Li ii. i HaMoa ol I'urtisnil J.V.I uuertea oi Albany POI -i PnJtMl Jl laiK. i listli- E Wiilvi-rliui ol Alt. .ui) I i iNi . UI..-.-.M A N. MECOUD DIM I'Kll 1. MekelBI A. Motsly ol Tin- lislles FOOD AND HAIRY COMMltWHiNr.l. J w Hsllu)- ol I'ortUnd JOINT LKUIMaATI V K ItEPKKMENTATIVE. (i iiihiiiih sua U of roe i mini.. Asn II. T html rsoli Ol li'-iilier SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. I'IRIT 1 1 JCIKiE. W. II Hilt ol II- ; , hit Durrnii i attorney. Jaiavs A. Fee ui I'l-inlluian COUNTY TICKET. HKI'KKMKN 1 AT1VUI. I J Kirk ol aumsi II. keetlvr ol Ivn Col'NTV Jl nut. J. K. Hean ol I'eudlMn i I.KKK. Imt Llveratore ol lVinilutoa launurv, li. W. I-ITIIIS'T 111 I'l'llilll'luu RJtOOnDsUI nl- ciiNVEYAN' BJ Will Ingraiu ol l emllcluu TKKAril'UEK. 8. K. Ysle. ol Mlltun .ts.sKs.-oK. Irr-irree I a ol lll'lU HCIIool. si I'fcltlNTKNUKKT. J. K. Nuwllu ol I'vinlletoa HIKVKY'Jtt. C L. "scomber ol I'klah I OBOMM, r. W. (.. Cole of I'vinlicteB COatMISHIoNKK. HorsL-e Walker ol lUlix JUgTlCJ ASP t'tlNKTAIILl. I I'. II 11. loll I 'i -I.i. ; I lie- KlUlierslll ol I.:... M!. I'linrlea Ui-ybiiru ol i'eii'ilcleu Prohibition Ticket. PIUWIIiKN I1A1. El.KCTOKS I A. IisvIb iii Milion Mill. o Mi-Miiiitvllii.- N. r . Jellkill- of , 1 1. in In-. I. It .S,llltlil ol II. IIIWI uriueiu jt iKit. J HrlKllt ol '.'arm CoMi.KKMeMAN, tl OXli lUHTUli I U.be Huller ol llou.1 luv,i rooo ash PAiitY final stmiiiiii u i'. l. Rannadf ,ei Hood itir UMATILLA COUNTY TICKET. JOINT UK I 'It L8t NT ATI VL. V M Elsiu ol Milieu aaeaaa 1 1 1 iiim E. II. atone ol Atbees 1 1 a It BetT ol Milieu t ut N i t : ' i , , I II. L. Ersaler ol Milieu mjHnr. v. . II. I'reet . ol WMBM BHttMB. J li. Leaaes ,u( bche IIEl Olllll.il 111 t llNVkVASi I - Prank i; oi Haiti nataaamaa Vt illniiii Tslbert ol Milion AsaSEMOK. It. . nlevrttrt oi Allmns o: IK-lii i "MMIi-BlONtK. V K. Eilll.-y COKONEK. 1 K. i lisrl ATTORNgYS. i AKTFl: A li A I. FY , ATTOKSI.- AT Law "It." Ill SalUllga lisnk Hill ittl us: . PHYSICIANS. Kit. J. F. MILIaBa, JtHlNHuN BT.i 1IK- IHveli I ourl aBd Alls. Hocelsl sll.-lillou IS Hi. in-Mluii-iil ol eve. esr. nose. Ihroa:. cUtsll slid akin illaessea. Dlt. W. ii. COUC. UF'FTCK IN I'FNPl.i:- loll SWvlUtfa llr.nk Iriiililiiiw tlrtlr-rj Lour.. II lo bja ui.; I lu I o. ui. Telepliuue 77. K. W, VINCBNtTm. 1. OF'FU K BKAl ol Firat Nstiuusl bank. orUce liouia luieU s in ; I lo a u. ui. DK. C. J.8M1TH. llFPlt'U OVFK I'KK dlelOB iwviugs Uauk. Teleplioue Hi rew-ileut-t- lelepholle 3. II. h. li AKFTEFuTiF F).! ilOllKt'l'ATH- if I'liyslcisu sud Hurgeou. ottnt ui Bulliluig DENTISTS. K. A. V A I 1,11 AN. 1IFNTF- I . I'FKK'E lu Ju-ld Uulldiug. A. I.. UFA TIF, 1. . .-. OTYV K DVM batviug-a Usuk. lias sdmliilslerf.l E. A. MANN, HENTIHT, IS A.M)C1A live Block, over f U Ulooton'i uelee. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. I.I. HOWARD, AKl'MlTEl T ASP lM.r,,il..,,,l.., ,..-k..- nlui.. ami ri'llal"'' 61r.Ua lor lillllililiga lu lllf III) or fOUUlO ooiii 17. Jud.t bulltliua. BANKS AND BROKERS. I'LIL- nursiral rain i , , urt'lviis HANK . r r. i r,,ii,i,r.io,t on r , Hendleton, Otegoa. Organised Karon '"JV , n,iul, llui.iui Inn-real slloaetl OU "'u,-' ,. pUSlU. fclfliallgt- btillglll suil aolil en l V''" cipsl poiuu. bpetisl slleutlou gm" '' nine n. j, riiruian, prwanrrn, - fleS presldeul ; T. J. Morris, SaOBltr. KlUST NATIONAL BANK 01 4.1 HBKA ICHfll Ull lllllf UCLHIMl- I'm''" ' -.1.- rc-luii lime Uej.JteUe. ioel ' (ufe f u al- tlinncniu UAt Imilg' t UllVi'lltmn P"-r ii utfta ii iiilt .1 iii ii.urv F Aiianii. unjniueuti Usury C. Adsuia, i . i.i . -ii n n l E. Mi Arlhur. vitir uitltlelil . Jt i- la--" caaa lei 1. tt llurne 11, ssalalsul cssbler. HUM s A l IONAX BANK 01 WjJJJ tou Cspllsl, l70,UU)j iurplua. l, ,, e wu a eeuersl baukliig busiuea. r.' u suit lelegtsplilf iruuafera nold " 1 .TJIn'ta ni Prsaelseo, N.-h v,,rk sud I" "" ',1? Jai-" II... K.'...U,., ,,.,- Iirauli Ull I liU'S- J'TT. sud Europe Makes colleotlous eu rJj Ksiull rv.au. iti una. n t , vic.-pi.-si.n-ni. i ii ade, easnler, Uuelusoy, ssslsksul esvsllisr- I .... I !,,... , , . ,.l "