East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 18, 1889, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    Ev,FEDKUAIlY 18, 1889.
.,v.v.. vr.U.vu "UUUV Mll4 4U1VUIU1 tillllUll
lit 10,000. During tlio trip fiom which
1 0r, Knlnn Hriuicu oniea. no una just reiurncu. Jiugcno purchased u
, JLm ftutcrn OreKon nro cordially $10,000 lot nml considers ho made a good
m ...?;.. "H.?.?0!." bargain. Tho imwulonn ol tho Unltli
li In tlio ad- I'roH. In Tacoitm will probably aggregate
cot, between over $50,000. They have cxjicricneed
nd other o?l 1,10 'u'1 "lvantage of tho Sound "boom,"
on their
in fortlHiiU
I MM1. ":". TI,inlMn
mi '""" -v.t,.. ":t;i
VJi iml Htnrk. Kilos of tho Kl
lltOH n'l,?,7i .i.lll.n. anil nil,., fi
H'?' J.i-m.i inrrltnrv tinner nro nl
for tlio nccouiiiiiiuiiiiuu ui
Ml", .,., I. n tolnliliouo III tuooftlco
1110 " '
rrflvoitKOATioNAij cmmoii
' V".'." : i.nAir .ir II. n K. n. Ilnll.linrr
?,bb tnl Johniion streets. Huntluy
L t ll . m. and 7i0Q p. m. Humlny
i!lD. IB. Miu'wocn I """-"'"""HI
7:30 P. m. Cordial welcome to
Jjuilr thiwn not connected wlthother
j copies of tho Now Year's Eabt
Liu may lw uau ttl 11,0 business
, it 10 cents a copy, In wrnpicra
for mailing it desired. Pontage
on personal security.
ul quality of
tr T. F. 1
hay is for
W to loan
, Hourko.
Us l'ralrio butter for sale at 1).
u. ni nil I'ntitH ii roll.
ll. .......... Iu .mill. Ill ii'llli nti
L.I nnrrnllU UrilHl rilllOll.
. .iAu umiitiintiiviil work m.iI:lV Oil
iHitlon to tno uowinaii iiouBo.
F. C. Campbell will remain in
1. IV, I. in ll I'll II irillir HUH WL'L'K.
,c t. n l....m lln... tlnln.1
w. farrow .u., uuu iuuiuiun
...ii-in irnim inrirnoii nnrxnH.
WVfviij ' w - -- rj- i
1 . . tr it r-tnllll.. ... I..
Bull .tun. .... "
r. il...t li.iinn mi 1V1I1I hlirllll? tn
mini mull iiuitiu vii. v,w... M'...n
. i . .1 nn.....Mlnit ill In lillll
In .i tlnrn Tlinllim nt. tlllA
. . . i.. . , ....... il.tn
ui niuv
in -n.mil flfit tvnr iintif. nrrnr
i. ii. rit.n. ifmiiitu'
WIIIU VV.iwvv - u
.. I. I. .11 if n Inrtvn lirlrlf hntnl
t..!i. I.. t'..ll.. Wnlln f liia Hiirlnif.
f .i :i.. ....iu n i mt.i'inHH iiiiu'i.
ii 1...1 ii.i iruvi tiiitiilirmiilH
B CMIMlilllll inn V ... r. V
i I.. I.. I.. O nn unit WllHllillL-
n ii .t N i iinrinL' iiihi
I IIIU V. ' ' a
t ... ,i. nA.ititi.inf a. niuir
nurnuy iu ' wiiHuv..r, -
ii- l.nm iniMnliorn nl
class In Ulinsttan scionco m wuiu-
. t. iiiii. nt i :ii n pincK i
,. . 5V-. l.iillillnrp l1rM.
0. r.AHT VIlliliulrtli uiiiiuimqi
m w . 111 . ..1 . n l.nn IwulM v'llll-
u.n.io u I'.inillfilnn for tho past.
melius in - - - . - .
i i 1 n l.ml nvonlnH'M
w nor uoiiiu u cu r,...v...
. i .i i ii . tlf l.i TTnIn nlrMlllH
nii iiinii. wnii nuiu iv i.w.w
', i. Cnniinv. nan
-I'l-'V".-- ..I f. V fnrf.
nnavomauiy posiiwuc" -
Eugene Keith returned on this mom-( the last staok coach. In
ing'H train from Taconm, in which town . J,
1.,. 1. 1 l.il.... I Clmrllr, i.,ll..l. f...l....l 1....1 PI
-"o - ---- ( .ii itiiii! iuiii
Mil tllirl lilu lirntliii I nut. .....L. ....I.l
lu inn. in., uiu.uui, 1.VUIO, unu i;uiiiiuur
nblo real cstato, tliu vnluo of which foots
way up m tno uioiwanus. They ow none
iiiccoof property fortwhlch they have
been oll'eied L'O.OOO, and anotlior valued
Clmtllo '.tter' l'nlliotlc Kiul-Ho AVnnted
... t.i.. .. ..... . ...
n nun no i.eiv 1110 iioail. ami llo
Hid Very Htutii ltiiiliitsccticF of Men
mid KveiiH Quito by.
the palHxjarcrs wero John Abbott, Dave
i;'iiiall, Tom Herney, John J.ailil. Tex
Allml-rv l!iti. I t.i.iii-.i.l I T..l. 'rill
i V. ' ' . iiu WllllW illlFtill,
ami thc V ruilo out to tho rctneterv. tm-
ceilcd by tho band from tho garrison, In
una i;veiin (lime by. vv.ivu u. uu u.iiui nuiu uio garrison, in
Manon D. Eg be tt In aeaU.ounOay ui,Bct.
Al.t..v mx, 1-cb. 10, 1880. appropriately iheswd In inourniiig.
Walla Walla Is loth to givo up her old 1
lt... 1 . l Tim Unit If, .111..-
P. H. 1 GO;
and aro to bo congratulated
ucscrvca goon lortuno.
A birthday supper was given by J. 1'.
Mcdornach last ovcnlng to Mr. L. Kolb.
Imm In 1K"J A l.'ll.nl,. l,i,n. lull ntwl
J. Wagonblast, born 184a. Tho ropast was
tircpareu uy Airs. WagonbhiHt, an adopt
u uuiiiiuijr uri, uuu ii vua nurmy lilu
tialato of tho most fastidious epicure. Tlio
..ll f i.iii . . r. i
tunuwiuK niu niu uui ui iaru. uynicr
hoiiii. chlckan Riiliul. cnlil nlnw. Iiam nam.
loy, oyster patties, rum oracletto, cold
chicken, cold ham, cream plo. mlnco pie,
lillnlrlnltnrrv Inrta. frlttt. ralrn. ftiniiml
peaches, caniUes, nuts, oranges, Whllo
wino, Port wino, Angelica, and beer, tea,
coflco, cream, bread and butter.
Small boys say there- aro myriads of
will to tlsh, which almost bear tho palm
from trout for delicacy of flavor, In tho
Inn. .. ...nun.it Ul.l,.1... (I,,, .t.i.ilu
IITUI 4.b liltmjllly. IvI.VU. .11. .iiv 111., n
catch of tlio number of youngsters who
1 I1..I.1 I .. I F.lVt I (J....
huiu uui. nulling iiLigii'Kiui'ii uuu, uuu diiu
ilnv iiiornlni! lii.'inv funillv men hnd flsh
for breakfast. Tlio small ltoygocrt foith
with n biiudlo of hooks attached to u lino.
Tl..i lIPAiiii l.iln .1 uiilum! t tt'llttl.
xiiuru lilu biiiuiiit iihu ii nviiwi vn n.n.vi
linn ami, Willi n muck tipwaru strowo, tuo
t it..' ... . . 1...1 i
wriggling creatures iwu ihiii.iilu uiiii
limited Unborn.
Tho chango in tlio tlmo of tlio "freight
an (i uccominoiiauun ' iriuii uu inu riwiu
nuton branch, whereby it leaves In tho
ivnnliiir unit nrrtvi'H In till) lliorill 11 Lf in
stead of tho rovurFO. as before, isanox-
riOli-nt. iirniiiL'ininnt for tho merchants.
lint lii mi Inii'mn ratio Is a bud thlmr for
tho hotels. l'liHHcnuorH from tho East
who want to go up tho branch, and tliolr
. . . . i .1.. .... i..
tiiinin m n mrwi uiifiiiii. nil iilil ru'iiuiiii
over night as before but go up on tho
ovonlng freight. Tho bad ollect on hotel
patrouago is obvious.
Wtliltur nnnnvu mill vnxPH llfl CO inlicll
ns to rcuil: "A beautiful young lady bo-
I .lloHriiul wllli nlmtilnit nml
uiK nu tiii; .iio.i,iii.. ...... i .,,!
blotches that it was fearod sho would dlo
of irrlcf." unit tlien una h to do nouiing
tint n stalo aiivcrtisomoin. uim n nun
Journal. Samohero. One almost begins
to wish tho young lady would Una ly die,
so that her grief, pimples and blotches
would bo torn from tho public gar.o.
1'eoplo who Imagined winter was over
wero BiirpriHcd Sunday by a mild snow
utnmi. which covered tho ground to tho
depth of over an Inch, and mado tho
heart oi two young man whuh
and a best girl flutter with hopo. This
is tho last of winter's ollbrts, uud when
this covering of snow disapiwars spring
will buret upon us in all ltd glory; bo
saith tho wvathor piophot.
J. H. Kobbina, whoso proposition to
furnish a complete record of thdprcsont
ownership of every lot in I'endlcton lor
fllOOwas accepted by tho town council,
will commenco work on tho undertaking
In a day or two. It is no easy Job. as tho
present owner can only bo ascertained by
making a comploto abstract of tltlo pi
every lot. Tho record, when completed,
will bo an immenso aid to tho town
i. irri... cllrCSnr. I nmujwnr.
who has lias been vory low for eonio n la said that "overianu hj
i. I. nrnnnil U.. 1. Inlrmliuiod nn tho 1 no Of UlO O.
nun iinouinouiu. io wiiii .-- nwu i m..- - - - ,.- i...n n
. . " '. 1.1a MMVrv Iri I 11 . XI In Iia at VIA 1 trill "CanilUIl'UailD.
uui. ami ner coihimcmj iwi" n ni w w "v. .; i n
1 . ' I i ll.,ol. ainnir llm lino iruui uiiiuuu iu
unit iu ittiu 1 1 n - ,
a! fnr.
. . t n n nr I II
.1 i,ini, linn iiAon ronovuu
Mod rapidly within tho last month
. ti.. ...... j n( twn nl tUOSO Will
l ,1 MMinilti fnr noil
iwo nwn iiii"i" , :i...
Smior to Indians wero removeu oeww
lUtby Deputy U. 8. Marsha t ur-
Timiv tinniiiH aru LillilllVO ..w.i.-
ilrt..!.-l I..I
oorAii pol inu inJov ui ... ......
r II .1 YIIIMKI!r H lll'IIMU .""
nF.n ,vir Het. All other prices
v rnmiriHi. xvii nwt -
iVU 1IIUVR1"W w . 1
! l nnvifniTlllll irnuiuwi
... miiitlllHr riLflllUllV v
-t...i.,il,. ilin nrwOrtriUV Ol tt
"luiif ummiib , .
1'ortland with but fow Btpjipages or do
lays. They aro doahrnod for tno accent
modatlon of llrsttlass pas-sengcrB who
. . i. il...l..l..i.lliifillrm iih HtXHid-
wuni lori-utu iiioii iiirii." - ---
ily as iiossible, uud will Btop only at Im
portant Biauons aioiiK " "
Tho Walla Walla Statesman cianus ni
.. . ...mi ...t,n, iiinf inwii it nillroaii
llllllt will imu ...... -- -
center, mid this railroad magnate is cred-
i it .i ...lililii An i" ''III
Ucd wltli Baying uiav u u -v-mechanics
would bo employed at his
repair shops anil rounii'iiuuwj,
f ...iiilv.lniir HtullB. 1110
an example of
Tim Rnlvatlon Army aro still holding
tho fort, and Imvo meetings almost every
heard of no conversions during; the r work
In 111 H P tV. UVL ICS llIlieB-.uumi.j....-w..
Jlcuarrv wm no boiu "-", iwyuumuu'"i ,.i Tim
..l. i ...i- l ulnnnoil Until llllll !.. In MUCH BlOliy Kl""""!.
. ri.7t. " l.inm nnrtlon WliS BOIU s,1i..ntlnntBts should COinO 10 I enuii-iw".
T 111 llH'll 1 1 V IMJIli UiUllHJ aAHI1 iV IMinillL'l D " " ' . w
1. In 1 ' il l- .....nlnrl llMfinr LI1H
!U clan for tho new ecnooi .w"" etore was ononou una 'u,iV"B.."r .u,
H 1.. .. . f t 1 I... 11 V lll&LT I I-..,liknO C It. Ii. iUHDUUi
. . .... AAiirt fin 1HB. ' Tl.ft 1 1ll 1PM. II U UUtl Dkwiu
. . T 1 I . . 1 11 mlMinlTIUI II ii i LUU
Inn nrch tect ot Uie a iu. promisea wwwuu J"w"T'nrTi-
. - . a hnvfl urm n uuuwv-
in. J. II. Everest, wlte 01 renuioiou o cnierF ,T
. i .1...AH nrv ft nil niu i r miiarn iin n in ruiuiu w v ""J
.. . . . l.Ania in I 'f nil 1U- l i tlnnttrt inr iMUllHiutVi
lnnl Tula orK"iu""" V t
lnsi. iuwuib . ,..i naKmnnlii on
a body in mo iH"bu
tho 4th of .Maren.
. ah lln will imnn ba
proaucer. , . l'"11 " ri AimcharKdi the o d
4tea manufactory Is on foot in The the djj I wlU bo gff waU8
u i.i..i..,m Wn rnmnany with a roller hung on we w i rentd
.. ." w . r"r . jf m.. n. n nr nvi.niifiin Bwai" ...- .
Ill ItUll. nl I. U I If 11UI4 T. " I - f 1 , 1 : i w in a IlllllUIlUr
.l. r,u.. ft III... This fall Will
7w Vll ."" ,mf!V
m tho closo ol a ib iv;t-i'.
. - - u. II 1 1 '
fluminounrv nnrvo In tho endeavor
the nalm as the champion
w - . i ae i i . invmnr iui u ..-
tnternri.in. milu People propose w Tbui ao
.1 . v-v .T,. .liilil ilia UIII1U.
ffendemliv BvlnB at Walla W1U . Eugene Maxwell ana j. " ut
ai' o,T nri.-.lv. wh o trim- gomo time einiM. i" , ,1,1. morn-
.-iiMiMi imiui-u .IIMI.VW.J 1 . n.ii . .1 1111a n nrH. icii um "'
Tl """I ....... - -- .ill .mill l t,nln Inr tM!14lHO. HHV.. ,.
Wlteru nf nn unfinished DUliainK, IUK "",,-., "On to UK
w, - . 1. 1 in vamniii hl-idvvi . . .
fiUin . i.n ttmiinii. resume,"' proiwuw ,v.. - .... iiiiHreBion
m that.lt bleared, are fa- Bound Beems wS-, -Qr0.
. goon ,lwm w
.tE. Sharon Is oxicrlo"clDS t,ie.,"iPvn.M City Guard: Mr. Cass a -
vi. iMiiuiuiuui . , 1 iir nl renuiv-iwu, , i
Al.n ..n... . I . n Dl 1 It I 1 1 1. BUUUIUVII I ' r v. 1 1 .1 1 I rJ T MlUllinu w . v.
vu iiuui inn iiiw 1 l,nnt. J. U. mmiw-i .-. 1.1a U-..V
i Painful in the extreme. f Twnfi last Saturday iVt
i,n ..TmVli r.T. r..,ra nn small- to vvauw" ,,ia 0i nne
lun n II I i:ikh ilia Liiauvvu I . ivn,ilrif ri:illiui V a
Utralcht. fUS""""
SrifJ Houser returned . yo,tcrda "o the same day last week
yalnsfroui his trip to Salem wiui mnmeter registered ca
II. Kelly, who , w 111 wnu ; - at ton.-K t, -llgU
ro. "1. T the i same degreeol
wiiiu iiiuiiucin unu i:ut)iuiii. ior lias HUO
given ui any of tho things, socially or
unsoclally, that havo given her a repu
tation for peculiarity that havo becomo a
...... I..' i.i . V . i i i i . i
puri. oi ner uiHiory ami which was uuu in
l.n. ..... I. . I ..Ml 1.. I .
nut luuiiiuuiuiin, uuub in ner nu(ierEiriic
turo and strengthened by careful nursing
through all tho long years since tho build
ing of her walls. 'Iho old stage coach
that teetered, joggled, rocked and rattled
up, down and across the bright valley
Hereabout, over tho wild mountains
in llm fntr I'nllnva luivntnl in llm
cities and towns that within them lie,
and which vchlclo was Uio representative
nl till tl.nt Ii.. n ,.ll..l ...! 1.. .. ...1
vi uii iiinv no lymani. uuu uiuiu, uuu
thercforo heroic In the day of bravo and
1 I . . .1 . n . ... . .
ucroic men was mo urai tuoi to uc
broken. No more, no more, tho echoing
horn, the wild shout of guard uud driver.
No moro tho weird story of ndventuro,
miOn.!.... 1..n..n .In.ln,. n...l .l..ll. ll.ll...
D1IUUIII1U. Ill U I U Vim 111 1111 11 UL'Ulll. .Ulll III
tho biazlnu loir, at the end of tho lon'ir
ami weary lourney. 1110 locomotive
came and tho stago departed like a wraith
in tho shadows of tho night. Tho oft
travelled trail became unused; tho dust
i.i 1. nn... .... . .i. ... t ...
uiuw iicrusn ii. iiiiiii iiiuriun, inu luuiinu
unpit I'linL'i'il mi llm ilnpn nuiu. nnil tlinv.
too, aro no more. I very well remember
when the last stago coacii went out irom
Wiilln Wulln. Tim rnuliiM. liv diiiKnn nf
tho Btcady progress of tlio niflroads, iiiul
been so cub down that at the tlmo I speak
of staires ran only botweon here
uud Pendleton. So ono bright sum
mora morning a fow years ago
u laruo crowil hail gathered In front
of tho Stlno houso to sco tho last stago,
llm limt rmiruxciitativo of tho old OVent-
nil days, go out on us lasi triji. iuuoug
llieiii wns Tux Arberrv. Tom Tiomev.
Geon.'u Thomas. J. A. Abbott, Joe
Crobbe, James Chailsoy, Ken llayward,
.T,.lm .Iimlfm. .Tiwlt THIhiiii. "Dick" lCul-
ling, li. It. wiiitman, u. i-. wicy, kick
llm.ln MnV 1 1 .1 1 1 Ml 111 ul II T llnll IvIllltimlV.
....... w.......y. v., ... --"-.
V. V. l.aiillori nnu many uiiiur uiu
tuners. In all probability a hundred, or
...nr.. nlim 1 HlllMl Will 1-llt HO Hill lirfM'l'l(l.
l1 1.1 1.... ........ I..I1I.W.
lllgS, dialling, cuuiihuhik uuivo, icii iik
imiv tlilo nnn ciimo hero in 'GO. or that
onoiu 'tiO. or another related how tho
Btago upstt on tho Touchct In '(l?, all
lilnir tho donarturo of thoonco sure
harbinger of a better civilization that was
now about to depart from their sight for-
ll liiul "Olil I'.iHi'r" mid who
ilnnn'iint remember I'otter. or Mill over
forgot I'otter that veteran stago drivor.
that patient, foarlcss man that had
.i.i n.nl ilplvnn llm ntiifcn nil nivoilt
111 1 1 1. ll ui.u ...... n ' -
slnco tho memory of man runneth not to
the contrary, wok up mu nuun, iw
himself erect took oil his wide-brimmed
liat and shouted:
"Good-byo, boys."
Thon amid tho good-byes. God speeds,
- I l,lUa ..nn'ii frnm llm llllllllri'll Will-
Inu voices aud as many Baddencd hearts,
tho stago waa on, auu louunini uj im
f. l.1...l .U.n fiiln ult-nllt llllll W11H
0J0H n rnun.li uunn ........ ,-
soon lost to Bight and had disappeared
forever, hubkiu h muuiiiuiui,wj
i" .' .1 ...llnl.ln Kflnnn AsHOcf-
IS Oil IIIU lUUUUDiimv.lv -,,.
atlng with it that impressivo word "for
ovor," making "Oono Forever, what an
inspiring subject ifl jtroseiiw!" uu, .
nrif.. iirn.inlilfiil Minnin Is there Opened
If 1IUV mviuKi...... .
to him of the poetio pen I
m .I..1I .nnvA un mniint ntall tiinei
IO OUr UUU DUIinv. " . .1 i
recocnlte the otornal fltncsH of things.
What appears vioionv unu uiiim..
i.i.n.iin iiiiiliimtilnil nir is. after all.
...,n..tl In tintiirn'H rulo. WO ttrO HOt
UV1.UIV...IH y : i
prone to bcllovo tins ni one. 101- iuw
oftentimes disturb our calculations; yet.
. i .i i..... .....I.....I nir mmsi'M ami
wnen nuiu B luniv.. v. ,---
assuageil our grlof, sorrow or dtoppolnt-
monts, eober scconu iuuiiBiii,
comes to our rescue, and wo acknowledge
that all things are fpr the best , after all.
1 am led to this train oi iiiougiiin mm
i . i... t it .i-nu Imt it Miort time
rcinoiiiiwriuui.il' .i...
subseiiuent to tho dUamiearanco of tho
V ' .-1. ll.nt llino u'linon llvi'rf
i.iai iiiniri. I'fini'ii . iiiuv ii.vnTvi "
luav o.v. , ------ ...., ,
l.ii.l Iv... n mnro oriCSS lllliuimuii i
i ...i.i. ti.n.n iminn to disnnnvar
UMiU WU" liivii". " lli
.nl iiiiit mull. riinL i j
irOIll IIIUIIUI rii..v .-.",.
o thereafter was Undo Ueorgo
Thomas, who for years ami years ran
. . " .i.n i i.,bin intuitu iih to the
BiauCh over inu w"" n.i.
51" H....I.. ..nil.... mi.t linvrmil. Then
uranuo r-; -r, ..... ,,r
JollU loveriou, uu ui o.cjv- ; : ,v r
and near In tho Northwest, and following
mmli ntfier in (1U1CK micicoBivui,
number of tlioso whose, lives hud iummM
in closo connection vvitn hub mu-iuuu
method ol travel, unu v.. ru1
i.oir inai. nrcimatlon. seemed out ol piaco
HIVli : i. . ' .. . I nn
among their "o U1U.X" .Y'T.v t e
nilin. bUl WHO HID JBmv.um-.- -
I ' , ...i In m mon nf Stor-
"m fir'".':iri. ..;r ni.uo
,.C.7or.ro' uV ,old.i.g.
KSTK "&t oi fcta.il? ; STt.it
Uleton oneuj, i;r ,v-. .u f0r
only to die.
Tho Unit Hlnrlrtl ltullliiir
As annouuceil. a mcctlm: for tho tnir-
IU1..I nl ......!.!.... .. .. 1 1.1
vinu vi. i;iU!lllli-.lllg UU vlli:ilVClllll lllliuil
was held Sunday afternoon In W. D.
Fletcher's jewelry store, several local
... ..!..!.... - ... . 1 -it....
iiiiiBiia.ius iiciuk ireFeiu. uu motion,
Dr. F. C Cmi.tiliell vn rlmspn nreMtilint
and F. K. Mitchell secretary of tho meet
ing, after which Mr. J. II. Everest set
r,.ii. ii... I....I 11...1 ii t.i..... ii
luiiu inu uivk iiiuv inu uujcv'l m mu nieei-
ing was to organlzo nn amateur orcliettra
. I 1.. .1 t .
ior uio jiurinipo oi imiuiai improvement,
tho bcnetlt of tho town and of tho orches
Tho following resolution was intro
duced, passed aud slimed by those pres
"Kesolvcd, That we, tho undersigned,
havo'mct this dav for tho nurnoso of or
ganizing an amateur orchestra, said
organization to be headed by a president,
"I... !....! .11 1 .l .. ..
pcuiuiury, uiiipiiui uuuviur uuu uuuntutji,
nml In l.ii i?iiiitptinil liv ntiv rnlna. riiiinln.
i.iii. .v jv vi.iiiv.i ..iij . ...., ..n....
tions or resolutions that tho organization
may hereafter adopt."
A nniinttliii! wiiM niitmititcil til draft
constitution nnd by-laws, and it was
iiLMvi'ii thiit another mectini! should 1)0
Imiil HiU. Mntwlnv i'VimiIiil' id Dr.
Campbell's ollleo, at which it is hoped
a laru'er mini ieroi inosu imeresiiMi win
bo present ami lend men- am to tno tin
They Hrlt-lriln Moilt'l Hiitrl.
Itnn 11 P llltiirnitiit. iiillilllnr nf illll
r. i.. i t . v ii . .1 i. ...i. ... ti.... 11
vOiuuiDia iMiiiomii iiaiiK in iiiviuii. ii.
tl .....I l II IIiiwiiii.Iiu ii liriiinitiillll
A., llllll 11. II. I nil . iiuiin, i. i viiiiiiiv.i .
.i1ttt...il nl llinl (ii. llm llllfil lillllll Illll-lUtl
111 V.IIIIV V-l ill llllll I'lUlU, III... i ..vi. .1.
for tho past day or fo. for tho purpose of
oxamln nir lVmllfton's two new hotels to
" ... .. .. i
mu'iirn ii iiim 1 1 i inr I in im iM'i Kin ill a noiv
linti-1 liiillillim In Davlnn. Tho Golden
Kiilo was seleileil. ami lis .oiiniorpaii
ivlll wnnn Imllt in Davtou. Tho lien-
ll... .wm iciiri. Iniinnililli (lilliniMmiil lllll
l'enilleton, but expresi-cil their liellel that
It was slightly In advance of tho times, so
. .. i i. .. i .. . i .1
in atuuilc llllll il lliviiluiH!ll uiflL'r lllllll
ItH inula would warrant. However. Ibis
onlnlon is moro complimentary than
otherwise. Tho two gentlemen returned
homo on this morning s tniiu
Ntnrlr Hone.
All irnrlr . nvi'iuil. llm nnl tit Iiiir. on tho
now l'enilleton hotel Is now finished, and
iu a dav or two that nlso will bocimipieieu,
...I . ll... 1.,1.. I mill In tnrtiiul lU'iif 1i
Contractor Zclglcr to tho enterprising cor-
. i . . t .: - ..i 1 1 .i.,.i n.i
ponillOII WHICH rilllWIl ll 1-UUKIIill.lluil.
llow soon it will bo opened cannot bo
learned, but doubtless no tlmo will bo
wasted in tho matter, l'endleton is a
city of hotels, nnd as such has no rival In
tho Inland Empire. Judging from tho
largo amount of transient custom which
ni.iij .1., mi. ! liniiillninti llilu nniv linlnl
nilllin iinviufii. v.....v..w.., nr . ,
enterjirlso will probably provo n proflhiblo
ono, prophecies to the contrary notwith
"Wc havo jiiBt received our-
Second Carload of Plows f
ami have novr iu stock
180 Pekin Walking Plows;
40 ueaaiignt auiisy jf lows;
30 Headlight Gang Plowfl;
10 Combined Riding & talking Gangs,
nnw that I'm OU mj . .,
. t nilinr Unrill. X Lit 14
though I was r' - rnVntsmo.
turn ray iiajiu w o , t t0
I'm all at fiea, oui ui i -
die." .... .i.n.nnrtP im wan1
down another, noi "",," Vestcr-
So one morning word came no i
, 'wi.atwas the matter
-This is.
as carrietl by any other firin iu tho County.
.... .i r it.n i i ..... t i. .1.:
ami mil hiivo uiu i;iisiviuui uif im.i.uiu iMini-m
profit, an inducumciit .
No Other. Pendleton Firm Can Offer.
Our plows aro built particularly lor this trade, and wo can
uiirantco them to ho ,
The Lightest Draught,
The Best Made,
The Cheapest Plows
Call aud oxamiuo our ock and savo tuonoy for youwolvci,
i eny, wuo ;, zero
ontvimir vn,im lmhinii me nam i
; 1 .11 I . 1UU ""PHI I 1
J7 taking in the sights oi Salem,
Wiu2 tha LAfflfrfature.
both towns are on oV
north Utmwe.
ith Charley tl.eyn saj . tcrda
"I , own of yan
i,,aeXnS l.
came from far up JR",. and
ijjsfta-. -
c.iiir.inv nml Rnnilnv Din rnnori was
circulated on tho streets that J.uko Kuy-
kendall, who has been conuneu huh
jj .u In. tin. iviul iiuui In tlm cnlllltV
lidMiillnl. had crossed tho great divlilo
wiiinii Minuruipii life from death. It is
learned that there is no truth in tho re
... i ni. In .till tilU'it Imt Hlinws few
11UIV, iiuiuuruii iii.. -
hiirn nf recovery. He iuinitined tins
mnriilflft iimt ii Im'nd of cvDsies was at
tncklnir him.
i.-..i. nl C itiiF.lnv'u Wnll i Wnlla ilal
j.uwii vi uii"j "
Hon contains a small Item stating In ut-
stanco that a free fight with pistols and
knives had occurred at theiiranii M-ninn
ii.....i.ir llm nl,. lit Imfuroi In which it was
supposed that ono man had been badly
hurt, "but no particulars were ouiain
liuwi i.ini-.iv ' ,,, r, ii. .,1 .
i.ri,rt-.i. fiiiiiiuend us to alla ii una
vl f
Tvso prominent Stars, ixiia lihp ami
i 'il.tli.. l.....n iiliniiillilinil llmfineH-
11, 1,. vylllUUU, lium ..i.......... 1
tlonablo profession of stealing bases, and
. 1 . i I.. 1... l.iiiiluliTi. ftilllnir
uro now enuuKcu hi ii""".y -"n
of farming on tho reservation. UUp has
f'O-acro tnut from tho Indians,
four miles abovo tuo agency, uim
.rltii II Inr litirvi'KI.
i i.nnn..tninlm 11750 worth of flno
iiu nf i iuililim was recoivcil by Alexan
der tt Fraer to-day. Tho goods wero
. ..i i.. t 1,1 tint kimii. umi iiiuiiv
Oi e It'll 1 w "w : -
.1. niiixuiill'A invitr ill nulLn iituj ut
o,.i.iw1 frmn tho roc't'Dturlu.
i i n,.- "tiniroufilnt' fnr n now fttvld
of copying press which oiierates without
...-f.ir..' In .Inln,. llm Inwn. It is
uaillcuuiK, Mv....t .. ,
nulte an Ingenious fako, and tho agent
. . I . .. I nn.li.vn
lias capiureii eovcri" uiuvm.
nit. .til.... ...l.unrltittnnH fnr tho
1'crsoiiB ruiiviiuih.'"'.'"v,,r1.;;"" y ,
Hunt subsidy should leavo tho s pied
contrats ot the First rational nanic. in
order that the loiat amounv tuumu
can be ascertained.
TugWllron arrived In wa rn ijuiia,
.. . I 1 nl IVinutnl. n Mnrno.
11 is ueiieviu u uuu...,, v, '";,;,
out against Wilson ami his tumi-v."-,
i:nn nn i ;nniiur.
,1 n n.n tlnnllntt ()l!lt tlirCO VOUng
m,! in-lnmlnu ill Walla Walla were re-
runtlv hunit in Montana for ca tie steal
ing. Their names are withheld ienum
mi. . ah. Tniliiin
it. m 'i imninvi mii iiiiiiuii
.ti. J iivVtlll! ,, Alnowa creek, near Walla
air .11 Ttli VII IV UlZITIl UVMII-T ww
t aiitii uicu nwv, rp .. 4 .....
. f" .1 Tim nld man vet aur
Miss Iiernlce Desjaln, who Is attending
Whitman College, Wa Wolla, lnt
Saturday and Kutwlay in l enuiuwn, ir
turniuglUiherfctudleB on thU morning's
'rt r. c.iti.niav U'nttu moved
.oVnsiderthetel which the ,1'en.
d eton cnarier ui i "
I .1.. 1 ... (I., in nil fill MILS lOSt.
ml ' I;, nt.ir bills, besides the Mills
. ... " i . r'n..ifri iironosln- a re-
" . .7 " " ' i , 125.000 000 to
v-r uui fuUt
Kliiah Welch to-day sold to A. J. Culp
' t .i i.. il,ln.nrmitli town.
a tiinr i; ni lunu iu in" -. i- - t- - .
, r..i,...- ii... i,l rjco track : consideration,
1 lKJllfl vr
There aro still copies of tho New Year'H
Pendleton Hardware & Implement Go.
Under the Pendleton Hotel.
-Efltabllshod, 1878.-
Rothchild & Bean,
General Merchandise.
TliompBon-Barnhnrt Block.
Southwest Corner of Main and Alta Streets,.
60 Dozen Ladies' Fine Frmoli L SftSgS.1fta0
60 Dozen men s r iuw
Shoes, all made to order.
Try the Shoos of the Celebrated Makers,
Seller, Levin & Co., Philadelphia.
n i . .. n..,...,...
. -oi i. n rcntiiomn, ui".
lJcaimin diouk, i-
Mri.Tom Brtdley.Proprlfctreii.
Main ' ' '
I .. 1 1 , . tt ITlULiI
I at ten cents each. Statui taken.
J. H'MrnllMl,
Miln'miu JUllt'l HU.,
Kir.l.tli In rrr irre. Ner III. i
irr 7onvul...c. 1 j ft