MONDAY, FEI1RUARY 18, 1880. DAILY AND HKMNWUKKLY, 11V TUB Knnt OreKoo'n" 1'ulilloliluK Company, PKNDLKTON, OKEOON. DAILT BUlWCnilTION ItATMl Onn copy per year, by mull X7 SO One copy nix inontlm, by tmill On) Olio ropy per week, by carrier. 20 Trial nuWrlptlnn 60 Mingle number.. 0.) HKMI-WKKKI.V HOIWCHtlTION KATKMI Uno copy per year 12 60 uno copy xix motuiiN.. I Trial nubxcrlptlon 60 Mingle tiunibcru - 00 WKXKI.Y HUIIHCUIITION 1IATKM. Onocopy per yciir ?l 7fi Olio copy IIIOIllllM.... .,... 100 Trliil MiWrlpllon .... 60 Hlnglotopy 0') AnvKKT;niMa katkmi (VUitiiu AdvertUrmenti.) One Inch, or lean. In Hoinl-Wcrklv ncr miititl 60 One Inch, or Icon, In Dully per month 2 60 Two InchcM. or Iunx. In In v una weekly pur month I 60 Overtlirco Inch VH,H'inl Weekly, per Inch pur month 1 2.1 Over th no IncheN, Dully, per Inch por inoiitl 2 00 Overtlirco InclicM, In UillyiinU Weekly, porltich tier month 2 60 One Inch or linn In Weekly, per month... 1 w uvur iiirt'o ineiict in wcoitiy, per ineii pur month 1 (0 Overthrew IiicIiom In Tiit'nthiv' Ikiiio of Hoinl-Wcoltly, lierlliell Iiit lilontli.. . 7ft Hoi lil noinmroll iiitviirtlNoniontN In Semi- Weekly or Dully, llmt Insertion, per Inch, ii.w; i'iicii Hiioseiuuiii inieriioii, ouu. Ioiil Kort Ion. practically decided upon, and thnt It will conlitln tliu names of Ulttlno, WIndotn, Runic, ThoiniiH, Noblo, Warner Miller, Ivdce, tmd Wiununtikor. It 1m tlio "ftinornl of tlio enemy," ho wo can nironl to stiind to ono bIuo nnd wntch IIh progrcHH with merriment. Lot tlio llglit Ko on J wo only hopo Unit It will bo inter- CMtlnif ntid liiHtructlvo to tlio woplo of thin urciit country. Wlion trolltlclnnH full out the pcopla (jet a llttlo of tltelr dues. Tin: Hunt railroad milwldy Is climbing. If you lmvo not Ptibscrlbcd, don't fail to do Hound bo ono of tlio procession of jirogrcHM. IIihmakck lias had a "whito book1 printed which kIvch tlio Gorman nldo of airalrfl in Samoa. LIFE ACCIDENT LIVE STOCK lYlarston & Sharon, Largest Local Agency ii Oregon, Portland Excepted Representing fifteen standard American untl Foreign Companies, and writing more city business than nil competitors combined. REPRESENTING THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE! FIRE New York Life WRITING ALL CLASSES OF POLICIES AND TICKETS IN THE TvrrMOT T- i m-Tv"rv--vT7--x-r-1 1 i " rmr- a t-t-t--- . VV V JCV.I -i JL.-JtTaJCJ -L W VV JUN JQJJL J- JCvJrX. v JgJXjJU J? wo were tno nrat agenta to mtrouuco tnis insurance m uregon, ana nro prepared to write all clnRoa riSKS on vaiunuio siock in mo oiiiivuiiMv oxuuiv vuiujrAis i. notice, ten cunU pur line ouch In- A situi ri.r.NH I'Aiit or1 i:vi's. An odllorial writer on tlio Ort'oiilim talkM about CIuvcmihI as if lio had n per Hoinil urndo tumliint tho rroeldont, not im if ho wroto from any IciiowIciIko or observation of him. No ono but a hii- lioadcd, vlnillctlvo, rovuiiKoful houI could H.iy no much which contained ho llltlo hoiiho, iluconcy or truth. Whoever tho writer Ih, ho In a coward, common in ttiHto, rotten in character, and daiuimblo in thniudit mid action. Cluvelitnd in u man of (leeji earuextiteHri and thorough honeHty, uh overybody knowrt, who hat any knowleilno of tlio man, and u grain of hoiiho on which to Ixiho tho knowledge No man could havo dono mom or JK.T . tilt it At r t lormcu ii Douur inan uioveiami huh uc- coinpliHhod in tho l'renldoiitlal chair, .i..i ... .i . . .... iiiiuer uio Hiimo comiiiionH. i no cup headrt who nit around and croak prove (J mo iiHHortioti uy mo oxient oi incir own progroHH in llfu. That tho naino of Clove- lund will live even after he Ih dead, in history, thero in not tho leant doubt, nnd it di'Hervotf to II vo. Thero Ih life In rilled honoMty and deturmlnatlou to perform what Ih Iwnt for the iieople. reuurdlcHH of what in inont H)pulitr. A life baited on what Ih KocmhiKly plauHlbleemugoguory, jopularlty. clatHtrnp corruption, untruth, huh ih tno me oi u iKilttlclaii, but one biiHod on truth, decouuy, high aim, tho Kood of the iiiuny, tho deHtrtietion of Ihhuch, the purioeH of which are robbery, oven if follnwInK themi paths IiiIiik fall lire in the life of u HtatoHinan, a man, the nobli'Ht work of (!od. Such a mun in Cleveland, IhshIiIch which, hiicIi narrow- Honied pupjvtH uh the writer of the Ore Konian, above referred to, ninkH Into IiiHlKiilllcance. To net n favorable com pariHon think of n mountain and a nmw tard heed. Of rourm', hiioIi a man an thin writer cannot uiidmhliiiid bicadth of character and ptirpone, Krauno he iiIIowh llttlo faultH of oarly youth, wltli which ho in acquainted, to cut down ami nhorten bin coutemptiblo visage. So it Ih thim alwajH. Wo do not tlenplno muh moil but wo do detent the HyHtem iiudur which they Hpring up. It in the fault of HynteniH, ami not of human nature that mtch boiugH exint. Tho fault of tholr exiotence can not be traced to tho hand of the Creator but to the Bynteiu pcrotuated by man which ban ho drop rooted Injustice and mcipiality (but many eyoH hvo been made nigbtlesH when tryinK to fathom true noble iu'hh of character and purpoiie Such a pair of oyeH ure conHtantly in use in the Orcgonlan olllce, but the llttlo iuIh chief they can do Ih limited, thank God I IIAHHISON'S UAIIINKT. Witty Htntoimnh. Senator Chandler, of ltaker county, Ih the wit of tho taulHlaturo. Ills humor Ih dry, but It is oxIilllratltiK. It ban tho Himio elfect on ono an the dry, cool, brae mi? climato oi J-.asteru Ureiton oi wnlcli the ucniul .Senator Ih a prominent rem- dent. Friday in tho b'euate Chandler Maid : ".Mr. PrcHidont, 1 wIhIi to oiler a reo- utlon." "What iH tho nature of Itl" nskod tho chair. "To rentrlct tho witHto of uah; to put an end to too much talking."'' Laughter. Tho rcHoliitlnn which Ih iih follow h, wuh then read and adopted : Win:iti:.iH, Life ih chort and time valu able: therefore bo It KcHolvcd, Ity tlio .Senate that no mem ber hIiuU bo allowed to Hpeak more than live minutcH on any Hiibleet, without Hiiecial permlHsIou oi two-tlilrim of the membeiH prcfont. -. Walla WidlaJotiinal: That man lira- lev. brought all the wav ftoin I'ortlaml, for hIiih done in the boily, had a hearing at VvaltHlitirg. The charge wuh mciciy lobbery. Tho old ladv, it feetiiH, did not appear agaliiHt the fellow with her com plaint, lie wiih put under s.i(h) IijihIw. and having left bin puree at home u tho piano, he Ih now in Jail until further ordorn. MARSTON & SHARON, First National Bank Building Ponrll o4-nn HKW TO.DAV, FRAZER'S OPERA HOUSE, 3 Nights Only, Commonclng Monday, February 25. Hpoelal eiiKiiRClilunt (if the S TUTTZ New York Theater Company. MEMBERS. 20 III Victor Ilnito'H .Masterpiece, Lucretia Borgia, OK THK I'OlhOSKK 01" ITALY. Special Socnery, Magnificent Wardrobe. Operallo Orchestra. FULL CAST OF CHARACTERS. FOR 1889 ! Now is tlio tlmo to Hubscribo for tho West Shore Magazine For 18S1), and hcciuo n full volume of numbers. It la tho Clieaoest Illustrated Magazine in the World rjo-TiH, innfm of Information It contains covers tho cntiro l'ltcille Noitliweflt completely, and deals with nil RtibicrtH of intercat to thoso seeking infonnation of tins region. For the current year Tun Wkht bhoro will mirpiiHH in oxcollenco tlio volume jtiFt closed, and will lie a coinpleto exponent ot the rcHouices or, ami it aire fill elinnilcler tit nil new enternrlfeH of liniiiirtniuo In. the enrlio icimm ombraccd within the limits of Oreuon. WaHhlnuto.i. Montana. Idaho. Ilritlsli Columbia ami AlitKka, together with a multlttido of superb engravings of scenery, cities, iuduH' trieH, etc., olllio country uetcrincd. TWELVE ART SUPPLEMENTS. All oleL'iiiit eiiL-nivlncrt. In colors or tintH. will be Issued, ono with each number, ThesuHiiiiplementH arc I7x'2', inches in size, und renrceent some obioct of goncral interest or some featuro of tlio Mitgnitlcent Scenery of the west, nnd w ill alone bo worm me price ot tno mugar.iue. You cannot do without Tin: Wkht Kiiouk for 1880. Only i.fiO a year : fiO cents extra lor iioHtuge It tcnt beyond tno limits oi tno united btutcs, aioxico or uanatia Single copies, -.' t ents, Address 1 L. SAMUEL, Publisher, Portland, Or. LODGE DIKEOTdUY. TNTKOHITY X.OUOK NO 1, I, O. O. F J. mettfi ovcry Monday night In Odd Fel luwN-jiiiii. iikn jiA(mi,necretnry, DKNDI.KTON OH A.ITF.H NO. 23, 1U A. M. JL . Meets at tint Mnxonio Tcmpln on the 2ml ii nil U'.i o'clnrK. J. 1 Hecrctiirr. KrlilnVH of i-iieli minitli. ut 7ik! I '.J V. It. (3I.01T0N, VILLARD HOUSE, DAVE HORN, Proprietor. Northf nut Corner Main mid Court HtreoU, l'KNDl.CTO.V, OHKUOK. Re-oj)cncd, Re-furni8hcd and Equipped in First-Glass Style SAMPLE ROOMS free Coneh;to slid from tralm. FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO "Wine and Spirit'Mercliants, 03 FRONT ST. ... PORTLAND, ORE CON AGENTS CYRUS NOBLE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING uu.(MiiwauKee.wi.) txruHT pilsner bottledbeek. arca AIIa... Drnnrinlnr T DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Waukcnsaw, Wis.) VEURE CLI Hurl I I OullBIOr i 3U0T PNSARDIN ChAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) AilliUM till UN limiul. Hcntu mi anln Wl.I nrmuiy, rcn. :v, in I'lctcner'n. CHARLES ROHRMANN, IUvIiir inircliiucd tho Bakery on Court Street near tho city llrowory, wit iiiiiimijii Intlrkt-clinH lniH,iind will ho i'ii Mircu in mriiiHii mi Kiuiiiur Bread and Cakes t any and all Milieu, Alexander fc Prazer, DKAI.KIL'i IN General Merchandise. TT.i r T-v a viuLuniig, xitiLa, uapa, .ureas, ana Fancy Goods. Family G-roceries a Specialty. DELIVERED FRE OF CHARCE. PENDLETON, OHKOON GOODS MAIN RTHKET, The iatnniso of the popo U lollcltcd. Tlioro Ih wur browinj; In tho Itejmbll- can cant). Hiirrinoii'u Cabinet U ulwut ntiulo up, mill tho breach between tlio Htivr York actioim in widening, becuw ono Iiuh been recognized and tlio other liaa not. Tho Secretary of tho IVeaaury Notary and Corporation Seals, In Ponclloton. Charles Rohmann.rOHLYflVED0LURS EACH' A Few Good Ones Tbs utual price for teali uaae by ottior parUec, In Portland or the Kmi U from 10.00 17.00, with expreueharge) aJdeJ, you neda teal, tend your order to tu, and ave from JiOO to 3.00 thereby. East OrifMlan Phi. Ca, mhUdtf Peadlfitm. flraana. $800. Itmuo ami s loin near Bller' ni-iMHiii iiiiu i ii i in iiniiiM r.iiM.iniir riuh; ImIhih'u lii niio yeur. S40nn Corner lot on Court uiul Cot- K vWW tlHIU'lMHl irnln. .llnliil... Byndlcato proiH-rtyj dura to advance. B47K Three Int. on Paradlto Hill: lev- vurguln. l,Koodiullaud itrvet srailed. A in to bo a Western mini, and it In atuted $QfiO Thrcoiou and hotue; elesnnt on Kood unthority that Kx-Sonator Win- buyT wundi, central locatlonjMap uom, ot Mliuu'Kota, lias lHen ollered uud SiQfiOO Three biulnew Iota, r Iuih accented tho portfolio. A tllH,.atch SSi; ato,rtaviwi;."b2 jtt it Mayii inai a rejiort niw bcvureii currency that Mahono, of Virginia, Ih to bo Secre tary of War. General Harrison U not likely to otl'end his comradcMof tho Grand Army by mich tin iipiHiliitinont, and it id urrlHliiK that any attention in given to u minor of that character. An editorial in tho Graphic, n ltomih llcan iuior, imbllKhed in Now York City, miyn i "Tho loinblicaiiH of New York won a great victory in the last l'leNidential elec tion. Will they Ut who enough to profit by it, to gather and enjov its friiittt? Wo foar thero in danger that they will not." It in regarded that tho Cabinet U now corner of 'food, fur MARSTON & SHARON. KEWAKD: S5.00 The uiulcriiUned will pay nve itollam for i ii- i iiuh in imp imiick nnne. wttn while IHitlu the fnroliyud, ono whlto hlud fool, bruudt'd A Hon left hip. JI1UH. N. H DESPAIN, IVndktoii, Oregon. felil.Vlind-w Si.KLUMPP. ROBERT BOND DEAI.EK IN BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court Btreel, opptwtte J, II. Bhoemakeri. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. UAC1EN A DWYEU, Prop. Court andJohntouSU. - . Pendleton, Or. Juit Opened. New Furniture Throuihout. Bpeclal accorowodalloni for commercial men and famlllea. Kleelrla llgbu throuihout. Iledi 2S nnd SO eta. Kreo Uui, Tho ml Day Motel rthe Mtato. nVEBTICBMC ot (..., wtH Is mml iina im, p.p, ,bui MtuMtM w 4MftWn( ipn whm In ClHt(o, will fd II tn filed 4$149 Rudolf St, fkmtm m uaua uwAdrti.wa lump iwim, T,"UN7,IH IiODOK NO. 81, A. F. A A.M. JY .M eel on tno neconii iiiui fonrtli Mon iliiyn of ciii'h month, nt 7130 o'clock. II. J. Ukan, W. M.t W. K. Potwink, Hi-crctnry. HBHi PKNDf.K.TON I.OI)Oi: NO. M, A. V. A A.M. Mcctaln thn Mnnonlo Tvinplo on the iirei nun nuru .iininiiiyii n cmoii uinniu nv 5KI O OIOCK. i: J. .UIl.I.ION, W. 11. All rxAMiKii, f'ccri'iiirv. Tickets 'n",'.', nnd mil fmtii .p...a.k.i v. - i'i.iiviiiui m L lu lllllll'll niiii.. r- u r.iirujic. 7iqiiA I.OIMIK NO. lll.A. 0. IT. V. Mefta inciimiiiini mini Frlilnyxof onrli inonih ni unit renown' ilull ul ,i.u o'clock. I'.r tumtiw, m. w.j u.A.KMiTit, llccorilcr. EUItKICA I.OIKIK NO. .T.'. 1. O. (). K. MeelH nvfry Miitiinlny tivvnliiK ut7i30 o'clock. It. Al.KXANtJKIt, N. (1. "tTT M Anprr.f. nuruiinifLiuvun t r U..w... i.iun.iriiii,.i. .v(j,, j.v. O. K. Meets on tho neconil and luit iniirwinyn or cmcii moniii, ni 7iW o'clock. i: r, iioiirKO, u. l'.j wnx nacr.Mcrlijo. OAUI.INF. IIKI1KCOA f.OIXJK No. 13, I. O. l u.r. .Miownm iiril nnd third Thum. iliiyH of eiioh month, UTAHMONY I.ODOK NO. 21. If. OF V XX MeflN In Odd Fullotm Hull urcry Tiicii. day evenlnu at 7:S0 o'clock CO.; O.J. WillTAKKit.lC. of It.nnd H. J. C. I.KAHUIIK, l-VAMON IJOMItt NO. 4. K. OFP. Meet In j una ronowR' nun nvorv waiIiikmIiiv evenlinrnt 71.10 o'clock. M. u fimuiuMi ir ..... n . . ' w ... .i. mi.r ir.bu, .v, ii iv. mill d. Tr IV Whocler'allall every Thurmlny nlht. Ofcjcoij, Kehso WArri.r, Coinmnuder; J. S. Uowkn, "''.:'' 21 , Adjutant. M Columbliu Fob IT CAIWON-POHT, O. A. It., mectn nt ElnfrnntPnllmnn Dnin. o "iul,n Ftillirriml. MIiamIih. .in. .,. . J in i niiUlljll on 1'ivq. .iuiiih n t , A 1 1 A nn tin, 1 1 m i r- n ... uinrinn, uuunuiu ULurro rtMU 5TPA Freo of olnirito nnd wlthont cti4n. nift...Ai.iiUiiH..i v. . . . . w.uv vuiiiivuiiuiih ... iiiiiunu ror hiq " "mi l'liuci pound lMinti, Kiwi hound Piumenifur nrrlvei at 7M . Kiut nollnil frnlL.h. urplir.. n.M ... pana ni 7s.iu p. m, ' Went pound pMnenuor nrrlvei at 6:20 p, went frck'lll nrrlv... ..Iln.n. puna ni mm p. m. W'n 1 1 n IVnlln nnrf ....!.. n T ..I'm ul U.tY .. ... . ... .. uiw,i. in. Hum tvHiia want. To Han VrancUco, To I'ortUnd. Coltllllblll. Fell! OmrfriK. V.K. ui i-Kuii, r cii o ninie, ten 7 miur, run it LTOIUmiilll, FOll 1G obM urcgon, Ainr4 Coluiiibln, Feb OifKon, Kub 15 Hlnte, Feb 10 Columbia, KtkU OrcRon, Feb 31 Miaic, Mil 3 for Household Goods I A. W. SHULZE, Drnlcrln Furniture, Stovos & Bedding Hecond Hand Fiirnlluro HoiirIiI nnd Bold. BARGAINS AT SHULZKS Main 8t., near Wobb, PENDLETON - OIIKUON. TltVA 1...llan,t . nixnu Kataa of l'auaca. Includlnc meali and bertbi. Cabin. ..... Hteerace, . . . . uounct Trip. Unlimited. oi i no ijoinnaiir. or A. w uuwi . a. ii. A. Mu MAXWKLL, . . . i . a i. Oeaerat Manaf er. M. M. SIMLEV.Afeat, Pendleton. Ortcoa. W.D.Hansford&Co. i a a a a. a ak. m mm . I . I w uh tmmm m mmi m tmm xi ii uup u ii ii u n Tin urnnn iui mil iinnn 1111111 1 11 1 1 m r.r nini iini ii am m ivb w w w am iwimii MtVIVU UUU XXU1U II UiUl I I "AMD 11 PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promntlv Dono. MAIN HTltKKT, l'KNUI.KTON, A uliore of the publlo patronase la lollclted llluiunjAiiw ALBERT LEA EOUTES. rrom mi, I'aul uud Mluueapo li To Chicago auU tho Kant. To Mb Loula Hd the Hoatk. To JK'N MolneM, IycaycMrorth H. 11 iif 1 m u 1 .inn . n u uuiiiii Minn 11 nun. i . - WMMIWIVII IIWIIWI ITIIIIdl Cltvnr " " Mills, luapacitr boo barrel nor dav 1 W S. BYERS k CO, Proorietora. Pendleton, Orceon. Manufacturer of Uraham, granulated and buiiTiniiiR riour. Hisneai v.muh Price fa Id for All aiaw or uraiN, llonr, meal , chop, fed;eto, alwayi on; hand eer Garden and Gymnasium Hall. Daryea Klae, rropa. Nam street . . Near Poataflea PKNDLETON. OKBOON. BowllnR Alley and Ovmniiiiim n.n i- connectlon. Junt the place to ipend an hour In axerc line your niuMla nri .1i.,Tih.V: . . . . . . . . . : " - - .wi.iii m ,iiuuu ,u mi. uamonnui iieer bo. !. iy City for Palace Dining Can! Accompany all throuRh Kxpreu Tralm uu connecuona rnaae in union uf jw. etc., apply to any coupon acentof tbiO, n . u I . w a. nf.f OI rwM.VW. Ul Ml ... W ' ' " 11AHIIL ABTAIlt. 11. 11. m H. Pendleton, Oresaa. CHAM. KKNKOY, cau Attut. N. I Wuhlnartnn (It.. . . fArtland. P a nnr Qnnnir uen. 'rat. ana rail. Aft. u. n. r. t:nirajrn. ill. h. tr. i.ij i lj. flan. T. and H Af. U. A nu 1. " Api MluncapolU Ulna. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES ANO PERIODICALS TAKEN -AT- birth's Postofflce Book Stores PENDLETON, OEEGOIST. Thisisthe Way to Advertisef PUT YOUR ADVERTISRMRVT IV TfTR It All V VitT OXECO NIAN FOR ONE DAY, TWO DAY8, OR A WEEK. MAKE ITS CONTENTS BRIEF AND TO THE POINT! AN ADVERTISEMENT THIS SIZE WILL ONLY COST YOU ONE TIME, 90 CENTS ; TWO TIMES, $1,50 ; THREE TIMES, $2,00 ; ONE WEEK. $3.00. IT "WILL PAY YOU! JUST TRY IT liw , nn -J. A. H I.St O.I -e r. A ' illkiMlt I i , I'rlB. I