(feast (Mov) TUESDAY, FlilUtUAttY 12, 1889. Kant OrrRnnlnn Itrnuoli OUtre. 2ff to cull t the Kamt O; office when lu Portland, i cordial y OKKOONIAS ntllcf when lu rorinmu, una innko ""v.:ir nt home, tiio omco n in inn All '"!. i, ihiiiii on Tlilril street, between ?uh ntton nnil Htnrk. Kill of the Kahi fPiS? Pnrtliiml ilalllcH. una oilier lire AST JLinJ WmliliiKUm territory paper lire ul Vt kpt for Hie Hceotninmliiiloii of Il'tlim Mill lliern It il tclephnno In thootitco "i'T , ..... uriitnfltnn 111 ll.i. IllllMT 11.. J Illf'H I n ill, Ull r Mwml block buck of tlio H. O. inilMing iror Webb uuil Johnson street. Humbiy r. in. una 7ioo i). in. riumliiy "Vnoi at 3 P. m. Mld-weoK pruycr-meetlnir, trfncit'i T'W m- Cordial welcome to !i MnoclHlly those tint connected wllhothor Aflfchw in Hie oliy. Heals free. tlito, H, Lkk, I'untor KxntA coi'ir.H. Eitra copies of the Now Year's East NtooxiAH tnuy bo hud nt tho business fyfi t 10 conta a copy, In wropjicrs oJr (or iiihIIIiik If desired. Postage Pf"- . IIUKVIT1KA. Ttconm In to liuvo pnved streets. Arreamcry ban been built at Colfax, Look at tlio display of vak'ntlncH at tbu !i!ur. A sh-airi laundry tind strcut cars nib i'lcJof in Colfiix. A.S'o. 1 nihility of timothy hay is for ltlV I I'. IlUUiKIT. .Yiilsburg, V. T., will luivo n bank on cjfpr thu L'Oth Inst. CimaM l'mlrlo butter for mlo.nt I). ttolirs, aim) eontH u roll. Mr. N. Ii. Diekerson Iiiih rooms to unit areaiialm terms. Sir'. J. S. Bartlutt Ih convalescing from Urlato attack of sickness, 0. F. Hull, tbu worthy countable of Don. was lu town yesterday. Vim havo been started to plowing on it Umatilla reservation lands. Ji 111 illlVf if h v 1 1 1 II I "Vl'imi uitv, 1 II M..f kt link ivillilill illtliMtlf UllitMII mnwiiiiTiiiii iiijiiui iiiu ntuiiiuu V. II. McHrido, of tho tlrm of Howling Ulclltlde. of Adams. It) In town to-day. Mr. J. H. Purdv. it Ih learned, Ih still l. It......... I.. I.... ....... .I.i.iIIi'm 1 inu . iiiiii in ii iiiu iiiiui iiLitiii ri Slu Ilaumlnaler will built! u three- . a i i-. nr. ii.. -ttr..ii.. 8UI1MULT. vuiia nii Iiiih nrnnhoHliM ft tlrv Hcnson coiutui: Htuiuiiur ana mil w repay ior . i ...t.. . .... j,--1 . " I ' llHUXilllL W1I1IIT. , J. Ilallorav, of tho welbknoAn law a of llulliiv'A ltalluruv. will loavn thlH imnK lur vi iimiu jh uiininn'i ....... Airuti wiiii t hi mna nox wan luuiiii in . .. . IM . . ' ... I I I -nt Hit liiul ihiiiiwI frniii Ihn llOl Die norV iHiekliiL'ttRtabllHlimcilt lit Col . tf1 m I " 1 ..II ..r I....M lj oliUliicil ill tho local murkut, about II llltili 1 H L. ltowincr, tho Milton Iiaglo man. w down hst ovunliuf, and of course ro it rveryllifiijc lovely in tho city of or ml, MrawlHJrrit'H nnd fluo water- 17, Gwrpi WaHhiiiKton'H familiar countiv "nt utrmiii iiiiiiiiM mi mi iiiu.niicuini r mi veil out hl tlmu in tho county u mnrn Ton run (ret tho lwst of artlflriul teeth Dr. O.J. Whllnkfr'8 denUd olllce now Its V) iKir wt. All oinr 'snv i.iiiif,i(i. nuiR n.ti,Mi,.v... ..II . ' 1 .11 .. n l r ..... v.l lltl.ll .Hi.llm. f.ll minlj w Sinovch Ford, who ban earned u rmm- ...!.,. ..,..! bti.lri." " for lilri biltor fwilon to tho oonhlruetion of n cert an my load In tho Hm-t'rn end, waB in jywtcrday from Milton. Iielve iiiouldorH at tho W'ashinijtO" ailOIKHlll ce.lllio nriik h moriiliiK. Hoj'H had beon put nt llioi'ili nt journeymen nhi y took this inetluHl of protehtm. Ul. Turnor h engaued to-day in mpv ' lilj ...,..,l.i ...,,l il on U IIIIII IIIH Hill ro iden.'o on Court ami 'lliompwui drh ho will occupy Willi nm vlu I rA l K n ltntiin til ho lof. like Apnorpon, who-o anatomy wan o ".i.... i i.. .. m.fir l;in nw receniiy, lias mauo mi ri' toutVi b'reetH. carrin lxth nrmf m but happy In his freedom from noinent. yf K. 1 lniiifi Iiuh Inforiuel her fniia iii.it ir.iir.it u'Fin mr rtu iuiiu .i "'. i Tree-noriHl nt linrtiresent homo in iMtn inn iiiiiim rti uii'uiii'n. in n" "U Walla. This will bo "glad tld f ' t- many. the hi.. ..mil v mI,-m "To I-t." on the ri(ililii hiiliilinufi fnnnurlv occupied UinnoiirinL' Hailrtil-'emon, fnoM 3 well th.it Hu.v imvi lmiiu never t "n, havflsl de hmlvely intoino ni- -Ui (iNnvvlirtri 51 Umaliorlv loft on laht ovenlnc'H 3'orl'ortland, on tho receipt of tho jwnre that his wife, who was taken fr treatmont n month or o auo Hwi-omn worso, and that his immedi arlun. I 1 . .1 1 -xciumiru was iiuniruii, Vr Liny, tho O. It. & N. agent at Junitlnn. n fiiw dava alio wlillo ' oa n...ir an open stovo Uikin.' mo ' iia ..iviii'i .ir..,.i...i ii ton ilnilar 'lo'ro and before ho could r i ii , ist of It was burned. re ,1" v winier weaiiiur. n itU i.oi ivoii i iv everv one , . .... .. nn 1 - in ., s. much of a ph-nle for I .leaK-rs. win. a d , si st s-ic oi mei H win st.-k of fuel r, anless woml-thioves "1 r i-ngaged iu "wiling the i 'ri-mr.itory to putting 1 rnd I'lcaniloaront linhts. and will ir win no niieu vviui Jt;rtM4nflvHl.imlnatod. MfSf' -v hi iiuHiiia in irnitn 1111:11:11 ltltll lliu o thU regard, as in over) thing elso. ' Thp report in llakrr City rei entlv that Pendleton uoi the ncenu of n fierce and rauitiK conflagration, coiiMtuilng eveiy thing in its path, uh stalled bvthe two 1 end e on oiKjratorH. They had llxed up i no ion on ino itoy manip. laior at l.a (Irande. wir "lint i.i..,.,u hardly keep my Feat," etc., veiling to get ....I iu luiuy nun iihk patueni.irH, wiien tlioy would wiro the words, "hot hIhvi. " He did not bite, but iho Maker Citv young man did, and was ho eager to glean oxeiting news nbout the Hie that the two ooratorH hero evidently took his mea sure nnd filled him up. Hence tho why ness thereof. Agitation has been commenced on tlm town-eloek question, ami will probnblv result In its purchase. All the people of Pendleton would bo compelled tj "put tip" Is $600, Umatilla county finishing tho remainder, and fur this amount Pen dlctonians will bo moro than comcn sated by tho feeling of pilde whieii a town clock would occasion, It will bo placed in tho new Courl-lioui'o lower, with dlnls facing north, smith, east anil west, and will strike forth the hours in deep, sonorous tones that can bo benril throughout tho enlire city. On the i!Uth inst., tho f-'tato encami ment of the O. A. It. will lie held at Portland. and that the old votnr.unt will have u grand tltno nt their u-m ion cn h without Haying. J. L. Carroll. J. A. Drake. nnd 11. L.Carl will eouitKiMi the delegation fiom KitCnrr-on lUft. of Pen dleton, and will bo aceomii.iuli'd bv com- inJe II. F. Iti'im. (ii'tlvsburi! Post at Ccntcrvlllo will (.end Comrado Kern and Comrade Clark Walter us its repre sentatives. Eastern Dregon will Ias well represented at tho the grand encampment. Walla Walla Union: 'Iho foucinl of Hon. Philip ltlUoicuricd fiom .t. PaulV Knlseoiml chureh nt '1 n. m Muiday. the services being conducted by Uev. Paul lii.'liiior, the rcctorof tliecliuicli. .Mohih II. II. Whitman. K. Htr.Muht. William iHInc, If. Intone. .1. F. Itojerand F. W. I'alno wein Iho pall bearets. and tho re mains wore followed to their last Kiting nliii'ii In lint ritv i'i'IiliMmi v iiV n l.neu eon- couiseof old friends and nelglibors. I). Merrick, Jr., icturncd from Itaker City last evening, having cold to Judge Haines wlillo tlieio a tieautnui names piano In a French walnut case, linker Citv contains many cultivated and io- fined musicians, whot-o liilluenot lemls In rulso tho public taste to u full apprccia tion of tho higher grades of pianofortes, and it is with pleasure Hint .nuns iim. .V uo. renreseni inn u w v wnai. .nr. Ilerrick also sold a couple of Kimball or gans. Union correspondence Wallowa Chief tain: Tho town of Union has rnbed A . i0.) ho far towaids Hid Uni t mil"'iid sub sidy, with Cove, Summerville, Flglu nnd tho country to hear fiom. Wo have ov erv assurance that they will do their part It'is almost an n-snied faci hum that Un load will bo extended either fiom Centei vlllo or Walla Walla acros tho mountains via Summervlllo to Union. Threo chiefs of tho Wnlla Walla-, iiinoni? tliuin tho famous Homily, head ..lib f Mini ii verv intellli'cnt Indian, ai- rived Injown last evening fiom Waljula, and this morning atcompifuleil l-oiJ. u. Saunders, tho U. H. Special liidlun In id,, iiir.iiwv. It ih lo.irncil tliut anothor cotiiull will le held on the icser- vation to-morrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris t-chlndler, who liuvo mado Pondleton Ihelr nldence for -omo tiinoiast, will leave on Jhla ev-en-Ing'H train for Poitland. wheto Mr. Schlndhir will will enter tin employ of Contractor (5. It. Stokes. Ho is a thor ough mechanic, as is evidenced by his work vhllo iu Pendleton. Mr. nimrli's Marsh, a gentleman from Colfax, Is In town, taking u look ut tho ratmliig country in imi npi r .nuvi with n view to inve.-ting. I n wishes .o loeatolnthls region, bv-lievlug It to be -ulterior In bcaUbf dness and other ud- . .. ... il, f.H,iv ..iiinlrv. Vllliumi:n I" in" v ........ . Vakima county, W. T., had warrants totiio amount of lOJ.OOO onUtaridtng on January 1. A mil a mauo ior ineir redemiitloii, but up to nam onry lu.oui Ji'S.ooti have come in. llio uiuiieaixmi of tho bulk of tho balance is unknown. Inteicsl ceased on roiuiury i. F. II. Lamb. sUKjiinii-nditnt of Hie Weston. Union TeU-grapli uonipaiiy, win Iw In Pendleton some time duilriir lie latter Wtlou ol tliH nioimi. i- v -i lug the nceal.-n f wveitl imporiaiU ehange- in thai mpaiij s iuh-b'"!'"" syslem in this fcectb.n. ThoHov.Mr. lielm-i . of W-dla W l a eamo over on last evening's Iruln. leav ing on th.a inornlr.;a's tiiiin i..r .-" -Homlo valley, which ho vv U rtnimta tho lnterets of Iho jwrnphlot he Is -n pari.ig under tlio uuspici. m mo " " N. Co. Leeier t Kuobler havo welve.i u num ber of elegant and attrauilve shoMas.-s. perhaps tho llne-t ever biought tu 1 endUi on. l'hev will bo m-ed in Ihelr l-""rt street rtofo, the old ones having . iransfened to their branch store on Mai i. Tho men arreted for complicity In the .ittninnte.! train-wreck ng nuir Me.tchain weroarS tMnimlssionerTus Z U i afternoon, Iml iiat dis.itio.. s nnde of tlio piis.,n..rs could not r Um.d in time for publication. A el.simy fog. according to reports, hu lately " troubling tho people o Wen m, m d We Uan-iuo's irho-t. will "i . ivmlleton lias had tho advantage ttw Intern eml throughout the win 1 1 tl.n iint of climate. Hi " ... T.l ........ m 1 t.- iliolwoiini oi reiifiMii, to-af- nioridw U the thirteenth nnd the day at noriovv is'" . . nJlon ovor. ber is one will want valontiues. vvliieh they can pr.curoin any snaw or - V. ' ... u,..m. 1 Dlek llBvnoliU. kunwu to n ! ,( Oregon CUy on car J.,i . fru wnity ol Pendleton, is lying !triciiv. Portluml and I f FSS"ni'tl':ll,1S lip'Jniniko their placM at .t osiooi"'-' , , n,u'". .1.1,,. I.vi.u. verj m .;- u aeurf hedof. I nt. .,.. anwi ino ii itwr"-- T,,0 fuui,v ol F. UUIUui. M rt,riwud j sitvu ''' f ' L 1 wesion. iwiw"- -. . .i!A.ifio. tin- muun- r..r.i riu it. on miy i"u" " " , . ... luiitif. umiiuii. n-l... f.mllir Ii-niUlf. -.- oxpreMS wagon, Jivj uflllctod 8trecta tonlay its ownor with a severe com JlKUeHnS for A little child ot M. r.ifrmin's. which UlliO With i.. i r W rit1lt 13 1 lneu..io..a, ' . ' Hrnlliurntnl l-e,, l.olnir Thplr (trip ku,i ili .iy oritiribiiiinnlutiiHmi. rrom mi- Tiiciiinu u,be. Tim i.,i v,,..,- I !.-....- , ill general usemhlv urn tlm Rnm..i.... IwHcr. under tied, of this independent doinlnion. From the determination of the a-.en.bly npnppeal.shall be made. io man snail be a ireetnan or have a vote unless he is converted tmil it imniiliiii' of one of the churches allowed In tho do-! million. Kach freeman shall swear by the1 bk-Hsed (lod to bear trtio allegiance to' this dominion, and that Jesus is tho only I iSo dissenter from tlinnsHnntlnt untnlitii of tills dominion shall Iw allowed to give a vote for elecllng magistrates or nny olllcer. No food or lodging shall bo offered to a heretic. No ono shall cross the river on tho Sabbath but an authorized clergyman. No ono shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep houses, cut hair or shavo on tlio Sabbath day. No ono shiillkiss his or her children on tlio Sabbath or fasting dajs. Tho Sabbath Bhall begin at sunset Sat urday. Whoever brings cards or dice iuto the dominion shall pay a lino of b. no ono snail eat mlnco pics, dance, play cams or iix.-ni,ttl..lrii..tM.,.u.t.,r I..U..I,,,.. .,uii, ,uu ii.iiuii .i uuircb oi juniiiiri. No eosiiel minister shall loin iieonle in marriage. The magistrate may join tliem lu maniage, as lie may do it with less scandal to Clirist'M church. No mull shall court a mnld iu ersoii or by letter without obtaining tho con sent of her parents; b penalty' for tho llrst olleiise, X1U for tlie second', uud for 1 1 10 lliinl imprisoiimeiit dining (lie pleas- lire of tlm couit. i nereis an eiemeni in uuseiiy wiiii-n would like lo hav.i hist such laws enacted hero wllli even far more sumptuary uddl - ilous. They would llku to Hay what tort f bread others shall eat, and they would like to say that a ulass of wiuu ut dinner should bo prohibited. They would like hIso to say Unit certain organization id feoble-ininded linen uud strong-minded women should he tho governing ower mentioned in tho first par a u-r.i ph. Then there am others who would hko to allllialo and rule with tho aliove-mcu llniin.l. while Ihee ent drunk and Liiinbled nn t in s iv : i unee. e ail In tho lirh-I an- ' i".". Iliorily ol mi uudeislilit villi women of tho town at unseemly hours; elieat their neluhliois at any iipMrtunlty and revile, slander uud misiiHo those to whom they owegratltudu nil tho tlmu. Thank the reign of iluht and reason, Hint such things as blue laws ami every thing nkin thereto uro losing their giip. and the day of retribution is ut hand. ....... - ... , --. Iliilrl Arrhl, (jouiKN-Ilru:. .1 (' Davis, P Mur phv, Va: It II lilock, Mush; (' II Hard ing, Wullula; II M llmxson, J K Prouty, Juiiliier; liuis Huviies, Lnion; C II I'avls ami child. La Tali, WT; S Wotsl, K F Manlove, City; Dike Pike, W T; T Johuiton, Kosehurg; W J Held. Chey enne; II L Itowmer, N Ford, 0 F Hull, Milton; ICS Opeiilieliiio', Suit laiko; .1 It Ciiltwootl. (!eo Muldron. Kclitf: .1 W Cress nnd wife, Kansas; Oro Holdtnuu, Cold Spring; J M Williamson: J M Ash woith, (i MeUeyiiolds. Ii W Murphy, Weston; J tS Tliarp, T Tillire, Adams, II I, llronstiilor, J A Ogg, Nolhi. VlM.AIIII H.I'hK.-T II Mlcox, T .1 Kreper, Lu Williams Clias Caro. Port land; W D Weidenfeld, tleo lloM-nstlno, Now York; II Ii llewoch, Chicago; sig Keine, W F .Mcl uithy, San l-rancisco; II S Johii'oii. Omaha; W II Williams, OH AN Co; .1 (i Plo. Porlland: J Iv Ilrudlev, St Iiii; A It Triies, nenver; Miss Hohiinn. Vaiisvele: W II Upton. Walla Walla; C 11 Kingman. City; K Wib.ur.J W Simpson, Mountain; W llnilillll'J. Ivlllllt'la. ItoMA.s lloiet Jno A Hale, Walla . Walla; Michael Cavanaugh, Waseca. M ini- N K lAIHOiOll. tl IL 4-M . .V II. nkilis liatin, Denver; P M ilcAiln, Ildfrv tion. br 1'itll- Ul IIimi:Ik. An entliuslatie ioideiit w Orvkuii vJlty rlu.a ua foUoWil : 'Mlie cliy Is sprw.iing srHiinwnni iu u rapid rate. Tlie lima luw urrlved wheu a rn'aor lino to I'oMlaud U neiMled. and at tlio termini and In tiro Nslibiiwiit uloiM ii,., r..iitii there Is warrant that would ay Ininds iiue interest on tho iiivetiiieiit The iiuu'iiilicont water mvter at the falls is bding rapidly iitdlml. The woolen milU r.-pies.iii u cupi'.al of WW.Otw; ino flouring udlU l10'VM;'i?(.rrMJ-Bex ' '..00j; llieoeinent mi N I1W. KIJ; ex- Llsior mills V,Tn7.Uami: are Is-ing elected at a t-. of .llW.UUO "1 : ii nail factory at a c' m mu,uw w nnini assured. In addi.ion to Hum, ihe gian.!- ary hi "--. -"' f j In addir on to Hum, Uie gianJ- r....r o,t .- mow isnks is to, est view, of our mujo-ti.; tiii.w cks is ... uBl ,. w. . .. ne nuu iroiu "- )- overlooking OiWiitHy. "Tho fanni and fruit land along tho r Ivor eiiua 1 111 leilimy mo-ti i'i ri-uuy, and are iiruUiblv IwlU'r.iis Inwet piH t'lmnups oxistunv- S." X" "t" U JtL.; U"r a nun u, get 'ricli by going into tlie jiuii or wr fu!!m ho oleetri- itaw U f"n.UUI culluro. cboaply and nun-ay u T' , ;..,.i i...,i vIkIihn tun i ale fr an lMtlaurt Ill iirojj'i the liernl if tin pr. - uHPBiuo i,... VVlKl on .Hll . . h.u.111 riM'ten lll ii.. rtl in-, i.r ilo ii , 1... in- I ol ny iliHeri-i l.,H..p'.yCi.i-ai' ''"".', ,..;, ii .ml on-int 4 u-i KliHi pnrc Ni, In yrr.Hl Mlltf on M' I r ' f.vJK?".r::iV.ijML- OHI'IMIiHKU V'f. i'u ... M - Kill mil eviy L.MI- Mi Tuw .. ....".s w.-liw... -oil, OU t.o.ulu I K.J. Uonalil' .n . Dinus'-l- Thp following extracts nro mado from r ,M .' . ""T' 9 M0W 0,1 Win the thoo dtoniiectient "blue laws" wblHi !1 l.!M,, hisurain-o bus ness at Nvere so called UL lllSy e?o prii ; a j' on blue paper. em l) egon Pendleton is situated uton Tim i, ,.;,.. i Hn? I niatllla river, eountv mut f ib.. llornbv- Tims Anderson. Ueo Hevno d-, i side, in tl o hopes that an ex iieb I We to 'a N WOll.mu-ljou.1.1 llel ; Y W Spr!m.vn N it Sjamgur ; Win Iforii may nstoto her sliu ti n d hiuPI. il....blou .1 I' Unlil-n Ivihis&h: Iloboil ! Tin. iliiiiirtmoiit at UasldiiJloii has ill- ' Tin- Ni w Yrnr-n I'nyrr 111,1 It. I ,''r"M"l,u LHHf Uook Woiimn'n Clininloli-. i ."mi. K, I). l!oyd, for years a resident i l ""Jie ium-k ami at one tlmu Stale Sen our 01 .vrsansas, is now i F.01"' "'V'S 11,0 W"'V "'""0, and iudg- I,.?., I 1 1) . "I10 , 'll 'len.entary , " . ,i.1'.r.,0,tK0?' N "".T1 ,l0 ' o m t lb ' l...?' ''. a initio. i Vi..V 7 . Vi. : ' " . .... . u-4. Inilliiu AKrlit Cny HrltKnril. Colonel .1. (', Saunders, tlie govern ment inspector, who arrived hero a few days ago. a Ktated in this paper at the t nio, to look after matteis on tho I'ina- Mli reservation, li:m eonio to the conclu sion that a change In agents in necossurv to Iho best iuteiests of the governnient nnd Indiana, so lie has removed Mr. 11. ColTey fron, olfice. also Paddy Miles, tho clerk on tho reservation for many years, to takocllect at once. Further "particu lars are not to lo had at tills writing. How Cn l-Hrrntt nlliiw their I'lillitrrn to coiirIi tin I dirndl utiil i-miKli hiiM nilniij- my: "(ih, It l only a I.I tie rohl," uuil kri'p uivIik thi-m rlirupAnd I -iiRi-rouit nii'illi'lnin mull tlu-y uto ilotrn Willi IniiK lever nr i-iinsiimptloa, wln-ntli-y o n Ih iiimi.v rclli vi'it by IIKUii'.-l OHKIt IIV Ctlttlll hYIM'l'? II Inn no dupirloi mid frw fi'inls K.J. Diiinilildiin. Druinciit. Then- luis been introduced in tlie Sen- lmvr. ,mu "'I oi v.ouipany A. Columbia county, W. T., volunteers. The bill pint ides Unit the sec.etarv of tlie In terior is uuthnii7.ed to put tlio name of Capiiiln Hunter on Iho pension roll, at a ension of 77 u month. Captain Hunter served us captain ol tho Uilumbla county volunleers, otherwise known as the l.tv- t 'ii volunteers, in the war against the Nra Perce Indliins in 1877. , Senati.r lioipli has ken Infornied by i tlie third auillbr ol the trensurv that a settlement i f tho war claims of ("lie State , of Oregon for exis-nses incurred iu the suppression of Indian hnxtilitlcs during I lie war of IH77 and '7S had Wen made In that oDice, and XS.i:!'J a'commended for allowances, uud a icport. together with p.Uiers. forwarded to the MCoiid com pi loller for his action. The Pre.-ident has sent the nomination In the Senate of Hugh S. Thompson, of South Carollii'i. to lie United States civil Iseivice cominis-ioner ill plain of Alfred ,i i.l....... 1 .I r. I'.utfenoii, ii 'iuui-ii. i lesiuuiii v n-e I ....I I.M . ... 1. land leiptested Kdgeiton In reslun and lie would not do sn, and the President caused his removal. He was unfitted for tlie duties of llieolllce. Articles of Incorporation havo Ik-cii tiled iu tho nlllco of tho Secretary of Statu by the (irand Itonde LiimW Com pany. The pilncipal place of business will be nt lai (iramle; L. C. Stanley, J. S. .Sherman. Cornelia A' Stanley, (ieomo W. Dwiunell and Fred S Stanley, incur isirators; capital slock. OO.OOjl. Senator Mitchell has Introduced a bill in tlie Senate, which was referred to tho committee on s!iisloiis, which piovides that tlio same eiiNions and beuelits grantiMl to Mexican veterans be extended to survivors of nil Indian wan who served thirty il.iH or more in any Indian war since tlio" year IK 1.1. Frldav night tho Idaho l-eglslaluro re mained In siM-siou tho oiitlrotttolvi) hours, luuklnirn foitv-tlveliours' steady session. Coimtv division bills, uud bitter tights in eonseiinence, prevented adjournment. . Michael Schreck.ef Colfax, W. T., is sueliiir Wldtiibin county for 110.000 dam ages for aliened false imprisonment. Coiubl ami Cniixlitt CioibIiIK V''ii'. In ib- wnrbl l 'be ri-non yon will ((.iili, unit ku-p loiubiinr, Mini i n . hti-p iiviiw Inftirlo' iiir.ii'ini. wln-il IIMHI'" -IIKnilY UfUli nYIII'I' M eively ralb-VM vo.ir ro iuli nl oner? Tl l l no ml vi.ril.lllu dPheiill-. Iml mi iii'lual flirt Mill we uiuin l . I 11 OIIO'l-WII. l'l" ! .'II Ulin .'ii" Ii. H.tlt will leave Hint CiilU John Mullen is the agent of Ciilif ridi. iiiulllntanillng that the ve-nor tie- State hnsantliorUfd tliem ', . , i,l ..m at hh-Ii The l.euila H.re iiiikIc Id i n au.-ill ami ihe dep.irtiuent 1 i liilms lit) kovernor innuot annul their aBt. I ('wi,er Fraer, of the Taeoim National J 1;ii jB oxi-iml Un k In a few days ,, i trip In UillMi Columbia, wiys n t... .....,, iiiaiuiteb to tlio Oreuenlaii soiiiethiug new niider tlie sun-aimshlerj r, t,,,,,!,, from tlio Canadian possessions, Vo oIh, w Iml next ! I M,uler .oji.l0r is making arrunge- i a L.t lll.tl.efairml ' . -nifM,,in o,H,ra Compaiiv. whu h , ''" .ipnte(i Mars iu the operatic world. , .j10 ,.olMlilV will probably upiwur m J, ' " ,0 jlr (lf U)X ,. Tlut eomuinv w I pronaniy up iu J, 'J "n ;Mt ,ho iir.t (,f next ne, ICIHIll" " , ,llIlhHOI. familiarly known as , T, nnm- johlison, lamiiwriy kiioi "Tommy." ha l-eou engaged us id. hi elerk at the Villanl House, a im-di"" i.i.'iii I.h will iiiMbriibt till saii"U l.'uh - ... ,..,. w in-ou. v T.J. lit 'al.er. the inenlwnt lit VI- Mll Mn ton u,,Uiy "I ton lo-tiiiy. n i-r i ,k Ann in that nciuhhorhoo I In i . t n.i nmv m utdof everv ivrii i prcdW llflli ' - - of the enmity. - The Hev. Mr lowm-y. win. has i o n nndi-r tlie wethr for tin. pat wwknr m. m now recovei imr u"'l will ' t , .i.-jln uiini.ier to ihe wants of I li-sk The p'tfular meeiiitu . f Iho boa"! f llMlfll." I-U II I g t flails" ii Tf i 1 -t irn on i in I t 1 1 null lo r-' I II f.4l w! . i.ia jiewUs. flrc ilel"ir.i'-s " r III mill On- ' '"i- '! III 'II ' I I M.(.'l-ll .ill'l I I ' 'JI,, IW II- ' I' Hl,l,.- .. Ill I 1 1 , .. . '. ii rb It Jul l. Ii -I "v I Orpff'MI "lv It "1 t "'n. It al ' I . .....iiiinifi 1'iilf-ri.ilftt whiVh reiire - i n-nt tJ- owsiof uggngitcdiaiaial. A P. H. -Wo liuvo jtiul Second Carolad of Plows ! mid liuvo now iu stock. 180 Pekin Walking Plows; 40 Headlight Sulky Plows; 30 Headlight Gang Plows; 10 Combined Riding & Walking Gangs. -This FOUR TIMES iw earned by nny other linn in tho County. Wo buy our good DlllKCT FROM M ANUKACTUUBKS, and can save our customers tlie Porlland ilobher.s' profit, an inducement No Other Pendleton Finn Can Offer. Our plowv are Imilt iiit'iii-itlai'ly ,'iiuiuiiii ii The Lightest Draught, The Best Made, The Cheapest Plows ON VH : Call and exiiiniin- our !" o . Pendleton Hardware & Implement Go. Under the Vnndloton Hotel. H. ItOTIK.'IIILI). -Etnbll8hod. 1070. 1) 10 A MORS IN 'riioHi.-oii-riiinhail MI'K-k j Southwest Corner of Main and Alta Streets, PENDLETON, OREGON. V,Lt. hD HOoat lit M AUKAN I Mr. T Bradlij . PriprUb ett t-t-.llt.lnu. 9.-. : J-.... l...,.i .r..r... 1'" ? ,,r tu- ..ubm- I. GO. receivi'd our- its- AS MANY for this trade, and wo to be can tlieni MARKET. and save money lor yon nu-lveH. is. iii:.n Jo. Elt, -i i r . mm .v .-H.-r hi Harness, Saddles, Bridles, srufts, OMBS.BRUSIIES.Etc, .'.ii. - rail riiH-r limn be iMjotlbi mi. i i , . ii. i in Oi Wi', l THk BOWMAN HdJSE J iiri.bliit. I'lHiiirlnlni-. y..t , ai 4 Uilro-i KM1, ' " '.r..-cil i ' ,,J " .win . ou ' 1-Il a I.UW