East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 28, 1889, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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C'ulli-'l rriiin nil Nimrriw Willi ScUur null
Centrnlla in oxpciienilug n boom.
Charles Tow ley, an actor, committed
tmlcliloln Helena Saturday.
Inspector-Ueneiul Itudgur JoneH died nt
FortresH .Monroe Saturday.
Chillies A. II, .Shcppurd,of tho publlhh
liiX fl rm of Uo A Sheppurd, died In Bos
lou Friday.
Tho raiiaiiui canal stockholders have
met, and confidence in tho enterprise lias
been re-established.
Daniel Dully wuu drowned hi 'the
Wishkuli river, near Aberdeen, W;' T.,
Haturduy while luftln?
0. J. IJlder lun been itiuMtd lu Wulla
Walla for'tliu imirdei of John .Voinmur
vlllo, In Scuttle, year or mote ugu.
Charges have U'cn muili au.iiiiHt Gov
ernor Hwlncfofd of .Mu l.i, lor Issuing
permits to sell llijuor on ihc island.
ThoNnllciii.il Educational mooting oc
curs) in Washington on liiu tlireo da) s
Itoforo the Inauguration of President Ilur
Excursions from the Kant to tliu Weft
are abendy beginning, and it Is cxperiiil ;
thcro will Ui moiu of tlioiu thiri yeai ili.ui
over liefoio.
Columbia Fire & Marine
Insurance Company,
PKANIC DKKD.M President.
Tin reduction of cable rates be! ..(.i n ' W. Iv. SMITH.
Eiiiono and America bus increased bus!
iit-HH ho much that tho reduction is to be
niudu permanent.
At OKt'NIiorpe, Georgia, Friday, four
small children Mho wore left In tliu house
by Mary 1'orter, colored, while she went
to work, weie burned to death.
In thu cuso of tho United Suites Gov
ernment against thu Sierra Lumber Coin
jinny, which was brought in April, IbHO.
to recover V2,il7,r4 damages for illegal
cutting of hoiiiu sixty-four million feet of
timber from internment luudslu Tehama
and Untie countieH, the Jury ban returned
u verdict of Ml, 000 in favor of tho govern
went. lluli'l ArrlfHla.
Vim-mid 1Ioiimi:-J O Kudu, O HA N;
II 10 ItickerH, J II C'lltlord, H Gnthoigood.
Alba; W O Hlinison, Pilot ltock; Karl 8
Hrcokenridgo, I, 11 Cox, Marry Harris.
Portland; VF Hutcher. Centervilloi T.I
Anders, Walla Walla; Thus MuiiHlleld, O
A Culver, W LWhltiiioro, San FrunriHCoj
0 II Allen, Adams; J S Thomas. Pome
my; I H Haling, Harney I'rine, Weston;
Oro lloldmaii; W II Vossoy und wife,
Yakima;. I I, Hand, linker City; 1) M
HtrauxH. St loiiiit; II Johnnon, St Joel ;
T O Hyde, Haker City; E C Condit,
KmiHaH City; Win Pioebitel. I.u Grande.
Bowman Ilni'hK W I, Moody, Tim
Pallor; (leo Huddle, A (iordon, Co. iter
villo ; Jno .Mclteun, Agency; E 1. Sum
mono, Uo-dyn, w T; C O llowman,
Jus It Thrasher, Itldgo; J It Phillips,
WOhton; K llurrell. Shelby, Neb; F 1)
Scaly, laik;i; (ieo i'ull', Salt Lakn; I, on
Vernon, A II Iiler, City; Wm Huvhv;
M AndroH, a (irnmlo; Klla Jauu rahb
win, Ciiiiiiih I'raiiiM; I Kelly Wm Ad
uiih and H)ii, John Adaum, Agency Saw
Mill; J AinihtroiiK'. Wallula.
(loi.ncs Uui.k (ieo DeHjaiidlm, Chi
cauo; J C Cat roll ami wife, WS Powell,
Citv; (IK tlravert, I) M Lew In, Center
ilh; DOoidou ami wife, Junior; W
.1 Smith, K A Kiecd, Kchu; .1 11 I'oyce.
Fouler; A I. Aver, lleiipner; Antone
Vev, Viii'cn; H V Walker. K D Me
IriUiiihllii. K S Cio kelt, A IIoiihoii Mil
ton; John (' Moirhoii'i), Wm lielmor, II
Smdam, Weston; Ci W Addiou, ll II
Kellv. W W Meljueitn 1) W I hurl". I, N
Iteavio, Walla Wulla; I) McKiunon,
Moiiiitalii; I' V Wnci.itr. DaWou ; J A
Davln, Ci.tli'iiuiMiil , C l!oulni. J V
lholfon, Adaum; C A S.mm and wife,
M (1 Sam-. Hluo Mountain; Juft WIIhiii,
Miicolu. Neb; J C Coouen, J K Waldeii,
C K. HrvHon. WeHton; W I) Moody, The
D.ilh'Hi li F McKlmv, l entervillo; T A
JeukiiiH, I'oitlaud. (i M llurd, J It
1 lock .Minue.ipollH; M Haker, l.alir.uulo;
John A Tucker; Chun Homy and -wife.;
Chan llurcor; (ieo Ijiudoii, J Smith,
Mohcovv, I T; David II I.oiik. I'nlon
town, W T; F F Dode, Starbuck; S I,
llmv Cun I'Hreiit
utliovlliflrclilltlrt'ii inrimuli mi l tndn unit
t'oiiuli mill eiilmly (-it) : "Uli, It l only a I.I
lie iMilil," mill Uf uivlnir tlii'iu oiieitp ami
ilMiiKcroiiH ini'illi liiiH mull Hit' are ilown
wllh I n im lovi-rnr i'iiiiuiiipllo vii tliry
" n Ihi h i ii'ltv it Hi v. i iy llliliu . L IIKlt
KV rut (III HVcl'Pt II Ihw un Mini'rliii
mul tow ti'inli, I. .1 IHiiihIiIhoii, liruuu'inl.
Vice I'rv.iident.
J. A; UIIILUf Socretaryund Managor.
I). F. THOMPSON Portland, Oregon
FHANK DKKIJM Portland, Oregon
W K SMITH Portland, Oregon
JOHN DONNF.KIIKHG Portland, Oregon
JACOH WO HTM AN McMlnnvlllo, Oregon
U. M. WADH Portland, Oregon
A. H. HHKYMAN Kaot Portland, Oregon
JOHN H. DAVID Portland, Oregon
W. II. HONHYMAN Portland, Oregon
O HOUGH II. WILLIAMS Portlund, Oregon
H. S. KKAHNHY Portland, Oregon
WALTHH F. IIUHHHLL Portland, Oregon
SAM P. STUHOIS Pendleton, Oregon
T. L. OIIAHMAN .'.Oregon City, Oregon
JOHN A. CHILD Portland, Oregon
JAMHS F. WATSON Portland. Oregon
W. 11. WALKHIt Portland, Oregon
ASAHHL HUSH Salem, Orego.i
II.TIIIHLSHN Portland, Oregon
U HO HUH H. MAHICLH, Jit Portland, Oregon
W. T. WUIC1HT I'nlon, Oregon
U. L. DURHAM Portland, Oiegon
CIIAS. A. A LI SKY Portland, Oregon
I. W. CASH Antorla, Oiegon
J. K. SMITH Portland, Oregon
It is of interest to Every
Taxpayer in Oregon.
Would ay in reply to yours of oven da to that tho Mim of
77,00 paid to mo by tho Columbia Kiro and Marine Iiihu
ranco Company, of Portland, Oregon, for School Tax in Dis
trict No. 1, rapneumttt moro money than paid to this ollico
by all tho Foreign Iimunuieo Companies doing duxlnetui in
thi city. FHKD A. DALY,
School Clerk District No. 1.
That to nrotoct yourself you hould glvo your Insurance to
J tho Columbia Fins and Marino Insurance Company, of Port
land, Oregon organised under tho law of Oregon. Hon u
guaranteed capital of fo00,000 for your protection, which b
ten times tho amount or dki'osit reouired of Foreign Com-
! Miuies, who pay NO taxes, und skm au Tin: vhofith out of
tho State, thereby Increasing your taxiv. Think ol this ami
give our Company a part of your INSUKANOK.
YourB, resject fully,
JOHN A. CHILD, Secretary,
OUlo o:Sooond St., Noxt Door to Child's Drug Store
CAI'ITAl. 5,0O,0OO
EM. bKslifil iii Portland In 1877.
Iom imlil In Ori'Bi iv "'J-M'-'1!
1wm'ii piilil III WitkhlliKloii Tor lvl,7eO
ilralii, wiMit, etc., covered fnun tline of ilit
ltvoiy locouiitrv wrolioil or rallp iul until
fcolil In iVirllaiiilorSnii t'mni'Uoo. Inoliullnis
rlU Intra ( fnnmiirs to ioiiur, wlillo
n..nm-joloiiH rl,()(J,mi
iTSmrk 81., I'tirti unl.
i'uii'nit A Hovn Ai'ii".
U00I8 :lin I'onillotun, Oronon.
IHIllAY N Tll'll
Inkfii ui liy tlienilx' iUior.nli'Ul January
Ki. INl. n l i kltli ni'i ! Wl'lim- xjirlinr
lite incl.l'lim Hl miiny.r. K", oiiimIijiI.
lo.i!ia i u o, ilir miiin .M, '"",'!,''
wi i Hi" '( ' li I loimli'i'; I lili'i'f
liil liiull wiilt- h t on n t n iirHier ifK
iiiUi'ir M n I- .e t' m ,mi- i- o h
mi I our. Ii' rh IliN I" Po hm " oo up.
)rl I loop)i Aulliinis.u jnmlc o( llio
Subscribed Capital, $500,000.
Portland, Oregon.
L- "lilf1iMIjji . . ..
". ' ri't' .: .
i :'" ' ; .
Columbia Fire and Marine Insurance Co,
Of Portland, Oregon. Capitol .Stock, fCOO.OOO.
D. P. Thompson, President Commercial National Bui,
Portland, Oregon.
Frank Dekum, Pres. Portland Hnv'gs Hank, Portland, Or.
V. K. Hmith, Vlco-Prep. Alnswortli Nnt'l Ilnnk, rortlini,
K. S. Kearney, Capitalist, Portlvm), Oregon.
Jacob Wortinan, Pres. First Nat'l Hank, McMinnvillt, Or.
It M Wado, Vlco-Pres Knnpp, Hurrcll A Co, Portland, Or.
John Halo, Itnllroad Contractor, Palace Hotel, 8. F,
It M Steele, Capitalist, 8t Johns, Mich.
C A Dolpli, Attorney-aMaw, Portland, Or.
John Donnorbcrg, Plumber, Portland, Or.
John It David Northwest Coid und Transfer Co, PortUfii,
W It Honcymnn, CapiUillst, Portland, Or.
J K Smith, Contractor, Portland, Or.
A II Hroymnn, Pres First Nnt'l Hank, East Portland, Or.
John Sonitnorvillo, Merchant, Fast Portland, Or.
(J P Itummelin, Furrior Merchant, Portland, Or.
John A lloneymim, Houoymaii liros' Foundry, Portlui
eo II WilllaniB, Ex U 8 Att'y Gen'l, Portland, Or.
V C Iki.kman, Hanker, Jacksonville, Or.
Walter F Hurroll, Capitalist, Portland, Or.
S P Sturgls, Cashier First Nut'l Hank, Pendleton, Or.
T L Charman, Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
II II Northup, Attornoy-at-Law, Portland, Or.
John A Child, Druggist, Portland, Or.
James F Watson, Attorneyat-Iiw, Portland, Or.
Virginia Wutson, Portland, Or.
Frederick HIekel, Capitalist, Portland, Or.
Slaver A Walker, Agricultural ImplomontB, Portland, Or.
I-ovl Ankeny, Pros First Nnt'l Hank, Walla Walla, W.T.
W II Stlno, Cashier First Nat'l Hank, Walla Wulla, W.T.
A II If..r...l t,...f4 VI..4 VT..4I1 II.tHlr Wtlllil tl
W. T.
L K G Smith, Merchant, Portland, Or.
J S M'hilo, McMinnvlllo, Or.
Churlos H Durhkoop, Manufacturer, Portland, Or.
J C Moreland, Attorney-at-Law, Portland, Or.
, ....!.. 11 t.l..... ,..,. T...II n....lr r.tnrAltl'r. II.
i..nun ruiur, i'i.-miiuii rirni iui i i,aiiik, imiw i -
It L Durham, Cashlor Commercial Nut'l Hank, rortlini
S A Durham, Washington county.
Mury H Splllor, Eugene City, Or.
i iV aiisKy, oi Aiisxy, isaum uo, vomeviiu",'"'
Asahel IIiimIi. lt:inkir. Rulnni. Or.
II Thlolson, Director Oregon National Hank, Portland, Or.
II E Johnson, Hanker, Walla Walla, W. T,
II C Allon. with Snoll. Holtshu A Woodanl. Portland, Oi.
1, Pnrilind.
vieo i .uarKiu, vico i res, uregon iiun -
E L Ka&thuin, Manager Hank of Oregon City, Oregon W
II O Stevens, Itallroad Agent, Oregon City, Oregon.
Y T Wright, Cashior First National Hank, Union, Or.
L. L. McArthur, U. S. District Attorney. Portland, Of.
Ilamfonl Hobb, Grain Dealer, Pomeroy, W. T.
I W f!fls ll inlror Antni-in Or.
nin..lnn .- Tnnlrann Timnmniv. AvOfltH. PendletOU, Or.
II 0 Wortmun, Ass't Caeh'r Com'I Nat'l Bank, rortl
W II McCoy, Druggist, Spokane Falls, W, T,
ltufua Mallory, Attorney-at-Law, Portland, Or.
O. E. Smith, Capitalist, Portland, Or,
S. G. Crandall, Cashier First Nat'l Bank, romeroy, W.J.
E L Canby, Cashier First Nat'l Bank, Vancouver, n.
Subscribed. Capital, $500,000.
Glopton & Boyd, Agents, East Oregonian Building,