HOME OFFICE. HATl'RDAY, JANUARY "(J, 188'J. Tin: lui.i.nr iin.i , Intriuliirril In tint Nt-imln jy Hon. .1. 1. Vui r nml l iillj- Ijn.fiin.nl liy thi Itrp rrnriitmltc ir ttir Orpicniilnii, lhi representative of the Orogotiiitn who Ik leporting thu iruccvilliiftrt of tliu Jgltlaturc wiltes ut follows to IiIh paper Senator Wager's lilll to murv full v ho euro the iiidetendaiice of vetois und m- Columbia Fire & Marine Insurance Company, crecy of the ballot. Introduced In the Senate to-day. in Its essential features Ih baBcd upon the famous Australian law, which .iusHuclitiHuttu recently adopted. ItH principal objects uro to pro vent bribery and intimidation, lo place till candidates K)ii mi uuttullly licfoio tliu luw, and to iiii(lurinlni) the dangerous potters of po lltteal machines. U will tuLit tliu nrlm. illg 6f hilllotM flit of till' llltp'N ff ptlvii'c ' individual und polll,n.,i- u put ii in. IIIC IMIMS Of tlH' COUIlf V. pli.-Vflll lloIfOIIU! congregations around ,iitii' pl.n , ami in genual, elli'et u ir.it ittnl of good. .All nominations of L'oti!iiiln,i represent-! lug iKillilml parties win -n. .,t the lad election, polled ut least 3 pur cent of tint I entire vole cast in tlio State, eounty or ! district for which the nominations uie' made must be eettilletl by tlio president or sccn-Uiy of the meetliigund forwarded, ; with ll.it acknowledgement of the nomi-' nee, t. the m- rotary of State for III lm . ' Tliiri 'ill. in of the law applleH to :i mi nation,! for tate and CongrcH i n:d nui"- nunc iioiiunutioiiH lor iii.t.y olllces uro to ho Hied with the c.nitv cleric. Nominations van ill no le made by 1 per tent of the electors of a dlhtili t. For thin purpose u certllieato Ih required, mi. in mi uiM! hiiiiii u contain more I nun 1000 iiameH for a State olliec, and 100 for county ollices. Nominations for State omcerH mtiHt lie Hied with the secretary of Slate not more thun sixty nor Il-i-m tliiin twenty days before. Eighteen dayH bo fore the election the secretary of Stato shall certify to the eounty elerk the iiiiino and description of each person In nontl nation, and seven dayH lieforo the elec tion the county clerk Hindi order puli llshed in two neufpapcrH a lint of all nomination. , The bulIotM imiMt lie fiirnlHhed bv the county, ami mum contain all noinlnii'lioiiH legally made. The names shall be grouped In columim under the head of the iKjlKUal put ty to which they belong, or the principal or creed which they icp resent. Ono hundred ballots iiiiihL no furnished for every llfty votes, or fraction thorcof, cant at the election. On ui riving at IiIh ollltig place, the elector Ih reiiihed to go to a booth In charge of two ballot clerks, and leceive from them one ballot, indented with the initials of both elerks; otherwise the bal lot Ih void and the Indues cannot mro t it, If an elector snoll IiIh b.dlot orclmiiL'n OFFICERS. FRANK DKKUM V. K. SMITH.... .1. A. CHILI) Ptesldcnt. Vice Picsldent. ieerctary and .Matingct . DIRECTORS, I). I'. THOMPSON Portland, Oregon FRANK DEKUM Portland, Oregon W K SMITH Portland, Oregon JOHN DONNERHERG Portland, Oregon JACOB WO HTM AN McMlnnville, Oregon It. M. WADE Portland, Oregon A. H. I1REYMAN Kiwi Portland, Oregon JOHN It. DAVID Portland, Oregon W. U. HONEYMAN Portland, Oregon GEORGE II. WILLIAMS Portland, Oregon H. S. KEARNEY Portland, Oregon WALTER F. BURREI.L Portland, Oregon SAM P. STURGIS Pendleton, Oregon T.,L. OHAUMAN Oregon City, Oregon JOHN A. CHILD Portland, Oregon JAM KB F. WATSON Portland. Oregon W. II. WALKER Portland. Oreiron lie XZl. ABAHB1. IWWII Salem, Oret If illiterate, lint elmL- i'iim tiritti'irit tint lm! lot for llllll. llllli tllHIli fill iiImIiIiil It niiiHt read ilH couteuti, hi that the voter hhall miow wiiiii no ih i d in;, hiimet ate v OIIAS. A. ALISKY I. W. CASK , J. K. SMITH II.TIHHI.SHN GlXmtlK It. MAUKLK, J it W. T. WUHIHT . V. . V IV'VK .. 1 . " fiwiur hiuiii lt h DUUHAM .v.... in ii iimiu, iiuio, riTeeiieti iioiii oi-ervniiiii, ne Hliull ileHignate thone for whuni he InheH to vote hy placing a eroHH t X lieforo or after their naiueH. or. if he wlfheM to ote the etiamlit ticket, by writing X iilnnlde of thepolltlc.il orgiinliiitltin. No more than tine porwon hIiuII (H cupv a With at one limit, and no IKircou Hliall iiecupy It fur mure than live imtiutcH ; mid Iuiviiu piepantl bin b.illut the votntv Mh.ill f..ld it in coiueal the face and expoJo tlio rloikH iuitialH, anil f.irih with cant liN hallnt. No voter bhiill tell uny one for whom he voted, nor auk arv one how he voted, nor nhall b.illutri lie nhimn to ntheiH afier beln maiketl, No electiniieeiiiig hIiuII he dune within iwi leet oi any polling place or bv tin v ollieer of election. The bill, If It'pasH, uill takeelt'eet nest June. ....I'ortlund, Oregon ....Portland, Oregon ITnton, Oregon Pottlaud, Oregon Portland, Oregon Astoria, Otegon ....Portland, Oregon READ THIS! I'll tlltt ('lint, r.llll'tljr. To tlio Kill lor or tin Kn (iri-uoiiiun, I'lifortiiualely, we have in our miditt a number of nieciiueiiH of the genus "most luuk," wliotte propeity has advanced bv foriMnf clicuniMtancoH, unaided by ell'ortH oi iiieir own. tiicm imMsiiaikH eliifm that they havu lived without IliintV rail road ami can continue lo live An their May. or course' without itjiJ'lio follow lug Hquthfiom the .M II u mi kSSxon I i uol tliu nui iiidu u.Mit-iiy. rieiiKOriui it in play tvn: I'oxri.KTrii Hi'iiur may UK ALL IIIIIHV, III r IV lit IIL Wll TO" NT' I'l'i'lHK, PjtOOllLBJI. It is of interest to Every Taxpayer in Oregon. iUI'IT.I. ... W.f,(MMMHIU Est' b ished in Portlnml in 1077. Iokhih iml'l III Ort'Kim lll.'.l'.M luiui'i tntl tit Walltll:IOli 'f'er .... iW,7Nl r.xkvtiio (liiiln, wool, tto., covt rttl fioni tlnn-of ilc. llvi'iv in t'ouiilrv wurolioiisi- or r,tllr'iul until Kohl In isiriliiiul orHim l'rani'tiv), iiioluilltit; rlxkM lit tr.t 't frtint ours lo lo tier, wlillo git v Iturvi. t'ttv HKItUUUT Un.uKlt. .uiiuKtr, .?stirk M.,l'orlLinit. (Juii'ros .t llovn. Ai'tfitm, ite.lSJIiii IVmltettut, Oix'koi. IHfKAY Nl'Tll'R Tnkon it tiy tttf Mtlwi-rllior, iJi"ttt JMinnry Jul, IMS, m l'l cliltillt'O In Willow rlliK lire iltei, I'liur inn uinuj . r,f ", n n.r. in.4iit i out', tlir o 'r til. Urmi i.ii It Ilia n't ini'i ici' ii"ii'iitT, i-Tiiiv in tuvimitilt' whit-' i't on it" ti' iirii"vfW' t iH'Sil l a 'tlti'..'1-e fr lit M l It t'lr buck llilt h ro lt ,,o no VrwIMl yJoocjill Antlioiiy.a JtiHct' i't V ii'iiiti tlx ItuiaV WH.UAMUU.ST. DKAU Slit: Would nay in reply to yourn of oven date that the cunt of $77.00 paid to mo by the Columbia Klro and Marine Iiihu ranco Conuuny, of Portland, Oregon, for School Tax in DIh trlct No. I, represent more money han aid to tills otllce by nil the Foreign lutmranco Coinp;inleH doing dunlneiw In thlH city. FHKD A. DALY, School Clerk District No. I. THIS PROVES OUR ASSERTION Thitt to protect yournelf you nhould give your IiiHiinince to the Columbia Fire ami Marino Insurance Company, of Port laud, Oregon organized under the lutva of Oregon. Una a guaranteed capital of fT'00,000 for your protection, which in ten timet) the amount or hki'ohit required of Foreign Com panies, who pay NO taxcH, and bknd all tiik I'iiokith out of the State, thereby increasing your taxes. Think of this and give our Company it part of your INSUUANOK. Youru, rosiectfully, JOHN A. CHILD, Secretary, OITIo o:Sooond St.. Noxt Door to Child's Drug Stora Subscriber Capital, MiMflrin Clopton h Bi ' Portland, Oregon. LIST OV STOCKHOLDERS Columbia Fire and Marine Insurance C4J Of Portlund, Oregon. Capital Stock, $500,000. I). P. Thompson, President Commercial Nntlontl Bull i'ortlund, Ortgon. Frank Dekum, Pes. Portland Hnv'gsBank, Portland, Or, v. K Hmith, Vlce-Pres. Alnsworth Nat'l IJank, rortla Oregon. K. S. Kearney, CapitallHt, Portluml, Oregon. .Jacob Wortman, IVcm. First Nut'l Bunk, McMlnnville, Ot. K M Wade, Vieo-Profl Knapp, Uurrcll & Co, PortUnd.Or.l -John Halo, Railroad Contractor, Palace Hotel, B. F. It M Steele, CapltnllHt, Ht Johnii, Mich. O A Dolph, Attorney-at-law, Portland, Or. John Donnorbcrg, Plumber, Portland, Or. John H David Nortliwont Coal and Transfer Co, rortlui W It Honcyman, CnplutllHt, Portland, Or. J KHmltli, Contractor, Portland, Or. A II Uroyman, Prea Flint Nat'l Iiank, East Portland, Or. John Hommorvillo, Merchant, Eust Portland, Or. 0 P Itummelln, Furrier Merchant, Portland, Or. John A Honoymnn, Honey man DroH Foundry, I'ortUui tico II Williams, Ex U S Att'y Gen'l, Portland, Or. O Ileekman, Danker, Jnckconvlllo, Or. Walter F Ilurroll, Capitalist, Portland, Or. S P SturglH, CiiHhler First Nat'l IJank, Pendleton, Or. T I. Charman, Dniggiat, Oregon City, Or. H II Northup, Attorney-at-Ltw, Portland, Or. John A Child, Druggist, Portland, Or. JnmcH F Watfon, Attornoy-at-Ijtw, Portland, Or. Virginia Watson, Portland, Or. Frederick nickel, Capitalist, Portland, Or. MuvurA Walker, Agricultural Imnlomonts, Portland, Or. Levi Anlony, Pros First Nat'l IJank, Walla Walla, W.T. W II Stlno, Cashier First Nat'l Hank, Walla Walls, W.I. A It Rufnnl, Ass't Cashior Fiwt Nat'l IJank, Wall WiM W. T. L K O Smith, Morchant, Portland, Or. J H Whlto, McMInnvillo, Or. Charles It Dnrhkoop, Manufacturer, Portland, Or. J C Moroland, Attornoy-at-Uiv. Portland, Or. Louis Sohns, President First Nat'l IJank, Vancouver, W,' K I Durham, Cashior Commercial Nat'l IJank, Portland. S A Durham, Washington county. Mary It Splllor, Eugeno City. Or. 0 A Allsky, of Alisky, Haunt A Co, Confectionom, rortlud Asaliel Hush, Hanker, Salem, Or. II Thleloen, Director Oregon National Hank, Portland, Or. II E Johnson, Itankor, Walla Walla, W. T. H 0 Allon. with Snoll. Heitshu A Woodanl. Portland, Oi. Geo It Markle, Vlco Pres. Oregon Nat'l Hank, Portland, OrJ h U hastham, Manager Hank of Oregon City, Oregon tiif. H 0 Stovena, Railroad Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. W T Wright, Cashier First National Bank, Union, Or. I- L. McArthur, TJ. S. District Attorney, Portland, Or. Bumford Robb, Grain Dealer, Pomeroy, W. T, 0. E. Smith, Capitalist, Portland, Or. S.'G. Crandttll, Cashier First Nut'l IJank, Pomeroy, W.T. E L Canby, Cashier First Jfat'l Bank, Vancouver, W. T. I W Case, Ranker, Astoria, Or. Clonton A Jackson. Tiisnmnon Am-ntH. Pendleton, Or. John Wortman, Cashior First Nat'l Bank, McMlnnrille.Or. II 0 Wortman, AshH Cash'r Com'l Nat'l Bank, Poruano. W II McCoy, Druggist, Spokauo Falls, W, T. Rufus Mullorj', Attorney-at-Law, Portland, Or. Subscribed Capital, S500.W. ast Oregonian Building, Pendleton, Or.