jORIP AT PAR! WANTED. KftfV tuiai. sinitoiiinnus to OvVfV I UK llAST OlthtlONIAN .i:mi-wi;kiu.y - no. DAILY ..... 7Be. Adilrt'M E. O. PUBLISHING CO., I'rnillctini ... Ori-i.-i.ii Ha County Scrip taken nt par office on Subscription, Adver crJcb Printing Account. PL. 1 PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1SS8. NO 255. j,01)(5K DlHKOTOltY. KJiiffy Mmi'liiy nlulit In Odd Pel Id . ' DLETON C I J A V J Hi' V. '. i lih Fridays of -mcIi month, lUTA' Jilt llumir.i., -i - r. IF WVUK NO." M, A. K. A. M l"".hn,, nth. t 7130 o'clock. II. J. Itf, m.! W. K. Pqtwink, Hecrntury. Jlcton umoK no. m. a. k. aa.m. tln lliu miuouiu teiiii'iu iiu hi. Sin llilnl Monuays 01 encu umiuu in ii! T. j. MII.MOX, W. M. U. AI. It u)tx. no. im.a.u.u. w. mmm .frTimrday nlKhl nt tlio Engine Ill II V w uiK. r.TWiN, Uecorder. L-. i ntidn vn. M. I. u. O. K. Meets rr Saturday evi-nlm: nt7iS0o'clock. SilUA KNCAM I'MKNT NO. 17. 1. 0 L K. MM on ino aecunu huh in. Loa nf tMh liumth, nt 7i00 o'clock r. MieUtlif first nmt third Thur. rach month. iMONY WIK1B NO. 21, K. OK l. Ei. in.i.iil Kullnwa' Hull ovnnf TUf I'tlnr nt 7;J0 ovioek. .1. a Lrahdhk, IJ, (II ll.annn. t)M IjOIXIB NO. i. K. OK P. Meals. In 1 Fellow' llnll every kit 7:30 o'clock, m. jiohkiikah, i;. MIAHrlKl.1', l. UI IW ituu rs ICAWON JI'OMT, (). A It., niftln nt fittltrt Mini uvory iiiuruny iiikiii. l'Arri.ii uomiimnaeri j. ti. iwwkk. ATTORNEYS. llS.TUItNKIt A CHKWK. ATTOH- IjntlJiw. IIooiim InhihI lP.Antoola. i, I'ennieinn, urrRon. tLKX PAIIHONH, ATTORN KY AT iw. Olttre Itoom Nn, II. Anoclft. I'k, I'rndlPlnn, Oroemi. tdl lll,U:il.VY. ATTOKNKYH iu. iinro -iiiMimn i,.'. 3iiiia(.M h Black, reinllutoii.Ori'gon. & K1TXQ Kit A til)? ATTOIIN KY." lUv. II(miiiii No. & ituil , AfMiclu- lor I, t'oiiilluioii, (.irrgcin. BEAN. ATTOIINKY AT LAW iTffi-Miilii Htrfi't, in 'riiiuupxm t.t Buiiuinir, tivr tuo iot.otii(. I tlivtr. .n.pjllk.UVU ta. r.tvt rt'iLiwiv. j luimin . ... . -Out Klpit Nntlonal Dhuic. I'oii lOrrfon, 1 Ml TfllH.'lf "I'lTllltVliV AT LAW. Z1. I . u 1 1 I .1 ... IL III ntwiillilH 1fUICTIICT, UrCJfWII. IT.,, ',iV.S' . or Orctsoii il A't.liltiulnn. Col- . piuiuiHiy iiiii'iiupii MY WAtJKIt. ATTdHNKYrt AT f. Itoonu HimdiiMlitt'KKi tn: r Luililini. nuriinrfif Mntn nnd weblj IfVcJItion, Ori'iton. Ktii Willi r.. Aiiuiwnin ni . Wmlletiin, Oregon, kimiiik 8 nnd ijin luiiCK. IVSICIANS AND 8U11GK0NK. P.rOHTBU, t'HY-KMAN AND Hint Bclio, Orecon. Viva your uiciri- l. RUU JlflVHII. I'll.WIIV. M"W0I,D, l'UY8I(?IAN AND HUH- l 'I'tnti In irvli'a ilniz mow, Itimiiii, f'I. WUJ KTf. "i'MYHKHAN AND rtton. utllcfi Uvur MoorliounoA fon't ttorn. i'iiri)r of JuUn.ou anil I tu, ruiullctiiii, orxnu U'.KINd.. M. II. OPKIOK OVKK 'otliou & Co.' ntnre. Itoxldeni-e, on 'trre: nt-iir ivmrt mIi-i t. itf.Mldcncti f wimuclcil by tHlcplioiiu with VII- 'k i-.tiH-cnu uiieiiiioii Kivrn w .iuo l oinen nnd clilldrn. DKNTlfiTS. 8KAT1 P.. IIKNTIKT. Cl.VH ADMIN. Ma Olllcei-Malu MtrfrJt.lnThomp. iiuiiuiui;. rendition, urvcou. lKOUANlCS OI.V IAV tl ft KTt0l txin OAPIP ith Whevler A lireonv. on Courl PAitrpu pnw'PiiArrnii AND F-uiiorr, rendleton, t)reKon. lounlry r ;FTriiiy. r.niuaie iurniucu uu Lirpltm miiiMivTKU ANI2 I'Hutr. Leave onltre nt rtnldfnce, LOMitandTliumpkou treU, I'euille. ouitryordir ollclied und promptly imiN 1D1ue t wawon x imw UAM npi'Klt, IUiACKMITII AND .uu Muiri.. x . umi I iurtian ml... ro.Oreiun. iiliuikurnltli work of all . Kittilt maimer, and (in - icrmii. i-jrtiouiar aticniiouKn- 8. llOTHCHILp. j. k. mean I TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, -Established, 1878.- Rould Bean TDK WIIKAT MAItKKT. Vorlou. Itrpiirtu Iriun ttin I'mir (Irrnt .Mart of the World. CiiiL'Atio, Dec. -7. Wln-nt wiuk; Do leunilwr rloH'd nt HT'jjj Jununry )7 ; May $l.o:i. STATE AND COAST NEWS. Tit At N WltKCKINO ATTI'.MPTKD. -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise. Thoinpson-BurnlmrL Block. Southwest Corner of Main and Alta Streets, PENDLETON, OREGON. EVERYTHING NEW -IN TIIK SHAl'K OF- Jewelry, Clocks, Watdhes and Sil verware, OF TIIK VUKY I..VTKST STYLUS AND DKS1C5NS. Wo itro now nri-pared to cnjjnivo all work affMonosratuH 011 ovoryttiin Imtitflit from its, without ohaiBO. Jluilnit our Goods hi Uiryn qnantUte from dlffenuit. fm tnrtcH, we nr ttblt) to net them cheaper than at Portland, and other , places, where J!xjtetmeH are htuty: 1 ' 1 ' 1. Wo have wcurod tlio HorvIceH of Mr, Iliitnlln, tllroct from tho Kast, who romcH very ItiBiily recomint'tidcn, ho wo aroauio 10 Kimnwm.o PERFECT SATISFACTION IN KVKHY I'AHTICULAK. CALL AND KXAMINE OUlt NEW DESIGNS IN SOLID AND COLD-PLATED GOODS. Conior Main and Court Strecta, F. J. DONALDSON. Pt k nimijkf ffir(LL rkiinrx(lK KJ.bfeP lantern, PonUleton, Oregon. ,lmentitrt, uear Court stretU W?M fllpi.l.l... ! . It... HnUn f'.'rotintry win receive prompt atten lljWintlnt'nipeclalty. In. Vf and C'hronomciar Mil II... 1 . . . L - . Lit tun.1. mj .iiohiiuvo iruiit'ut. rtii f'wm I. Weill uriKVffi 0111 .iiviiu, jii" L lvl"i virKHil. hKDUPKAT. STONE AND UUICII Pnd' ,f'Dlle,01i Oregon, 'forab- kltin.7 "."MMIIiUHV KCiilllK.. I Eft?' Pl.terlnB, all klmU of Hone likpT0"' eo"ttd itaonably. ol- 1 '"I'iwii partition, SAI.OQNS. te.AHVKAU, PUOPIUKTOK OK Mrl1? ' Trade," tir. Main and LJJ1'. Pendlttnu, Oregon. Pred;r- r"l VI1U1V1IIU, UtrondrauKtit KJue Winea, Lio, FURNITURE, CARPETS. E. 0. & E. M. WHEELER, -DKALEHS IN- FURNITURE, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, SHADES, MATTINGS, ETO. A Comploto Stock of Furniture and Carpets. Our Stock Covers 6,000 Feet of Flooring. GOODS SOLD ON EA8Y I'AYMKNTS. E. P. and E. M. WHEEL-EK 8UCCCE8SORS TO FORBES WHEELER, Association Bulldins Pendleton, Or, jLtN' ENQLh , PKOPRIBTOKH. ( V L'falcon. ue wtnaa.maoraatid .1.7 ;r ii imi " . v.T: " oatt' iouiea -urtet, oppoklte Court uotue, Toys Toys Toys ! CONSISTING OK Toys Too Numerous to Mention. A Full Line of Wax and Indestructible Dolls. Frit Lower than Kver at THE PRO1' MAX - - Opposite Court House. Ni:w YoitK, Dit;, today Im weak. Jnnuary LOO.'b ; May 11.00. San FitANciacu, niiiot. liuyor tlio -(). Whrat market DcoomWr fl.OOj February 1.00?4'a, Dec. L'tl.Whcat year f 1.41 ; buyer tho M'AKon f 1.477s J lK,comlH,r (1.4"i. LtVEiii'ooL, Deo. l!fl. Wheat very dull; California 7s. 7d. PORTLAND POINTS. 1 Clilii.n Fuiieral-IIlK Cougar Klllrd- IMan Drownrd-.iult far Uiiiuim, Ktc. 1'oitTi.ASu. Dec. I'd. Ycaterduy Henry Kappel, while out ImntiiiK on SanvieH IhIhiiiI, nhot and killed tho lareHt eoiiKar avor killed in the Slate. It nmih ten feet ww,. Mr. Kappel ImtVquItu it hunt time killing tho lirute, uh It tthoweil llht, and It wuh not until it hud been nhut twlco and Hh throat cut that it ptvo up. llenj.imlu Janoway, father of ex-iost-tnuHter Janeway, hint commenced milt lIolHton to recover fiUOU dumngca, Hiiiil to liavo lui'ii mitdaluetl hy him on iiiijount of HoIhIou accneiiiK him with perjury, and -jttnIiit him to bo con lined in jail threo duvH and iiIkIiIm trying to Kt't loiiil8. Ho ii I mo uh1(h judgment for tho until of i:i7.75, w hich timouut ho wiih comticlled to oxiieud durliit! (hut tlmo. Fred HerKen, u lonirrihorcmun, In formed a retxirler that Henry Ijirxett, a I lulxirer, had fallen into the liver nt the ' foot of Jellenton htrect und wiih drowned. I Aceordintr: to llcrttun'M Ktorv Ijiitcii wiih I formerly u well-to-do htiHiiictH iiiun nf' San Franelhco, but cm Inn to Iomcch inj mluiti); fttoekn, and the Mibiietiiient eot-, unitlon ol liluuell una wile, no natl tuken to ilrinklii. YiNtetduy morniui ho to delved a letter fiom IiIh wlfo with $1U) cnelofcd, telling him that nIio hud fallen heir ton counidorable cHtutK through tho death of her uncle, und itHkiiiK him to re turn to her. Tint isnod nuiVH led hint to drinking with tho above result. Tho In lormitut 1h Hutu to Ik) n partner Willi tlio drowned inuu on IiIh tpieo. iTho twentyMeven 'lnonlerlleH men t'onwl the other day, wIiomo trl.dn weto to lie held In tho Police court to-duy.HWelled to forty-four, uhleh were all dlnpofed of. A Lliltienltnieral took piiico yecieruay morniuu. which catiFcd moiohtir than uu oriliimry lire. There- w tiro fully 1600 two pie on (lie recite, all tryinu' to ciikiw itieir way throuitli the crowd to neo tho .iv forinance, which, though it laxled more thnn an hour, wan orv tame. There wuh a table Htnead with nil HortH of food, and Burioiinilcu wltli iirowori.H. ino iiarneHi pait to Hiform was that of chief mourner, who hud to kneel with IiIh fuco on tho iroiitul through tho whole ceremony, und the weulher beliii? very colli it mtibt liavo Ik'OU very tlrcdome uml tliwiKiveablu to liim. 'llm ClilneM) band dlHeoiirhed hoiiio verv beautiful mimic in the meantime, a Meet Ion front tho ojiera Kl SliiK Dow, which luMetl from thotlmothuceromouicH cfluimeneod till tho procetwlon wuh out of riwht on tlielr way to tho cemetery. Tho nume of the dcccucd wuh not leuriKSl, hut it 1h tiald ho belonpi to the Ah There fam ily. J EASTERN NEWS. ANOTIIKK itivi:u ItOltltOlt. Tim Uteaim-r llanna llurn.ou Hit, ,Mln. lppl A Lar(iMumtir of l.ltra J.n.t. New Oiilkan'n, Dec. 25. Tho Hteatti boat John II. lfunmt, from tho Ouachita river, with u lurno numlH-r of lUrHenKew, wuh burned luitt nlitht ut riaiiuemiue, I.u. It lu Htuted that of 100 porpoiif on hoard, only fourteen uro known to huvu licon Haved. The John II. llanna wan built iu Madlfeon, Ind., In IH7I, und Hailed Irom JxiiiUville. Ky. Sho wan of 377 tomme, nnd wuh owned by the Ouuehltu ltlver Con hoI United Lino. Hho wuh vuluctl ut 18,000, und wuh iumired for 1.',000 iu locul ami loreiKU compunieH. Cant. J. W. lllanekB. tret!dent of the company, uvh that the latent udvlcen ho Han ure tnui tuo Hieaiuoout ieu .uunnw, Iji.,oij Suniluy morning atdoVIock, with 1000 bulcB of cotton. The inntnin eati mated thut additlouul cotton hud Imhiii picked up on tho way down to tuuko the numlier of bak-H ..'000. ThlH wuh one of tho moHt terrible river dUiHterH thut overhuppened In Southern wateru. Tho lon of life Ih very heavy. Alwut thirty inraonH orlhvd in tho nnd u lartro numlier iuintd over lioard and were drowned. Amon tho ' the cotton, envelopini; the entire bout In I lire. As hoou us tho tiro wan dbcovcrcd Kit .elnuer Mem man Pet tho uteatn )iutnp i , 7, ..... , worklutr, and trletl to buttle wi lt the rr"m1 f"m MwJ f.!? jtlameH, but tho lite Hwept throttKh the1 """" w,,u l:,,r"' w,,h" H,r," ; like a bIar.o on n praltlo, and tho j (;r'm" . ... , . letiL'Inii room wuh noon In UutneH. Then, !..v.AM:A ''V.,,A ,'"";!' I ... ...i t i . ii..v ...,...,i. .ii.... ...(.. i.... Hull. AIkx. (ii'Htuven. Jiilin Allen. Al io IIIIU in lliu i.iiliniuiiiuiiiii, ii riuiui t , .I t I C 1,1 1 llttrHt linil Illicit tlio pIUCO Wltll WUllllUK "' rf nuriin, null v -nr iu ciiiiiii, iwiuviiw WUH lOteeil tuioi lliu iiiu ui itiuuiiui, mnu hiivtvvii uw Hteam. The enu neer abandon his xit, und he und tho tdokerH and othcrH ran to the filled of the boat, nnd rtiHhed through icll ntell tonave their liVCH. Ahhooii hh tho Hinoko and IlitmcHlicitn to Htart up tho hIiIch of the boat. Cant. JoIch hwiiii); tho w heel around and headed the Iwat for Hhoro. A full head o( rteuiu wan on, and the boat ran into the bunk. Itcforu hIic did ho. however, kIio wiih doomed. All her timber wiih furloiiHly burnlut;. When the ttteamer Htruck tho bunk It bounded nwiiy upiln, und Hwung urounil, drltllni; down Htrcain uh hIio burtieil. Tho Htru(!iillnK unforttitutteH who reached tho Hhoro wero tuken euro of, uml doctor and others cume to their ukmUI aneo and tried to alleviate their Hiitler hiKH. The City and Cent ml hoteln und private Iiouhch wero thrown open to all the ill-fated lH'ople, and fed and clothed them until thin morutiiK, when the mir vlvora telegraphed uccountH of tho disin ter to their homcH. None of the men could nay whut wiih the origin of tin) lire. The general lm prvHlou, however, Ih thut hoiiio earelcHH Htnoker throw 11 cIk intln umong the cotton baled, nnd thereby canned tho din uster. latter Tho rJeayuno'H I'IuiiuodiIiio hhc1iiI placeH tho numlHT known to bo lont by the llanna illmiHter uh Ave whlteH and Hlxtceu colored. . - MAIlllf.KIIKAl), MAS., IIUItNCD. Ih royalty fnim thu nil pro- Tu.h. Anrei of (Iriiiinil llornrit Oirr l.n.4 Otnr ni)ll,00()-.Mmiy Tlirown Out nf IJiniiluymrut. r Maiiiii.i:iii:ai), Muhh,, Dee. L'O. Uwt nluht a tiro burned over uu urea of twelve acre. Tho bulldhiKH Hurruumllng tho Htnro in which thu lire started wero wixKlen hIiciIh In llfteeu miuutcH from the time tint tltnt alarm wax runt,', tho entire K)rtlnn wuh it him of IIuiiiuh. Ah-pli-t.inco wuh Hiimmoued from Lynn, ulem and HwamiK'ott. Theno quickly rcMiondrd. It Ih et-ti mated tho Ihh Ih lietween fVOO.OOOand "ISOO.OOO. The en Urn hIioo manufueturlm; dlHtrlet, the prin cipal btiMincHM of llio town, wuh burned to the ground. Fully nlxty building were mummied. Tho tlainen npreud with huoIi rupldliy that m'ltrcely nnvthing wuh Ntved. Tho tennntH refilling in the dwelling Iioumih were completely cleaned out. After licking up the great hIioo factorlcM, hIiciIh, fruit Htuiuli and huiiiII teuumeul Iiouhch wero cutiHumed with rapidity. It pccmcd uh If the entire town wuh doomed, but by thin time help arrived. The city Ih Howled with HtraugerH fiom all tho Mtrromidlng towns. At 'J o'clock the lire wuh under control. ThN Htulld old burgh In June, 1877, wuh vIhUciI by a llm, which hw opt over nearly tho 8umo dbitrict. During tho progress of llm pres ent lira Kovenil exploHlous were heard. Fully 1000 worKinen were thrown out of employment. The number of buildings consumed Is estimated at lietweeu llfly and sixty, ami tho loss between f.r00,0)0 nnd 1000,000. Maiiiii.imikaii, Mass., Dee. 2(1. Iast night's lire was under control ut threo this morning. Nine acres In tho bind nes-s center, comprising fully slxtv houses, mostly wooden, wero burned. Tho loss Is l-etwcen KiOO,(K)0 ami t(J0, 000, partly insured. Pour Pallar. In Men York. New Youk, Dec. 211. Tho failures of tho Tuttlo llros., CAT. Ives, and T. I. Reelo. wero announced w hen tho consol idated oxcliuugo o;onod today. Tho susneusloiiH ure uttributed to the marked decline in tlio oil market. Fiom the oiHiniug ut IK) the market sugged down to Hi!, in the first half hour'H business. Tacim, W. T., Deo. 2(1, Firo broko V...... II... .111 'ft. ..Hi.... mA . . .. ' .1 .1 ... . iiiuk, ioii. .ii. iiio ii.iiiiii ; oui in llm uptier uoor oi ino lucoum Detective Cumtibell this morning clmrccd with uttempilng to wreck trains of the O. It. it N. by driving stock on tho track in tho long cut near thut town. ANorilliH lltAIN ltOIIHKUV. Two Hold lllRliw4'mrn Ka.lljr Hrnr All the Trea.ura In tilt l'iirM Hmtf, Tbuokk, Cal., Dee. 25. Tho uxprest car i ii the cust'lHiund overland train wot robbed last night two miles ent-t of Clip per (Jap. Bob Johnson, tho expresH mes Heimer, says ho wiih sitting at his desk and his lu'lper wuh sorting nut package to bo left at Colfax, w hen suddenly tho glass transoms over the two doors wero broken In simultaneously nnd two revol vers tlnnst through, covering both mes sengers. Johnson was cnm'tellcd to nen the door and let one robber In, lw lug ordered to keep nun hand held up. The other roblior reached Inside and un latched the door, letting himself in. Ho then covered tho messenger, while tho other robber took from the safe all tho coin iiackages, which ho placed In nguma sill -h slung .u-rnss IiIh shoulder. Tho rohlstrH thon jtunHd fintu thn train, which was going up a steep grado, und escajMd. 1,'oliiradii l'rlrnlniin Prndiirt, 1'ttKiitA), Col., Dec. 25. Tho valuu o( the Colonido petrolnuin Hold Is growlnf stnullly. KxiloratloiiH south and south east contiuuii to I hi successful. There nr nt tiresent llilrtv-tlireo nrislucluu Weill Their product is treuted In three rellnerlo ami amounts to a tiiniiNumi narreis a nay Slate Henutor MeCnndless, who owns spa crul hundred ueresof land near Florenr Is now enloving n revi'iiuo of flOOO, mouth iih Ills diictlou. Pi-arlni; Injury to Ilia IrrUriip. Tiiitkkk, Cal., Dec. 2(1. A heavy snow-storm Is raging on tho inoiintulni near here, und Ih partleulaily disusttoii( to the Ice crop. Men are engaged l seruplng the isuids Irving to keep tlit snow from destroying llie Ice. I'mIhI Hull wily Acclili'ilt, DiiNvmi, ('ol Den. 2(I.-An n;ust-lK)iind, friuht train on tho Colorado Midland railway was wrecked ut Lime Creek. Itnikeiiiun Harlan und FIrcmuu Marttn wero killed. I'lrn In Npiikaiir I'lilla. Si'okani: Fai.m, W. 'P., Dee. 2(1. A Uro this morning destroyed a umber of stores on II own rd street. Thn losses aggregate :il,r00j Insurance tjOOOO. HI. rnini llriiMiinl. Han FitANCihi'o, Dee, 25, A party of seven prisoners went to day fur a Hull on 'tho Hay, and tho Ismt eaplr.ed und sir of the nuuilierwere drowned. FOREIGN NEWS. Triiuliln AliuiMic t'utloii MmiurMrt nrrra, Iiniion uDcc. 20. A crisis is threut cued In tlio cotton trudo ut llollmi. Din satlef.utioii Is felt on tho part of miihtirH who tlireatened u general lockout (in ac count of bad work done Iu the tnlll.i, nnd ht-caiifo of a purlin! strike umong tho operutivcH. Tho latter. Imvlng umplo funds on hand, feel confident of maintain lug tho strike, uml defy thu musters, A prolonged struggle Ih feared, Mur 'WMrllk Pra.iratlini. Finikin. Dee. 20. A regiment of Rent tlsh Horderers have Ih-cii ordered to fu itkim. A bat'nlion "f native Kgyptiun tnsipH will piobubly join them. Tho Wur Department Ih led to liellevo thut Ostium Dlguu is making preparations In renew thu light. ( iun. dreenfell, communiling tho Kugllsh forces, Is prepared In meet und n-jM- any utliick, Pirn In u rarmiia Nwiicr Ofllca, DougluH Henry is announced In the Stock l-.xcliunge lo-iiay. no huh no outsiaiiu ing contracts. A dnrmoii Ciiuilrl llrail. Wasaisoton. Dec. 2(1. The I'resldent to-day grunted a pardon to Hishoii A. A. Kimball, convicted Iu Utah of jiolygamy und sentenced to eight months imprison ment. Tho resident's action Ih bused upon repiescntutl'inH thut thu prisoner Ih in uu advanced stu; of consumption, and would not survive in his present sur foundings. utiiKir Ixdi-er bullillnu eurlv this mornlnu. com pletely gutting tho iiiH:r lloor of tho otllro; Ixjsm 11000. The cuuw wax In ccndlnty, uh uu II ro wuh built in tho building lust night. llrrllnaa Harkllle' Nlioet, Iiniiok, Dec, 20. Joseph Chumlier 11 in has declined tho mission to Wushlng ton. CIIII.P.'H NdllKMK. Thai Parnvlao C'anajrc.a llajci ta a Ooro incut M.aauit, ami Ilia Country May Pall IntoC'lilla'a llauda. Wasiiinotom, Dec, 2(1. Dispatches APiilltlrlaiiNulrldaa Cincinnati, I'-' 2(1. Kx-Judgo Itolicrt A. Johnston suleKleil at li s liomo ,.. i, ,i m,i il. i',,nivl,, f.n In Avondilo this inornliiK by shooting ,,r,.H8 ,aH fl'lectod tho contnu t U-tween lilinMill tbrouuh thu lieud with uruvolver. i i. ............. ...J..t .....I .. f.....i Ul,.lltf.!.lu -.1 I I .. ... "!...., In.iw.i, K 1 1 1.1 ill iu i ii. .. - l .1 I ........ t I ,1 I r ' - . . - . " .. . . uuiuiht iimi vap. .. . vn . ... .. . nl, nguuuuuiiiiu u i i i iranim ii, iou .; ,y overwhelming vole, wiinoiii tie- und first clerk, Samuel H. l'owcll. I heir lCrttt0 politiclutm of boui hern Ohio. De-,)a, -fj,0 ministry bus resigned, und bodies liavo beeti ret-oveml. Cupt. , ,)rewlion on account of tho death of his jfCI),t.nt Cuerces Is left helplesH. it la Holmes'lsxly was terribly burned. wife is supposed to have lieen. tho cause I known thut Chile bus ug.tiu ts en exer Une of the deck-hands who escujicd, ( Utttrl.uu Hay. lie Jiu.t Ouiu Work, Vising her isdicy of Intimidation, and act-ays there were only utsout 100 persons in,)UNA,.,jh, 0,-(ieiieral Har- annpllsheil her puro to prevent every on board, and thut only about a uom-ii i rjgon a MjW ,c.,ur,ru n,H ,0rn compromlso for a settlement of tho Peru could Isj found iillvo. the engineer ami j , j.,,,,,, toKU callers who had vlun debt, with tho .'Xpecliitlon and Iiok pnov wero Mvru. ' -""!' , ,l0 imiiefat jvo litiflncss Willi mm, on Die that tlm IsjiiU liolilers will ti minutely ih uurnetl more or less sovereiy. ( ground that ha must have tlmo to utlend come dlsioiirugcd und dlsisj-o of th When tne noui a urn tanco ubove town u negro rousi fn.m tin, Uiilcr room run out on ilei !'"Utcd that t ieloul ' ' ,J7' Vau .NoWB lH fw.uVcd of and tho passage of un annexation -""-- "". " - -i-7 , ,1... .i,....i. u. .lartiifi. . Kw tzer and. of uct liv congress. Anolliair t oiiKrr.'liiii.l Cnnli.t. Hai.tuioiic. Due. 20. Sidney K. Mudd, 1 Itepublicuii cundid.'ito for Congress in llm fifth Murilund distilct, has iiotllleil 1 lliiriiha t'oiiint. in Unit lui will content Ills eiv.m ni,ir,iw ... - - - j . . - - . . - , - '- .r .. ..... I ing the bells. In an Instant tlatneaj shot t-arly this Piornlng llreil the liuiiuing, uml seat In Congrons. IH ullugeu Intlmlilu I thioujjh the cabin ond over the sides of j two men wero fatally burned. ( tlon und other Irrcguluiltle. t rt iia ' Kroiind that lie must have tlmo to utlend come dlscourugcd und dlsHH) of their rni! It VJiiI 1 10 pressing duties, such an preparing his ! claims to Chile, when tho latter govern I nn I ' Inaugural address, etc. I ment will wulk In and take K)ssessinn of i uecK ami iiratn .f a ita-ruKce. j the treasury und i-ii'toiu Iiousch of Lima, In. Jill ui l . ' a ... i .it. ! Kffi'fi .er , M7 IteZlL. Is,urr simulator, who ,e- :"r."r.:r." .. j.. i : cent y failed and iiwi from puns. i U) 111(3 VIIiiiv "Will ...w . - Knginecr Mcroman tvok tho situation at two ir iiumad to i.a-.u a isLnce. aud at onco bounded a n alarm 'Ciikaoo, Dee. Sal. An explosion of , r .1 ...... i...... .. ,,,l rim.. 1-i.rirtj-iin In Marv Hints' l-rocerv slora ui uiuniir. inn