1 i I n AM Ml A LJ II -o 3 no 71 h b L 0 1 m V 1 3 i WK1)N15SDAY,N0VKMKU 28, 1888. MlMHT.l MINKS, The Ufl Moiiln (Irnup In llir llaiidt of I'ruuilnriil Mmi -A Mill tu Ho Krtctetl. I From tlm linker City Uciiiovrat. ' Thorn urrlvod hi linker ( it V lust hllll day evening 0. 0. McCoy, of Walla Walla, J i. .iouch, oi ine ruuiy juu MauuiacturinK Company, of fc't. Louis, and Thoumrt h. Hrojiliy, thu well-known mining inun, who ban been oiHirutliii ex tonnivuly in the Wallowu uilnen, Wallowa county. Thi'Bo Kontlomon hud returned from u vlxit to the I'andoia mine, at lluu tliiKton, and were on their way to Sparta to InHiHct thu Dol Monte group of iuIuvh In which they hau nceiuly become in terenteil. They twk tlio Htnge yeHturduy inornlni for tha latter place. Tho Doinm'rut reporter intcrvlowod the gentlomcn and huh informed that they iutond to oH!rate the Uel .Monte mined on an extcnulvo ucalu. They huvo secured th6 purchuHU of the Hoiks lull) at Cornu copia, and will move tlio mitno ut otieu and put it on llutlr .SmrU property. Mr. ltrophy will superintend the erection of the mill and itx working after corn nlotlon. The Del Moute lias been under rigid development for the pant year tinder the able inauaKDiuent of l'rof. Jay (Juy Lowltt. and to that gentleman Mono is due thu credit of opening up wiinu of the bout quartz ptMpcrtioH In tlm .Sparta hccMoii. Ills faith lu In ultimate nueee- of the H parti mine has novel- falteicd and by energy and iw)veroin:u ho Iiuh (un mounted nvoiy dltllculty and at Inst It seems that his untiring olfortH are to be rewarded. The gcntli'ineu taking hold of the l'ol Monte have Hiitllclenl uieaiisut their com maud to thoroughly cuulp their proneity, and It Ih wife to nay that they will operate lit on an extensive scale. It will be the -ucaiis of bringing nioro iiromluently bo- loreuiu iniuiug worm mo vast mineral resources of thu Spuria section and will tenu to tliu development oi otlicr valua ilo proK!rlU'rt there. Ilotrl Airhiil-. Vn.niiti HoitwK It I'lanugan and wife, fp.xuH; .1 Mcl'ieury, K I' Aluddon, La K F Kmllh. !: Olcott. It Thorn, l'llot ltock; I' Spike ami wife; J Shlrts, Uma tilla; Mary Horn () F Thomson, Kcho; C . K Davis and wife, I'tilon; K F Wilbur, Mountain: Miss Carpenter, I.oiiIh Hlu menbeig J 1' Ithoditri, 1'aul .Stowing, I'aul Murdu, Oscar llontschcl, IIohIoii (Juln teltoClub; II I' lllnkle, 0 W Spouko. National Hutgli-al lnntltuto. S Fj W F Ihitcher, tVntiirvllloi Win IliigheN; Miri K Mean; !-aily Mnllli. I'aimington ; l? ThnrHon, WallaWalla; W .M .Steen, Wort ton; WClliotvii, linker City; IIS Hard-, ncre, W II Uiilhmman, City; A I'nttor Hon. l.aliramlo; W Scott, Ilid.iMay SpriugH; S II l oifmau, O It it N; W II ! (lullllord, rrlnevillu; K (I Michael. IIowman IIoi ni: JuHKir Thoiiian, , Meaeliam cieek; ChaH (ioixuch aiidfaiu! Ily, Miintpuller, Idulm; J Hmldt, linker City ;.l II NoMcH. I.ohIIiiu', Wallowa; A A llynl and wife; Mm Medina, W W Cooly, C .1 Carey, Ogduu; II MclntoHh, Joh Magerl, Juo llciin, City; Dick Knight, Klmer 1C Milen, (1 W Morrow, Iji (.Iraudu; S F Wallaeo. Dell. Or; S W Hunting, Greenwood; (.'Iiuh Noitou, I .oh AugeleH; Frank Fill.; It I' Madden, A l'atterfon, I .a (iraudu; I S Waldrou, Vln hoii; Mm II Millur, DuIIoh; l(olort Thoin, l'llot ltock. (Ioi.iii:n lit i.k A J CIiIIiIm, S II Wal ker, t It llenner, (lay, W T; (' C lmg, Jiirt A Drake, Frank Hairett, (' II llcau, I DeltiNi, F I, Merrymau, J W (ieddcrt, IVudletou, II h UriggH, Milton, A Mor ville, FainilmUnn, W T; .1 W Mcivler, lleppner; .1 K lliowu, l". llioun, Dawn, Mo; A It M( Curly, IVospett; .Iiih 1'iihoii, Detroit ; 1. 1, Holier-urn, Cleveland; John Mctiauicnv, Mih a Sullivan and child, J DuuglitH, Cold Spring; J Sanipley, Deen tur, III; Juhi) lileanon, llelleviu1, Idaho; dim Augiihtluc, T Stone, l'llot Hoik ; M (I Hull! vim, H IMonrdmi, Wiillula; Will lula; A Y ChildH, San FranelBco; II J Joiich, Walla Walla. - - NKWS ITKMH. Pi III ill' ! CENTRAL Lwty, hi and Sale Stable! : Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS 'I lin Inrmwt una mint romplf In ultx'k of , Medicines, CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Drugs Opp'l" Court IIoiim-, MAIN TUKKI- - WAiAA IMI.tA, Flrt-cln if!4-iii iiiriln ( lonn fcimrfliifWtl to tvcrylxly. A lliii- .lot ofiWerrrU mill llir lic-t or liny hiii! xrwln nlwiiy-s on linml. Horaes Bought &nd Sold tJniiie and " m". v rjrtxxly, miJ In- well HoZUm KOHKHT KIKK, Frup. Despaln Block Pendleton. IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE WATSON & ANDERSON UKAMtllH IN General Merchandise, Adani3, Oregon. Commercial Ik;, Feed, and Sale Stable, J. B. KEENEY &. CO., Props. Put up your nnlmals and your monoy at thio stand. Thoro Is no bottor in town. Our patrons and f rlonds will bo woll troatod. COM K TO MKK tH. AI.I. KINKS OK HIOH KOIt IIlltK Till! KINKHTTUUN Ol'TH IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY & Co.. PROPR WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary and Heating Bngineors. THE WORLD It is almost the same thing, No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Cut Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Tlm North Ameilciin Continent. 1'J l.atp; 1'ujres anil HI I.oii' Coluntiia. A POPULAR NOVEL liijU.Hljed III mhI yivcn wltti cmoIi iUtf of n.lnhlm Ait 1. utnl toittlttitlnir Itmri Hill til lit ! HUll .... 1. ... - - urtor, Tlii Wdrlil will print with hm-Ii l-.ni a rniiult,i novel hyn Hiiiiiiirntil Inm Ainotii: Itin il-.I.iin trill I..- Tli-;ill0lirn, i.Mi''. Alpxiinili r, IjohliH. WliiUT. lictiry vhii, WmIIi r lli.-unt, Wilkin l-iillliu. It'ilit. Iliirliinuiii, It. Ii Htoviioii. II t KnrJ-iiii, TliiinuiH llimly. Jiiiinii iit.H-itioriic. K. W. Itnlilnn, Kinili' OiilHirlini, vf. Ilrii.lilf.n. iHliir'Kri' Wiinlru. tMary l.'--ll liny ll.TtlmM.CIiiv, liWimci i.iiwnriin, iliiiuitiicturvra (Juay elainiH tlio ltopnlilleaun will liavo a inujoilty n( nlno in tlio noxt flouoe. A majority of both Hoiwys of tlio Ari .una IHlnUiture favor thu ramovul of ttio eapltul to I'lui'iiU. A Kcliomu Iiuh I een orlKiuatod to Hup lily ColumliiiM, C'li.olnnatl, anil other Ohio cltloH with water from Uko Krlo. Tlm t'efeat of ItomelH In Frank Ilurd'a tlUtrlet Ih one of thu fow kimxI iloutla of the American voter lu the Ulo election. l'owilerlv hhvh ho Ih norrv h wan ro- 4ilecto(), an ho lias been ollered a better ! ob, ouo pnyinK (0000 for three months' ; wtirk. '1'ho Uomoeiatio irlmer; "Wo ko out. i Out wo no. Sv how wo k out." How over, wu nhall hooii haw u now primer i ono of tlie.o dayn. Oluf Stuule, vaithler of tlio New York Dally Nowh, Iiuh iitwcoiulctl with ubout 15,000. Hnuilo hH lieou tun yearn lu the -employ of tlio naivr, Jlenry Clav nover hail u chanco to bo xh vather'thun l'rtwlilent. Cleveland hail, uml iiroforivd to bo rlht, ami his examiilo Ih the lifo of Htwrty. At l'ovnette, Wis., u steam enino wnnwUtl wttlm thrvahtiiK machlno ex iilotUtl. luHtnntly kllllnt! threclmen, and u.tiiniiyl-. liilnrhiL' four other. Hater l itv IVnuvmt : Ir. (1. W. lllc Kern, toriueifv of llaker City, ban rtwully. been npiiolnteit mauler of min-iea! clinics , ut lteaumunt honpltal, St. Umln, Mo.,' und Ih how loiuted there. At l'leaKautvtlle, l'a., u man was in luulint! nltro-clNcerine. of which ho had lOUt lHiimdHln a wu)-on,wliuii it ovilotUHl, uml bo was litterallv annihilated. Tartu of hla iHiues wero loiuul half a mllo awuy. An American named lVtor Williams uhlnpcd fiMin Actoria for l.iverixxil imd ruliii n to Srm Fiancicco, and died lu a bosiillal at (Jueoim'ovvn fiom maltieat ment received by tho ciow. hnviuK lieon brutally Ixuten und burned ou account of aliened iiuimiiotoncy Tho matter will lo tnventitfated when thovesnel ur rtvee at San 1'ruttclBco. Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, I'UU DWKU.INOHOH I'UIIMO IIUII.DI.Ndl HH clilctloiu inlil mtlmuleii furnlnlii'tl fm lieutlnt; IiuIIiIIiikh In Hiiy Heotlon or llu conn-! trjr. ConiimU'iif- willrltml, OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, Portland. Orogon. jis JOS. BASLER, IWnler In Nw mi J HcMiiiU-liuiiit Furniture AuiJ Household Goods; Auii mmiufuoiuri-r or Tinware, Copper ware and Sheet-Iron! of Every Description. Tin Roofing a Specialty Ulvit a n IrUI. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Hunk liullillnir.Court trtct,Vmllf ton Oregon, llll.w Vrrllll. 'Kllllllll KlIU'lirilM. Win. Illiicn, if.l'. ri.lllliM. TIlfHt IIUVCN Will ll" tin- iMlfHI worKi of till lnnl wrlli'r hi llii-yuro pulilli'licii-tlm IhmiKh winch every oiih l t tlldiiH ulmul. Nnthlni; luii tin-very lnt will Ik uilmliioil into Urn World VHtitn-'iiril I.Uiniryof ik'tlim. Till- t.llirary of Hull hi Will ll Nii.jitlnl to Hiii('rll)i'M Only. No K.itta I'orle. Will Ilo I'rlnliil. No llrk Niinilicr-Cimi ll KnrnMii-il ainl No IiikIu Coplo Will txiHolil. IT Vou WUli tlm Si rlit Comptflf. HUiisatiiu-: ATONCH. Oim Year 112 mimbi-ixi, Jli 0 Montlni (VI iiiiiiiIhth), &v ; :iMnntln(l3uiimlicrii -'x-ililri'k THE WORLD, Now York. Muttcnl Mr eliiunll kriH III ojK up, ink' , IIhihm, Or- uatM, and hII klmU of inn- I licit' I Inntru liieutJi mi Ul on liutitll int'iil plnn III: U hai clrra nnlTtr il illciloQ la the en root (lonurrUirt, ui (IUI. I prvtcrUxllua U- lufvlur-vciunitDd-rue It la U mfffrtn. l.J.STOMUt, u.n Cellar, III. r-nu-R.tii.oo, ty.U ty DnifgUta. LcexerA Kut'Mer, AkviiU, IViullctim, Or. TO UlTt. lkOlOoVV Beer Garden and Gymnasium Hall. Ilurvi-uu Ktu!, I'ropi. ' MliHlre'l Ntwr ritofflce rUNULKTON, OHKUON, ItowlInK AUy mul Oymnaolumltotini In connectUm. Ju.l Uiu iUc l P-nd n liour In exeroUliwyniir oiunclo ami trvnt lentiu your frame A -orllt IiimIhUoiUo ul . ilumliriinii IWrhii mjliiim Jy DUTCH HENRY, Tlio Truck Mem DUTCH HENRY. Tlio Transfer Man, WKllll STUKKr I'KNUUKTON 1 1'ENULKTON, FOR SALE t ! Four lotH uiul u hoiiho on the tlat, near . tho O, U. & N . dokt. ivntrallv located, , cixxl water, Kood fences, for fiooo. liunv teruiH. I Four lots, ono quarter of a block, near ; tho bUtero' bcliool, lor Jo0 c;uh. OLOPTON & JACKSON Insurance Agonts, OUKOON ma nnrfe Co on Ha . SOT Tickets 'ffllBsys Mini Kun, VP Elegant Pullman laiacJ KmlTt,nt Hlcvpln, o-jr-roa ,hretI J l'rtiiTrl..ro,1 OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS ANOjtl Frf-iofrlmrmMdwIliKmi, OlfMUi rnnnmilrkhii -.i ti . . . . cl.. m I iC'.ITOi'MVJ -! t 4 WmI lmur.il r,l.k, :,-TTIT' rlvff r.t 75 p, tn. from WHfS Elder, Nov 4 nnliimbtfl. WavH Orffrtoni No It HlMtt.NovSO xiiumnm,iovH urccon, not M n.C. r..a jHV Hpr BU y ,Tf, Hm IUM Of rUNM tucludlriK moil- tadWrml waiiin, . Hteir.ifN ... KouuilTrlp, Unllmltd, Ifor f urtlierpnrllcaUrii lnmi!n(iM ai uo iurnpitnr, or A. I HUTlD, j A, U AXM Unrrl Nnpr. H. K. HIBLKT.J Great Rock Isi Ann ALBERT LEA KOI Tho direct nd popultr tlm Ii Willi Ilia Northrra rrll from 8t. raul aud Mlnnttpolli To Chicago ul the Kat. Tn Mt. 1-ouIm unit lac Mti To lira Molart, Im Atrhlon4Ki Tho Only Lino ni i;uiiiicii iiuiih, Mtrrnvons i Utv for utiiiMuo fit At,v rum Pullman Falnce Sim I'alacc DMug Aoconipatiy all tliroath RtptNl inn Kouio, Tlckeu for wis l H coop-U J una coiniivuon m ntmn t-fi.rnll Inffirmutlim rHirdlnf R etcannlr touny couwn iihiiI A N. or Northern Vtclto w n. I.. II. R.M ' " TlcktAr.ni;o.E.l CHAH. KKMKUY.finuJ No, S Walilnglon fit, t , ifirtinnnir 'ben. Tk t.' and .I' Art. C R lj Ctilcafio.lll. ,nM-J-M AnS Miaonc GREAT OVERLAND I THE Northern Pm . Dluaiaa Amf l-wtman lrrn' Xr.:i.., Oregon um WM FrM Via 8U rul linn niun nf PlM IMfi (MtuJ:." Vaateit Tiaif T!;'-S!J To Hlonr Ctly, Cos"l AtflhUon. Ivmjni Burllnon.ouior52, all pOlaUthrocibMllM; ai( via Ht, Fui aaa fTT. Am hauled on rw'a'.M'ifS the entire lenrtb run; Hallraad. Leave VallulainBrtloaJ Leave roniwwj CLTT ui-l MlnneaolU of H.l H"H 'XaVeoYlonmal Train wlllle $1 m nnnclinWllllO.." I all polnU oa m "Tja.cB . . - Oeaerai wtwjsri . Waenlugton St., ITTjOfT, Notify ail In PendletoB. FOR ONLY FIVt Th. nnull Dric i" I parUM.InlrtUod'yJj rnn wllh eipraM need:afal1e8dyriw ' j i rn m U.00 lbr- ,WM f.v . . East OfR; nihil dtf f-