.MONDAY, NOVKMHKIt 2U, 1888. hut II I linn I'or. Kron tint New Vmk World. If tilt! Potnociiitiu party ilwH nut ex Int to antagonize tho Hepubliean party, what Ih it licit! for7 Can it lirijic to retain tho utti'Kiuiicu of its inofiibciM or to regain jiowcr by pretending to lie jimt u little icfrt Iteinibllcan tlmn tlits Hnpubllcurm on tilt) main much before tint country? Tim cowardly and treaeheroUH foemif thu Democratic party In ItH own eamit ail-. vino tlit) J'rectltlcut to drop thu tarlir taiic 1 iind Htnml up for "the immortal priiit l-; tilt'H of Democracy." Hut what thcuo "tirlncIpli'M" arc they fall to Hint-ify. Ah nearly uh anyliody fan iimkt'out, it m only a Kranil name for thu otllct'H, utul "De mocracy" in but an ooratli.i'il appetite for the Hpoiln. Away with Bimli wretched iioiinoiihoI The Democratic pattj'H prexont mlKHion in to Hocuro Tux ltudiiction through Turlir ltoform. to throttle Truntw, to iuhIhI tho sHtabllHlitnont of I'lutocrucy within the ittiimhllc untl to rontons tin' Government anil tho public wjrvico to the undo for which they wore eitubllitlieil. ThiH (h a purpose worthy of a groat party. AriythlriL' Iomh tlcllnlto or leuM high tlmn IIiIh ..tlbrtlit it no cxuuho for re kIhIumco, How Oii'I'Iimr Tilings lie? Horn nil) Home "Labor nli'" out of tho IoweIl, Ma4,, C'ctiiriur, it uvck aftoi election : Tho now piK) mill of tint IteadliiK, l'a,. Iron Workd, recently erected at a coat of 1100,000, uih rthut down 1'iiilay, to alack of order. AIhiiiI i(KI men ami boyH aio thrown out of work. Aftur Monday next tho working font) in tho carimt iiiIIIh of F. S. Hliiix .t Co. , at Went Forty-third ntieet unit Klovonthi iivtinuo, Now York, will bo reduced one-' half, and 000 IiuihU will bo diHcharirntl. I Tho Ilo.ttoii mij-ar rollnory at hunt! iloiton will flint down to-night indof-1 inltely H U Htatotl at tho ollifo of tho I company that advantage Ih taken of tho piOHout Hinall demand for 'ttugur to tone i irarlly eloio thu works for lopalrn, but i on tlut matkel it Ih refilled that tho nliut down wiim uriliiiL'il by tlioTrunt. I In-Nth Ulun-Stcm WlifUl. j There In nome talk about a now wheat grown in WaHhlngion Torrllory. A cor rt'HH)iiiluut of thu Titctuiia l.t'tlger wiyH that W. II. Itabcock of Walla Walla ' county Iiiih 00,000 hiudiuM of this wheal, i uinl atldrt. Miiiiv iuillvldual farmiirri of I Waltu Walla county will huvo I noxt your, if tint cmpM .no. fairly good, fiom IK).(HK) to 100,000 IiuhIioIh of wheat. Moht of tho wheal I rained In that loc.illty in what is known, an tliu liluo-Htein vailuly. It is an Ann- j Indian wheat, Ititiiiliurcl in thin country i by MIihoii, ('huich tV I'n. (iVorgo Ho-' lane vas tlio lust In Miw tho wheat hi IKS.1, hut W. II. Itoctl wan Iliu llrot to bring it lulu general uso. Tho wheal Ih of Hid very ilnest quality, w.iid to bo eiiiul to tho iitwt grown in California. The grain is latge, well lllletl, and very heavy It niakei a beautiful whllo Hour. m:vh i ti:jis. Pi 2 CO 5 'O a: r-t C c w ! i m I . h S TO V. w Leezer & Kueblsr, DRUGGISTS Tlit' InrKt)"! 1,11,1 nni'l riitiiplii" t"Hi Drnirs Mfiii mm j aiavMiviMvwjp CHEMICALS, LToilet& Fancy Articles CENTRAL In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Ik;, hi and Sals Stable!1 Uiiif I f C'tinrl HtiuM), j main HTiiKirr - wa ma wa i.i. a. ' Despaln Block 1'lt.iilii(.N prtKiiiiMiiil.illoim tttiurniili'i-tl lit If Yfj II WANT THE EARTH ewylHNly. A lino Inl tif llVffy rli H ,uu uniii inw won in mill die l i.. nf liny anil riin iitwii) tut IiiiiiiI. TAKE Pendleton. Horses Bought and Sold , ('dint' anil ri nif, i'fryb(Mly,,tinil lie well IniiKxl, l eUHim UOIIKIIT KlltU. I'rop. Walnuts for Sale. t liiiveUiii' llunilreil HuhiioIn ot lllitt'k Wnl null furniilu ut One Dollar per Bushel Hniikeil anil ilcllvi'ri'il on litinnl i iir-. Send tinliTN in Geo. M. Sottlemier, tlorvals Oregon, THE WORLD It Is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Gut Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER Wrllnimii.f untl H.l.lrfMM.iiili.ly. tHSillm ' (J T(J Sr Ami!rn, t,K.,. Commercial hii hi and Sale Stable, J. B. KEENEY &. CO.. Prop. Put up your animals and your monoy tit thio stand. Thoro iu no bottor in town. Our patronu nnd frlondswill bo woll troatod. OJMKTOHKh I'M. M.t KINDm UK IlIUH Hilt tllttt -TIIK KI.SMXr Tl'ltN Ol'TH IN TOWN. J. . KEENEY & Co.. PROPR WIYI. GARDNER &'C0., Saoitaty and Imi Engineers. .Mitmifiirturt'n Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, fOltHWKI.I.INf.SDIlI'lIlll.lt'lHrir.lllNt.l- MH'ell1iallimh ittul otllinuti'ii furnUlicil (ii licatlnif tittllUIUKH In any hpcUou tit tliv eoiin. try. rorf-Mwiinlfiict' M)llclttil, OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, Portland.,Oroon. lu.s JOS. BASLER, l)itlur In ttw nntl Heromi'lixml Furniture Atl'l 1 1- luiKf l';iu't'H ami SI I .nut: Ct'liiimiH. j A POPULAR NOVEL ' I'tililiclirtl In noil icl i'm with 1'iti'li iiitt til Ih' wti'klf 1(11111111. I (("SlunliiK An . I. niiil iinillmilnu turrit I iitler, Tin' W'nrlil will print will. chi'Ii linit it riininlitti iiovi'l liyu iiiMiiitriiiillior. Aiiiuiik tin wrl tm will !,: 1 V'lllT lll'MIIII. , Wlikl i nliini, It. .Ill, lllll-IIIIMIIII I It. I. Nlev.'livili II I, KnrJ. tin, I 'I'liimiiiN lliifily. I Juliiin llmvilinriii', . K. W. ItolilliMill, Kinlli iln'M'tliiii. .lilli'ti Venn . ! Win. Illin", 'I'hi'Diloli'liM. Mw. ,lrxiiiiii-r, Jnliii M. U lniei, Henry WimmI, M. i:. llru.liliMi. I'llir"!!!'!! Wiirilcii. MarvL'tiill liny ll.'itlut M. (,'luy, j Minlit Kiltnirilii. iltliiKlu IMtiiinU, k, t;. 1'iiiiuim. ItovnlutloiiH aio riiulni! In liolli llollvla anil Voiiu.ut'la. I'owtlerly wan nwleetoil by an iilnumt lllllllllUIOIW volt). ' , Moroni "111 Hiit'cet'il liluiM'lf UK Soimtor front Alul'iiiiiii. Kuroka hprln, Ark., wmh nmstly tlo-1 utroyeil li.v tlio Kiiilay ; Iohh "00.0011. I Wlint ih tlie inullor with an Imllaiiii "lloater" iim St'cii'tary of tin Navy? 'In 1'ltiHliurn a lliouNiinl uiiiiieii nml Kirlrii'iiiu lueail liy wurkliit; In tlio lion iiiIIIh. A 11)1111 MUH foilllll ill till) lllOIIIltllillH near I'lfHiio, l'nl., lio liml U'uu torn o pleoi'M liy a liear. Purlnn tint i'aitialKii tlio tilitfeal lint ton t'ltiwileil out tlu Imllun-liole lioiupiot, ami llonrlxls ontluuttu their Iohh llieioliy rt a roiiml inlllioii. Now York Worltl If tlio 01,1 Whim. liilliKlllUUiito thohklitMof tliu DeiiUH'riille j l.tity rannot k'vo up their ItlKli tarill' notitiiiH they would k'llor k rluht over to ' Iliu ItepnlilliMiiN, wlieitt they IkjIoiik. Tliero In noitlicr mil or room for two war-1 turlir p.titlen in tlil-t country. Tlio hlftlni; of ItolhorKiinlatloiiH, no that itujn wliall VotottH tlniy think ami not mvordliii; to1 lubel. will bo i-onijilfto iMifom another t'lwtlon. , IU David SBurRoon I'oiry, onto; Nw Jerwy," and lulor uh mllllonuiio 1 H OUSGiIOTQ CTflfinR' iiiiiuufiit ttiitir of Now York Citv.und Hub- JMJ a'm-'XKX UUUUD nipitinlly itleniillt'd with ' ltrooUyii ,mlmHiiiiHt.urfr of J thiouKh hi work in a mlniitterlul ca- ' lut'ity, Ih now a pauoor intiuito of tho i llnwaro, Coppcrware and Sheet-Iron 1 rounly uIiiimIioum of riatbinth. Dr. 0f cverv Descrintlon 1 I'ort v Inw travolfi! from New York to 1 cv "cscrtpuon. California, iwaeliintrln diuri'lieH.Siitiihiv i-v . . jtciuwiifciind nvi'M uirit,oiihirtway. Ti. i in KooJinQ aopecialtv trip ttnik over (our ytiarn, ami in that or j tlmo tho Toulthy inlnfiilor Hpcnt MOO.OOO uw n n irll. In oittaliliHliiin; and eivctlnj; new placoit oi nurtiuip, Tito iiattio of the noxt niillionniro Sena tor the MlrliiKMii Hoptiblleuii will noml to WaiilitiiKtou is Jaiiiert Mi'Mllluii. lie will Ntuiitfd nilimuiitlrv' Houator I'aluier, who waiitx to fettlo down to a tpilot life. MuMlll.tn'rt wiMllh U put down at tHV),iHX MlllloniMro Wusliburn l on dcavorlnu to huiwihI Sahlu, ox-tiilllion-aim, In tint next .Mlnnost'ta t'oiiatontliin and if ublit nlep,nmi of tho wav ho will piohably trot the he.tt. lYum tluvo ami other iiiilloatioiix It will bo hlcu that tho 1 n0Pr nhiiiHiatic I'liaruitttr tif tho Smato will at , loukt miller no tliinlniiiloii. 1 A irtvo-itt U twi'Oii tho Mineral SpriiiBH Muln Hirwt , eollieiy 'antl tho htiml It mi eolllury, i I'BNM.kton ntmr w iikiD.tm', I'u., ooctirtHl satunlav. 1 Tho cuvojin I'tiwiH an oxtont of nearlv half a mile Htpiart'. and w aUait t-lx ftv't deop fur. idmiMtt tho ontiio uieu Itnth water mtiitis, f ixtoon iui lioa in diatmxer, of tho AS'ilkoitUiiico Water (iniuiny, which ONti'inl nmler tho cavo ttii-tiici, wotoMiupped oi!'. ntnl an iinmoin-o nl itiiin of water fioin tho it'rilr rtishel int i the iiitncH No lived were loft, t ut tlio wiiIIh of k'v ral hoiisort arc U'porlctl liullv damugctl and cracked I Iimmi n.iV'..lu U'ill 1... .111. Iiitii.l wirui .if (li. lict M'lli'r if. Iliey iiiv I'lililUlirii -th IhmiU. ivlilrliM r.viiiir.ii i ilklnx iiImiuI. Nfalilni; . lint Din very hifit will Ih uiluillltil Into llm Wurl'IVMiiii' up I l.liiruiy of lid Inn. Tlill.ll.lni iiri l.'ilin Will. He Hii,i,, u I vn'iHerilMTd Only, ' , I No I'Miu copliii Will Hp I'tlnltil. ', i No lUrk Niiiniien t'lin 1 to I'lirnl-lieil niul No n.Kt" fniiltf Will Jx. Holil. I' 1 nil Wlt'i tilt' i rift Ciilllil'lr. I SL'llxllltll. ATONfK. j One Yrur n.Millllllx'ri1!,!; . d Mouli n (VI iiiinilior),rv ; :tMn iiliil i iiunilirrs liln , THE WORLD, Now York. J I I W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & ILink luillilliie.Cimrt ntnt't.lVudlt'Uui Ore ton, Mtulcitl MtT elntutlliiK I OrALI.KIMW kept In ! NTOCK" I'lllIKU, (ll- uHim, nml h 1 1 kltiila of ma. lou I llliltll infill kol.l uu nmuil ittt'i)' Uu I Hie ( hMclrrn onlTef- I Ml tAiUfscllun la tb I cam ot (loucribwk n4 initxl. Iir.-M-riblaaJ ft 'iMfoliirrcowmtoit. Inc It In all lulftrvr. .l.J.NTOM K. U.D.. Dtcatur. III. MHCC, ai.oo. Kutil by DreesUts. I e wrA Ktlflilfr, AkhiiI, IVii. Ileum, ur. Cr,ta ri TO I DAT. B.trutMlt. MUttlrM4rv ur(rtv ItruiRtafeilCt. OMo. Garden and Gymnasium Hall. Itiirveiiit A Klue, l'riiii, i Near ltiuHoe i (HtKUON. lUiw'llnir APey ntttt Hviiiliitkiuin Hixini In eonaeotliiii. Jn-t tlie el...-" t.i Himid u li.mr I lit exereliitiii: jnur inuw. U mul uln nutlinnlnK in .in your frumr. v 1.il.illllH II ill lu Itnl nil I a ' yl DUTCH HENRY, Tlio Truck Man DUTCH HENRY. Tho Transfer Man, WKHU hTUKKT lKM)t.Kro.N FOR SALE Four lit and a i iuo mi tU tint, neat the II It .i. itd.t.c, itr.i;iv IikuUhI, H'Hil u.tor itl fetiitH. iir j.Uioo. ha ten.iH i Four lota, ono nuattor of a UKick. near I tho tShiter' School, for SoO iMi. OLOPTON &' JACKSON Insurance Agents, re.NULirru.s-, -, . . uiuxxin