MONDAY, NOVKMHKK lii, 18S. DAILY AND HKMI-WKKKLY, Hr tub IbMt Or(tonln. ralillnlitiig- CmniDjr AT I'KNW.KTO.S OtlKOON. IIAIt.V(IOIlrtC-KlrnO! HATH! One nifty per yt-nr, by mull Vi CO Onfl copy tlx month, by iiuill . il ' One copy r week, by carrier. IS Hlnjrln iiuintxTK. AllVKHTWIKO KATKfll One Inoh, or lew, In HemlWwkly per month m w l One Incli, or !, In Dully per month 1 CO Two Inchru, or le. In both, per month ,..-3 0 OYerOireelneliet.Heml-Weekly, per Inch per montli. I "' Orer three lunar, Dully, per Inrli per month.. - ...... I JS Orer three, lunhe., In both, per liirh per inotith...,.,.. , . 1 7& HmiwKKicLr mjiwontrnoic katkh: Omi copy per year, ti U One, copy lx month!.. 1 SS Rla(1 number.. OS Premium paper fro to yearly atioMi Ibem. Hoi Id nonpareil adYertltementH In Henil Weekly or Daily, flrnt Inwrtlon, par Inrb, iXX&i micIi uioeecjueul Innertlon, 60c Ltoeal notice, ten cent per Una each In ertloa. rilKMIDKNT UI.KVKI.AMO. It In yet too noon to judgo what careful, conitcientiotii, and Impartial history will aay o( tho promjnt President of the United HUt, whomi term will oxpirn thu lilt of March next, hut wo txdlovo that tho far ther ho anil hid uctloiiH nru removed hy Umo from thu rancor of partisan and din honcHt contuntlon, thu Krttator anil nohlor will thin man upjH'ar. In Homo rtxtpoctH hu In m far nn anom aly among chief exocnttvoH at leant kIiico Monroo'n timo. Wit havo had Prerldentu ainco then who wern great, patriotic, no ble men, umoiiK whom none Mood hlKtcr Own Jack Hon anil Lincoln ; hut never one bafortt who voluntarily and Htuhlornly adhered to the riffht thhiK an ho raw it, be it great or wnall, at hit own political peril, and tho peril of hln party, iu Mr, Cleveland han donti. Jackaon wan an in flexible and an couianootm, hut he waa a partUan, and always conitldcrt'd party nda; Uncoln wan a pure and noble pa triot, who in groat thlngx nouglit only bin txmntry'n good, hut In all political or party detalln ho went with the Ude, and allowed tho haner cloiuentn of hU party to have their way. Not ao with Cleveland. He announced bin policy in regard to tho civil aervlre, aarf adhered to it with a tenacity of which it waa tailored no mortal mn,undcrmirh prewrura an wan nur to be brought agalnnthltn, would bo eatable. liiMtead of turning all HoHib)Icann out of oltlco.he allowed tltolr term to expire, except In canon of nialfeananco or extreme partlnan alilp. He even appointed nomo ltuimbll cmim to lmxrUiit oHlceti notably tho Newport Uty poetmmitor. And even to-day, a hont i4 clorkH in tho various tie partniMitH at VuliInton am llcpuhll rant' of whuui no Militleal cluiio or cou tribulion low over Ikhm reipiirod. Tho Indian Department In almottt wholly lie publican, from top to bottom. An a party jiolicy, thin wan Nulcltlal jbut Mr. ('levelaud, with many othem, tier tolvcd that tho uitnir thlni to no, rivani- lent) of putty jwliey, wan to put and keep llio IwHt men in olllco,ret;anlliHn of putty, unit ho did it. What many of tho party Iradern told him would hupion han hap IKMted, but tho 1're.iidnnt Imvinn nlvnn bin word, uh an immovable un tho'ltm'k nf (llbraltor. The party miht bo din ruptod, dentroyed; hut hln word ho would keep, and what nuomed to him tho illit lhln ho would do. If thin ml ley could havo unco been fairly inaugurated and kept in praetico until it had Ih'couio tho fiixtom, it would indeed liao been a Riitnd triumph, a mwttei ietoiy than (rant won with hln nuord. Hut with the dopartuio of ( hvelaiul from the While I loune will imuI civil nenlto ivfurm. On the iHiill' ipiontiou Mr. I'lovoland aain ehibltol hlnr4eiu, unyielding:, In eorruptihlo devotion in piincipluiiii to riuht. lit know niiint havo known-- tuai to take mo mauii lie ilUl wan to im-, fxtll tho etuvonn of Hie Pomocmtie p.uty ami with it hln omii. liul ho know that ho wan ; thai wan euotiKh for him. U'hatover the jHiltr.t , poM-ptiinisnvtl m rj.iun of iKirlUau.hip may nay now, hoi evor lintxenly liioy may bray at IhU h litlcal mart.M' to a evie, it in an eet lain un the nun nhimw that bofmo many ywtrn, ihor iu the t-moko and llamen of tho Itepublle'n iniu.oi in itnfrcedom from llio enthialmentof the tariir octopus, the Kenerutiourt of men will load, and know, ami acknowledge, that UiU man wan litilit, and that he wan tnn, to a iltire that no chief muKintrato of thin nation han Ihhju for many ncneiationnp.i.t. Uin triumph will eouio, livin or dead, and a grander tiitimph few mortals havo do nerved or will locolvo. Tho timo will couio, o nay, when tho kino, bnuurlMl IowIiik hirolliiKti who are now iH-ratlng thin lWitlent will acknowledge, or will Ink into undlncorerablo obscurity while all the people, and the world, will at knowledgc.that (inner Clovelund did one ' of tho grundunt thlnRD, in pnx-lalminK bin tariir mewtago, that wan over done by ruler or Htutoftnian. i Tho character of the man In ulno ox hibitcd In bin enKlon vetrjen. At tho 'rink of lowing hundrcd.i, thoimanilH, of votcn of imprunnionablo anil lllyinforniQl tnnti. Im i'ofrMwl tint it mImcIm tttnt iiiimih ! I urc to benefit a deserving wjldler hut I every ono, regardlenrt of :onncincncen, which won tainted with corruption and branded with tho ntain of fraud. It was muiply imponniblu for lilm to do a wronir i thing to tho public, or to permit n wrung thing to bo done, if liln veto would pru vent it. A man who never broku hln word; u man who kept faith with the jHiople an no other 1'rettldont ban done, and an, It In itafc to nay, none will do again i a man who, literally, would "rather be right than President" -who throw tint prlxe away rather than fail In tho nlightcnt tic (froo iu tho perforinuiico of bin duty thin in the norl of mun that the American jwople havo tlefoated for their chief ex ecutive. ItKrtinucANk are claiming tho next Hotino of Kcprceentativcn, but-ao far no detallod ruturnn Juntifying the claim lutvo been giveurThoro will bo a number of clone tlintrictn, and if tho ItepubllcanH have a majority, they will of cotime count out all tho Democrats they chooae, who have only nmall majorlUan, Already they aro threatening Carlinlo, nndtrivrntlng preloxtn to unscct him. llakor, of II linoin, who two yearn ago beat Morrinou, iu in turn defeated thin year, hut u lie publican majority may neat Idm. What a farce, a fraud, a failure, u nlmtnc and dingrace to protended intelli gent and civilized attemptn at law-making and "govonimcnt" tho BHnennmont and taxation lawn aro, may be guennetl to nomo little oxtent by tho lint of 'inouted men" jiubllnlusl to-day. Where ono man worth over .W00 payntaxen thereon, teu emapo. An a rule the poor pay tho taxen. Hut then thoy like it, no no one need complain. Tiuclaxt numlier of our cnteemed and cntcrprlnlng contemKrary, Ute Onter ville Homo l'renn, which reached thia office Saturday evening, had not yet fount! out, or If it' had, kept the newa to itaelf, who waa elected lVenldent, or what wan the vote in Oregou or Umatilla county, or anyllilng aljout tho election. Hut nuch little maltem ran ncarcely ex pect notk-e in no great a newnpaper. Ik .lom.rn precinct, Wallowa county, the Kepublican vote waa 34 lean than lant June. In the county the Kopubllcanl vote wan 132 lean than laat June, and the Democratic vote 109 leM, u total dccrcaie In tho county of 241 vote. Ute Repub lican majority in June waa 154, In Kovctn Iwr l!tl ; Republican lonn, 23. Ik avTt'axn mblinhed recently, Itne county wan by miatake ere tlitetl with 100 majority for Cleveland. It gave a major ity of 230 for Harrlnou. Iu linker county theltepublican pluiality in about W); in Wanco county 600. Mnlheur county given Clovelund a plurality of 11, and 13 voten for Fink. Tub Portland Nowh romarknt "The Orcgoninn, with a nurprinlng amount of egtitinm, clnlmn all tho credit for tho largo Itopublican majoriticn iu the North went. Tho fact in, tho p:ier han lenn iu. Iluenco edttorlallv than thn ninnlleHttlally lit tho State." MMV TO-DAY. WM. GARDNER & CO., 3303ST'r.r J()KG-J5T THE iWirj aad hwa 3 U P E R I O m MHiitifiwlurfr" ! Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, ' KOIillWKt.MNWOIll'ltm.tOlltttr.l)IX( SiHf'int'rftlxini uua t-nllmiile-. fiirnUlml for ' heHtlni; liiilltllttKn in nny unction or tne rutin trj. L'orroiiileti.'' oltolleil. 1 31 TLJIBr 6TBCCT i office Portland. Orogon. lu.s iHiestand, Warner & Co. Kcho, Oregon. URAi.cnn in T OHT, KKWAHD. Ronton Hrltl.v,NoTembermh,L-Jtf,lttwffn renitieturi ami t-noi hock, a nm "i rn", . containing about tmriy-nvryarun Tiiennuer rill lx II t-reliv rewarai-n ny iraviitK mr Gen. Merchandise 1 v-r l-Mi?. 1 6iuvt)o diiu nanges n.runwlth Jrti-e,ulllni.l,eDillrton,or by In form inx inetimiemictieii. It. It. KKt.tiKV. ntiltlm Alhu.Or. PendletoD Roller Mills Flour. 1 81 ORA O K rtttH FOR WA RIUNG VAVtVAL ... 1 Eitaillihtain Portlaa la 1877. Uflt paid III tltvfiill. M..II41tV Imw pil.i n Wa-nlDTort Tar . ,7W twt.aoo UraJo, wool, etc., inveKl from Uiui nf de livery toenttntry warehooia or riUroad until oll Iu rnrUarKlorriau KraueUvo, Irnludlut; rttlu In trai-ill from ram to temer, while an wbarvr. rtv. HKItllKlCl'KttUIKIt, MaOMtr, 87 Htark HI., l-ortland. CutrroM A Ja'(o, Aetata. aepUIUm KentUeloB, (HafiMi. JOS. BASLER, IMalar In If aw sail aWoaa-haan Furniture Awl Household Goods An4 atanHfat-tiuer o( Tinware, Copper ware and Sheet-Iran! tf Every Description. j Tin Roofing a Specialty BUY- whn in ncinl ot'u No. J Cooking Stove, m they w The Best by All OddJ Our tf?contl Invoice of Notes and Receipts FROM FIRST HANDS. Ijtrf(i Stock ! front frr-MM, ttt Low Flftitret, The Latest Forms In palorlook. We Ihi hen $2000 Stick if Ufil Hanks IncludiiiK Circuit and County Court, Probate and County Court, Juntice'ri Court, Iteal KrUte, MUcellaue oim and Land Wtnk. SmI fw SMfltt Hi Pricis. EAST 0RE60NUI PUB CO.. leudltot, Oreton, Cows For Sale ! HEATING STOVES jnrn cxpoctCHi diiily, itntl aris tho liiicst, lot tiver duipliT? J r4itiri ;i ii'guii. Prices that Dely Competitic Taylor, Jones & Co, Oourt Street, Pendleton. Hire ttt a trial. APPLY TO Marshall & Dickson Tin: tiolltlotll j!UtHfi)M now predict tlult . r Ur llluiutt ill not litko u jilacti in llurrlHon'a ; W UKpUjpiclKerS, Onlihiot. lull tlmt Khormun will Im mu.lo crJuaiu anj Water flu., Soo.ctttry of Hutu, mid ..LttMy nrnrr , PondletcSn. ' - - Oregon Millttr .N'fivtury of tho Imwry. John1 1 1 Swift iintl M. II. DoYoiliiL'iiro Httokt'ii !. V" lnrt or llficktanA . ii.KLniiii miiiiiiki nun itir. of for IVwtiimrttrr-denonil, nml IihoKh nnnle loonier. Is m i, tint proKnoMifatloiiK i.-uttlinir i talil,' . tho now Ctiliinot, it it ivrocnizi'il tlmt no momlior of it will oouio from ninth of Mitxou ami Dixon's lint. For tho nox fitur yoitrn tho Smith will m tri'iitoil us a lutetllo l-Sllllltiy. NEAGLE BROS.; B LACKSMITH S eencll.ton. Oregon. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. ' A.. HTB A T.PJ Y -AMD- W.D.Hansford & Go. IXwIera In Hardware aniL Tinware PUMP8 AND PIPS. PLUMBINC Promptly Don. MAIN STKMRT, rKNULKTON. A .linre or I bit pnblle (Wlmunfe U tollnhetl mrliMliw Villard Honsfi." KALOON8. nriLUAM nomuni. TV IBa Oily anrnnr, DM I dlatoa.Orataa, . aJlarMaraMk aa prwaiBtj atrraraa. AiRNOLD HCIIMnW. I A. oi imm uaiaeiiia i n of aad wlioleaal aad ftlall i bar by UtaflBaa,botalBUaa,ki TrrltsaaaMir 7a aoilraMIt, XJ theHiarrValnoo. Hbc14,Ii uigara, j-eaoiemi beer a i eenUasle-x. win-LartStba eJnltr. Hiu)ieH.ivpo"li0rli T7IIKI . KKWI'KR. PRO lilTOtC T Kle ' nt neer Hall, Utl-ieM l-t-t'.ulP, l'pi4leiiu. l'B4I"i dr- ifU , tl l'.(Hrfv Kt rll I.e.' lilNI.,1. h aa t HA HB-RW frat-rlrtar It'' K.Nr. I ii iiliol, IV'I'O. I'Mlil'ltliK nt tlt.M ttll.l.a I Tet NoilhweAl Corner ilalti anil Cotirt MlrreU I tir.fl. ' t e Wltitx. lJuuotii ' Klejc til lniii'h- wrrej lotxtmu. ruoDuWSQa, OBKiON. : ,.,iIMKNnKh. , , I ..r.i.. (iiubitnit Hall. Wataa . i-Htte iV r itouke. "r t.'lot iin r"u'ir W ' CENTRALLY LOCATED'1 MIKCKLUNKOUS. Kt!-ooiied, Uo-liuniHliiid Equipped in Kirst GIjiks St vie itnti .1 ' .'-''JAJ""Tf;."if S r . noierr ' uwic. .-vHv Uollet-fnv M-liiltr. rlliw celved, tnd mtnl pronrt taiea i rate. , IOII I'lttNTlNO OANBBHADJ :.l kiLM 'll.rAjlmM.iM tiffle t PtW I irlll iipiva tli.. nre i-heiMT la1 t ; any oilier pilnUntr lioue In liiltilntr .ilonn li the i iiimii inHniivr. wokoiih, Ittics.o RnnT niAtriioAi. r. I.I .FirstMional Bank Muln unit WetibSlreoU, Kaxtt-rit JIndn Uuoim anil KIioi-h in MtorU. IVrrel nt (InitriiiiteiMl. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR 1 MEM. COMMERCIAL T i:AI, M.ANK8. Mom- thrill two humtrea t oiunnn tv tine miw. -jij j uomlliitne'ial fonnen t rfe-' h ree Couch to ami tVom Trains, i i?sniAV anijjaia . - ..imui Mirsvr.tv4 t-nvi-r Hint hy t-xprmllnr; H IJJ III IH l-IAHT IMfOOHIAe. Tut: California ('oiniitiioniil iK'lt'pt- tkm will Uioiiually tliviilcd jKjlitiu.tll.v if tlittao iileutml aro allowt'd to take tlmir , hvHh (i IVmoi'mtlu gain of tnio. A I'r.NDi.KinN fonviHinilont of tho Or. OKoulrtii wnntH a "l5iiimnu t'otirt Com-! million" oriMtoil. to tiHiint thu Sunrtimo1 Court In thtiir laliorx. What imu ho thu imittur with AiimmaY i Jjlg Tho iVnnofmttt utrrit'il it hy alxnit :t,UOt), I oliHitins Mink Smith IVU-itattt to Cun KlVNt. ttf I'rMil.KTlIN--l.KVY AN'UMNY, 1'rei.lileiii JACtllt l Vire IT. i-l.ent. H.M I. sri IIUls, ( ..mIii.t. I . II W l)l , A-klM'iut I tuliu-r. Commercial " !! fi t . M Transact a Gonoral Banking Business My, lm m m mm Fair at Pendleton! evi'ry time. Exchange on All Paris of the World Bought and Sold. L'oll"i't!oiiN made ut nil Hiliiimin rtUMiimlile ' tlTIII. w s, Pendleton Holler Mills, (Cut ni'ity 'm ImiiimU i i .l.iy ) BYERS & CO. Proprietors., VnitlPloi,,t)rrc'i., Miilinfxc lirn i.l ilrahuni, iii"I.Ur.l nml Miir-cUlug h'loui I'hhIi Ulii'l' I'l-u-e .jilil i oT t.ralo. Vi:t Viihiisia irt Mill "tltmhtful," hut ltciiiihlic.insaio cl.ilmiut a tilurality of votes for Harrison. Thoy claim Vir UikIi-.i Kluia. i Kloiif, lo.'iil ,'Iiop, ftnl fie. uUii). i, liaiul, A iikwv Know Htorm iiivvuiledthruni;h t . Ktuttorn Kaain and Wtwtern MiHAniriimi n i i x l,tt Fildav, doing much dama. tThft FreDCll ROStaiiraM J. 0. KEENEY L CO., Props. Put up your animals and your money at this stand. Thoro la no bottor In town. Our patrons and frionds will bo woll troatocj. i COM K TO HKh UH, KINDS Or Itlo.s KOIt lUItl-THK KIXKST TUII.S' Ol'Trt IN TOWN. i,- mi J. B. KEENEY it Co.. PROPR A llriinl T- n. ( rmr will lalcr plm i jil UA(HfiN'S XICr HOTEL1 on Tnevla. , V .In Mluy unit T1iiim.Iii Thn 20lli, 21st and 22d ol llovemlist.!, Money to Loan , lK.raw Bnv- Ai)ily l' THE BOWMAN HOUSE . iioriou, lroirlrtor. Ka.u WorK ;.t. ii-rj .nrttlon, iti.lii.linc ."r"1!' V'." '""I num. twr .Utiulilo htndly .In. n tl hv iwr.lrk In IMltitltloiiAMII tif i!I.omM nf by uliinu'os. A Large Doll! iein't'iitlni httlotlrt'wiil In white xutln. itixl tin- Wheel of Fortune will t). very allnictlvo teattiriw. . ..... a. I Bucks for am AilmmUirBlur o( Wll Um lto. mo "TfTji t tlurim; Hit iif ''frrSuJ. tl' rt-venlly owne.1 uv f" "rrr lioitiK '2000 'I'hni'tiuuhbrtd j aiv i I Alba, Orei,foii,anari ROBERT BOND ' rr'd erbr 1'"-i"'-' " jMlnrtlrrt Oppo.ltc Court Home.- l)KAl:il IN Klnl-cla. In nil of Ita pnolnlmeuu. The BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED HEATS, LARD. Court Htrt, nppoll J. M. BhowaAf. Ktrttclak! In nil of Ita pnolntmruta. tblt- urtnupplletl wlifi the bvtt the marivt airoru. OHi Oil u4 NlfM. VWklU Ubor la beta U UUlag rooa a4 hltosM. Mala an.! n.illroa.i t.. IVn.lleton. Ore, A Hne S,uPPer wi " "rved every evening 'iTuViuJrueTlVtll iWi5E2 t ... Ktuy lernia will I ,i!!"M every fMHt. Near the de pot anil Iim. every convenience. Ternuilu lyllti.w ay. DUTCH HENRY, The "W ood Man DUTCH HENRY THE FD MAN. mtUHTun THE OPERA SALOON. M. BRENNER, Prop. COUIITKTKEKT . . I'KNOI.KTON Next door to Prater1 Opera Uoit. The I Hrauda irf Wlnea, !jnUOr aoit Cfiarn. StRdwiolMc of All Kinds. WK1NUAKDTS BKJ0R I neaduy, unil mt tne Ntoi'H irii'iv KorpitrllciilaraotW U. U. ll"' niMM UflH-tY t . w - The Tru' iTCMii Then rEN ULKTON