m H: (glSfr Estes & Guilds, KATPUIM Y, NOVUM IlKIt '.' IH8H. I'orttnml "World" I'araKrMpli. A Kulwcrlbor wUIich iih to (,'lvo public ity to IiIm iiollllciil prcilletloim iw folluwH! nouiocnitfo pluralities Nmv VoiU, I.V 000; Now Jcreev, -l.fKM); Counwlluiit, 1,'JOO; Indiana, il.r.Oi); raHfornla, 800. ttapupUcun plurulltli'H: Orison, ;j,00i); IIHik.Ih, 2,600 f MirliiKiiH, 1,000; Iown, 2,001); WIhcoiihIii, -l,(Hl. IIHiioIm (,'ov omor, Democratic; una" lew. Until 800 of i difference liolweun Cleveland unit Hill In Nuw York. Docunny Intelligent Itcpnbliraii iiclu ully In'lluvu thut u lIurrlHuii iuliiilnlntra tlon wllli Hiicli udvlwrw hh llliiint!, Hit intiiiM, AlKur, Dorkoy and Klklim would Iki unclean and economical usClnvcIunil'H administration law been" No wonder WeHtern ralliouil eorK)ra tloiiM and otliur illegal laud nrabborn are opiHjxod to Cleveland, wlio.se admin iHlratlon Iiiim roMHicd UiO.OOO.OiKI itorcr) of laud from tliuir clutcln;, and restored It to the line of actual wittluix. Ilarrlmm lion a lare and iinilroken re cord In favor of Hie (,'liliiefc, wlilcli can not bo denied. Cleveland hI lined the KxcIuhIoii bill which the S. 1. tinronlulu admitted ho had originated. Which HiiltH tit h count the tatter? iron onterri largely Into urllclim of 'every day nun, ki'ltk'H.Htoven, iiIowh, farm machinery and building. Kvory year the twsopfo of thu 1'iilled .States pay on jilg iron alono a tax of $ 15.000.000 which glocM Into tin) poi'kctH of a few million a rcH. Propilctom o tin.' vi ty Ltnmr fkkd p sale, STA IILE. Bnlod Hay and Grain. , Hjiletiillit lima, Mingle or llniilitf, ami 1 middle Home nltvuyM on linnit. Hornet, lionrdeil by the day. , Wci U or Month. ' All Kind of Feed For Hutir, In Hnmllor , CHARGES REASONABLE ! , MAGLE"BR01:"": BLACKSMITHS Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS Tim UntGHi mid tnftl complete tock of Drugs Medicines ! Wagoumakers, i 1 Corner Mnln unit Water fli., jpondloton. - - Oregon Alt kind of IWnckaiiilllilnv.ilnuo In the ' bent mid prompt manner. Wmkoiu., ntiKK.c j nml ImckK made In order. Jlcpalrlua a Specialty. I'm denial attention to hone hIiih-Idk lit CENTRAL Liver;, Feei and Sals Stable! I opptmUi! Couil llou.e, ! main vntuirr - walla ii.i.a . FlrM-cluci nccoininoiliillon Kunruulceil In everybody. A Hut1 lot of livery rig nml the hel of liny nml Bruin uiwuy on ii it mi . romoiiuil me me, nvcryhialy, unit ho well Iron'ril, ixiiHiIni KOIIKIIT Klltll. I'rop. r.loprd With Another .Mn. Thero wan to havo I teen a pleiiHaut little weddltii: at a boniillut! Iioiico In Chicago on WodncHilay. MIkm IMitli cnt, (laugh lur nf tint liiinlliiilc. whm to bocoiiiii the ' wife of a vw-aithy yoi.n buhiuuHrt mini uf i Horses Bought and Sold Omaha, William Denny, but when the hour fur the ceriunonv arrived ,MIhh I'Mltli . icuLi .luul.i.v 11 ii'iiu uiiliun.iiintifli limrmtil that uliu had cloix'il w 11 li ItoU'it limor citx, a clerk In tdo cumlny of II. (I. Dun t: Co., who wart a lioartler in .Mrn. Went'H huime. It wiih then miimjxciI (hat they hud left thu city, but the young couple wan I'ccn on the ntieclrt yectcnlay, and Lainoreux Irt hIIII iittmnllng to IiIh ilutlcH. iiu niiix'K wun u re:ni himj in ni!i 'ui -i ciitti and to thu oxectaiit groom. .Mm. I Went fcelrt the dlcgriict) keenly, and nlie H.tld to-day, "It wan 'ho work of a rtcntin ilrol and that Irt all I wIhIi to nay uIkuiI It." .Mr, Denny, who lout a wife befoto lie got her, wuh ho very much upnet that lie left for home. CHEMICALS. Toilet & Fancy Articles InEastorn Orogon. GIVE US A CALL. Despaln Block - Pendleton. iFyou want the earth TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Cut Rates; Walnuts for Sale. I liuvn One lliiuilrcil IIiikIioIn of lllnc It Wal nut Mr Mile at Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Tim North American Continent. 1L Larue 1'aircH and 81 I-onir Columns. One Dollar per Bushel i a POPULAR NOVEL Grain Bags and Twine for Sale Km elt eil nml ili'llvcrnl on tumiil euro. Homl I iinlero to Geo. M. Settlemier, (lervalrt ... Oregon. Write liiitiin nml inlilrc-n pliilnlj. ik-:m Iiu T. F. ROURKE,ijames Crawford, Grain and Commission Merchant. .Mmiiifiirtiiri'r of nml ;iini r In Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Etc., Tonts and Wagon Shoots for Salo A V BUDUOOK PJilCIiS. Oilil KuIIiiwh' HiiIIiIIiik, JtuliiHlrnst. Ju'.'l JOS. BASLER, ' Dculi r In Nr w ninl Hvo.inii.liiina iFurniture Alt kliulN of xrntii ninl nthrr pioiliirc IhiiivIiI unit unlit. Ample nml I'liiiilniNlliiiHuuro liinnii'it. (IiiimI. nml priMlui'o of nil Idiuli Btnrivl nt ri iixmulile r;iU. Hnva now on limuli iiiiinlliv of ia3iai;i:i wiiKAr. uihiiI for lion, I'liirkrn .mil ImiM- fi'e.l, fur na Kiel mi p. DKKICi: AT WAltKItOl'SK. Sf.Alt HUPOT, I'KN III.KTON, ll KUOS. WATSON & ANDERSON -lir.Al.lMIH IN General Merohandise, Adams, Oregon. AiPl Household Goods I Ami niniiufiii'iuror f I I inwaro, Copporwnre and Sheet-Iron of Evory Description. Tin Roofing-a Specialty l'lllillnlii-il In mill kIm'U with ouch lit no or III!) VCOKIVt'dlllim. I IIKIIIIIIIIS ail.. I, mill viiiii llllllliu llirir I ........ '..I.a ll...Bl.l .alfl ..l.il h.1,1. nmili Ika... .. Mil.JI, III" lliillii mil I'iiiii ..,.. .-.. ....-.. ii .. romplcli' novel hy a popular nutlior. Aiuoiitf I lie wilier, win nni Wnlicr lli'unl, Tlip:r)uclirh, WIIUH-follliiK, Mrn. Alf xmnlir, Itnlil. Ilili'liunmi, .lolili H. WIlHrr, II. It Hlnvoliwin, , 1 1 o 1 1 r' Wood, II 1, 1'iirji'on, M. K. Ilraililiiu. TliimiiiK lliinly. Kloreiioo Wnnlon, .IiiIIhii llnwlhiirno, Mary Cecil liny I' W. Itolilnmui, llfillui .M. Clay, Kiulti- (lalinrlmi, Aiinlo l''.ilwurUH, .lulm Verne, ,HIuk1h lMiirJ, Win. lllnek, '.(' Phillip.. Tlii'Mi niivi'U ulll ho tho hitctit works of tin ln-.l wrllen. hh they are inililliilied th" honkK wiiloli overvono l iHlklim nlimil. Nothlnir nit. ilio vrry hmt will ho mliiiltleil Into llio Worlil'H Htnu 'iinl l.lhrary or llcilnn. ThU l.lhniryof I'lcllou Will He Mupjilleil to Hu'iicrlhor. Only. No IUIiii CdpIi-h Will Ho 1'rlnteil. No lin k Ntlinlior 'un llo Knrnllied nml No ItiUlo CoplDK Wilt hHHnhl. If You Wlali tho Hi rle Coniplilo, HUHSCHIHK ATON'CK. Uiif Vnir (VJ uniiibim), $1; il Month (tf uiimU'r),fni,.i 3 Month U'l uuuihorHi Vtv. Aildri'Kk THE WORLD, Now York. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN ! Tlic.v do Imppen every iluy, unit when one Impi'f n to you. you will wlh thut you were himirod In the TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. Till' 7 invw.KrtH' reiioniTen nr Miltlelrnt to diiv nt mini tho iiut iiiiiniiou iimm of I ehilnix lleil even ureal railroad nml uleum- lMHt m'oniiiuiH mil nriuir iiihui it. t'ny nil ciaiiiiH, mmiiiiiii iimcouat iinnieuiiitoiy upon receipt of H.ll.fm lory inifN Noli KurfBlluru pnivMonx In nil IN polleli-M, (I've n a tilnt- Headstones, Monuments B. F. 8EALE, Marble and Stone , Sell 01 Trade, i -"" '- Contractor. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. I'AIH I'OI.K'Y JlOI.IK1tM,NI.C,iiii, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agent Kum UrrDiilnn liulldlii. Pondleon, or. For ilelj;ii mnl prke. cunmll ,li .o l-'iil. IliK, Main ktreel, IVndlctou, lUtlmitle Klven on ttonu work. fe;i Bucks for Sale! 7w , The ui.iUil;iH'il will l 1 or liuile fori AlTf. i A Fine Half-Bred Percfieron Stallion' rout a Couif t ninl I'miiulhiu niunv Kliilit yriiM old, Helulii liH") ikxiiiiIh, well Mriiii'il mid well hiMko. Ucntlvuud eiuy tti hmidli'. . Host Foal-Guttor in tho Couutv Addr Ur.O l. t-KKIII.F.K, Peudlvtoii, Ort'voli, Or cull at runjli In Slime 1'nnjiiu, m-jatv I liuvn a tot of riinlre ThorouBhtireil redlurerd Hinnlli .tlerlno HnekM fur nile (mm ew. tin relinked ( llio celelirMli-l htrouliili'Ko Flock of California. Purlieu tvUhlUk' to hmk al them rail at Jumex lit p. iiev'4 rmieh tu Omnia I'ralrle. !iuJI 'J,m N KWMAN II. COTOIKM C.t..l I TO U4TI. tkftAIM Ml Wl ur4i;ru trutCUsktlCi. . CtMlnutlJ Ohio. I Die O b ttvil unlvN al Ml.fsctlun In lbs euro nt (inuorrtxr nj l()U'it, Iprraetlbcltand f et Ml lu recouimtn4 lof It tu all u(Tcrtra. ,i.J. NTOXI.R, M.D., D...lur, III. i'mcn,m.oo. K.J4 by Urugglttt. UexerA Kuehler, AkviiU, IVndleton, Or. Ol ."rUKWAttH. 5.VJ.... I iiiHrti bruiittetf J K iconnertetl) ou rlk'tit Honry Kopottko& Co., DKAI.KK IN JlAY, aJiAlX, HOOD AXD C OA I,, WKtl'.l HTIIKI. I I'KNM.KTON MHVCBTICCDC !h.mSUtiwMn ADIbHIIOCnO Mpp,vl)UiiMhnut4 cn KwtUm tpw vtrt In CMUJ, Mill Imil It OMiK M 4 U49 nwlpk St, Sheep for Sale! In Numbers to Suit Purchasers, from 1000 to 12,000. Can bo Seen nt liltzt'llle, 11'. T. Write tnoi-fiuiulrunf IE. & Lj. Reit h, ocltiilw lVndlftini, Oregon. .v ,.... t n-.il till .IKIII I 'er. weight ahiillt UVti pouiida, Ijikt i en at th heml of Itutvr ('rook. The un. dernluuetl will pay l. rewnnl (nr ihe return of mild milliiul.or liifnrniallon lendlnirtii III. recovery. AUUI'ST KTANUIKIt, oclUliu I'tfiulleton, Or. T OST-W UKWAHU -j - For Ihe recovery o(ono Imy lllluy, two 51 an old, brundeil J lilt (eonneettsO on left nfioul iter. JOHN HANK, oolttliu Pendleton, Or. JOST-JIO HKWAttP. ' " One bay in.ire, (our vrum old, branded W on led ulioulder, unit .carted 011 breu.l by w hi. iniiri ii.,, i.uu muy miiri', iiiuo yeaM old.hruiiiloil Jim 'a Harp 0:1 lett hip und T 011 rUlil klioulilrr. Addre ) iH-lilumw U. U WAUD, Kchn, nr. DUTCH HENRY. The Truck Mail DUTCH HENRY, . The Transfer Man, rrn - oriCK Notice Ik hereby Klven thnt on und urtir Nnveiubor I. I8.vi, 1 wilt do butlne-n on 11 ktrletly ciuli ouaU. Alt peroiu tudrbtnl to me nru tiercby notlrtfit I lint they mutt call and veil In byjntiuury I. lKSJ.or oastj will ba lidded. Alt persona hohlluic bill, nculmt mB will pleao urxvieut them when due, when they will t paid. JOHN 8YI.VFjTK, ocl2lmw Pilot Hock, dr. m m H O c o 0 o pi I 4 o m O O 0 TickelsTt,&aJ Elegant Pullman Kmlvmnt Utm.i.... aiHlOl H OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AH Kreeofel.arvoamlwni,,, Clone connection, at IDri!nad Jj cl.co and PutltSi", W KfUlt twitlttrl nn Kail lmlm.1 .V-T:"".""",! parUut OTii. m. ,",m,,'M Went bound pMnenm .h!. Wt hound fewKlMSJ Daruni4iir.n. m "'mrniuu Walls Wall mm ... leaven at 6:00 a. m. for ifSuJ riven at 7.35 p. rn. from WalUw J a a nan rranciato, j, a HtuU.,Auutt (;lntnbliJ OreBon, Alif u.t 11 WJTi" Htatc, AUguitig ColniljT ColUlllllla. Allirn.l ,w"."7i OrCKOii.Auiu.Tjl ISIFlS Coluinbla.Hepil nVSSTL! ureiron.Beptft suw.iil wave aieamirilpwliarf,! r L.cuvQ Mpear HU wliarf.Siayr, llatM of rauafi iiinumni mutnnjt unoin, .... Htcvniee, . , IlounifTrlp, UnllmlUil, . For further parllcuUn lnnoln A. L. Mk4 nil Oeneral Slnnttr. II. K. HIHUt.l IVtlJlKflJ Great Rock -Al ALBEET LEA HO Tim direct and popular Hm I with tho Northern Pull. I from HI. Paul and MlnuMportl To :blrazo nnd the KaM. ToHt.Louli.aait then To lleM Dolara, Un AtenUtnaaO J. iiu uiuy ajiiiu MtetNi at Council IllufTr, LeveaU i Cltv for ciik;aj axb ml rem Pullman Palace 81 Palace Dining 1 Accompany all tlimucli Kip) una iioiur. Tlckoia (or nale by all twth and connection! lane id tw irnvfnll Ififiirtnatlou etc, apply to any fP j c 11, or nnniierii pun kH, or to li1 CHAM. KRSII8BV,- No. .1 Wmhlnnton M, . 1 iif ntifinL r. .i. iiui.il. .yy.-. . . Gen. TkUimil I'ma.AltC. y Clilcm:otIII. . . Ocn. T. au J P.. At. J AnK GREAT OVERLAND I THF NnrthRrn Pli( "'U TIIE ONhV USE RC5 .... ..... r.t Ami I II 111 iwi From . . ... I UlMMaaJ via nr. mui "' r-i J ,,,,9roeiur.;aJ -wj::ii.aHf To Hloux Cliy. CoBBdlW AtcblKon. WyJJ'SLow.l UurllngUn,OulnW-l31 caul .inpi.i ;-mi niiiui"""-- M g . Arp.h.ule4onnrU.;;r-J Tllinv -- Jtallroml, . u.tai Ijave Walloiajo--7a luvo Portland fc',Sl ipoun r m.. - 1 I Mlnneapoi" or " -(ourlhday. Connection .tVTSiihti OIK 10 mi yui ".,. 1 Tra u will l'?.! h. i Jtfl m., connecttntwIMi 0. all polnu on m ?n.ctd Notary Ml In Pendl FOR ONLY FIVE I Tim Miii&l vrtet t 1 w - " VM I prtle-l,tnIorll', ..irak6al.Jrr0PW (rom IB.W to End mhWd W LORD It THOMAS I WKRH STHKKT 1'KNOt.KTON