East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 11, 1888, Image 1

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The East Oregonian.
Noway, but not sensational;
Fresh, but not coarse;
Liberal, but not wicked.
Itilla co-i 'y "" i""
office scrlnlton, Advcr-
. t. ... Annntint.
NO. 190.
Ull. T. X. MOTPif KciiKrAHi.
L i jiIi Ft ilnj'K or phch iuimiwi, m ,;
fc. J. P. HtJIIKK,H. CI.U1TO!,
in... . .iiiH.' Mil. H.I. A. V. .V A.M.
RZ' o'.i.l f. ril. Mi l,
kr nf h minim, 'i""
Fuv U.'W K. l'OTWINK, HCI!flliry,
tni.tniN I.OllOB NO. M, A. K. A A.M.
,ttlu the Mn.onto Tempi "nil?
End third MOiiuaj. m "i "'
flOCl. T. J. MIUIiHiB, r. .., i. nif
m.Bwretarir. 1
I i r.nnOK NO. 114. X. O. U. W. Meet, t
Krr Tiiurndny nltttit at tlio Knglna
f "'u:u o'clock. J. 0. I.kakUUK. M.
fi'.TCMTJK, Iteconlw L.
F.KAbOiKIKNO..T.'. I. (I. O. P. Meets
ry Mtlirunr eTflllllK ill liwirjiw.
M. U ilwiiirour-k.N. p.
Rothchild t Bean
1 1. M'fW on mo .oconu unn iai
bin "I esn nmniri, iu cjuotiock
bVKiiMOliK, O. K. K. HltAltn.v,Hcrlb(
fJ.NK Ill'IIKOU I.01HJK No. IS, I. O.
p. MntH Hit) flrnt nrni third Thtirii-
touch nionin.
hunvv I.OIH1K NO. 21. It. OI I.
LrlnltiOdd Fallows' Hull I'VHryTuc-
krr.1nic nl ryiuo-niocK. .i..;. i.kakuiik,
Kj.WlllTAKKlt.lt. of It.Htld H.
ION WWK NO. 1. K. OK K ".Meets In
'. . ...n..- It. .11 ........ Va.I.u. .1.. I
till TfllU" mm i-uiirruiij '
"lrt nlnlnnlf. 1 . t 1 lit V It V A It . I I
KaAitriKM), K.of ii. una h.
miaiinon rasr, o. a. it., nt
ki'kkluvfM Ifnll nvnrv Thlircilnv rtlrrltK
arn.Ki Cuituimiulert J. H. Uoukn,
IfjKllAW. Knuum lMnml III, Amoclu-
Of K, I'I'lllll.'lUII, wrruuii.
Ijiw. OM'.re Itoom No. II, Arkouln.
Ift, remllcUui, Orceoii.
Uw. )iilio IUhhih I, 'J, 3 and 4 An
mlllock, I'enJIcton, Urfyoii.
Uw. Ilix'ini No. S mid 0, Aimocln.
Ixk, l'nJlelini, Ort'Kon.
liLIre: Mntti Hlrvcl, in Tlioiniwin-
kri liullUlnic, over llie lMnt-Olllc.
over Unil Nailonul ll.nli, I'rn.
. uirx'iu.
I uniervmc, urOBOii. will t'niniU'f
lrt or Orcjsun uml ViiMiliik'ton. ( ol-
prompiiyniiemica o.
mw. luKiiiin anna ni ma vr-mi irn-
' Mill'JIni.'. cornnruf Minn unil Webh
IftuJIclon, Oii'Kon.
IVmllclnii. Ori'uiiii. Hihjiiii M nnd
lUilcm llloek.
Is4 Tfaelier of Clirlmlnn Kolcnci'.
Mlttnlion kIvcii to rlieiuuntliim vuil
b flUMMIl. .An.lllllllll.tl fl 111 1
Iiluo lum of ocli mimth. Ortliv
ii. .u-nnu nmir or i-:um urt-gimiun
ft, lVnJlrloii, Oregon.
'lino, In Irvine' ilniK more,
.rtm. Kmcfi over .Mooriioiuo a
vw tiorr. turni'r of Jnhiiton ami
lirrttt. l'eiiillptiin. Urenan
. y.KIVl f l, nvl?lnL tivwlt
lrt,t nuir Court lr''fU Itpiililenre
Cwcuniieclcil hy tpilione with VII
,L Kkllll.l H,lnnllnn dv.n 1 1 IliM
V f Komi-n unci vlillilrvn. .
L BPATIIf hPVTfun ito a tnirv
Mlerrtl l)fHrf.l(iiiti UIpuaI InTtinmn.
luUmildlut'. l'vndlotoii, 6rtu'ou.
......I. .
E.l.A"r"? i-UNTitAirtuii Ann
PQUder. IVlliltAti.i l,N..nn nin.l.u
flilty. KullruHti-n furnlihedon
lllil'lilU II A llllb'M'PVI, A MP
lalldrr. I .,..., . ...l.i.n
CoiitnaTlionipMu ulrreU, IVmlln.
iwfyonlfni rollcllea nnd promptty
lon iinker. AlmandatuxlenHti..
4D.(lri,.itn n...L'.n.ltl. un.M, all
l1 'tl bt pomlble manner, Hiid on
IT1: "" i uriicumr mienuon iit-
1 .1." .iniein, l'euuicion, urreon.
Uwfnutrvct. near Court utieeu
rfttrDUhfd on nhort ntoe. Order.
Is'mnnta.m. ...mi . ... & .a
IfUra i ' 1,1 f"''0 prompi Hutu.
r.MuuK h specially.
h?i ' ,,f.V',otlt Clironomeler Sta
Si5 "V. ""itttove bmnchei. All work
rr i,nm'e nt HrlkK'i "Id .tand, Main
""ndUum, Oreeon.
Main and Alta Sts.
News !
Tlx Srrx-,,W"el3Lly
Bast Oregonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Only 75 Cents.
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
k5duPuat. KTONK and BIIIOK
fjJJ' "wuieion, Oregon. Tomu-
kiioi. ni.r.l'i'SS" V."51RS ri'.'J
2kvforlt iecuted reaonably, Hol
L "c-i'.'kji paniuoui.
A Large Stock of New Furniture
and Household Goods
At Shulze's Store
Main Street, Pendleton. t
Goods Sold on tbt Installment Plan on Easy Tims.
C. K. H003BVKLT.
1" ""'liNIAN offlci at price, that
rrfPrtotlnc hoiiM) In Ktrn Oregon
L?JU. Pendleton, Orecon. Kred.r-
lgjon araugbu Kino Wlne, LW-
I rVniulV 1n' wine., liquor, and cl.
W"hart' bottledler a .pe-
R. T. R. CO.
Go an d see their new style Photos
"The Russian."
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc.
R. T. R. Co.,
Photographers. Pendleton. Oregon.
SuocMMors to J. A. rlggs.
Mr. nnd Mm. W. 11. Humblln, who wore
robbed In a Soiittlo liutul nut lon clncu.
Many 1'rnplK In t'ortlnlul 'Thr Waterway I l'rlcv In Ltwrponl, Ne.v York, ChlcuB
Coiireiitlim-lllacuiiliiK I'Imih for "an andNait Kruiielx o.
Opt'ii ltlver"-Oll.r.M.,tr..polltan Note..; LtVKIIl'OOI,, Oct. 11. Wheat uutet
i iiRTi.AM), ur.. uct. 10. YeHlenluy'8 1 uut Htciuiy j uuitiomm, hm.
UiMOAtio, uctober li. iho wiiput
uemyeu train brought in tlio lol'
lowing Kimturu Ort'Konluim : Juh. Craw
ford, William Holier, J. M. Harris,
H. A. Kzurd, K. K. rJharon, J. Wlioclun,
S. M. Stunton, (J. W. Huriier, II. 11.
Mart or, and ,Mib. JuuIch, tl Pendleton;
.l.J. iMcCord, .1. S. llonHlmw, J. W.
Howell. andT. J. Wiley, of lluker City:
J. O. ltluck, Union; Alrn. Miller utul
duuglitcr, W. J. Cull and wife, Mr. ami
Mm. W. S. Warren, T. McLuno. P. H.
Wllkenaon. A. Cramer, J. Martin J,
Lambert, K. U. Adcock, ItUrando; L.
Kdwardni Mr, nnd .Mra. David KcrtiH, K.
L. Kunnett amt lfo, Centurvlllo; A,
MeKcnxio, U. W. Young, J. E. Friek,
Mirt.' C. Collin, ArlliiKton.
Where all the visitors In tho city find
a jilueo to etoti in a niyKtory. jot jicoplo
koep comliiK by tho hundredB. Portland
oitKlit to huvo a urout many vlxltoro in
tlio city juHt now, how over, an there Ihu
Lreat ueal "Kolni; on" McchanlcM' Fair.
Waterway Convention, Fruit Growers'
Convention, and Grand I.odt?o of KtilhtH
ol l'vtntaH. an in iuii niuBt at once
ho fair
market oicned weak tliiti morning, but
innckly rullteu,anu cloned Fining at noon
Ortnlu.p tl.UU... N'iivimiiIht il.Mt... I),,
cember $1.13t7. Prices Ktilfenuif ugain
later, Ucioiior eloping ut ?i.uiJ4, isoveiu
bcr December tl.MS.
Nkw Youk, Oet. 11. The wheat mar
ket wiih not ho atrong yeMieriiay.
Tmnnactionit tu-dny wcro confined to De
cember, which cloned ntcaily ut I l.l.'l. In
tho afternoon priceH were: October $1.11,
ISovomber tl.V2. Dccomlcr ll.KOu.
San FitrtNfiHCo.Oct. ll.-lluyer tho year
1.J, buyer tlio houhoii f i.wi, XNovcmDor
fi.uo, iiccoinber vl.on.
Twenty Men llrnirnrd A Hl'aterOrrtlin
Newfoundland Cowit.
Nkw Youk. Oet. 11. The National
I.inontenniorO,ueen which arrived to-day,
collided with tho (tailing pchooncr Made
line olT tho Newfoundland coast, IuhI
Friday evening, during it fog, cutting the
nchooner in two. Twenty of tho
Fchoonur'H crew wcro drowned und four
10 lair contlnuoH to ilraw Iuruo
.. I.. MM ...i
thii-to tc,ut ,hat "hoSd" b i ?-m j''-ff 'S Mr
,. " ,, .,,,,..,. ,.f i,.,,,- i,., . i tiranviuo, franco, unu wai on l cr to-
SS in "tot t. ,ll,y fr U !.! voyAgo to Havre, after u muWul
Tl.n Wuti.rw.w- (.'..nvolilt,... uhlrl. in. 1 ,'HI",,K KCIlKOIl, W 1011 r lit (I0WI1 l)J IHO
nembled hero ycHtcrdiiy did little work of
iuiK)rtuuco. The rejiort of tho commit
tee on credential kIiowh that renroHenta
ttvuH uru ptcHent from Ahtoiia, Portland.
V ,, . 'Pin. II..IU., VI'.. II. II' .11 . 1 " '"-'I '"O l " limnill .'twinn'ii, i.u.i an ihu
KntHn .! ?.. ' i,.?h'.iii n u-'b u Hchuonornnnk Immediately on lieing cut
1'r.tnklin, Pacillc, OliehaliH and V akfu- J t., ...,1M ttllMMlltIn i !ivn fliom
kuui counticH, W. T. 'Iho following in ! '" two 11 WUH ""1,0HW""" tOKliN0 ,,,0,
culled from Mr. (ieorgo'H report i I Tin. orri-iMi i'r-bytiry.
"1 holiovo the Jetty ut tho mouth of the Sau:m. Oregon, Oct. 11. Tho Annual
Columbia has been extended a.&W) feet . PaHbytery of Oregon In-gan bed night in
Hinco the IiiHt rojiort. At thu Caneade , tlifn' city. Tlio oxorcieoH began with a
locks tlio balance of the money wus ox- 1 Mi-rmmi liv Itev. Thnmim llovd of Port-
Oiteen. Tho Cautulu, two mutes, and
cook of thu schooner were saved by the
()uecn'H boats, und landed hero yesterday.
The twenty men drowned were all below
wncn t no eoiiisston occuricii, und iih ino
IHindcd. Very little change Iiuh lieen
made in tho plans for this work.
"Tho convention is to bo congratu
lated on Oregon iccelving such a l.tnre
share of tho appropriations inado by tho
river unu naruor inn, unu i urn sum the
progress that will bo mudo on the irov
eminent works with this money will lie
very giutiiying."
Chairman Killln, of thu committeo an-
iioluted last year to estimate tho cost of
bulldiiik' a standard uauire railroad
around I ho dalles of tho Columbia, sub
mitted u report, of which the following
is un extract:
1 am of tho opinion that tlio road
could bo built und equipped with u
eapucity for carrying "l)0 tons ier day
for t'J.,000 or less; tills includes u pus
senior couch: thut tho nmd can Imi oisir-
uted for f 1,700 per month, if thu curs uru'
loaded ami iinioadoil liy steamliout
"As thero Is some uitcertaiiitv about
tho amouut and soua'es of funds which
tho Htuto will huvo at its dlsu)sal bv
Junuury next, 1 huvo deemed It prudent
to leavn tho drafting of u bill until the
lA'gisiutiito incuts." ,
lxitters from Congressmiin Itermann.
Sonutorti Dolnh und Mitchell, and (Sov-
ornors Pennoyer and Semplo, wcro read,
oxpressing deep regret ut their enablllty
to attoiui tlio convenuon.
.The following letter from Mai. W. A.
Jones, of tlio United Slutcs engineer
corps, was read :
1 lio noarii oi uirco oiucors oi engi
neers, created by mo river and narisir
bill to examine und report uion my pro-
out lorn Isiut railway ut ino ianos, ami
neldentallv to nxamino and roixirt uinin
any other method for oveicoming those
obatriietions, was appointed very
promptly alter tho passage m tlio Dill.
"Tho plans will bo coinjilutcd and laid
lieforo the boanl early in November. It
will meet iu Washington somu time dur
ing that month to consider them, ufter
which it will make up its report and re
commendations In time to Inj presented
to congress, probamy in tlio latter part ol
The board takes tho greatest Interest
In tho Columbia river improvement, and
is in full, uctlvo and Intelligent sympathy
with tlio people iu their desire for an
open river.
"In my jiidgmont tho prosjiccts for
un open river wore never so bright us
thov are to-day."
Iliiutlngton of Thu Dalles thought the
open river was a long way oil yet. nnd
favored taking every step that could bo
taken toward building a portugo rallw uy
urouml tho dalles, and thoimht it would
lie a L'ood investment on tlio part of the wi: W Hrown. Dallas. Texas
Stato, I IlnwMAN Hol'sk Miss Delia Deal,
Mr. Thomjisori introduced a resolution , pilot Uock, J K Iloyor, Dalles; Oil
looking to tfiut end, which was referred paync, Pendluton O H A N: FC Christy,
to the projier committeo. OltANj Henry Ackers, Pendleton; D
A few other minor matters were dis- Cameron, J no Millard, Wulla Walla;
posed of, and tho convention adjourned I y W IJorch, Han Fruneisco; .Ino Owings,
until ton o'clock to-day, at which hour i Kllensburg; Andrew Nelson,'!' I' Didon,
tho uiemlHirs assembled, but no business Wnlla Wulla O F Williamson, Weiser,
of Imiwrtantfl has been trarmacted up to I Idaho; Jas Huwku, IiUraiido; Jno
this hour, 'J p. m. I Hurtsou, Pendleton :Chas Heed, Wulla
Tho Knights of Pythias (iraud Lodge Walla; J bemplo, lillgard; h Htiregolko,
nvened last night at Castlo Hall, in I Pendleton, Sol Comory, L (J Murrey,
After bearing roiwrt oi nan rruncisco.
credentials, tho Grand' Gomjk.v ICulk. A J Halo; A Hlggins,
laud. The!Presbytery then oru'ani.cd by
the election of Itov. W. O. ForWs of
Albany Mixloralor, und ltov. G. W.
GlblKiny of U-banon temporary clerk.
The Presbytery will lie in session until
Thursday evening, when tho synod of
thu Columbia will convene and continue
three days.
Very Important.
Ituyi:,0ct. 11. Hxtonslvo preparations
are being mudo to receive tho F.mpcror
William to-morrow. Tho magnificent
silver throne, a Jubilee gift to tho 1'ojhj
by the oolo of llurcclonu, which has
Ihioii placed beside tlio l'oo's chair, will
bo occupied by the Kmoror.
A I'rUu right.
Hi:svi:it, Oct. 11. A tight took place
near hero yesterday between McAulill'
and Dacoy, which was won by McAulill'.
He wus seconded by Jack Domnsoy and
Toney Harris, and Dacoy by Tom
lliirnos. Mlko Cleury was referee.
MoAiillfPM weight was lUl'j jiounds, and
Daeey's 130.
Ilrrad Ohm Up.
Ciiicaoo, Oct. 11. As tho rosult of
tho recent advance In wheat und tho con
seuiiuut rise In tho price of Hour, locul
bakers, who have lieen debating tho
(mention for several davs. decided hist
evening to advance tho price of bread onu
cent n loaf to consumers.
New York Maker.
Nkw Yoiik, Oct. 11. Tho bakers of
this city meet to night to discuss tho ad
visability of ralsiui! tho Price ol bread.
This action is the result of tho steady ad-
vanco In tlio wholesale prices oi Hour.
A Life henl.iier,
IlcniiiNO, Cal., Oct. II. Ix;o Sykes,
who murdered old man Henderson, on
thu ltedding stage two years ago, wan
sentenced to Imprisonment for life in tho
Stato prison.
Volapuk ! Head,
Paius, Oct. 11. Father Hchleyor, In
ventor of tho new languago called
Volapuk, Is dead, ago 07.
Hotel Arrivals.
Villa un Housk J W Kharon, J 8
Jones, W M Hill, Alba; 0 J Johnson, K
I, Pratt, Miss Miller, Tho Dalles; Win
Hucncrotx, La Grando; W M Hlckn.Phll
udclphla; John Marshall, G W Koliorts,
PortlundjJ W Htanllold, W M Wallace,
K A Urown, Mat Mosgrove, Kan Francis
co; 0 F Wheoier, OH&N; M F Day,
Pilot Hock ; W II Davis, Jlristol, Tenn;
II G Patterson, Vinson; J H Jones, Jas
Garden. T II Walsh, Pendleton; IN
Ilrown, Halem ; K Trico and wife, Kuinuel
Wade, K G Catlln. A Hayso, Juh Ashton,
Minstrel Iroujw; H Urossen, nkomoefea-
Union block.
commttteo on
Lodge adjourned until nlno o'clock to-' Walla Walla ; I Hathaway, City ; P Hell,
day. After adjournment thu doors wero j Portland : II Hurdam, Weston; F Willis,
thrown open for a social gathering, T. La Grando ; Alox McKlnfcoy, Alba; Win
A. Stephens of Portland delivered an ad- Kustls, Centcrvllle; Jno MuHuiroy, Umu
dress of welcome und A. A. Cleveland of tilla; Jos Stumper and wife, Centcrvllle j
Astoria an excellent oration, ufter which 1 0 Sherlock, lluker City ; McA vorv Wulla
an elegant banquet was nerved to tho , Walla; M H Hardoy, Portland; Mrs L J
members. Gardner, Win Woods, F Mclntyro, Cold
"Charles Martin," tho supposed hotel .Spring, Joil' Hull, Faruiirigton: Joe
thief, waived examination in tho police Smith, T Winn, Helix ; J Stobaugb und
court ycterday and was held In $1000 wife, Jno Day; P J Coleman, Now York f
bonds. Two of tho watches found on W H Campbell, Mr J Harrington, Cold
him have been identified as property of I Spring; Mm Hlack and family, John Day.
I'ro.lllutm Mint I'lmp. llemimliiK to.
Ninurrnuit mill Hold.
Pk'niii.kton, Or., Oct. 10, 1833.
To tlio Kdltorof tlio Kunl Ori'Kontiin.
A local appeared iu yesterday's Issue
saying that Pendleton seems to huvo a
very bud reputation in somo plu:oH. Iu u
meusuro this is true; 1 heard It oil en be
foro corning hore. Of courso it is nlso in
n meusuro truo of other places. Yet that
don't help us much. Ihoro are places
that have no such reputation, and such
wu want Pendleton to be, or decent oo
plo will liato und avoid tho town, not
caring to bring their families into u moral
So if I may, I want to contribute what
I can to bettering tho town by calling tho
attention of tho public uud of our ap
pointed und sworn city olllcers to one
thing: I rofer to the increuHO of prostitu
tion hore iu tlio lust five mouths. A pub
lie sontlment that will allow this vice to
iucruaso cannot surelv object to having it
stHjkon of. As it Is going on In our streets,
thu sight Is far more louthcfomo than tho
hearing of it.
Now that thero is un increase in this
evil Is evident from the iucicaso of places
given up to it. Thero uro nearly twice as
many In somu parts of thu city us live
months ago.
Then tilso thov uro tukini! locations
which uro against tlio city ordinance, as 1
havo been told. It is a uood ordinance.
as fur us it goes, that removes such places
iiucK irom too HidowuiK, nut ono oi the
most prominent corners on Webb street
near tho K. O. building has lately boon
oiiencd, und that without moving tho
place back with u show of decency.
Tho public ought ulso to remember that
it Is only tlio filthiest uud most harmful!
of creatures that frequent thesu places,
Wo would do us well to open our houses
to thieves us our city to phieos of prostitu
tion, und tilings that cannot ha men
tioned for loathesomeness.
Hut. not only is tills tho cuho, but re
cently thero seems to havo lieen un awful
iucrout-o of shumclcesucss iituoug thosoj
places. Wo scarcely know what toox
jiect next. Fenuile shuiiiolcstiios iu tho
onjii doors, In their itctuul standing on
street corners, and at the doKt insulting
people uud disgracing tho town, Male
shumelessuess is something the writer
never saw before, namely niulo persons
actually standing around uud In places In
broad daylight, before tlio public g.iru;
sometimes parading Ihu streets willi the
pitiful prostitute, as on circus day lately.
A dobauchlng example to little chlldro'n
playing iu tfiu streets uroiiiid, und u dis
gusting thing to people trying to be de
cent. It ought to bo stopped Immedi
ately, no wonder, ns the w riter lecohll
saw, Utile lads go in uud out thct-o yan
emuiiiing the iiimosniiuro ol. mo places.
Kugcno City Is said to get along with
out uuythlng of this kind, consequently
it has no such had iiaiuo us somu would
like to tlx iiMiu Pendleton.
Moscow, your columns say, found tho
evil so threatening, Unit tlio city wus
forced dually to oxl pimps uud nil
their class.
Now let tho city olllcers enforce thu
laws wu have, uud let the subject bo ven
tilated freely until wo sou tho danger und
shamo of hiirlxiriiig this vice, and our pub
lic sentiment arises to oxsl this disgrace.
Only profligates uud dangerous jut
sons swarm iu these places, uud If Pen
dleton gets tlio name of hurlsirlug pros
titutes, swarms of tills class will bo at
tracted, und w'lll hasten tho sinking of
Pendleton's name into tho miro too deep
for recovery.
Shull wo hurbor prostitution?
Lining th. I.hiij; Creek Trade.
From the 1iuk C'rtck KurIi).
Are they dead or only sleeping? Wo
mean the contractors of thu Pendleton
Long Creek roud. W. N. Wilson re
turned from Pendleton, Tuesday, bring
ing In u loud of Hour for Ids owit
consumption. Ho rcKrta tho road
rough, and tilled with rocks and, as far
as ho can sou, no ull'ort has been nuido
to improve it, Tho last wo heard from
that sou i co, was that the contract has
been re-let to u Mr, Kiultli, und that thu
work would bo resumed forthwith, uud,
later, that he hud usked thu Hoard of
Trade to appeal to somoliody probably
mo i ngner uuinoriiius, to prevent the
the sheep from rolling rock into thu roud.
Whv didn't lie apisiul to tho Continen
tal Congress to soften tho rock on Iho
John Day hill, and go ahead with his
However, the road rom.ilns In ubout
the sumo condition that it was last spring,
and Mr, Wilson says it Is n hard road lo
travel, and that us now is tint season for
purchasing supplies, Pendleton will lose
nultou hcuyy trudo from this dbitslct,
through their negligence in iu the
Til. Wlncliritor. Win.
Wulla Wulla Union. A Winchester
rifle, handled by u Winchester man. is
said to have kuockod thu theory of u
railroad's right of eminent domain "galley
west" for a short tlmo in tho city re
cently. The O, A W, T. surveyors, while
at work in Hutler's udditlon, camo to a
place owned by Mr. Winchester, which
they desired to survey through, It being
behoved that thu lino would run that way,
and u portion of the Winchester resi
dence lots Imi used for track purposes,
Mr, Winchester objected to this use be
ing made of his property; but unlike u
milder individual, ho put his reinou
stance In tho shape of a doublo-barreled
shot-gun, with u bore which to tho sur
veyors look to be as big as tho mouth of
a cannon. Ho ordered them to desist,
and they at still at it desisting.