East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1888, Image 3

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    SDAY, SKlTOJUii'.n so, iB.
lOrrfonlan llrnuch Oloe.
of Mom".
rtilif nt of IVlulloton, and
Kifm V"?' T..V,i . ..I! iio win
VJ.'. .i,r hem "crvloa In til
II. J . heeler returned on lout night's
train from .Scuttle, where ho bus boon so
journing for Homo time. Mr. Wheeler
mutes Unit both tho cities of the sound
am still ((coming, real estate In Seattle
being held at u tremendous vuhio, 11
"j,",n"u uuuure or ho u loot front being
" ""!,.HUll11 I'f'V'0, for ImslnuBH property.
Ue Ut the Interior nl 1'oHonicc Df
Uorimpmulunce IVmilrlon Tribune,
Mr. Muldrow, Assistant Secretary of
tho Interior, listened patlentlv to what
we hud to nay In relation to the land bo-
;i . J . J ''"""'( ior vunouH reasons, l ju i mo number of icn ii !!
that i-eiittlo will ovenlimlly outstrip horew wait ng to purchase und.'r t:.. law
rival, rucoma, although tho two are ! and otablhli forthoni-olves home- On
now nearly nock-and-neek in tho race for. anxiety of tho inalorilv nf tl... l
I that tho allotment should bo made
in or-
n i . .. ... lil. i.- II., it .. i... i. .. .
.iiuiiovk arrived m town last night i , ., , improving 'r i.i-
,e to-morrow for "
from S'alem, ami will leuv
Maun nana, wnorn tho racers mo now
"'Hjled. iiwiUtltiBtheoiKMilnKfif tho fair.
W. I. Matlock 1m In Eugene, visiting his
. i ruuicr, ami win be In rendletoii no;;t
Ibiimlav. llepettu und Lady IhillV bitli
I carried tho Matlock color I) tho 'foro in
I rortland ami Salem. Tho licet mare
lairing t Donaldson A I "cpetta, especially, Iiuh become famous
J " and Ih neatly worth her weight In gold.
trt . . . . .
McMlnuvitlois!,. ua "uimiom 'uy.in society will give
.nun i.ini annual concert ut l razors
Opera Houso un Tuosd.iv evening, Oetn-,
her Mil. 1833. Tho society will boublv
tissisted by the Weston choral club anil
many proniiiioni local nitiHiciann.
promises to Do u rare mimical treat and
thoro Is not u lover of miisio in l'endle
ton.or for that niattorlu Umatilla countv,
who should not bo present. Tho tickets
of admission havo been placed at tho low
price of fifty cents.
Tho drill to bo used In excavating for n
second vein in the lTtnatllIa county coul
inlno is now being manufactured ut tho
rendloton muehino shops. It will bo fin
ished next .Monday or Tuesday, and will
, Co., Photographers.
J WilitUKCr, iiemiKi
.... r.in
4111. "!
.n.... uiv.rn t.L
lMrVcr and John G'oriklltig, of
re In town yentorduy.
. photographs go to i. U.
i tho Muin street bridge
Iinu'iiril lor Homo nf
' . I 1. .!... 1 1 I LIU tllul
tff !.... . iin.l l hlu
tflOr. ...'. innvnn mi...
(,M,rtvJ urn u ucniorvuio lO
. .1 l,ti(tlnnill.
tiM-et'A b.im on lllrclt crook
i. ........... mil rmriinf. iti Ti n
...n.l i,..nuirK In MiiHrinmiili
i ypjr ih auotn. i.i,wu,wu,
nnoo more tlian lunl year.
- liiiri Improved his resol
ntfrt.1 on alcr street ny tno
I. nitil wlrn funnn. wlili'h nnw
1.1 !.. .M....i...1ifuli.ti.M VKlt.U nl.
ot only to sullcrerH from rhou-
,ot chronic (liFcasert of ovcry
t,tt I'riirtv's tcml-Wcoklv
. ' . . u i , . 1 1 .i rvn... 1. fl.n.
. IDJil ... t.. ...lit
til mibscrllierM.
i . t ...i...
tl.T .1. .....-... ......
the Hast Ohkoonmn with u
.- ! II all II...I. ....
ri. cm Have tno waiiv b nr
. il - ... -I J.
x uni infill iii'ii ill uiiuiL!'. -
4. Two hundred men and wo-
fDCigod In tho pinking of tho
in KWl't lHl''"b "HVHI UtVUtf
, lUHMonger trains uoirt
i .i
me irui'K.
WHmii In In town from tho
.i it. . jt nr m ti it
An intervlow with Hilly us to
i cl Hunt's railroad was not
about It.
of lino hams, direct from
.i t . i i
number ol rendloton ileal
ill Kiipply a long-felt waut, us
nil iiccn oxtromeiv scarco in
(or wino timo.
rdlouVer murder wwo will bo
jniKM nr nil. nn. ineitiii
n'imlier of otlior criminal
a (lie docket. It Is exciting
m considerably.
mi was arremed last ovonlng
nnvnn nv mutvii i. i.iirniui.
i diiricnit'
loLiult of JkiikIh. chiirL'Bd
.Off httnuiii frn in Tmldiita
i u B U1UII III III II hiw n.
a vflfl IirAiiolit vnafiildt in tim
- - iiw.if, IliDltltllUI III fttlU
U. K. iv . I Vim iiii in tn
iUHioa lant Aucust. near
vwii ..li.n, llilv
if . the ii'irili'u nriu. i. l.l..'.
j-hall In coiihlu'iied to them, etc. Then
nofiiidin siiijutance; "Yes, we umler
Ftand tho o .nditiuii of all'alrs md thew
plot y well, i:nd It would tiinl.al.lv lm
(,n..l UIJIIYUIIICIICO 10 11)0
havo the ui.ttlor settled.
tsecieiary Hail given tho matler Ills
Porsonul atlentlon and thought the
Indians might to havo the outlet to
tho mountains for which Ihev linked and
providing for which u bill Had Iwnpro
pared, and Introduced in the Senate."
W o asked If II wohld be posMblo, In vlow
Of tho fact that then, unit 111. iii.ll.l..
"I ' chance for a bill to get thioiigh CongreH-i
" at this session, it proceed with tho
uppruiHomciu and s.ilo of tho lands
on tho west side of tho diminished re
serve, which would embrace about
all tho agricultural portion thereof
and n-Horvo that for whleli ti,..
ponutng legislation H ni-ked? Mr. Mill
Au tllutlmtli.u r tho llai.nnt of I-rotcc.
llcm to Worklnginen.
The Labor Signal, an Indlanu paper,
t-niiiportcd by the wage-owners, publishes
this illustration of tlio high tarill' theory
of prolection to labor: "Alow years ago I
h,1m1 tt,'""",l--Michigan pineries, and
w hilo there the mill ow nors got nn oxten--i
jii i of the great 'American syslem'of pro
teelioi. lo tho amount t f f 1 per thotisaiid
feet of lumber additional laiitr. This ad
ded iitioulfoi) a day to tho not prolits of!
each mill, rim omploes, averaging
eight or ten lo the mill, thought It was
u good timo to ask for their wages to bo
advanced from t.fi() imr A.iv t,. s.1.7;..
This would make an aililliln.ri.i tlm nv.
I-eoi lo to ; penso of the uiIIIk of from J to 'J,60 er )
iilt 11... .in- .....I 1. 1 ..nn 1 j.,. . . i... 1
, nv I ..! "viin, pi, 11 .U,IYC i-lf.i.O IO f-i 1
iwftl.iv jirolit from the Incirai-cd tarill".
As the tarir is
the Iwnolit of tho workingmon,
of course tho wholo amount be
longed to Ihenii hut being Hbjral.
For the Next Sixty Days.
11 u
worklngnieii al wa sure, they ollered to
tliviiio.iuid give the mill owners l)j per
cent of tho enhanced profit. What do
you supposo these bcnetlclaiies of tho
groat 'American Bystcin' tlid In tho
premises? Tho answer to tjm roiiuest
was curt and decisivo: '(Jontleinon. wo
havo no fiirlher iiho for your services:
wo can got t'aiiadlans for $i.2S.' And so
tney did. in addition. 11 mooting of mill
The Largest Stcsk of Boots and Shoes
The Largest and Host Stock
IK leg sat on Is nsLml? Mr t..l. " . . . . tv """""n .'
ilmwil .1 11 . bumf uiini.. .. Vt is " . u"rM " vaiieu, ami ny ngreomcnt tno
mw hXriittLClMlPK V,!'ir 11,0 ( ia" 'l' oyes were put on three-fourths
tn'u u i " u .1'. . ,,mt "."'"V"" ' time-ieall.lng lo them IKI cents a day-
iiro law could Imj siiH.onded, a portion
might. Mr. Muldrow seemed to look
and lumbor was advanced f 1 per thou
saun icoi. t-ircui is tno 'American sys
tein 1
KiStt'.tt01 i?.S!!"0.. hL Mr-: !&tt,y,,!).,ur "J light. ,i
1 1 l i 1 . i . . i'1 11 ..Wilkin u o c.iiuu no no bolter wo - -
dulgedln by shareliiildcrs in tho initio might got a i.romlso from tho Sccretiirvl A Worthy Kiit.rnri.e.
over tho probability of "h trik nu t r ch .' . to tiroi-ee. w III. tlm .,rb it :L ........" KnxrP""-
H Weston .k;op1o seems to have tho same M,m was had at this session 1, " ,bo Vilhtrd lous, ui;oT"-ent2lK.M5tht
.it,, ... 1... 111,. : .IT . J.i "UVV ,nw""" elnonle .lisoiiHcs on scientific pr he plos,
te"'L AU'S.1?, l,'1'Ltctl,or- w.- ...7.77.. ! since that time their business has In!
u. iu in iqpuitni in .mi progress in 1110 .i.-.M y.u .hit iu .lie posioillCOUO- creanil to minh im i.tn..t tl.nt tl.iiu l,t.
iviri riiiiriT 111111 kini 1 ix.i .-, .it .. .. . 1 .... ...... . .
lient I i'I.iiIiI t V.vid .1, .i it . iiti decided to locate an ollloo in l'om eton
I' M.i i . 10,1 ,,,u...'.:,,.m i.lio!' iwniuiiontly. They have tented un
and . Z iCk m., . V i . i UOCh Kmt suite of rooms in tho KastOukiio
ln,MH ilu I li , rapidly Ineieas- MAS building which will Ikj opened
Ing popu atlon iu that section of the Set.toml...r L'Stb. It l tl.olr lnt.,..n ,.. i.
ior pains nor oxininso in tho r
cnterprifo because of 11 slight disairreo
mont itetucun soiuu of tho prime movers.
Division limy thwart what milled olluit
could oasily accomplish.
No word has yet been received from
Ilishon Uallowuv. who is at nrchpnt enn-
uiictiug a couieieiico in (."uliforiila,
teioroiico to nio erection ot a
y, that there wasn road thniugh, .Hparo neitln
iliocitiens wero now Improving Vilbrts to in
rown oxpenso. Mr. Knott said , HtlUitlon fo.
aUO til M I hit limx! i-nttliiln In
' tlm trentn.ent nf nil iliin.i.uiiu
.-oiiinern .ieinouisi cniircu in rendloton. " ;;"'; S. . . 'HH-oiiiiiy r nronle, in tho Northwest.
.Prominent members who havo tho work , ' , 0 T . 7 b K for l'H,a',,lHl'-1 Medlc.il Vu)K)i- ltaths, Klcctro-Magnetlsm,
In chargo arc unxlonsly awaiting such , '. V ,', ,f'l.,u t,r.'VW!k, .rv,l'. '"i'"" Oxygen mid Massage, together with al
Insituctlons fiom licud.iu.iiters. . '. Vv,,, ! 1 !' 'm,'-"" ( '-V v,u M?'' "'"I H lentllfc npi-llanccs for tlm
Articles of Incorporation of the Oregon i" ha Vwl o irt lh.U lf. i.mvJ-r Tlul 'l'nW';' 'o will bo t.sed.
Heul lCsluto t:oui.any wero filed iu tho I petition would bo uranled and' (he mule i ui.i.,,1.. t.i.i '.. v..i..".i
I'lLTK H OIIIL'O III liai. .1. Al. Ijioor. I 1....II..I.-.I ' - rnn.il, l.iuoui il.u, ..llnu.rM. .1 i.inn 1.
" vvwin iiiiit ill Linn L.iik
.3.5. 10. 15 and Itt ront
au.(l tiiiicn nit uiiiuiiiiit
uv mrt, .Mum rircvi
i on a visit to his wlfo who
fur three months. Ih
in I . f..L... ....... . -
'i.r.iii.-i. icihiii T
r null ti. il i... 1....I ... i.i .1
' .!.. ,IU 1,1. n.iiiiit-ii
- 'k,v UIIIWU..V Ul I.IUIII'V,
ei a number of htlinn. .
'retk Iiuh Htariod Itt lltst
' tho linker City Deiu,-
flint Ml.il fiiliilU. i--ki ml. j I
tf I1U t
iilm. a talain keeper, who i
IUH LTtf Uli-tf in i.tu l.n.ii
veMh with his boots on.
(nulla n wini ivnuir
"uve a woolen mill Ibis fall
r.rilnit . .. . .
'! .ill.. .llllH IL ll.IL'ftE
kii nn tM'Ktlr tlutm.
iko nno noioi",
" al'eadv r whhch a tnann-
llU't pnt.tri.uiil ,1 111. Jiahj
ll 1. . ' " 1-"1'"
neco-.-.irv m:.nlilnrrv-
"' cmt nianiifaituro. "
. ' ";wly. I ho company
ratl. I., r.r.t... i .... ... I....:.
" tftr . Wll HI! -1. .. . t. ..nnll..
'Dry. and It u il. .1.. ,i. .i
! II is a
'-rVIT. U I...... .1
. -.... ,1 It
W. Farrow and II. J. Hean are tho incor
porators. Tho capital stock is llxed ut
$J..( OJ, dlvidod Into Uol) shares ut 10:l
oaclt. luo object of the. compuny is to do
a Kcucrul real estuto und liroVEorugo busi
Jf. J. .Smith has a cctton plant on ex
hibition at his uroccrv (lore, urownou
tho farm of Mr. 1'rico llow town, from
seed picked un by Mr. .Smith iu a box
car in California. It is somuwhat of a
curiosity in Pendleton, us the majority of
the town's citizen's probably nover saw u
cotton plant before.
Mr. Stevens, a lato ariivul from!
Albany, Now York, Is now located In
Pendleton. lie is a sign painter und
decorator, and is said by thoso who know
to Iks a thorough urtlst in Ids line. Ho
will doubtless Ihi it welcome addition,
and become a valuable citir.cn. Ho is u
relation of K. M. Wheeler.
Mudatnos Worcester A- 1'ifort an
nounce mat tney iiuvo jiiht received a
full simply of millinery und faucv goods
of ovnrv variety. Thoy are also prepared
to do (iress-niuking iu tho latest styles
and fashions. Ladies are cordially
invited to call.
V. A. Crossan'fl aristocratic or high
bred bucks are attracting considorablo at
tention from sheepmen and idlers nt
their quarters in tlio Depot rtublo yard.
From ten to twenty dollars issr head Is
tho price linked for tho animals.
Tho KAsr Oni:ooM.s cuvlor, calculated
recently tho dlMuuco ho traveled whllo
delivering tho dally Isnuo. Ho found
tliut lie trumped l.u blocks or mv inilen,
vlhiting nearly every iuurlcr of town.
Quito u nice little ovonlng v all,
Miss Lola llamurd Inn rvturued to
Pendleton from her Fossil homo. Kho
was enthusiastically welcomed by a largo
concourse ot friends nn tier urtlvul ut
tho depot, being tcnderetl uulto un
Tho Alctt hoso team moots this eve
ning without fall, to discuss important
business in tho sliapo of racing uniform
quoMlons, etc. Iet overy moinber attend
as tho presenco of ull becomes very nec
essary. It is reported that Hoeso A Itedmati
havo d!sHjsed of their largo warehouse
at Tucomu, built on tented wulor front,
to a Portland party, uud t hut thoy will
entorintou wliolosulo grocory buHlnes
The niasoiis and fatjienlers ftre now up
to the see nd story of tho now Pendleton
holcl.and tho building looms up grandly.
A largo forco of iiieclianlcs uro employed
nn the struct me.
To-day unotbor touch of If t weather
was experienced, Beemlng really tropical
in comparison with tlio past week or so
of eooluess. Kmumor beat is haul lo
do wu.
Ihocominltco on Indian ilopicdation
claims havo authorled Mr. Hermann to
reiKirttho claim of Dr. W. C. McKuv
for f 17,000.
r.clcctio Disncnsurv. Kht Oiiwooman
liiiiiding, rendloton, Oregon
wii,i.,.mi;ti'i:.s vs. t in: sr.its.
Meclinlc' Klr.
rho touth annual exhibition of tho
, Port laud Mechanics' Fulr opens Octolsjr
nn und closes ictoitcr S7 tit, mm. l.argo
i additions have l.'on made to the Pavll
T.r ohihn lo in. i'i)-.,i h. ivii.iintoii Sett i "ntl ,l Intention of tho manago-
Snlurdny mul Sumlny-det Out n.l I'rm
Tho following telegram has 'been re
celved ut tills ollico :
"I'oirriJiNii. Sent. I'd.
"Willainetles play Pendleton Sa
und Minduy at Pendleton.
This moans that
. ment tliat tho fair of this t-eason shall Ikj
tho greatest of tho raclllc Northwest.
Tho Second lT. 8. Cavalry Hand, tho best
on tho Coast has Iwen secured to furnish
music. Half fare rates over the 0. It, A
N. Co.. O. ,fc C. It. It. and Oreconlun
nay ii. ..I ii ...i. ...i ii i i...
Snread Ihb " .7" Vl"" ,u" V'1 ,u"
I li... i. iwuii-ii. vuu mi. i uiiu-iiiui iuiu uur inu
kuolder has
i rUur.lay
N. P. It. H.C'o.'s lines.
Special Kxcursinns over tho 0. It. A N.
( oh lines at less than half rates on
U'cn successful in arranging ganio.-t with
.... tut.. i.i. I... . ...
ii.u ii iiiii.iieiii.-n. ii in uoou nenn. reu-I 1....1... on. ir.i. 1 .... 1 1
dleton iwplo will bo Heated to a Urst-'V" ,io ,1m XuL
cla-s exhibition of baseball, und should ; w i,b oiB
show ihoir uppreclatlon by turning out In " mu,v 1 "r,ltt,,,,' Kn'
full forco to witness it. While it can
nardly 1st noK.d tliut tlio .Sluts will he' nkiv to. hay,
A. S.
able to win a single game, their oiuk)-
iients will bo t-omiKdled to fight hard for i
their victories, ut least, and the contend,
will lie Interesting iu every sense. Tho i
Pendleton nine is now second to tho Wil
lamette: iu tlio State, and can pluyt
the Webfoot boys to better advantage
than any other club In Oregon. These
two contests will Ikj closer, and therefore
more iiiteiosting than weru played bu- i
tween the Stars and Mormons at tho
Pendleton park, us tho recent defeats of.
tho coming visitors by tho Saints places'
them on a moto oven footing with tho,
..mo id no, although their suix-riorlly I
Grand Musical Festival.
First Annual Concert
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Saddles and Harness,
Ever Brought to Pendleton.
These Goods are now ofiered at
20 Per Cent Less
111 i l 3 3
This is tho
can be bought
a.ne cla33 of Goods
in Pendleton.
bent oppoiTuiiity ever olk-ml to tlio pcoplo of
Unintilla Count v.
Court anil Cottonwood St
Protection or Tariff Reform.
HmoiiiI nunitlim, tlm TiirlfTU tho Imuii on which tint commit nnnpfilmi will
lilt It Ixhotivm ovrrv i ltlicn who wnulil m.h. Iinniii,...i.iiv ,.. i..r..r...'i,i......ir ..
..( Mkl.d ii ..(.....Iu .IT...!. ..I. .... i ' ''" l II
n...v. w.. v.. miivi in mi. iiMiiimrni wriomi.
Ih foil i; lit
win a nt
Ot r.n llrton,
nml lUKiiy PromliKiil Muklrlona,
ii" Kivru h.
Frazer's Opera House
U, 1SSH,
can baldly 1st nuestioned. In short, tho ASSiSteO DY the W8StOI1 CtlOral UlUD
gair.es should bo liberally patrouiml, as 1 '
tlioy win bo well worthy ot attendance. ,
lla'-oiiall booms and ad vei tines a town to I
a greater extent than is dreamcil of, and
should bo "fostered and encouraged"
lllco any other industry, ullliough a pro-
teeuvo tarill is not necessary.
Hill. Hoard-ley uud Cran slatted for I Tuifduu
tlio (ireeuliorii mountains esterilny
I morning on a hunting oxcurslun. l lielri
ilmmediato return now becomes abso- Tlil win hr thurdittxt muklrnl trrntcvar
I lutoly necussarv, and Culp and Morgan ' "" On- r"il t ruiiileum and tir-
.,.... ... . '1...1. i.",. . roiini iiil' i' mlrr.
SKipol out uiior loom to-iuy ill a tiacn. r
Tho Stars havo but Utile timo f.r pioiur-,
ntion. und uro not now lit very god , . .
mart co. Thov ithould make It a noint tu ; AlltiMwit
sjiond as mucli timo as polbIo between jjo itmi rn H.i.
now and .Sundav on tho diamond, iisthey
uro destined to meet opiKincnts who a -' rmi CotUO, J'irt
lliosi live, uui unit eicep on jm luneouu
,k,,J J Deer Garden and Gymnasium
.10 Cent.
Protective Tariff.
Itrndrrs whnt i iimmllv i-omuMit. iI n nn.i niiirni. -llllilMtl nillll1 if jf.iinirfk .lint uilll
ncryit n n Tarlir iirlmi r for tlm iarnvr at wrll im u icxt-lMiolt nir thn It urui il.
Till ItflOlC flllOU'H Hill lirilitl Irill ..tli.1.1 lit llm lp.iti..fU... Ui-.l.... I
ihe niiMtiviiitiiiicuituKft'ittiiriior thelxKik In IU in'icl iillsnniont Willi tlio tiiiKkK" of l'r.
ufni t.lovc Ihiui.
Tin? IsjMtlim of Mr. Illiiltn 'f; "Twentr Vrnm In fmiKrcMt" U tiilcn up. Iiih iikTllni.
iifm ihn rBrliriiimlyii'd.i-rlllflnj ImihI inmluto fiirnl.li llolrown t. tiiliiilon.
The form ii well imth.i Hiibtnr of tlm Look Ih intklwlmlrtlil-. tnd I Iiiivk .ton inilh
lni;uriiiMlii It forum lo llinRrcut work of Kimntlns! the trutli nnio.u itn ih'imiIc.
mN m. lH'KIVtN, I'.iHtm.ihff-r (irinril.
it iHitn niiluanil loKlciil o.xhmoii ol lhitiijiill'itninl i'iI'i- mo. of tlio i.rotiillvt Hit
. 1 ho work U tliiil,uiii a very wdniiMf coin rllint ion a, IiOthIiih. l iioln reform
ii. iiv.hi;m. ,m. i
I iiiilli-c llit il ihhiW Ik nci'lvlnc ercnt roiiiiiitonliilloii. II In Uilloiinul iinon fnmln
nwiitnl tnilhsmiil I wlh Unit ihu fanNaml iintiiiiK'nix my ' In 'hi ;i m. mil i ihi . ,
eery cltlicn ciillcil iiion thlHyi'iir to volit iiiion tli ismiI iTonoinlnil out mi ol ,ii,.tu
and turlll. IICN. JtillN f, lll.Al l,( oniiiil"loiicrof IViinIoii.
Wu take pli nHiiro In aMtii thin work our hrnrly lniloii'im".. nml ri'coiiui I Hint In.
cl coniuilllm'1 anil t luU iuhIhI In ixlniiiir ll I'lrt'iilolloii iiiiioiik Hi" voIith of IlllnoU.
. . . HI ATK liMU('H.riO CliNTIIAI. ( OMMI ITIU; OK Hil.lNulK
And many othi'iN.
Ikiok tlniititl In Cloth ami hcnilAWcUly llrntl tlrtgonlHti One V
llixik Alonr, In I'tolli, pulil
.VI 0
.. I Hi
I'l-mllt-ton, tiri'uon.
I'. II. Itl'MIMHVtl.
About Tho- e ronevrl. , l)sri i.il A KIiip, I'rfcp-.
Tho rendletmi band, which li a homo Muln ! I Nntr I'miuiMr
Institution and should lsincouraged, lius j I'KNDl.BTON, oitnuo.v,
Isjoii iiiving twmvttn regularly every i iwiwllnc APy ami njirtiuiiium liooin in
ThutMlav uvenli.g In the band stand, and : conntctlon. Ju4 the iUt ttpi r.tl iii Imiir
l'ims ones a I ml Hits imiHicai outer
tainment was lo I paid for by Mibferi-
lions among tovvr.t. eoplo, iiiiio a num-1
uni i
Ill t'l rt llni;yi,ur muk Itiiiml triinrtlirnlnir
yourrrnlile. a conuni iiiviihuoii iu ioi
Uumbrloiu lietrto. iicum.
n,....i.... H..IU.I. .. I ..tl, ,. I Her Ol WHICH ll.lC ll ll uiuu ruiuwu.
w if.. Tu r iC , ' '"' since duo. and past due. Their
Westo tiian, is in ruc' I pavn.ent Is necessary to enable tho band
J lu o v . 2Z$ , oH- oM.mcs Ihnnigh 11. . sun.
j " mer. isow. .nr. i erKins aiiiiouiitc nun
Go and see 1 heir
Wheat remain at mty cents,
seems now to xs holding its own.
.(iittthnr dm Morj,
KastOiikuhn! n siiliM-ihiers haw lsi-ii
vielng with ouo uiioibtT in furnWilng
cow stories for puMicali m. soiic saving
ill tint l i that tho IVmileton cw woiibl cllmlt
thing for ,itees in their ard. and others that slio
fserivs prts.-, would unlatch any gam nnu want in
Hiollv. wliho-it uu Invitation: but this
viip;iin of I'ondlvt wi 'ajerhasa slor) which knocks the sir
fvnt K-en,s r tu. t 1 ilmmnn. A ho. inn enteral tho basomcnt
ff the til i of this offleo last night, through an open
I'iiiiM.-nou.dv through tho door at the southwest corner, posed into
'paitilavnrti-. TI.JT..I ,tm irA4.rrwini and examined its con-
MhKAiiTOitEtioNivnfiir., tents, and front thero entered, the coin-
tiofling room, where sho was discovereU.
but not until she had eaten a stick-full ol
If .ill llmn '.li.llmilinllt U oIivit! Olloiin" llm 1
uu,i , forlhcoming by Octol.er 1st, tho liandj
will contlnuo Ihe concerts until cold
wfiather prevents, without further chaiigo. ,
ll tliev nio not sennit, a nigui or mu
morn will end tho out-door com erls, and I
its iliscontinuanco will 1st greatly ilo-
pl.jn-tl by lVnilleton iooplo of overy ago,
kox or conilitloii. It every one pay 1
their share jnuuedUtply, and the concerts
will bo given gratis thoreafttir until th
valves uro frozen in the instruments, and
Ihe nioiith-piecn Is glued by frost to tho
liim of tho erfonner.
iK'WSiyl e P 1 1 o U tz
The Russian'
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying Etc.
R- T. R. Co. s
I'oruir MhIo nml U'uicr H".,
Pondloton. - - Orogon
All kuidj of lllttckkinilhlnfitlone h- tbr
bent anil prompt mnuntr. Wimoitk, lluvx.ti
and buck iimile tooplvr.
ltepulrlnu a Specialty,
fMrtlculm attention U horao nhnviiic
Pendleton, Orogon.
Successors to J. A. Brls.
(Jeorgo Hays' barber shop is undorgo-
I to V . T Ult'NUX Ollice,
'Wje4rrum i ti t '
!qb . i ,uc" on ins torn
- rucEei oi nouae-
ng a thorough repair ami rearrangement, rp,! rn,1in 1 Tnvl
tyte, pied a caso, una cotiijioeea inis ur-1
tWe which was found lying on the table the sec
after her cowtiip was driven out. 1 evening
its owner intendin to mako it
and inviting idace for tho winter,
Damon Lodge, K. of P., has workd in
second degree at its meeting uiu
The Transfer Man,
Established 1857.
j. c. oA-isoisr,
Mnuf-lurer of anil Do.iler In
ttali. Diiortt, ItllntU, Wlntluu A.
I'lutt' filiix nml iinuritl
ItulltlliiK fiuppllci.
Ktlmatua and l'rlcn on npplleallon.
Country ot4nt u arxrclully.
Kfcctory and Hltroom,-Wlller' Mill,
ItlllTIiANtl . . OHK.OON.
jydiv lm
Iiriilcm li,
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Done.
A hsrcoftbu public pKtrouu In willelUd