East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1888, Image 2

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- IIV Till!
Kt Ornifiinlnii I'lilillxliliic .'iiiiimny.
daily HUiwcitirrinx K.i ims
Oiiu fcnpy per .Vfur, liy mall
Oiki copy nix mnntliK, by until
Oiwropy iwrwM'lt, liy ("irili'r
Single iiiiiiiIhth
,. a b
.. lit
aiiviuithi.vij ii.wwit
(M.tof Ailrrrtl'rMnl.i
Onu IiirIi, or in M.-inl-WVikly mt
niiiiitl '
Olio Inch, ir Ii'-m, In Dully iHTlimnll I t)
Two liicln-H, or lc, III IhiIIi. per mmilli... .1 'VI
UvtTlliri'lin'ln',t,inl-Vf'kly, ihtIih'Ii
per miiiiiIIi I Iii
UvtT thnu I nclnv, Dully, per Inch pi-r
iiifintl I V
Ovi-r llin lliclit , III IhiIIi, pt-r Inrli I 'ft
linintl I ft
One copy prryiHr. U to
OniM'iipy lx iniititlin I l'i
Nliik'lo inimlinri....... 10
I'rrinlitm paper free tojriirl.v niioc llcr.
fvil hi imnpiri'll iiilvcrllv'iiiinU In Hrnit
Weekly or Dully, HihI hen-rUnn, per Inch,
f 1.00; filch uli'(iicnt liiM'ttlun, floe.
Ix-nl nutlet, ten renin r line each In
erlluii. I'UISI.It! HI'IIA III. Ml.
Hon. W. U, IIii.viX, Dcinneriitiu 'uinll
(Into for I'ruHtilcntliil Klcctor, will ml
tlrt'HH thu !oilu on lliu political Ichiiuh of
tlin 1 1 in; ut lliu following iIiiil'h uinl
Tin: llAi.i.td, on WmlnoHtJuy, cIoIht
lOtli, ut 1 :.'() v. u.
IlKi'i'Mi:!!, on Thurmlay, October lltli,
ut 7;.')0 p. i.
Aiimmjhin, nil 1'rJduy, October lL'tli,
ut 7:00 i: u.
1'i:mii.kiun, on ttaturilay, October litth,
ut 1 :.'10 p. m.
Mii.ton, on Monday, October loth, ut
I ;IIi) I. i.
Wkmion, on Moutlay, October Kith, ut
7 I'M I-. m.
Ck.ntkiivim.ii, m TuciKliiy, Oetolicr
lUtli, lUU'iOi-. si.
Union, on Wednewlay, October l"tli,
ut 1 :'M p. m,
I,A(iiiANin:, ou Wednesday, Oetolicr
I7th,ut7u p.m.
Hakkii C'itv, on Thurwlay, Oetolnsr
Iritli, ut 7 U0 p. m,
IViio, on Huturdav, October L'Oth, ut
I I'M v. M.
lU'iiiocrittM in tlin varioiiH local ItlcH will
ilfiiHO wm) tlnit ull niNVenary urriinttu
iiiciiIh uru uiuiln. I'ux'rrin lliu vurlnUH
pIlld'H llllllll'd Will plcahU copy lliu lip
pollltlllCCtH, latt ovivry Jiciuocrot, me.ry mi thou in
favor of taritr ii'form, tmiry citUcn of
whatever iiolitiml utl illation, turn oul
and llMou to lliu p-utlcinuii.
Acennliiij; lo .Mr. IMdy'n letter villi
IIhIumI tdiMjwlurii, it hci'iiih Im U not niak
liik' nuii'li procri'HH J ct with thu ritNitrvii
lion Htirvny litiHiiiPHH, Itnt u liopo hit
mid .Mr, Itulloriiy will caiii willi thu
Ucpartnu'iil olliciutx and our i'iM.N-iila.
tivcrt in ('miKifhx, unit iniiLn lifi' u luir
ilun to tlium iiulll llioy malt a dccidi-d
mnvu in tlui nuitlcr.
TlioiMuy In not icully the fault of lliu
I 1 .. .. .....I ......I 1.! (I.. It
aim n wo uimi'rmuuu nun tonuin uuimc
iihoiit twenty ilollarn n ton to fond it
tliuiu. I'tiltliiK tills to tin.' priro uliiiiytl I
foi tiaiMpotlliiR ItrooiiiM hai'k from
I'ortland, or from thu IvuhI, it would
i-uriiiimy uppi'iir tuui a nrooni miinuiiiu
lory oiiylit to pay well in l'ondluton.
Our vinilo iitfii'ud with iiHllmt lliu i 1
wont of lown. towird tlifi Columbia, wan
well iiiluptuil to luUlug lrooni'forii, and
wiih KutiKllcd tlnit It was, even iintlcr ox
ixtliitf :irc;iiiii"tuli o-i. a moio piolllaltlu
crop llian uraln, on lliu land alluded to.
Kvcry llttlu miinufartory liulpn ttio
town uinl tlio cminlry. Not only ho, but
In u country um far on thu road of duvcN
opniunt uk llil.i now in tiny ntieh cnlcr
prinu, conducted by c.ip.iblo mun, ! ul
niOMt mini to luturn Iuikh prolllH.
A few wi-ckH ui?o u pintlcniun Ih'mii
inuniifacturlni; ci'urn in I'endluton. Ho
wuh ioor, unknown, anil liml to computu
willi ii liundrcd Jcaloim huIohiiiuii of fac-
torict in luruur Iowuh. I In wuh not ublu
even to rout u bulldlnc, and thu Km
Oiir.ooMAN avt? liiui u 'I it tin npaco t ent
fn-u for aw hlli). Now im cmployM u nuin-
of men, and bin dinim uru in iiIiiiohI
every rt'tuil Lvtiiblisluuunt in Pendleton,
ami in miiuo other townn. Only yt'htor
day two iIoiiIuih culled an K.nr Oiikoon
ian repreHciitulivo Into their pluivrt of
biifinuHH, and particularly recommended
HicH! cipiw iw 'bulnu iinuk' of pure to
bacco, Kcnulnu, mid nimd. TIiIk factory
in it littlu tlino will do u comparatively
UW l)iinlneHtt, uinl will propter, uk it dt-
HcrveH to.
Why not inula' our own broom here
lifter? Wo Imvtt thu Mill nwoHWiry for
rulnlnu thu miiterial untl r-oll tixi, that Ik
not u brilliant mii'ccxrt In raining wheat.
Wo certainly nuubt to llnd. or Invite, thu
men who know how to make piod
liroouiH, unit Hiipply by our own muiiufac
turn nil tbi region of country.
nitooM maxi I'avtuhk. I every benollt guaranteed by Hclenro.HklU
'mid 'comprehciiHlvo exH!riencc.
KCIIUellHt" WHO nouceo um ymu- m- 'Nfs l"l"PKII IN I'lVK .MINUTKH HY DIW.
LMiinb it few duvmiEo ill leKard to broom- iuhhin.
eiifti mid brtim niiiiitifiictuio ciinin into Mit. Uniitm: i'nr your iiant 1 huvo,
thcMAhrOKWJoSiANnlllccu.UyortwoUBo '"'J'af ,1',"f'.1l,.",i1,, l J"Vi"? . '
cti.iltl i to i bearanythlni; in my riht ear.
to Hceond thu motion wo made. . ljrr uxalnin,,( me, uml Huld hu
Mo Iiiih twnnty-llvi! or thirty iicich of humid cure inn in live niintiteH. Ho kept
bit ni-corn thin. year. A neighbor of bin ' hi. wonl, for in Iu-h than live minute I
haf Hiwnlyflvo ucrcn. They receive M hear iw w.OI iw .-vui i. tny We.
j At i ii ,1.1 t he HJiind In the ftrcotH uio entirely
im u ten for u good nrtlclo in 1'ortlmnl, o.i r. .illv nalnful to mv ear. I
was i-iri'd without m 'liicino or Hiirgicul
operutl'iii jiiKt fliniilv electricity, us u-
plieil hv lri. I'c.rrin. iieier ui me ui
Kant I'nrtlaiid, .Siiiith's addition, on
' vt-iitt-liiot Hticel. Myuo.nOiih.
.Mit I '.Diioii Dear nir: I reclde In
Ni.iih Yakima, W. T. I conmilu-d Dm.
Itariin f r deafneKH. My left ear wuh to
tally deal'. With one operation with I'm. '
D.n rin n eiectrio-munnotlc euro, oi ten
minutes, I was inudo to hear as well as
over in my lifu. Can lo referred to us
lo thu truth of my Htutcmont.
C. V, I'lowkk.
Mil. Kimon Dear Kir: I have lieen
troubled with tlio catarrh for alxnit huvuii
years, and for sovcrul years nust I have
sutl'crcd from cenerul debility uNo.
Now, for about nix weokH trcutmont, I
am almost entirely cured, and my friends
remark my improvements in every wiiv.
My liutibund was also cured of a pain In
his buck a fuw months ago, antl we can
bo referred to at NooU.ick, V. T.
Mks. A. K. Wki.ch.
Dp.. Daiiiun Sir: 1'Iroko accent lll
thanks for curlnu my bov of cntiirrli and
iK)1ypus In thu uom of long mandlng.
Also tny voting daughter wus cured of a
tumor." Iteferlo mu ut Vuncouvcr, W.
T., nuM door cant of the court Iiouku.
Miis. 1.. K. HaiuioN.
oiki-i: minis anii i-iaci: op ih sinksh.
Urn. D.irrln uru located ut thu Stinc
I louse, comer of Fourth and Main Kts.,
Wul In Wullu, W. T. (JonHultatlon free
Charges reasonable, l'oor treated free
Tuesdays and Siiturdavs from 9 to 10 u.
m. No cumik taken If not deemed cut
able. Olllcu hours from 10 to 4 dally; evo
nliigs. 7 to H; Sundays, 10 to 12. All
cureable chronic diseases Iohs of man
hood, blisxl taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rhii'.i, stricture, spermatorrhti ii, seminal
weakness or 1o-h of desiru or sexual
power in man or woman, catarrh und
iiiMiness uru coniiiieniiany nun sncresn
fully Heated. Circulars sent free. Most
chsi'm can icceivu homu treatment after a
visit t tbo doctors' olllcu.
rim 1'rs. D.irrln also h.ivo a brunch
olllcu at L'.'t'i I'ifth street. I'ortland, Or.,
w beio any In that vicinity can . consult
Man aa nminnn
V'll III! K H lfll II K I 1 !
tHiii nil in i vv nun
Wo publisli to-day upHiIutments In
I'uslern Oregon for Mr. IHIyeti. We
boiti 'opii of ull parties will give him a
cordial reception and lurgu audiences.
We admit that Ooegon is Hennhlieun.
Wo don't cxMtct lo "entry" 1. mis fall.
Hut it won't hurt anylHidy, under thesu
eirciiinstaiu'cs, to listen to a reasonable
argumentative speaker llku Mr. Uilyeu.
He is an Oregon Isiy, who Ims done
credit to himself and his county und
Stale, even if hu is u lumocrut.
Democrats, und ull men in favor of
tarlll' inform, ought to make special ef
forts to get the pimple out, and tnuko
these meetings a urund success. We
won't object to ltepubllcuu meetings be
ing the same, Wu like to sen successes
mi Isitli sides so far us meetings und
"jjootl limes" go.
Notice I be appointments then; get
down your enthusiasm oil' the back shelf;
put on a diesH purudu air: bilng out the
anvils; ami let's have a little small scm-
MhIii uml VclliSlrii.,
KjiNteru Jliule
nil Nlin-n
IVrfsct HI (Itinnditscl,
A Twenty Dollar gold plow will ho given lo imy one who will
liml a GROCERY STOKE in Pendleton, that will noil
regularly cheaper than they uiv selling at. the
L pay ea&h and
And can and will make the
The cheapest Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of.
All goods are new antl fronh and of the
i ntend to keep the lead in High Grade and Low Prices of
gootU or will pay the above reward to the one who earns it.
Odd KellowB Huildine. - Main and Alta StH.
Watson & Luhrs,
I'roprlalorH of lliu
Steura-plamng: Mill, Sash uud
Door Paotory and Lumbar.
A Large Stock of New Furniture
and Household Qoods
At Shulze's Store
Main Street, Pendleton.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan on Easy Terms,
head ollleialM of the Indian lVniituient of the good old timen they're huv
They ran by no probability attend to all
iniitlerH requiring their attention in de
tail. They nro ubpolutelx obliged to de
pend for minor fuelK and Miiumuiie of
f.ielH tion wihotdinatit ullirialN, and in
tbcho matterrt nutiiriilly if nut iiei-etwrily
relyelilelly iikhi the "Imllan llun:iii."
TIiIhImu fraud and a hu indie, an it ul
uah Ii;ih Ihvii. It Iw not li'cu ie
formed or legeuerated to any meat ex
tent under the pr. M'nt liemiK'talie ad
mluNtratlon. Ne.uly every olllelnl and
clerk I'onnei'ted with Hie Indian Kpait
nient Im a Itepubliean. 'I'liey mo the
Mime old gang u ho have been cheating
bulb government ami Indian for the
. hint twenty yoain. There Iiiik been prai-
tidily no change, no improvement.
The bead of the Indian ntllat Ik a
narrow, conceited, arlitraiy, ovci-Ikmi-Ji)g
Hort of a monkey-man, who h uh ho
have Haiti befmo- u digmce lo the IVm-1
iHitatic iidmiuiHtrallim. lite Interior it
s'if til Hu hlglicr otlliv! with Mr.
Vitux, and Mi. Multhow no doubt in I
, Kl lllTUItK Kt-pt III tock nuU litMilf
In ortlrr.
KIpit-fluNn work men cmiInyMt Hint wnr
(lotto an nrtlcrt'il.
ing In Injeaniiy,
I'll). HIm'mkm of the llirunt nml I. mm M l
riillllrull) uml Km'n .ltily Trt'itlril ly
lir.. Iliiriln,
i'or intwurd of many yearn Dih. I.ir
iIii'h pnmvidonal attention Ikih Ikvii
clu-dvely devoted to I lie Htudy and hives
ligation of tbt'ho inipoit.mt m'l.iientH, uud
it Ih with nirdonabli) pride that Ihev icfcr '"Vint
lo (he MicceHH which Ihey have iicliieeil
In their lieatmcnt and cuie. Their ii.clh-:
ikI of practiiv in distinctly original, biiM'd j
nMiu strictly ratiomil and Mcicntitlc piiu
ClplOt lllltl lOllOWVU UV UIO lllippl t le- , lorrinnrr a iVTfvf
hiiIih. I'lielr appliaiice.H for the esauiiua DHLhi rvOtlA IN 1
lion and treatment of liidden c.ivitifH of
tholicadandlhio.it aio confehhcdly the
inoft iHirfift of anvlliing vet ilevWd ir
. . i .i ?i I,
hum hpcciiu pttriMiMi eiiaoiiiig litem inn I in-t rrr
.Mile I i ii..iililv iliki-.ti'.ir lli.t .fviii'i initin,
of tlio ctmiplalnt. but iiImi to dinvt their
applic.itioiiH to the tlittc.ihcd partH mociIcc- i
tutdly that ivlief irt cften oK'ricuced 1
at oniv, und erinanent cimw 1110 ofteii 1 IJrTnvt ovni o 1
eilccleil in the inoHt Mublmiii and aggr.i . KtXcbL
vateil en-en. 1
In catarrh the oltciiHiwi diM-luuw simu
tliiiiiniclies, iiillainni.itiuiiHiilw.ide.-i,ulcera
Sanitary d Heating Engineers,
Steiim and Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
Hprrlrlciltloilii Itnct PMlmutfH ruiiilxluil fill
ItPiitliiK biillillticn In miy Kocllon of Hit- mun
irj. Corriiiilence "ollollmt.
Portland. Oregon, m.i
Joian ai3ri;,! Bucks for Sale I
Grain Bags.
and Detrlck's
tcdJS. IF.'h
(.'efrbt a-
rAII KlruU, Thi. niitt,, v.w
Peinted Flour Bags
A Secialty.
1 1. K II.I.IAW t.
ff . Ami f;r"MlT0r,.
' Hroom inkV.
1 men, - tn si
1 ,uV "ri nf Tniiilri?
irkiinrif hpfr;, ..ls,' r'".''. o,.:'
GIU-H. IVtliltr.ti... 1 '"I' w'".lonV
' " mrrii.nnnn.i:7."Mi.
j?nm KKMi'Ktt i..,..
X' t ve rent Ili-i'MUu iV.11
urrti'Klil. WI,p. inmnr;;" U
best hiaiwK iisIh'!.'! r"'",rfv
T.) AT KINK fi.oi.KiiT.,,, ....
1 nnniiiiH it.. .1 " 'r 'ut.
' " ". Mnin hi,.., n
inrK. 1 nc imm vinM, u. , " nI
K IlL'util !iiii.h...-.....r'.u"il-t:',r .
1 KTKIt t'.Mttfv "
..... 1r.1t. im.....
i . "i witMitimur mi iti . .""i
luiiiio tottrv iiiiUkp, Fn .
r,l.)Ut)rH nnit CUnrw cmVUu".!
I1T Tf.t.TA U lri...T T .
dlnton, Ormnti. mi
A "HP. '.!' Hr!.l.KK". pi
i-i-or by thi. Bin.;.,: tS5S2,,tt
. . ' """nnelt,
. llnvliiKilliiuorjQlmv l,mt,i.
li.ulil. ,inl... -1 I . ' 7 K
" y i"-"un inaettj
liirri-by kiivo ftirllttr Tm. h i"'! V1'.
nil ri-l nil In- Inw. '
ItlMlicrlfiillv. Mini,,,
More 1 111111 tiro luuidrnt lormt.
hliinkn ul thin oillw .'.!
'B npcrini "irmil run Ik tapper
t 11 .......... I.... .. .
,r.-p.iiin ,ii,iwiiiir uirmtk Vm
ill inn iiKirn iiiiii'u.niii 11 i.iirf u'..
iiii:uin iu 1'i'nu run una iru . u
lino im- mm in uciuiirr. una iuiv.ii.t
1.1 Krunt Nt.
JiiIQiUh- If
Ft'fil Grrhi't; Proprietor.
Main Htm l . Oniiimiin (um-i n.
...It 1- . .. 'IHI Illl' lirk IRU lllllllkllM Mil fill llllfkM ' . " "
"","nvni, ,W I I-' , tr Wriili, mvn, VHWIU..I In-mill. 1 .1 1 1, , iiiuiKrn,u,..
'.V. srtwh or naons
Thoronuhbred Itiflntentl
and (Irade linckn.
luring Hie next Iwo iiiontlik Mil ti... i,m..l. .
mvnlly kwiu'.I In- ui Ueotii., i, Uio name '
In I n
If .vim Itnvr nn militinl Mr.. .
n,H.uK 111. i, l.l. n..utt.ll.. M.w. V' .
Ill 111" I.AnT UIirilcniAK, II f
every llitte.
U..n... I.I.I. ...Ill I, .,!.. I l .1.
ti i.iiii.liii.r ........f . i i ... I.. .t...ta . . ..
eliltert, nt Wiitnun & I.ulirt iitmlri
l.llli:illlll. 1 lit IIK1H Will II. IIMK.1 .
iiiiini iiuii.i' ib i ii. in., na oainnif
I.....I...M .Kit i. iiuj rri... .i..i.. ... ...
ilirniiiHin irni'rvi'ii. lnnirBCtur TIJ
iliiireii in riirniii neccnry imnili.
IV-nillclon. Or.,HcitcinlKrU.lK
l'i..lH .t J. II.
N. W. HcSTn
Echo, OregOD.
fipn Mprnhanr
w m mm w w mm f
Roller Mills
TM1 ..
X' 1U
onin .iii I LiJU'jr?n
mu in
U lllll'll
I I III. I I I tf U
VnrihwAkt rVipnfip Mm In iind OOCtt
nnionn rrriT T ft1 1
m m m
lihili I n A lilil . A
Rc-oponcil, fie-fumuhed
Equipiied in First
Cliixs Stvle.
i Sntlufnctlon
Cunruntood 1 1
r4llfH,' r
.rf.iilli. I.. ...i.l mIi. 1.. I..- ... I.. ............... iii... ..
,..v,,j ., -...... ,,iik in iihiim aio niiiitii iii ileal, tne lueatli Ik re
do what in lvnt (or all -u tia.x. The Iron- ' xttued to ii natural put it v uml u ivrtua
bin u thill lliev aio iini.)'d Umii bv a ! ; "r' I" ivi'dil clleclisl. I hul
lo. o( kindling rascal, NVo have ' no j t
doubt .that tluiMi minor olIlcialH, who aie rniiiced in iin..iituicnt.i and disoi
really control matterH in icgard to ludlaii I dern of the mh-iiI niguns. in chronic and
roMinntiiuin, aio in a corrupt ooin.;iifuov ' I'H'j-i'-lant innghs ax well hm in bronchial
.III. cclain pa,,.,. , (Jrcgon lV.WI, it
tho ovuiug- of ihco .in,U. Mich a umially felt, and the he.iiini: in citlier
whemo would Ui "j nut tlieir i-ie." Jeiitiiely rotonMtr ni.Ueri.illv U'lietlt-Yctwolrin-t
Kd.lv and llallerav will i w diwliai-gcH from Hie ear fr-n.
.j,, mi iittiintioii iii tkiliiii'M bin in- in ....i h.itovercaUM aio radically and ii
l no attention t mlili h. Hut r In M't , mam,nty euu,l in a hlmrt time. Ami it
tho ruHrlor olllcl.dK to look behind tlio rt ,,un of the happy fe.itiuoM of lri
work of their yiiUiuliuateH, and do i U.irrinV practice that tho tipplicatioux
i-aiiMi uettlier uln nor ilUtuH and can
Ihcn'foio Im readily adminiotored t lite
Livery, Fees, ua Sals Stable,
J. B. KCENEY . lin i-ois.
Put up your inimislt and your j
money ut this stnnl. Thoro,
is no bottor In town. Our i
pntrons tincl friends will bo
woll trontocl.
Thfi." l.uclck tr Ji-pt In cooil enaiure, iif-nr
AllN.. Urcitoii, uinl urn ,n flue romlltlnn unit
Itifimtulily uiiinil, :
Tie- iimli t.tBiiMt will vlt A ha very W i. ,
ni'Mtny, in it in, ,. ni.y imril-s winning to hoe '
lliHkti kln-f.iii pi.n liiihlnir.
Ky Iitiii" ! i tyt.xitiiit-j to pnrithiiiorH
hnr piinli'iilum iiitilrros '
U (i. Ti;oMli)V..ilmlni.tnil.ir. I
Hiuwi low IVmlictoq, urctfoti.
Open Day antl Night,
ounir Diinyr enn riiBitu
! Nnk!-,1,iMi',1,''r ,""' U"' ,""I,,K ro0ln
3d Annual
Walla Walla
Aoriniiltiiral finniotv
H.F. Johnson &Go., I u, w.
1J S . i DOTflDCD I Tfl r tnnn mm imiu. i
A . .'t',tv.tt . .' "
house, centrally
cated, for $350.
ply to
HiMi:VOHKKf" All I.
Ol'T- l.N HIV
i TfltN.
justice Htccdily to the voplo of thin
Wiikt Hold eleiilay for a dollar a
IuihIicI in IhiIIi Now York and Chicago,
tho higliCHt prii in nine yearn, While
Ilia price bun fallen here fUo or hovcii
cciUh, it renmliiH Hint HMhe uliove mar
ketH ut tho highest price yet ipiotcd for
tho year.
most nervous ivrfuii.
A candid opinion will invariably I hi
given us to tho osiibillticri of a euro' and
no caso will Wi accepted for taatmcnt
whicli dix'rt not oiler a reasonable chance
of HiiciVM, and bile far from profcc-iing
to ivrform iuiHvsibiliticn, or to euro ev
ery ea that prcici!t8 Itnelf for ttvatinent.
Dm. Darrin may aafoly ntato that lutients
under their profoiwioinil care will receive
I equlsitea ne Toilet.
J.B. KEENE.Y & Co.. PROPR jStnUonery & School Supplies
VV. D. FLETCHER, i Fine Imported and Key West Cigars.
WATCHMAKER J'JELfiR, ,l"v,ll"'",-
IVmll.ton .'"W. iiHKUOW
K. J. Ilortou, I'roprlrlur.
Main ana IUIIroad Ht., JVnaieton, Orton.
.J'L" ln everr rePict, Near the d.
pot ana hM Try cOTaleuee. Trrmi l" a
, $8000 in Purses.Stakes & Premiums j p
Insurance Agnt8'
H i nk tmlMtiii,-, Court ttrvt -Oregon.
Miulcnt Mi-r-cliinJU
kepi In
I'Iiikw, Or- i
imnii, tout a
kltidn of mu.
Ioh I luatru.
mrnUaold on
wral plan
OllP-hlilr fjr r.itnM ...... i... . . i . . .... I
ii r.V."r.',h.e,rn 1 '""'- bin from ikiIiiIh u. I.ir I I
Ituiinlntrauil trottl n; event each day. '
$1000 Free-for-AII Trot. !
a. r
w i -
Kor rurtlicr Infoninillon miilreM
PPilM jjKVUYKKr.l.lXO.sc'y.
Proprietor of the 0. K, Dairy,
Krenh Milk nnU Pure I'rvatn Delivered to alt
paru of town, mornlnc aoU evenlns.
.Miitiilfiii lurfr "I attii;iMr "
... t
l I Ul I JUHWI"-!
Whips, tic,
Tents and Wag"
- i-itiTri
A 1 JjKUntlUA
Odd Pallnwi1 Bailllat,t',',
Stop the Wagcn, ana Give Your Ordw