: DAILY- DAILY. scrip at pari JSL xT lfvrwvVvx " The East Oregonian. DAILY, fS i HEM t-WEKKl.Y, Newsy, but not sensational; Fresh, but not course; Liberal, but not wicked. PENDLETON, UMATI LLA. CO., OREGON. M . , SliirTK.MHIiJIt 24. 1888. NO. 175. ii, fBM on Subscription, Adver- m 2mmA k. -C L- LtW Jtf jBb Printing Account. HHU SMS JBsMMHaaMMBaMBaMBlB H WDM? DIHKOTOilY. osr-VTT.. v M 1 IV t. U. E?.?'l.r MonVV nUht In O.I.I Kcl- 11,11. T.w. . . . . . . KM M . t ' M Mii nio Trmj.lM on the '."Ji, riu of cell i month, ill 7S ?J I P. lIcVllKK. H. I'.i K. II. CLOITON, .... M . 1. 4 . fiiiuiii. ." 1 1. ni. ... ffi month H'- o'clo.'k. II. J. W ,u'. k. I'mwiKit. Mccretnry. - ,v , num.- Mil. M. A. V. A A.M. Li I.i)ImK NO. IH, . n. u. . ...rr Tll'iraiiy 1IIKIU n. inn r.iiiiio ".V,.ri.A.l,.nlf. J. U. LKA.UHK. M. I . l....,l.. . . . . .. i .. i. 9 M....- ;..ff HntiiMnr 'V.".'!1"."' ..kmiiKk. N.tJ.I r. II. nnwiBiir. i-rr, f.FWu-'. All,.,". ------ II r MffH " II'1' eCVIIII'l nii'i HIIV Ill 111 , n. i. ........... - - - - - - . rf.lSI; HKIIr.ru i.oir. .",. i, i. v. n r. Mm4 Hi nr.. mm .iimi 1111111,- ......it, I niinL Nil 91 i.. hit Illflf.l wii'iin i.'.. ... ... Met" HI"11" rrilimi. mr.lnir nt 7;30 o'clock. .1.1 Lkasuuk, i , .A..V.VMM1 K. llf It llllll .v. VI 1131 1 .1 1 IH , I . v. . ... ... ...... " in lliil renown llllll rvcr.v w mni-MiMy "... HI ..Vlni.LT. M. Mllll Kit KA I). 5. "7 r. ...... .. I.' .if II mill M Whfflcr Hull cvi-ry J iiiirxoiiy iiirih. u'irrLK. CoiiiniiiiHlor: .1. H. (towns. .l M ATT0KNKY8. Ibl'l.tl i.n..'i.'-, taw, omcc KOOMI MO. II, AMOCIH BlnrK. rrniiicioii, un-i? .11 IIAIIK. J 1. A11U I.M A I IIIII..M . u K. t.l llllllll lllflKU. lllllllll.l- imv l I1AI, IMIAV ATTftltNKYH ill.iw. linre Koom 3 iiikh ah- K.ir.K a inr.ri, ni luiuiriin 01 .111 Riling iiiu'inii-u in iii ,'i.'in'i- Cnllfcllnnii h dln'Cliuiy. mure on itifrt ii llm Tliouitmoii'llnriilinrt 7r H A KIT'dl'.ltA 1,1). ATTOIINKYH ilUur, lioi ini. No. A unit 6, Aoclii BltKli. I'nill('in, Orccon. J, nr.AP, A 1 llllll ril A l liAffi Offl-:-Mnln HirfM, in Tliomiioii- riri mi ii hi ii u. ii vt r iiiit i'iiiiLiiiiiiir. 4 MINUII. AlTDIl.NKYrl AT LAW. Di Urffon, F. HI Ti'll I It. ATTOHN BY AT LAW, . Ctnttrvllli..Orri!on. Will uruRtlre uotti of dri-kiiii ami .Vunlilncton. Col. "tit oro n i j hi .'iiueu o. UUL'V . l.lLlf i1TllllVI.VU A1 Uw, Itooii'n a llllll 4 of tli'KlMt Or.'- u i ill he. orni rof .Miiln ami webb ',rnillrtou, llit-uoii. RTEK" A V IIITK, "Al'TOitN KYKAT Uw, I'tiiilleliin, Oregon. Kooiuii H itnil ..!.!!.. III...I. 'IIYSICIANS AND 8UHGK0NS. 1111 NllI...MKTA.'ltYlI(JIAN nil Truclitr or i;nrlllan wicnco. ..i.iirnL nil uivi'ii ill riiuuiii'diiiiii uui urnuu IVWI I. kfrXHiil Ii0, lVuUkloii lihNWOl.li. 1'IIYSII'IA.N AND HUH iwn niire In irvlne'H Uriiir morn, i Uirifoii, R. n.WtKKIt, I'HtHU'IAX AND riuiT. lirttL PtMiillpfnn. Orfifi-ii. Whom it May Concern. The underfiigned will close nil current accounts on their book on the 1st of Next October, And willj(l(!inund satisfactory settlement of all bills due them before the end of the year.. They proposu there after to conduct their business on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS, And solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage they have so long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers FULL COMPENSATION In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended ROTHCHILD & BEAN ( K. HOOdKVKt.T. N. II. TKN'SKUY. J II. IHCIIMOVD. R. T. R. CO. G-o and see their new style Photos "The Russian' Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc. R. T. R. Co., Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon. Successors to J. A. Brlggs. JUST ARRIVED! t'onmillitlioii flee. (Mii- A Large Stock of New Furniture -- - i T-r t. 1 J ana jtiousenuiu uuuuo At Shulze's Store -l M, I'HI'KIT, 111 YriKMAN AND ortiun. omc! Over loorlioun rmur. .lure, corner of .liilin.oii mill H'fMbi, IViiillrtoiit'Ori'Uo i Mnurhuu.e A Co.'n Uirc. Ite.lilpiic.', on ll ll.. .. . ll..l.l....n lr.M VIIUI. I"l.l. iiijiiii uacenninw'eil Uv ti'li'ilion Willi Ml noi'l. r:icclHl ultenlloii elvvli lo the of tuiiini unil clilltlren. DK.NTISTS. .BEATH-MKNT(ST. OAH ADMIN- iru iimce: Main nirfei.in i noui" ". uuiiuuiCi rrliuieiou, unxu". MKCHANIC8. K. HAKKKS. I'ONTIIACTOH AND Blllllvr. I'enrflAtnn. llri.inn. irtlUUtrV 'Pec liy. K.iliiitttce furu ilitaon totlre. . Ill'I'IIW I'llllilfMTIfll AST' DBllder. Leuvn nr.lera ut reildence. i i mm . i iu ii I .ii M nfc, ...... ..,ui., rUIIVIITII Hill. ...w. ...i.i n mii r.ll. IILAUUnMlIll , . 1.IUD MHKtr, AllkHIIU UHnifll HIM "iniut u,ii uiiiHin inHnimr. niiu n. iKnranculnir. rri HIMIWN. HOIIHK CAIIUIAOK Inrl Ul..n li .ii . I . iH.nn r vu iimrni iircri. nnitr i nun iicvi - " ii nvrnu jiiuiMj-t w "uiiomiii:. nunc nitu r i tii f . . . . . . - iu ti ilia uiMivfi nrunri.fri. All witrK UUPHAT. KTONK AND tUUCK l')n. Vrinl.ftnn ririn Tomb 3U0r. lltalnH nil Vln.lu nf at nil A iSZt wented reasonably. Jlol- Main Street, Pendleton. Goods Sold on the Installment Plan on Easy Terms, Great Western Bakery. -AND- DINING ROOMS, M. Git A TZ, Proprietor. A.FIRST-OLASS MFJAL! -FOR- TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, I'OltTI.A.M) POINTS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICE, OLID AN BED FOR S5 OIL fSO CENTS DAY TSTIGKHT! Main Street, near Portofflce, Vendition uw The Sklilntur. Fount n In (Iriirln (Inuil nln' I.ltlle (Imme. fttttil It I lt.miib.ll K. Jl.jir Klh Vau Tiirl lliilloon Kuce.Tlil. AT.rk-Aii.ithvr lull lme. l'oitTl.AND. Sout. '.'It. (Jraco Goodwin. an imimte of Minnie KovnoM notorioiiH bacnio, who wu uti in the polii'o court not long niucc, on iidiuigu of liuviiiK roblicil onti A. A. An.iiewn of ll(0. wim ycster!u Imuled ui) on u ulinllar rtiuruu tiruicrrvii uy u iiiooiini; nmii innnt'd Joiui Cook. Cook huyri tluit liiHt TlitirHdiiv nlRlit ho Hint toil out with Uravlc to .lo thu town. Tliey go: u curriiiKO anil drove About tlio t'itv, ntoi)Ing ut about overy naloon tliey catuo to for drinkH, and Hoinctiino during the nlht they went to a naloon which lie cannot now locate, where tho woman, in wlioiu lie had the KrcatcHt conlldencu, allowed her nimble Humeri, to Klldo through hln jmrfo ntrinnn anil take from him 1'5 of lmrd-carncil money. When thu cacc wa- I'alled the proHoiuitliitf wltncHH failed to put in an uppearance. and it 1m Maid he wax "llxcd" on tho outxltk'. Uraclo Ih KOttiut: to lie quite an udupt in thin IniHliiCHf. .She m'tH hur victluiH ho coinpletely loaded that thoy cannot tell a htralght ntory and then rob thum, knoNslni; that a man who loxet birt monuy under miuli clrcutnxtiiiiceH dooH tint got niucli iiyuipathy in court. If the xtorlcHof AndiewH and Cook are true, die han robliod $ 1 8," during the punt ton (Iuvm, unil koIh oil' without even to much uh'u "talking to." Kility potindi of contrabiiud opium wnu holil ut auction by V. S. Murnlial Mycrn ycHterd.iy, for ?10 per pound. (Jle.indor, (Ineco, Klttv liiiiu, l.ndv Don, our laiwimkerK to pee that tho principle Jatno C. and .liin lrvfn",Um will trot in of our lopublie in of a dltlorent form, one race. Dick l'laliertv, Sunie S Maud Thu Doclaratlon of Independence, dinned Knox, 1). 1C. V. andKiltv l.vnch tto Julv 4 177(1, condeniiiH the prenent trusts cart) In another, and u halt'iiilfn and re-1 and unequal taxatioiiH by condemning peat, handicap, running race will follow, 'the imurpationn of Groat llritaiu at that Mr. U. H. l.lndKay, who otlem tho purfCH, period. We nhould examine thecondi which conslntH of $150 eaoli, sava lie in- i tlon of our law at the prcHonttlme. Un tendH to make these hornon work to win rqual taxcH, unequal tariirn, unequal re tlit) money, and ho will eet tho best ob- prcpentatlonx, unequal lawH and unequal talnablo jmlgcH with a view of nettint; a chunceH in "life, liberty and tho pnrHiiit fair test of thece anlnialH. , of lupplneHH" are contrary to lite prlnei- -r-r 1 pli' of our republican form of govern- TIIK IIALI.TION A I.ONH, incut It Ik udmltted on all A rnlr In tlie Oroird A liny Carried Away Mini .limip. In tit. Water The Salt l.uk.4 Acaln Huci'ri.fiil. t'oitTLANU, Sept. 24. While taking a balloon ucrofn a boom of logx to u baruu .venterday aftornoon noveral Imivh fell in tho water, cuuHin a imnlo, durint: which luanv who were holdiiiK the balloon let Ko. Thl8 niado it too rinky or tho few who Mill holil on to tho balloon, and thoy too let no. Tho inoiiHtur Hwcpt acroH the lotK, duckliiR many in tho water. Ah it arofe in the air, a boy wax noon fattened In the netting. He Hcreamed and Htrujj ttled until carried out over the water and about twenty feet high, when ho dropped and mvam atdiorc. Thu balloon rone about u mile and a half, and diapKarcl to the HotithwcHt. It Ih reported that thu balloon ileecotuletl ami burned nar (m nldcH that another crisis 1r at hand In our hlxloiy as a na tion. Capital and labor are draw ing the linen moru Koveioly with every punning day. Will thu farmurH of America rise to thu dccanlou, and cotmorvatlvo un thoy arc, licconio tho "go between" for thcue tw o giatitH ;how them both the evil of their way, and mark out tho cafe mlddlo ground where each can Htand the equal of thu other? Capital Ih absorbing our wealth. Thu inakern of fraudulent ar ticles of food are combining to carry their point. MerchautH gambling In "fuHiren" iiiiHottlu thu valuu of our produutH. Din crimLutluiiH Inlaw, taxcH and traiiHiior tution are ngaliiNt thu fanner. Legalized robbery, aiiiouutlug to itilllloiiH of dollarn that miiHt'bo paid liy the mannon of the people, am beeouilng moru frequent with every panning year. The great wheat and collco "eornerrt" wuru of thin clain. 'The price of collco wan doubled to tho 1 Bull I .liken :z Wlllatili'llfi I ! . a beuellt ti) tho Itciiublicaii farmciH will it'll U'M0 ull'or.l equal ailvantagcH for thu Detn- l'rr,iru'lii iiiinti.w i Unit t iitnu ii ! ocriiue iiiniier, or vice vurna. no iihihi I.rrorn-W Ulainelte, 1 , . alt Lakes, (I. iwn t)) wmk ,() (llH(anl pol,tcjl i:si'i:iiaii: i-kiiit with itoiuii'.its. ! ImrneHH, and not follow thu path marked I out for uh by lltoeo who com- A Onni; or De.liiTuil.... Allrmpt tn Hob a I bluu to rob uh of tho prolltH of our laborH. Train In T.xm-Muay rm w.iiimie.i. We inuwt meet together, talk ovor Si'UUM.KNiitTtio, Tex., f-Vii. 24.-Kob-iml.:' 'r KnovanceH, nun kou wnoro mo muon action ...... i in iiijiiiiiiiUL'it ui inti ulii iuiiiimi iti it iiin tint ui ill uiu ua 'linn tti u ri I . f . ,i oral olllcern. who had K-en warned of tho ''''""J' ;V t'rH from now, If tho mimo Sciiut.l.KNiitrtKi, Tux., .SMI. 24. Ilob-i"" , "' w " . " . hern 8topH!.l the oxireHH train near hero, i li1rt', ,crHonal r"JmmJI- . and compelled tho engineer to uucouplo j J',"" roln ,im,r, ""' . l '"' from tho pannengor coaches, and pull out '"-'ro l f rength." InimedlaUi actl a.llHlaui o. In thu express our wora wiv-Ml lunmnded of tho agricultu attempt. Thu robbers noon got on thu i""reu mureasu, i i iu iim . mo mall car, and began to "rillu the mall- 'r'slH will bu pas . hu struggleH unil bags," commanded by the loader ..f thu J tuutlmi ' 'reland at tho prusent ga..g. Two iiiun t.wk thu engineer to the , ''" hIiouIiI wurii iih ol our ilwiKor. Ilia i...: . i. i .... Z i.tu i 1 1 fair and fertile iilaiiiHof m "ellu rraucu JiriTii iiinii . iiint un niniii iin inn i i.it wego. I no cost to an lassell was f ".', OiK), ami its loss leaves him ieunilesH. I ho Mll.imettes played an errorless mi,m f ,.0nHiiiners in this country for game yesterday tip to he ninth inning, , wveru V:V, Mu who has estimated when thu halt laikes, aided by throe safo . ,ho mi(mH f ifolhirH "stand and do hltH anda wild throw bv loin l'arrott, Hver" thus taken from tliym? How few inado tbieorunsand carffeil oll the lion- people who aiu Hum robin.'.! are taking ors of tho day. I he i llaniettes md iny action to lnlvo it stop.ed. Our gov their old batterv. liirnbull and 1. I'ar- ,i r. n ...,,t.. ,.f i. ,i. . . - - . - - t i . . . . . tin i uiu n mi iiiu itii nui tn iiiiti n tun . Kr ckson. who took a Hhot at John' rott, and thu bait Laken bail Lastonu anil , 1.11i1, ui,..r., id., iren,.ili Ifen. tr Wumnlcr last AugiiM, hilling lilin in the fj raui). l ouowing is ino score uy in- v.ui ulenso. TliroitL.h tho ballot. 1' ih arm, wiih recently convicted of assault nings: farmers must learn that Ihwh tlmt will Ihj witli ii dangerous weapon, unit iineii i..i. Tlio store of K. Meyer & Co. was closed by attachment yesterday, rrocee.lings wero begun in tho Circuit Court to to cover over $37,000. Assets unknown. A high casto Hindoo lady, whoso naino in Pandita Kamahal, arilved lieio yester day from California. Slw is an acconi plished aud highly educated lady, and is lecturing und writing to raise monuy for tlio purpose of founding a school in West ern India. Slio will deliver three lectures in tills citv to-day aud to-morrow. Tho Skt.lmoro fountain was unveiled and formally dedicated to thu city yester day aflernoon. Tho exerclsoH were as fol lows: rrayur by Ilev. Dr. Atkinson, riesenlutlon address by Mr. 0. K.S. Wood. . .. Address In he ha f of tho city liv . 11. Adams, who olllciated in tho ubsenco of Mayor Dol.uHlitnutt. Turning on of tho wator. Several thousand people were in at- tendeucu. Tho fountain was given to the city by S. G. Skidmoio, whocamo to l'orlluud in IS-jO uud resided bore uiitllhls tieatli in lfttt. In his will ho left M00 to tho city for tho erection of an ornamental foun- Thu main basin of thu fountain, which is located ut tho junction of First, A, und Vino streets, is octugonal in sliaixniiid built of granite. Around tho rim of tho basin uiu brass cutis for drinking pur poses. On four slilcH of tho largo basin aro smaller ones, also of granlto, used for horso troughs, into which tho water IIowh thiough eight hihjiiIh projecting from liou hoadH. i'rom tho center of tho largo beam u pquaro polished granite shaft rises. On thu north and houth Hides of tho column aro bron.o female figureH of classic form antl tyu, wlioiu uplifted arms supiwrl a largo shallow basin of bronw). Tho water sjiurtH up ward about two feet from thu center of tho upjHir basin, und miming over, falls Into a larger basin ImjIow. Tho lower basin bears the following In- . ,.. t.u ..r, 1. utih. . scniMioiin ; w .".'.'.'. a H .M DH L 1..VA A 111. IK-ored into thu oikjii ypacu. an olllcur, , with I'rlitiHoned w ill i the II to-1 . msi oi nor mistaking him for ono of tho robberH, I""!''"; W11H. ,,,'l.1l,J" ,r",lj, ,llt(,.0,; .. . . . . . mi ' Liu-mi lii tin, u-nbniif llm, (nililililliml tillll ureci ono narrei oi a snot gnu. iiiu on-, ...... ................ glneer fell back with uu uglv wound in U'xusiierated people :t mtoiitburstof down his check. Thu liaudltH U'.un tried )(, Ir-sl. en hunmnity let hiono In u w ect make thu llreman servo it liko purpono, and whiui thu olllcur sighted him, hu ills- I .1 I... ....I .1 II.. I'lllllllTllllllTlllIIITl U111IITI 111 lllll Ullll. 11111.1 . . " : . . .r . i ........ .. .. ....1 ..ii iriiduin in ti. fortunate v in ssed the man. 'Ihu ban- ,i'" " " " """ ;- ii. .i - ... i .i . j. , .1 ntliiir lliilil u'linr,, I iiIm ii,titiirv .ran wit. mis men returned ino lire. io less man i - - ' t ..... .. i lifivsbols worn oxchani'.'d. when tho ness thu contllct as it presses forward to- liaflleil robls'rH lied, canying two orthrco wounded men with them. Thero wero ton in tho gang. They will bu pursued with blood hounds. I whiilw iiiil of unmitigated fury over thu wrongs piepelrated by rent rail red wealth, i Che same nvll Is stamping out of oxlst- llli:i AT T lit: DKNTINT'S, A Woiiinn IHeJ Alter llnrlni: Tltlrlrrn Tenth IIilrHct.'il, Willie held liy Her IIU.IlHIIll. Halifax, Sept. 21, A woman named Hellg went to a dentist to havo tliliteen teeth oxtracled, and tho tliM-tor put her under tho iulluciicu of otherj but by thu limn ho had drawn lliteo teeth sbu ru c 'V 'red eoncio hiiiiss, and tolil him to desist. Hu lufused, and wont on ex tracting her teeth, while thu woman was held and bound by her husband. After Ihu whole thirteen hud been pulled, thu woman iMicamu Insensible, and died two hours later. SAN IMlANOIHt'O NKf. I.. Kliot, William vt uuiianiH, w. r. r. Wood, Charles K. Sittonj John I,. War-J s ner, sculp or, J. M. Wells, architect." i IUv On tho south nldo is engiaved. "fto-. Uutl "Kmeteri A r'niiiiMitiei, for tho citv of Portland,' John Gates. Mayor; Henry Failing, Thomas; A Man Killed hy u ny who.. Mother L. Kliot, William Wa.lliaillS, V. ft. . Wa. A.lll--Aiiiniir r.immiima.. Uiw lililVMIkfil S.lllt. ''.I. -1 lllllllllH Dawson, a votini! man aged nineteen, shot an.) killed a man named Trossln, who as- tihen G. Skldmoro, u citizen of Portland, ! huulted his mother becauso sho turned who died January AMU., A. I',, ' him out of her boarding house lor rulus- MDCCCLXXXIII., gave this fountain to ,,g to pay his Isiard bill. beautify and bless his adopted liome," 8an Fhancihco, Hept. 24--A slight Tho west side of the baslij liearH the hnoolc 0( t.a,thquaku occurred u llttlo lie following Inscription : "Goo. c itizens . foru to.dliyi are the riches of the city," aud tho east I side bears tho Homan numerals :j a (Hioit i.kttkii. "MI)CCCI.XXXVIIIV" t Tho balloon in which Prof. Van Taseell what Uwatlll t-rm.r Thi.k. ad will muko un ascension to-day wan in- wnte.-H. H.e. th. rat. Hated at tho foot of J Montgomery Mreet W, A. H. In the California 1'atron, and taken to Citv View i'urk on a bargo. 1 The harvest season is at hand. The It is of oiled silk, stand ninety-six feet headers are gliding over the hills of Kaht li'fli umi liftv-four feet in diameter. At ern Oieuon uathering In tho uoldencrain. 2:30 p. in. tno professor und wifu will as. Crops in thu north and east portions of ceud to a height of one thousand lent, tho county uro up to ine average. ward its llnal consummation. It has held Ireland In servile lioiidagu for generations past, and has not, oven In IIiIh day of enlightenment and advanced civilization, loosened its throttling grip. And id America, tlio asylum and rufugu of tho oppressed, free from thl tianeful pout? 'Ibis colossal monster of combined wealth arrayed uguiiist tho common masses of Iiiu people Is thu entetlng wedge of dynamics and thu com mon enemy of populur govern ment. It enslaves thu Ignorant and maddens tlio educated. It filers disloyalty, antagonizes patriotism, invites anarchy, st nil's the ballot-liox, disturb thu morals, sillies Ihu pioss, strangles in dividuality und liberty, and withdraws thu pile.) of honest dealing. It dictates to thu consumer what ho shall pay for his bread, and Ihu produce that hu shall sell It for. It pays homage to royalty and latiglmat beggary. It is thu concealed dagger Unit stubs political honor in tlio back, seduces national honor, pridu and virtue, uud barters money for human rights, liberty und happinesH, Hut, on the other hand, wealth, when accumulated hy thu legitimate result, of business and domestic economy by hon est competition In trade, Is the foundation or coriinr-stouu of ull liutlonul i!feut- ness aud iloinoxtie happiness, 4t Ih the grand purpoeu for which governments uro instituted. It builds schools for tho advancement of mankind in the arts and sciences, uud elevates humanity to higher planus of civilization. It cultivates rulluo merit und sows thu seeds of lasto and cul ture broadcast on tho public. It builds churches, semis tho GosiksI to the Isles of the sua und mukuH our Iioiiioh attractive adding beauty and comfort to thu lire- 'idu i in,.. . cnuiir man mow ui ' "r Wlnilng hou.e lu Katrn Ureou Alexander fc Frazer, UKAI.EIIH IN General Merchandise, Clothing, Hats, Caps. Dress and Fancy Goods. Family Groceries a Specialty. GOODS DELIVERED FPEE OF CHARCE MAIN HTItKET, when .Mrs. Van Tassell will leap from I lie quality Is the IhjbI lor years a The In the date KaU. Kvld.uca. Iii a recent murder casn ut Hukurvillo, CarllHxj, u Chinaman was sworn tho sec- i. .11,. I lit ii it inifblllit I. i.iul u..ul imrla of tl.it ni.lv .. llIllU I1V CIllllIlZ IIII U Vt.tn n linuii Tho air-ship will then Iki brought down w,l Ih very light, and the croi.H are not j um gave evidence dissimilar to Unit ho to tho ground and tho professor, accoin- z, good. KaimerH uro coniHilled to pay i In" pruviously given. Iielng charged panied by u reisirter or two, will muko an ten ctuita for grain HackH. Thu iniustlco this fuct by thu Judge, thu wltnesij ascension. It is his Intention to go up of tliu ring that HouiisheH at the oxinse turned ashy palu, doubled up, uud fel 8AXM or 10,000 feet, and ufler an huuror of tho grain-ralserH is uu insult to tho inhuii bu to ho floor, und wuh carried two's sightttceing, descend somewheru in fnltetl States that udiuit of such robbery, , 'u, ( ''in,1'"0 -'I"'"' that lie will dio tho vicinitv of Salem, providing the wind or do not prohibit It. Corpora-1 montlt or uix fweukH, us others huvo holds in tile north. tions that combine to rals.. thu )w who nw6ro falsely when so Hworn. The rcrwriiied WillametU-H and Halt piito of thu necessaries of life, Hlnce Iho Inc h unt tho w ilnesH I.uh been Lakes wiU VS u gau e at ClinU.n A M,'- or place a llclitlouH valuu on any arliclu' gradually sink ing, an. his friends Kct Coyrl grouiidH this aflernoon. Not much of national character should bo punished Idm to iiiu utthu allotedtl.no. Interest Ih taken In tho gatno.iiH it is gen- by iuiPris.juii.ent und then bo dls-t -u j .. . . ,... lliw i .1 . .. .1... u' .1. I .l,..u I (r.i,ii.ili...il. I liv urn urirM,, llimi tin, JU.I.eS l.llWUr.lS I1UIIUII t.urK.III IIIU law thu ' highwayman, but, being men of capital, , Arm of Harlow, Uraquo & Chaster, has oir." richeH cim-r up a inultitudu of sins, 'ihu "toUm $2tM.M)0 fiom his eiiiployerti. a walk-over, und nliould they 1oh if.it tin it will b roL-ariled ;iHa"llirow-( ... . . . " ., l . .., ,!... Two .lays' racing win i given ui v-iiy View Park this week, Wednesday und Thursday. ' Tho first day's racing will In clude a trot between Conde, Contractor, Little Joe, Fantasia and Palatina, of a mile and repeat, handicap. Thursday, Idea that u man can oppress tliu masses of tho people simply lccauso hu has tho means to carry his views out und not bo punlebcd, is prenitoroes; but that idea U taking hold of thu people. The Grange is opciiiug the eyes of thu farmers uud Ills swindles years. Solomon White, M. P. of North F.ssox, Canada, has declared In favor of a politi cal union with tho United State, 4