TIIUHSDAY, HKlTKMItKK 'M, 1888. DAILY AND HKMI-WKKKI.Y, II V TIIK OreKonlith I'liblliililnc Company, . . OIlKdON. I'KNIM.KTON iiAitfV nuiHCiiriTtoN hatkh: One copy pcrjciir, ly tmill .fo Of) Our copy nix inontli", by mull '1 fr Olio copy per trcrh, by currier lfl Hlncl! tiiiinli'TN ttt AIIVKIITIMIMU ItATIWt (i)lr)ittt! AihirthrmrnttA Ono Inrhi or lcn, In Hcml'Wfi'kly per inon 1 1 U ( Omi Inch, ur Mh, In Dully iiur month 1 Ml Two IiicIii k, or Ic-m, In both, tier month... .1 M Ovrrllirn'lnrlii N,H( itil'Wceldy, pcrlnrli per month I 85 Over threu Inch.., Dally. per Inch ) r inontli .. I V, Over thri n HiL-hru, In both, xr Incli per month 1 75 MKMI-WKKKLY AUIMCHIITIO.S HAHCM! On ropy per yciir. XI SO One ropy lx montlm... .... i i: HI niflc number , ,,.,., (is I'rvmlum pnppr free to yearly hiiiw Ibcrx. Kolld nonpiircll nd vrrtlxi'tm-ii Ih In Hctnl Weekly 'or imlly, llrnt Inxcrlloii, per Inch, II.UO; each ulMcquciil Insertion, 00. Iocnl nollece, ten ccnta per line rncli In jjerllon. TIIK "I.OUTOIIV' AUK AM. AtlltHKO, Tho Orcroniau uttuntptH to JiiHtify ltn MHorlion Unit "Domocriitlo urucIuH" utl nit tlmt tlio tiirlll ctihunocH tlio prico of wool, hy iiotlnK lliu I'roM.ilont'M iiich Hgo, It In truo Unit the iiiuhhuku tnuy Jjo cniiNtrucd ho uh to imply thin hiIiiiIh hIoii, though ll Ih evident Unit tin mlmlx hIoii, if hiicIi It en 1 1 ho culled, wuh only or thu pnrMjHo of utiiibatixiiiC Iho arii iiiniit in fuvor of ruiluccd font of living to cotiHiitnnrH. Tho IVuhIiImiI wuh hIiowIiik wlmt wiiH"tliuKri!ulcHt Kooil for tins grout- em nii.iilj.tr;" und tlmt even If the turlir Ih worth fix cotitM it jiutititl to wo-d-iirow-wh, Mill it wan an InjiiHtli'o und u wrong, bcruiiHo woohurowurH urti hut u hiiiiiH iortion, ('omi:trtivdy, of thu K.'oplo. Hut though Mr. Olisvolund ntoH.'d hore, other "iNimocnitli! oraulcH" huvu not; hut tlioy huvu pruvun, o far itM hlntory und coiuiuou miu van prnvn unythlng, thut tho turlll' In fact ihIiIm nothing to thu prlco of wool. Thin wuh thu M)Hltlon of thn Oom wrulic iiiuuihorH of tho wityn und imiunn committed, und of every Domwrutio IHiakur in ConruwH. Ah u hIiikIo oxuinpln, out of NcoruH tlntl might ho (jiloled, ull to thu hjiiiu purHHo, wo tpioto from thu HHeeh of Hon. Wil liam M. HprhiKur, of IIIIiioIh: Tho hintury of proteutlvo turlUrt on wool in thin country und in Franco und Kug liind hliouM how wrong In tlumry in tlio Idea tlmt turllm of IIimiihoIvcm control pricori. TurlllM may contrlhuto to ruini or to lower, uh other circuuiNtuncuH may con tribute to produce icmiltx, hut thuy are not thu Nolo cuuhu of high prices of low prienH. It liun freipiuntly hapK'iied in tho hlntory of our country und in thu ultttory of other countrlcx, thut protcc tioniHiH huvu Hccured hluh turilN on ar- tlctilur urlicleH only to rculi.o low priccH ' in numu ior unicien mieiiui'ii io ihi pro tei'led; while, on thu other hunil, frco truilern hoping to eeeiire low piiienliy tuklng oil' dul ii'H Imvo Ih'cii dlnapK)lnled to 11 mt the priccH higher than Udoro. Mm lluMlat, thu IVcni h iiuthorily.nayH: "In l'runco to protect thu (armor, it law wtN puHHed imNiHing u duty of 'i'i cr cent, upon imiiorled wikiIn, und the to mtit hiiH been t lint native wooln have Hold for much loner pi ice than heforti the iiuMHMge of thu law. In Kngluud it law in Indtalf of the conHitmerH wuh panned exempting foreign mxiIh from dnt,, und tho conHtiiieiici Ihih Ih'oii that native woolHhavonold higher than over before." Ultttory ban rejv.ited itnf In thu United SlateM on I din mihjcct i und thin leuiln UH to couhitler how pi icon are af fected hy tiirllK The reuion u proteu tlvn tarill' may rexnlt In dimiuiidiliig the price of thu home products in from tho fact that whilo thu Mipply may have, diininlrtlied by cutting oil'' thu foielgn ' linKttution uf Hip ruw material, thu out-' ImrruMMucnt to inamif.teturerH remitting (rout thin may have caused u ili ntiuinhed demand ; and if thu demand: hould dliniuitdi in greater nroottiou i than the mipply hhould iliuiinii-li, the, price would fall hiHtcitd td hu'reitho, On thin Hithject I may U vrmitled lo iptote j w ft,0 gain front Mr. Hantiat. IIohuvh: "1. I'rlcfrt raixe either tin luvount of nugmcntod demand or dimluliiht'd hu- i PV I "'i. Thy fall hy reason of uu uugutentif tion of the Hiipjdy or diiiiinuallou of the i dimintutlon of tiui demand. ! "Thoro uni to LIuiIh of dearnenH a'nd two kind of cheaptH'H. Thero In u had win-nnvrrjou r riMilv to ll, don't for- uuuriifHH, nntcii rehinininiiii inmiuoution ' luiiui on in. nl minnU'. for it iiiinllen Ki'.ircitv utul nri. I vutton. t Here w u gmHt wliieli remiltH frmii un ine inand. for this iiulicalen th utieinuntu- " " " " W.T, tion of gonorul wealth. i - "Thoro in ulmi ugiKxlcheapnuiw, icotlt- TT fi f TTT Trt TTm Ing from uhitudauiv, und thero in u bale- j XX- J W XvXV7XjL JL mi tH Hi'iirn-i, pin it n yearH after tho pacBagd of tho high turlu" duticH on wool equal to 4.'J contn per pound. Tlio wholo amount of wool produced from 18(1" to 1881 wub '2,-Wl.7M,QM poiindH. iiK)tt every pound of which tho American wool growcrH have uveruged n Ions of -1.12 cuntH. Thu ttverugo produc tion for cuuh of tlio fifteen ynarn would 1 amount to l8(5,-tGO,000 noutida, and tho uvuragu annual Ioam amounted to f7.8.'W, IIUO, whllo thu grand uggrugatu of lliteiin yearn' Urn iiinountod to $U7,10:J)00. TIiIm Is the position, und u iiortlott of thu history cited by "Dcmoerutiooraelus." In other word 4, thu united Peinootucy of this nation docluio "protection" in thu flhupa of cxttemu tarlil'n to hu detrimental to wool groworH. uh well uh to nearly evo1 ryhody olsu. TIIK IIO.ND-rniCIIAMK I'l.VN. Mr. Harrison, in IiIh lulttsr of accept uncc, Hnyn thu Hiitplus should bu tisoil in tho piirehiiHO of IcjipIs, Thin would be a firm niece of nolitic.il unulneering. liv ery dollar of unnecessary taxation col lotted in worth to tho tuxpayerrfon un average nix per cent. Add to thin tho pro in I u in on bonds, which would havo to Iks purchased In open murkot, und tho total interest paid by thu luxjiayorH would bo about three times thu rutu which the bonds jo,r. llesldo, tho bonds uro not duo any of thorn till 1HUI. Tlio amount that then falls duo in fL'lU.OH.tt-jO, while, according to .Secretary I'ulrchlld'H report mado lust mouth there in now lying In tho Treasury :itll,'.'l,8!11.0!) cash uvulluhlo for tho re duction of tho tloht. This docs not in clude tho 100,000,000 reserve fund held for tho redemption of I'nltod .Salon notcH (greenbacks;; ll.l.'iO.l.TJ It,') held for tho redemption of Nutlomd Hunk cur rencyj L'.i,H77.i;)(l.42 fractional Hllvor coin; ?52,'J1(),11H held for thu redotnptlon of gold and nllver cortlllcatci; 4I),'.';I7, IL'0.10, disbursing funil, or thu $107,07:1,- S'.'O.fll! not surplus, which ban nothing churgu.thlo against It. Although the in torest hearing debt wuh decreased t7,!l'.'l, 070.-0 during the mouth of August, there wuh it nut increase In tho surplus of tsriO.ono.'J.'i. A mas named Ia'usuro, who lives in Pondleton, InfomiH tho Orogoniun "every Kastern Oregon county, with tho possible exception of Crook, will go solidly for Harrison In November. Ho is sure that Umatilla county will go ltepuhllcau. He says ho ban heard of many Democrals deserting Cleveland, but he has heard of no KoptibllcunH who havo left Harrison." This, tip here where I.easure is known, would indicate that Cleveland Ih gaining titrength und will carry ull of ru!t'rn Or egon, We don't pretend to know how it will turn out. If llour-rnuklng were a "protected" In dustry there would 1st no division of prollta with employes, uh Ih thu case In I'illsliury Si Co.'h big establishment in MinneatKili. At least tho thousands of protected millionaires have never been known to adopt any prollt-shuring sys tem, rillsbury A Co.'h product is Hold in a frec-traiio market, yet tboy ntuku money und divide their profits with their employes, It Ih a good example. Tin: Orogoniun declares that Thnrman hIiowh "moral debauchery" because he does not declare thut Cleveland Is u "chump." The organs of tuxut Ion-rob-bcrv seem to greatly wish that Thnrman had not out-lived his three-score und ten yeatH. Tiik Salem Statesman thinks Thur man's place "is In thu chimnoy-corncr," No doubt tho Statesman and u good many other Kepuhllcun organs just now wish ho could Ihi kept there. SELL YOUR WHEAT Dusenbery & Stencil Dr. McGill & Go. Hnt) uptnwl nn onlc In l'endli'ton, Hcptcin bcr 17 to September X2. Five Days Only At Villard House. Dr. Mcdlll A Co. Iiht hml ninny yenr ex pvncnro In Iho tim trim lit of en ron li! nntl prl vie tllnriKC, unit huvu Imil tho lurxest Inn pltiil i xpiTlrnuo of any opvclnllntii in the United Wtiitci. WE POSITIVELY CURE nut-Hum rilii- tti'ctum, Milch ns Piles. Hem orrhohls, I (I I u I or lilcctllne I'lli-. I'lli.'Tu ninrs, ft-., without thu lixc of u Itiilfu. i-riciu, rrimtc unit l liroiile kik'Ii hi lit MuiiIiishI, hnpotpiicy, N rvmis Hebllllv. KxhuiMl'it Vllullty, I'retiiatiire IH rllneof Man, tllect, unit eyery form r ills mini s of thn Keiilto-urliiiiry o k.iiir Ivldtiey, lavtriiiiil llhulilrr specially trentnl. Diseases of Women Speedily Cured. Consultation frco nml private. NATIOWAI. Ito.KCTlC DtSl-KNHAHV, tlil rioUKh HU, Hun Kmnclico. N. II. Most nuvH ran receive liotnx treat ment uf tcr onn visit to tlie Doctors' nHlce. Luteitt InipniVTil Klectrli; Ilclts furnished frvu lo pulli ntn. Cures Guaranteed. GREAT SLAUGHTER Cotlr ctlne n .1'' , 5 . "ou nnH pfoiif. OF GOOIDS For the Next Sixty Days. 10IIN KltNHT. I.rorr-. rtnir Nil i.. tir.niD " urpr nt J . i t r-urr.n , "i Grain Bags. (latent ta h ami Detrick'n Crlrbrd' TWINES Of All 14 1 nils, TciiK. FlMtr Kit Printed Flour Bags A Secialty. AMES & DETRICK, The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes The Ijttrgest and Best. Stock ol Men's Furnishing Goods, Saddles and Harness, Ever Brought to Pendleton. Ki-niit Ml. jnlfliMiv tf rOKTJLANI), OH. H HIESTAND, Echo, Oregon. IIKALKR IN Gen. Merchandise PendletoD Roller Mills Flour. HlOltAOEand FOltWAllDINQ Established 1857. j. o. oa.kso:n Mntiufixcturrr "f unit IWIer In SunIi, noom, UllntN, Window A IMnt ilu und cncrul Ilulldlni; NiippllcN. KtlhiKtM unit I'rlro !,.nta on npnltcHtlon, country oruen u upeelully, Kuetory anil Nuloronm, S'el trr' Mill, rOltTI.ANI) . . OltKOOV. J) SO (In W Hill Villard House. OAVK IIOIIN rraprlrtor Notthwet Corner Mmn unit Oourt htrrMa PENDLETON, OREGON. CENTRALLY LOCATED These Goods are now offered at 20 Per Cent Less han the same class of Goods can be bought in Pendleton. This in thu heat opportunity over oilered to tho people of Umntilla County. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITED ! JAS. WHEELAN, Court and Cottonwood Sts Pendleton. HERB TO STAY ! FORBES & WHEELER -DKALKKS IN- Furniture, Carpets and Linoleums, OILCLOTHS, SHADES, MATTINGS, (-TO. Oitnpltito Stock, covering live thousand square feet of flooring. Goods Sold on Easy Payments Forbes & "Wheeler, Association lhillillnK Pendleton, Or. Re-opened, Re-furnished Equipped in Firat Clnss Stvh'. und W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO., Wine and Spixit Merchants, PORTLAND, OREGON 63 FRONT 8T, AGKNTS- SAMPLE buyliiK wliml nt exery imliil uu hulti the hlpnltiK j O.R, & N, AND HUNT'S ROADS,! Trttiimirt llulnra nt Olllt OfH(!K IN H'ALU MtALVA R00NS FOR MEN, COMMERCIAL CYRUS NOBLE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLIT2 BREWING CO. (Milwaukee, Wis ) EXPORT PILSNER B0TTLE0BEER. ARCA DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Waukensaw. Wis.) V EUR E C L I- xw. . w,,n,, nvnu. t I UIIUYY LUUCI.) Itll iIhw lin Five Ooaeh to and IV, an Trains. The Pendleton Holler Mills i uimiiiimiion j Km luiiui un u. ZmuZ tVmt j Dusenbery & Stencil. wain til ilo L (Ciipiicity&Ai Isirrrl. pTiluy ) W S. BYERS & CO. Proprietors, IVliilMui,, iifp.-i. W.D.Hansford&Co. Deal em In Hardware and. Tinware MHiitirHcturi'r uf Umliiim, mmilat flf'rllne Klu' 'nih I'rir li for ,111 KlnMH-nr tJraiH. roNiiltH (nun thu tlio iimtiiitty ol Klonr, uwn ,rliop, frmj ic, yt ur. hand PDMP8 AND PIPE. J ! PLUMBING Promptly Dono. MAIN NTKKKT, VKNULKTON, ilure of ttm pniilln pHtroimjn U sollrltrii mcnini.taw ,.J General Merchandise, ; Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone (Ytmittlijit ul ttuiiiitnil ur coiiHiuntrs to imrrluiNi. Applvinu tlm! eo m nil nrinolnloH tlio ui'Ih In rulution to Iho wtvil tnturontH V VK. OlfEOOX. rniiiivn wwn jnniti Tlio uvi'ruto iirlco of the medium Aniorioun wtmhtil clothiiiK Hi'isw wool in Now York tor tUtcon yoiiin iirecvilini; 1Hi)7, tho (Uto of the lUDMgo of the not of tlmt your, I'lucing high rolictlvo iltttles on wool, wuh 6'J.8 centH Hr H)utul. Th uverago nrloo for thu tlfteoii yount huo ciliuK tlio wu8jge of thut uctH wuh -tS.tt rnU r xjunil. This show that thero wbj dorecitlon in ricv for fifirta Beer HaU. PKNIII.KTON aur.'J '" DUTCH HENRY, The Truck Man DUTCH HENRY. The Trarofor Man, WKBH HTHKKT fKNDUCTOM Contractor. Garden and Gymnasium w j arvra AKIar.rrtipH. IMalnHtrwt . . Near lotomc I'KNDI.KTON. OHKOON. Mi'.?JF A' "'.f?1 Oymnwlum noom In Mnntetloa. Juittlie plHloipnd an hour In xroinnf yourmucle und atrvnithenlnr yourfrmme. A cordial InvltaUon to all. 1 Onmbrlnui ltffrtc. aglam. jyj . "or dwdjaa nd price eotuultJ wii miu Him, -oaiaioa. (tTt a ou itont work tor b Vail. afcUmatvo THE BOWMAN HOUSE it J. Hortn, Proprlrcor. Main and lUllroad fit., PendUton, Oron. Jn? L ln ertrf roipwit. .Near tha de pot and baa er.ry canvaaUat. Tarmi It a lylidaw WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary and Heating Engineers. .MiinufHciurvrN Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, K0UI)WKr.LINQ80Ht'lIHU0UU.niNat! U rx.v-l M . I . rimwiumnna eMimate furnished for ucuuk uuiiami in uny ifctlon of the roun. try. Corrjinilenre Kollcltd. OFFICE: 1 34 THIRD STREET, Portland. Oregon. ziKimor. liAiivpTr?:: 7. thn '-l!'rri .J' .'Jm unuiKiii. WHIM, linn,,.: ion nrnnilv Mutock: uaflli PAT KINK t'nnrt ' iinni.. 1,1.. 1 1,... -..uumr r.i, K nil. :iiri.'ln n'fv.i.1 ,.7..."""i " "iron KINK. MimiinTI .Y) 1 nnou, Main iV Jl ri 111111K0 Hoimrs. i i,,0T,ci K. I'll.. I..... lip," " .'UDmtv..' ..... . ' ""ir, lbiim.' P'Pt'.l, 11. ,.... . - v... ,. inn. wan ,, . DOHllo t .nuii !!... "" ''!l' t ir.ii.... .....1 ... r"" nrntii .1 . utii( ill II.MA II lir....... .. 1 11.- ...... 1. "I nurii ih. 11 llilllll. Ilr.ib.i,. . 11 ' fira ...a inuiiiii iv n.nv.Mii r IINOI.I) of the 1 fTtnatlllu 1 'nL ui'iiir.iii nn Try 11 nudum It you don't iVti; UKWAUD. 10 r 1 11 form ul Inn lr,iii,.i,.ii.. ... a two-vcnr-olil hlnrk nil.. ii. ii.o iiuintren.ra will b fall ... . . ...mv.i, . iufvd, urffoa. rjAKIC I1KKU. " " Allrifmonn linll)i,i inik. hmmnl n u m ml . i iivi-u nun nnrruiFi "ICtlllfellOBM In wii.'oy.i a Eii. ITDQ.rXl uht i'av ur. . a... in.vinK uihhi-c(i ui my Dinciitr m iruj nui'iyiiii prrinnii inawM u mhup ineir acriiunK iramM!,!i ll,Mratlal, .ova 'i.all... I.A..I.I. ... " ,fiiiiriinii iiv mur. iriniiniuii 1 jr., nrpirrau'r lJ,ira T KdAI, lll.ANKM. iimni iiuiii ivti, nuniirru ionr.li uii.iira 1,111 ..(iMjrr. laKWlfH IS, tifnllng upprliil rormrn iMinppiirt TyTOTK.'KTO DKIITOItS. All iiitkoiix knowliir ihmtli A(lMin .rill pltaiit cnlluiul milt m lorn 1 no urn 01 iji'iouer, anj hit, u m'IH 1111 E HTKAY ANIMALS. If thu have rln nnlmal rutrar.ioo 111 llin r.AIYI WIIl,Vrl,Arlt rWaUn overy lime. w OOO WANTKI). until l2nV)ock noun, fcpifminr V, innro tlmii ilxly, and nnt ttu rdnm or wocmi per rnanin, woicr mini 1 ue rririiiRirn urine .sofntu I iiitr 'it, .miu mn. iiiti it j 1.1 v. ihwii earn xurceeuii ir monin ucin ana lit. JBiiuurv Int. IKXil. The HOd to UM lone, o 11 11 U and well imwo, vi huvu been cut from .tnniimr iirrg Iinii(riiDii 1,1 rMCH nniii, n itii.rvi, n h riirnlnliril. Tlinrltht InlfWt 1 m( WHOM IT MAY CONCEB.V nnilfa all iiArinn. thai 1 will 001 10 aihln for miv tlebU cnnlrarlrd br W I'i'nilleton, Or., Auguti3,is. , Nofarv and GorDoriti j , In Pondloton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS The unu.nl price lor ! W partlr,ln lunianiinr ,non II ,liW, W, III Sl'l.., IIVVU U Cll, HWIHI JWIII vim.. - from I2.ro to $1.00 Iheirby. East Oreeihan P6. Ci- mliHilir PendlelM. ti..i ROBERT BOND DKAI.Kll IN . BEEcFiKRii.?HTJ0N' VEAL- SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court 8trat.:oppvite J. H.Hhnl.k.. an a . . ni . .. ..,t l a, in nlnlrnlor of ine n " - S ........ ". ,..- a..u iin l.i. fBW iw 11,11,111 I.U.3. lliw MM-,r:"A uurliik' the ni-jinwn rtH-i'iit v owned uvaiouw- bi-lnn 2000 Thorouahbrtd awl Grade JkuU Ph... l il.tr. era! h Mil ID fOOll PM. Alba, uirxon, ond are in so , III.. IIU.II )..-.. .. aK..,HI ne.ilny, and mret any p" iv." . I K. .r t.nitM w r. ..iajajr ;ll,n T.,11 ar... r Korparllouluritaddr" ...,! MliaaO f WW " m i w a la ' TTT-V ATB M I 1 II m v TiAima nnntrftily "UUH.UI Arn cated, ior oov. ply to OLOPTON JC InanranCS AM"' I'KNULETON, WoodM? DUTCH MPEf . ; moaUiUw