East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 19, 1888, Image 1

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I ...i. n.ilu Upp.'n 4nkfn nf nap
The East Oregonian.
DAILY, ta : HKMI.WKUKt.Y, Sifo.
Nowsy, but not scnsation.tt;
Fresh, but not course;
Llhra, but not wicked.
tialillil i.vu'"J "-r r
hlj office on Subscription, Advcr-
LorJol) Prlnllnn Account.
)L. 1.
NO. 171.
C.,.,iiv r.llltllK N IK. 1. U. (1.
IW'1""...' .. ... i.i,i in n.l.t i,'
L. l. ...l', V ...I'll'm J ...a... ... v...
itilXTOS t U Al'Vr II NO. 2.1. It. A. M
IjICfH t ll"' .'JUVIllie lfIllIIU Ull Ml
null . I. . ti ...
Irk J. 1. Muslims, ii. i-.i r.ni.winra
Ivll-: I.OIIOK No. . A- A. M
vcrt-nti tin veennd iiuu fniirtli ilon
vlif.KTON I.OIIOI'. NO. M, A. K. A A.M
L1..1. in tin. Miihoii c iviiutiu on in
jinn mini .tioiiuhj m i' iimm v
vliielt. T.J. .MILLION, W. .11.: It. At
limit, HMrelnrv.
It.v I.OIKIK NO. u. 17. VV. Mi'CU
bv.rtf TIIIIIMII1V .11X111 l iliu r.llu.l.
t. .'it 71 0 iiYlQf k. J. ('. I.KASUI1K. -M
k ... ti ...A.
1, IC.IT.n, in-viim'.-i.
bvu'A I.OIKIK NO. 31. O. O. V. Mi.pt
Tff' rlHliiniiiy rvi'iiini; iiuijinrcnHK,
lilbnM"K. ..'!. J I . n.rjiiwiciie, rcc,
lATH.LV KNC.l.M I'M KNT NO. 17, 1. O
lo. r. Mrtli " mi' einn mm in
li..m. ..r umtii itiiiiini. iil 7iun'i r.nn
Lir'UHcmM' I", K. K. NilAliov.Merlli...
OMSK HI- IIKtX V l.ul)i)K No. is, I. O,
h i', Mc,'t Ms llmi nun llilru Ttiuri..
bffnch niimlh.
liUON'Y I.OHOK NO. 'Jl. K. (IK 1
ivii. i in imu I', iiiimh' imu pvrrv mo.
Ivfl.lnff lit 7SW oVIoolC. '.'. liKAMttllK,
'.J, W IIITAKKIt,lv. or ll.llllll f.
0N 1.0IKJK NO. I. K. OK I'. MupIh In
Jl.l ii'iin' nun nvi'ty wi'iinouMy
rfll T!3ll ll'c OpK. M. MOKKIIKAII. I
U.dAiiKici.n, IC.iif It. mid H.
I Alt()N l'i 1T, (I. A. It , input lit
whrt ivi' iiii i pvitv TintrKtiiiy niuiii.
IWm'LK, I'iiiiihiiuiiIit; J. H. IIUWKN
lil'r. Otncv ItiMim Mi. II, AmocIu
loK, rrnilli'liiii, Orrpill.
r, Ollk'l', AMiiO'iilloil lllook, rcmlln-
I M mr Koiiiun 1.2. SiiihM An
bg Hlofl:, IViiillotnii, Ort'oti.
Ipnil i'ion. llinnii. i.peui inmi
If nil kliiiln niliMiilnl li with pmmpt'
rmirriinmi u kiirriiiiir. nrarf on
l.litvt ii Ih (i Tliiiniioi.lurnliiirt
pi,nvr hip pon oiiici".
I U. I'.(kii.h No. A mill 0. Aa.ucln.
111 n i r-'imuDn, urrx'Ul.
Offli-!-Miilii H'ri'Pt, in Tlinmpnotf
iiuiiiiii K.nvcrino mni-winei.
;.r-.l"ir K l Mil loll HI llutllc. Pan.
. .'ir'inii
ll'.H Tl lU.lt.AmOllNKY AT LAW.
IL-niriTiiip,uii';;on. win prurucn
ill of Oifnon mimi 'iiktilnutuu. f.nl.
promptly Hiifiiiletl u.
unmix .wiliu I or win 11 KHHt Ui.
' L" Ii i f. ci.rncro Mum uiul Weht,
r i" ii if, corner or
LP naif 'on. ori'iinn,
I rllillplllll. urpsmi. KnmiiM M miuI
I a. V HlilsmjMilTCimTN
M.Tcl,fr of ciirlmliin Hcirnvn
iwniim L'lvcn to rtuniiii ilUm Miid
1 1 t in,, iiliiillcin free. Clu.
rwi lOlli (,f ,.u.i niontli. Oltlw-
ynnui r.ixir or Imat Un-unnlnn
. I'tllrtll-IOII, HltUIMI,
M'V.'dil.. fMiVHIf'IA.s
1 hi irvuiP'H
clruy Mtorc,
r""' Itonin II AatiiL'intlnn hlupk.
I'fl, IViiillPton, Ori'iroii,
M. 1'ltlKl T. 1'1IVMI!IAN AN'II
I'sron. omocs-Uver Monrliouae .t
I It." r.rni of Jolin.on mm
fwt, rnairtuu, Ori'iso i
I A', KIVii.. i iiiuiiM. niivii
p-tboux. d: Co.. utore. llenldeneo, on
MniniiH'UM by tpliiplione Willi VII
iu r.jrH uttentlon civen lo the
umrn ami viuidren.
. l..l V,t',', -Mum HIrcel.lnTtiorap.
HMMlnK. IVudleton, Olfgon.
fA II 1." L-l.
r 11, i. Hn Jipium,' i irrio'n
lilM.'ltiu"" 7.T .T.. ....
f l.y orUtr nt ri'MilPiiM.
lanli.2.r'",mP',0" trret, IVuaie.
rrjonlfr, 0icind mm promptly
i ouutry
rololied on
' "''Kn, UIjACKhMIT 11 AND
Q Makftr. Alia un.tnUHi ui.
ra.UKk?D' "J limlth work of all
C. r..'1 P"llle manner, and on
r .t irint, I' rtlClllur ulliillnn vlv.
b v ; ' L'n'f". I'onaleton, Oreitnn
kifiia.1 ; .'" imttr uun mrucw
E(i?,.V,r'!,?n "bo notice. Order
in DTni'iB""' IT'?. Prompt alien-
"1 wnii.p ir..." ."lieriiHniin,
'.jPiuiip Tllton' war Italterv.
JAM MMt trivLi.TT: : .
,. I'.V "Bd t'lironomettfr M.
VI urn"0? iTHncue. All work
ri.iim.-eat iir.evl, .,, ," r,..',
nton. Oreg u.
al Bonnm ,0.n' UW' Tomb.
t. ipeclalty:
r ork ...... " K,nu ' ,one
23?,! Jf K HAD VT THE
r!f V cbearwr than Dim. r.r
"n, uou, m Kaaurn Oreioa I
Whom it May Concern.
rni i ...
J n o unciorsigncd will close nil ctirrvnt accounts on their bo ok
on the
1st of Next October,
And willgdpmniid wttislactory settlemont of all bills due them
belbrn the end of the ye;u They propose there
after to c induct their business on a
A ...1 -..I!-!.. .. L'. 1 l IM I . .1 t
.-vial soiiuii. ii uoiuuiuiiiiuM or mu menu pairoiiao tney nave so
long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers
In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended
K H. mciCMOND.
Easol Cublnot Framos. Frames Mado to Ordor. Couvinc
and Enlarging.
n Crayon, Oil, Ink, t'astol, Wator Colors, or COLD AND
SILVER, by tho
R. T. R. Co.
Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon.
Suocossors to J. A. Briggs.
j llnlil Itolibery by H)u-,y Dm Sotinpllrr
I Mtirarr linn Not ll.. l,ivr-llSuteil-(li1
lUllilIll KlokliiB-Klprn OrrRon I'ropl.
In I'ortlnnil.
roiiTLAsn, Sopt. lS.-Cii)it. S. Hop
kiu, j. v.. JAiuHiiro, i. v. mtluv unil
A. MiUHtoii of .'emUi'ton, A. Dolph utul
wife of linker City, J. A. Joiiuh of rnlun.
Mm. lliewer of .Milton, Mm lU-dmuti uiul
two clillilreii utul MLh Mu Sallnt? of Wom
ton, arrived In tlio city tlilx morning.
Tlio MCiitliur In iihnost chilly HiIh morn
liiK. Kuln fell Hteadlly from 12 till lip.
in. ycdterdiiy, and wan welcomed by all.
DlMrict Attonuiy Mciilnn waHKiantod
tlio prlvllepo of ro-mibinlttliiK' tlio indict
inuntH tiKuiiiHt Wilcox and MeloaucH by
Judgu Stearns yextorday, an lliuv were
found to 1m) ilcfectivo.
A number of policemen and tho Iwurd
of police t:otnmtrloiier8 havo been intor
vloweil by the Dally Nuwh In regard to
tlio latliire on the part of tlio nronor o
Itpport or ii Kriml on V. N. YmneU In
Conn lllci.il I'orln.
' Wabiiinoton, Sept. ID. The Treasury
I Department lo-day jiubllHlied a circiila'r
, uddrexi-ed to CollectorH of Ciintonm and
othcrH. htiitliii? that tho department In In-
1 fortiipil 1 1 mt I llii.M of fnr.itirn mitt riutn
P- Ulc.iti venKelH.pljlnc between Ctt.i UiYan
J. I iw well an between UoMta Hlcaii and Ku-
roivan iortn, are allowed In Conta Ulcu
a rebate of o per cent, of euntomH dullei,
and alno ceitaln prlvlletren to port eharnon,
which mo not conceded vckwIm of the
Dnited Stateii. CarKoe.i of Costa Itlcau
vcMHulti enterlii! United .StatCMpurtH thoiu
foro will bo Hiiblected to dlHcrlinlnatlnn
diilieH provided for by tho act of March II,
Mout: -q" i iioiiiim:.
lln.tlir. mid WIpeK Itpfimn to
Tilka Ciir.nf Kllylnra unil II Ntrlkn .May
Sr. 1.01'Ib. Sent. ID. On thn urrlvnl of
mo iirm inroutrli Chicago,
llnrllnirlnti .(
cialH to invoitllKato the murder of Marv I W"cy traliiK oer tho WabiiMh trackx,
Schnellor. From I ho cnoriil tone of I "r;'',flood of hiiKlneerH einployed
theco IntervIowH It eenm that tho pollco ' iw m,f,l,i;rs rufiiited to boiiro tho lliirliiiK-
wero liamiiereil liy hoiiio plnWer nllu- 'V" L "fi"K" "J " mo wiperM reiusteu to
eiieo wiilelt precnted them from urrest-
iiiK the inui'deror.
Four Hiuall b,iyn, the nlde.tt not over
Htxteon yeurn of uko, mado a bold and
mtccomtftil robbery lust night in tho lititmr
more oi n. Arata iv u. nnilo I lie clerk
icleanthem. When the non-brothorhoiHl
;eiit,'liieorttoUKlit board ami IikIIiik, they
11UIU lUllll-L'll on mo L'l'cilllHl Hull tio
i dollar a day than do what they were do
! ItiK. and, further, that u dollar a day wuh
pood pay for a vvurkiiiKinun.
" 'John HackliiHon tedlllled that Ilenja
inln Harrison did nay that ono dollar wan
enough for any workingiimn, an d they
hIioiiIiI accept that anil be catlMlted.
"'Thomim McHiikIi tostillon that lion
j.iniln Harrison thieatencd tho Hlrlkem
with tho militia lo force tho men back at
the point of tho bayonet; that the wiikcs
were HUlllcIent and all tho railroad com
pany could all'ord.
" 'Michael Crowley teslllleH that Hen
jamin Harrison did nay that If the roadu
were unablo to pay moio Hun iter day
the men ought to bu Hatlslled, iw that
amount was enough for any working
man.' "lien Seahm hiivh: 'I now ipioto Hon
jatnln HarrlsonV exact language:
n. ,lf . L'ro t,ovi'or of this State, or
Sheiill of this county, I would havoevorv
train riiiiulug if I had to wado In blood
to my linger tips.'
"'William Hugho teetHles that Hon
jarmln Harrison did command a militia
company "during tho ntriko ; that he
claimed tho wages were sulllelont, and
that the men had no rluht toovim IuImi
'"T. K. Callahan toslillo.s that llarrl
hoii Insulted tho ulrlkerM In IH7": that ho
I . ii - i I " ,V", " ymi l,lu Hani tney weio get ng p en vof huuoh:
brolherhood men would refiiMj to eat or that f I ,1 dav was ei.o.igl , ami that i any
sleep In the mmo house with hem. wco obllKC.I to live on less t!an tl ft
I ho llnrliiiglou has u contract w ith the amount.
was busy in the front part of the building : """,'
tho bovfl camo in a back door and ab- V,!'," ?'
tract, a ntrlko Is Inevitable
- -V
Till'. VHi:.T MAHKKT.
' ' b ir.
Hiracieu tidu in goin irom tint Halo, which I
was open, fcomu little nolso attracted
the attention of tho clerk, and he turned
around in timo to nee the four bins II v
out of tho back door. He gno PurHiilt. lvru x.. n,.v ,.i ..
!... .1... .!.... ........I I.,.. . .. . ' :
tanccd him. and 1 10 gave mi the chaso.
Tho thieves have not yet been found.
Tho monoy btoleu belonged touu Italian
llio w el 'known m lona re. .incoh
Kiuniii, vestertlav beuau action to ore
vent flats city of Portland fnim cuIIIiil' anv
of hisnronerlv to satlsfv astiM.sniLn:H il.iii
the cltv on account of 'tho imtirovoiiuint
of Chapman street.
Iho D.iilv .News bus "rel able luformu-
Hon" that the party who stole tho regis
tered package contalulng ilO.OOO Is
known, and that the Htisnected imrlv is
not iirinstetl lec.iuo tho authorities havo
not all tho evidence tiny want. Tho
matter of evidence in ciihch of this kind is
often all that Is lucking to bring suspect
ed eoplo to justlco.
,.. . ... . . . . ' " , IIIIIIFlllll .
ii.iiusn which provides lor himih im ts "n.,iri..a a i.'.,r ..1.110.,1.... ....
so that if cttuiioviM ..f ti... ......i.. s v:""v: " . 1 . "
vv.ii.iut. ..... . ..1. . ..1 f .in-.. .. ' . .. 1.11111 in mu i.i'iivi . omiiiiico in 1110
"-ul'' I', HIT, V. Ill .....III ..1U U.7,1 ' IH.V U.llL'.l 1,1 11'HlI 1.1
York. CI1lr1.R0 uiul
Sail rriiiii'luco,
San I;,iiam'1m'o, Sept. 18. Wheat at
1 1 .......... .1 i.i ....... ..... ... -.. 1. 1 1 . .
i.nri Wl in lull . (11. O-ull. Ill In T ,,.., .1,.,, ... . I. ... . l i , . , '
11 '..d. (Jiiotati iiim at MiI.mi.m it.., iiiii.. 111 "ml vmi ho tlio oriwiiml HtutuinutitH
for cash. UiM,. for September IK! toD 'i. '" ,,,u"1,u,, ""'I froin otherHwhiHonameH
Ir ffl! and Dill!! to t'!iV'f,,r iKl,,". wJl"r" M"m'' l" Ml " '""'" "l.elr
attend thn
micro Henjarmin Harrison's
were mado. but Hint In. mini
others there who ioHiited to him corro
borating tho iibuvo statement.'
"In connection with tho iiIhivo state
ments o wish It distinctly understood
umi ineso biaiements arc oxtraclH onlv.
Voik ouotatioiiH are: Cash.
iw?., 10 ini; ucioiier, iwB lullS'u! Wo
veiuber. 1.00t.;:
May, tl.O.VH'.
Decemlsir, I.OlJj;
hullliiin Ml.
llohTON, Sept. ID. John I. Sullivan is
dangoroiiHlv 111 with gastrlo fever. 1 lo t
"'1 he HlaloinentH which wo havo pro
cured are from men whom wo k'uow to
bo true membeiH oftlin Knlglitsnf Ijiborj
the llrolheihootl of I.iMMimotivo KnglneerH
and Firemen, and tho Hritkemeu'H
I hey aro men whom wo know'to bn
says ho will bo all right in a week or two I IxmsomsoiI of veracity and Integrity, who
ami will call down Homo of those parlies
who luvo been talking ollglilliig for big
MAN l llAM'IMill NKW8,
Litt'd lust ; over iiuuio ine Hiaiumeiii mat i and two
Irowu by ; meals a day wuh enough for uny working
i) Hinoko, ; man. The oiler has been accepted bv
Ighted u Kdttin F. (iould, a Knight of Iibor, of
A Large Stock of New Furniture
and Household Goods
At Shulze's Store
Main Street, Pendleton.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan on Easy Terms.
Great Western Bakery.
M. OltATZ, Proprietor.
Main Street, near PuHtofJlrn, I'entlletan
Alexander & Frazer,
Thn C'lilillmico of tlx. liulli.ii .i.nlla 1. 1, ......
A Man I.oim 111 Clot I.e. A I arco Num. I nul" 'lukrn up.
berof fthip. fnterlirr ! n-si.i.. Ami- The Iudlunapollx Journal recently
veiiury. ollbretl a htandlng toward of L',0(K)t(j anv
San r-KAScihCo. Sent. ID. A man hall-lone who could nrovo that (ien. HurrlMni.
log irom .iienio ruilc was iobttl lust over iiuuio tlio statement that l and two
igni liy u girl named .Mamie I (row
now game, hint invited Mm to
.wl ..I,.... I,.. .1. .,.!.. ...I ..I... It. I
.. n..v. HV IIVI.I ..111. P.IU IIKIHCU H I .'....! . . 1u1111,,
igurotto unit blow the Hinoko In his face. Indianapolis, wlio lias collected statu
Ho fell iiHleen, and when he woke found inontH from llfleen men who sav Ibev
his clothes gone, fie cried out until tho I livunl (ien. Harrison make tho remarks
lollies were tlirust tnrotigli tho (Imir. : Hi iiucstton. .Mr. (iould domanilcil tho
l our liuu. arrested two weeks uiru lor -.uuu Irom llio Jotirnul pioiuictorH In tho
stealing tliauionds from Mrs. l'udoy, were ' following letter:
held tills morning in bull of llvo thou- "Ui:nti.i:mi:n: Your paper iiin
Hand dollars. nuu.eroiis occuslons contiii .ed editorial
Up to noon to-day nine Uritlsh ships notice of u reward lu which you statu
uiu roiiorlcd either entering or having ! that you will pay to any iierson t ,000
nlered tho txnt. 'Ibis is considered an ! for proof that lleiilarmlii Harrison over
Huid thut 'Weru 1 tbu (iovurnor 1 would
force thetto men back to work ut tlio
JKjInt of the buyouet' (meaning tlio
auspieloiiH sign, favoring low freights
tins year, una consequently Kood lor llio
wheat oxpoit trade.
Tho bark Soiithorn Chief, from 1'ort
Dlscovoiy, fouled this morning with u
telegraph cable, and was obliged to let
Iooh' ICO fatliouiH of chain and her
Chilian residents yesterday serenaded
tholr consul, it Isilng the anniversary of
their country's independence.
I I I A till w V M ..r tlla... I.lll .llil.la.
lo.ooo AM.....C Ti.'.ir rki.,(n. u-1 """I" t0 "vo iweu mudo in good faith, nu
d.r Ti.eir i-miii si.a,le Hy.t;,.,. w., hayo been leliiibly informed that you
MiNNi'Ai'oi.is, sept, io.-o. A. I'liiH- "5! ,'?, .!!.d?fe' :0 !l'!"1,,,ro
1 . 0 i til fall fa a 1 II )Uli 1(1 IU I M1U UVIi UU m,JW UH U
bury A Co., nirH of th Ucity to-day dls- rowurU for ,lt IirooI r'ufurua 0
iriuuteu hu.ww uniong iiieirompioyoH on ..uv do not Jlalm that tin,
said that 'Ono dollar per day was enough
lur anv w.jM.Iiil'iii:iii ' .mil si (mil fm-
proof that ltenjarinln Harrison over i 'J10 rromIor of any par t of our protee-
are In ovory respect worthv of t in cm-
lldenceof Iho cople, and (hoy will tes
tify under oath lo tho statements tuiiile.
"The above letter has been read bv the
Kxei'iitlvejlioaid of dlstilcl Assembly lUli,
KnlghlH of J,ulwr, who liuvo directed it
to l,o forwarded to yon with u iiVitiosl
that you reply naylng by what method
you will uurou to Mtlcct a cominltl.i.i ti.
iuxamluo tho original testimony now In
possession oi nils board. For tho r.xecu
live Hoard.
Signed Kiiwin F. (iiit'i.p.
"District Itecordlng Secretary, District
Assembly IDil, K. of I.."
I'xrpli'tln lll.i.ur.'iiliii.iil.
I'rom lliftMili'iii,OrcKon,J.iiiriiiil (ttnp.)
When till) Iteiillbllc.lllH of Oiniron. Ii.
Mate convention assembled, declared in
favor "of reducing tho annual surplus
levenues of Iho government by admitting
ireo of duty such ai tides of L'.'iiornl iikk
as cannot bo largely produced or manu
factured by our isiople," they Hpoko in
advnnco of tho National Republican Con
vention, which declared "In favor of tin.
entire rooal of internal tuxes rather than
tivo sysloin."
Here is a direct issuu Isitween tho Ku
publicaiilsm of (his Statu uiul that of tho
strikers who participated inthontrlko of ". us aniioiinced by tho polltlcluiiH
It I
1H77). Tho Kxccutlvo Hoard of District
Assembly ISo. 10(1, K. of 1., tho Secretary
of which is the accredited author of Iho
ulxjvu charges, lias directed mo to
writo you, claiming tho U'.OOO iiiou tho
prtsif heruwlth submitted.
'1 ins Hoard lias never regarded your
their prollt sharing nluu. This is tho
largest distribution of this character ever
made in tlio country, und wua tnude so
quietly thut no one outside of those U-ne-
tited won informed of it.
u. a. rinsuury oo. inuuguaruted llio hi i.,.,. in .... il-m)Utnn. .u .u.,
...n .i....in.. ,ui... ti.Ij ...... 1...0 .. - "r.- wunw.
... , i. ik ni.i. i.i. .,,,1 iiw ln ,1 ,11 III till. I'.ltl.l lllUft MlLlll I ill I..II,,,.-
quired as proof should in every in tamo
In) verbatim, or bo exactly lu tlio same
language used in your edllorlul notice.
I ..ii. u .In ,.1 ilti. If. r.ll'.i. I. ut...... t..t. .......
iim u mw ....... w in uiui lliniUllLU
hnllr veur ul'ii .1 . '
t ----- -, n()run iU mu nam.) uih-li
boon a profitable ono, and ho wfirkmeri'H ,K Btatcinenls .from which I quoto only
Hlmre is very large, und the dlstribut on , KJ.lio, uf ,,, wuimtH f
liuslxicn on a moro llborul scale than 1m- .. .,H0, Hughes tchtllleil (hut Ik-nlamln
fore, hvcrv man who has been in the n .rri.,,,,, ii.i ii,,.t tt .1.... .......
m...w. ..... ...m. t 1 nu, nun
employ of tho firm for two years bus re
reived a share. The amounts received
vury from $l!5 to 400, but in no cjko
wus tho amount less than u month's
General Merchandise,
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress ana
Fancy Goods.
Family Groceries a Specialty.
MAIN bTRKET, ixnui., ,.!...
Kamral M'otku.Pi. Klllr.l lu 'Irylnj to
(Iron .111 1ak.
Mexico, Sopt. It). Soverul workmon
havo leun killed while attempting to
crocs on logs placed over Iho gap on tlio
wrecked bridge 01 era Urtu, ny uillng
11 dlstanco of nearlv one hundred feet.
Tlio foot of the bridgo lias been placed
across the chasm for transfer of passen
gers, but tho officials of tho road say it
will lio four weikn before freight can Ui
transported from Vera Cruz to this city.
Huniiiited Slunterer Arrratc.t,
IaONiio.-, Spt. 19. A German named ' ,0'V "'.V.'.""
, ! , t . .... I 1 ! 11 'W.II.'ITII llllur
i.unwig nas iieen urresieu miner suspi-
enough for tho workingmen imrtleii
in tbu strike of 1H77, and that ho churuc
terued thu btrikers us lawbreukers und
! unworthv the title of citizens,
1 " 'Martin J. Murphy testllled thut Hon
jamln Harrison did suy thut tho striker
had forfeited uli claiiuri to recognition ,y
; going on u Htrikoj thut llenjuuiln Har
; rison did get up u militia compuny for
I the purjioso of pursuing tho HtrlkerHj
1 that homo of tlio striken received only DO
cunts a day; that Benjamin Hurrison
claimed thut tho rullroadH could not pay
uny more, und thut the strikers were not
Justified in unking for more, und that $1
wan HUlllciont for a workirigrnuu, und he
ought to bo sutislled.
" I'atrlck U. Mug testifies that Jlenja-1 Hon is kjiiiii1s ier yeur.
min Harrisfin did say that tho wages of
1110 sinners: ero suincienti that Iho men
must return to work, or the militia would
who assumed to sneak for it last Jun...
Hut hero como Iho Minnesota Itepublj
cans, also shaking through u Kluto con
vention, who pronounco emphatically In
favor of the "modification, ro-udjustment
ami reduction of thu tarlll." Tho plat
form reiterates the vIowh of (larlleld and
Arthur, us well us tho rocommoridutlon of
thu commission upfioihtod bv tho presi
dent last named, und urges ''placing on
the freo list urllcles of nrlinu necessity
which enter into tho iirdinury eousutnii
Hon of tho iwoplo." Anil tho renublicun
senutorH, too, havo ls)en busy for soverul
weeks, formulutlng a bill to revise our
present turill", by placing hoiiio article
now taxed 011 thu freo list, und ruilnrlm.
tho duty on others.
Ibis divergence leads to tho nutural
inquiry whether thu voeiferoiiM crowd of
delegates who thronged the convention
ball in Chicago uru to bo regarded us uu
thorltutivo j or whether tho teachings of
Hiich Htutesmen us (iarlleld, Arthur, Al
lison, Henry Wilson, Folger, Mctiillough
und u host of other such worthies still
havo prevalence. President (iarlleld
says, "I urn for a form of protection thut
IcudH to freo trude," Our Chicago hood
lums daro us to touch our war turill' list
on imin of Hooding tho country with freo
whisky, This discrepancy in Republican
counsels is causing damaging jierpluxlty
in thu present cumpalgii,
Tho coal output of thu world Ih -10!l,000,-000
tons unnuully, of which tho United
Slutes prixluccH 1110,000,000, AhIu, (1,000,
0J0. und Africa 'JOO.OOO. H nr.iiio nr...
duces 71 er cent, of all LtKi.OOO.OOO
tons. Tho uvurugo tier lieud of nonulu.
William Miller ttMlfics thut Hurri-
cinn of being the ierpetrutorof tho recent "?n " .,'! conference said on two occa
Whliecnapoi murders
Hill A Son, of New York, aro building
ono of tho largest orgutu over mudn, for
no tnreutenod u
iirostituto in Wiiltechapel with a long
Irnlfn Tn lita fvwVrt u'fiu rA,l,ifl nirip
and a pair of ncisiorH. He cannot apeak ' bJ,.,t1,?.,1,'! ,J".rtt u' Plul 0M,I bayonet.
English and boa been in KriRland three ! r 'VillUm KUcM.k te-titied tli.t Mr.iUr
uionthj. I "Q ()ia the men Umi bettor work for a
tlio Hull III Svdnev. New Knntli VV'i.li.M
It will have 1'JU sounding stops, und will
1. , . .
ic.u.u w nun uier WOUIU LK tlUl (10WI1
Three liundred und forty percons uro
conHtuntly employed ut Kioto, Jupun. iu
inukinK playing curd.