MONDAY, AUGUST III, 1883. A II W'lll'.I.OIt'.H SKCItni. I kM-p one itrfciou bit of 70 Id Hut iiU,l-fi nar a mir: Anil ft 11 tonne tij rotor r mid. llcM win me itn iititoJd. AuJ iianr ruujj tie Me iwi Why O tionrtl tni Dil or fold. .llfn it ot lending H frii-iiJ Uir uirv's tno sml ol.l; I lot -.J nut winl urrf e mil co Id I li t liaU' u tin rnillnil Tl" I111 I 't no one rwiid mKs Kruiii til tier wealth. 111 uiury Of KOI leu luiir - ioi.t. ami like ttilt TCils curl I UK. hii I left s Aml uot you ktio the suirj. "Why ri it nor think mar ba H ull way In mum run tiirnnd. Ah Incfnl h iniirr looltiKlr Barn nut nn lilt ol tcoid -all. nisi Wlim all I lie 1 l liurtnl. On tilt he ais In tourli an.! urn, An 1 1 (H Utile limen Hawtiimirt t ic mi I nave of lliti Thls an l a lite 10114 nuMiinry Of love tlui no rt Km MKrn. Through urnrr teiir tnr tilt nf cold Tim hiKitilHti like 11 nnsr Friend. w n-n my invirt crows tired iuJ cold, Thlxuuri lav In hiv t)ina n'Jld. ' Allll IIUIII W III ! Ill M N f II rt II W lluut. Nniittrnlir Iriiin I'.lerlrlilt). Di DpIiiiiIiiiiim tin medical oilier nt taeliod to the l iviirh luiiudry at Cintizoi. recently I'llt-il wvenil eases of 'nun stroke' troth eleetrir tuiuuecs tisisl Ht these works lo Itisc ii'lcniury ores ami wold omuls 11i' liiinliiiitlty of the fur liarc Is exireM'il as of IUO.OOU caudle jMiwer, nr iiium' mill tlmiili tiennus HianilltiR In tliih intense uliiw W no tin IIMIIUI lll'lll till1)' hciHIIIC conscious ni acute pain mill fur mi Inilli 01 two nfli'i ward experience n hurhiuj; sensation anil I ml 1 1 In tlin neck fare mill tnrchcad. tlicli nklii Ht IIik hiiiiii- 1 1 mt turning h aierjr rial AIiIiimikIi It It customary tn protect thf eyes llh data nl.ii'n the rpts'tntoi Is lilimliil Im M'vi-rm minutes in titnad daylight itinl tin miiilv mi Imm after uitnl tlin I.iiiiIi('iih niM'iiri ol 11 anllnni color Tint eyes lii'l jrntty also, the liu-ti ryninl glands are Hilinnliieil mi, I sleep lessliess witli hewlm 1 1 1 sometimes n hiiIIh In onlinr.ry mii n-i ml;u It la uminl to lllmill) tilt' Mlllll licut inn in tin cm tliiTi' la HmIk ut tin linit mill ilm I'lU'ct tit niiiiin'iitly luu tu lln luliMi.tlly of lliu ll(lil iMmll I'lfii 1'n'na Altfl s AI1MHI14 Ahnmil. Tin-in la nut purl ol lux lti:pi'i wlilrh 1111 AiiiiTlrun hlmiilil li'iivi- tii Kiiiiim' mill l lull la lili iiiilluiiiillly li Iimi ulli'ii Imp JH'IIH llmt tllill la jllrtl U'liut lifilia-a li'.'ivu, mill llii'ni liiivi" Ihm'H weak Aini'iii'iiiH wlio linvii coiini Ihiiiii' Iniin i:nriM ill. tun 11 nllKlit luinwlcilii of then (iwtt luiif.'ii.i(;(i lifter al. niiiiitliM iiliniml 'I'liey nr unit tt-li with .vi'iytlniiK I'reiicli mill lire cnii Ktmitly IntfrliitiliiiK llu'll tnlll with eon veiilenl I'itiu Ii plinii' are iIihUiiIhiI In tlielr la'llet in Wiiinen mid utr not al nit Hiiro lit lliell la'llet In tin VI lillli Some AinerleiiiK emne home Innn I'inlinnl n ln nvllv llrilnliileil llmt wo em 1 cull tliein 1 trlt till Hit warn Other" j;el 11 Hiimt terinn of (lertiiiin. run linteit to nollitiiu lint ileriniiii iiiiimIi'. Hiiiiilif ileriiuin iiaa mill mine 11 (lerinmi lii nnl 'I'lievc ure 0111 pern tntveli'i-a aiiil llieae nre tlH'iiM' like tlm ninihela wliiaiplhK rollli mill imiini; in mt'o ine p.u. iiwuy with jHTlenco mill yeuii Mm ,M li W Slier wimmI I hit Wlniee Cniiro 11I ( I1I111. Tilt) Clilllivi have 11 .piii'i inalltlltlnil wlileli tliey inll tin' winlei er.iilln It i uliaped Miiiiew hul lllie mi I10111 kIahh mill M inula on eiiil Tliere la mi iiiieniiig iiUivo mill Im'Ihw. mid t In wiiint whleh la eon triteti'il. tervea to liei p lliu ivlixtlnl liuhy on Ina feel luy nfler ilnv III lie nlliiuiiil titltMi ryea hhi ovei iIim Iimi of tfitx rrmllii anil IIUI11 lunula phiy with lllli' ilrnoiia mnl .ithei loya till I lie imrte jnila In 1111 iiiM'.irmn'i Sumiuif thehe wlninr I'nullea ure inuile of uielier ivorlt mnl urn iN-mitllnlly xiinnil hy I'lilneao wniiien nrtlata It la iilmoat Im).vhiIiIh Im .me to le upu t Inn now mnl then, " hen are pluiiil clusn together itml tint 'K-i'tipmitN ileelnre wnr mnl ineiisiire itrnia I woenullea roll over the lliair to nhl'ea tliut lirlny ilown tlm liousn." Druko'a Miij-uliio. A Trniup lUtir. Complulnt. ! It In a mon focllr tinJortuldnt; toKpruro old rlotlit-p for 0110'" own wml from tlm voilmu nov. u Jay than tofot a'ilarc nienla froiL iLetu I attrllinlc tula to tile rtso utnl powet nf n'Oineu's cliatlly iK'letli-a laruely Uitt it l yetirs ago men of tny e.UllliK' wriu feinted from limine to Iiuiivh, not on Irttera of InlUMliiutloii. of cotioe but simply upon our own upjil Irat Ion lor I t atlUai.'intliil rouraca to reiwl the rnol box ' of the lilineilii! Inner mmi W11 went j Ititcnilptiil III the uildat of out tulr about ' ulJtliiK mnl fiiatlnj? Iiy tlm nmoklti; vio ttluU sul oil n hium while cloth mnl tlm I jIo (nit out first Tiling nml wjvk Hi tlm 1 lioilselioItU Imvr sully t:limiKetl Tliu first I iillRatluii a WollliiU K.ila me at the utile , iiNJi of Into In II I iiim-iI nny old clotbea Of i-ourso I don't, het' I cun't wcur more than mm i;iiod suit ut a time, und lio la not apt to glvo tlinni to mo to carry nwny tinilnr tny orni. for fear I mljiut pawn lliutn I could cliasijo clothfs onre u dav l( I could itdjust myself to all sizes of tluds litniK In tlio woinen's way Iiy tlicli litis liittida . ttul I'd Imvu to i;o Into tlm wood Shetland wear iiwuy tlm nowly received Ktilt, with my old clothe dono tip I11 u tlpwspnper I'm Ux much worn out ntitdyltift how to tnnho n llvlnr; to chan;o mv clothea ouct- it day lust to (ratify wo mini In theli whliiia If the; can't give 11m a Kfpiure meal without rcfcrrlno; to womun'A organized rlmrlty nnd tho ploco, ttlioro Itlnurmil p(li;alrlmin liucU wood' Im u tun cenls hlop meal thcy'to not on ' my Hat of frleiida to call upon. tlmt'H nil 1 wnyfnrliiK Keiitlt'inan llUc- mo, who has . lo turn 111 collar lo pieent a decent aur 1 liico to the world ia bound to nlnnd 011 ' iirlui'lplca of lulr ttoatttiunt, ovim ll' nvll li.iriiiiaaoclateil char 'ty llourUhca In ivcry loliitnuiilty Tho word of a tired peutli) I mini that Im ii In need of u giKHl dinner mid 11 few dlniert oiifflil to iKuilawiiL-ulnst thomiw hack ntvle of charity, on uboml iiillon bred In the minds of u fewiinclmr itnlilii cranks who call themselves tlm un Hoeluted charities To rebuke- them, w will boycott thuin. Trump In Ulobo 1 Democrat, ' 1 Th 11 Art of n Trim (Jrntlrnmii. Ill Mr nnd Mrs llaucroft'n "llomlnls iciicei" thi'iii Is n htnry told by Mr ('Intrles Collelto which Is beautifully mid very strikingly lllnntintlvo of trim oti 1 ipiettn A ynuiiK Mildlcr In un tCnglish 1 I't'ltnetit hud been promoted from the 1 r.iiil'.a mid 1; I veil n commlsHlou In another I rcejuicul llufiiro JoIiiIiik his now com 1 iiiuuil ho wits, nreoiilliiK to custom. In vlleil ton farowill iliiiner by tho otllccrs ! of his old regiment, (iluced as tlm uest of iho nveiilnit. on thuil'ht of the colonel und Ik'ImmI to nil thu dishes llrst lie was ' a line yoiiiiii fellow but little lined tu tlm wnvrt of tlm (Millttt world mid tho manners ' of other dlnlne, tables tluili tho liuinble meat of iIiomj ilnya In the nuilts The , riilonel, nim nt tho truest types of pcntlu men tlld his boat tc put his gUKil nt ruse. Tho hoiiii was nerved, und then cumu 11 terviuit to tho (,'1 lent 'a side, holding u iiiru-u IkiwI which contnlncd Blmply lumps of I co Tho weather was hot. for tide 1 hiippeuril In Indtit und cold drinks ueit an uiiaiH-ukiilihi Ihbiii Tho new mudoolll , i'er Minted at tho laiwl Tlm servant 1 taked "Ice. sir?" Tlio colonel vbatted uierilly to htm on his left Othors of tlm party lej:iin to hco the dllemnm Ice. .lrif" njjalti uskial tho wnltei Tlm i;iual. In lf.:iiiii-iiii t decporatloii talk 11 h irt 1 in of the lee and put It In lily Houp A Mililo plnyed lightly mi tho lures if hotno of tho ouu;:cr otllccrs. when the Imi.vI was olTeied to tho colonel, who went Leezer & Kuebler, a re You Protected? The Inrne't olid most com plrtx vtock nf I I CHEMICALS Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastorn Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despain Block Pendleton. IF YOU WANT THE EARTH Thiwe who bcllevo ho thoroughly in protection ahoulcl not go any longer without iiiHiirunco on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a pood, Reliable Insurance Co. TAKE In the THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; nut j THE BEST AND BIGGEST ! . NEWS PAPER'RELIABLE SCENTS, Is worth every time what it casta, and procrastination should not I the indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. 1 j llrst place, pick out competent and c To inl iwnuia nn,:.. n,l ."'Hi Elegant Pulim.. KmlKranthicculn.rtr OMAHA. CQliNrti di . n.uiim rrott of chnr. .1 Cloii connfcllon, ,mT!, Khi houinl ciiMshTr.-. purNnt6:oop. m iff thiii- IIIITLH III 11 .H "10 Wnllll Hull. ..j . ' To Han Kritnclii-. I. ... ----1 1, wri-KUH, AUCUht 13 til . . Htnlr. Allium m i' Oregon. Men A" . ...o nu'amll Dhv( K. Kcu'vc .SDfiir Hi. nii.rf t.. . n. 111. 1Utn of W Ilirlllillnv m..l. ... . . . . -o .a; I'fllllM HlteniL'(, . . . ' It.. Fn'.l.. ii........ . ' 1 uDiimiitii, . l'"or further i... hi iim 1:0 nimnv. m 1 i u. AT, A., I'ortlainl.OrfVoi H II IIOUO)IHt Heiiem. Mincer. ('Mini ti.. . I'm On Tho North American Continent. 12 l.utue I'ltp's nml HI l.onn I'oltinuiM. A POPULAR NOVEL ' I'tibli'liid In und xlveu With eiicti htut 01 Hie Wi elih eilltloti. . Ileitltiulin; Ail . I. mid eniillniilnc Mu re. ' nfler. Th" Wot III will print Willi eneli lMie 11 , eoniiili'l" novel hy 11 popular nut bur. .11nnik' me wrreii. win 1 ei Willi r lle-lilll, l(el'lllllll, Itiilit. Mlli'll'l"llll. It. U HleVeiiMiin. II I, l iirj'iiii, . ThnliiHK llii'ily. .1 .1 1 In 11 lliiivllinriie, K W. Itnlilll'HII, K111II I'liirhut. Illll H I till'. Will. lllllI'M. Tliflhicli'ni', Mi", a . Munler, .I0I1 11 h. lirer. llenry WihmI, 11. Ilriiihloii. Kloreliee W iir.leii. .MurvCeell liny li-ithu .M, (.'liiy, Millie hilwurila, Ithoilii KilwiirJn, i-. t . ri.iiiiix. Tin niiM'K will he Hie hitcH wortk of Hie I n"i writer Hi Iheynre 'ilhllheil--tlii' ImmiU. wliteli i'Vrr. oni' Ik I illilnu iilmul. Nollilnit lull the Veiy hi nI will he .tdliililcil Into the Wot lil' Mult nnl I Ihrnryof llellun. Tlili I.llmirv nf IT'll m WI I lie supplied lo wi'i enher only. No I Ml it 1'onle Will lie Printed. on fhiittihr! ultli tho i.'ilest, und without N" U.ivk NtunherN Cmi IU I'urtiMieil mid No riml rrmllii In Xniilli Amrrlra. A system of 'deck innllni;' Is carrhsl on liv the niiple nl the rouiitrv all utoun the tHt 1'o.iHt Men and "mneii conm mi lnurd the (ileiiniei with IrtiitH market piihliire nnd othet articles winch are Htrevvu about the dct'li mid mid to people nlm vUit the vehsel at each port TIicm' trailers are dunked iHHsit)it' money anil lielclil hv tjie kteNif-hip isiinpuuieH anil mv a nuisance to iie.'lhci inn.i.elii.'ers liieh (elliule lliulel Iii Ii.;h 11 iiwIIivim to Blis-p iimii u 1 hull to uv duniig the day her wn iiiikinu and . Iiauilsn utouslls mid snds 11 r at mit ol hei life Milling (ruin 'ine sirt toatMitliei Wiilunn Hlo )mv t'tirtts In Aineriiini Mnxiuine. moving 11 iiniMt'le of his face ulo tlmppisl . plisi' or he Into his houp Tliosu who I'liino iiflorwnrd, however, took their cue liiiiii their colonel 01 let tho IhiwI pasA .toil llm young mull brealhetl 11 sluhof re lief un ho ihiiii;hl that uTter till ho had lono tho rik'ht Ihlnu If ever n Mildii r lekurvtsl the Vlctmlii erons tlm colonel of that itsltneiit did' - Dntroll I'rvo l'ros ttille I'opli's Will ImHnlil. If Von Wix'i llm Ki rlfx Contiu!e, hUltsruillK ATONCI One Veur tW 1 llinlifM, ; ll Mull III" (.'41 iiuiiiIntx). ;.l' ; :l Mouth i I luttiihim Aihlres THE WORLD, Now York. Notary and Corporation Seals, In IVmlh.Moii. FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH. The 11 wiiii I price for euU niiuli- purlles, In I'lirtlmid or llm II is A Cute tut llimirlei.iH. Oiunlia Mun-formeii) ol Now Jersey I Whul l llm irfuttel with hit if. doctor I'auiilv I'liysicun- NothuiK.oxrupt thut bue i Iioiiiihiii h tHiialm Man - Hut I isn t uflonl tn eloae Hiy hiiaiuma alltl k to Nvw Jwsm" 1 nuilv I'livsu-uili- Welt staml n luti nt witi r "lit 111 tlw aim a t dnyn Thai U urved a uilllvuti m an ol molty full MKi UKUUltOi OnMlM W'orUl ArrvMM t Krvldy Tboiv In uotlniiu uiMe a. n'putil to all rUMa than a hind aflalilo. eourtnoua la havi.ii aiul It i'ttu tw piwlteasi by .all. Ill llm wrktip 01 thu tiomtt Aud lh MM li. u iHitifttxHta Mill .M'nlai a rry liitfitetuv uvei Uiiuw l' tlim ' f tii.-uilH'r 1 11.1.1 11 .nd of IWiiiuii' I'taiiklin lUut be relotnie.1 tli UUil ruttr wotkoliiip Uov Wtlltwn Tlier r S atia-l a trt Hun ll a kli.fl ii I a half U nr, nml a I. til 1.1 a 1 I a li.tlf b I .Nl! it I.IvIiik In I'lnliinrniiiiil IIiiiim-. The I vimiiiIiiihiix (or Mnllaniouts. as they mo culled here) live in uuderKrotllld tioilwcs lenlleil by I belli Isnnklb) with indent to keep the earth 111 inly up The I Mirwuy 11 hole In the Kniiind ubotit rIx feet Miiare Is altiiuled from tell lo twenty live feel Irom the bitr.iba and iiHiiiiiiliilcuteH with the fcuuio lhroii(;h Ui I'ltxikisl liiiuiel. lends 0110 1 liivctlou fur livu or td.s feet, thenco nt iKlit mii(fH In i.notlier direction At 0 I1 of turns Imlii.'s a lanro nkiii. forutlnj,' a looso rtirtulli doorwuy This ! o?.), with Iiiiikcs ail.ltil tunnel und diHirwuys keen tho cold ulr mnl winds from ntrlklnfr, directly tlirouph into the btrubu Tho chimney.' a hole In tlm center of tho roof about four feet .iimro. is tMvcred over at ui'lit with a erv thin tniU!purent skin 'I lie natives hid very short mid stunted. .Hid fttihxlst chielly on Hull, Kceso, fowls anil ckl's They nro fat. with lurco heads, and when thov uit M'en cniwlini; out of I heir tunnel doorway clothed In perkl furs, which ar iiiude with 11 hood all In one. they rvemblo ohio Mid anlmnl. 'I'hey iimi Mimll kenlskiii ciiuih's (or. as nil I is I by them, hod.irkl). which hold from 0110 to three men. with round holes 111 tlio top. when they sit tint down In tho bottom, tho ivst Is all covuivd over to that 110 water cmi enter In thco they go out a long way from hind to hunt bcal, Klllliu; t him with bono bpears Tliey tuko tobacco and ton in trade 111 pivfeivnco to any other article Tho stronger the to Imceo tho U-tter They make aiiulT of it and iimi It In this way rather than amok lug It. Chicago Newa With whom to do your business tlioso who represent none lut the bent insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't Tail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the oflicc ol Clopton ik Jackson, Located in the BAST OREGON IAN building, Pendleton, where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, done, up in APPL! ORDER! lv older I Is fiom 5M0 I If you ! jlieul a heal, si'inl your order lo tin, mnl him ' from ,-.Moto iheieliy. East Oregonian Pub. Co.. Pendleton. Oregon. mill 1 it if 11 FOR SALE It is well to remember that to be secure you must insure in of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Oloptor & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than one tin mnl after III ilut", as ii.'iuliiiHttiitor of tlio extate of the hue William Ito-v 1 otter for .iH .ib the I IV Pel; onel hylnc ili.j Ci'.ut'il, cons, miter of 1 'VhoroHtiltbffil Heretint JSttlfs. Sltort-liorn VttltU; Grtultn Vttttle, J 1 anil UchpiuI Stuck Callh; III" StlllM I'llll'lllXv ' I Ulliik it u sale to wi) ninety nine out of kvi r liiimlrwl wometi weal ahts-s tbtlt ire loo iatu- m tbe tttstep SIiihm that,r' iihi lui in lit iiiktep allow tlm let toeri"il forward un in the liva and tit moult la therr is a lelornilty l iuue . aort When 11 muitiulia lait hurt iioi , liltltf tltiteo out ol tlt alia ft ill have ill lmttie .il Imi alna-a art an 1 hey will Ua tliAite Ur-i't in ttic iulep ami If tier U)f aiv tr.iiiUltuit her lit luiadiicf la only Ui ervaaed I bo Uutlon alioilld Im rat an a tu mske the luatcp aiu.iller and tltv alHM to lit the tattler Tim loveely titttnl Imw ia auhti ul moat u( lU trvubt -UlnM5H.i ' i list h IIIHats'iiKt. Sawlt DiS'tner - An 1 JH I Uannl rw uv ttiat if you didu 1 arradimlti thu yai, b'-l maJto U IM !! u Ja U Ijiafer .dn'fsl tlirv yirsv- It itrunj.i" rs'i'tiv in t'V what a ttuVrvn r In te.i im'.'.iuiv thai -me Jvjusj J ova Uiaso liui v.i .1 I u.pooll I'iiHdttllihnil ")( (( Mrrlno ISnvka ti ml Hires, lleulsteral, (Sniilr Hurl;. mnl Mock i iei i. Atoa lnn;i iitniibfr of llorti and u liuttt- ' thy of lliy. 1 If yon contemplate insurance, adl on them and get posted TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS, and it will cost you nothing. Kumembor their otlico is in the For iM.tli'ti'Mra, . ill i.n ,r Ulr. s R. C. THOMPSON, A itiiiltitHiinior, myl daw If IVudlaiau, t. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHS1AKEK A JKWELRR. Uaoti Uilldlt B,C url Insii.t'aii tleion O.xou, I'l 1 u.w. Or nils .11.1 tl k' l.iii ..r .i.n " i ' ' I I III . M h '.ll 111 C II I lu EAST 0H13G0NIAN building, or address Mukleal Mar- fJN k.H In Jc 1 I 1 Clopton & Jasfejn, 1 Great Rock st xlUiJClIL I lir.H i Tho direct anil popular In. tM.III Ut Itl To I'lumffo anil Ihf iu iu nL liOuiMana ib .IfrlllKAIIIal 1 ill! v jiiiv 1 jinn uuvior t'lllt; to .1X11 ALL V..ffk...a.. tf rnlttre i) him it tin foniiiTiinn ajiii & N. or Northern iviv ntmlMU. nr tn W C mi tu 11 1'lviii iu No. 3 Wiudilixtoa ti !. a imr nnnnif. hi'ii. 'I'll L nml Pjm. Aril ',m to s.r llJn.T.snJIMf) CREAT OVERLAND THE Northern Mi r VHHI a...- Pullman Macf .Sltrvinj " .inin" r.w v " 11 ui i"i . to the Cut VIII 11. I'HUl . 11. (h 1 a a ... I M a Hill mir incioni uuwr:'ri. nil nl!llIalnous"" ciui vm nt. 1 ui - - A m ltnilll.ll nil mm vr the entire lenun Itallroiid. Leave WallulsJnnf'1"?1? . o..liiaml 1 OL lf . . . : . 1 .. ... 111. mi Minneiiiiinu ' fotirlliilsv. , ..fiirii fMiinwttoU maafcr n IstoHlirotnHw.... -priKIOPJ"v lrfl.Hi Train will leave n""--: alirolnuon IHJH neneral ''"Jt WaiihliisionSurvnifl ACCIDENTS Witt They do happen tw ', haiiretisi " TRAVELERS w riiK luVKitr. ' pay nt it..- ' ehlmsH' ' f. mm' .ie. ,"(", 1,1 nil m I f Ten Millions of of " 1 1 r..f oifconlan t P&ndleton, - - - Oregon. iaigt-iaml