1, t. I.K TUtJIt.SDAY, Al'UUSTty IBS-!. Tin: hoi.itauv i'Hr(ii:i:. IColieltnli'iI. "Kqnlvocntloii In entirely iisoles," nalil Eunice, wiveroly. "i'ou know perfectly well what 1 menu. I huvo given you u clmiico for freedom; for wlmt In still tot ter, fnmo unil cliuructer .Seo to It tliut this chunro ilow not Pais unimproved." "Mudl" muttered tho utrniiL'cr to him lelf; "very mndl Entirely u hopeless casi, I should fiay I wonder if thcro ivally was n teletrram, or If that Ih merely a nurt or her brain tllsnnler: I wonder if I'd better keep on with her, nobody known hither, or cut an) run for It, mow tora mil nil J" 'TIicm Is no mltlctitlnfr your oflcnso," urnvuly procecdod Mian Itarlow "Mind, fim.serl lluit at the ver) l)o;;hmlnL' Hut, as I Haiti before, I mn willing to glvo you imii moro ehuncu." "Very kind of you, fin Buro," hono leimly murmured the young mail, "lint would It ho conslderetf Intrust vo If 1 v.ero to link what thu olTehhe u?" "You litt vt hugely uhv united with jout employer's intniey, nuhl Kittiloi. with the freezing ttlerniiehH of Ideulleil lllwtlff, "III other words, you aro u hank ilef'ilrntor ' "No, I'm not.' xtntitly unxertel the stranger "I ln-g nird'- lor "ntitrndld lng you, hut thai s all u tnlntuite from he ginning to mid I'll stand n great deal but I won't htnud mii'Ii iimnes as that ' , "This Is scarcely a full return for m treatment of yon," said Kiuilco. wlthsoinu contempt "IK-celt uilild tu erlnio" "Oh, eomo, now. mint vou glvo n fel low a rhancer" uttered lier eoiiipauhiii "As thu muIiimiI h'Xiks wiy. '.Stilliu hut hear.' lo tiolmdy -i money hut my own, and not too rnuehof thut I don t know Anything about your banks nor their defalcators I've been.nnly two weeks hi your country mid I think it's tho snow lest ellliinte going My naino Is Krnest Tlnsalloii mid I was to havu been met at the station by Oil Copley of thu Tour llundriillli ravalry " Ktihlre Ihrlnw gnvn a little shriek of nmazeiiii'iil 'Mr lOruesl TliiHiillnul" sho cried TIiii KiiulWliiuiih who wus com lug out hero to hunt hilllalo, utitl follow upthohiioof tho 1'lliu river? Hut you linvn alhihleil at tho wrong ntiiilon. you milium navo Htoppeti at I'liiu uurraciis, seven miles beyiiul hero " "I hearil the roiiduelor Imwl out nomo tiling about plno of onu wiri or iiiinllior." said thu young Ilrlliin. "I was dead asleep, mid didn't Htoti to illnrilinilliitii mid I scrambled oil So I'vo uiadu n uih take, have It Hut, nil tho nuiim. It's aw fully good of you to oiler to conduct inu to n plum of OhrlMtii.li shelter " "And I havu million mistake too," said Kunli'o. with n gnnp "JiiMt heforo your train I'liuio in tliuro wus u uienHUgn wlreil to Hlg I'liiu station u ini'HMign to detain a hunk robber who wni said to hu on thu train I was nil iilouu, hut I could havo locked lilin Into tho ticket nlllru mt feetly well Wo western git Is urn pre pared for any emergency" (with some iirhlu) "Hut I wus so sorry for you. you looked so young mid lunoreiit, and I do termlued to glvo you olio more chatico" "I'or u new oureur," liiteriuptod tho tmnger, with a gust of laughter "Thu Ley to tlio pur.lel I mo It nil now Don't ,miu know, 1 was beginning to think yon must be n luuutlo And how disagreeably near 1 cuiui to being looked up, after all' And tlio bank fellow, whoever hu is, Minus tit havo got olT scot freo Itenlly, now, If over mini hud a genuine guuntlau iinuel, ) ou ant one," he added, as ICuuli'ii led tho way Into it pretty llttlo sitting room iiiing with tho lust of thu Christmas overgreens, mid nil aglow with red car tint and curtains, whom u II m of logs burned on tho oku heartli und a cozy meal was xpread ou the table St KruiMi TliiKuihm slept In the hwtio chamber thut ulglit. was callttt v oturiiglit, mid bnsikraxteil at I 'cluck tlio nost miiriilug with the eh- rmpli oenitor and her mother mid nit, ru mil iiccoiupauhil her to thu llig riii station, plunging through white i.iu.Kesof snow ilrifl. and sliding, nchool Imt lii-lilnu. iieniss tho mirror liki'surfuco of Hhhii'U brisikH Mr I'ettyrluvu was Mii'.e with his face tied up In a spotted f.lii pocket handkerchief Tlieie were His- seveiiil telegrams uwiiltlng thu hand f iluoMrator Onu wax from the chief id illi-o at White I'euk, stating rather lute. erhiips that the bank defalcator IiimI at thu eleventh hour, mid on tho very lcp. so tosK'ak, of the train, surruudero'l lilni'i'lf to tliu liK'al uuthiiritles There u another, from Col Copley, of the Tour lliimlrtslth rurally luiiilrlng If any thing liiid Ix-en heanl ill Dig IMuu station of tliu mlhslng Kngllsli burouot who wuh iivci'dlle lit the hurracUs "Only thlnfc." utd Miss Harlow, with lltlla shiver, "If I had hs-ked you up In the ticket ntllco nil night, what would 'il Cupluy havo said'' "That, under tlio circumstances, you Ii. id done no inure t Imu jour country e inrtHliif yon. "returned. Mr Kruust "Hut t aj, till this thing no awfully plucky f mhi, Miss Harlow I don't know of uu Jvngllili girl that would huvo hud the sm tige to go through with it l uuli-i' smiled a llttlo 1 .11. i. Sir Kruust," she Hald 'tiers Is your Hut I haven't thanked von half N nil " Ilo stood holding Udh her luu.iti. hU frosh KngllUi fuco all eager ie t. - it Is quite tmn-oMnry to say any 'hum,' uWrvixl .Minn Harlow, quietly T'iaM is tho tsltfixph I am wmitisl ut . (mat of duty now CmkmI by. .Sir Wu ' t I Uh jou a wry pleukaut Jtturuoy ' f r I'ruoit TiunMllou went on his way Kit the bin ullt teriux cold of that iNSr vkiuter uioruliig. with tho ptun tre1 lllg like IH-Illd olsJ III DllUUM rubra l bo olatus all khexltsJ In level xmr. Kiuileu Harlow ueer aaw hlui luum he did not eotuo Istek tu woo aud wed us tho hero of an omIukNiv lov tale No In 1 ' ild have don tlo could not, btHiui i-.idy er. lujjed to un.-ihoi )uiir wuuiau rngUii-l But he Mit a .iiuH baju - Mi gui i to Mr llailow. lu vara of thw ..ipl ivinior ut lUg I'm ktatioH. ly au lyiglikh uiuuer ubi 1 1 tuJJ tho Mtory of bin nUd -u III llm Willi tVlMt u ween nrterwarus, wnu tier swinging hintein mid thoso great gray eyes of hors, nd tiio pretty llttlo s)eeclios about 'turn over a new icar that sno mauo to mo. I dldt uml I'm not ashumcd to own ii even before IjiiI Tlnsullon hero. Eh, KateT" Ami the I'ngllsh brldo laugncd good ! uii'jredly, and observed that "to near Mr liriiest lull:, tho American girls must lie full fledged heroines." "iiho v. am I can vouch for that," said Sir KrneAt. Lucy Houdall Comfort in j llnrier's lluzar HomMlilnR ll, tlio Atmophnr That Mak Clilciitfu People lluy llvnl ltate. Talking with a broker on the question 1 of trade, and weather he gnve uxpietslon ' to sumo very peculiar Ideas, lot thin same ( broker, though prominent on the street and very successful has a wonderful I in , Actuation, and frequently esiiresncs him , self In tho most visionary maunct ' On this occasion hu mild 'I can tell you what tho troublo Is If tho air for n dead certainty I havo watched this market , lor years, and have well somo iiieor things Under oidlnnry circumlaiices ; rain and snow havu their eflecl ii;n the , real cstato market, but there are times j when they do not nay.dlu you over reuu Dr Ox's experiment! He wav the chap, you know Jules Verne writes about as having stirred up the quiet llttlo Dutch burg and set tho steady going old rest dents In commotion by the aid of oxygen Well, I want to tell you that In a minor form that very thing Is trnnsiitrlng around us every onco In a while There Is cor lulnly something In tho air thut makes I munlo buv real cstato I feel It very iulckly Tho moment I get out of bed i 1 ilium mornings It seems as though I could j 'ml get to towu quick enough and all thu wav In thern Is n sort of silimresseil rmrur i miss to buy ucrot and Hiibillvldo thorn I I fairly havu a cruvlng to buy lund wen. as sure as suooiiug, wnon i reach the olllco I notice an activity among tho clorks that is unusual and I also no tire that jieoplo begin to (lock In They do not struggle In, one at a time, and go out utmost Immediately, but they crowd thu olllco and they buy lots, too. and when tliey do finally leave It Is with a sort or hungry look at tho maps and plats as though they wunted more You can luugh and think I am a crunk If you like, but It's n fact, all thu samo Why, I at tended nn auction sulo of lota one day when I had this 'bunch' to buy I tried tn keep uway but I could not Soma big Imlil headed lellow with a voice like a iiiTiKuu down calliope, was acting as auc Iniiccr, mid had gotthncrowd Inlaugtilug .iiimoi by tolling funny storios, but evi leutly thut whs not wlmt they camo out Tor and they began to howl for the sale to 'leglu Thu salu did begin and so did a niiiistnrm, but it had no more effect on 'hat crowd than a gentle brent ti of wind very body hud the fever and we, uli stood 'hero In tho pelting rain bidding and buy ng until tho big ehiin sulil ho wuHcleamsl ml entirely and hud no more lots to sell Mils atmospheric boomer comes very sud lonly nt times I remcml)er another sulo I happened to at where the crowd though large eeunil apathetic, loggy mid lllolesK thu .ili'siunu wan doing Ills best mid It wax .bill work foi him only u stray bid here ..id them rouchitig his ear I was leuu ig ttgulust u tree, u listless as thu rest . hen In a twinkling uli wim rliungixl lc unil animation hmi taken tlie iihun of .-ilmigy, and the bld were rolling In hick mid fust I knew what It wuh, for full it sweep over mo und surge through my frumutlkoii chmge of electricity II was the real estate oxygen und. so fat as I was com erued, I bought thirteen lota In 'hu next twenty minutes Wlmt I am telling you U right and no funny bust . uuss, and tho only regret I have uow la' i hut thu epidemic iIoi-m not strike ofteuer i ll lull you what would boil gissl scheuin I 1 f sninuof those Invention fellows, like I Kdisou. would get up a iimrhin to stun 'hlsstul) und let It oil iixui proxr occn .Ions wlmt real estuto Ixxmis could bo In ' inglimted but we huvn no such umchlim t und h.ivo to iIi'mmu1 Ukiii thu fitful I uucy ol nut lire foi a supply und nature .is evidently got hoi tiuck up st Chicago eal estute llivu, lot llili straligu annex iilurutlug nlr has (xs-n denied now lot iiany weeks Uu us Ihmxi lor a speixlv hangu "Chicago lleiahl M 111 1 111-1 AillrrtlxlilrliN tin llrouiltvay I'hnso pliysleui n rei k ol men who psro wearily up and down llnndway with ilu 11 n I h 011 their fronts und bucks, und fumll irly eulled suiiilulch men aro not tliu nly persons who pimneuudoas advertlso iii-utH Cotnelier udvertlien aro navernl :trls sent out by leudlui! milliner aud I iressuiulilli); estubllnhiiieuts They art) nodcls choxen for erlwtlin of fuco and i(,'Un, clothed hi tho uewtxt and most pro, iiiunced ciiMiinies or luiiinets, and then eut out to wulk lu llnuidwu)- and Fifth iveuuo. The grl selected for this par li-iihir scrviru art) tlioxo who havo been .11 several years um-d In theli eiuplovers' lures us models on which to show off. I :imkIs to wealthy iurfliHHera, aud thus mve tMVtune known to UiDn'Clistomera so 1 11 ill thut, on hem (j eeu In the streets, ney an Instuntly nvi;ui'(l Thus tho I 'vMlio.st wures offei-ed foi sulo In those iHitlcuhir shops aivuuiiouuctHl under the iml fuvoruhlu clrvuiiutuiices A drtss r 11 Unmet teen, out of doors 011 the per ..ll of 11 beautiful Ktrl Is of course, pow i li.lly riiMiuiuelided ami no doubt thut he iiiuniifucturers who have reported to uih novel methisl of sunounclti their i..iveltles Und a juod protit tu It. New ork Sun ' Tumi of iiii-rlc.i. 1 Tliero aro In America over 4,000.000 farms hiiye and small They rover nearly ! '.'II 000 (MiU u res of I ui proved laud, and tho! 1 tout vulue Is souunhlnu llko $10, ! 000.000 UtiO These liiirM aro not. of eourxo. very eoaiptvhmlvo Thuy simply oouvwy ths ldn of vuh'uims of ami aud isjmil vatni- of luiHirt:iiico Tho ostl umlwt value of tha ytwrly (Misluets uf lb fainus Is IwtwtNiH .OOO.uOO.OXW tuul a.OOO.OuO.000 -CMcaitu llwuld. The 1... The w . 11 . Arobi.i i . 11 j'Mir 1 Ii l 1 uUiliM la of .r. 1.0 un;-ln. w.ii Hr-l Ir iii-niittr. by V.'o ' su-.umi to KimD i.lmat thu The uumU'i- of hotel.-, "contemplat!" rh )e.ir ntunU'n uUiitt ,:!WX Th 1 mtmUr built dov not ekixwl HUtt Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS The Inriicut anjl moitcompleto stock of Drugs, Medicines CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despain Block Pendleton. IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST newspaper!reliable On Thu North American Continent. l'J I .ui vrt and HI I.oiik ColnnniH. A POPULAR NOVEL Pulii;hoil In ninl Klven with each liue of the vicelih eilltlon. Iti-klmiliiic ,ii , I. ami continuing there, lifter, The Wotlil will print with each Inmiiu a riuiiirti novel ! a )pninriiullior. .Mining Wh Hit lli-iiiil. no wrin'rii win uei ITheJ)iiebnM, .Mr. Alexunili-r, iJoliu K Winter, Henry Wond, M. K. Ilriiitilon. WIII(ei;ollltl, Kolit. Mui'liunati, It. Ik Htevenviii, II I, Karjf on, TIiouihk Ilur.ly. .IiiIIiiii llawlhiirne, K V. Itotilnmui, Kmlle Ualioiluu, In tin Verne, Klori'iiee Wunleli. MurytVi-ll flay lleilhii M.Chiy, Annie Kiiwanik, Ithoila IMwurilii, III. llllll'K. r. .-. riiuiiii TIii-mi novels will be the latest woras of the lieM wiiteri iih they are iulilluil- tin- Imoltx wlileh every one It t umni; alioiit. Nullilni; tun the very btt will be iiilnilileil Into the WiirlilNHluii iinl l.lliriiry of ilcllou, This Library of riell in Will lie Huillvil to Hiiii-erlber Only. No l.'xtiuCiii'lfx Will He I'rlnlid. No llui'k Nuiuber-i 'uu He KiiriiNln-d aud No liivht Coidex WlllbuHnhl, If You WWi the Hi rim Complete, HUHM'UIIIK ATONOX. One Year iVJ nuiubi-ro, SI; U .Month C! iiuiuIm'P.),,V).'.! :i MontliK ill iiiiiuberHi, 'iV. Addri'MS THE WORLD, Now York. Notary and Corporation Seals, In .I-Vndlotoit. FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH. The iimial price for eiilu made by other 1 parties, In Portland or the Has la from ib.ro 1 o 7.i.', with expri'xt rhuriien mhtrd. If you 1 lieetl 11 ni'ul.ni'iiil youronler lo us, und uve fnim iieO to JI.W thereby East Oregonlan Pub. Co.. mhiiiitf Pendleton. OreQon. FOR SALE On unil after this date, in mlmliilMrutor of j the etate of the lute llllum Itoxi. 1 otrerj for .up 11 I the live nlovk owned by the ile ce.ietl,eoii'.tlni: of Tlitirmiuhbred Hereford Hulls. Short-horn CaltU; Grutle Cattle, nnt Genriul Stork Cuttle. Thoroiihhrel Stunlsh Merino Itucks ami lUres, lieil.tered. Grade Hacks ami Stock "'its, A lin 11 Inrvt, iitmiluir nt llnrmt uti.l ...,... till nf II. IV. ' ! TEDMS Tfl CHIT DIIDnilACCDO I .......to ,u uu . uMuuMOLno.iami it will cost you nothing. Kor lutitleuluru, rail on or inMivw R. C. THOMPSON, AiliiilulHtrator, reiiilletoo, Or, myM Jw tf W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHWAKE Ji bulMlun.OiHilt MrUPeaJK-lua Orfoa, Mute Are You Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go imy longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in u good, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it conies to taking out a policy. In the first place, pick out competent and I j With whom to do your business the best insurance companies When in search of such agents, in the direction of the oflice ol Clopton & Jackson, Located in the EAST OKKGONTAN building, Pendleton, where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Mu rine, Accident or Life insurance, APPLE-PIE Tt Is U'oll tn i-niiiniiihnn tl,.i ... ...... .vuivmuu mm. one of tho Thirty Reliable Clopton & Jackson, with $100,000,000! VA1I (nnfnmnl.UA !ar... ...... JV" -w...uH4, ...auuuicu, ujiii on tliem and get posted , . ... EAST OK EG ONI AN building, Clopton & Jackson, Protected? acents. those who represent none but and go straightway and insure. don't fail to turn your "peepers" done up in ORDER! .. . . 11, uv, cuuiiiu you must insure in Companies represented by a combined capital of moro than 11 . Kcmembo )r their oflice is in the or address Tickets Tvte ami .uyt. Elegant PullmonB,,. KmlKmntHleepn(tCr,r..v. I'svm irnini OMAHA, COUNCIL BLiirrt .... 10) "i i a una l' roo of clinrifp nn,i . Clodo onnneetlons nt jw..i . PlHPfl HH. .. . -"'"Y l Kust hound uiuiin - purlxKt 6:00 p.m. """tU wexi ooiini mr,rntt. wrxi uoiir.a t relilil .m.:." " Walln tVnlli nnrt i...,. . rlVCK ut 7.Vl. III. fmm .'.ir.S j.envex hi i enn n tn , Htate, May 12 Urenon, May Id Columbia, Mhv S) Hiute, May ji Oregon, MuyTX C0I11111I1U..I111111 1 tj,-.. LOlOfeU Htate, JuneO I lr. ' ureKou..! UlloU ('oltltllhln. Jnnn 1.1 State, Juno 17 Hfata i urrK(in,.innuli Colunihlii. Jiinf " Htate, June i OreKon, July a Ulat. i IINmii I. iiluht "to'"t''Pwhnrf,rorUsit ltatea of l'n. Iliellldlllir lllll an.lV... unoin. HteeraBe, 110111111 irin, unnmlttil. Korurthrr niirllcnl AT, A., I'orllainl, Oregon. '. II. IIOI.l'OJHl, Oonerul MsnoKtr, 0,f. ? .11.11111. rtmlliiu. iIum. 11 I. 1. Ill KHI It K K An Tit il ill PASS Ittl.l ttk,!).. II.. I. with tliu Mnrtlicru farMi iruin Ht, I'rtui una Mlnneapodi To C'hlrauo ami thr Ktt. To ML I.oiiIm ami the Koiti nr. a .. 1 j iriliann 1DD HI t. 1 i if . 'I'ltn I In i I inn niuurvui'l X 1113 V7III 1 unit: Ill CTOUIICII Ii HIT. I,tJlVfnrirtfl td uuv ror ralucti Dining AccoMinany nil thruuch tiprtu TirkPlHnr nn.lt hv nil roncmJlf fur mi 1 inrnrmni mi rrparuirin nimiv inmiv innnm irrnioi I'liuivni ui w " TlrkH Ajftit.o. sw n ,iiiiia'ii .j..f - - v a iffrtr.nimnir. nn 't'i I trt I' K.LI Chlciuso.ili. ..H-ftW! ili.n. T. 11 n .I 1 Ac. X.I"- A 1S Minnnjaj r in w m -r iicmi buii r 1 U ft II i'l II i wi.i- - - Putlman ilnce Sleeving Can! Maanificent iv OxuW . VU, Jlertb iV f n UIH Ul ClIUH MUM ------ to the Eait, (.Mem" a jt mi i .... fftdr Couat Over theJJrU" liiKllln Its rM n. . . . . . . . . n...h, ,( 1 n r .. r. .. ... m. f jo nionx uiiXi cuum-ii vinhi.nn r.nnvpiiirortn. r iinrinmton, uuincy. ri- ?jnvii all POliiUtlirnuKboutth' r,l east via HI. l'mirunU MJDrMP"" KM III HAM ll. r.i ""- Are liaiileil on rejtumr r';- tho entlro length of tb AortM" . . . . c. m Hiillroud, T nrll..l. l.n.-llnntlO.- Ij)i4V Fori I und 3 P. ni., u il - Mlnnennolu or i. -i "r'h ': ,....ui wnl ni all lo all point asi.r""'' uli' point on I'ujet soun c,tjmi n.i u'..i,n rxutnerr .r' aA,i., j Willi 11. 11. a WuHlilouton u, P.r. y ;.w.y lJf ACCIDENTS WILL Tboy ilo lintipen every ,rtr nnpreiin 1 you, j - 5 (n t, Tn tin pnn III 'i'llK K TKVr.f.BKH' "'"Z'Sna t mix n it 1(11 1 th "i v. n 6' . . .,' ,, ' ui ue ''HI" e n t. i't' ennuis, wnn.'ii """' , inn"- r ilia ura ii-m ' ' provision In all ita I' '' Ten Millions of A's. T' of Juirlus. PAID rOUi'V HOME ttX , 1.1 at iwtoruii 1. f;ht iu.. :Ih- 1 I 1'linna, if i-a. n M kl .t n 11 I . . I-IIT S.IW, i .11! 11 All .it 1 1 .a - -t mill in .1.1 . sent -lr ii'-i- 1 , Pendleton, Oregon. f 1 1(41 I'UOI 'V UIIIH