DAILY. jlJlWIIU'VOUWASiT, A l itr.i: i.imtAitv. ntroio. of tin Dully or Seiiil-Wrrltly KAS1' IMtlUlOMAN mil frrrly timkr- unit or tlm UAH I' OltlUlOMAN lllirnry wlim v r lliry no ilrnlrc. Tli pulillr itrn rnr illiilly Invllril In IU I he ntllco wlirnover n Inrllnril. i. I.. i.iMiirvnrotitlllliK will i.nirri .-... . .,,,111 iiflrr llioNotmiih-1 from 110 ...llnrnll.t fifty CClltd Will HI V ,in. "''""" . ..' .... ..uriilti:il(NIANfor Hie lhe 1MIV , , Irnictl t tln'r"'nll. PENDLETON, UMATILLA. CO., OKEGON, TtIlTllSDAAr, AUGUST 2, 1SS8. NO. 130. 1 1. 1 . . - - - 1,01)0 K DIttKOTOKY. svJ-T, . irt.ii vn vi I. A v. .1. i Hn Mimon e Tpinpio on 1110 Mt.' !ih Kr Ih f i'mcIi month, nt 7;.I0 eUtf ....... riitiriK NO. H.I. A. K. A A. M. l,ir .. ., .....i rt((rfl Mil... TTlwiV I MI.UK NO, A. r m.r.v- - i, .,,,,,1,, ?5d thlrJ Mf.ilta- of ,tiiK,tf.'rt'turv. ,! i UltKJB NO. IH.a. u. u. w, '.".7?, ...look. .1. 0. I.KAHl r - w .t A.M. U III! W1U month at Meet iKAnuiUi, ... - t rvi ilL- Mil. 'IV I. II. (. K. Mnntj. HI,n.VY.. ..... . I..i ii. 9.1(1 .....l.w.lr .ttf .' .r'"."h ..... .. MlttlDNi .U.J I" '" nniirontcccrmiiry. ll . MSd 111 UIU PWU,.'. ...i. .tin, rilSKIlKIIKt'UX i.uuiir. ..-. i. , I. u. X r. .Mvl,l,,u ,,ln UMSIII "III! 1 1 11""' IKH, -.i J M,V tlftlnc nt TiJOiiTJi-i'll. .1. ( I.KAHUlti:, C J.WIIlTAhr."."-. ... .v.... ntinl Vll J I. 111. 1 M,. I., Hid tf 1111 I""" inKiic'uni Vt ........ ...!..(. M Mfltll'IIKA (1 I. .k. ii.. .1 t .r .ii.iAiu ... VThfflf ' lllllll,r I lliirniniy iiikiii. i i.tiiiiiriiulor: .1. M. IIoukn. AITOUNKVS . .. ....l.lk.Lt . Vt . . ... n. MUM I'Al.ll.. Al IUII.1,1 . 1 Ut, Oltlf -UlMIIII Ml. II, AKMOiMll- JrK. irilllll KMI. tiivu'.... ilfflr.,. AKkni'lllllllll II KICK. I'l'IMIK-- i,lt...t ll.i.,.. 1. 11 un.l I A.. .91 Block, iviiillctoii, (irt-jiDii. Vril A I'KI'.WM. v 1 1 1 1 II i 1'. 1 n ill' it. it iki i-iiii I. urrzni i. i.cjiu uimi. tf ill kliiJn utli'iiiliil to with nrnnipt- in,miloun ll Pi'vrniny, i.tiirn ,,n ttiM hi Hie Tlpmipnii.larnlmrt ai.ovrtlio Kit iiillci'. 7to a v'itiiimiai.ii. ATTtmvKYM 1A. 10,11111 Ml, 3 "111 l U, Ah.Oflll- loci, Pnthtin. Oictfon, J. RKAS. . TTO It N K Y AT LAW. Cflr:-Mn.ii Hlriit, in Tlnimpoii ul HollJk t, nvi r I ho I'dKt-OIlhv. F lirTt'lll.11, AVIOUNKV AT LAW, C3l(rrvllli',Uii'k'iiii. Will jirucllco art. ot titi-iiuii mi .1 Vililni!lim. ('' (.WMMldll I.ul i'ti,ci;irvuiiru a w.mii-.u, at -(O' JIHIJIW. IIOIIIIIH II lUIll -I llflllfi 'it '31 " ' ullilliu, curnur of Minn iei; t WIUTK. ArrOltNKYK AT i. PtnHt:oii,ori'i,'iMi. KiioiiimHhiiU ?t!on liluck, IYIC'IAN"S AM) HUlUiHON.S WWi, rilYSIl'IAN AND Hfll- -BUiKKIt, l'IIYifiriNANlSUIt. It-X Kimiii tkiio.llttull llllHlK, N.-rtt.rtiKllrton, Ort'-.'iin. . liar li, ril . "Ii l.. i.i Tan, oir.n ; MKur .Miiiirlinilhi) A itr nort, rimer of Juliii.on uiiii ;, rrnUli'tuu, Un-ipi i iU, 7p-JtI IN I'IIYIfI.N . r.; ( on , triiiiiiuirii -i-riiNiii, - .( (r i ur oiitni iim nerviri). i. na hr iniild'n tlio iimur.iiu o 'WituanyiliiidiKM wlit'io inrdlciil .,f i, illlUO ..t .-...IC.t. W'D.Drar Court utiect. Ottk' Iioiii-h. - lo 5 ii. in., unci ""P.O.. ;,LK'!.N0' i' oi-kick ovi:it Kftt -.,,. ....... I. ...... ..no - ..-.uivti tv . fMlll nilD Willi 11 -i"v"i uiicniiiin kivuii iii mo ' 1 tbtatn and tlillilrcn. ENTKSTS. TJHBNTIST. OAS ADMIN - Main Rlrret.lnThnmii- illCKLLAMioiTS. MARKKA. CdviMf wrm i. vn Iff I'll n. 4 1 si ... -- - - "r. Kiliiintr fumlilieUon yPM Jt'STICKOKTiIK I'KAOK iij Cu" nii" un iuiiu rn un . , proof mkvn at rciliiccil tiVu1.1?11' IH.ACKSMITU AND MaJUkfr .Alumna Uunlrn ht.. i ,L:'U "."kfcinUli work of nil t pnitihio inunner, mul mi rx -itlculur Htttntlonglv lax. "it i'.?' ""H CAUIUA'iK -.. i., i vii . it-Mi,., ureuon. i . ,!rt 'near Court Mritft. u,,r t i hoi . culler, Older ii .! prompt uit.'ii- ' ; n -I . illy. k. v I- H'Jl' yri ANil N 1 ii ,.i.r.liu .1S.IT1U snire mul nlf i, ii'-, riur lUkarv. H.AOTICAk i n,n n.etor i f ' '"rl-'-t l wrK " J -I u ll, ItHlII '" 1 lllt ' " tti ; kluu- III Kliilir i -ixtuhbly. Jll- THETARIFF Has been taken oil both Woolen and Cotton Goods Not by Congress, but by ROTHCHILD & BE A And they nqw oiTer their Large ami Complete toek of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c -AT- FREE TRADE PRICES, for CASH! Examine their noods, get their prices, ami convince vourrielf that the above are not mere assertions, but that they will sub stantiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," therefore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely meet competition from all quarters. They carry a General Merchandise Stock Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and nhilflvon'a ninfliino. TTiivii-ioViiTin iT-rinrJa Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. OASH PURCHASERS GANSKOU11E BARGAINS Cheap News! T3b.e JSoxaa.i-'WeolsJ.y Bast Oregronian AND THE NEW YORK WORLD From now until after the Presidential election in November for ONLY ONE DOLLAR ! Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Creat Western Bakery. AND DINING ROOMS, TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, tiii: hi.ackmai!,;:ahi:, HOW AN IOWA IHttKKllST CAIUIIIT. WAN Cull Itcpnrt of I ho Murruy. An Inl. rvlrw Willi .Ml (illiMiu lliu I'iIii- rlpul Wltnna In tlm C'iikp. W. II. Klnrmi Aiiiiini; tlir sklpprrn Itr pnlillriiin Appriillnij to AVouirn Niillm Blt-A rrnlilliltlnii Spriili IllUlirr .-llurUrt-A Drutrui t le lUpt lliu. CATCHING TIIK KltLIKl 1ST. Inn. I iifkotl lilni if lio would interoht litniHotf i in Mr. Mnrniv'H liohiilf, uttil lioiromificd Wllrnx (Mia-. , i. ...,.,,1.1. Vvl ,l.,v. I tliliL-. 1 mot Iturrv. mill Im tnfd inn ho Iniil iVX" I UHkoil Wilcox If lit) xvoul.l rctmct , IhJrnly "Kkuutlli that l J I. "ffiJteX nbotit coino lotifociiH. 'lliu InblcH lmvu 1 V.r l'1 ,VlH. 1 1 " " i..r Arrivnl- turned ugaliiMt .Mm. Dr. Mttrrav uuil her ' Z "r" ,. ' vhr " nn, uctiv. lUptii-lilovolooH. anil It a mora than Ikulv tin, !'"'"" "",10J, " hiutlor will l.o dropped. Tito plot, w'l.lch " .'. TV. i. 1 '.. .. Y . .?,.,Mli Va,,V," illy raid by Mro. .Murray "V?.. . . .iii." ' T. V. i.i"".f" n iuiiu nun iiuuil i uimuiiiuii iiiun iiir 1 watt worrylnif ho much ubout tho in WilH llinliiubtcd y laid by Mrn. .Murray unit nor lriomiK, lor mo nolo liuriiohu uli ,"i . .......i.... ii vti i.. .... i. : "tut ii.il'1'ink wuiui i. ii utuA, in ru uiiiin paiunt thai it will bo folly for hur to I)i:s .Moiniih, Iowa, AugiiKt a. A ilrnj (ict named .Mllney wan urmnted hero Saturday, and Mtock of ll(iiorH t-ei.ed, for violating tliu I'rohlbltnry law. At tho trial tho defence denied having violated tho law. The tiroheeiitlon then oll'ered uh iivldeneo iiliotoj;raihH of u drinkini; putty IhjIiIiuI tho drtijfjtiHt'H iirescrlptlon cane. A censtable hud turned IiIh talnntH to utnateiir jhot onipliln, mul had taken tho view through u rear window. I' ATA I, KM'I.OSIO.V. CiumliiBtlin DriitliiifSrti.il I'rrrnnii. riiit.Ain:i.i'iiiA, Atiiitt A Iwoino tive holler on the 1'lillailolphla Iteml iiiK ralhoad oxjiloded hint nllit. Tho en gineer and llreipan were iiinluiitly killeil Five' iiaHsciiKerH were tenlbly hcaldcd and will probably die. iii:ikii.ni ion m:i.i'. I.lcpior Drlnlirrit I'liiitoBriiiiliril tilt' Act liyil t'lllullllilii. Iiil!i,nit ...irrl lnif tlio mult, ,r imv fnrlliup , The oxuiiiliiutkin of .MelnaacH wuh to ' have taken place ut leu o'clock yenterday I tiininliig. At that hour Judgo Tuttlo'H court room was crowded to KUirbeatlim. "R. "V!?!1?!. ul.n .M0,o..ro,.?.rt.(!rH !tlio matterV ..u... ,.u J...I1J. iuiin uiiiiu. ii ri'ui.in 11.1 though tlm proK'cutliiL' attorney did not want the .Sew n man to hear the testimony in the cae, mid by bin rciuct a contin uance wiim uiiuoiinced until ten o'clock (IiIh moinhu;. At two In the afternoon tho cuko was (.ecretly called, hut tho .Murray crowd wan careful to neo that the Oienonlun, which l.-i in full sympathy with the rini;, wan roprenontoil. Other iDporlerrt were completely thrown oil", however, and the cane wax uctlon tin uiilt with without the knowledge of any to jiorter who wiw likely to make ndvorno crltlclHiu of tho procccdlm;. In tho eycM of the .Mornliiir and Kvcii' hitf edition of the Oregonian, Mrn. Dr. Jlurrav'N teHtln.onv wuh eiven In that Tlm Wonieii Hunrncliit. Apprulril to In ulralelilforuiinl. iintrnmlfon. nrll.MM num. Ammt tin, g. . i . mjr. n mTa (,0 rK 0( candor and the Wakihnoton. 1). 0.. Aummt 'J. Some i Htamn of truth that are ehatacterlHtle fea- Kcpulilicau leaders: are ncpitiatinj; with , Hires in tho makeup of thin charming Mint. Kllcn J. I'oftur, of Iowa, with it 1 Hpeclmeu of innocent womanhood. How view of iiettim! the women HilU'niL'ihtM to fortunate that thin tender I tlio chicken throw their iiillucnce for HtirrlHon mid , can find protection under the Hhelterlni; .Morton. jwinirof the miiHterly Da-Konlaii. The ovldeucu adduced ut tho prelimin ary examination of McIhuuch Ih void of liecat.Ki tho al matter that 1 began to feel ill, and 1 told .Mr. .MclH.iacH to do tho rent of tlio mini ncfw with .Mrn. .Murray in perMon hiHtead of through me. That Ih about all I know about tlio cane, ho far an 1 am (icrHoiially concerned." Did you over talk with Wilcox about Till! MAUKKTK. any v particular Intercut. Icgod factH brought out have already been An Upwnrtl Trmlrnry In I'lilruKu Hml Sun 1'i.HT.asn. AturuHt i.-Wet weather in Jlf-, .1 ,"'P. ..n?l Kimland law again ca.iK-d a re-actlon hi . " X.. . " '.u i,,- ., I ,.i..,,o ii... ....... niuiiii iiiu muiv oi .MLirinun luillllli; ill haH gone up again. Chicago: h7Jn, Kl'.f, 8-1 ?.j j .San FranciHco, Htrongor nigiier: i iu&u iH.. and A I'ltOllllli riON- NI'KAKICH To Ciiiiviik Grruuii for tlio Prohibition Vurty. Sai.ksi, Oregon, Augiint U1. Tho Nu- tiomil l'rohlbltlou C'ommitteo have neut l'rof. M. V. Hook, of .Michigan, to make a canvass ol tl.lx Mate lor tliu parly Huh fall. Ho arrived hero this morning. NKiri'KD OCT. M,G11ATZ, Proprietor. A. FIBST-OLASS MEAL! KOH TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICE. CLEAN BED FOR 25 OR 50 CENTS Fk-osh Eastern Oysters, In Every Stylo! OPEN" DAY A-jSTD TSTIG-I-IT! JfirM Street, near J'ostojJIre, l'eiutletou 6 daw A runner Orcuuii .Miuli lun l.rum n Wlf mul (.'milium, Oakland, Cai.., AugiiHt W. II. KinrosH, a director of tho Oakland choral Hoclotyuuil well known In Oregon. I.iih nkhiped out, leaving many unpaid blllriand a homelcHri wife. l'ntnl Unit In Kniimia City, Kanhas Citv, .Mo., Aiignnt S'oven deutliH have occurred in (IiIh city in tho past twenty-four houm im tho roHtiltof extensive heat. Tho temiieraturo Ix t7. I'll till Arililrnt. Woodland,. Cai.., Augunt 'J. IiiiIh Clark, whllo driving u htcam thtoHhliig machiuo ycHturday, fell under otto of the wheels and was crimhed to death. her an tho uuont of Wilcox, and trvhn: to induce her to pay I. Im, for Wilcox, $l,nOl) in coiiHlderatlon of it complete vindication I of her character at tho hamU of the Sown, lold how urgent for u Holtlcnient .McIhiiiich finally liecauto, and explained how verry cunning hIio had bo u in trap ping the unwary young man by having wltucHfCH concealed behind a Hcrocii at each of the IntervknvH. She nald iilno that MIhh Alice (Sllmon had vIh Itcd her uh tie.' agent of houio oiio mid urged her to buy II cox oil' at any price. Dan Spruguo, one of tlio concealed wit iiOHHCH, Alice (iibson and tho defendant told their Htorlen about the cams, which wiih of coiirnu corroborative of what Mrn. .Mil. ray had nald. Me Isaac said that at an interview with Wilcox, that gentle man had written "1600" on IiIh nhirt cull', and from thlri ho tinderhtood that Wilcox could ho bought for that num. IIoiiIho Indicated in a like manner that Ii. (.MelnaacH) wiih to get tloO for doing the Job. What Wilcox wiih to do In con Hlilcratlon of tho $l,i()0 wiih to publish In tho Dally New Ha full retraction of what ho had said utiout Mrn. .Muriay'H counee tlou with Mary Schneller'ri death, and also publish evidence that would go far toward proving her Innocence, I At o illO hint evening, tho I.aht Oiikiio- nian representative rung tlio Uil at ir0 JellerHon street. Tho door wan opened by a lady, a vurv pretty little blue-oied blonde, with red lipn and iearly teeth. Ilotrl ArrlvuU. Vii.i.Aiin Hoi'hi: Jon IjwoiiHtoin, S K: W W Spauldiiig, JnlluH Hellbromcr. i: Keincru. roillandj II Winder. W V JorgeiiHou, Henry Kudull, Walla Walla; Ii T I'.reeuiun, .Marcu; I' rank l. I'liull, K J .Mmire, .St ImiiIm; Juh Walker, S Kj WK llcsWart.J J Jlcnkart, .Mm lteail ,,u"'.. .'oiiveri . iiaiiHon, joo i.arrott, "3hh liibnon," naid tho H. (). man, "I K tl IIIOUIPHOI), llll'Cll V'TeeKJ i ISorkO- . ,n ,lntnll..,l l,v 111.. Kur lluniiiviiillii I.u'..Jr.,W"r".,.?I'rl!,H5 i KK ny I'".01 : call on you and ahk for a ntateiiicnt of tho JCOCk! U 11 OllHloy, l M CUIIIIlUOll. .uir von hnni i!.l..n Iii flilu MruMiirniv Kant I'ortlandj i: Alnlml, I'ortlaticl. . i ilackmuIliiiL' case. 1 know von made a .She wan dressed in a bluu sateen, trliuiucd with white lace. Sbo uppcarH not over sovDiitccn yearn of age, and ban a Hwent, innocent expression, Her iiaino in Alho (iibson, mid your rojxuter met her by prevloim engage. uent. "Oh, ItH you, in it V hIio nald, "lei mo .......... ......... .. . a. I iuko your nui wiuk inio uio panor. Uowman IIoi'HK. H H .Sibley. Baker City ; DDKarp, Wontoii; Mro. MoAI- uno, aiia wuuaj u iieeso, iiiacic Itock iSprhiKH! HKWutHon. Ahter Ann- tin. Anton l.inyo, 1' J Keegan, Sioux Htatement in court thin afternoon but 1 wun not present, and tho paper I ro 're sent depondn on Uh ou n re)rterH Instead of .lowHpuporH for ItH information mul I . , . ... . . i . i . . .. I woiiiii iiko io uuvo i no niory iroiu your Falls), W.h; John WIIhou, UoIbo City ; Joh , 0WJt iipn." .Magnel, I rcd .Mulor, ruoblo, uul; V ll 'Well. thwi. 1 Whilt o, Jjitiraiiile; J h Ivermuii. r-u" Jt," nho wild Heating herself iiikiii a divan FninclHCo: J K 1'aul, CIuih .M Davin, Walla Walla: II I'avoy, J Hlilrtzo, Den ver: N Kimbbr, I'ortWid: JW f-ulin-bury, rilot Hock; W.M Melton ;K II llendcrshott. Ahlilund. Or: U'(i t'uir- child, Ixwinton, I T; Win A fiood. (iom)en itL'i.K. .irH r itoixjriHon, CamuH; Kd Day, Lena; I' A Hennery, Klilgo; J ler, City .Mcoiy Ilrlan. T W l'hilllpn, Kastlandj Win Titen, Win hinltli, Walla wuua will tell you all ulxiut an hy uh; Kd Day, Leuuj I' A Hennery, uny Ci!o. o: II DejMit, UcntervHIo: l.eo Hut- cttNJ WUH City; 0 Olcott, I'JIot Hock: W ,ievor ,, ly, 'juniMir; W A Hand, J W Me-' Why, 1 i. Chicago : T M Wllliamn. I'ortland ; , t UImcl I W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO., "Wine and Spirit Merchants, 03 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, OnECON AGENTS AMI RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWISR A Trip In flrniiil Itoniln VHllry. W. K. MiitlfK'k find f.nnllv have lust ro t u r iieil froui the r extended trip through nut (irand Hondo and Wallowa valloyH Tho excursion wan mio of buninonn and i July, while wo BOTTLED BfER. ARO. pvniic fJTtl P UnilRBDN u" .1 .... . . ..... . cvminr on qfJFR nluasiiro. Mr. .Matlock having stock in torotn In tlio valluy. The nrty caniod mit on tho nhoros of Wullown lubo, rnughinij It" in truo luoiintain ntylu. That famous little lake, lioHeviir, in thin ra dinapiniintiiient t' 4tui.iirB-Hek-orn. IIhIi hrtWug imaily f imwkBli itn a tr, nUliouffh twwt ear the utud i:.' run f wJmou In oxixscUkI. Mr. 'Ii.'l-k re port m eoiuiileriible pr,-" i -ti n. hi Ui Wallow a i.iind, l;lni.l. Uicie i vet n itroal drvelopmi-nt Wonley Mu'-).-k idd not n-tiirn wi ll I.U pm-ii', ba ii ; riiiai'ii-d a iln-..t Uk- ( t M.O' 1-aMii- f Hiilil-l'atl U uf .H )' rillC-r t- aciu ificro elo o beside the easy chair occupied your corrCHHiu(teiil. "In tho lirst place let mo iinnuro you that .Mr. .McInuacH mid myself are en tirely innocent of any evil Intent In thin mutter. I can see now that wo did wrong, hut wo nover intended to wrong any one. lliu part wo liuve taken In thin to Help out n mutual Irioiul. I dreamed of gutting into trouble. uin nothiuir hut a child." ex. lahned tho girl, her linn trumblhiL' mid learn tilling her oyen, "and tho Idea that 1 should umleitako to hluekmull uuvhoilv In too ulrtiuril to think ubout. "II w I got mixed up in Itistlils: lam a very liilhiiuto filund of Mm. Dr. Mur ray. 1 like lier very much and viit her Ireiiuontlv. Apmg about tho middle Wl'ru KIIKIIIg UMiUl till) i wi.m u Irru Iriu Yen, ii few tiuio.n." "Did ho ever nay to you that ho would make a retraction formonoy?" ".No, ho never mentioned money to mo." "Did von write thoso lettem that have been published over your slgnatuieV" "Yen, I did. I urged .Mro. Murray to accept WIIcox'h jiruponltlon beeatiHO I wan her f.Iend, and I thought It would bo tho bent thing she could do. I did not realize the part I wan taking. 1 never dreamed of blackmail." "In ono of these lettero I notice you say, 'I led him (Wilcox) ou nil I could.' What did voti mean by that?" "Well, .Mro. .Murray wanted mo to try and get him to nay that he would re tract, mid that wan what I meant I wau trying to do. Tho expression I used wax not ii proper one." "In another letter to Mro. Murray you Hiy, '1 talked with three Physicians, and atn very much worried.' Would you mind Haying who thoso pliysielutiH tiro?" "That wan u mistake," stainnieied tho girl. "I Haiti 'three iHjroonH.' I may have wiitleu the woul 'physicians,' but I meant 'persons. ' I would not like to nay who thoy are." .At thin juncture the door-lnil rung. .Mlsn (iibson oK!tied the door and Harry Mclsaacri stopped into tho hall, Ho wait given a voiy cordial wblcomo ami they shook hands heartily. Mr. MuIhuiich, who bad nut observed tho pniHcnco of a stranger nald, an he clung to Miss (lib hoii'h hand: "Allow mo to congratulate you iiH)ii tho very proper manner hi which you gave your testimony in court to-day." .Inst then ho iniido lliu discov ery that be had been talking in tho pres ence of a wltuennag.ihi,aiid ho wan badly "ruittcu" lor ii moment, no iiiiuio u few (usual reiuaikH about tho case mid retired, when tho interview with M!sn (iibson wan continued. Who llrst HiiggcHtedtbu idea of trying to Inditcu Wilcox to lotract." "Mro. Mu nay. Shu linked mo If I could inlliience him and wanted mu to liolp her." "Wan It by her direction that you went to Wilcox r "Yen." "Youand.Miisaacnweinse.it to Wil cox by Mro. Murray instead of McIhuuch and yourself being ugcittH of Wilcox, weio you not"" "Yen; wo generally went to Wilcox with ii ProM)hiton from Mro. Mm ray and earned back bin answer to her." "Do you not think it very probable that Mro. Murray has made use of you for the oxptcHH purpose of leading Wil cox into a trtii?" "I do not know. 1 supposed she wan sincere, but she may have been making a cut'rt paw out of me." At Ibis Interesting jsirlod McIhuuch, who hud boon evidently ovcheaih.g tho conversation from another room.e.imo In and Hi.gguHtcd to Minn (llhsim that sbo hud said enough and advised her to say no uio. e. She hcoiiiciI lo icgurd what he advised uh thud, and would nay no nioro. Ah tho K, ). man wax taking bin leave, MclHuacH voluntarily leinarkcd ; "Yen, it in jioHsihto that wo have In-en deceived by Mro. .Murray, and that Wilcox ban been Implied, but tbeio'n no usu talking ulioilt it now." Aftur the inljournuient of tho court yen loiduy u warrant wan issiit.'d by Justice i nitio for John D. Wilcox, charging him with extortion. Immediately tbc.cnfler Tultlo left town, '1 lio Intention wuh to urreht Wilcox, ami compel hliu to lay in jail till Tuttlo'H leturn. Hut MctiitiuiH' ftlemlH, who Haw which way tho lido of public opinion wiih running, concluded it would bo unwise to take hi.cIi n step. and thowaira.it wan not nerved lust night. Thin morning Mr. Wilcox tiled IhiiuIh hi tho Hum of ij'.'.OOM) to upiiear befoio tliu grand jury. At the conclusion of tho examination yostoid.iy, Mi Ihilich wun held to upiiear iHiforo the grand jury, and Ins bail llxed at 11,000, which wiih not furnislicd, hut McIhuuch in ut largo, sciiiilaloiiH artlclu hi tho Nowh iilxnit Murv Kch oiler, Mro. Murray nald tiho would like very much to huo Wilcox re tract wlmt bo hud mild ubout hr, uh it iniurixi nor n-p'ii iic ii umi mio ,m in- ('oNiiunssMA.N Maut, during liln Hicech In tho House, said: "In wool, and wool n i ho riHliinlloii wiih $.11011 lliu liini.lrril. ami iniwt of tlinl I1111I Iwi'li ruUMI liy pliiuliiu wisil on tliH fii Hot. Tlir iiiMiiurui'inr r wonlil tful run wool Mini ,.t 1 tu per , nil pint I'll... 1, 01 3 err will, iiiiirn 11 ' 11. Ul. ll. ,1. Uf U..I. .1.1.1 ul II ltl.lV .mil II,.. lull ntf im- Mirr. Arllult uiiiollli' hid loM'i,ii,UUI Intil Imiii plurril mill,.- lieu II.ijiikI 1I1, Oiu.iMU nf Hi w WM.I (' tloiiliiiil Im. ii llo ill i'I i irlii 'l of IliU rim- Iry; y.L It. pni llc in purlv I, ud ,nl .1 on ll freti 1. 1, 1 f tlio i iiun- 1 1 , II .. (I M I a.Minxf lior. I' 1 .lilt i v. 11 h It I II il'll' 1-. Il inu' OK or. il In .i'.i; 1 I : 11' .n '' M ' . I '1 1 I. r . .... I. tl. .f I . 1 who is a w inn fiii nd d miii.. l' be ( 1 . , loelliil. .in b. ml llo y c 1 in c.i 11., ..il. -L . ll H IIV II lll . 1 I mm '1 I nod ll. i .0111. ei I',, 1 J- t,l !. Hk'i I I'll Iii 11 ll wun ' I II,, 1 ,lllM' UtlOII III 'I I 11 ill 0 truik, UUil I 1, ,.. 11 1 I .1 'tally und ' 1 N to mi- a or PIIM IIHMtigM " '"..s.klv. U . 7' 1 1", Is ; I1 -I .11, . ... . O nil i' I I , ' 1' I , . U i I I , .. ;. f t . I . 1, 1 ( ,1 , , af .l i I 1 1 1 1 r Ht. i- . ijk ' " I tl.Hl h . 11, ... ... ni4W ftPrilMl MINcK8L nmcn, i rr 1UMVH3C1I. t QUOT PONoARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Laoei. ju.jw.vra I ...-tern ir-(.oii,