East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1888, Image 3

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    ......Mi (IHIin.
W?lv rlhiml lll thoAh.llKloll BtO llOfU fo
''tf 'lller,!1111 HV'i": horn tho Hunt
,.,rn W iNtrtliini . Hi' will
l ": ' ' . iervk'.i la Ills
lViiillottm nltlvltlnii Tnifn UUpilohnrn to
In l.ncntori Hi'rti-vrrnlliH to .Sloop Tor
1'ondlctoii In tliu coming city of tho
Inland Empire It Ih tho foiumost town
nt presold. It Ih u growing town, uiul al
ways Iiiih boon, hut It has no mushroom
growth. Now comes thu good news that
in tho next fow weeks trains are to
for meals. The dully trains
ant will tiriivo hero about two
M.r.' 'IMr ,vl" t!"n I'enillB'oii imil
ahll.li i VVomIci, Mill IDlii llnil. ll u
Mfloii ,t'" Accept MM I'ropo-
Tho follow lug, letter, which I self-ox-p
aimtorv, has been reeelveil at this ollleo J
Eaton HaViiis Vooi.i:n Mim.h, Alien.,)
Inly Id, 1888. f
East Oiti:noNiAN Pen. Co.,
Pendleton. Oreenn. .
Oi:ntm:.mkx Yourn of the 1. Hi inst. nt
P. 0.,)
18S3. f
' hour 5 cents a ghtss.
. .in I....
i. jioMiirii are sun ijuuiihjs
L heretofoio unknown.
rt tho bargain nt nusiico s
gjhlng " 8",n d,caI' ttml
;t cordial, (lnft Honour) ut
'ScCcit Iloer Hall. It taiin
''" .. I'.., imt-tlcllllirS. Ill-
term? l u' ' .
U office . ....
. .t..n.i unu iiiuier -new
.... ImU S 1CH10 UUV 1111 I"--.""
lure-". .
i Mm H. 0. Thompson and
1 j&niilo Welch will leave
i..lt.lt lin: inl In tho court-
DUUCi". , .... ,
trcorvreti wiin ciiuim
buvl saving up 1118
n!a a baseball loiirnainent.
avtowns mo now; In the name
liiker flatten mo uuu iuiuuk.
ntftvlll coninieiK-o on thu now
......I i.nll.l tuf a week from
lir. ami Will nopusiicu rupiiu.v.
ir.nl veti fra Mots Miiiiiisoiih
iitreiKl ti from Vein .lylland,
"at Kemper x I'ivo Cent Ueer
teww.iiited. None but tlrst
I tniifL"! apply. Also a ship
fit ils.ir factory, Hamt Om:-
( .No. I work horses, wagon
if r lea a low luuro. Ill-
, JtilfiM iii, icsldenco comer
', zVt stri.-ts.
mulinHf of fi lends In Pondlo-
il'il t I' Jin that he Is Im-
., Of iin.l Ii imIlII !1 VI'I'V Hlllllll
It ll " - ' .
(hiianatoiay alter all,threo toeH.
I. Itarker. a blither of Dr.
Ithwi'lace, and two daughlers,
a iiuny, i 'recoil, nisi iukmi
relations sunt mends lu i on-
k everv reader of tho Dally and
tkly lviT Okikionias to on
i mx-uro ono or moio eatupalgn
n t.i it. .-Vini-W oi'klv. to No
m,V cents; Daily,
liioni Is building what will
.a very pietty resilience on
.til hi- lot's purchased of Hoorgo
&'.h lulls are now becoming
i cations for attractive residences.
. . I- .ii... i ..ti it n. i I.
Mot units en m I iosoi l oi vorv
his.t-allii'ts, pbived a well'
I ... .l.uti i r ii
nun uuu ii.u ut ii rcuiu ui .1 in
Err. .1 IVi . Imvii Inut rirolv..l
i"aiber of tho latest oainiuL'ii
b ill ln'inncmlii' ntiil ItniiiililloMii.
' I'Jbiic ut the opera house soon.
:t cf Huii;s, marcheH and in-
J miikii.
ichli iro'rty and trluketH
I'jWillUiu simurt were Hold
;t t!w court hoiiNO by tho
w unjaid debt.i. Ho and his
V Dimtrv several ilavs airo.
.1 tll.. .k..,Ij f.-
ti'iillioy were eked by mill
- hv.
' W nl T II......... I.... M.
ftln.' are ciiiniii' out mlln
T I.M.I ... II .1 .
OTcuniiiu to spend the nidit.
nilni! In iho in irnhiL'. Thev
"I'lc arrangement is uiiuul to
am excursion. Uu( irt mwU
' 'nt
' s WalHfl lin,! djliL'litnr. Ml.as
urj. L in .i .i , .. ir..
- ...v., dy U,m l-n-U
U Ii.iVi ..n 1 ..1..1.... .
in itr.iiL n 1111111 iiji
' A "j,k1 inanv other Peiidhi-
uia .n umo, ami another
11 urn." ... . . ... .
I " 1'ivii.iuij do lining;"
I' lltn U-nrn urt.il .xll'
--nunraiii 11)111 t Hit uri
; ; riniii;, and this Is only a
'!heau'rjj.ii fir this ono hotel.
fiaud what tbcv find 10
4, but the War of Km-
.fa hi K'ems to bo wend
; r-'t" wurd.
. T -rn'r ami William Dolson,
'll' in Artlnir llHT. ...l,,r.,.,.l
: I'cndloton mines in tho
a mountain. Mivi a 'i'nr,...i.
-nareproMiertors, and Mr. Ar-
i'lllr ,nti lit;.,ri ,,f t.-rl-l....
. . . -....... u. nwiniiiu
. - "iii. ii are ui Drnsnnt limli.r.
f.f..nar. . .
. " "y. '"8 "i tho Oregon lluild-
' r f inMd.r.il.U ,11...,, 1.... ..
'. 1 n, t i i ' "irvuroiuii a
"C'l l)V-l.lttK U'nrn ,l,...l.,.l
ai ,V, """I".'"'
were oiecteato
; nXone vcar- J. II, Haley,
. M- "ea, Frank Dii
J I PlnU'M' v- ".nojiton,
J 1'rui tt aud W. P. Mat'
t ! 1 I
managed woolen mill would not prosper , PvmrQa by camp life, and tenting on the .
in uur vicinity. old camp grounds of vc.irs a-gone.
iou miik of my coining to l'cndleton. And now Mc.ichan. of historic fame, I
,Ii.",l,J,!"t1,ck,i,in,?1,1,,.,,'bl11,,1".wi 11 '' Kimiola the sninmlt of the 11111(5
i.u uiiovo unu, unu win noi no ui nueriy mountains, not to nay anything of Cov. .
to go iiiiywI.ero .fortlireqorfourw.cckH.ltV.ev. and Hell-dale, um w
At no onii oi mat time, l intend lo begin j ,ay enlivened by the picsenco of come of , DetartmGllt
looking for it location for my new mill. vorlr pleasure-seeking 1 cillens. Wo o - - 6 PtT tW'
ow, In Megard to my coming to your , m.,,1 hn.mv untnmm n n..i...i i SweeiDine
S l!.' 'M''V-i- h Department.
nul in nu . 1 . .1." Jl. c---r I MTTTna lllrl O K n n 11 nfl All C in- 1M --- - -1 I'nnn
and icccive ii. i wnvuuumfc j.vcuuuuiuusi ait uur inuwuu vruutAa
iniichlnery already bought, I must bo as
Z "1 l:TZL m'XTn1 W , . Department.
.'.Jl ., ...1.I..V. ... CJ.rrT -Dr-Ja.,1 i 011i.1' f
V W """' .'. ".,' puo""i"l5 "uWHot a (lainitg ng c hiirac- uwociais xtcvinuuiuiici ill uur VJXUlilllllU XJV
iIuiivm IiHiL'i'il to 1 vn on t in l'nol i- i'ihimI . -i r..i.7 . . a. j 0
11:1 "M"-lru"" ' iiioiiiiiuuiiH wnere money 1 UHrblllGnu.
could eonimand silenco. wo slnecrelvl o.i,-.. ID AI,, o-i,, j -nr -n
deplore the degrading position to wl.lcli! Sweeping RedllCtlOllS 111 Olir Men's FlirillSh-
ii.eyimvo fallen, oiir urlle e is Umcly, ; mg WOOClS Department,
ami descrvcH further consideration by & eTTrQQi .Tnrl4.;T
TI10 Orimtl Old .Miiuiitiilni mid Iho Llfo
In Tlii'in.
llni.t.-ii.u.i:, ICamki.a
July Wl, 18S8
cry warm weather hero for tho last
fow days. Tho Kootlilng, nhady, ntately 1
o'd nine. lainiirni'V. fir uiul Minion iill'ir I
I delightful retreat from Old SolV bib ter-'
Ing rajs. The sturdy ax-man can bo i-een i
at lest diirinu' the heated natt of tho dav.
instead of eluht and tomaln I"1 '"i""' ,""" ,10 "Uir Unit your people 1 now and then c.dmlv hriishliiif at a utrav I
thirty niiuuloH for dinner. The piesent 1 ". V." Vr' "? to i-ecino y that may chance i to light upon his!
Walla Walla train will bo extended to ' """-'" "i ieou iieswmanio honest face. Coiitentment with ti clear I
Paiii.lnglon, on tho other Mdo V',"10 Vi town, uiul oHpeciulIy otili-r- ooiiHcIenco maUot lifo rottl iMijoyuUlo lioro
of Hiparia. and Mill niilvo daily 'V.1? , ,', 00"sm" ,llu Iroliict of tho i u.oso grand old mountains. Tho city i
about one o'clock and connect with the r..1. . .'. i ..' i . . V w" 11 wu" cliapn aro llnding out the comfort to bo'
west-boiinil train for I'oitiantl. r.isson
gers on Iho Parmington-rendletou trains
going l-'ast, will stop in I'eiidleton until
tho oast-bound train arrives later in the
afternoon, at what pattlcular hour Ih not
yet known. When these changes oci itr
all passenucrH going to Portland or the
Hast from Walla Walla and points In the
upper country will como via Pendleton
Instead of by way of Wallulu, us now.
No passenger trains aro to run by way of
Wiillula after the change. Pendleton Is
also to bo made the central division
of tho O. H. A iN. pyMom and bo
oo'iio tho leading railroad point, on tho
O. K. & X. road, after leaving Portland.
Tho train dispatchers and their assistants
will be moved up from Umatilla and
thereafter uiako their licudquattcrs in
Pendleton, ('(inductors on both passen
ger and freight trains will "lay over" and
live In Pendleton with their families in
stead ol at I'nialilla us now. This will
add considerably to l'eiidlolon's popula
tion and assist greatly in tho business
hit 'rests of thu town. Tho railroad com
li'inv will eularuu their round houses and
doiibtlusH In time build machine
shops hero. It Is doubtless true that
tho refusal of Pendleton to give $:10,000 to
Hunt's lull n Mil Drought this about.
Hunt's railroad will coinu to Pendleton
without a bonus If It comes at all. and it
is tho prevailing opinion (hat it will come
In lime. Tho people of Pen' leton, thu
pioperty ownorH pattlcularly, should do1
all In their power to make tho town of
enough impoitanco to show lo Mr. Hunt
and others that It 1 to their Interest to
como to Pendleton. This can be done by i
encouraging thu building nfMichculcr
piiseti us a woolen mill, paper mill, soap
factory, cracker factory, tannery ami a
doon other smaller entei prhes w hich can
bo ui.ulu to pay. lly jiiopei iiclinnafund
of $.iU,(l(H) could ho raised bv the owneiH
of tho soil of tho town and given to those
who will establish these niannfactitring
euterptlses in the town. Tho laud own
er, Instead of losing anything by thU
liberality, would pocket humheda of dol
lars where he gives hundieds of cents.
'Iho Incieased values to ho derived from
the building of theso ontoipiisoH won d
bo ten limes foO.llOO at least.
Think about it, you property own
ers, and put your heads together
toward Iho prosperity of Pendleton and
you will be nut prised at tho result. Of
course there aio soino sluggaid here as
there aro ovoiywhero, but they can bo
gotten rid of easily, as any other iost
can, If all will unite for one common pur
I ioso. Let nothing stand in tho way of
general prosperity. It brings plenty,
happiness, peace, and the balance of the
sweetest jojH of life. What do you say?
Won't you do your sliam? Hien sub
scribe to tho woolen mill and paper mill
bontiH. Good will follow..
Overwhelmiiig Reductions!
.C.HCBR-rfcr H KB-.. BIl'a.'.'OB: KC20,"H.
Bargains, (Bargains!
Sweeping1 Reductions in our Dry Goods
Sweeping Reductions in our Fancy Goods
always longed lo live on the Pacllle coast
and would givo your 'own tho preference
to any Eastern city, If as good Induce
tueiitH can be ottered as aro ottered In the
Please givo mo all tho particulars yoii
can about your town; as to the price of
fuel, house rent for mill operatives, etc.,
etc., etc.
1 havo Ulready been in correspondence
for some limu with the X. P. It. It., in
regard to height rates, and find them
full as low as oxik'ctcd.
Please havo sev.-ral of your largest
wool growers wiite mo and tell me all
they can about wool growing; ustogrado,
nihility and prices. I would like to have
tliem tell me, also, the names of some of
tho laistern houses w ho aio largo buyerH
of the clip from the Immediate vicinity of
uio people ami nonesi press, .Money en
ters too largely Into tho inako-iip of inanv
paierH and journals. The iudooudcnco
and usefulness of an Important factor In
society Is mado subservient to the Mam
mon of vice and sin. Look around Pen
dleton and givo us tho news.
A .Si"nst'iiini:n.
"A Subscriber" is informed that tho
personal atlairs of peoplo which ho id
Sweepine: Reductions in our Boot and Shoe
Sweeping Reductions in our Carpets, Oil
Cloths and Matting.
Owing to the backwardness of tho trade this season, wo have an acciiinulatlon o
slock which wo do not pioposo to carry over.
tildes to, and which ho thinks is news is
notnows; and tho Kast Oiiikionian does
not bellevethe publication of scandalous j
mutter does any real good, nor Is It In tho .
hunt. No mills hero being I U imbllell v. but not before. I Knii-nns m-'
ii i ,.. . . .... i '
J4.m i(i.(i(i.M.i.j
rcnnlctoii: Hie amount of wool shinned i iit.ivIm,.,, ,f n i-,.un,.i.ii,i
uiinually from Pendleton. All the woolen ,,L,,.. when such matter lieeoines public,
mills on Iho slope have splendid roputu-1 ,.n ( ,j,0 ,ll(y of a newspaper to givo
tl.iiiu III llui I'.tiut. n milu horn luilnii I 1 ....l lt..t. .. 1...1 .:..i l..f..... , i ...
able to compete with good made from
California and Oiegon wool, and with
tho Increased expense of shipping, the
uiifcouicd wool compared wllli the lin
Ished goods; also the labor tioublo In
Iho East Is fast becoming an Impoi taut
I will make your people this proposl
Tn order lo get this room, wo have decided to inform the public that wo will
sell for Iho nest sixty day.-, our Entire Rock at
A Urciuii Winch .11 lulil He O11II01I I'm
phrllr. U linker City, on the night preceding
the last glorious victory won bv the
Ion: If they will pay my boaijl and : "ylirH, ,,ick HdAurdi and Fred W'allle,
We guarantee that goods of a sl.nllar quality cannot bo purchased elsewhere
Puroh.nerrt would tb well I IXtinhu itir.Hto'k.
Too lrcut n Wunti.
There has been ti largo amount of kick
ing by resIdontH of both hills In regard to
tho lack of water supply, and they are
perhaps justified In doing so; hut to lay
tho whole blamu on Iho shoulders of tho
superintendent of the waterworks i. do
ing wrong, radically wrong. Hero Is tho
whole thing lu a nutshell : Tho cistern at
tho pump-houso rises and lowers with the
river, and although four bundled dollars
havo been spent in digging a whig, blast
ing out the bottom, and otherwise enlarg
ing it, tho supply of water is still some
what Inadiiuato. Hut Ilia fault i-i not
hoio, cither. It lies with tho water con
HiimerH themselves. The superintendent
for several nights, and until twelve
o'clock, has gone the rniiuds, uiul has
found water splitting from hoses nil over
town, which had not been turned nil'.
This Is contrary lo all rules and regula
tions of Iho watorwoikri syslem, which
say that water shall lie used fur Irrigating
puriiosos (inly between too hours of U and
ti a. m.. and : and S v. ji. This coaseiesn
drain during iho night takes all tho ca
pacity of tho pump, and not a gallon of
water is loft with which to lilt Iho reser
voir: and in ca" any ropaiiH aro needed
for tho engine, tho water supply has tolio
cut oil entirely, as tho leservoircannot bo
ilcpoudctl uiibu. .should thl nightly
drain not occur, the reservoir could be
tilled, and tho pressure would llion bo
Hulllciont to supply residents on both
hills with plenty of thu precious fluid.
Thu ruliu enable the hiij erintendunt to
charge tnlv consumer two dollars who
fails to thus comply with the regulations,
and this law will beenforced In the fu
ture. IOt tho consiiinorn thontselves re
member that if thuy exerclso n Utile
economy i Vtlio uso of water, tho supply
liavellng expemos, I w devote my time
fico of charge, and will come out to Pen
dleton as soon as I can get away, which
will bo in about thirty days, and will do
what 1 can to locate a woolen mill in
your town. I.ei me know at once If your
leoplo will accept the above proposition.
Very truly, E. IIomuii.
Now. Mr. Pioerty Owner, you have
read the above letter, and doubtless you
ate thinking that a woolen mill will bo
built in Pendleton. Put the E.vsr Om
(Ionian wants you to understand that it
won't bo built unless you do your shaio
toward encouraging th enterprise. Shall
the East OiuhiuNian Inform .Mr. Iloinor
that his proposition Is accepted and to
coinu to Pendleton as soon as posslbli?
A woolen mill can bo built In Pendleton
lieforo snow llles if proHrty owners will
do their duty. Manufactories aio needed
and if they aro not obtained tho town will
amount to nothing, an 1 bo a place of no
imiHirtaiico for all time to como. Hotter
strike one blow when the iron is hot; it
will do more god than six when tho
Iron is cold. Tho Hoard of Trade should
take up this matter and foicu It before
thu oycs of all who aro concerned : in thu
meantime communicating with Mr. Ho
mer. Now, all together, and wo grow
and prosper.
llolnl Arrival.
Vii.i-Aim Ilorsi:. Oeo Harnhart, Wild
Horso; J C IIIschlsTg I) M Strauss, St.
Louis; M T Pahngiiift, St Paul; It Satlul
uiantl, Alma Ames, San Francisco: Jos
Webber. Jr, P E Uodgkln, Prank It
(iratr, W Hobeson. E Ling, Portland: A
llyrd, llelloviie; .1 A Norlhwuy, Alfred
Johnson, Halter City; O M Heeler, Sa
lem; PW Davis, Lewiston, IT; T F
llanloy, J L llacklemaii, (leo llaidi...
Murrnv, WT; it M Dorothy, Milton; J
(i Tobln, Walla Walla; J S Itlchoy. Mil
ton; JooOarrolt, City; 0 L Williams;
WW Pieice, Win Slcen, Weston; .Mis
M Lehman; Wm HimcroU, City of Mex
ico; 0 A Hehlcn. ll S Hag.in, J N .Shan
non, San Francisco.
Uouik.v Itri.i:. A Illnleii, Ccnlervlllo;
Nels Chester, T II Ilagen, Echo; D
Watt, St Petersburg, Pa; Prank Heosloy,
Condon; M Ooarcea, Walla Walla; A L
Putney, J F Ward. Cit : N V Snyder.
Pendleton's pitcher and third-bdHoman.
turned In to enjoy tho sh op of the weary
and Innocent. 1-hiding their room rather
warm, they transferred their couches out
of the window to the front porch of the
house in which they were stopping,
Perhaps because of (lie lulliicnce oi tho
balmy moonlight night, or mayhaps
tlirougha prophetic Inspiration given him
In his slumber, IMwarils had a lemark
able vision, its every feature standing out
as plain, clear and distinct us if he
viewed them In tho noon-day huh, and
was thoroughly awake. 1 lo saw six men
putting on thu shingles of a now kitchen
lor a house, three at work on each side.
While at woik tho main building took
Iho near tho chimney, from a defective
tluo. An alarm was turned in, and the
tho company promptly responded. Ed
wards met them, ami thu running dro
mon asked him t i grab the roH and run
like blue blaze.'', lie did so, and thu
roH jerked him luck, after which he
pulled a spiiug, and a cannon shot oil'.
The tire company then ran to Iho nearest
hydrant, three-iuartcrH of a mile distant,
and thu Imso was laid to the burning
building, and tho chief took out his tele
scope to see what ctleet Iho water was
having. The (Ire was soon under control,
and the llrcineiisttiitcdb.u k. ICdwanN
was again asked to run with them, which
ho did. About half-way back to tho en
gine house, they met a iiiuural. con-lsling
of a hearse ami a long string of canl.igcs,
all on a dead run for the cemetery.
When tho hearse was passing at full
tilt, tho following hicr!ptleii was ob
served, In (laming letters:
"Hero lien llm r-miiinniif Di'vlno,
l'lm pltclu rof ill" ll.'l(or l ily IiimiIuiII .1 no."
The prophotle natuio of this dream
may be more thoroughly appreciated
when it is known that Devhio swore he
would rather "die In the Isix" than low
the game with Pendleton. I lu lost Iho
g.iino, but whether ho N ilond uit Is not
learned. It i Ktiaugo of what a siring of
exciting incidents the droain consisted,
culminating llnallv with tho hearse and
Ha prophotle Inscription, everything be
Iiil' as distinct as if It had reallv occurred.
and was not tho happening of a journey J
Protection or la
w II
nft Kaiorm
lloyonit quo'lli'iii, the Tin lll'ls (tie Iksiiriiu whlrli Iho ninilnu cuuipaluu will l fotmlit
anil ll Im-Iioiivcs evury llli'ii who oalil voir lutciltaciilly lo Inforni h inviir upon a miti
Ji ct which mi cloudy all'ccls Ills Iciiiporiil welfare.
It l an utile uiul logical exposition of Iho lnlu.tlc nml iIcI'ihIoiih of the prntci
ory. inn worn ih tiiui'iy,iinil a very viiliiiiiileeiiiiirlliutluu so me llieiiiluriMif I
Iti'liilers what I iihiiiiII) liNlilercil a iiiiihI iilistrtiKC mihjcct envy of coMiproliciislon. It will
ki rvo ns n Turin' prlliicr for Iho learner n well iin a Ii I-ImmiU for Iho learneil.
This IhioIc nIiiiwh Iho priictlcnl elleel of the I'i'iileeMvii HyMein itpoii Ihocotllllry. I'erluip-i
llui luiist coiihplcuoili fciitliriliif (lie hooli U Ik exuet iillmilio'llt with Ihu liichMiKO of I'rcnl
(liinlClevehinil. Thi' poltou (if .Mr. llliillie'H "Twenly Yiurs lu Copkii Is Itihen up, 1 1 In iihspiIIoiiii
upiiu the'riirlll'auiilyzeil.erltlclKeil ami uiiutii lo furnlfh laelriiwn rcralatloii,
The form n well nx Uio KiiliKlaiien of llm I ionic U mint nilialriihlc, ami I Inivn mtii until
I in; MirpiiMliiK It foriiKU In I he ui cut work of ion nul Inn Hie tiulh unices the pcoplu.
HON M. JIICKI.NSIIN, 1'osiiiiiiHicr (Ii nil.
rolrctlve thn
larlir reforin
It. V. T(VNHH.NI)..M. I!
I nollrp Unit IliU IkmiU Is rerevin irrciit coiiimenilatlnli. It Is iHitlouieil upon fuiiila
iiicnliil Iriilhs ami I w'Uh Unit tho faeiH mill iirKiiineutH may he In He hiunU uiul iiilnils o
every cllleii cullcil upon this yeur In vnle upon Hie urriit inimical iiiii nI Iiiiih of mirplu
ami lllllll. li:.N, .KHIN C. III,A('K, ri.lono-loiier of IViikIoii.
We liilce plenkiiro It1 ulvlim thin wnrl. our In ail) li'ilniM iiir -I, unit leeomuieinl Unit lo
rn I ciiniinlllcen ami cIiiIim iihmkI Ih exlenillnn IN cliciilulloii iiiniiinr lin vulem nf IIIIiioIh.
hTATi: i)i;.MU('it.'nc i k.ntiiai. t ommpiti:!: ok ii.i.i.nuim.
Ami miiuy iithrrH.
IUmiIc IIouiiiI In Cloth nml Heiiil-Wroldy VmhI Of k'hi'ii One Yer
Iloolc Alone, In Ololli, pieit Niiil
. M flfl
. I 0
I'enillet'iii, 4li-'K0ii,
linker C tv: P P Luu . II rch Creek; J
I Wiluht, Cal ; A J Smith. L Hansen, Port-1
I land; 1 lUMchoy, .Meat-hum; JP.Mnsor,
! Colli Sin Inf. i
Howhan Hot-si: C Davinoj Mrslilke
ton. Etiio; Annie Itrowii, Walla Widla;
Jack Wilson; WH Horsier, .Nebraska;
Can (iallagher, I'lilludolphU; W Sails-,
Moxiuiw: J E Ileum. Weston: H
Watson, Fossil; (leo Whilller; Hlchard
Pattorsoii.Asotcn.W T;R lihider, Milton ;
(iramio; -lonn j nrau
llnrk 1'iiim it Trip In I lie Sound.
Mr. (ioorgo Ash, of tho llrin of L.
Dusenbury & Co,, has returned from an
extended visit to tho Sound country.
Ho bilugs tho usual roort of Iho "boom
ing cities of the sound," Seattle and
'lacoma, and sayrt ho lie I loves their ad
vantages havo not been ovor-oMhualod
that the icsourcoif, the woulth-pioduehig
tonitory, liibutary to Ihui-o titles is enor
iiious, and that thoro aro yet oxtonslvo
resourcos awaiting dovolopineut. Whothor
mis: i inconi.i or scalllo will wear I no pennaiii
i, .1... a lin inrt. t'lias A Icirv. I. A oi supremacy is mm in iiouia, uu in-
An imliuiivsnlciiie. In.,, i.ta i.'ii-wnrtli. J Schiller, tense rivalry lietweon tho two places
Ited Moccasin, an Indian twenty years ... '. c. m t Hlverlon; El serving as a Hthnulus to every enlor-
...1... 11 . l....i.t ...I1.1.J lw,l' I '-"'"" L.t.l. f. ...1. n 1.. .... ,1- , ...... ....nil.
K(ilIo"i (Jreiroll I Hv . 1' liariCK, lunil, pu.-u in u unuu mi nui uuu iiiioinui
fetloBt, urek . Um m hoL.on()i,Il)rHl.0.tulllth.lt i,0tl
T'w , i n'.rrv i 1'JH remain good towns, their
m.-hkm. P. W. 11 er and d. II. hierry, i.i.i i;..i .o.ini i.. u.rt in.,
- - --- . , - i .'M.ikiith tivi.tij pitMinvm ... nt. ..". ,..w
W 110 laiOiy SUJIil lliuir uiicim.'".''
J. Worcester, will return to Vancouver,
their old homo. Mr. Siierry loft for
Wall Walla this morning, to rema n
during tho races, and from there will
in Vancouvor. Air. inor win leave
-in:.Li:its in--
will bo ainjily sutlleient for everyone, una , (.0..k Vam-otier. W T; (1 W lllock uiul
kicking will cease. I family, (.Irauls Pass, Or; It Willlu
old, who lives two or three miles uiiovo
tho agency, committed suicide Monday.
Tho reason for his so doing was a pecu
liar ono, and i-t calculated to overthrow
many opinions as to an Indian a cnar-
ut-ter, ills sisior, wno ucs nnuano,
had entrusted two or lliree norso.s 10 ws
. ... i ... -.i ...t.. i... t..i.i
caro. iioing ouoieo a gwu pmu f
tho nniuuiK-i. and was accused uy u nun
brother, who lied near, of stealing tho
llOl'MlS and uiinroi'.'iatiug the money
. '.? . 00 -""rpliy, was i obiaiiied tlioreior. un iiuan .i hwh.
''"'of 'ur o'clock freight, i broken at tho accusation agalnut his
"j j. in not (mite kllleil. i tho liorisos and returned tliem 10 nis
WNiito put an ondisUter. nroof that tho accusation wuh
lii nidf, as this j false. Hut oven thU did not sootho ins
I lacerated feelings, uno uiu kiiunicusu
that ho. an honest Indian, had been
oven susiiected of thievery, worked
upon him that ho committed suicide.
TliU Btory ehowa that poor Lo, contrary
c In
i .i . . .
' lirtM il.it 1 r 1 .
. i -'--..ill lltlll I.-om nlil.,!.,!..,.
" Jllue ui r,,l
11 till tk'ltll Uv
' meuD'iiVf'1.10 tll t!ectlo
trn ,'u., ."'". to o'clock
iijiii c. , ;
'-Tarril i. ' . iw Ullio.
tJliTiir u nun imaiiy cruelly
ffi?..on 1'ead, with
1 1 i
. . . ii . r..- i.tj .l.3l.i.
this evening uireci iur w iiii
tion. 'the gentlemen, during tlioir resi
dence in Pendleton, havo won golden
opinions from all their acquaintances,
and It was hoied that Pendleton might
retain then atiiuig its list of worthy citi
zens in tho future ; but Providence has or
dained otherwise, and It can only now bo
wished and believed that Vancouver will
bo as glad to welcome thorn homo again
as Pendleton U sorry at their loss.
I Wo oak every reader of the Daily and
"boom" lsilh have been exH-rionclng.
Mr. Ash further says that ho has thor
oughly enjoyed his trip, but i-t iievorlho-
, less glad to got hack, not all I no aiirae-
lions of Iho sound having served to wean
him from his old love, rendlolon, w men
ho characterizes
as a splendid inland
uj nearly aiiopiiHoiiiUBa....b......,- oheoosian to en-
ffsass? tot as I""."" ty bS'i wiV:&.
It Wu.n't Our lloyn.
An old lady resident of Pendleton in
speaking of the unusual noise mado
early on Monday morning last in Pendle
ton was Informed by tho agent of ie
Mahou's circus, which is to upvar hero
on next Monday, that tho bill xstcrH in
preparing for tho trip to tho country to
udvertiso tho great show huvo to eclo
brato, as it were, to call tho attention of
tho public. She knew it wasn't tho
town boys ; they never mako any such
iFomitnre, Carpets ai Laota,
Complete Htoek,
coven nv:
Jive thousand wjiiiire leot. of
Goods Sold on Easy Payments.
lorbes tfe Arh.eeler,
Aysotiation Iliillillii"
Puudlutou, Or.
Now and Soconcl-HanU Furniture, Stovos, Bedding, and
General Houaoholcl Goods,
Goods sold on tho Installment Plan, on Easy Terms.
" 1'entlMon, Oregon.
Main Street,
vuuj ,