THUH.SDAV, JULY III, IH8H. VANDIIIIHII-T'H MA.IOIt IMMIO. till Theory of Dining- u Flu Art ln AilranlBB" Hn ( tnlma. Joseph DitKnlol, tho cook to whom It Is mild Mr, W. K. VAtiderbllt Into give $10, 000 n ycnr, In a well built llttlo mnu mil)' nltout flvo feet tall. Hn wni boru In Ulr mlnRlmm, England. Ho look llko aii Knsllihmnn, and nt-nk the latiRimiro with a HtrotiK cockney accent, and ho ha nn Ktifillxhtniin'iilove for boxlntf, unil the HlniiK of the ring. HIa panaU, hi wiy, were French. "If I were rich enoh not to hnvo to work," ho wild, "I nhould atlll ilo my business for tho lovo of It. I am nn artist, nnd I have Invented n new hchool ofdlnltiK. Ilccntno n rami Is rich ho can not eat moro than n poor man, nnd yet the Idea of u lino dinner Ima been to ulvo n Rrcut number of coursi. It Is mlstaUo. When n mnn has eaten hi oystein, his wup, hi entrees, his llsh, whnt dinner had ho to enjoy his muttoit or fowl! When ho tins eaten all, Ills Btotiiach in hoI" and ho raised his hat with both linndi slowly alravo his head to ludlcate tho effect of tho fullness. "I iiiultu him want to cat. First he innt be httimry, uud then I put thlns before him so that he wnnts them. If I wnntlllin to eat onih'jei, for Instance, I offer thiMii to hhi nelif lilwr. Ilo im them nnd ink for them." Ho collies I rum tho Mnlson I'Allliril, In tho CIiiiiiwo d'Antln. "It Is only i little pliico," ii'iwild, "with only nlxten tnblc.". When I went tin t o the btnliiem win nil run down. I built It up by person ns If he wuro my KUtit, and mudy IliK his tuttes," The. lit tlu direetiir Ii an nutocrat at tho table. Ilo doei not let his KUests have whntover they like, for fear It limy rlotf their npiH lltM. "I make them ask for thlnt nnd keep them waiting. Suppose 1 have K-rved it dinner llko thN todayt A noup, snine IMi. and a woodiuck, wllh coffeu and fruit. To-morrow my ctiHtomar asks for woodcock. "I am orry, sir, but I cannoi prepare It.' Hut In a day or two ho wilt ink for tt un'iln, and then I let him have It. It 1 let him tiro of nnythlnu, then my art would to none." A Kreutiulviititiuio which Mr. Ducnlol claims for hi Hyiiteni Is that it leaves him so much Krrater variety of fwl toolTcron different days. "Suppose," ho said, "J cook everything that I to Imi had for out great dinner, whut In thero for to-tnor row!" i It Is not to bo supposed from this hn Ktini'.n that Joseph I golni; to cook mi tli In kC with his own hands. Ho doea 1101 even profes to bo able toilothU, althoiit.'. his father was n restaurateur and Joneji). grow up In tho btlKluess. "I can cook many thliiK,"ho wild "and I can carvo us few men can, but I can tell tho cook how to prepare his foot' nnd warn him If ho linn fulled to necur tho proper ilnvor." It may be Intorcstlmt to know ho Jnaeph will servo a woodcock to Mr. Vn dorbllt. It will l cooked only ten ni'ii titis bvforo It Is brought on tho table. ' i will brliiK it on whllo tho llsh In belli . eaten, and I have an alcohol braider ' tho table. It ha a milieu of red wluu at Kravy In It. I nirve, tho bird and put tho hour ami back lulu tho nance. '1 ... odor uud appearauco vf tho bird cxetii the appetite. It takes twenty-live mill iltes to ciKik a woodcock. Tho bird Inn only been cooked ten minutes when I carvo It. Now I send tho meat back to tho oven for llflrvii minute, and the luck and tho bones, in which tho richest llavoi in found, aro left to atutv. When tho moat comes back It 1 on a hot plate, uud I utriilu the rich euuee over It." Now Vork Hun. ' .It; n Hllsllt U'.iiak. ItlMt'i. -Inn to know that a great failure of a bindings houso will aometlmrr follow tho very slight mutnku of a clerk. Only a abort time nuo I feared we would havo to record an uiipleiKuut occurrence of this kind In St. I.011U, Two jouiik men urn doing n prospermia wholesale busliiciut hero, in whoso houso a Mimll error lmH liied recently, which nuunt navu cuuseii ti (HillatiMi of tho linn. According to tun- torn n lint of note falliua; duo at foreign bank each mouth IsuUeu to tlu Ikhik kiitper or koiiiu proper pemou around the olllce, who I expected to u'o to tho home bunk with which the ilrm deal and hae nil tho note paid. Tho bookkeeper of thl luii'tieular Iiuumi wa Hiven a nil ot mo note for ono month, but inadvertently fulled to rrpoit ouo of tho bill duo in New York, and, of cfliirw, It was not set tled by the homo bank Tho note went to protest uotoro tho Ilrm know that It nan not been paid, but when tho error wa dm covered u e ttlemeut promptly followed. rillpiMDO that tho eiedllor of tho Ilrm had be. nd that tho note had mmo to protcxt, the) would havo Jumped to tho conclutlou that the Ilrm wa lluutiviuUyciuburruuM'd. All tho creditor would havo nulled In at on probably, and under tlio humous pr 1 1 io a dl.itruu fuiluro mlutit liuvt Iks .i precipitated. Tho nenlus ot a sua c.O'. fut merviiutllo man lieluhUuccuratc l.'lK'.vleduo nnd careful Mipvrvlilou ot the detail ot hi biulnvm, J. 11. Young in (HoVo-DiMiiocrat. Kewspsper by rhotorraphf. I took aro reproduced In this country directly from photojiraphlc platen, and no cheaply m to sell for one half the price ot rcprlntt by tho usual type method tho Kncyclopedln Urltannlca, of which Bcven teen volume have been Issued, beliiK the most Important work thua for photo graphically reproduced. I)y won discovered Hint the gelatine plate, from which tho clcctrotypo Is made In this pro cess, could be printed from directly, i?W Inij n larger number of good copl than tho hardest electrotype. The New York KvcnltiK I'ost now uasn the most recent development In this direction, and one which ho scarcely been foreseen until very recently, Is tho propoied use of tho gelatine process of priming for newjpapcr work. A western Inventor has been enlaced for some time in an experiment, which alms at nothing les than tho entire el I in itiation of tho compositor for liooliworlc and oven newspaper work. The process Is virtually that nlready followed by the Ilrm which reproduco Kntfllsh work by photography, but Instead of photosrnpliln? ii printed page, It I now proposed to photograph from typo written p:ies, anil reducltii; tho pinto nt tho snmo time to the sb.e of ordinary print to place the result ing gelatine plato upon a printing prep and uie It Instead of tho electrotype, ainde from tho metal types. Tho Into Cot. Illchard Howe, tho veteran press Inventor, In reviewing tho development of the print ing pre during his lifetime, said! "I have, some Idea that the next Jump will bo In tho direction of photographing the newgp.iper upon the sheet of paper nn It llle through tho p-ea. I don't know how t itch H thlug can be done, but with the liiHtmitaucnu prornn ot lightning photograph Homo genius will uso It for the newspaper." Ho did not live to sio ii'.v experiment mado In the direction of I' t ir il photography of uowp!pers, but ;'n'fo Hcotns to huvo been something nl mot prophetic In hi miggestlon of pho tography for tho norpuper of tho future. Chicago Now. Tho Cil n Cnllri.tmic Cram. "Tho coin collection crnzo begins In ctirlou way," hnUl II. II. Collin., of tho trcaiury department. The foremost col lector of the United States, who died re cently, became n collector through nn accidental dcslro to poises n big cent of tho your of his birth, 17IM. HI collection wn Kohl after hi death at auction. It brought $20,000, nnd It would today real ize double that sum. Tho cost of raro coin Increase year by year, and tho In erciiHo in value during the pat live year liu been ovee :I00 per cent. Coins limit not only be rare, but they must be In good condition, nnd thu beat are hard to obtain. A perfect colli ot hoiiiu dates uru us rani at n Maud B., a pcachblow vaso or a Koh luoor diamond."" "What aro thu lending specialties of tho fulled Suite collector" "Three-fourth of tho collectors ot thl country collect United Ktutct nnd colonial coins, and tho other collect miscellaneous coins ancient nnd modern, foreign and I'liltcd State. Home collect only certain M'Hcx, Rome only gold coins, eome silver and Mime only copper. My specially I copper cents. It coin are thu rarest to be found lu perfect condition, nnd the val ine of copper colni aro more certalu. It N very hard to Uud flue Hpcclmon. Tho cent and hulf cent havo circulated to uiich an extent that they havo becomo worn, dUllgured, lilaek and smooth, and rare cent lu good condition are thu very costly. Washington Cor. Now York World. i'tiiliig 'ii lli Irian. "Doctor," said a prominent scientist to an orinally prominent physician, "when you aro nick, who attends yoiiV "Why do you nskr" replied tho doctor. "Oh," was thu response, "I want to llnd out whom the doctor select to at tend them; tliut limn hhnll be my physl clnn." Hut hIiuii the man who habitually poak 111 of hi professional brethren; ho Is not n generous man, probably not a Just one. Slum also tho man who ha u sure euro for eiery ill, and is always ready to promise that lie can help you; who boast of hi wonderful cures, and never owns a failure; who Is alway talking about hi cures, nnd telling what n heavy business he doe. Hi Htock lu trade is blult and brag. And shun tho positive man, who ha a ready answer to every question, who can tell exactly whnt the matter is, how It wa caused, nnd whut tho result will be. Ho knows too much to be honest. Medicine Is not n positive science, and wheru thero are so many ele ment of uncertainty, It I not lu human nature to know the end from the begin ning. Demurest' Monthly. Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS The If-ntcnt mi'1 most complete sloclt of I I i re You Protected? CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despaln Block Pendleton. IF YOU WANT THE EARTH Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes tliut u policy in a good, Reliable Insurance Co. TAKE Wiilit-r llixiiut. Wtlklf Collins. Until. Mnrliiiiiiin, It. U Sti'VOiiMiin, II I. Kiirjion, Tlmmim 1 lurity. J u 1 1 no lliiivllioruc, K. W. Itolilii'on, Kiullc (laiorluu, Jiie Verne, win. Ilioew, In A I 1 - i iil it t 1 Young Mn. Onoef the girl lu fashlomiblo society V...v V.-b iiiml.t im liMP llllllil til 1A II U, M ...MUW .J' .V. ........ " A"- married tho other day, and after eontldlng t . . . . . -.1... 1.1. UCr llliemioil IO ner miuur, diiu diui "Whnt do you Intend to do for mot" Thu father wa a wealthy man, and thought lio v a howlnra llU'rel spirit when ho answered Widl. I will glvo you f 100.. 000 to buy a houso and f.'o.OOO to furuUh it with." And what will you glvo tuo to llvo ouT" tho young lady demanded, with u diksattitled look on her fuco. "Oh, I will allow you tho interest on another $100,000." rvpllcd her father 'Hut my chof will coat at least (tl.SOO u year How ilo you think lean oosibly miunigo with bo littlot" Tho fat lu looked llghtly gtloviHl. but only wild "That tuuiit do whllo 1 nu llviufc'. you will probably havo who wa IntoniatoU In honrlng tho ivult ... - . .. I... f.. .1 I till COHtunaiiuii uvvvrvwi luiuer uuu liter Mid wiien no iiouM it: "ito tat loat havoelvon lier two mill- " Tho luarrlago did not tuko nlaco, York l'res "Kvery Day Talk." of dun lulif Ion. Now fh it Th SU' Ii t of Mutle. Tho Ilohemlun Dvorak relate In nn au tobiographical sketch that in hi country .'very child mut study music, "Tho law "tmctlug thl U old; It wa once repealed, but I In forcu Mgiiin, Herein I conilder He one great secret ot the natural Ulent for musto In my country. Our national tune nnd choral came, a u wer, from I ie very heart of tho iwople, uud beautiful t.i ivm they were. I lutend som day writing un oratorio Into which I shall Introduce some ot these choral. Tho Slav all love music. Thry may work all day In tho fields, but they ar alway slug lug, uud the true musical spirit burn i bright within them. How they lovo the ! dunce, tool On Sunday, wheu church 1 over, they begin their mutlo uud dancing, ttud otteu keep It up without reuatlon till early lu tho following morning. Each I village ha It baud of eight or teu ' imulcliius." Homo Journal. i:rr'Li for Heart 11 1 i The mistake I frequently mado of ad i vUlng subject of heart disease to keep abolutely quiet. Thl H all wrong. Kxerclso in moderation t hciiettcln!, and protract tho rouro of tho dUeaso. Tho muicultr hUhtuuco of the heart, liko all other miwlt', need t xercisi, mid must havo It. othcrwiM it i-annot heep up Its nutrition t the buliest jioiut posible. IndetHl, I'r.'eor iX i lel iron o fur n to n-commend mountain oliuibiug a tho best form ot iixorciM) for ttteo otuo. It ma; bo tlwil tbla la gulug n littlo too fur, but there etui bo no que .llou s to tho bouf)ta to It luul froai numerate v.vvrciio lu thU elas ot oiuo. QloW'-nemoomt. THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; lint THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER ()i Tho North American Continent. Hi Large I'ngo mid 81 Long ('Wmim. A POPULAR NOVEL I'll til In h til In and ulven With eucli Imun ot the Meeklveilllloli. I!i u I ii li I ii ir An . I, anil roiilliiillni.' thi're iifter, 'l'li World will print wltli iu-l i lnnie n roimilMii novel hy a populariiiitlior. Aiiioiik tin- wriier win net Tlie-Ihieliis, Mr. Alexiiiider, Jolni m. Wlmer, 'Henry Woo I, M. i;. Ilriiditou, Klorenco Wiinleu. Mar.vOell Hay li-itlm M, Cliiy, Annie KilwartN, UIhmIii Kilwnrds, IK. ('. l'lillllim. TIichk nmi'ls will bo the ImIchi works of the ln-t wrllersns they aro luibllslii'il tho Imok wliti'li every one Is lulklni; about. Nollilnw lint tin very brut will lie iiiliiillteil Into the Worlil's Htiiii 'iinl l.tliruryiif fiction. This Library of Kli'tlou Will He Hupplled to Huhncrller Only. No Mxtia Corlos Will ll I'rlnl' d. No Hack Number Out Ilo Kiirulnlied and No initio Copies Will bo Hold. If You Wlh the He rle Complete, smiscittiii': atonck. One Year (1'.' numbers), Jl; U Mouths (VI niiiiibeni), Wo. .1 MontliK (1:1 miiiitifPC.iV. Address THE WORLD, Now York. FOR SALE On ami after this date, as HilniiniHtrator of the estiiln of tho late llllam lto. 1 oiler for oiileall the live stock owned by the tie eeiied,eolistattug of ThorouiiUbvtil Hereford Jliilln. Short-horn Cattlr, Orailn Cattle, anil G 'ni-ral Stock Cattle. Thoroughbred Sjxntlsh Merino J I nek anil Ewex, liiilnteinl. Uraite Jliirks anil Stock Sheep. AUo u large uuuiber of Hones and u iiian Illy of May. TERMS TO SUjf PURCHASERS, for particulars, call oil or uddrrM It. C. THOMPSON, .iitmlulstratar, injit dsw tf I'endleton, Or. WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary and kii&g Engineers. .Miiiuifitoturem of Steam andj Hot Water Heating Apparatus, rXmUWELLlNOSOlt I'll 111.10 HU1L1UNGS jl3 worth every time whut it costs, and procrastiiiation should not be indulged in when it comes to taking out n policy. In the first place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your busiiess those who represent none hut the l8t insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of Hitch agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in tho direction of the; oilico of Clopton & Jackson, Located in tho EAST OlilCGONIAN building, Pendleton, where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! I Upeoineiitloii unit (-Miniates furuUlieil for ' lieatlni; biilMIni: In any teetlou of the eoiiu ! try, Corr-'sixuuleiiee wiliclted. OFFICE: I34THIRD STREET, Portland, Orogon. jus Uur woM Ittt&urU l ut in luiglund to bo ii corruption of thw uhnuo "blazing hard," upnlieU to a bovnv tlo. THE O. K. DAIRY. Formerly run by John Knklit. hai ehanKeit lixiul, ami U now' Who w III uiIy tMitholiI and new ou.tom er will) i lie ltet Milk In the Market, I'lumpily and at reaonatle rate. Ju." lm It is well to remember that to be securo you must insuro in one of the Thirty Keliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted and it will cost you nothing. Remember their oilico is in tho EAST OREGOXIAN building, or address Clopton & Jackson, TiV.knlc A lUUUU 111 To ami fm ' Elegant Pullman KmlBrantHI.-e.lniccr,foMv nre Tr.iV."." OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFfSiul . 1 Cloo connectlom at l-orfiu J g:i4"","'Mw"wanitt..l Mnnt, ivuiiuu ireiiriii a.i-u DAftH III 8:1)0 11. in -"'"finjj Wnt Iwttlttil r...... wfat bo d&TtfKZW!" iiurtn ul tnr, ,,. , """"ini .V II 1 . 1 1 1 .. ...... B. .. i.cavc in :oo n. m. tnr tr.r. J riven nt 7.M n. in. t?,'.?.".! '" ni ltd Oregon, Jiav IB ..... m w" i mi, .tin v Hiato, May 21 Oregon, Mnyfg Uotumbbt,Junai (irocon,.lunoU -..l..r.t.l.. .. L. .. . i.'.'".iu" ' On'Kim, Juno 21 Ootiimlila, Jimeij Htale, Jtinn'J9 IllKht.V ,(,"r",l,,P Whrt' J'l lL'AVn Htlttfir Ml. li ii.. Itnttt ot l'tuiM Inrliidlnx mt-ili n4N.-J dim, ... Htceniie, . ItouiufTrln, UnllmllMl. .forfurlheriinrtlculartln-inlnfl of tho Coin pnny, or A.UMmJ t, yv., roriianu,urt(on. a. u tint ... .. o.i Qcncral Mnmgtr, w. u ai.ivtatJ rrnillfUil Great Rock AMI ALBERT LEA F.C: Tho direct unit iwpulir tint til wllh the Northern rtflltl fioin HI. Taut anil Mlnnttplk I To 4.'hlrKo uud (he Htt. To Nt. l.onlMBnil the Knit To IIch Moliira, Lrnni AtrhlaaaaalKH 'IM. I'.Sha Oonaicad ill council fiiiniH, uvA.vnwuni I UltV ror ANII ALL P0M1 Pullman 1'aluce Nt) I'alace Dining (' Arcompnny all tlimuib Eipm una Home. TIcltciH for nile by all toorHftJ anil conneeiiom in.iio rnll Information rfflritttl ete., apply to any coupon r'll pan es, or to ,(rlJ Tlck(tAKot,i. PtnJIHei.1 VII AH. KKNKIIY, No. 3 Waihlnuton fit, -v a iiir.iiimnif. 'ben. THU and !. Alt. G Ml on enco. ill. b. i, Uen.T.aDlI'.At..S GREAT OVERLAND I THF Nnrthp.rn Pacific THE ONLY LINE nO J'ullinan tuluee '?PVjP,rJ., From flrcnon and WlV to the Eatt, Via fU I'aul and M"!t ,,M7iB.iVsr Vutrtt Tlw Kver a' I co,u,,.::i,Hallr To Bloux City, Council BleM Atoblon. tavenortn. g DurllnKton. uwinrrTiJi all PolnUturouKhoutlhtUJI euai via w. inui Are hauled on rejuly V"lJ lite enure ieniu v IUillroud. .....n..tlll1 wave waiiuia-;"'"""-! wave roruuim e jt-mViI (MlnneapolU or HI. Paul w-rj (ounnuay. .., r-iei Counertlon maueaiw. J( oIl.toallrxjIntiKa.t.M'l PACIKI0WVIW0-M Train will leave J-nrtUoJ j all polnu on I'uifet 8oo.caJ Oeneral Wetern n" Waah,UetonBrun J Pendleton, Oregon. ACCIDENTS WILL They do bupnen V'atM J . ' uMiln IllPk TRAVELERS IHSUiwn "rrrtlH pay at onre Hie rlltii 1 elulmn that even Sf 'u bout ueoldeiiU ca" ''Vir&l claims, wllboui d''-Slj; ,e,elt.tof.. l.Mcmry& 1 lroviioii in i r ll!ll!nn nf A ICl milliuua u' nf iU flirt- ...vcs.Jll.'! RIoDton J Eat Orejonlan