3 r r I VKI)Ni$KlMY..MI.Y 18, 1888. daily and hi:.mi-wi:kici.y, iiv tiih I'M't IIK'RoiiIhii I'lililUliIng C'iimmny. I'KNIII.I.TON OltKOON. Ih leiwonublo and protxir prico, of that much plunder lilched by operation of law front tlie homo bulldurH of tlio north went. I lio great I'lilnwo organ, when it , wuh diKMM!.t to loll tho truth, n h it often Ih in "oil" ' .vein, declared tlmt tlio great o.it, tii.vi ino.-.'ciii-ublu iiiul otitt-agcotiH iiiliiiity of rJl tlio btindlo of Inliiiitlcn JiKKU KRMI'F.It, V nprletor of tils Hive-Out lloci- Hull. fntti Ml., nioilto jnt.ille, Pomllctoii. inlllnn beer on ilrnuuht. Vltic, liquor' nml clfiiiM.of tliii brand, n Moon, mclifiil .VritAY ItOlf-lM IIAII.Y HUillt'llllTIOtf IIATIM! One copy per iir, liy mull - W ') unuciiiy kix iinifi i n , iiy iniiii - Olio cojiy per wcnlc, hy currier. Hlnglu nuinlmm i AllVfllirlMIXI ll.VTIWt ( INiiln il Aili rrllurm ml: I Una Incli, or Icm, In Hmil-Wookly per tllOtltll MM Vd l"l Onn Inch, or In Dally perinoiitli....... I M Two Incliiw, or Icm, In IkiIIi, j Mil- it f ti t li ... .1 no OvtrUiricliii'liin.HcmUWwfily.lxTliii'li per snout ! i 1 "' Over tlino Influx, Dully, per Inch per month I i OvcrtlirH.) Inchm, In boili.per Incli 'l month l i" m:Mi-wiii:KiiVfu;iiHCiciiTio iiatwi One copy ,pr ) cur. W M One cupy lx inontliH I 'Ai HI IlKlc II it 1i 1 1 im th U'i I'ri'iiiluiii pnper free toyunrly huuh IIii-ih. Mnl hi nonpareil lulvcrtlHcincut In Hi-tnl-Weekly or ll.illy, Hint Imn-rtltiii,, per Incli, tl.iio; eiuili Miiiiui'iii lii'erilon, fine Irnl liolleet, ten cents per line each lll-nvrlloii. brateil author Ih "on IiIh hint legrt." HI 1 fame, If not hirf fortune, would certainly I Iki brighter and hotter in the long run, if ho illilnot think It neccHHiiry to turn out a n w novel uvery few vveekH. That the .author of "King Solomon 'b JHiich, ' "Hie," and ".Joi-h," which certainly give evidence of raro eoiiMriit.tivc and irnuin ntlvo geniiiH, nhotild dom.end to mich an .. . f. I ..I ...... .-I I uf..l.,..l .....I IllrlUIUH, ' lliliuviui lurn, linijnnin;iik turn milt ll!i;ib inn il-.. . rm.v . .r. mi ,a iuii.i ..,.... I u, . I ! Iliis "ttlli" Htory, is pitialilu. Not only U i juiiiM in the vry tlut untaxed ItiinlKjr o" work Iuk-ms Mkhi alt Miimti one it... nf fi-.Hl (.tin lillt llwi ..Vn. i If.lttil MIm Hill ntllfltfl' TilbllHf llllt tk- liriraa. ulllill III flflllt! (lflH tlllV ilOn0 If'trO J1"'!"" Ih tl.ut f a Miiy.n.li.ur or nhmml, .u.juM and li.l.mltluuH lux . fr'.iVJ.'i vn AVw tTl V Vi-V.. Vi "Wuvorloy" contributor. And tlio lame, lumber inltlit deprive tlio lumlier ban.-im ,,,1,. two un- inumii-i. nun imy miille hiinleil, uuia-ctilatcd and almttrd delinea- 1 of I'liitot s-nunil and l oitland of u jwr- hnre, iirninlnl 7 l,(lylintiion; mi rlylitlili'. tlonoftholepil oonteHt over tho ;'v.ilP i tion of their Inuik-nro (irolUH, but It would . neijrHy ninr.., iiriiiiiied (Jon rlt'tii lilpnnil id enough to make tlio HliadeM of HickenH be ti beuel.t and u bk'-i-lng lo every ' !)' uray KeMiuk?, Iirmdiil IT on left litp. and .Suniiel Warren lirow iale. ThU U , fanner, tvry hi uco builder, every man one buy nni'e, bntmicit blotiiil iii unoiul o.ily ancther ovldeneo of what a najim who n.tructH a dwelllu,?, or a bam, or 1 "'; 1, can do over it literary production. IIiIh a fence, oranything requiring lumber; hrnml on'i-d uliouUlf r. Htorv, if written by an unknown author, 1 and Indi ectly to every merchant, every in. buy otml c-u, two yenii oi, i runileil would havu Imoii conteinptuotiHly "re- artiKun, every mechanic, every working XwwMhmm-ncHn Icnmnf Hip iiiKCir uy an.v iiiiinii"iiei in inu nurui. iuiui. n ui iin-rv uiuii muni; vi iiim ( ivhermlioilb' or ll.ce linn-en lij ciii:hiiiib n i.iiiiinviiuim wiin iia.inrH name luliiuity ol all tlie duiiuio oi mi(iution , ,r,n..!vitni!Ti av Pi known m tho tariir lawH-or wonN to WHWIhAm ukn"w? that etl'ect. Hut now. nince it in anxlotw i , , , and Fixtd I.IJMIICIt AND WHISKY. Tli Tr;iiiiiorMlliMi Ijiiixllnn In the Niirlli Meil llm 41. X W, T. Itiillrnml llm rni'f tlll Axulo UnKnril' New llouli -A (JikmiIho lor tin, Ilium- lliillilrr of H ihIitii On noil. I'Mllorliil I 'oi riMponilniiec. Ill the I'.ht OiiniiiNUtv of the (ith, junt received, I notice with pleacuio the iiil'nrtH of a MK'ful, llmimh but a brief, resident .if l'eudlet n lir. KitiK in t-e outing T Ml towaid the pntr mill pro jeet. Cull imt ten other eilleiiM do iih well . I lil- would iiiiikouiithoilolleinney and iiiKim llm hiiooohh of the Importaut ellleiprU'. Tliln, with Hie Lfilig Cieek liii'l'- Heciiied next jour, tho nwrvation laii'lx Hold, and a new omul Initial and ollie" imiT'iM-iiieiit-t u.iemly in piogrenH oi planth-il, would mohiI I'eiiillntoii a lmi Htiiil" ubiniil diirim; I lie lii;xt tunye.iiH and ii-h.tli. I.y .Iuiiuhiy Int. Ih'.i.i, I tnixt to we It the iHH'ond city in lmHir tam e, if nut in Miiinliitinn, in the State. It miiv Imi ho, anil will lm if all iipir lunitloH n iv KraHjH'd with eoiilldemv and mil. I Homier If the euiiMldembly Iuiuo-mIhimI truth ullglilly touched upon by your I'ort land enrioHN'nileiit-- in reatil to I'ott liiliil'ri lel.iliuiiK to tlio Iriillie of tlio In terior will imt Ik-Mini and nppivcialeil In Home exleut liefme many niontlm by the pe iilo of IWIIuinl llii'iiiHohitH. The liilMi ulie;lil. hint billulieil-i of IIidimiiuIh of iIi'IIuih of tiiule. mid will lot-e more; uraduiilly, If imt Npeedlly, Ilio Irailn of IviiHlein lliegiin ami WiiNhlimtoii will ho illverleil morn ami mme ft- i i I'ortlnml, iiuIohh that citv iIiIk Itnelf of llm ollnuiehv of lailroad Htii'iaiiM who am Kiriitlclm; her ciiuimeicl.il IntereHtM. Alicudy, iih Ih noted by llm Kw Omhioman'h I'oitlauil will Kcll-yet to it ! upon lumber Irt a Hhauin, a wronu, un fur eiieb horo nml nildrediimt this otiicc. If 'inlnii iv." a moral or mo To oven i ti- ' imm u"" "oi rccf.vercn rrnm inc inn.r imqiiiij, i miinu iriino io oi.ii ou , . r,miH, th money will I n- ieii'1 or aiioiogis'o ior inuiciiiig bucii an , turned, Aililie: the HiilJeet again, I no- indefi!iiniblo and Iniqultotw burden iqion i:.t OltKdONIAN PL'II. CO.. 1'IH'll Itllllll' hlih-tuxif I the tieniiln of tlie Northwont mid the i I"' I'omlleton. OrvBim. To cbango llco that a tion and frce-wjiihkv State mo wincing it good over the tiliink in thu Clilcai.'o form that ratlier than Hiierillco an iota of "piotectlon," (war taxoH on clothing, food, ami other neecHHarlcH) tho lax on distilled HpIrltH (InxurieH; should lo "entirely Mwept away." TIiIh Iiiim Htaggered .uid fairly htunued for it time quite an clement here tofore blindly dovoled to the Hepuli llcan naitv, and an they havu begun lo OLUTELY A FAC We oflbr for sule our largo stock of Furniture, Store which niuit be illipoeil "f bo wm ii now mnl September 1st, 1888. 'J'he Furniture will be oilerecl daily at prices that will m sale. A call at our store will o n vinca you t'wt wo mean to Dispose of the "Stock, Store and Fixture orguiiH In the fame Ih true all the way from the lakes to T0T1CK. All.rerootM WtiinvliiK t liomxi l vci linlnhtctt to tie ttti(l"rilrii?il will pl'itm coin" forwiinl nml M'lllc tlielriiccnillilH by ciih or unto, nn . I wlilt in ImtniiC" m IiooUh Iiv AukiM hi ISji. All m-coiint' not nettled by thai (Into will be pluct-d III the hiuiiW of u cnlleclnr. ; M. ,1 SMITH. I Jylii 1m d nw Proprietor City Hnkry. I iT0CKItOM)Klf.S MKKTINO. ! deal 1 thu I'uelllc Im an Imuilt to tboK) neople, plat- but how Ik that ItiHtilt Intonslllcil when tlie platform of tho name party that itu jiohjh thin tux, ratlier than to yield an lota of it, proiKwcs to do what? To give tliem free whlnky! What, re all v. In all nincorltv and iih reasoning men ami women, do theno liome-bullderH I think of till platform taxed lumber and I C'l lreo wnmicy ; 11 im pioiwen , riiiner man lloCP N herebvKvcn Hint n meetliiB to ullow voti to buy lumber for your 'of ihotocklioliteiHof inn orciion liulbiini: .v reeiiver tlieliiMe Ken. and iiMcertalnoil tlmtlfainiH. voiir HtoieH. vour hIioiih. votir 1 1-""" Aoi-luifiti w ill be held at the oillcu of tho platform hhvh and mourn jitrt that, I baniM. your Iiou.oh, at Itn natural, .ea-! J; , T,'rV S . !1 1 -.V. trimliili-ouu.Ko'rw!!:; they aro becoming indignant and declar-' honablo rniiiuiry oimt, to couiiiiHalu you i t o'clock p. m..of .inly -:nii, hx, for the ng that I hev won't ntimil I, wlilcli IcaiN . for tho twontv ier cent. Iiunlen ui ilii- mv rormiinumif i u.i.. hi if co I... I..C,l,.,.l,ir,.H....ufmi,. II... ..vminu Llln.-.lf..,,.! I., ncnpr., f frlv. ' MllMtlolI llll.l b.V-lllW, Ullll ! OCtlllU HlM I .11 i-ovon iK'rcont.on your other nocofc'anc'O I.y giving you and your daughter and your i.elghlMrri untaxed whM;y. Now is the time to buy what 'rurniture vJ llCOUl UU1UU UllU OCOl Pendleton, Ores Court Street Jtl'JI llll llW Hint llm Kepuiilieau party ih not a iree whlnky party at all. Hut thero Ih a plat foi m, iiiul that Ih certainly what it nivalin, and nothing olfo. It would h em In their cat for protection to tho iiilllloualiiM mi l inonopollxtH, the party leadetH went a li tle further tliiiu wum prudent, Hick won't lmIii thu "whlnkv vote." whleli they aro fond of declaring bel'ingH to tho i even before .Noveiuliur. I cannot nUl I'oiiioorntio parly, fur Ilio llqu-r imiuuf.ie-1 womlnring if f.irmeiM ami woikiugnicu tuierH and ileiilorn aro imt cMiieeiullv 1 will not yet in considerable uuiiiU'ih i or- clamoring for fieo tvliNky. The incieacd eolvo thu force of Mich fact- iih I lmvo o coinoH out ol tlie eou.'timer, ami Iii'iihoiI uiiove um 1 1 1 n -t .-nr hih. it any one the pinlltH to the mantifaeluren d inbtH thu corirctho" of my f-t.itein.-iit". iiTtnr ami co'mmltieeH in will conforiii th by-la wh then inlop d. W. I. . M ATLOCK, .1. II. IIAI.I- V, to llev.md inn nml It bcboovcHCM Jcet wli icli mi Protection or Tariff Reform, iotloli,tlicTnrliriillioliieoli which tho coming cuintnilzn will Ui.l cHCM-ry illUcii who -mild vote Intelligently to Inform himirlf ut..l cloely nirecti IiIm temporal welfare. ui"i K. II. I l. ITON, II s Villi H T, j. M.pitt'in r. I cannot help wondering -notw III.-' JniSlnnl ..I.....I!.... . I. ......... . ..I. f ,1... I..,.. ' - elcctl If woMmII .ml poo an .male mi-, WgCPQ nfJfj08ldGll ACEidOinV. i ing, and a tinning In the other dliectlon I ,3U0UU iaVwllUl,IU HUUUUIlljfi GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, Tho Dalles, Oregon, Til Protective plIl'CI fact MH-cinl liii'iiiriiltoii for t'lnvi-riiiif and iletilerH are tpiltu iih largo or larger than Ihoy would be on untaxed liqno, though 'tho coiiuiiiptli.ii Ih inubtli't nitich len. f. ViiiI lliin rule hold lr-e with Ilio taxed neeei'HaileH ulo.) I.ui they will lofe tho votiw of a largo elani -if moil who believe that liqilorH, lelli.! iinwilv a luxury ami one pnxliiclle it evil lit that. mIioiiIiI bo taxeil, rather thuii cloihiug, food, faiming utcmdlH. Iitm Imt. gliiHH, and about thieo lliolimilld other llilngH, .Now .Mr. Illallie, If lie Hail lieeil tliei-e to have given bin advice etqi'i ially If he wan In h.tvo been tho lioiiilmv would have managed IIiIh belter. Itegiotfullv , and too Lite llm protcclloiiMH membeilui: .Mr. lllaino'H nMilto Huuh. Ilo wiih not Mich a fool as to drive away a good many very good voteH, un liiKH he Haw vvheio ho could uiaku them up H.JiiiuwhoroolHo. In DIM loiter to ,ur. Miinu, .Miveinlier in on - moii or VYiiMiiiiut.-n, for i i'iernitvur fi-i. , iroi-iiia. iiii-V'ii-i, i in iiti.i oiM M.or r ir iii.o.iicm '-.-1 . ii,.i H". Kimr colli-xliiii) i-'.u ii t' a tnuy umiU j tl.it.' h I ill Taril WHAT IT DOES FOR US, let him motel v hunt up the two pi it form ami read them for hiim-elf. The iHime emtio party prixoH to Irk luxuriei. gen erul'v t,lir "'im n''ct-44ttlei. .Vuii-ng the InviiaiH up It whleli It would m.ibl titlu thu tax Ih w)ilkv. Vliionit the nee- mu;Ioi' uixm which it tihinnfO to remit lite tux !- Iniiii'o.' -anil on iininv otiier jjti di.H- Im iii-cinKain'.", hih-ii un ei' iiiuig nun Migitr, It piopiriw to largely led-ir the tux. It propoe- to do thl. not directly or fo Hourly o iiltnck "pioteellon" io iniieh un lo provide lot teiliiolug the lovoiiih-H to Ilio neoowdtloH of government, nml loav- lug the "Hiirplun" now being collected ! In the haudx of the taximyorH IliMte.nl of aie iv-1 iioing iiH'iieil up in tlie itv.tHiiry or fiiuait-ih'olaru- dereil by pioiilgute legi.-lauuH. If thin in not giHiil, it roiiHonable. nml In every roHpcct ii enriect Hiiey, then I admit that I am utterly uiiiieqiialuted with any cor rect prliu'lploM of government In uicpuh- no nte iiiiih. tin iiii ooior ii.iiiii tlie . : publican i-ilioy, iih enunciated in their PRINTED FLOUR BAGS to ,u r. 'J Ihk:I. Mr. Illallie fiiid: " The iiioiu I rolled iiihui It, the mme i nlatforui. ilUllnetlv aunonncoH ItH Inten evident it linn beeouie to my mind thai It ; tion to maintain thin war-tlmo taxation: ! In u her In tax whihky than to tux farini, and If the iovoiiiioh munt 'mi Intuvd oil', to coiieHpomlutil, the bulk of Ivirtem Ore-liiml homotdcailH, ami HhopH. makowhHkey fr.v of t iNiitlon li:Htiail of gnu ami YViiHiiiuuiiiu wiieat Ih iloHliueil M "urn n no lognriien ui wne maiusmau-1 iiuni er, sail . hiigar, cioiuiug, l.iilnliig for Tnoiima lather than I'oitlaml. The ehlp to eontitnie thu heavy oppronHive i luiplemeutH, Iron, fteel. lute, ornnvi'iie 4 U. iV . 1.. even II It il'H'H not come to i illioci mx on mi pioperiy uiiiier ine in im llinUHanilH ol aillcleH ol ueivi-xltv ! Cla-isical. Scientific or Normal i 'until'., i II M hit' ruutlon In m niton, Mii'lcunil , An. I'.H lIlNClplllIC unit kOIMl ll.ll'lll Olllll. I'lill eiiipmcnU. Willi- f r i-iiliilu n lo Ii. II. VY I l.l.l'-, . .i. I'rli etpn!. Grain Bags. C'alrnttiis ami IMvlrt. ' Whtntt lid '.V. Twijsrms OI'AII Klndv T ii, B'liti;-., lUv. Iteiiiii-r w hat Im ii-.i,ntl eiin...ileri il ii most :ililt ni ullbjei-t cniy of couiprrliriitlmi. ti ,--., ...ill. i-iniiii -, -in t .i.i iv. a. - in.ri. lor I1IU I I'll rn I'll. Till.. Ixrnk liiiwx tl i- piiieiii-nl i-lt. i-i of the I'totectlv c Nyiti-m iiikiii tliecininltr. rJ Hie n.ii iHiiiNieciioit- ri-iimn- oi inc noon ih um i-s.-ri nuniin.i'iii with the liiitai olfJ Ill-Ill I II'VOIIIIIU. Tim immIIiiiii of Mi. IIIiIiiik "Tw.-nlv V' him In I '.inLT,n" Ih iuU.ii m. hi.. I .t.L'l-.Ja.. ....I ..ul.l..l ....I I I.. ... r..-..ll. .. .... ... ' ' " " 1 j ii .. ii i.ir ( ni iii .in- i,i a -1, - i ii h i ..--I iiiio iiihui- iii ,iii iiimi ii-i'ir iiivii r iuiitii)i. IMDORSLTENTS: i Tin-form w iih lli" Niilmiiiiii-i-nf Hi- I h hilt Ih mii-l ailinlr-iblc, mnl I lmvo -ntl I liiKinirHUMtiii It fui im- In tlieiriiii- wnrU of Kiiremllni; the liulii iiiuoiiir llioiioork I i ihi.n m. nn-Ki.Nso.N, rotiiini(i-r(Jnll It ImiliHbleiiinll iilciiU-xiiiHllton or lln-liijntli i' nml dvl'iHloiiH of the erotirthil ory. Tlie wmk U '.tiuely.iiiul u very valuable contribution ho tho liici-iitiinwriartT 1 , It. W. T0W.NStMi.Jttl I nolli .- Unit till" ihhik lit r'Tiih'I'lu' Krcnt c ilillilciidallon. It N IkiI'iiiiiciI uimnh-J mental triiilm, ii nl I .. Nh lli.il ih (iii-li and iimiiniiints may bo In the lnuiil mui mi.-l , i-vury etllM'ii cull, a iiin thUyenr lo vole iipnn i tic u-rnnt economical oucntliini uluA I and mrlir. (IHN. JOHN C. III.Al'K, femiiili"ili!iiirof 1VhIol' Wc tiilte iiliimtire le mIvIiik IIiIh wnrU our In-nrty lniloiciiioi.l, nml rcroiiimrnil Iktl I 'id coiiiltillloe.' mid llll"- inM In i-xtendlim Hh clicillatloii nmoiiir the vnteninf ll!lMkl ' . . . SfATi: IlH.MOI K VTIC I II.NTItAbfO.MMnTKI'JOI-MI.I.I.Mjul I .vim inioi.v inn r, TE19 SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGOHIl, Oils Yen, A SocIalty. AMES & DETRICK, I'eudli-lon. will ni'eive u verv liiiuu hIiiiii' of t'uialilla i'oiiihv'h einp, while not a buxlii'l fioiii VV'aHhiiigtiiii Territory that eilll leneh llm .Northern I'llcilleV eiilineo lioiiH will go down Ilio Columbia. Mr. Iloleoiiib liitHlHH'ii iigient liiipiovonioiit or nt leant kiiiiv he o.iin;' Ini.ioiintrol the onmiMiiv Iihh neeiiieil iliHki(Hl to treat till' luierii'ir iimie fall I. v tlliin iK-foio; but there Ih loom font gloat nifor'ii vet. Imth on tin- i'.iti o( llm o.-miiniiv am) of I'l-n-laud Inii-inon mull, and I be tefurin Ih f-r the iiiii-ii -'i -i ImiUi the -imiuiiy tuul uf I'lUtliuiil, uh well uh lid. lint prHliii-oiw. Wo muni ull grow nr rlirlvel logelher. What inj'iivN itiie miW ultimaU-iy injure nil. If a b niiiK iiitint In uIvkii to bring the (). A W. 1', ro.nl to I'eiidlftioii, am not Hitch of tin-1 inner-living In the vlclulty uf I Vmll ton um um wull-to do ami vvlm raK' large nii luteiOHtol ax much M li If llm Mate governineniH, ami at mo Hiiine iimu I Uioii wiiieli Ilio coiiHtiuiorH me en r ciiiiiiiiiiiuI a hurtful liuiiiy like HplrilH to iiiohhIv taxed in the IntoiOHt of a feu fa go free'.' that woiilil Iki it folly wlilcli no vored capiluliMH, l-.t I'nnit Nl, juKiiUwtr l'OltTI,.VI, Oil. i J AND CE-N. LIEB'S BOOK. Ilook ihniMil In rtixii nml Sciiil.W'ceUl." Iiit Orctjiinlati One Year.. ItiMik Alone, In Chilli, pol kiiI dd.v- JiASTT OVSCOWIAN PUB. CO., k'cndlctun, On-t"! other governiiieiit mi the globu could bv any poHr-lbility eommit. Hie tax on wliUky oppreHM'H no one. It Ih paid only by the I'oiiMiinior, and the moM oxlioiiie ailvi.oute of tt'iniKiranco cannot maintain Hint luxiiiK tlm arliolu Iiii'iuiimw itHtvu Hiimptiou." Aiiiln in IiIh "htrln iiieHHHg-," Vi. Ulaim' wtlil: "I would not hiIvInmi ro;v.il of llm whUky tax. " dther innniil eratloiiH than tlmw i f lln.ilii-ial admin iHtiatiuii uie to lie talon Into aecaii.i with iwganl lo wliinky. Ilieie inn umr.d hiitnloll. Whinky would mo rvwheiv 1h dlntllli.il if the Hiirveilluiice i the government were withdrawn b Hie 1'iuiiIhmIiiu of Iht' Mx, Ullll illicit wile could not thou U pruvunUil even by a lmlicy an rigoiiniH and miiolilug hh that ridh Ih the Ihhiiii : IIiIh in the illll'oieni n : ! ami iih giHxl an illui-tiativo ijiiohIIoii hh J can Ih ui-ked Ih the ono I have put in my j roadon-: W hich will you chn.iHe, o'u ' lunilvroi' fro" whl-kev? .1. I'. VV. ! 5000 Itoolc AfrontsAvnnteil lohcll TUX IdrE XHV J'UDLIO beuviocs or i Beor Garden nnd Gymnasltim Hall. llni-vcail A Klne, l'riiiH. .Main streit - . Near I'oHtoltlee I'KN lll.KTON, OltKOO.N. lUiwIlnir Al'ey nml Cyiniiio-limi Itixun In miiim-citiiii. .Iii. ih,- iiil(.i. loNiH-rnl hii hour In xi retHliiK your lnu Ir and tralliiiiliiu yiHir rruiiiM. A ciirilliilinvliuiliiiitiiiill. OhihIii'IiiIIh ller .H-. hiIh-. i HERE TO STAY t'liHiiioHH Mien of I'l'liillot-iii? , wiih which UuhhI.i ptiinuoH the Niliilir.1- iiil"-llll 'ti of thin lino In to ln'iie- It would Ui-mioy lilgli llteuiKi at oiuv ill 111 a ii s mo roil- i-iTluijilv llm luimi wheat- - all tin Statu mlHorn iieni town, and all the wav U- In mv oiiiii-ni Mr. Itlalne Ih a toni'tt IVmlli t-n ami Unlit, tun I north hh ' ftvtlv iiniiipiiloiiH m.in In politic, PET IE R Dealer in Pine SMITH and Fir Wood. -ir..vi.i:us in Will ' I voc won-1 in niij irl of i-iwii In fmii nt Ii-.ii.IIih at .,V u com. mnl tft .i , r. fll . . ,V,.,I V,H. I. I .-. nub ii-iit Un- Orcoii feed Vunl, on Jonii on mri-t-e. jy 1 1 ,. tn, WhitmaF'CollBgB.' rate and Liiiolei w far an ruwin-i t .no th.,- i.nnil iitlor-Hlotl 1 1 my iuii-ii if lliov wimltl loin tlw town people to tin exleiil of their ilho funiiewM cuiiiimrtttlvi) inloreHi, tlie rmtd uoiibl Imi uHHuriil. Of cmu-m lite faniiem, ail well a.- M'tim -if thu Iovvuhiiioii, me Himpli inili th ii i be rHkd might mum iia-H Into fiicli coni io tlut it would be of no IM-tutlcil lH-m :lt. but I tmUv that ul thiMlgb there H no tvriiiiuly of IIiIm not lmpHnlng. it would U a go.nl pluu to WN-iin the n.i I .tnyway. Sii,' nu ,-r-gillllied I'll'oil w.ih uuide mil ng the mrinoiH belw oi n Helix iiiul IViidlelon ( iiNUiil Hie i -1 ill. l in oi ilu- roi-l, iio( in -, PwmIU'Iiiu, bm tui.uil IViidl.-: in. un far aj iMMMtiblti ; or wilh nu lien b mo uih .ih .OIHUil b luiM'il .iiin-lig tlie I'.ini'i-ii. ' r i will wirH, wiih ilio iiinleihtuniUitg ilmt itlldll IVlUlleti'li K'.ipl, hIioiiIiI make up III ivimtlmtei .f the :t i.u.h) wktul. It mmiuh to iiieihut iIiiih the l utdmi ismld lie borne iieri e,(ii illy by Hiohc to Im imm lit Ull. Mime if llie lillineiH ihIn' lOaltW hunhelh of giain If I bm ran nave live, ckiiIh biiHliel, ' 'it her In freight, or labor, I w botii. wb o n oontriiiutii iIiIm Vhki.ohw .year'n Having tnwaul (he road" It HetmiH ' to mi' thai if IVmlletou fuiublio tlio i deiHil-gnmiidH and light-, if-way, the fHrini w ho are to li Kuii liilod ouht to holp contribute the fchi.OOO. Hut to hUIh tin miHpii-iou already monlieuiHl, . I bore U ithm ibe orloiin oliiei-tioii 1 have j formerly alluded to which ih poihaps an. niitni lunate for IVnilleton and the farm otn iih for Mr. limit. If thin letter huppou to it "inodley" it will Iki ln'1-auso lam wilting whatever hupiHMiH to tHvur Ilmt to my mind. I have read ipiito it nuiiilKir of IkhiIh w Ithlit tho iuit few mouths, tho latent Mug Hi tler Haggard' lato Htory, ".Mr. Mih'hoh'h Will," ttnd w hile 1 da not protend to bo a lllorarv critic, thin luk ihaniih to mo to furnlfli ovidoniM that tho soniowluit ivle- l-ei-.1101 Im in the hiuu irienl uf tiroiM-lUm, but b in ton uHliiit In make mu-Ii mii hIiko o Muntlor uh to diH-lure in favor off,., wliidky in any eoiiiiiiuoupy, iih the K. publican party ban done, lie might (, the deed Ilo di-illit would, it in -eH-ury to "protivi" tlie uiilliniiiiiieM ,u ,i mo nip illtH ,liiil ho would never proi-lai , that inloink ti in udvance to tlie Ann- loan 1. Iiv went far oh to udvi- - f i lie ii-miM.ii n of the tohutvo-tux, and the ii'miN-iou of the wblnky-tiu would logi all follow, hut mill hu know it would n -i do to iUm-Iuio in fuvor of It. irover Cleveland W AI.I.A WAI.I.A.W. T. I'.ill I'lillcue Coiiri- Al. hnlrulllto l.ll.-rHi) 1'Hir.rH. mnl - I" II . J C I 1 .l. f, kl. L.kA.1 1. 1.1. BAU.U..UB ! &L I. i,l- , .1 ...! ittvt, trifU'nl. u4 MJl.h 11 I .rly i ,h.lr.l-J wl.k I. ' rftlu u4 w. 4 nir.trn lit.. M lb H-.liyw uU.him4 wl .a 1. L rfktUM, Pu. Um. I kit..lnu, . w. m. kp i, ..,.., , 1U1 Hni IMMItlMUMIHI (t. U h . . . i Hm.1.1 Tkm A co., rwu. ., Y 1 IH' 01' Una CLKVt'I ANlUv.tn . ..,i. I ALLKN (I. TlllU'.MAN. M.I.Mfir lift Is ! Im I, J..l ,. I .mv ril Iniimiilr Dninn Intent priimr for uny inline, for loaahla ur bu-. In". "iii.i-rliirO.uwvauMy ol .Vtwlc, f. r ii ilium Hlnl M-MWIU l-L.r-f.urHiiu uiM)in.i. IMI mtil. Vihiiii; . lofli. I.. I. .ia4uJ IM 4 . i,.hi r . - , lt.ll .i mi iim i- .'J. AJl, .. WINTER bpilnu'leldi Mini. I iii-ll,),i In Art J. . l.i- f, lu.n-nu. l.ndl-' liuaitllnii iih-ii' hall Im-Iiik hum l-i-Jl 'ivi'in tipn. .ipnmbr-1. House. II ,itr mr ('HtHtHKHO Ul h ; , I'll, ii., iTfaiii.-ut, i" i Willi . Wall .. W. T. FOE I. AN IlKIU Kuhi .tai hi., JUmIiwIiii OILCLOTHS. SHADES, MATTING 5, PTC, A Lomjiit'tf M'.ck, v-overiu-t five thotituuiil anunw fet ti uo ring. Goods Sold on Easy Payments. Forbes c AHieeler, Aimcciutloi) Unllding tViUctoa,ll Mr. Two pivhIuoIh limy well bo twuiliuu Hiuilling iilmitmtion of the ewontial dif , forence U'twoen tho St. I ihiIh tUN-rudtie-. i Unit pliitfonu and Hie C'lilongi) waMttx-, atlnii ami freii-whUkv platform. Thoo , aii whUky and huiilKir. How will tho . lioiim I mill lorn of ICiurtieu On-gon and 1 Waidiiiigt.'ii vole for untaxml liiiiiUir1 or untitxiMl whUkv? It in no fanciful illiwtra'ion Unit I am lining. It Ih not J onh an ilhixtnition Uii-ed upun uueuu tmilieteil iaetn, nt in iliutratlvi of tlio i whole tenor and teuil.'iiey ami aim uud epirit of the two platform. laimUir U titxeil twenty peuvnt. The tax in uiinci' oiuury mI til -Hakiug h eally K,aulH it in certain that luniin-r can' Ih inauufa iiirml quite iih cheanly in Drogon and VVitxhiugtou an in tlie adjacent ltritUu 1 Hv-HiHionH. lrogoii and Wanhingtoit have the material, the foroMn, tho inllln, ; tho iiiai'hiuory.tlio cVill.tbe labor. eouallv I with HrltiHlt t'ohunhia and tho t'hin'o "(.tujH'r lalnir" eiuiullv. too, if that lo iihIovI iih un excuse. Yet. .Mr. IVilnh Hiiyn, giving tlio liouio biilldorH of Oregon i and WiiHlitngton uutaxiM lumber will SAMPLE ulvsolutely "ruin the industry." No, it j win pimpiy uoprive u low iiunuor tuan tifacturiug mouoiKilUtH, who havu foruiod thomm'lvoit into a "cotnbino" to advaiuv tho price nearly twenty per cent, nbove DAIH INftt. l'j..r-Fl,-tir. .Notltiwwit Otrncr .vtmn ana ;riurt s-tri. A Gwd ayl.ij 0.-g Bine lu a Small 1wh. t'iv 1-Hrttf-iiUrk, i dUivk. K. o mm Kmai tmiionW luBiCtHu i.m.i.. .wiwl!j?iti!i DKAi. Now It IN Furniture, Stovos, lecJdlngi PilNSLSTON, OE2X3CN. CEHTRALLY LOCATED: Finn lmwrla un, i li.n,-u, 111 kl.M-k. Stio ui., near Ilu- bn U,-, - , JuJIIiii d liu-oiwn(jdf liu-furnisheri lilquippud in First Clas.s St vie. ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL A a r 1 1 -TV. Wrl ivfil'. n- ll v.. IS - Candies, Nuts, Fialts and Tobacco, 4""w ,S7r,w' i'lar 'ni-aj H tlcl..,i, On-iion CToiin. Siebert, Ulllll UiAMMi i MERCHANT i'AILOa, roadU-toii.Ori-soii. Mm mr Wehb. A FIXK ST(CK OF GOODS ju.t recvivvd. und SoconrJ.Mnnri uonoral HousohoSd Goods. QH .'OK li KY, t H , ASS W It E. ICtc Goods sold on tho Installment Pinn. on Easv Teim I'endleton. ' CARPETS! The Preo Condi to aiul from Trains, , satisfaction Cuarnntood ! f Inevery particul r TEE Jw o 1Mb. Co., p.ndleton. onton WaU Paper, Lace Curtains, Window ShaH uiotns, Linoleums, etc. WHITE" Sewing Machin itlE BEST IN TIIE WORLD. Failing's Carpet Store, Main Street, cm the bridy, Yaj 0w'