DAILY. ftajwfta a i'iti:i: i.initAitv. I'nlton. or the Dully or Semi-Weekly 1IANT olll'.OOMAN call freely iimko u.e or tliu KAMI (tlir.dONIAN lllirnry when tiv.r tltey mi tlndre. Til. public nrn eor itlutly Invited to tlult tint olllco whenever o liirllnoit. . n ncrnlfln nnnipyr.tiintn will Il'r ... ...... tlm Vntnllllipr .Zr...invc....,.W.l.Py PENDLETON, M AXILLA. 00., OREGON, WEDtfESIUV, JULY ll, 18S8. T 1 NO. 111. I - Hns been taken oft both m 1 j 1 1 1 Not by Congress, but by OTHCHILD & BEAN Ami they now oflor their Large ami Complete took of YG0ODS.GLOTHNGJC AT- m TRADE PRICES for HASH! xaniino their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself the above are not more assertions, but that they will sub tiale what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry," tfore they have discarded rrotective Trices, and will lreely t competition from all quarters. They carry a neral Merchandise Stock Consisting of -i - j -d... Ttn ri ,3 nr -n ? ,j in n n. iiii rii m w w v ia. . xu. i i i w n ix a Children's Ulotmng, Furnisning; Goods, Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. SH PURCHASERS CAN SECURE BARGAINS "t i ast Oresronian AND THE NEW YORK WORLD iii 1 1 n iir linn i nttAM rii r utinni n ci i q i onn riTi w v& WAUWJh VAAW win" W wk-wwwww in November for ONLY ONE DOLLAR ! Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. reat Western Bakery. IND DINING ROOMS, M. OR A TZ, Proprietor. FIBST-CLA-SS MEAL! Foil TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! XlOE, GLEAN BED FOR 25 OR 50 CENTS Frosh Eastern Oysters, In Every Style! AJWN .UAY .AJNU IN XUrJzL L I J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO., Wine and SnirHt. Merchants, FRnu-r -- . . or. ... PORTLAND. OKbUUN , lit T.M untax, .lUliftlD S?2SU D0URB0N AN0 RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING Sn MD.tt.kee- Wi3 ) EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA 1 5?.lp.BG MINERAL WATER. fWaukemaw. Wis) VCURE CLI- rONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Labels K LODOK DlltKOTOItY. I PliNM.KTON CHAmmNnSruiXM. Mct'lH lit till' Mnxmln Tniilliln .in llin flil ntnl flili.il Lil.1..,.H ..r i r...t. 'ui.iiii'i.iniii vnvn Hiuillll, O'Clllflt. J. 1'. UUSltKE, II, .J K, . (!,( wvvl Villi J K UN BIB I.OI)ai:"Nu". 8t. A. K. .t A. M. M c c( on tlio cciiiiil unit roil rth Mini ilnyii of cii'jli inoiitli, m. 7iM) o'clo lt. II. J. IlKAN, V. M.j w. K. I'otwink, ierctiir'. -l)KNf.KTON I.(IIKu7nO. M, A. V. A A.M. X Mct-tfl III tliu Mii.()iilc IVmtilt) tin tlio llrRt nun tlilril MhiiiIii.vn or i-icli montli nt 7:3ii o'clock. T. .1. Million, W. M.; It. Ai. KXAMiKit, Mcorclurv. VI'IjA I.OtlOK NoTiTl, . I). U. V. MoeU uvcry Tliurfiliij- ntulit nt tlio Kiiulnu 1 1. Mir..-, 1,1, (1 u I) I'liinK. .1. u. I.KAKUIIi:, Jl. sv'.j V V. Tumtin, lli-conler. 17UIIK1CA I.OI)(U4 No7.1I. . O.O. V. Mocti TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, road briclo which kiiuih tho Wlllamctto. Tlio train wan wutiheil liv an liiimnnsn mi 1'iwiMivniiniiiv crowd. 'Iho br!il(o Ik In'iiorfcct onlor Mt I.ASTI.ItN )UI.UI. , ,i r, ,. ,. .i, .of i i ' ... I iiiiu in iinu ,. ...v UVOfc tkllit IlilllliriUlllUnl 111 ki:at y v.wti Xvw I'ri-lKlit Hi lioiltili rnrtliinil Nnti n- ! tl10 -'OWtry. Tivn More Mvmlirr ir tlio Unitliorliiinil I Arronti'il A l'ottinii'tpr I'ruvrit to lu u Tlilt-r llrukniiK'ii nun strike Th Hull- ' Itoml ISrlilKi Acrnoit the Wllliiini'tto ill , I'uillaiiil ('iimiilctfil. Thy StrlUr. Kanmah City, July 10. All tho lirako moil on tliu C. It. & (. ro.ul Htruck thlM murnlnn. I'OltTI.AN II I'OINTS. T. J. very hiitiinlny i vunliiu nt7i3i)i'clocl, .mii.i.ki.v, m.n.j v., k. Miiiroii.Mccri'tnry, "T l AI'tl.l.A VV'MiMIltivri I, f U tl. K. Ml'I'tH Otl tllll Hl'COflll lillli tllHt Tliiirwliiyn or i'hcIi moiiili, iii 7!.' o'clock. LOT 1.1 VKHMOHH, U. r. 15. li. HII AIUI.V,SlTlll', PAUI.1NK URIIKI'UA MlDOK No. 1.1, I. O. O.K. McoH Mm llrxt ami tlilnl TlHirn. tiny or each month. I"T AllMONY I.OI)fIH NO. 21. k. nv V. JTl .I"Im In Oild KfltowH' It'ill nvery Tiib ilny ovit.Iiii' at 7j10 o'HiK'k. I. V. I.kamuiik, w. u.j. viiitaki;ii,k. oi u.iimii DAMON I.ODOK NO. t. K. OK l. Mcctn In ) lit KoHiim-a' Hall iivery Wrilni'nliiy ovpiilnii nt 7:50 n'clork. M. Mdiikiikaii, 0. C: II. (lAKKiKl.t), K. or It. ami H. KIT OAIIHON I'OKT. O. A. H.. meotM at Wlii nlur'n Hall ovcry TlnirMlay nlulit. II. S. Wavklk, Coinmatitlcr; J. H. IIowkn, Ailjiilant. The attention of the trade is invited to our NAVY BLUE, HOME RUN, CORONA IMPERIAL, AND LEADER CIGARS. Best sellers in the market. At retail everywhere. Wholesale only by ison, Ehrman & CO., Portland, Orogon. Tlio I'rlci. or WiuiI-Ni'ikIIiIx IM'Irli't At torney McOIiiii The New I'relulit Nt'lteil tiln reiiillntnii IVople In l'liillitiiri Tlio Now Itiillroml llrlilKe. roun.AND, July 10. Tho Orupnlan tills inornliin hhvh tho kuIum of wool for tho punt week UKtrrouuto IMS, 000 potmilr), moHt of whlcli Hold for 11 I'oiitH, init Unit titU'UH raiiL'oil from 1.' Co u nly Court Liquor licoiiHo ('ranted to J. 11. Wilson AdauiH prot'iuct. Liquor Ik'OiiHO (ranted to A. M. Cherry rtnutllla nruL'luct. Hond uiiproved of Z. lloncor. nhorlir J. 11. HobliliiH. tioiisiuor; Clink Walter and John l.uhrri. eoiuinlsHioncrH: II. A ManiulH, iiHcosHorj V. C .Mclvuy, eoro nur. ltcutilur juror'H feen allowed : J Syl ves COI'P'B LAN II IIKVIKW. I'ClltH. to 18 I'ciitH. It Iiuviiin been mmcoHted to ter) ?ti; y, r Allen, lit) -10 ; S 1! WcIIh, VI j' iujiiji U y u uuiiiiuiiiiiii iioiii i uii- vm Koetor ;iu -lU. lieo L"i tli.t ........II .1 l. ...... . ..... I ..... tiieton that poHxilily thofo in Icon wore not correct, n little inventl'ation wuh mado thlrt inornlni, which, Hummed up, inakeM tho Hltuation about ns follow h: Valloy wool, 14 lo 10 centH, tho latter choice lotHj I'liHtern Oregon, 8 to 15 ceutH, accoiilltiK to Hhrinkauo ; heavy oil' colored wooIh tiltnost iinnalcahlu. Tho IiiihIh on which buyorH uru inakiii) their liiirchaKM In from 110 lo !t- coutH ccoured iiere. WooIh cohIIiik over 4lj clean, at tho Atlantic neaboard, will uiiiko tho Hcudor a Hiiro Iohh. Tho only further iloveloimcntn in tho Pclmcllcr ciiHo iri tho arrcHt of John McIjiih. DlHlrlct Attorney iMcOiun re fiiHcd to ksuc a warrant for .Mih. Dr. Murray, Hiivint that there wim no ovi denco iiL'iifiiHt her, and that hIio had PohI Ive ilefoiiHo. "Vo inavjall have our o)IniouH," nald Mr. Mcliluu. ''mid wo may nave (joou leaHoim lor Deiiovin(?a Cartulchiiel L Yoakum no, A II Lancdale I'd 40, L Trice !W 40, 1) A lleedor 10, T J Kirk 27 -'0, SI! Lit-htfool ill, L M Flgg ill' 40, j n nay l'unu, h wiiuaiuHon :iu, M Uomlw 42 40, U W Illnkle ;j 20. Grand jurom' fees allowed: N l)au(;h erty 24 20. Thos llaker ill) 40. A S .Mo llrow il4, K A Horttwlck iW, J T Hyatt iW, l Mwro I'M 80. w .s urown ;i7 I'll. Sivcclal jurorrt' fees: L K renland 8 20, Ii Keith, 10 20, H V MaiiHlleld 22 20, J I) 1'rlco 22 20, M S Wllln 22 10, M J Slmth 22 20. V S Klaley 22 i.0. V I) McOeo 0 20, 1'ranU Snlko 22 20, II K Knelo 24 20, W .M Turner 24 20, J II Richardson 8 20. S L Horseman 22 20. (Jail Jurorrt' foon: J I Stanllehl 2 20. John ltoHH 2 20, 1. ii Kidd 8 20, V Fnuler 2 20, T II Howard 2 20, J H Hoaujo 2 20, W 1) J'oIhou 2 20,l.ieo I) reeliler 2 20. WitnoHH fooH: Karl Clark 20 80,11 S Ilelmlek 24 CO, Chart Hoso 27 20, Itobt tierHon iruilty of crimo, but where there JainioHon 14 80, Geo Htluur 4 AO, I'eter irt n total lack of evidence, an In thin cane. 1 ChrlrttenHcu ill. I. 1' Anderhon ill. L A a wuirant will not Ikj Ixmied bv me. ' Walker 0 20, H II Duncan 20 80, Klla Whenover there Ihovldenco to justify It, Duncan 20 80.J F .Stophetm 10,l V Ham I will Ihhuo a warrant." However, it in ilton 2 20, L Ilium 2 20, J 0 .Shield lit, J umlcrrttoud tho uratnl Jury w ill investigate J llrannln 10 80, W T Semle 10, .Mih H tho matter thorouKhly. Mobiw wuh I U S'euiiIo 10, Win Ia-o (I 20, Geo Van balled out by bin father thin inorniiih'. Antwerp 17, Carld ioibiiHh2 2.i, T A lixainluatlon of hw easo ni como upto- j rr.tHHlIolu 2 20, w n .oii)!iey 22, morrow. The parcntH of tho deceased Chan Denton 14, C U French 2 20, woman eamo down from Mlddleton ye J N Dodno 1 1 20, CharloH Duncan 20 40, terdav and took tho liody to their homo , CharlcH Teel 1(1 40, W A M Teel 10 40, for burial. Mr. Schnollor will return and Oien Teel 10 40, Albort Gilliam 14, Win do all in Ills power to see that tho jierrton Ilurdoti 10, K S Jumi'rt 18, L.MIluson aiox Mracuan n, 1 1: A llaker rcHxmxIhle for hlrt duuchter'H death is 1 10 40, Joh Fix 8, Alex Strach punished. A brother of John MoIiuh i Saline -10. T I'urcell 8 40, M Htnted to-day that one ovenlni,' hiBt week, 8 40, Al Wilson 22 40, J K lit I , ll.t 1.1. Ml.... L.'..t...ll..- I .I 1.... M....1.. ,1.111 I i V II..,.,.. ho wart out walkim: with Mlsx Schncller, and that hIio then told Him Unit Hho was onciento and nuked for monoy to juiy for an oivoratloti. Mio also tout nun tiiut Herndon Notary and Corporation Seals, In Ponclloton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Tlio iimial price for (uiiIk mmln by other parties, In Pnrtlanil or llio Km U Iroin 16.(0 o J7.l)i,vltli exprcHiilinruca oildeil. If you n i) ud aural, (flinl your onlor lo u, ami mive from j3.ro to 8 l.ft0 llictehy. East Oregonian Pub. Co,, mhnatr Pendleton, Oregon. W.D.Hansford&Co. Dealers In Hardware and. Tinware Charles Martin, (1 40, G N Iteynolils 0 40 S V ICnox (140. Jart DvkeH (140. H I- TrowbrldKO, 11 20, F II Cloplon 2 20, G F ITrowDrideo ll 20, u u irowiiruiKO n -'u, ! W M Cnicken 10, F J Morlo 8 20, J W Portland In iiwfiillv exorcised over tho CorneliuH ilil 20. Jon Fickert 10 40, J S now freii-ht Hchedulo that will noon liolKlchoy 1120, J S Delovan 15, Thou nut into elfect bv tho TraiiHContlnental I Vauuhun 4 20, Fred Ilocoso 0 (W, W (J Association whorobv freliiht destlneil to i MeKttv 14 20. Interior iiointH will cost no more than to Ktato vh H W Crocker, wltnesrt fee: S torinlnal jwlntrt. For inhtimce.ii ear load , A Ayerrt 0 00, G K Hcechor 15 (10, C Imn John wart tho responsible man. ivfi of merchandise fiout Chlcau'o to I'endlo ton niiiHt cost no moro than to l'ottland. There Ih ho much uneasiness felt over thlrt mutter hero that at tho Ismrd of trade ineetliiK last nlht, a committee wart ap noiuted to confer w ith tho Canadian I'a- elllti authorities and endeavor to necure a Wlllort 12II0. W O White 18 20. G I. Van Antwerp 12, Jennlo Whllmoro 2740. G 14 MeCluro 27 00, J A MeKInnoy 8, F Gatrott 2 20. Ktato vh S A Oliver, witni'HH feon: 111 Howard ill) 00, l.lllio II Howard ill) IH), HohIo Howard i!0 00, John Winter 17 00 rmt'H nun enueavor iu miuiiiu 11 niwiu iiiniiiiu ! w, uumh 11 mini i,m. rate that will brin to time tho inter- .1 A Oliver It) 20, 1-iittra t liver 111 20, 11 J Htato commerce commissioners, who are Oliver 10 20. resnoiiNlblu for tho awful condition of IhiiiKs that tlnvatoiiH l'orlland with dire calamity. A. iSanders, T. II. Costello mid L. Keith, of l'ondletoiii W. F. Cook and F. ltoscn Hweic, of (Vntorvllle, and Miss Iliii(;hum, of llaker City, mo in this city. Ouito 11 commotion wuh canned by tho O. It. A N. Company'n new Hteauior, State vh lCdwurd O'Nell, witnenrt fecH: W S FerKUHon 0, Geo SweetiiiK 0, C O Fiench 4 20, John O'llrien 4 20, ThomiiH Aitliur I 20. Klato vh It M Tweedy, witncHrt feeH: Goo II KdBur 1(1 20, L llluin 14 20, G V I Hamilton 14 20. ! Klato vh. Fred Noblo, wltni'HH feeH: W ! A M Teel 10 iW, Charlie Teel 10 20, Oren ThomurtJ. Totter, tiiklnir a turn u lnllo 1 Teel 10 20. 14 K lliukor 4 20, J U Shields up the river and back. Hho lookn liana , 11 00, v u .iieuiiy -t sti, .1 j'eiovaii Home mid rides tho witter like u hou-kuII. 8 20, Jacob Jones 28 00, hurl Clark 10 20. PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Done. MAIN HTItKKT, PKN1ILKTON, A aliuroof the public patrounue Ii coltcltcd innhlMlAmr Hidaway Hot Springs. W. 31 Mt'OTT, IToiirlelor. Hut from the exhibition made yesterday, tho general conclusion scemd to lie that hIio never could "throw dust" In tho Tel ephono'H fuco. Tho Totter w ill commence miikim; regular runs to tho seashoro next Thurpilay. Tho now railroad brldgo in completed ut last, and trains will cross to-day, Ia)w is Morrison, tho noted tragedian, oicned ut the New Turk iu "A Dark Secret" to u ijood houso last nlfcht. A featuro of this play Ih the river of reul water. TWO I'ltOMINIi.NT MKN AIlltliSTKII. If CJ II..1...1..1. 11111. i..... l.... 11100 J 11 O 11IIIIIIICK 111 -w, L nun iiuru iu -u, n A Gllllum 10 20. WOStiiiiHon 5, J L Gulliford 12 20, H W Wheeler (I 20, A 14 Dart 4 20, U 1) 14mlck 8 00, ChurleH Keen ll 80, GeorKO Gillenlieck 4 20. O O French lit, II Stowurt Iii, Kdwiiid Olcott lil, S S Tiemul 7 20. Stuto vh. Miclmol Hyiin, wltneHH feim: G L Van Antwerp 0, W II IxmKley (I, CIiuh Dunton (I, Tho follow Iiik Hjieeiul iiccouutH weio ul lowed: G A Hartman, clerk, 170 ill ; A J Gammon, hihcIuI juror, 10 j Neil, cull ju ror, 2 80 j J 1) .Murphy, witness. (I 20. State vh II ltoblnson: J M Ikntley5, Stuto vh Win lloyntoni feeH allowed: N Heikeloy. justice, 3 4j, W 8 Cash OOf 00, O II Wailo 7 50, A A Dowiih 1 50, 11 T Council 1 50, J M Glllllund 2 00, O McDonald 1 50, L MeHeynold.i 2 50, C 1 loover 1 50. Stale vh MuthewH and l.Htis: Henry 00. continued for Tho Arrent Miule In ;hi'iii;o, Which will 1'rolmlily Cunm u Tlo-iip. CiiiCAiio, July 10. Chairman llogo, of tho IliirlliiKton (rIovaiii o committee, of tho Ilrotherjiood of Imiotivo Kit 1'lniMirn 11111I Pliulrnian Murnll V. occiltiv- inu tho Humo position In tho 1'iromiin'H 1 ,.i.0ii i;j Hiothor hood, woro urresiea huh mornim?. . VH amH i.'erKii8on with ruquestJiitf tho Ijrotlierhrwd men to j Ml CUmK- 11 11 Ilishop, jurt liho IhemHi'lveH w-cretly to tho 'O, nwd, , .1 ,,r M i) Tuvi0r 1 70. IajuIo. Chi- .Miirpny ..1I1U. 1 70. State vh C Debiilu: 11 II lllshon 1.00. Kt.itn vm Jnlin MiiDeurinlilill It lllslion. ! I.... , 1 it 111. Mr... 11. .,.1 1 rn l tl' IlliniUU, 11 IU , Hill lllllllUll I ,U, A I, pPii o iio nt ,.p utlh .,m...er trip Jould , uumcm 10 in. .... , o. ... -lo 1 70. not iioh tier limn vimt ineo Hprliu-. j tnu r H itnUt.ri! i.ttrr. Statu vh Irene MeKinery : II II llishoji Aooomm'HlaMoiiH a'' Miiplii ami evt-ry-1 Touti.a.nii, July 11. Dulled Ktutci . 4 (),, tiniiB will bmlono 10 make gueiu rorofurt.i. 'Vmtu ii.Hpector 14. II. Trenthi urtived 1 Sluto vh Win Scott : 11 II lllshon 1 1 85. b'e' In t lil rill- tlilu iiioriilni! with Jose I ill I lUssett, iKist master ut Nowbrido, I'nionl.j K AlclJiiury, iusllco, 0 50; Tlnm liur- eounty, who is eliurKed with roDl.iiiK nott, eoiiHlablo. 11 iiOj A Courson il (H), 14 ij. n. mulls, 11a annum uhmriciiuh t-.i Woiiieii'i Itlclil' I'mlrr II10 l'r,iiiitliin mill Other l.niiil I.iimb. Contiiuiinn the Hiibject of lust week'B letter, 1 will ivo ti few jiointH respcctlni; women'H richtH under several statutes, bcgiiinini; with tho rilK-UMI-l'ION LAW. A widow or maid ovor twenty-one years of hko Ih entitled to laud upon com pliance with tho Htutulory reiiulrementB rcHpectiui; pre-emptloiiH. Full citizen ship is not 11 reiiuliement, declaration of intention beltie; all that Ih necessary in that iesect. Any woman who Ih tho head "f u fum lly. though less than twenty-one yearH old, If otherwise (mullMed, inay necuro laud under these laws. A married woman Is not entitled to tho rleht of pre-emption. A single woman wlio inurrieH after Ming her declaratory statement and before making proof and payment, forfeits till rights an 11 iire-emp-tor mid cannot acquire title to the land, though nhu and her husband continue to reside thereon. In tho event of the death of a lire- emptor before making proof and payment, the tile may he perfected bv or for the bencllt of the heirs. Ordinarily widoWH are not heirs, and cannot make mud proof ami payment for their Ix'iicllt. In some States widows are by statute made heirs of their husbands, ami where Hiich in the ease, should there be no other hoirH, tho widow nmv perfect and enjoy tho title to the land. Should there he Hoserul heirs tho widow uh one of them may erfect title for the benefit of all. Wlieie the Male law allows the widow only 11 dower right or life estate In tliu property ot her deceased inisliand. she cannot acquire title to hlrt pre-emption claim, but may uh guardian make proof and payment for the bencllt of minor heirs. U.NIIKII Till'. TIMIIIUI-Ct'l.TI'IIK I.AWH, any unmarried woman over tho ago of tweniy-onu. or any slug 0 woman who Ih Iho head of a family, under that ago, may enter and Hirfecl title to laud. No residence Ih reindict! on tiiulier- culture entries, and marriage after in itiating entry will not ailed tho rights of a woman to Perfect title. TheuctHof cultivation, planting, etc., requited bv statute may lie done by an agent art well as by the entry woman In erHoii. tin: iii:skiit land law uuthorir.es unv woman, whether married or single, who is u citizen of tho United Mates, or ol requisite ago who may bo entitled to and has filed her declaration of intention to liecome such citizen, to In itiate entry and iicuu he title to laud unou compliance with ItH requirements. She may employ an agent to mirlorm the actH necessary to a-cluim th laud, uh well uh to tierform tho samu herself. The wife's right to take laud under this law Is not abridged or Interfered wllh by reason of ner iiUHii.inu having exercised tlio privi leges extended by the uiw. TDK STONi: AMI TIMIIKII LAN II LAW. applicable to tho States of California, Or egon mid .Nevada ami Washington Terri tory, extends the privilege of entry to tho extent of one bundled and sixty acres to every citizen of the I lilted StatcH or iKsrson who has llleil u declaration of Intention to become u citizen, tegardlesrt of isex. Married and single women stand Uhiii an equal footing with men under Ibis law. ltiehts nmv 1st abridged only he volun tary actH of the person. The law allows hut one hundred and sixty ai ics lo lie taken by one iierson or association of ersoiiH. Of course any 0110 who In u ineinlHirof an iissoclulinn making entry uiler this act waives his or hur Individ ual light. It Is held that u married woman In Cal ifornia cannot maku an entry under thlrt act with community (family) money, if her husband lias exorcised his privilegu of entry under tho act. I nder hucIi cir cumstances the husband and wifu are considered uh uii "association of sjr sons," and entitled to but ouu entry. Till: MINiniAI. LAND I.AWH extend to women ull the rights and priv ilege that men may oxeiclsu and enjoy, without regard to the muruui relation. AT riUll.lC HALKH OK LANDS, women stand Uku equal terms wlln men. and further lliuv nmv nureliaso us great a quantity of land ut I'lllVATK I.NTIIY uh they may bo able to find subject to dis posal 111 that manner, or uh thuv have Iho cash, scrip or urrantH to pay for. iiKNiiv n. uocf. I .1 Ilo .l.l.. ll.,.l- . , , ,, I Mill. UIUII UlffdUlU lli:il UI,H".n. pilllK m u-uiiiiniiij' iiminiiii imil Iliuxi Iwitli fllrn M li'll hall. Sloniilulini, eUht mile noutlieiut uim lof 1 '. ' I'OSTMASTliK AltIti:STKI. Tiife H H UlllO ol Aluu, III t'aiiiHi. i-ruirie. Th.H Hiimmcr Ite.ort will lie open rortno receplio 1 of kihhN mi unit utter July tl. I lliHcllinulo l ilt-luimiil. ilie wuter pure uiiaexci II -in, mm l.uii liit nml-clum. Terms Roasonablo. - Prop. W. M. SCOTT ROBERT BOND KntH .'I lil .1 ll l!e.i 111. T W Strickland from 11 registered lutler which catno i 10, 11 Keenan il 00, W F Hutclier ti. hit ofiice The letter was registered at an-1 other olllce und uddrossod to Jumert , - -- ('handler, of Kagle Valley, linker county. : a lit tler t lluim. Tho iMiiiuIty in 1 uch cases is one to live : lvom iim aiih ('uiiron.iu llKALKJt JN BEEF, PORK MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED WtA15, Lanu. I Court Mtreet. oppo'lto J. ILHIioeranker1!, .3 dsw 3lil ineUlOiliw yeurH In the jiciiltenliury. I thi: iiitinon i imhiii:d. Tli. I'lr.l Trul.i Croi-f the New Itullrouil 1 llrlilk'. nt I'tirllnuil Tu-iUy. 1 Tokti.asii, July 11, 2 20 p . Tho lirst train has just crossed the new rail- "We will have the State of South Da kota in spite of CongrosH or the devil," ox cluimrt a Ditkoiu xisir. Iu tho heat of dl cusf-Inii the .North oi-tern etlitor is apt t f' if get tho rules of ihelolie. "Ill spite of the devil or t'ongiess" would leudupto u better ihmux. 11. Will C'.mlliiii.i It, ,ii III. Hilly. iV illsiuiteh from Cliivclaiiil. Ohio, savs: 'roHeeutliig-Attorney Hilling staled that Vllen G. Thiiman would not withdraw from tho prosecution of the lully-sheut cases. '1 ho trial ol Allen o. ,MerH lor iompllclty Iu Ibis ciimo wuh to have Ui- gun last week, but had to I hi continued. llio Kepublic.in piesrt of Ohio has icpeat- edly charged that Iho nomination of .Mr. ihurman was secured by tho "tally sheet gang' in order o draw the old Unman away from the prosecution and llius weaken it. ll Su). Mm it Wur i. Kroinlliu llunton lea nr. Tho Oregonian has made 11 gieat cry against Iho .Mills bill Lecutiro it piovldes for "free wool und lax d woolens". hat has It to say of fine whhkey and laxed wimloiisV Or fieo toi.ncco and taxed wtMiluiiH? Of fine whiskey and to bacco and taxed eveiy thing oho'.' We ask every leader if iho Dailv and Komi-Weekly ICsr Oiui.onun to en deavor to weiiri one or more campaign Hiibi ctiU'rH t" it N'liil Wet kls to o vemisr Ij, 1hsk, 7jtentH, Daily, fl .1. 1