East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 27, 1888, Image 3

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    ' .. titntttl111llC0
llllJn'.rt..V '. IIIHltT tllO milll-
rn on 1.,irj,,iui, Ho Will
Moon, """"
r . i ( the Bar.aar.
L Klamath County, wants u
Li. ltoHonbcrjr is in ium
mmU-. .. ,
Wafer ami who
'.ii'iiib Inst.
L, clerk was busy cancelling
Lrft 5 cent leer hall popiHM-
Kwun.1 blizzards, Mimic
Lll, of The Tofts, was in town
He has laiciy rcuiui-;" Hum
'm. rii.irininif bride.
old winging, n-'"-'011 tloorH
Union: J. Boss Dickson,
Iton, una .uim hwiiiib.
fCre in iuu tnj
1 1 1. it ....i
pjn?k llnimlicvin, I'm Niels
. ItramU-vltis Itrondorl, from
:mi, lUriimrk aro sold at Fred
Scent beer hull.
itr of gravel is being taken
iion Main sliest, alxivo the
Inir, for the purKso of grading
cul wmit of the vote of the
M male at Salem to-duy by
lUe Mcllrldo. so the Hast
uinf.iriiil lii-juileo Fee.
trlr,Ute fnini Tnroiim, has no
fi'iioii in J. F. ltobinson'H bnr-
U (viitt plied, lie nas i no
i dicing a llrsl-ciais unisonal
J llld.rt H'nry Avntliiru u limit
boon received at this olllco.
.... 1. 1 i .. ii...i.i
k'tfllllllilf Uliu n u ilium j imiiik
ijtidie, It looks as If it were
'.air rlerk has calletl In some
litmhli iii the work propurn
:Jin: Iho olllco. County court
Sidjiurneu, leaves u great deal
clew up in so short u time.
tktJ. II. Italoy has for the
ihvs ken visiting Camas
liillnroluMv return tc-dav.
tellrinct wild a cordial recejc
l! little but determined strong-socmcv.
Loilio at a rare hat-gain.
tWiMurttim rif tint iiwiinr. 'n
e!e an elegant residence projt
be cottage with two lots, Iwst
p tan, price IL'OOO. Apply to
NiMon, ramieton,
hW Kiht Oiirdiivt is- in
'. Only one dollar and I wen-
ami uyiornunui govern-
J. ifliT tlin I'lPxIiliMitlnl nine.
v no wH!r in Oregon so
111 dves all the nuws.
puimin.a vomit; iihotogniihor
JU, IU4KIIIK 11 lliaVUHM 111 HID
lilt inHtmiiioiil. 'I'liln iiuiL'itd
f aw in tho Held, and when
6 conrliiilftl. IViiilli.imi imi.lit
'fl.'My analyzed pictoi hilly.
T Ilthtillrn imvii mwt nt litu
wiits at rcntorvillo Monday
ur'o auiiieiu'e. ino rro-
w nave a deeorved ruputa
M throughout our county
iHwuuaii proiewor 1 1 liiiiHlc.
Biitet'onnuixIcfMrthe Fouith
Jtlliemcmliersof tlm Man-
-VletV. tit ill nil ,,ll
l1 in' making the iniwlcal
I'fwam u Hitiivrii on that
at the court houso on next
'"inf, at s p. i.
;fcranj f,uiy roturnd from
'Mion..uiiveH and fr onds hi
u,iev,,l,V train. They!
IrlemlH In n.il;,.r ciiv ti...
'inmof Ix.th Mr. aiu'l Mrs. j
K.uUMer l"I'"y will!
thU evening to transact
""1f"is for
l1'1'0"1' !" 1'ictmo
nh arr iv...! i.. 11 i. ... i
iii vfv iiaiid-;
Th Woolen Mill iiikI I'lipurMIII ItmiUH la
(IrowliiK l.lko a (trren Hay Trcn,
Everybody In Pendleton BholiUl look
below at thono who have coino forward
voluntarily and given hard-earned cash
toward Hocurlug a woolen mill and paper
milt in Pendleton. Every propeity
owner aeknowlcdgoB tho ncccsnity ot
thoso mills hero. Mre. X. E. I)oHialn,
and her daughter, MIsh Flora, called at
the olllco to-day and Htutcd that
they would give tho generous huiiih o)
pomto their names liclow, uh individual
Hiihucript Ioiih, and that thu Despaln en
late would xhortlv givu a liberal amount
to tho Rimo iioou caiiHo. Thu total mini
mihscrlbed to dato, Fimiily through tho
Hinaii liimienca oi tnu J'.aht uiuino.NiAN,
is ifl,l)V). When mora Inlluentlal per
hoiim get to work tho goal will bo reaclicd
Willi Utile ullort. Do your Hharo and
othera will do Uieir's. Who will bo tho
noxt? oxtl
L. Ilium Il',',0
Jchrj FallliiL' 150
h.HT OlIIKIONIAN Pub. Co 150
Dr. (teorgo King 50
V. V. Ma hxk 500
fjturglrtifc Wade $o."0
O. S. JuckHoi 25
Frank Duprat 100
K .Sargent 100
Mrs. X. E. l)ospaln...v 200
MIhh Flora Despaln 100
Benjamin Selling 50
Tlin Court Hon lllorlt OrTerrd for Hair
nml mil it lllil In MimIo.
'Shcrlll' llentley, nt public auction, In
front of thu court holme, olluicd tho Court
IIouso block, one lot at a time, for Halo
to-day, according to terms Hinted In ad
vertisementH which have apicared du
ring tho past Bovcral months. Xot a bid
was made for any pint of tho property, ho
the attempt to noil was fulllo in tl'ie ex
treme. It Ih the general impreHBlon that
tho county cannot give u good deed to tho
property, while others tuo impressed with
tho idea that .Moses (ioodman, deceased,
who gavo tho properly to tho county
about sixteen years ago, did it with tho
intention that Iho county would mo it for
all time to come, an county court grounds,
and would never attempt to di
vert it to speculative purKses.
Then again tho values that have been
placed on that iiroiert,v by tho county
cou t nro exceedingly high and far above
tho real value of similar ptopcrtv in the
vleinitv. This Is one of tho main rea
sons why no UhU ' woio received, intend
ing pmehasers believing tho aoesscdi
values lar loo nigii.
Tho properly will again bo olleicd for
sale at 1 o'clock to-morrow, but doubt
less with the same success us re
sulted to-day. Tho most praclicl
plan that appears for the county
court to do Is to extend
Cottonwood stieet through tho block and
soil all that portion n tho East side of
Cottonwood street, which would lioastilp
80 feet wl 'o l,y !I50 'eet long, at auction
to the highest bidder, and In the s.une
manner dispose of College block. From
this sale doubtless as much as 00,000
would ho raised, which would go ipilto a
long way toward building a handsomo
court Iioiihu cdillco on tho present site.
Probably this Idea may 1m impractical, at
least to othors, but the East Okikionian
oilers it in good faith. One thing Is cer
tain thu court-house block can not In)
sold and a court house built on college
block with the consent of tho majority of
tho taxpayers.
Tho l'ourlli or, Inly will lin Ccli-tiriitett In
flrnnil Stylo, nml llrlou-nro tlin People to
Whom tho Croillt Sliotilil lio (ilvrn,
llelow la u complete list of tho liberal
minded citizens who havo mibscribcd, In
small sums and largo, to insure a grand
celebration of our nation's birthday in
Pendleton. When a person shows an
nnselllsh disposition when a person
shows a willingness, a desire, to put his
shoulder to the wheel and help along tho
vehicle of progress and enterprise; when
n person opens his heart-strings and
jiurse-strlngH to attain a praiseworthy ob
ject that will result in benellt to his town
or his country, or to himself and neigh
bors tho East Oiiiuionian feels llko
thanking that person fervidly and openly.
.So lot every man "on the list" accept our
sinceio thanks for what they are worth,
and cut oil' as largo a chunk' of same as
will correspond with the amount ho sub
scribed. And let him know that tho
prulso of tho public generally is also ox
tended to him. Ills next-door neighbor,
pet haps, never mibscribcd a cent to tho
undertaking, and w ill prollt just as much
as himself in the benellt that will result
to tho community. This Is true but tho
liberal citizen can cousolo himself with
tho thought that In the march of progress
ho Is a rank ahead of his neighbor; that
In tho book of unselfish enterprise his
nnnio is enrolled far above his neigbor's;
and that as a patriotic citizen of tho great
United States, willing to sacrillce ler
sonal interests to gloriously eclebrato the
time when it entered the world of nations
as a more infant in swaddling clothes, and
now is a giant in proportions ho occu
pies a prominent scat in the amphitheater
of patriotism, and can look below and
sco his Hellish neighbor scrambling In tho
ranks of tho multitude who never give,
and who light for thu txmcllts they unde
servedly receive. So let every man on
thu following list congratulate himself, for
ho has a right to do so, and let him re
memlcr, as was said U'foie, that ho Is
simply casting bread upon the waters.
A good many of tho names have liecn ob
tained since the other list was published,
hence the whole Is printed again to make
it complete. A few who have subferlbed.
and huvu not as yet paid, will please do
so at Ixjezer it Kuobler's :
P A Hammer $20 00
E.I Sllsbee 15 00
East Oiiikionian Publishing Co 10 IK)
lavu Horn 10 00
I. Dusonhery iV Co 10 00
II F.lohnson A Co 10 00
W U Kuglo
D M Council
E 8 Ilorton
W A Miller ;
V E Post
K Weisor
M A Pat ton
( 1 LuDow
1 D SKar & Ct
U S Stoker
Houser,fc Peck
X M Perkins ,
V C Alloway
John Me IS a try.
I A M Isaac ". ;
; Hicr it Sperry
EA Walker.
! It 11 lleatlo
I Geo Ilartmati
.Chas Carter
I Halloy & ISalloray
iv I'uscai
John llentloy
Lehman Ilium
Hen Selling
It J Slater
Adolph Sanders
J It Phillips
P A Carrier
Geo W Sweeting
Gum livers
II A 1'iixon
Win Jones
Too Parkcs
Joo Busier
J II Otto
J no Lamblrth
P G Gibblns
1) F Barrett
G 11 Tatdiir.
Mow I.img.
Conrad Klam
G C Greene
J II Uohblns
C W Glbbs
E U Barker
Geo Itosenberg
V Tlllard
W I) Dolson
Charley Chinaman
Sing Gee
Wong Lung
Hop Sing
Ah Quotig
Snide Drummer
Trump Tliri'iitvli to Hunt u('liliiro Wiinli
Iiimi In I'l'iiillnton,
Win. Klo, proprietor of a Chinoso luutt
dry on Main street, lately exierleuced
one of thoso unpleasant Incidents to which
Chinamen aro toooftou subject. Iatulut
night, eight mon, probably tramps, con
regaled in a threatening way In front of
ins laundry, no very naturally hiciiihni
out to see what was wanted, hut didn't
- y ewry ralrnud lino in
' "t'tluios iind their way
fl'muxil Tosco such
l IM.. .. , '.
, a 'S C"!iiploxioned
Wn years, loft .i..,!t,un....ni
Uebnurv l.wt without
Wn.U yluw ho wan go
uu of ,,u whereabouts
,'e or Mrs. J. xurt.rosH,
t4ut.K . 1 u away ino
! vunnent co,niK.titorH.
Cffi'or''o I'-mlev Jail
the InterestHof hU
wSi? n-jOOIncash to
,t.of Mr. Wheeler will
Lrk State to take
fibz ilT' Wheeler, to
meet with as cordial a reception as could
Ira desired. Ho was brutally pushed and
jostled around, was struck twice on tho
cheek, and a dish hold In his hand " as
broken. Of course ho retired into tho
laundry, and blow a polho whistle, hut
no officer came. At this thicatcnliig
sound live of tho men departed in haste,
but three remained .'or an hour or more.
These tho celestial bravely went out and
faced, and was told by ono of them that
If ho wasn't careful his laundry would bo
binned over his head, and himself roasted
alive. Thoy finally loft. Having heard
ii d hark in his hack yard, uliout 1 a.
m,, Iho frightened Mongolian got unto
Invontlgato, and found a coal-oil can half
full of oil in the debris accumulated there.
If thU statement of thu Chinaman can ho
lwlioved, it shows that the dim threat
was not without lis meaning. Ho says
ho knows the man who made thu threat
and that If he sees him will idioot him on
sight an admlrablo resolution. Tho
wlmlo thing resolves itself into two con
siderations ; It Ih cither the vagary of an
oxcited Chinaman's imagination, or else
it is true. If tho latter is tho ca?o as
wo aro inclined to holievo, for thu China
man Is above tho uvorago in intelligence
jhtoplo should ho on thoir guard against
Ihoo dangerous characters, who would
destroy thousands of dollars' worth of
linijKjrlv to gratify thoir hatred against
tho Chinese.
How tlio C'lilnc 1.1 vr.
Pendleton can boast of u regular Chi
nese citv on u very diminutive scalo. It
Is on Al'ta street, and if largo iiuartors in
cities aro of tho same character, a walk
along their streets would Ira iositlvoly un
bearable. If all tho stonch. tho Hijual ir,
tho lllthlness, tho utter depravity, that
can ho seen within tho small spaco of
half a block in Pendleton were magnllled
an hundredfold, as it mut bo in San Fran
cisco, it is a mysterv Ilia- a white nun
with nostrils could live within a mile of
its locality. Walk down "Chinee alloy"
in town and von will be assailed by a
strong Hindi that will almost lift you
from vour feet and cary youaway ; look in,
and vou will bo ga'eted by a sight of filthy
sijua'lor to which a hog-en would bo a
paradiso In cotnarisoii; and tho w hole at
mosphero la impregnated with a sickening
odor that needs but a word to describe it
opium. How K!Oplo can send tho
clothing thoy wear on their backs through
tho inner and hidden mysteries of such a
locality, and oxct it to come out
clean, in a puzzle that only tho goda can
John G,
Fir.'i National Bank
Pat Kino
L Kuvkcudall
Laundry it Demott
Frank Arnold
Fred Kemper
Geo D.irveau
Fred Gerk-r
Max Bacr
John Ernst
Lee.er, Kuohler it Co
Kothchild it Bean
1.00 Morehouse it Co
Wm Itoesch
Joo Ell
Wafllo it Son
L W While
Hansford it Co
Campbell it Wilson
J Wnu'cnhhiHt
G I) Itlchardsou
Alexander it Frazer.
Pendleton National Bank
J Studenliordt
J B Kconcy it Co
G Gutiibert
Frank M Colin it Co
J P Medornacht
T C Taylor it Co
Wm Itoesch
I.00 Moorhouso it Co
Wheeler, Greeno it Co
1' .1 Donaldson...
l alck it Cohen
J A Brigirs
Mrs Bradloy
Peto Parmeutlor
Gits LnFontuluu
O W Willeko
A Hansen
Geo Darveau
J 11 Haley
Henry Kopetka
G Gumhcrt
It Perrin
J M Watson
T F Itourko
Hall it Ilurnslde....
.Ino Stanllehl
Johnson it DIack
John Steliort
W C Tllton
U G Thompson
Frank Duprat
I) Kemlcr
J Diamond
J II Shoemaker
Forliertit Wheeler ,
TC Ward
Geo King.
Mrs Mausell
Burioughs it Kinney..,
W S Dyers
M E Folsom
S L Morse ,
K Bond
II LCarl
Despaln it Howard
A W Schultz
Estes iV Guilds
W D Fletcher
Hourv Bowman
W C Tllton
Hanson A King
Zoo llou-er.
Geo M Hayes
.las Crawford
Jesso Failing
J II Eddy
(ieo J Jhrig.......
Eaglo Hotel
Marston it Sharon
W M Beaglo
P DoKoo
.Mrs Worcentor
It Sargent
W F Matlock
Guvont Fitzgerald.
W E Crows
Minis Bros -
Frank Zeigler
W S Wells
Sid Savior
Jack Hobinson ..-
Chas Frazicr
J A Ward
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 50
7 50
7 50
7 50
7 50
7 OH
(( 50
11 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
6 00
4 00
3 00
.'t (hi
2 00'
2 00
2 00,
2 001
2 00 1
2 001
2 00!
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 50
1 50
1 50
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Total.'. 58l 25
Hotel ArrltuU.
Vii.i.aiii Ilui'si: II Slahl, Geo M
Xelglo, Walla Walla j Dan W Katun, It
C Callapan, J lowcniMrt, .Mrs Rowland,
Portland: Arthur Clements, St Iails.
Mlssouii; S W Babcock, Walla Walla:
Hoggins, E II Johnson, .Mrs Willlatnsaiid
children. J T Jones, Walla Walla; L
Block, Ike Hvman, Br Palilalia and wife,
Mrs Boulaii, San Francisco; Ed Friend,
C S Schooman, Chicago; I E Sallng, II II
Nelson, Weston; S Harris, Colorado; H
Faenler, Bolso City; J Hammer, Chlcauo;
Tlios J Tweedy, Nyo; J G Wright, City;
.i A vavaiiagn, i i Hammer, naytou;
James Carden, City ;T G Early, Tacoma;
F Vincent, Atwood; E E Orton, Eugene;
N F Gordon, Harry, 111; T Branlcn, Fort
IIowman I Ioihi:. Harvey S Chilton,
Harrison vlllo, .Mo; E O Henry, San
Francisco; A C Pickett, Portland: J K
Hallowell, Liuhton, Kan; A S March,
Iloppnor; B Watkiiis; James Hubbard;
John Walker, Jiiu; Dav Oliver; John
Burt, Logan: 11 I) Melloiigal; Dr J
Schalnwaid, Frank M Pastron, lloiso
CityjThos Conwell. Walla Walla: Anil
Pernoy, Luclen Gachet. Now York; A S
Thompson; X L Actio, Cenlorvlllu; A
uovicr; ueorgo J'oogo; n u toaKiim.
II W Brandsteller. J A Morton. Nolin: E
O Honry, Cove, Or; Mrs Clough, W X
WINon, Img Creek; Glvau, I'matllla.
Got.imx Bum:. Sam Carpenter, F Ba
ker, Adams; Frank Spikes and wf, Echo;
Clark Walters, Weston; X S Cesloy,
Frank Kannav, G W illllln, N S Serlhn.
T M Miller, Jell' Samson. Kansas City; E
Campbell, S Hartley, Vinson; Costello
Bros, Country; W O'Connor, W W Gra
ham, Cheyenne: J F Temple, Itundi; .1
W Salisbury, Pilot Itoek; John Parker,
Juniper; A J Sample, City,
Tlmt Terrlliln Cyi'lniie,
County Commissioner John Luhrs and
Architect G. W. llaboock wore dhciissing
tho late cyclone in this comity and also
other cyclones in othorcoiintiion. A few
"whopjK'rs" were told, whim Bultoook
wild that a cyclone pasK'd through
K..nsas City, taking .i sih-IIoii out of tho
Iron bridge ucruM. th i lvi-r as clean us a
'2 50 , place of pa er r.inhl im cut with a pair of
2 "A I shear, it al picked uj a large sluuin
2 50 1 lsi.it which was ling lietwuon Kansas
250 i City and SI. l.ouU, and curried it I hi on
2 50 1 iiiIIuh i a tfiauger'H wheatfluld. .Mr.
2 50 i iUbcock Is a splendid aiclillm t, hut nov
2 50 1 o, iieloi it is very plain that he has mis
2 50 ' tiiken his calling.
V-'.! What Will I iio lliirin.it Ho?
J!v"' V. W. Hojier hroiight In samplerf of
2 .VI 'g'ain this morning from his lunch alsmt
JSO.twelvo inllos noithwest of rondleion.
2 .10 , l h wlioat hoks excellent which buforo
2 i)0 i the late rains would not have mado hay.
2 50 Heforo the rains came a great deal of
w neat Had Deen oaten on ny runiiuit ami
at the tiino it was ihought to bo greatly
damaged. Instead of it being an injury,
it has proven to lie ablessiug.aH the iium
Iwrof stulkHliave increased greatly and
the crop will lx much largor In conso
tjuenco of the attack by the rabbits and
npiinels. Some farmers cstimuto the in
crease duo to the rabbits and smiirrels at
fully ono hundred per cent. Mr. ltojmr
says his crop will bo fully double what It
would liavo uecn na not wnai nu
thought were jsts eaten off a great
deal of it. From all jiarts of tho county,
ami adjoining counties como cheering
rc(K)rtH of tho crops.
An Old-fashioned Barbecue, Foot
Races, Sack Races, Bicycle
Races, Climbing Greased
Pole, Catching
Will be soincj of tho pleasantries to be indulged in on that day.
Will bo orected on the grounds for Dancing purposes, and tho
Which is under engagement, will furnish tho best of music.
2 50
2 50
2 00
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 60
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 60
2 60
2 60
2 60
2 60
2 60 1
2 50
2 60
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
And tho
Howling Horribles
Will bo features of the Celebration.
9 J
Lend us Your Assistance
Follow Citizens, and wo will enjoy together tho finest Celebra
tion on record.
In splto of continued failure, base hall !
entliusiuHtri do not seem 10 uecoiuo uis
couraged. A trojositioii has now been
made to the Iluntiiigtou club (o play huro
on tho Fourth; it Is not learned witli
what result.
Tlio Handel-Haydn musical society
held their regular meeting yesterday
evening. Somo now and very beautiful
rlinniscs were practiced, tlio InexiHsri-
2 0oenced beginners Hinging admirably, and
00 showing tlio euects ot good irainuig.
Is invited to cometo bring thoir sisters, cousins and aunts,
thoir inothor-in-laws, thoir wiv&i and all of tho children.' No
ono is too small, too largo, too dignified, or too modest to como.
Let all como and participate. It's to bo a day of sociability
and patriotism.
Hip ! Hip ! Hurrah !
fltSeo future advertising matter for further particular823f