HATUKDAY, ,1V UK 10, 1888. 1MII.Y AND HKMI'WKKKIjY, IIVTIIK On gonlaii I'lih'tMilnff C'oiniatiy, rKNDM.TON UltKUON. IIAII.Y HUIIHCIII1TIOX JIATKMS Tub "editor pro tcm."bc?H leave to nay I to tlio Milton Kuglo that ha ilocs not know that Sue. 1!5I0 of tlio lawn of Oiegon wero I violated In Tundlcton on election tiny j unit' It wuh Innocently dono hy a geii' tletimn who wuh running for Justleo of tlio xmco, wlio printed lit mttno on a ; nntnlKir of tickets with it mliticr Htiuiip. i If Ihlri in a crime tlil.s Kuntlctimu will Imvu to miller, an tlio KukIo n cars veil goaiicc. , Tun Oresonlan contlnncH to agree that Cluvelund Ih not fit to bo President, and IiiIkiIh Iiim a "furu-niljirter of Demm-rntti! (Kth the O.cKonlim'H favorite hiTkIc 'iiut!r7 '.:.!!""'!':;:;;;;::::::;::;:; i-! I iu,,iitI" ,inl 0,10 hicn everybody iiim, . . J.'!r!l".'i.' bucuneo It 1h so new and fruHli. We liavo v.' Mil ni i"i iiniiii I)IiIiii Ailirrtttnnrnti.) Ono tnrli, or Imc, In Heml-Wcekly jcr mniuii. ........ ( (Inn Incli.iir lr, In Dully jut month I fr TWO IlK'llCK, lir ll!M, III Imtll, I T tlllllltll... ') ft) UVIT lliri'ollli'licn.H lrl.Wl i'((ly. Iierlnch porinuiitli I V.j fM1, 11.,,. llm... II.-,,., 1. ,.. ,. 11 .. ..... I. ...I. ...... I i"" 'u 1 ' ll...l'l, l'HI "' III" I"' 1111111II1 I Vi Ovrr llm u Inclii'H, In both, imt Iiil'Ii iwr monll ,. .', .,.',, I 7 HKHt-Wr.r.Kl.Y NUIMCIIIITIOK IIATKMt Ono frtpy oer year... 12 ft) Onncopy .x moir.!'" .,,1 1 2j Hlnglu ntmilieni OJ Premium piipcr free to yearly nifnc Ibcr.' Hollil nmipnrrll ndverlliiriiietit In Heml Weekly or Dally, llrat llincrtlgti, per Inch, 1.00; cacli milneiucnl lncrtlnu, Wo. 1ionl notice, ten cent per lino fali In-mllun. nil the candidates yet named, In would Ira the wildcat to bent ; In fact, hi own record would beat him with no cflbrt whatever on' tlio part of tlio DemoerUtH. Gen. .Sheridan ftlll continues vcrv 111, tiiough lila pliyxlcluns think IiIh condition uiuiigii ilia in vfnri Hliuhlly improved. to i't)Nisni:n nm on it hinh. Morrow county lniH been vlHlted by ii cyclone, reported tunonjr the tuli'Kraplilc dlHpatcheM in thin paier to-day, by which Hoverul iKioplu loHt their liven and much proiierly wuh doHtroyed. Thin Ih the (!rnt dlHUKtroim wind that ever vlwlted Kindum Oregon. Wohavoull along thought o were eyclono proof. A clond-bnrnt now and then wo havu enjoyed, hut the prob ability of occuhIoiiiiI InItH from eycloncH inakeH iih 'Vhaku hi our ImwIh." The Morrow county cyclone) p.iMned through tli (h eoiinty in the vicinity of Helix, though it had xpeut ItH greater force, and went on to Walla Walla, whero It did coiiNldorablu dainagu to properly, iih re ported In our diHpatchcH yeHterday. Tlio r.ephyr camo from tliti went and seemed to bo bound for ItH beloved home in Da kota ut the rate of '-'(HM iiiIIch a inluiite. Wu cannot Imagino how the thing Ht rayed out here, iiiiIchh it wan iullueuced to coinu by the Hpreadlug of ho much "wind" in tlio Kant in the h1iiihi of liter uturu to boom Oiegou for the k'ticflt of the real cntate HeculalorH. We uro often ptu.led to know which Hpn'adn the rnont wind and cauncH the greatest dlHimtcr: a real-eHlatu Hioculator of thu modem noil or u red-eyed Dakota cyclone. It luting gcMcd that probably the vlnlt of the eyclono Ih due to the great Itopubltcan victory In Oregon. HvIIh mo known to follow one another In pilck huccchhIoii, anil mlHfortuneH never come xlngly. I'tmiTV or i in: ii.vi.i.or. There Ih evideuco on every hand that nn Klectoral Iteform law, baxed on the AiiHtrallau tni'tlind, Ih ubHolutely nccex wiry. The HaHkelbMctilnn tow in Cort land furnlMhcH the latent proof for ItH adoption. Thin law will bring about eipiallty iiud fnlriioHi in elcctiouH, and tie Htroy much corruption that fcoiiih to ho ver around the ballot box on election day. It would end the oxMonco of the low liorn 'Vtiiker," lltli'al Ikihh and ticket Iodillcr. It would alxn ivtalillnh a higher Intelligence among , voters, and bring itlxmt purity of elections. It would do more for an honest vole and a fair count than any other lulluenco. An Klectoral Iteform bill will ho I hi fore the next Ore gon l.egilatmo. Let the ivople give It their assistance and It will become a law. The purity of the ballot is absolutely no (luxury; the safety of American Inslltu tlons loKOld upon jt. Tin: Cleveland Plain IMaler (IVm.) thliiLs that of all the Itepubllcau eiudl dates now in the Hold (iiesham has tlie U'mI chance. Also that It would Iv funny if, after all their howling for hli$h plot n tlon, the lteublicaus should run a lev-euue-reformer and low -turltl" man for President. The attention u( a few Oregon editors Ih called to this paragraph us they have not yet learned that (ireshaui isuieveuue reformer and lou-turlll man, us much so tin President Clevelaiul. llrother Uddy's optica are iuvlt'jd to give one glance ut this evideuco of (ircsham's free tnule views. Tin: Hell Telephone Couiany have Wen eompelhil to reduce their rates in St. 1,ouIh ouedialf by the p-n-sago of an orillnaiice in that city. They will attempt to show by an action at law that the city has not this right to protect Its eltiiens from extortion, which is nothing more nor less than uorimrato robKry, Kvery city bus the right to so protect itscitUeus, and Ht. Louis bets iv glorious example. No one man, or bet of men. has a tight to nib his, or their, fellow men, th-ough the as sistance and posMissiou of a mouoKly, Tin: K.tsr Oitiaiosi.w did net mean to put the Milton Kuglo In a precarious con dition when it stated that ltaley wuh elected Instead of Mattoon, as claiimsl by the KaglOi No uukiuiluesH was meant. A feeble Kuglo should not scream so lustily over trillcs, It might break a bkxvl vefM'l, which would prove fatal. , not Keen it in print before not morothan one or two thousand times. Tho Oiego- nluu should get out a copyright. ItH love of tills expresHion demands it. i Haskell abused- Politician Mc(iliui fiom the platform in Portland. .McGinn met him on tlio street and punched his uosu. The truth wuh too near told, ami McGinn got mad. Hrulu forco Ih nil approprtatu method toi politicians, but it does not prove tho man who uses it to lie in the right. Mu (Jinn was rash ; Haskell sensational. Tub Milton Kaglo pu.vh Jackson Ih on tho war path. Jackson Is not on tho war path, and has not been nlnco lib Hlapjicd a mop peddler, who Insulted hlm, find had to pay to u justice mora than $21 for the plcusiuu. It docs not pay to tread paths of war. Jackson prefers paths of jieacu and wishes that tho Milton Kuglo editor may see lit to Journey along tho sumo highways. It is going to bo u light lietwecn tho bloody slilit unit tho red bandana, with tho chanccH much in favor of tho latter. Tliu Clyde Print workn at Providence, Uhodo Island, lu.Vo orderH for 1,00(),000 bandanas already. This shows that tlio "Old (toman's" followers are many. Tin:"Hel Bandana" Is to bo tho I)e- mocracy'H "orlllainmo of war." - u'aniii.noton i.irrri:u. C'lirrlntiit iiml Tliiirinmi flin llnilice of llm (!niiiiiilmiA Notvl Illll-Oiirliiiiil htck, I'lc.i nlc. Wasiiiniiton, Juno 8, lH.'W. Cleveland and Thurmau aru euphoni ous, and Isjsldcs, (hero is an air of we're-iHiuud-to-wiu about these ijood old Dein (sTiitic names that cannot fall to have its cllcct on the campaign, ft is a union of the old mid new iomocrucy, Judge Thurmau was one of the lenders of the Democratic party while tho "man of destiny" (Irover Cleveland was yet u school Imiv. The ticket combine tho strength of vigorous iiiuiiIkmhI and the wisdom ami experience oi more tlian three-score and ten years. The red ban dana, which for so many vears was found in tho front ranks of tho Democratic Sen ators, w ill now take Its place us ono of the emblems of gissl government and ruvenuo reiorin hi tno naiiio inis year, wuicn ih io decide the fate of Isith. KverylsMly liore, except the disconsolate ltepubllcaus, is eninusiasiie over uio greai worn oi me St. liuls convention. It was u piece of work that tho IVmocmtiu party of tho entire country is proud of; fn every movement of that unuid Isxly of men coulldenco uud victory were plainly vis ible. .Now let the irood work riuhton . let the enthiislusm oriu'inuted by the Nu- lloiud Convention continue to extend and spiead out until the whole country is enveloped hi n blaxo of enthusiasm that will result In u clean sweep of the legis lative us well as the executive brunch of thu government 'lho ticket and plat fm in are nil that cnu Isuisked for, now let the voters do their part, uud next Novcmlior we shall sing jhuius of victory. The red b.iinlanu has become thu Dem ocratic badge of lho campaign. They cnu Ik seen every wheio. Ited in Just now the prevailing colur around the capitol. 'lho Democratic memlKrs all curry red baudam h, uud nil the mcmhcisof tne IIouko wear led roses in their buitonholes. The led ro,es uro from the country resilience of llepresen tutive Lee, of Virginia, who lives near this cltv. He biiugs a Pig basket of them in with him every day, uud soiuN them around to the other iiiemU'rs on the tloor of the Hoiie by a page. Mr, Cleveland was furnished with the full associated press reports of the St. Louis convention. They weie sent direct to thu White House over the Western I'nlon wire. .Mr, Hlauchanl. of Ixnilslaua. has intro duced a bill in the House, which provides that all Hues and Kuulties tuiosed and collected for violations of the provisions of the interstate commerce law, shall v given to the party making the complaint. Mr. Outes, of Alab umu, thinks the time has come to place some restriction upon Immigration. Ho has introduced in the llonMabill imposing n tax of on ivuli immigrant. Attorney (icncrnl Oarlaud has hud ipilte a seveie attack of rheumatism, lie Is now much Wtter. The tarill' bill has Kvn under wnsider at Ion in the House for the greater part of this week, but the progress made has not Won great. The Republicans mv de termined to delay this bill in every man ner possible in the wo of therebv'ovent ually defeating it. I heir latet scheme is to foieo the House to uconslderutlou of tluurrouru).v of vnsiens bill, which Ifi pased would very quickly whv out tho j treasury surplus. If the llepubllcans I suciwl In got ling this iensuns bill U'foru i the House, it is understood that mil amendment will W otlctvd hereto lv thu 1 IKMiiiKTats, providing' for a tax on all in comes above fo.000, to niisu the inenev which the tiill appropriates. Tho uncertainty among Ucpublicans us to who their I'residential enndidato is to U. Is lust us gnut now us It was tho dav that ltlaine dropinnl out for good. Sher man's friends now claim that his nomina tion is almost assured. Demoi-mts hopo that Sheriuan may U nonituated, for of Tlio Seunto has nasscd bills IncrcaBintr tlio imnsions of tho widows of Mujor Gen eral Thomas Klrby .Smith to "o j of Mil jor General Hclnr.elman tot 100 j and of Jlrlg. Gen. Schlmel-fennlng to $o0 a month. A bill wuh also passed "giving u tension of $0 u month to tho widow of Commodore Trtixton. TJCOES Qll TERRIBLE SUFFERINGS. I'erlinp no mnn ever wit nessed mure physical nuffcr lug tlinn H. H. MEIGQS, the Great Railroad Contractor at S. America, whoso autograph Is her (iliown and who writes: "9t..Tacoh Oil Iim nccmn pllllH tl wonderi. Itlinimy potltlrtf luitoricnient." As nn example During 1870 nnd 1871 tteo thouMnd Americans died from mala ria ntiil rheumatic feven out tituur l!iouiandn Peru, ttinc!fd thither hy largo wnyes paid hy Mclgg, who had contracts amount lngtnJi:iO,(H)0,(KK). In this field there after St. Jacobs Oil did its good work Sold by rmig-ii'l unit tttalTi Vifrywhtre. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO. lUImtOHK, itD. mmm The attention of the trade is invited to our NAVY BLUE, HOME RUN, CORONA IMPERIAL, AND LEADER CIGARS. Best sellers in the market. At retail everywhere. Wholesale only by Mason, Ehrman & CO., Portland, Orogon. AT COST. Hlioo Fly, nt lili "lorn In Wnlln Wnlla, lm on , linml a lnrne nmomil omu ini I'l.cwoiks, whldi tin will sell jjLt; First Cost. i ' i All nrden received Hihprlty n'rtl1 '"'''p"lc I Kxprens will Us pminiitly Httemled to. ! SHOO FLY. I Walla WoMn Ul3iHT llV W.T. N. W. HIESTAND, Echo, Orogon. DKALKH IN Watson & Luhrs. Proprietors of tho Stonm-planlng Mill, Sash and Door Factory and Lumbttr. KIlllNlTtlltK Knpt III utock nnd nmde hi oriior. UKOAIl HIIINOl.KH FOIl BALK I'lrnt-rlux workmen cmploynd and work Inno fm onlereil. WATHON A MIIIHH. tnwvif rendlotnn,OrPKOii. PARTIES ! llm i'j cirnli uhlpprt from i:itei.i rltlo v lit l'tirlliiiid, run liuvo frcliilit pnld, loHeii nnd ovcrchiuRi-i ndjinited, and rorwiinllnic iitloiuli'd lo r)inp.ly, ill niCri, by ad- drranlnir OLIPHANT & CUTTING. 1'OltTI.ANI), OHKOO.V. OKOCKittKS A MI ECtAt.TY lliiylnir uud 8ellliiK ilonn nu r mmlimliin W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELRR, lliink liiilldlni(,C'oiirt t.tri'i t,IVinlli'toii Ori'iton, I'lillKH, Oi viiiia, and nil kltida ut mil- I mi I Inatrii iiii'IiUhiiIiIoii Ihclll'tiill- iiipiH ptiri. MiikIpiiI tcr- cliiindl'f kept In KTiTI,- NEW GOODS An IminpiikOKook Jut received, which wo nro now ollurlni; nt prlren Unit niton Uh the olilet liiliftbltunt. DRESSG00DS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIKItY, I,AI)1F.8 AND MISSKS- UNHKItWKAU.HIIOKS, NUi't'F.us, oiiOVKs. it i n no n h. LACKS. I' Ml is NO VKIiTIKS. Men's. Youths, Boys' and Child, leis Ciotliing. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Roller Mills Flour. SI OltAGlUind FOlt WAllliiXO THOROUGHBRED Ijebsey cows I I hnvc nt Kcciipj's Htublo a few hend of IMPORTED AND New York Bred Jersey Cows which 1 will sell at renwiiiulili) price for u few ilayt. Jlll3 ilnw lw Gome Quick, If you want to buy. E. B. HILL. WOOD, WOOD! iJpfnii- iiiiI'.Iiik yimrc ii in I for next win ter' Mipply of wtott,riitiult Chnrlc Fnulcr the wood doctor, and obtain tho lowct jirlcea for tlio beat mountain wood. LARGE QUANTITY ON HAND. Gharloo F-azIe, Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. For dpulgn and prlera coimlilt Jpc Fall Init, Main utroet. IViicllitDii. ljitlmnten Klvvn on atone work fur lk no Pianos, Organs! i J ii 1 1 in daw I IV CHRIS RANLEY r it-:- Boot & Shoe Maker First Mm -Sold by- MIMS BROS l GO. Aro Fully Warranted. And aa tlilo llnnV irimrantep la worth Uocviitaoii tho dollar, they will handle only First-Class Goods I'.lMK ANO FVVMINK OUH r ,i Wo havoronibtottny. Wo havu iidnnted for nur ni'itlo, "Itoiii'sl (ii'iiiuib nun lairpricea. Wo buy trletly furraah. Wo uliall give purcliiufra tho Uciiptlt. Wo can soil you on Organ or Plnnoon monthly installments. Tho laallnind Medal ylven tiy any aoelely .. .... iiiui-ii uiv iviiiiuiui jrviiil. Tho lanicat atiK-U of thoao luatly relplinitod unranaoveroii exhibition In Kat. ern OreBim Ht our ware-rooiua. ims Bros. & Co. HOWELL & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS UPHOLSTEHERS. AM, KIND- OF FUlts I I tMtF. tlKJ'AlHlNO DONK AT THK LOWKsT ItATKS. Call and pxamlue prleea, ljirse.it ktoek of furulturo lu liutura Oregon. Howell & Co., JTJtnEU. KEMPER, IVoprlotor of ih. Five. Cent CPr j.Mll Main Ht., oppolte po.tom, rpiKiieion neer on driiunln u.. "" ann cmarii.or the iw .TOTIOR TO rinNTIMm.n.,?- 1 HUILDEttH. ASb Senleit hlda trill hr..,i.. i . ........ t x,i iMHKIhrr .7 1 111 1 iff 1 VI II if nut-lulu nil '"'"'I nw n. Ntrih Fork of iho John hfl? iiiuiiLii in 1 f ivMi 1 1 til 1 riti n.. i cr.tr up ranti tnny Dp bid on BetSnipu"" it in v ii'MnntT, iiif WOrK fO !. in ' Im Ttl wrk tii ilT fill lllWN! W U0fiL I;!. Tho yMcnln or the ttrtu 1 1 1 nitliVAii- Irt ".V'vij , t,i .( ' in K1M . HllllT. l ii ml.. l. The filling of a ravine npnr n... 4tli. Tho rpinoval of tlio rucki W...H.11 urcru and : Speclllc plans can tin aeon m ih.,.. KerrPlary Pendleton it.;.,1"!, Tr lilinn nfllni.. ni l.i .""'I im j iwi Den At Wholesale Prices. mi 1 .... uascads ill: Ut l nn; Depot. Twenty head of MIXED JERSEY COW!, Very gcntlo, nnd F RST" CLASS m LKE l'rleo for tho lot SB7OO.00. For p.irttcnlurHj uildroHS JADE SWIT2LER, Ilinutillii. Onvi -OF PKNKLF.TON- LkVI AMKKHT, I'realdf UU NftM P. HtnrKla. CMkiT. Tranaaot a general banklnc lao ii "EXCT-TANG On nil pari. if II. -world Coltrrtlona Made at all l'lt ItraMonabln f rrm. Villard Hoe ii-l lkii rlu GENTS' FURNISHIHG GOODS, I" nmv 11' iy FOR BUSINESS! ; I'Kxni.r.Tov JiiW lwdw M.iln, nt'iir.Mtn btreet, OIIKliO.V. John McGarry, I'tiiii r 111 GROCERIES -N1 Mnckpude.t I'avannvh ItulldniL', 'on, or. L'on IVndle PROVISION'S AlexanderfcFrazerED. gbrbbr Pniprletor of (he French Restaurant FIM-cliu sool only in s'ook. ' uijiikiii III1HI.I)(, Pro. MAIN STllKKT JTolTn Sietoert, l.KAl)INU MERCHANT TAILOR, lVndleton,Orvi;on, Main St., near Wehb. a vrxt: stock or goods Jutt twelve!. Satisfaction Cuarantoed ! I In every partuul r. ON Main .street, Vemlleton, Or., op. ptn.te Ciurt Jlittse. A flnl-cUu reitaurant: all the delleaelet Snil night"0"' at "V h0Uf' U,h 11 pi t-ltn BUYS and SELTS REAL ESTATE. Cor. Main and Webb SrreeU, 1-ENlH.CTON . . . . 0Kf!os Henry Koplttkedc Co., DEALER IN HAY, GJiAlX, HOOD AXD ( OAL. DAVE 1IOK.M, i'roprltur. PENDLETON, OEEOON. 'tut .m t r r xr T AA Id km in r ta a w . 11 1 iP.IM I (1 U ill 1 I it II IH Rc-openc-d, Ro-furnished Equipped in First C'uss St vie. aaUHFlll oHnrn nuuraa run wp"- MEN. Fteo Coach to nnd font Train TTTQrn rfc'DTP.NW V t UL. VJk THE Eagle Hotel, ... .,, . .. .1 ....nl III 11. of Webh and (Jardeii rit. Ti r -r m t m "DON D BALK It IK BEEF, PORK) MUTTUn, SACE. DRIED MEATS, Court Hlreel. onixwlte J. ll.oov- mehlOdsw l 1 Awntffllt ffll twin1 Urgent audbteiulpp,BU' ' TEE WKH3 HTU.Y ET, - , PENDLETON K. O Pub. On.'. V-n.1l"""-