HATUitlMV, MAY HI, 188S. daily AMt hi:mi-wi:i:ki.v, IIVTIIK Jlml Urciinlnii i'lilillnliltii; Ciiinptttiy, AT piiniiuiton, OltKUON, IlAM.V HUIW III1TION haiih: Out) ropy prrjriir, by mull .SO ) Omirnpy nIx montlm, by mull 4 V Olio ropy piiruiek, by mrrli-r !" .HIiikIm niiinhi'in Irt HKMJ.U'KKKI.V MIIIlM IIIITKlN IIATIA! Olio ropy mt ynir, 5'J ft) Onn ropy lx iiiotitlix , I 'i't Hlliulu liiliiilicrx U"i I'riiiiliiiii p.ipur frrt loyHurlymiONCillx;rn. Anvi:iniMiN(i hatm: (Dlnitu) A'h rrtltrmrnt.) Onn Inch, or ten. In Hrml-Wrrkly nor inonll tX M) On Inch, or Ion, In Pally jut iiioiiIIi I Ml I wn Imi'Iiph, or lrK, In IhiIIi, per inontli... .1 tlvcrtliri'tliii'lii'ii,H('tiil-V('f(ly, pi.Tliii'li per inontli I Ovrr llircii Ini'lii'K. Dally, per Inch per inontli 1 25 uvir mrr n iih.ih , in I Kit 1 1 a per Inch pit llloiitl 1 7,1 rUitlil limmiir,'ll tiilvprlUniiiiiiitM In Uxii.l Wo'lily or Dully, ftrxl ItiM-rllon, pur Inch, l.w, rum lilN.i.'illl'lll limi'moil, HIT., Ixii'iil iiullcoi, ti:n rrnti prr lino each In nr. mil, ii:i'i5A ri so tii i:mmi:i.vkh. HlmrcH, thu h.vmlicatu lioldrf fully .!00,U 0 HliuruH. F.vilnuy Dillun, tlio picfunt pre" Iilunt, ulll otlro, hut u ill bo retained I y tlio hoard of illrcctorH In VIIIiuiI'h inter (Ht, iih will uIho V, iS. Hull. It U uIho nail! thai .Mr. Villntd IniM tii ranged to take euro of tlio iloutitig debt of J.I.OJO, OU'J wlilt'li hint Iuiiik over tlio property an u jierennlal munnco, uml thai liiiaiicliilly till will iimvo Hinootlily. It !h optlmnted that thu Villiint party Iuih ul-to huiti:i:iIim1 In obtaining a ruujotlty of thu ntorlc of thu Oregon Itaihvay ft Navigation Company, uml that at thu election It will past) into thu control of .Mr. Vllhiid. Mu. Kahmhy'h election In unnured. Of thin the clumlurorH may rest nHiirud. It 1h only u (UeHtIrin of bin majority. If they keep up their jiorFcwitlon to the tu rnout of their Inventive ability, It will lie thu largest over t;ivin to u man In thu (llnlrlct. Ah It In, It In HafutoH.iylt will Ik at leant IM or t)W in thu district. And if .Mr. J-caHiito'H two t'ampaifui hIiccIh can mieeeod In circulating their HlauduroUH K!rHocullonn ipiltu thor oughly, It w ill Iw l,0(W. .Mr. Feu Ih a do cunt and agreeable young man, hut lie Ih very unfortunate in having tuiuh "fool frlendrt." paid to drummerH. The farmer Ih encnurugud and urged to liuv. mum neillt. uml wlien tlm money coiih'H due cropH have pvrlmpH failed, and lie litiH to honow of hiiHtcrn rnnitalii-tH. giving a mortgagu on IiIh farm. Tlio farmer him to wort fourteen bourn u day to iiiaLii Uith cipIh meet. In thu WYkI- em Malen the f.irm inortgageH aggregate four IhouHaud inilllun dollara, Ih'MiIii all other imlehtcdiiusivind they aru good lie- piiiHicau Males too. Altogether thu protective tarlll' Hwlmllu ami our 110,000 luwyurH coat thin country inoio than thu entliu urmicH and uavicH of thu wholo of Kuropo combined. J. II. JTJACOBS 01 LUMBAGO LAME BACK. Two or tlucu iiernoiiH in I'uudtolon, who are HUpplylug thu two Iteptihlicau cam palgn HheutH witli their material, an noiiiico that I hey have Homo new nlanderH in preparation. No doubi of It. Thero in nothing too falne or vile, or contempt! hlu, for llu'Hii fellowH to Invent. They hae pioliahly given up the vain uttumpt to defeat thu Deiuoeiatic candl didt'H, and are devoting thuuirulvcH ox cltlrtlvely now to the IIvnt ()iii:iiii.m.n and Km editor, whom they hale witli thu malignity of domouri. Thu huccumh and iiilluencu of thin paper exrlle in Ilium thu (lurccHt JealoiiMy and ragu, and aiiytliing, ovorythlng, that can by any poHKlbllity lenxen that HiiiTuxHor iulliience, they will not heiltate to employ . Hut llioir uiTortH will U) unavailing. Wo know who it in in Pendleton who Ih supplying the Wuxton Hill-out nheet with itH inatoilal. It Ih HUllicleut to nay that It Ih a man whoxo mime, if It were appended to the Httill' of which he Ih thu author, would ho a HUllicleut brand of falsehood uml laudcr, a man who could not llnd film lliull lllll nf tl lilllulrinl nummr litri ucipialntanccH who would lielluvu him under oath, a man who. If he were a can didate for any olllcji in (IiIh county, would Imi beaten a thoiiHaml vol cm by any man tiKin the Democratic ticket. 1 hm irt tliu Hourco of of Itidcuotirtt llakur'n campaign material, It Ih htrangu that thene h!doiih learn nothing, Two yeaiH ago they tiled thu nainu Hort of plan wholcnale falcohiwd and idander and did not elect a man to any iuiottaucu In thu county. It will turn out about the name way again. NO II i:i.l rilKM WAMIIMIIO.N. .Mr. A. IIiihIi, cliaii'iiun of the Demo cratlo State t'enlial Coiuiiiltleo, wiIIimun fullowH to thu Oiegoiiiau : "I'Iimmi give me Hii.n e In nay that the dlnpateluM lepuatodly publUh'etl in the Oiegonlau to Ihu ellecl lli.it the 'aliing tou adminiHtiatioii Ixcaiihing money to U Hint to Oregon to be UMd in our landing tiluction, mo untrue. If 1'ie-idont Cleve land and hi niliiiliiiKtr.it ti'ii aie taking iuteiiiHt in our election, the I 'euiiH-ratU- Htatii committee ha not been uwuleawaie of it. Willi the OM-eplioii of Ki fiom a i , I.. 11 I.. I .1 .!.. I i;iiiiioiiua iiiiki nun coiiinniuHi hum le eel veil no aUtance fiom oubtide the Statu, and very little iuxide. ' The Oiivgoiiliiu imrwUlH in 'Vhiowdly eUDpiHting" that nunuu li being dlftrlli utrd ipilully by coiitldenllal iiKeiitH, with out the knowledge of prominent Porno cratH. Of coil rhe the Oiegonlau Iuih not ii pauu iu oi I'viuciico uiai hiicii ih hum Siicrriiir In lilllil tt illllv wllltlk.kb.ha Hi ll II I " J, 7 ,, MA 11SIIA 1.1, A' SOX., will neciMMiiily follnw Kepuhllcaii ex-1 nmplu. The fuel i that (he IVurnvnille 1 13 T . A PTT WRTTTnTT Q the interest in Oiegen that they hIioiiIiI I am -iiavodono. Tho truth In uwrnl to the i;Tro.l i Hard House KKW TO.OAV. Protection or Tariff Reform. JjMtlil). KIOMl'KIt, rroprlutor of th, FlVt-CViit Iprp . .Main St.,onpoiltn tHllr,ni. I. ' Priiilllen ticor on iJnumlii. lN i.i.i eiKiu-M. of tin- hcHt lirina, Tihi u.i'liflit llAtrc IIOK.V, I'rnprletor. Xortliwciit Corner Main unit Court Hlrevl, i iroaDWAttt) imoH jcttwl.iii.H.fioiyn.iwiSi.... M.i"." ...... j el...atlilc 'h.VNlrla,m Ak MPWf'l A T.Twrtj "f'J 'u,1in. GEN. LIEB'S BOOK, PENDLETON, OREOON. The Protective Tariff.! OI.'letiles Truitmcntol n,mnlc h Wimii.il uml riillilrn. lull J It vill Rc-oiiencd, Ile-furnisltetl Equipped in First Clusd Style. and SAMPLE ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL Tim limit MHvi'xif.il HOW I I WOKKM. 1'i:ni)I,i:to.v, On., .May 18, IHH8. To (lie Ivl Iti i r of lli'i KiihI iJri'Kinilmi. If wu believe our Republican friend u high protective tarlll' will make uh all rich, l-ct uh illin-tratu how It woikn. A farmur having fenced in UU laud. IIiiiIh that u band of hIicuii coiihuiiiuh all thu gruMH around hlin. Ilu goeH to thu lieiiier, uml reipiuHtH him to leave enough I p.iHliuu for thu cow, but thu herder huvh: " I IiIh Ih government laud," and H i he I HtayH. lleniduH hu will lax the farmur the j value ol ten aeie.i oi ill wnea:, on inu I WoolullH hu wearH. I fx nowlocutnl In lvuitlcton, nl the olil xtninl Our inanufactmorH, by teanoii of H'u I J f,'Jr',l,J,"' "fei'ti near iliu i.rlilnf. hL'h taiill'. cannot cuinreto In foiciuu I coiintiioH with Kngland, and thu piolitH hot graphs, Titltvpos, En- umii tnu Homo coiiHUinpllon am no largu nrnnc and Convinc that over-production lumillH. To get il.il "argmg ana uopymg, of thU ii.'i,ll()0 drummeM utu nent out on Oinnot li cxi-i'IIkI nnywlirrp. All work Iliu load, each one ot whom counting V. II." "..."" v,""v rryv.'".":..' .11.... ... I ,1 ... II, 1 "l"'""J. J.'-ll-. ........ ,k... a year, or a total ot JJ.),UUU,iKKJ u year Freo Couch (o tttid from Trains, Photograph Gallery t. c. Tlio in Photographer, WHAT IT DOES FOR US, Ilrmler wlmt I tminlly roiil.li-rnt a nmt nl.true Mil.jt i t cu.v V,f. .V ".! P. wtli " " lo " htvp im a li rllr primi'r ror lie iciirntr in v i " ii-.m '"'": " "'", ., prliiiiH ; K"", inn 1mm c'liifiiiLuiiun icuiuru ui mu uuim i- h.t v.v 'ThW.mn.if Mr. Illnl.. "Twenty Y.ii.h In niw I; ? "ft """''" up.ui tlil.Turlll iiimlyxcd, crltlelwil una mnilc lo funiMi inelrown n-futatinii. INDORSEMENTS: TI.p form n w-rll nn tlm milMtnnee of the book M.iot Vi!,r",'l1';- ",'"U11',!,I,1a;cn li.K luriMiMliiK It forur In the teut work f, SiSSSyS'YAV-lmiSKr IVwiewl. It l mi nl,lo i.n.l lexical exposition of tlio Injii.tlrc nml II,"JJ ?,''!.?, .Vro.Vnriof.fnn ory. The work Is tlmHj-.nml n very valiiiibleiontrll.mlon M' '"''Vi'yvuiyvn'' a in ftimln nilnils ot I notice that tliU iKn.k Is receiving Brent cnmmcn.liitlnn. It 1 ttn i cit '''".'''."'''V mental triilln., unit I vl!i Hint tlio fuels unit nwmicntiity Iks In the 'V'HI,""1' V.?,,,,!,,! every rltlxcn called tii(n thin year to vote upon .the bMi economlciil ui icnI iw rplim unit tnrlir. (IIIN, JOHN V. JIIJRt'K, t;oiiinilloni'r of I'ciiMoiik. Wo tnko pleasure In slvlint this work our hearty liulorscinent, iiihI """JVif iV.i-t lo" cul comiiilttoeH aiid clilhs nsslut III extcliillinr lis clirii utlon iimjinif th", '''f..'iS'i'i1,1 i hl'ATK DKMUt'llATIt' CKNTltAI. COMJItTJ I.I. 01- ILLINOIS. Anil iniiny oIIitb. The SEMI-VF.EKLY EAST OREGONIAN, One Year, AND C.rN. LIEB'S BOOK. Imok llniin.t In Cloth unit Hcnil-Weckly Kut Or. gonlun One Your.. Hook Alone, In Cloth, post paid mt,i.:u"""u Oltlre li'iiirM-Krom KM i )lB. m -p. m.s r ion 1. ir. "f"": Olllce-Itooiu II, Kiist OrcKonlun apiu 'isw Twenty. Ilvo humlroil hen. nt, . I runn H'nol: ca!l r, In Intn.f t,A.r?.'M lioinl. wtKlilng to illjposo of tliu .Irl will make It u i.hjcrt to purch, '?! 1." ' li"rnnibi,1 Hale or tlm Court Hiiimp mi,J i iiiiii-ion (irt-Kon. No'l'-o Ik horoliy clven tlintnm.l thon.lJoiirnincnt..fthonn'iiltrouriSJ tllla county, uiorou, until the ftrfj Juno, 1MH, ill.. hiIh o court It,.",' fM been iiosiponcd ami inljoiirncil Bom J iiuy. im- inn uiiy oi june, 18M, ut t III fnrnllrwill. ' "tWH Hy onlor of the County Court. u. A. IIAUTM.I.X liuntjnJ .W on , 1 IW AddrcsH EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., I't'tiitletiiii, Oi'.'itno, nilOilsw to L. D. Spear & Co.; Leezor & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS ae O (COMi. ' " 1 3 M e I s V 3 I" ; I -i h . Sow I . IV - K V NEAGLE BROS.; T. F. ROURKE, GRAIN .MERCHANT. Ilavn oponoil A NEW GROCERY STORE, Corner Court unit Thouipnon Ktx., I'rmlMoii, - Oitu'iii, Anil ariHolllti!f G-HOCICB.T.ITIS! I Oil I'UINTINO Cllll be lliubit th" KAHT OlIKOoxtai J ill priren nii-i win pnivn ilu- ,Ki than thom of any oilu r prltillni 11 Y O'K A V A N I .MA " IfH.II I.IIPH.II ni.l I II IIIH" f'l III mil I t-ii riiv. Vfn m.. lovcrlilni by ntpemlln -.i)i)-n la II... I, l ki l ll((U(.kK...m.I . . . ,TI 1 111 iliu I'rtni uiir.iiu.iin, ii. CltltQf;; VTICU TO CONTitACTOllM. Kouleil bills will to rii'i'lvcl l,v n... shill'il III litN oltlco In Ihu (tuition )tg.i t'liHlb'lim, ort'uon, for liuiiii iifrniKlti.' u Ihu o-Mnry brick ho'ol, Mccorilnur pi ii hi uml Niirelflciillnns inn-btht Urn Hhiill.Jr.. ImlliliT to finnlsli hII m.i.. I cvpi "r'i'iv. i u ii'iiiuiui; in no ioni:t !i ,1'liiifi'l i.inii. .., .nil' inim- p iu ) 2:. lisjis. I'liui-uml xnci'illi iiini ,l at my olllee. I roorvo the rlhllirriif or all bids. JiUlV IIAUD', in) 17 M IvniiiiMou, orfj The lftri;ot nml most complotn stock of il m 17 Chonp for Cash. lllKhest mnrki t prlco pulil for nil klntl G R A. I of Aiistriilliin while wheat, winter barley nml ryo for snln for m-eilliiit purposes, Tho Aim triilluii whlto wheat Is Just the article Mock men iK'i-.t, It niHkis u llrit-cluss quulltyof buy. OKKICK AT WAUKItOUHK Jillyl tf OHKOON. I'KN'DLKTON, N. W. HIESTAND, Echo, Oregon. Stanfleld& Gore, Di-iilcis In FRESH GARDEN VEGETABLES, EGGS, BUTTER, FISH, POUL TRY, and all kinds ol GAME, NKXT nOOH TO UTAH HKSTA UHA NT MAIN KTItKllT. PENDLETON, - OltE. w inc. .WD CHEMICALS, IIKALKU IN Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Holler Mills ' Flour. SI (tUAClianil ron wa iimxa W.D.Hansford&Go. Dealers In Hardware and. Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono. main HTiti:i:r, i'i:ndi.i:ton. A shnroof tlio public piitroiiniin Is nillclteil mohl.tl.lsw F.J. Donaldson's Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Orogon. GIVE US A CALL. Despair) Block - Pondloton. J. H. KOONTZ, Iicuier In CITY- Drug Store. 11 Pins Brain and Say Fara1135, raints, u-iass, or Sale ! tuiill' ounlit to W il;u'M In tlie liaiiilx ( tneiy voter In tlio Stale, It Iiiih net Wen liGIIU. (iiiVHii.Mui SrKVK.smis, nf lil.ilio, lutelv lunlimcil u man (nun Hie imltenliary "iiHm the eue.-n ami jHwithe immlltiim tli;lt Im wiliI W. It, JiiIiiihui hluill luneaf' tor In all reivetM ileuman lilinwK an an onloily ami law alil.llut: eltlnen ; lliat ho hIiiiII atitalu (imiii any klml u( iuliixiiMt ing liiumrri uh a ItoMinigvi, ami that lm shall nut Ui a (iiK)uentor of kiKhmis ami Kamlilint; himnon ; ami it Ih ruvlUsl that iih)U tho vlnl.itiou of tho iNiiiilltlixiK im Kse(luMnhlnithotiovorimr of the Terri tory of Malm may hiuum.itlly toolo tho panloit ami liy Iliu uiiimnt unloraml ill ioet tho fi.ilil imd-oii k iMnlomil to U nuhjiHttoil to tho full iHjrformaiieo of tho Hontmue." Oi'u iliiii.itehert yov-terilay unuoumvtl tho i.rokthlo return of Henry Villanl to power in Noith0!teru rallrvvul mattorn. A moro iletuiliHl btatemont in that for homo time unt u Hymlieato has Kvn iiui otly working to obtain control of tho htivl of thin ivniviny. It Im elainuHl that foriier Main uml Wntt r Sn Pondloton, - - Orogon VII kliuls of lllack.lilllhlllK.iloiio In 'lie lir.t :ii,t pr.,iiipl IllHlllHT, WuiiiiliN, lliiuwu-i inn) tii.t'k iiihiIx iimrilrr, Ht'imlrhiu it Specialty, IVirtlciitui iitiwiiiiDii tit hnrsrt sIhh-Iiil; hi Two liuiulrtHl iii'resilciiliHljNiitcr.' rnllmail. j I'lciiiy nt rimu'iiK wuler, phmI hmio, shetts, tMrrui., t-ie.i all iiiuler kimhI fciHvj it youiiic iirehiint of iiIhhiI IM trt; M acres of meiiitmv nt m tlmulhy; 74 aeri's hrokeii ami In wmtii. All mil Ih pIuwikI. If uiiIiIIhiI fur ill ikiic... It .,m ) iM.ituhl ,.f n ' limit Iwrvalu. Small payment ilown; lull, iimv im leriii. to suit piiretiuser, M'l'I.V TO NELSON S. CHAPPEL. Echo. Oregon, First National Bank, OF I'KNtll.KTON- I.KVI ANKKNY. I'r'slili.iit. lACOH KUAIKIt, Vlcf-rrc.lJni Miu l. Htiiist-. ('UHhlrr. TriiiHiiol it toi.erul l4iikliiK luisiur.v. Machine Oils, AT BOTTOM PRICES. I're.crlptli.i.sconipouii i. , jay mu nU'ht by u pliuriimel.i ut pilot-, thxt 'DEFY COMPETITION. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ECHO, OREGON The attention of the trade ill invited to our RUM ANM NAVY BLUE, HOME CORONA IMPERIAL, LEADER CIGARS. Best sellers in the market Att retail everywhere. VVholewli only by Mason, Ehrman & CO., Portland, Oregon Great Bock Isiai Ann ul..!..... i ... . . i . '"'Ei wi., t. v inlin ririim iuii ALBERT LEA ROUTES! Tho illrwt ami pnimlii,' lino lnront-j Umatilla Rral Estate &. Loan Association my i ri.Ntu.imtN', intKiiox. HOWELL & CO., FURNITURE DEALERS IXOL-IA.NTG.l On all puruwf tlinwu. NOUGHT AND b )LI) I AIX KINIW OK Kl'UNlTl'UK ItKl'AlltINO AN IV- UPHOLSTERERS. t'ollrrduiiH mti m ull I'oluln Kl'Hklll.Hllll. t IT IIIH, UO.N'K AT THK IA1WKST HATKS. Call uini f mmlno prlork. Houry Eopittkofc Co.,; ,v Ijirtvat itook of funilture la Kaitrrn Orrgon. hav, gjiaix, noon axd COAL, Howell & Co., N'ti hunilli. only the t'l'ItKHT DUUOS Hint can bo olituitiiHl, tvgiitilli-M of price. Country Orders Respectfully Solicited Tlie Pendleton Mfg. uompany, I'KNIII.K OS, I'lKiP'S, Machino Work or All Kinds IHmo prtimplly. Paitertii inii.lo. Iteiwlr to farm nmohlnery anil luachlnory of evvry ilf.crtpllon u .Svolty. Chacoea for U'urk lleasonahle, BOBERT BOND mui.Kii in BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. St.lf.rln.nt. limit. .,. Htovlc. Torn liu iil, Chop Ki'cJ ti., fumulft. Ainnu tor Kmipp.lliirrell A Va'n Agricultural Implements and t-'n Wagons. Are pri'inmil to vlilji wheat or receive Grain for Storajie. Orulii Hacks nml HnrvvHtere'Rupnllo Rt lowest Prices. f'ualli Groa-rle a Sprclalti. John GROCERIES fr.iiii st, ('mil ii hi I MiiinoiiHill To Clili-imi, null tllf ItilHt. T NT. l.lllllH uml tlll MIUlll, Tii lhN .Jnliirn, l.t-iivfiiHortkl A lclir.oii nml IC'Ha 4 mi., -vi . f..,mii.tli,r w'lh I a no Kjmy Jjuio 0.;.. hiiii m i-imipcii iiiiuiii, i.onvonwori'i 01m .iiv lor riUOAtiO AM. l'OI.TK K-ll I'ullntan J'alaco SltepUvj J'atacu Dtnhiff Can! Accompany n thrmish Kxpreu Trl1 llll-l IUI11IO. TlrkiiM tn kill. 1,1. 1 1 ..kimf-i'llnff nml cnnnrctlmni mo lo In union d'po"! I'nrfiill iiiformallon rf.inllnif rut's"1! McGarry, '..apply to any coiiixm ngeiU 'j N. or Nnrilii-ni r.i.ltlo Ht.lM,v1 panics, or to w. t . '' f'"V-'JI Tlckot ABenl.O. It-'! Chan, ur.vp.nv. ou. ,e. No. 3 Washington nt - I'ortUnl. I'eat'r In E. A. IIOMlllOOIC. , 4 n rJ Ocii. Tkt. ami t.i. Atft. C. P. I. r.B ChlcaBi.III. H. V. POYP. J . . tJpti. T. una V. Atct. M. jfr.l Av5 .Minneapolis?! pnovTftTo-xTQiHicnardson's Luncn mm AMI. riri.ciak tojKi only in Hook, iluco Unijht nml ou. BUYS nntl SliLLS REAL ESTATE. C01. .Main an.t Webb SmctJ, rKNDI.rrroN lrn. Main Htrcct, Ponillf ton. CD. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Heiulmmrlora f,p Poinlun anil P.?.tl Krain, ranaifd.Canne'l UooJ,a'"i'l'1 " ..W MMIIUI, " , 1 J Yon ci nbinln cold bolleJ limii.i'11 'fa OIIEGOV if"1'1 '"tllf.l eju', ks cookfU In tyn tJ inuKi-u iivrrinir, nmm unit ummi FRED. GERBERrr'-"5""'-'" rt"""" The Pendlolon Roller fl rrencn nestaurant tldiikdn.Ufc 11.. ..t. I.. II II.. - at P.Mlrl Wlrut nnn.wll. t It .-. . out of tlio total btixk iMtuetl, -IW.OOO I WKlia KTUKCT. - PKNDI.KTON ua tou, ovi3n " jmcuwu.w .ri. (Cajmeity 51 barren I" r 'ljr.' on i" a Ditna a bu.i ri"r"" I Main tt t... 1 IVnUlelon, Oregon. -"", ur., o;-( ,.,dJ ponite Court JIoin nuraciureni of (Jraliam, gru' - self rUInt Flour. anunlgbt. "our 'h Jay KludM of Urmlu. I PI trltll Flour, meal, chop reed, etc, alway H