irl vl". r-g"Tgg3r'""-,'i 'A-gr iW"1 - -1 .. I wi GLJL.METTE FAftMKK: SALEM, QJlLGOiN, A 'J GUST 20, I at-7 1 Jpcwa cpi;fmcnl. State and Territory. rrineillo'fl new BchooMiourio is being built. Grain it oxpocteil to bring ono dollar per buslicl in Prinovilln. Jackson county's blackberry crop in immense, and of a superior quality. Cattlo on tlio ranges nro reported as looking fine at this eenson of the year, eays the Grant county Now. Wheat in tho vicinity of Vinson, Eastern Oregon, will yield about twenty bushels to the aero on an average. Tho Idaho annual confcrcnco of tho M. E. church will convnno in Baker City, Oregon, from Soptombcr 21st to tho 25th. Stops arc being taken toward building tho contemplated boat which Ir to ply on Klamath river and Littlo Kl.imath lake, says tho Star. Tho Hassalo is beiug repaired at Tho Dalles. During tho tinio until sho is W, again ready for tho river trade, tho Har vest ljucoti win iaKo ncr piacc. Tho Scout is urging tho establish ment of woolen mills at Union, and says thcro is considerable local capital roady to bo invested in such an enterprise. Klamath county assessment for 1887, in as follows : Gross valuo, $1,300,823; debt, $2-17,121; exemption, $107,883; taxublo property, $1,011,816, number of polls, 437. Abdut sixty flehermon from tho Col umbia river passed through Itoscburg last Friday on thoir way to Humo's fishery on tho Coquillc, whoro they ex pect to work, snys tho Keviow. Tho town of John Day, not to bo out dono by any nation on earth, has a curi osity in tho ilinpo of a young cat with eicht Iocs. Tho animal ij pickled in al cohol, death having claimed him as hie owner. A ditch will soon bo built from Roguo rivor, running through Sam's valley, and will irrigoto about 100,000 acres of land that is now of comparatively littlo value, bocauso of tho general lack of water. Arlington Times: Wheat crops de velop very much carlior hero than in tho country, whilo la this vicinity, soino machines havo been running a month. Tho Gold Beach Gazette saya: Lot tors from parties at Grant's Tass to Hon. A. 11. Crook show a determination on tho part of tho citizens of that placo to mako an ofTort to build a trail down Koguo rivor to tho county lino. Tho county court of that county proposes to appoint a committco to inqniro into tho practibility and cxponso of such a route. Curry county should do as much, and meet them half way. Many cases of cholera morbus arc re ported about Dayton. Kittitas countv oxdccIb to havo n mrplusago of about 2000 tons of hay for oxport tins year. Thcro remains now less than 4000 feel to bo bored in tho stampodo tunnol. It is tho intention to complcto it as early in 1888 as men and machinery can do it Whatcom paper: A flno stallion, valued at if 1ZW, belonging to U. N. L. Davis of tho Skagit, died suddouly whilo on route from Forndalo to Whatcom last Monday. Colfax Commoner: Reports from different parts of tho country nro to tho effect that tho lieu landers are in high glco over tho recent decision of tho .Secretary of tho interior in regard to railroad idomnity lands, lloports from Win. Ilcceor's big grain .'; fields givo tho yiold as phenomenal, pays a Walla Walln paper. Bluo stem, of which he hud a largo acreage nvor- jr aged fifty bushels to the acre, while his little club yielded an nvcrago of over ,' forty bushels. Tho acssment roll of Douglas coun ty shows a property vnluntion of ?2fl3, 000, an increnso of jJSO.000 ovor last year. Tho population, according to the last census, is 81C, an increnso of Ui in two years; 5-11 are mules and 275 females. Thcro nro 180 married moil, and only thirteen females over sixteen years of ago for tho 253 men who are ainglo but would liko to change their condition in this respect. Iu Owyheo county tho stock ranges aro now m much better condition than at this time a year ago, and stockmen nro hopeful of a good winter. ' At a meeting of the executive- commit- teo of tho Southern Oregon Pioneer So ciety, hold at Ashland, President W. C, Myer and Vice- Presidents Capt. Thomas bnmu and i uunn appointed tho fol lowing penons ns a committee of ar rangements for tho coming reunion: J. C. Tolman, Jacob Thompson, A. D. Helman, W. W. Kontnor and B. F. Myer. Tho committee met at that place hut Monday to arrange for tho re union, which wilt take place in Ashland Septembcr8, 18S7. It is estimated, says a Grant's Pass paper, that it will require 300 hands to harvest the hop crop in this vicinity. Thin hair thickened, baldness cured, and gray hair made to return to its youthful color by tho nse of Hall's Veg etable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Tbree Second-Hand Piano for Sale. Mr. II. Diamond, the musical instru ment dealer at 208 Commercial street, Salem, lias on hand and offers at a bar gain tho above number of good second hand pianos. Thoy are just the thing lor any one wlio havo a family to edu cate in music. He also has a number jf organ and violins, organetts and musical fixtures of all kinds. Call and tea him. Fair at Spokane rails Mr. A. I Smith, Secretary of the WuMii.ijiton an 1 Idaho Fair Associa tion which convenes at Spokane Falls, W.T., on September 11, and continues for fivw days, writes us a porsonnl letter and sends us tho speed programme as follows FmsT Day. RunningNovelty raco; 1 mile dash, f roo for all, ($50 tn winner of caoliquaitcrmilo); purso JfzUU. Trotting 3 minuto class, pureo $250. Second Day. Running Spokane Derby, 1 milos, frco for all threo year olds, entrance feo $50, pnrso the en trance fees with $300 ndded. $300 Trotting for 3 year olds, free for nil, pnrso $250. Running COO yard dash, purso $150. Tmnn Day. Running! mile and re peat, frco for nil, purso $250. Trotting 2 :10 class, milo heats, puree $100. Running milo dnsh, frco for nil, horses owned iu Washington or Idaho territory, provious to August 1st, 1887, purso $200. FounTit Day. Running 1 milo and repoatj frco for all, purso $500. Pacing mile heats, 3 in 5, free for all, purso $250. Fifth Day. Running 2 milo dash, free for all, purse, $150. Trotting froo for all, purso $000. For any other information and pre mium list address Mr. A. L. Smith, Sec retary, at Spoknno Falls, W. T. Even in tho purclmso of tritlcs the saving to bo made by consulting our Cntaloguo is surprisingly largo. Hun dreds of pcoplo buy from it ovory day. If it pays them will it not pay you? Tho Catalogue is sent free to any ad dress, and is n vnlunblo book to havo whether ono cares to bny or not. Wcin- stock it Lubin, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Housohold Supplies, etc., 400410 K St., S.icramenlo, Cnl. Kerosene Oil. Why docs oil svink in uso in tho lamps? With tho best oil that is mndu you can produce a gas in your house that will make atmosphere as disagree able as it is unhealthy. In all lamps whoro proper and complete combustion is maintained, thcro Is no porccptiblo odor from any quality of oil Eold in tho market. But tho troublo is when pooplo want to Icavo a houso or room for a timo and keep n light burning thoy turn down tho wick. This Is dono for economy In most instnnccs, but thcro is not only no economy in it, as I shall show you, but thcro is also a danger to Health niul life, rtow, wbon you light a lamp thcro is at first a timo when tho flamo will not burn IiIkIi without smoking, but after tho lamp and chim ney aro properly heated una a full sup ply of oil is established through the capillaries of the wick a strong llamocan bo maintained. Now, if, with this sup ply established, wo turn down tho wick, owing to its decrease of burning surface, tho supply of oil continues in tho sumo ratio, what is not consumed in tho flamo being voiatized into gas, which is car ried out with tho ordinary products of combustion into tho air of theroom viti ating it and' making it very unhealthy to breathe. Now, here, in my opinion, is the basis of lamp explosions, and if tho proper proportion of atmosphorio air gots into a chimnoy, or is blown into an explosion is suro to result. In my opin ion, most of tho explosions of lamps, bo colled, occur by explosions In tho chim neys. A lamp should novcr bo turned down. It can easily bo extinguished by blowing across tho top of tho chim noy, and a very littlo practico will show that this is tho casiost and tho best way. After blowing out tho wick should bo turned down insidn tho tubo to prevent the oil flowing over. A close nttontion to the methods I havo indicated will, I am suro, prevent most, if not nil, ncci donti from explosion from kerosono oil, and save many lives, as woll as many thoutnnds of dollars' worth of property every year. Chicago Nows. The success of many farmers is as much duo to their carefulness in saving odds and ends, and making tho most of what is often considerod of littlo value, as from regular crops. Theso by-pro ducts, having less competition, are often too most profitable, it pays to bo on tho lookout for such chances, having of course, due regard to soil, location and and genoral adaptability of tho farmer to attending to littlo ni tutors. This is, af ter all, tho secret of success in nearly cery kind of business as well as farm ing. Doing things by wholesale seems very fine, but in most cases it is count eracted by inumorablo losses jn tho smaller details. The Central Exhibition, elicited tho fact that Amorican watches wcro super ior to those from other nations, not ex cepting tho world-renowned Smlss watches, which for cheapness and dura bility hae been noted from timo im memorial ; but unless cleaned onco a year tho best watch will not last half its days. How much more necessary to attend to the delicate machinery of the human frame. Everybody, old and young, should take Frcso's Hamburg Tea at least once a month, and those who adopt this plan will never regret following our recommendation. ShortoeM of Breath. Dn. Fu.vr'fl Heabt Remedy should bo taken at once when slight exertion or a hearty meal produces shortness of breath or pain in the region of the heart. At all druggists, or J. J. Mack & Co., 9 and 11 Front tt., S. F. The Home or a Hunter. Krfe Wiley's cabin tns nlnio as primntive as tho abode of Adam; there was more out-doois about it than any thing else. Its logs, slightly notched together at tho four corners, only fenced about a bit of Bpace. The roof neither compelled tho smoke to remain inside, nor tho rain outside of it, and tho floor was ns free n piece of uncovered earth ns over mortal trod. Tho iufcrcncc might bo drawn that Itafn was furnish ing it on an instalment plan, differing from tho usual one in that of iustend nf paying for goods by piocemctal, ho ob tained pieces of goods ns he paid ; for thero was a bod lacking a post, n back less rocking chair, three-fourths- of a table, two-thirds of a stool, and fractions of other articles doing duty in whatever capacity ncccsity demanded, ipgardlcss of their fitness. Thoro were indisputable ovidenco of a woman having onco re sided there, consisting of a calico skirt and n sunbonnot hanging from n peg, and three ruddy, ragged, dirty bits of humanity, from ull dress nppoarancos as yet unclassified as to box, or separated from tho lifo of tho dog-part of tho fam ily. Tho presonco of tho sun bonnet and absenco of ho woman indi cated beyond doubt to mo that sho had eloped in tho night. I never mentioned tho matter to Rafo. but it was told mo in a matter-of-courso way by a nativo that "she'd gono off with another follcr." Tho world in general would go on lust ns woll with Rafo Wiley out of Has in, but to mo ho was a treasure becauso of his detached existence from anything snvo idleness and hunting. American Magazine. People Demand Protection Patent Mtdlctnei. What nro thoy? Asa gonoral thing thoy aro prescriptions hnving bocn used with great success by old and well-read Physicians. Thousands of invalids havo boon unexpectedly cured by their uso, and thoy aro tho wonder and dread of Phyaicians and Medical Colleges in tho U. S., so much so, that Physicians graduating nt Modical Colleges nro re quired to discountenanco Proprietary Medicine", as through them the country doctor 'nses his most profitable practico. As a manufacturer of Froprictary Medi cines, Dr. G. Q. Green of Woodbury, N. J., advocates Jmost cordially, in order to provont tho risk that tho sick and af flicted nro liablo to, almost daily by tho uso of Patont Medicines put out by in experienced persons foraggrandizemont only, nnd tho employing of inoxperi- enccd nnd incompetent doctors by which I almost every villngo and town is cursed; I and men claiming to bo doctors who had better bo undertakers, experiment ing with thoir patients and robbing them of their mnnoy and health, for tho good of tho allhctcd that our gov ernment protect its pcoplo by making laws to regulate the practico of modi cino by bolter experienced and inoro thoroughly educated Physicians, nnd thereby keep up tho honor and credit of tho profession, also form laws for tho re cording recipes of Froprictary Medi cines, under examination and decision of exporionccd Chemists nnd Physicians appointed for that purposo by tho Gov ernment, boforo thoy aro hconsod for general use. Ho would most frooly idnco tho rccipo of Boicheo's German Syrup and Green's August Flower under such laws, had ho tho proper protec tion, and tticrcby save tho prcjudico of tho pooplo, and avoid tho competition, and imitation of worthless medicines. Copied from tho Chicago Miil, Aug Tho groat Colorado cattlo rango will soon be a thing of tho past. Tho an nual round-up this fall will bo compara tively small, nnd it will be tho last. This is partly duo to tho depression of tno emtio industry, but mainly to the increase of settlements by grain and general farmers. Wherovor nny con siderable body of small farmers establish claims, tho cattlo kings must go. Their disappearance from Colorado speaks well for tho growing agricultural possi bilities of this youngost of tho States. Much of its territory must bo irrigated to bo productive, but a littlo mattor liko that scarcely stands in tho way of huc- cess before Western enterprise. Tin black top Spanish Merino is now boing bred extensively In West Virginin and Pennsylvania. They yield dolaino wool, nnd tho cnrcasi weighs about 1C0 lbs, Thoy aro highly spokon of an a combined sheep, and aro claimed to fill a long felt want. Drocders who havo stuck to tho Spanish Merino forycars aro now going pell mell into breeding black tops. Whethor it bo a craze or not remains to bo seen, though somo of tho most careful business men in the great sheep breeding districts havo large flocks of delaines. Give Them a Chance. That is to eay, your lungs, Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful ma. chinery it is. Not omly the larger air-pus-ae, but the thouaonds of little tabes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lunge cannot half do their wor. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croop, pneumonia, ra tarrb, consumption, or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obetruc tions, all are bad. All ought to he 20t rid of. There is iuat one sure way to set rid of them. That is to take Uoecbee'i German Syrap. whiah anr druggist wi'i sell yon at 75 cent a bottle. Kren if everything else ha failed you, you may depend upon thi for certain. Subscribe for Willisiette Fakmfiu Improbable as it may appear, confi dnico hns muuh to do with molding stings. Let a timid person go into a apiary expecting to bo stung, and it really seems as though tho bees know it and do their best to roalizo his expecta tions. An experienced beo-keopcr will walk confidently into tho apinry, go un concernedly ubout his business, and if a boo comes buzzing threateningly about ho pays no nttontion to it nud tho bee, finding that tho man doe? not "scare," finally goes about its busincBM Tire only I'rrfrrt tIUmtly For Imliltunl constipvtinn, ilyapepsU, ami ktmlrcil ills, is llio NtiiDni California liquid, fruit remedy, Syrup of Fu. It strengthens' on will as cIcmisps tho system, it is easily taken, an-1 perfectly harmless. For sale y all dnipgiats. Beauty Skint Scalp Restored by tlK ? CuticUfa VTOTUINa IS KNOWN TO SCIENCE AT AM, XI comparaols 10 thsCrnrvRA IltuMiiiatn their marvslous properties ol cleanslnir, purifying and beau tlfjlngthe akin and In curing torturing, dleflgurine, Itch jr. scaly and pimply c Leave o( the skin, scalp and blood, with lews of hair. Ctmcuaa the great 8Mn Cure, and Cvtict ai BoAr, an Dulilt Sain Brautlflcr, prrrttred from It, enter nally.andCinciai IImoia sxt, the New Blood Pur ifier, Inttrnallt, are a positive cute (or evjry form cf akin and blood dlaraie, from plmpWe to scrofula, Cit in a nmuiaaare absolutely pure and the only In. tillable all In bcautifler and blood beautlflcr. Sold even where. Price. Crncia., Mc; 6oAr, tie, HanoLvaNr, l. Prroircd b) the I'orria Catu akv CiiaxicAl Co , Doarot, Hass. tfi. Send Ijr "Uow to Cure Skin Ulitaies." HANDS soft Mdore'adnwn. andaahlte, by ulnir CrriniAUatiirATroSoir. () Men Ycraoe Nntarr. Some men will act afalott ales provlalons cl ntur. They will ill clrara aud IUUrslo ciccaa, oieraork themaelrcs ph)slcally and Ditntally, sat Indigestible food, etc., aud th rult will prsrt detrimental to their hal(h. Dr. Hen'ey's Celery, Ileef and Iron will reiUrs the abused organa and neirre to their normal atats, and with It Inflprjtlnir and etrcnfih-clrlne rropertlis cite new life to the weak and drtpoadent. bold by druirgiits. ?o s BEAST! Mexican (Av5 ')"L 0'; H JL Mustang Liniment OTJH.33SI Sciatica, Scratchei, Contracted lumbago, Spralni, Muiclea, Rheumatism, Stralni, Eruptions, Bnrni, EUtchti, Hoof Ail, Scalds, StiffJoinU, Screw Stlngt, Backache, , Worms, Bites, Oalli, Bwinney, Brulici, Sores, Saddle Oalls, Bunions, Spavin Piles. Corns, Craclu, THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for ererybody eiactly what laclalmra (or It, One or the reaaona (or lb great popularity ol the Mustang Untioeot la found In Ita uulveranl applicability. ETerybodrneedssuchainedlclue. The Lumberman needs It In esse of accident. The Housewife needelifor General family ue. The Cannier needs It for til tesmsand bla wen. The Mechanic needs II altvaje on bis work Uncb. The Miser needs It In caa of emergency. The I'Uneerncedill-caa'tget along without It, The Parmer needs It In bla bouse, bis stable, aud bis stock yard. The Hteambaat man er the llealsuau needs It In liberal aupply afloat and aabore. The Herae.fancler needs It-it Is bla Ual friend and safest reliance. The Htock. grower needs It-It will sate him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Uullroad man needs It and will need It so long as bis life Is a round of accidents and dangers. The llackwoodsmao needs It. There Is noth ing like It as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merebaut needs It stout hi store among hi employees. Accident will bsppen, and when f beae come the Mustang IJalmeot I wasted" at one. KcepaUetllelnlbollease. TlsthsUstof economy, KeepallattlelathetVacterir. ItsbnsMdUt use In c uo of accident sara pala and loss of wages. Keen n Hottle AlwaxU lha Hlahla far w wIhu waaisa. II Sfft ' 3 Jnevni; Jjj stvtk fBlRNS Shoutihavc j trribh ns ttrajpcf care 'ftjyitieiy pnVV vv;.y rS'Z). dOMftHiSM a. ACCIDENTS W sna' arC CrtifiMff.. C MYareiiasin. i horc orcow s-intty cause Abrxd rti-iViSC: the si OJ (K-ncxxc or -rAStifl- in. a. SeviousCab. AlW $ these things may h&pcn h one ) youix. ftvmily toxy yiomcnt. MMCyoiKotttt of Fteoi$t ioruey.xstu:K cases Sthy rtuai 4 or the cure of catiJSjbiKnMjCiKtSj swelUtifis; bmlSis. Sfanrains, sorts, i jretb 'tts Ac-Ail t)ruifif&sSdl ifc FtRRYVAVlS&SQH. PRovgtfct Oldest House in the Trade. A. ROBERTS, CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS! Men's DrcH.s SuHh. McifH ItiiHincHS Suits. 011(11 Sulf.s, Hoys' Suits. A full usso rt Furnishing Goods, UatK aud Caps. t4. A complete slock cf good freshly bought that cannot be undersold, unl RICHARDSON. Among a boat cf competitors, many at which are sicsllent InitrvrUon Dooks Richardson's New Method for the Pianoforte, Still serenely occui les the position of Ut "Winning yitch" In the race for popularity. jiaaaionaa ve.n nemenuous Kuuion rouowa eui. tlon In rapid anrceealon aai It will not la lonir btfora it will b safe to announce A HALT MILLION COPIES As the total number printed and isld, "atirHAetDKOa" Is a very correct Look, for a long time no error In a phrase or note has been re corded. "KlfHAKDSO.Ml.u become a sUrdard faverlU with a n.ultlluda of teachers who find an advantage In firing leeaona from a look with which thcyarelar. liar, and that by It high reputation secures the re spect and Interest cl the scholar, HU'aiAJIlMieY' has sdvaoUge In ths way et coed llluatrallonsil thoposlllou and action et ths lingers, aud alio In the dw pages cl adilceto players from the pens cf fcihuu.ann and C'icrny. tar MUc! lor reUII price. Ollvcv DltHon 0 Co,, lioston. Or: C. II DIUoiiA Co., SS7 Broadway, N. V. Oregon Pacific R. R Co., Z'iZ Miles Shorter ! 0 Hours Less Time ! ACCOMMOIIATIONH UNtURI'AnSEl) roll COM. fort and KaMy. Fare aud Freight via Yaqulna aim the Oregon Development Cos Btrsinihlps much lea than by anr other route belwisn all point In ths HUlamette valley and Kan Franclico. Dally I'useeugrr Train except NunJar Leaves Ysulna 70 A. M (Leave Albany, 1JO 1'. M. Arrive CortalllslO 1" A. M trrlve Corvallis,t! I'.M. Arrive Albany 11:10 A.M Arrlre Yaiulna, 6 (0 P.M. O. ii O. tralua connect at Albany and Corvalll. VAUE between Corvalla and Ban Francisco, rail and cabin, 111; rail and iteerage, H3. Farea between Albany and Hanl'ranilico auJ, rail snd cabin, III, 45: rail asd bteerage, liosx CHAS. O. nOQUB. A. O. P. and F. A gent. Con able, Oregon, YVu. U. IIOAO Ueniral Manager Oregon Development Co. Flrtt Class 8tesiuihli Line between YAQUINA BAY AND .SAN FKAiVtfsCO. Connecting at Ysiiulna with the Oregon Pacific It.n.l'e The Oregon Pevelopmcnt Co's Htesmihips sail: raoK iijui : raou raaaciKo: Will. Valley, I rid... Aug 6 Hill. Valley, 8aUuly.M KaaternOriKonrhurAug I Will. Valley.Tuea 1 Eaate rn Oregon, Bun. ...14 Yauulna City, Bt,.,,.,V.u Eaatern Oregon, Wed 10 Will. Valley, Tue. 10 eastern Oregon, Hun SI Yaraln City. Hit.,. WUI. Valley, Tliui., 8ep. 1 EaaternOregou, Wed.. 7 nm, Waller. Thurr... ! KaateroOregoo.Tuea. ..J) TheCoinixnr lutlvc. tha nirht to ehinaa aallln lays. H. II. TOIlY, Gen. Ft 4 Pate. Agent, auo sionigomcry hi., Ban nand-co, uu. LUTE SAVAGE, 27iCcmmeilaJ St., Valem, Oncn. Books Stationery Articles ArllM Material, Ilualeal Lasl.Mastesil. School Books, ItfiHlu Hooks, Flay lug Cards, Calling lrt, and an endless variety cf pockei utlei). T KBCERM, J4l'KAU and (ItU KIHIMK IJ of all kinds and price. Unl nj lea ef papeitil inks, Pens, Fencils, etc. Photograph Abums, Auttrsph Albums, all ef the late style. Alwsys a lull aasortmaLt of Lovell' Library aud Dim. Novels. UT Aay rerledlcal rvalahrd en nfcert ellee al MegaUr srl.r. jj i5 TSiss' frWt -- M- fiL SatwaVSJC, II mi