Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 16, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    jjffenJS Jcptitmenf.
Throe men wpre recently drowned at
Clarke's Fork.
Asa Strain is appointed Postmaster at
Eola, Oregon.
Beef cattle in Clielinlis valley sell for
?G0 to $70 on foot
A telegraph lino is being put up to the
Coaur d'Alene mines.
Since the year becan Seattle has re
ceived $8,897 for licences.
The Masonic fraternity will put up a
jiuo uunaing at Vancouver.
California Congressmen favor the or
ganization of Alaska Territory.
The railroad bridge at Ainsworth has
cost a million and a quarter of dollars.
uonn A. Williams, aged tv, died very
suddenly on the iiuckiamute last week.
Cayotes are destroying many sheep in
the vicinity of Needy, Clackamas county.
Thos. Shanks, of Weston, was thrown
from a bucking cayuse and will probably
Walla Walla county expects to har
vest forty bushels to the acre on the av
erage. The ship Helicon is loading one mil
lion feet of lumber, at Tacoma, for Aus
tralia. Farmers in the Spokane country have
a large portion of last year's wheat crop
still in hand.
Seven families from Missouri have
reached Pendleton and will look up per
manent homes.
The Secretary of the Treasury has
made a call for ten millions of three per
cent, bonds.
Mr. Hewitt, of New York, will intro
duce another tariff bill, not so radical as
the Morrison bill.
It is assorted that trains will bo run
ning in tho Grand Eonde Valley by the
middle of June.
Specimens and nuggets from Cccur
d'Alene mines can bo seen at Ainsworth
it Co.'s bank, Portland.
Tacoma cast 973 votes lately at a city
election ; some were cast by women.
Tho population is over 3,000.
Immigration is expocted to add thirty
thousand people, to Washington Territo
ry during the year 1881.
The wool market, May 9, was dull
and heavy and business light. Califor
nia sales were unusually small.
Wm. Pitt Kellogsr. on trial for star
route frauds, has pleaded the statuto of
limitation, and his case is dismissed.
A devil fish measuring ten feet across
its arms was found hugging tho piles of
Billings' shingle factory at Olympia.
J. W. Murry, condemned for murder,
was saved from being hung in time by
an appeal to the Supreme Court.
It is asserted that, barring accidents,
the Baker City Branch will be finished
to La Grando by the Fourth of July.
Leading manufacturers wish to have
Congress releaso the duty on raw materi
als and leave it on manufactured goods.
Capt. George A. Pease has lately re
turned from Coour d'Alene and sustains
the reports of the excellence of the mines.
Placer mines aro discovered in Mon
tana on the Yellowstone, where it makes
a sharp curve as it leaves Lost Canyon.
Two largo manufacturing concerns
will be be started at Yaquina that will
give occupation to many skilled work
men. Senator Dolph has introduced a bill to
commence work on tho Port Orford
hmbor of refuge by using $200,000 this
Several fisherman have been drowned
lately, on the Columbia, and quite a
number of lives have been already lost
this season.
The Northern Pacinc lias a surveying
party in the field locating their line from
Puget Sound over the Cascades and to
The first really through train from
Ashland came booming into Portland
Thursday evening May 8, dressed with
In the National Conference, that has
met at Philadelphia, it is proposed to
elect thren new bishops of the Method
ist church.
The Central Pacific will doubtless get
hold of the Oregon and California road
and put it through this summer, so says
a late dispatch.
Miss Nellie Kohler, who lately came
to Milton irom umcago, not iiiting me
remarks C. C, Boon made of her, took a
horsewhip to him.
Hi Perry, a gambler, shot and killed
Snokane Jim. an Indian, who thought
he didn't play a square game. This was
at Thompson's Falls.
The New York Sun lately-predicted
that wheat would drop to 75 cents a
bushel in Chicago but it has instead gone
up to over 90 cents.
Politicians are busy figuring np the
standing of their various candidates and
claim that Blaine has the first chance
for the nomination.
Owing to dry weather forest fires have
spread over eoveral counties of Pennsyl
vania and caused immense damage. A
rain came and put the fires out.
Word from all parts of Oregon and
Washington ia the same : that crop of
all kind aro looking well and promise
largely. Fruit will bo a big crop every
where. A plot to assassinate the Czar was
lately discovered at Moscow at festivities
to bo given there In honor of his son's
coming of age, bo they will be held at
St Petersburg.
Congress is considering measures for
regulation of export of imitation butter
and cheese requiring that all articles
snau oe properly marked.
A salmon weighing seventy-two pounds
has been sent to Portland, one of the four,
tho smallest weighed sixty-two pounds.
They will be shipped to New York.
QiS1?iC0Unty' Ca'-' PromiRes to raiso
8,000,000 bushels of grain this year, which
is two and a half times what they raisd
last year which they called a failure.
The proportion to coilfine appoint
ments in Territories to citizens thoreof is
pronounced unconstitutional by the Sen
ate Committee on Territories.
A London taven keeper seized the ef
fects of a man who tried to abscond and
found twelvo pounds of dynamite. The
lodger has escaped but the police are af
ter him.
Gold has been discovered in Canada
on the farm of Mr Laughlin.at Knlador,
fifty miles from Kingston. Over 500
worth was found in pockets while blast
ing rocks.
Tho cherry destroying linnets have
been at work this spring from British
Columbia to California, as complaints
come of their devastations from all the
Pacific Coast.
Ike Nickerson, of Prinoville, is given
up as lost and no doubt dead, as scarch-
ing parties cannot find him. J. E. Gran
ger, of Lane county, disappeared three
weeks ago and cannot be found.
The House has passed the bill to
amend the Chinese immigration act. It
was debated strongly by the minority,
all of whom were liepulicans, but it
finally went through by 185 to 13.
Seattle is fcoling the times. Prices of
property are less excitablo and rents
have declined considerably, but, for all
that, Seattle is a good point and will be
among the best in the North Country.
An immigrating family named Story
were upset in Dry creek, Umatilla coun
ty, last week, losing all their possessions
but a satchel containing $2,000. It
floated off but they recovered it.
Twenty-five soldiers got on a spree at
Walla Walla lately and tried to run the
town. They did it for awhilo but finally
the town got the best of them. General
Grover made it uncomfortable for them
The river and harbor bill, as now
framed, proposes to give very small sums
for the continuation of work in Oregon.
It looks as if Congress had very little
appreciation of tho importance of our
Tariff sheets of all Eastern roads aro
now in possession .of the Northern
Pacific railroad office at Portland and
they are prepared to furnish information
of cost of travel to and from all parts of
the American Continent.
The gross earnings of the O. R. & N.
Co. for March were ten per cent. Ies3 than
in 1883, net earnings $130,040, a decrease
of $07,700. Since July 1, 1883, tho gross
earnings have been $4,15G,800, increase of
$336.200 ; net earnings in that time $1.
837,90 ; decrease f 13,820.
Forest fires have raged in parts of New
York State. Small places wore destroyed
and many people left homeless. New
Jersey aho suffered from fires in her pine
woods ; great damage dono to poor peo
ple. Forest firos ares aro also reported
in New Hampshire and Florida, as woll
as other States.
Tho Prohibitionists of Marion county
have nominated the following ticket:
Representatives, T. L. Davidson, Charles
Miller, J. W. Taylor, Lewis Bleakney,
Hugh Harrison, G. W. Dimmick ; Clerk,
W. R. Privett; Sheriff, J. C. Booth;
Commissioners, W. C. Hubbard, G. P.
Terrell; .Assessor, A. H. Cornelius;
Treasurer, James A. Sollwood.
At Buffalo labor troubles have occur
red between Italians and 'longshoremon
who have a protective union which tho
steamboat owners refuse to recognize.
A crowd gathered at the Italian head
quarters and stoned the building. Sev
eral mobs gathered. A large force of
special police is enrolled to prepare for
any emergency. Steamboat managers
say they will not compromise with 'long
shoremen but will demand the protec
tion of law and the military for their
Italian workmen.
In El Orado, county Cal., fruit growers
have organized to protect orchards from
frost, near Colusa. One man is kept on
watch all night and when the thermom
eter threatens frost he rings the town
bell, when the entire copulation, turns
out to build fires and lay a smoke cloud
over the whole valley. Pine boughs ore
plenty so it costs little. They tried it
the last day of March with perfect succes.
As frost only comes a few times in a
season this is expected to work with
entire safety to the fruit crop.
The failure of Grant fc Ward, in New
York, utterly mint General Grant and
his sons, who placed implicit confidence
in Ward and seem to have known very
little of the details of the business. It is
said to be the worst failure ever known
in this country, with nearly $10,000,000
liabilities and littlo or no assets, except
securities that have been eiven as
security for loans. At least 1000,000 is
duo friends who have deposited in
confidence. Tho name of General Grant
was used to inspiro confidence and
borrow money on. Qn the day before
the failure General Grant borrowed
$150,000 of "Vandorbilt, not having tho
least idea of the imneudinK catastrophe
The $2M,000 raised for tho General borne
yearr ago is in posbession of Jones, of
tho N. Y. Times, who will keep it, and
pay him the interest every quarter. It
is thoucht contrress will pass tho bill to
retire him on full pap. Throughout tho
city of New York great sympathy is felt
for General Grant as he is considered tobe
a victim of misplaced confidence
placed in bU partner Ward.
Bow an Old Veteran Escaped Annihilation
and lived to Impart a Warn
ing to ctheis.
(National Tribune of Washington.)
A pleasing occurrence which has just
come to our notice in connection with
tho New York State meeting of the Grand
Army of tho Republic is so unusual in
many respects that wo venture to re-
tJiuuuuu it ior mu oeneni oi our readers.
Captain Alfred Rensom, of New York,
whilo pacing in tho lolpby of the armory
h . . i.n i.ii.. r ii .... . i
previous toonooi the meetings, suddenly
stopped and scanned the face of a gentle
man who was in the earnes conversation
with one of the Grand Army officers. It
seemed to him that ho had seen that
face before, partiallj obscured by the
smoke of battle, and yet this bright and
pleasant countenance could not bo tho
same pale, and dcath-liko visage,
which he so dimly remembered. But
tho recollection, liko Banquo's ghost,
would not "down" at command and
haunted him tho entire day. On the
day following be again saw tho same
countenance and ventured to speak to
its owner. The instant the two veterans
heard each other's voices, that instant
they rocognized and called each other
by name. Their faces and forms had
changed, but thoir voices wcro the same.
The man whom Captain Rensom had
recognized was Mr. W. K. Sage, of St.
Johns, Mich., a vetenm of the 'I'M N. Y.
Light Artillery and both members of
Burnsido's famous expedition to North
Carolina. After the first greetings were
over, Captain Rensom said:
"It hardly secmj possible, Sage, to see
you in this condition, for I thought you
must have been dead long ago."
"Yes, I do not doubt.it, for if I am
not mistaken, when wo Inst met I was
occupying a couch in tho hospital, a
victim of "Yellow Jack" in its worst
"I remember. The war seems to have
caused more misery since its close than
when it was in progress," leplied tho
Captain. ''I meet old comrades frequently
who aro suffering terribly, not so much
from old wounds as from the malarial
poisons which ruined thcirconstitutions."
"I think so myself When tho war
closed I returned home and nt times I
would feel well, but every fow weeks
that confounded "all-gone" fooling w ould
como upon mo again. Jfv nervous sys
tem, which was shattcied in tho bervico,
failed mo entirely und pioduced ono of
tne worst possible cises oi nervous
dyspepsia. Most of tho time I had no
appetite; then again I would become rav
enously hungry, but the minuto I sat
dawn to eat I loathed food. My skin
was dry and parched my flesh loose and
flabby. I could hold nothing on my
stomach for days at a timo, and what
littlo I did eat failed to assimilate. I
was eosily fatigued; my mind was do
piessed; I was cioss and irritable and
many a night my heart would pain mo
so I could not sleep, and when I did I
had horrid dreams and frightful night
mares. Of course, these things came
on one by ono, each worse than tho
other. My breath was foul, my tonguo
was coated, my teeth decayed. I had
terrific headaches which would leavo my
nervous systom completely shattered.
In fact my existence, since the war, has
been a living death, from which I havo
often prayed for releaso."
' Couldn't the old surgeon do you any
gCO'l !"
"I wrote him and he treatcdmo, but liko
every other doctor, failed. They all said
my nervo was gone and without tuat to
bu'Id upon I could not got well. When
I was at my worst, piles of the severest
nature came upon me. Then my liver
gavo out and without the Ufo of
cathartics I could not movo my bowels
at all. My blood got like a stream of
firo and seemed literally to burn mo
"Well you might better havo died in
battlo, quick and without ceremony-"
"How many times I have wished I had
died thd day wo captured Nowberne!"
"And yet you aro now the picture of
"And tho picture is taken from life. I
am in perfect condition. My nervo tone
is restored; my stomach rcinvigoratcd;
my flesh is hard and healthy; in fact I
havo new blood, new energy and a now
lease of life wholly as the resultof using
Warner's Tippecanoe. This remarkable
preparation, which I consider tho finest
tome and stomach restorer in the world
has overcome all the evil influences of
malaria, all the poison of the army, all
traces of dyspepsia, all mal-assimilation
of food, and indeed made a new man of
The Captain remained silent for a
while evidently musini; over his recollec
tions of the past When he again raised
bis head be said :
"It would bo a godsend if all tho
veterans who hade suffered so intensely
and also all others in the land who are
enduring so much misery could know
of your experience, Sage, and the way by
which you havo been restored."
And that is why the abovejeonvorsation
is recounted.
Congress is considering tho appropria
tion of $85,000 to carry out tho agree,
ment mado with Mosc and the other
bands of tho Columbia river reservation;
also, it is probable that Joseph and his
Xez Percos will bo moved back to Lap
wai reservation in Idaho.
The loss of the ocean steamer State of
Florida, and 120 lives, is cliargod to care
leisness on tho part of tho officers as it
was a clear night and a smooth sea, so
collision should have been avoided.
Aa Extended Popularity. Boow.n'x
Bboschial Tbociiks hare been before tho
pnblio nu; ytara. For relieving Coughs
and Throat trouble! they are superior to all
other article, Sold only in homtt.
MAY 16, 1884.
208 to 214 Front
208 to 214 Front
n ft U
d. I. bdSB I III tJSHIIIg ITIdblllllB UU. S CIIKIIIrJ, I lirbblltirS,
Headers and Saw Mills.
Studcbaker Farm mid Spring Wagons. Buggies, and Car
riages. P. K. Dctlcrick & Co.'s Hay Presses.
The J. I. C.-iso Plow Co.'s Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows
anil Cultivators. Hoosier Drill Co.'s Seeding, Drills
and Sulky Hay Rakes. Acme Harrows.
garSend for
Clod Cruttlier and Zeveler.
Weighs much less than other Pulverizing
Harrows. Sells about one-third leas, and
with all does the most thorough work of any.
TiigBBBBBBnBBBr"1fMHgfliyiTi liaJJnlili'iiV "'"i- Mtnaang
Hast ho Noatcst, Simplest and Best Drive Wheel ; has the best Canvas Arrange
ment for carrying Grain from Platform to Elovators ; has tho best Cutter bar ; has
the best Pitman Connection ; has no Sido Diaft; has tho best Adjustable Heel;
has the best Tilting Arrangement ; has the best Raising and Lowering Arrange
ment. It is unoxcelleil for Strength and Durability it is tho lightest ; is simplest
in Construction ; is Substantially and Strongly Built; is tho Surest kHlind ; has
Fewer Pieces of Machinery than any other; has hoed of Fewer Exports; has a
Friend in every purchaser.
IMPLEMENTS and JJachines.
The I'lirltulccl IlulTaln I'llti, Tl e only complete
Tlucshcr; nhlch cxcel'4 all other.
T:u Jlrtormlcli llurtriliiis Mm-hluM and
Twine Hinder, Improved tor 1831, und tho
mobt succcwful TWINE HINDER In tliynarket.
Mrt'ormlek'a New Iron Hotter,
MeCarmlek's Ualny Simile Kenyer,
Champion Combined Mutter nurt Keaper,
Belt Kate.
The Champion Light Slower,
The Champion Sew Ball Joint Mower, Front
The Crown Mow er, Examine the CllOWN bttore
you decide what Honertobuy.
The Bun-ale ritt'a Farm Engine, Traction
and Plain Both wood and atraw burner. Tho
heat (arm tngln In the market,
rortable sad Stationary Engines, From 10 to
it florae Power.
Together with a Complete Assortmeat of Agricultural
plemeats of Every Variety.
We are the Piooeert in thli line of buiineu and our price are the loweit when
quality is considered. We Invite Inspection of onr gooda before making purchases.
Correspondence solicited. CataloKue and Prlce-LieU sent on application.
In 1-H;. and
The Cheapest is the Best.
Squirrel fSM&Kk
St., Portland, Or.
St., Portland,
!" TL. l
Illustrated Catalogues.
I'lio Agitator ij the best grain scviny ma
chine cirr made. It runs lighter, threshes
faster, is less liable to set out of order, and
saves grain better than any other machine.
HmlKe'a Orrtfon llrntler, With our oun ipeclal
Improvement!. The ealott to handle ami the
n oat pcrfoct Header manufactured.
Tlic llnln lVoeon, With Iron or Steel akeln and
atknowledg d to bo tho befat wagon on earth.
The Tiuer
Kulky Kahe. With wood or ittel
The Tlioiuaa ftnlky Ilnke,
Tb Hradley Hnlby Bake,
The Bradley Mower, Burnctlilng new. Set it be
fore buying-.
Manatleld I'orJ-Me Haw Mllla,
Spring Wagon and Bngglea,
Bubber and leather Belling,
Floor Mill Machinery,
rortable Plairorm and Bay or Stock Hralee.
ratter and Hand Hay Fieieee,
G-n., Cans.
For Sale by all Dealers,
WAKELEE & CO., Chemists,
k 1
I1 1
1 1 . j.
- isX'. ,,
Jlt Ja -id- '