W". KV m HS, IB If ' 1 fe ll m V m i 1 RM I I' i' PI! !M it !H WILLAMETTE PA11MER: PORTLAND, OREGON. MARCH 31, 1882. W59R Issued every Week by the WILLAMETTE FARMER PKBLIglll.lfC CO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIITIOM Ins year. (Postage paid). In advance t 1M U months. (Postage paid), In advance 1.16 bm than six months will be, per month 26 ADVER8IS1NO RATES : Advertisements will be Inserted, providing tn are respectable, at the following; table of rates : One Inch of space per month $ 2 60 Three Inches of space per month. COO Ona-half column per month 15 00 4lscoramnper month 30 00 -tsarSaniBla codIcs sent freo on application. Publication Office- No. 6 Washington Street. .tairs, rooms No. 6 and Hit Up TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Onr Relation With rem. Wamiimitov, March 21. There is a grow ing il intrust among .South Americanreiiding here, diplomats ami others, of our diplomats in their country, created mainly liv recent developments regarlirg "Credit Industriel" Dreyfus liroi, and other similar private claims in Peru, Not to put too fine a point on it, our representatives in South America, partic ularly in Chili and IVru, ar no longer re garded as legitimate diploiiiits, hut as un scrupulous agents of American and Parisian ahyldtks, intent only oil getting the pound ol flesh nearest the Peruvian heart. It was remarked last evening by a prominent Soutli American shplnmit that Mr.' Trcscntt's treaty of peace called for a larger cession from Peru iu money, lands and guano thai Chili origi nally demanded or ever expected, and that a settlement far more f.ivnraolo to Peru miaht have been made but fo the int rference of Trescott. Intimations ore frequently heard to the elicit that our mediator have left the servico of the Credit Industiiel, Dreyfus Bros', comhinatio i, and other private claimants of Peruvian estates, find entered into the ser vice of Chili, tho trcitcst claim mt of all, Thcreportth.it Drojfus liios.' claim nf 15, 000,000 against l'tiii, admitted and indorsed by both Pierola and Picdo, has been incorpor ated with tho Credit Industriel is variously commented upon and the fact that President (jrovy, a wcll-piid attorney of Dreyfus Bros., has requested Mr. Morton to ureo upon our government tho propriety ot joint interven tion on tho part of l'Vance and the United States in such American nllairs, is condemned in the strongest terms. Gen. Hurlhurt's res ignation, reetived at tho Statu Department, and accepted, vvai in reply to a request fur the same. Geo. Adams, Minister to liulivio, has also been recalled. generally conceded Blaine has made a strong statement of his position, but whether there was any occasion of his making the statement is a question among many of his friends. It is admitted that Eastern commercial interests, as a general thing, will accept Blaine's view in this regard. A prominent politician, in speaking of the matter to-day, asserts that there aie political considerations quite as weighty as any commercial interest, as the administration will be called upon to fully consider the claims of both before these com plications are arranged. Eastern Opposition. New Yokk, March 26. Kach day brings news of developments as to the inefficiency of the Chinese, bill. lawyers say it can never be operative, but can be evaded with tho greatest ease. It seems to be intended but as an entering wedge, and subsequent legislation will bo absolutely necessary to carry it out. Our new minister to China, who will sail in May, will have an up-lnll reception on account of the passage of the hill, and somo predict he will encountor violence there. Lar;e num bers of people in Washington, who have studied the Chinese subject pretty well, seem to think the hill is simply an advertisement to induce Chinaman to emigrate to this country. It is not sure tho President will aiVn the bill. If he does, it will be on the principle frequently spoken of by Grant, thit to make an odious law distasteful is to en force it. A Mill Contest. Krsisllns an OUlier. Tcc.ion, Mtrch 21. A Star special from Tomb tone as : Tho Karp party arrived in Tombstone at 1 P. M and went to tho Cosmo politan lintel; slant there until this evening until Sheriff Ilehar went to arrest them, when they drew their guns on him anil walked out ot town, in' unti'it noises nmi ictt tor tlio lulls Tho fciling here in icir.ird to the assasination of StilHcll is growing more intense hourly Decea"(d was here in response loasuhpena noni me court, it is now geiieinuv iicuuveii that the bandits cnino ilonu fiom Tombstone for the purposo of killing Iko Clanton, who has been hero for two weeks. To dav. after a hearing before tm corouei'a jury, a wansnt was plnceil in tlio hands ol Mierill rani for the arrest of tho Karp party, llolliday and MoMastors, with -theis penning they hid loturned to Tombstone, this afternoon Paul tolcgriphcd Xhcrifl llelian, of Caehiso county, at TomWonu, to arrest tho parties. Siill.liurj's work. LoNIion, Mai eh 21.- Morniug pap rs ro mark that Partington's intimations in the commons that tho fata ot tho government is dependent on the Cloturo lesolution is un mistakably onn i f Salisbury's elloits to excito iiuDlio opinion on tho suiiiect, which is un abated, ll writes tho present .time is the most critical. It is proponed to abolish lilietty of speech in tho commons, lir.idlaugh is virtually mmiimi tod ho tho government and (ladstnno and tho latter has almost brought tho two houses into conllict simply to gratify his overweening vanity, I'anlrll Ml in. Uiniiov, March 22. The I.iiicoli (dure handicap was won by Paulett, Master W'nltei second, llncluiiaii third. The Aiiiciicau horses Aianzi anil Mistako also tun. Hunter nuil ul lilr. Emmkttohuhh, Iowa, Match 22. A tiag oily has oucuiicd 10 miles north o( the tnivn Chailos Cornelius and Kied Miller.of Highland Scots, lately fiom tho old nuuiitiy, Ikiuiiiu in volved in a dispute, Cornelius pruumd a revolver ami shot Miller dead, and then put two bullets into his own bruin and fell dead ill his t lacks. Cnlllornla Southern. Husiov, Miue'h 25. Much speculation was talisod on Matti street to day by tho sudden appreciation of California Southern railioad subscription., hlock lNn. 2 of which sold at :i0 to 35 piuiniiim, and leaped by $'J," builds to SIM). Tho theory is tho Southern Paedio is after thu Ca ifuruia Southern, in order to hrad oil the Atehisiii company, hut olheials of the Southern road say no negotiations are in pro glens, and they know nothing of tho eauso of today's mnv nut lit. Ilujiiig was by biokers not ideiitltiiil with laigo houses, mid iiieluded stock as well as bonds. urntte rrlril for stork. IIatoi Kot'iiK, Match 22. (lineial Voik telegranhs the governiiient from Troy landing that they mo dislrihtiting forago mi Black livir, Tho vtmiitry n in fearful ditiess, and there aro .'!.'0 he.nl of stock on lll.ick, Tensis and Little uveis that must be fed tiisavo them. C'o.-n and oats aio almuved liv tho steamer St. John to bo distributed to-morrow on tho Tensis river. General Voik advises shipment of fmago for stock on all tlio streams Nkw York, March 24. The summing up in tho contest over the will of Henry J. Phillipps was heard to day by the surrogato who reserved his decision. Deceased married in 1803, a niece of Judge McAllister, of the supreme court of Idaho Territory, and iu his will he leaves her entirely unprovided for, be queathing the residue of his property after making several small legacies to lclatives in Knglaud. She contested on the ground of undue influence and insjno delusions regard ing her. Tho case has been on trial tor over a j car before a refeiee. From the evidence, it appears that the couplo resided mostly at military stations in the West, and that he was sickly and passionately jealous of his young and beautiful wifo. Letters written by him wcie oflcrcd in evidence, iu which ho states she led him an unhappy life, Letters also written him by contestant, wero ollcred, in which she accuses him of gambling, and of trying to get a fraudulent divorce, and if he houlu get that she was engaged to be mar ried, etc. luillau Appropriations. WASiii.suTnx,March 25. The Senate com mittee on appropriations have reported the Initial) appropriation bill with amendments w holly striking out tho Hou9o piovisions for incidental evpenscs of Indian service in New Mexico and Idaho, and reducing the amount granted for incidental expenses in Arizona from $'10,000 to $21,000. The committee also strike out the House item of $:J00,000 for col lecting anil subsisting Apaches and other Iu diaus uf Aiiona and New Mexico, and sub stituting for it an appropriation of ."75,0O0 fur subsistence! for Apacho and other Indians at han Jarlos Agency. I he committee recom mended increasing the House appropiiatiou of $20,000 for an Indian industrial school at Forest Grove, Oregon, from 820,000 to $30, 000, mid insert tho following new provision in regard to Indians at Mesealero Agency : For removal, with their consent, of tlio Mescahro Apaches to the , I icarillo Itcervation, and fir support, civilization and instruction tf In dians of said reservation, including pay of employees, 15,000. Arloiiii OuIIiivin. Tomihtovk, March 25. A reliablo young man just from Burleigh spunps, eight miles soutli of this city, states that a desperate light took place theiu last night between six men of the Harp party and nine i ow-buys, headed by the notorious "Cm ley Dill, who killed Marshal White, of Tombstone. Thu cow-bos h ambushed tho Kirpaas they weie approaching thu spring anil poured a deadly tiro into them, uoiiiidinir onu man sliirhtlv and killing a horse. Tho Harps re turned the lire and then charged up n tho cow-boys, who ran, leaving "CuiIeyHdl" dead upon thu tield. Arrested for Sedition LnnitiiaitP. At Hathdownev, County Queens,. on Situr ITESIS BY TELEGRAPH. John M. Francis, of Troy, N. Y.. is spoken of for the Iielgium mission. Hogs packed at St. Louis during the year ended March 1, 1882, 310,379. A firo at Kipon, Wis , on the 3 2d, destroyed property valued at $200,000. Mrs. Margaret Kabyston committed suicide in nan Francisco on the 21st. Kalloch is endeavoring to organize a new political party in San Francisco. It is stated that Jay Gould controls the Mutual Union telegraph Uompany. Collector Robertson declines to talk iu re card to the charges made by Shepherd, Holmes Bros., spinners at Bradford, Eng land, have failed. Liabilities 60,000. , A. II. Morrison, of Chicago, has been nomi nated for U. S. Marshal of New Mexico. About COO persons were arrested in San Francisco for violating the Sunday law. A fire at Kmud, Austria, on Wednesday, destroyed 350 houses. Nine lives were lost. The Pennsylvania Democratic State Con vention will be held at Harrisburg, June 2Sth. Teller's appointment is due to tho fact that he has been an ardent supporter of Conkling. A fire near Northampton, Eng., Wednes day, destroyed 25 houses and rendered 100 pcrons homeless. 4 The Curtis Manufacturing Co.'s works at Albion, N. Y., burned Wednesday. Loss $100,000; insured. Senator Teller, of Colorado, is confident that he will be appointed Secretary of the interior. John Gains' sentence has been commuted to imprisonment for life by the Governor ol llllllOIS. Bourke, a partner of Epan, has been taken to Dublin from Nasa jail, in order that he may be able to attend to business. The Senate military committee decided to report adversely the bill providing for placing Ueneral Alfred 1'leasaiuon on the retired list. Suit was brought in San Francisco by Thomas Giaham airainst the Southern Pacific 1'ailroid Company to recover $10,000 for the death of his son. Commodoio Edmund H. Calhoun is to be detached from duty as inspector of vessels in California on the 20th of April and placed under waiting orders. Tho Piesident has made an order" disap proving the sentence of court martial in the Wlnttaker case, and ordered his dismissal from arrest. 'Him New York Tiihune hopes tho Republi cans wilt commit a serious blunder by delay ing the passage of the anti-Chinese bill through the House. Shepherd, before the Congreasiontl com mittee, charges Collector Robeson and Minis ter Hurlhiirt with accepting bribes iu the Peruvian matter. Martinez, the Chilian minister, has received a dispitch confirmatory of tho authenticity of tho protocol agroed on between tho Chilian government and Trescott. Col Thos. M. Nichol, being interviewed, says he helieves G irfield wrote the Rnsecraus Chase letter and that its kindly criticism of Hoseei ans' conduct correspond! el exactly with what Garfield had frequently said to him (Nichol). The Secretary of War has ordered 300,000 rationi issued at New Orleans for the bcuefit of Louisiana. 200.000 at Memphis for Missis sippi, 50,000 at Ilelona for Arkansas, and 10, 000 each at Charleston, New Madrid and Gay oso for Arkansas. above mentioned; also, bavous Macon and ltartlioloii omen Iho river is risuiL- raimllv. Helms clisrtu ed iv steamer to remove stink. IumiiiI IN-ail, Nkw Yokk, Match 22. -PhilUn Van Ueu sals, a younger member of thu Knickerbocker family of tint mine, was found dead at tlio lliuuswick hotel this morning with a bullet through his hiain. It is a question whether be eomn itted nucide ui death accidental. Hi family claim uu cause for his taking Ins lif. Ho was wealthy and had everything that bhould make life pleasant. Ho was a yreat traveler and had only leceutly returned from Ssii FraurKco, where ho had spout somo tiuie aftei an extcrded trip through the west trn wilds on I orsvbaek. Arrotnl rr MBiugilluii. Has KHANVIM.M, March 2tl Wlnla th City of Tokio was euteiing the harbor to day she was boarded by two Tinted States deputy inar.hals.who ane.tid John lleiino.say,purcr, aud Henry Kenned), steward. Theo par tirawerti aireatcd on suspicion of beiug en. jagul iii amugcliiig opium into this port from Hong Kong. Vhi ir room was searched, and nothing autpicious was found. They were dmittiil to bail iu $.1,000 each, aud will be xamiiied to-moiiow More the United States Coininiuioncr. Hlalue on I'rru, Wamiimiion, March 20. There u rvaaou to think tho aJminiitiatiou will reject the Trescott protocol, upou which Blaine speaks this morning. As to Blaine's iutcrviow, it is diy, Itev. Mr. Fieehau, a priest, was proso c u ted for luiug jcditious language. Tho charge vras that no read a paper purporting to he a statement of the Bishop of Nevada, that if he (Bishop) had been imprisoned as a sus pect, ho would hava issued a manifesto call ing tho peuelo to aims instead of urging them to pay lent. Tho magistrate ordered Father I'Ychau to find JL'tOO biil or go to prison for six mouths'. Feelim iufusd togivu bill and was taken to Marvboro iiiison. He was made to travel 20 miles across tho county escoi ted by Lairaiiy ami miaiiiiy, uuiuoiuics leailllg a collision with tho populace if ho should be taken by lailway, to.lou Wool Markrl. Boston, March 21. There ia no champ of importance ; market dull : forced sales can only be made at concessions. This remark includes all kinds of wool, even No. 1 fleece and combing at lections that havu been com paratively seatce and Iii in recently. Ohio and Peiiii.ylvania fleeces have been Bold at 43M45o for XXX and XX and above, with choice XXX at-ITJc, but A'iQi 44o is all that X and XX lleieis will now bring. Michigan and Wisconsin lleices have been soiling at W(d 42o and are dull at them prices. C mill ing and iltlamo selections have been selling at 4lt(cMSc per pound ; unwashed combing, dull. Good Kentucky has been sold at 2i'(',30u ; or dinary lota for less. lTnwahed fleeces have bee ii hi steady demand with sales at 25(f32c for fine, '.HiO'.l-o for medium, with choke sel ictions at 3 Keltic per pound. California wool, quiet but steady. One lot of choice sold at 23o per pound, Pulled wool is in steady demand. Crimen Maine and Eastern supira have been sold at 45(3520, fair to good 30(ie I to ; eouinioii, 32(2350 ; choice California pulled, 45500, Iu Australian wool there lias been considerable doing, sales amounting to nl tit 300,000, of which 133,000 were choice tombing at 475c Other foreign wend, quiet. 1'iom all over Kansas comes reports of thu most Mattering character in relation to crop prospects. Wheat is iu advance of the sea son and never looked better. All unusually mini vv inter ami Ircqucut rams have given pUnt an opportunity to spread and strengthen their beauties, aud now, as the weather vruws warmer, blades are pushing rapidly, giving promise of a plentiful harvest. Washington spiciali A gentleman on inti mate relations with the embassy at Washing ton of the Chiueao Empire mays iu case the aiitl-Chmoae bill passed the House the Chinese minister would remove Ins legation to Spain, to which country ho is the accredited repre sentative, and thatoiticial intercourse between the United States and China would be mutu ally btokeu oil. The House committee on ways and means adopted, six to live, the following resolution! iVjwiW That the sub-committee on the changes in internal revenue bo instructed to rrport bill abolishing all iUerual revenue taxes except the tax on distilled liquors, malt liquor aud manufactured tobacco, ami taxes oil bank circulation and alcohol medicines, re serving for their discretion a reduction of the tax on sugar and special taxes ou dealers, manufacturers, etc Rumor says the Atchison, Topeka k Santa I'd Railroad will build to Dallas and- San Antonio. Arrangements were previously made to reach Dallas by tho Gulf & Pacific, to be constructed from Sabiuo Pass to Albu- querou. Timet' special : Royal B. Conaut, w lieu cashier of tho Eliot National Bank in Boston, embezzled $7,000, and was sentenced to Ded ham jail for seven years. On tho ground that his health had been undermined by two years' confinement, Piesident Arthur has pardoned him. The wifo of Sergeant Mason applies foi aid for herself and distiessed family and the re leaso of her husband. Sho says her husband has been a brave soldier, was never in the guard houso before, and carries honorable wounds. Sho thinks he has been punished cinutrh ny si months imprisonment. Tho Statu Democritic Convention of Rhode Island has mado the following nominations : lloraco R. Kendall, governor; J. R. Perry, Lieutenant Governor; Jonathan M. Wheeler, Seorotaiy of State; Frmcis L. O'lteilly, At torney Gcucral; Arnold L. Burdick. General Treasurer. Postmaster Gonoral Howe in a conference with merchants and others regarding mail transportation, promised to give his attention to the complaint that the Australian mail bound East was delayed by stoppage at Chicago, lie expects to save 74 hours time iu service between New York and San Francisco. It is stated that General Pope will succeed General McDowell as commander of the de partment of the Pacific. Intelligence from Taskend states that the protocol privilege for surreatder of the Hi territory to China has been signed, and in habitants wishing to emigrate will be under the protection of Russian troops for a jear. Post olliccs established George, Clackamas county, Oregon, John C, Siblemade postmas ter; Roy, Marion county, Oregon, Monroe Cleaver postmaster; Natehie, Yakima couuty, W. T., 1). K. Sinclair postmaster. A Deadvvood dispatch of the 24th says : It is publicly .charged here that the United States grand jury lately ducharged had found a true bill against Johu B, Foray, special agent, for attempted bribery in prosecuting K-Postmaster Starr, but District Attorney Camplicll kept it from coining to court. A Tombstone dispatch says that Mr. Peele, engineer of the Tombstone Mill Company, was assassinated in his olfico at Charlotou last night by masked men, who entered tho ollice and shot him dowu. Mr. Austin, superin tendent, who was iu the oftice with Peele.was not hurt. Motive unknowu, C. P. Huntington, in an interview regard inir railroad affairs, said there will be no change in the policy of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad. The railroad will be ex tended as originally desigued. He stated he intends building a railroad from Kawde Pass, Texas, to the city of Mexico. Miss Phoebe Cousins, the well known woman suffrage advocate of Washington City, has applied to Arthur to be appointed one of the United Statea commissioners to reorganin Utah under the recent act of Congress. A numerously signed petition for her appoint ment will be sent to the President iu a few da8. Forney' Sumlat Chnnklt lias the follow iug : The actiou of the President on the Chi nese bill is looked forwarvl to w ith consider able interest. The statement that the sub ject will be considered at Tuesday's Cabinet meeting is nude ou good authority, and is doubtless correct. Persona beat qualities! to judge in the matter give their opimou that the President will uiuiuestionablv aien the bill. a it is probable that it would otherwise be paiMd over hi bead. ITEIIS HV TELEC.KAI'Ii. Chicago has a $2,251,000 court house nearly completed. Friends of the President say that he will veto tho Chinese bill. Five incendiary fires have occurred at Yank ton in two w ecks. The commissioner of pensions wants 800 additional clerks. Crow Dog has been convicted of murdering Spotted Tail at Deadwood. It is reported that Mason will be pardoned, but dismissed from the army. Several of the Star Route contracted plead not guilty last Saturday. Teller's name is to go to the Senate Tuesday for Secretary of the Interior. The St. Louis directory for 1832 contains 19,000 more names than last year's. 'The news from the flooded districts is more favorable and the wcrst is over. The Richmond and Pittsburg railroad bridge was destroyed by firo on the 20th. R. T, Warden, An old resident of San Ra fael couity, Cal was killed on the 25th by an employe. Strong k Cobb's drug etore at Cleveland was damaged by fire to the amount of Sb'0,000 on the 26th. It is expected that a special session of the Missouri legislature will be called for the pur pose of redisricting the State. Col. A. N. Frever was found dead in his bed at Milwaukee on the 25th. Supposed he committed suicide on accouut c f poverty. Frederick Christcch. an old resident of Pet- aluma, Cal, committed suicide there to-day by shooting himself through the had. Senator Hill, ot Georgia, had another oper ation performed. Physicians have no appre hension of a serious result, and there will be no necessity of another operation. William Harcourt, home secretary, writes a letter refusing, in recard to visits, further in dulgence to Dr. Lamson, convicted of the murder of his brother-in-law. II. Vandyke, bookkeeper for Ackerson & Co., San Francisco, was instantly killed by a wind-mill falling ou him. He leaves a wife and five children. The Star Route Ben ice in the Pacific States and Territories cost annually under General Brady, $2,844,105. Contracts for the same service have been mado at$l, 125,149. "The Qbvner thus closes its tribute to Longfellow: "It is scarcely too much to sayth.it since the death of Byron no living English poet enjoyed bo much popularity as Longfellow," John Henderson, of Mexico, has been ar rested at New York for entering the apai t ments of Miss Kate Wilson, of San Francisco, at tho New York hotel, and stealing jenelry valaed at S1.000. In the commons the under secretary of for eign affairs said that the government was considering the representation of the United states regal ding trial or release nf AinericanB imprisoned under the coercion aet. TERRITORIAL. The railway company will employ 300 men at Sprague in 90 days from no; about $300, 000 yearly in the way of saleries. Twenty-five citizens of Cheney have applied for a charter and dispensation to organize a lodge of tho A. O. U. V. During 1S82, tho Northern Pacific will carry fruit and ornamental trees freo of charge for settlers along its linn of road. The diver brought up from San Francisco for the purpose of examining the amp onincy at Tacoma, found a leek near the keelson, under the copper. Tho open place was filled, and the pouriiie in of the water was stopped. The Seattle, Walla Walla and Baker Rail road Company filed articles of incorporation at Seattle, last Monday. H. Lyster, Thos. Burke, J. R. Lewis, II. G. Struve, H. B. Baglev, John Leary and Geo; W. Harris will be the ino rporators. Ths capital stock will be $3,000,000. The object is to build a nar row gauge railroad from this city via the Snoqualmie Pass to Walla Walla and Baker Ulty, or some otner poini wueie. eouiiecuun may be made with the Oregon Short Line from Granger, in Wyoming, $150,000 of the stock has been subscribed in this city, and aa much more will be taken next week. Men will be put at work in tho Pass and on'this end of the road at an early day. MAKINF. niAsiTI.lt. STATE .EWS. Wheat is worth S- cents at Salem. A telegraph ollice has been established at Hillsboro. H. O. Hyde is moving his store from Foiest Grove to Dilly. Circuit Court convenes at Hillsboro next Monday. Real estate is hoomine at Independence. It is a prosperous town. Cinonville is crowded with men, going to work on the railroad. There is a good opening fur a tailor at Lafav ette. M. D. Wisdom has bought the stao line from Baker City to Malheur. The Belt House at Independence is for sale. A kood opening for a hotel keeper. "1 hero is moro urain seeded in the vicinity of Cauyouville than ever before. Wni. and John Evans were arrested at Coos Bay for robbing an old man named Likiu. E. J, Thiirman has let the contract for the erection of four tine residences at Silvertou. W. E Palmer has the contract to build the Drain Academy. It is to be two-story, 30x50 Farmers in the valley aro generally behind with their work, owing to tho continuous rains. Tho citizens of Gervais want a grist mil1. No better place in the State for auch an en terprise. Mr. J. R. Shipley, an aced man of 70. liv ing on Chehaleni Mountain, cut and split 300 rails in ouo day. There is only one criminal case on the docket for the next term of the ashington county circuit court. A correspondent from Fairview, Coos county, saja cattle bii)ers are thicker than book agents in that vicinity. Many of the teamsters between Redding and Jacksonville propose to go to work on the railroad. J. K. Sears, of Polk county, is endeavoring to make arrangements to build a grist mill at Silvertou. Wm. Kent, who killed Patsev Gallaidier at the Willows. Jackson county, has been ills- cnargeu oy the grand jury. The man Crooks, killed at Prinevilte, was a son of Hon J. T. Crooks, one of the most esteemed citizens of Linn comity. A vein of coal threw feet in, thickness has been struck uear Yaquina Bay recently. It is of the quality known as blacksmith coal. Ed. Ljous, who was shot by Dan. Patter son at Baker City, waajn a critical condition at last accounts, aud his chances for recov ery are doubtful. Chas. Foster was arrested at Roseburg for forgery, aud placed under $250 bonds. He had been imposing on the rehgiou people of that place, aud is a general bilk. At a meeting in Albany last week, it w as resolved that the citizens of that nlaee ami v cinity would contribute $20,000 towards the construction of a railroad and wagon bridge across the Willamette river. The i'lsf Ort'ioxhn remarks: There will be driven from Eastern Oregon by the diOVr ent cattle men this Spring 35,000 head of cat tie for the Kiteru markets. Ryan & Laug have the largest band, having twelve to thir teen thousaud k.'ad. The To ir Fearless with' a irhooncr In Tew Grounded on Coos Rny liar. Itoth Teasels Badly Damaged. A dispatch statea that at noon on Saturday the tug Fearless w ith a schooner in tow ground ed on Coos bay bar and immediately became unmanageable, broaching to and the sea break ing over her. 'The schooner, to save herself, cut hawser at once and tried to proceed under sail, but striking on her keel immediately after passing the tug, broached to and stuck fast on the Spit, pounding heavily and rolling with the rising tide. With all sail set she succeeded m getting over the Spit in about four hours, but commenced leaking badly and she was then taken m tow by the tug Col. Thomas and beached in the lower bay at 7 1. u. Jlv the use of steam pumps going until 5 o'clock A. it , she kept the water down to three feet. Mie was then towed to .Worth Bend, where she now lies half full of water. The Fearless is still on the North Spit, but with the rising tide made considerable way toward tho bay, where she is leaking and bad ly stiaiued, aud machinery damaged. The only chance of saving her is to keej) her pump ed out, at which a force of men are now en. gaged, J. Now land, of San Francisco, was a passenger from Gardiner on the tug, and worked all night encouraging the crew and bailing with buckets to keep the water down. 1 lie spray is constantly breaking over them. Captain Madsen, of the Gotama, proceeded to San Francisco on the Arca'a to-day. Areldentullr liriiwneil. Thursday afternoou Mr. G. C. ROBERT BRUCE The English Coach and nV. Stnllfoii, Weight 1550 ihffaft w ill make tho season of 1M9 ,iuu, time between the farm of the nna '. Albariy.a. . TunaM.1 1 between the farm and Corvallis. WIU leas. aX "V rtturnlng- home Huntlav mornings. A1ean( a-rui-u-iTi iiuuen iiruco was sired br Imn at. . Ham Wallace; Bam, a noted and beautIMn ' ." Illy, bred by Mr Phelps, of Kentucky. and Lm ,TeH to Abe Kry, of Illinois, 'sir William Vail.?, hv11" in the stud for nine cars In McLean countr Iii t M1 Trrmai Season, i!0; Insurance, SW. olwrf . age furnished maro from a dlstanea at invf.nir'' attention (riven. No aceountabilltj for awldenfci " JAMES IMBRIE. WIDE AWAJEiT The well known Full Blood ' Pcrchcron Norman Stallion T 111 .Make Hie Season of I8,s, ' i.uuiuicncimr aiarch 27th ana ji July 1st. Monday,, Tui0"""! Wednesdays of each week1,'. Z fann 10 miles east of Sa'em in 5 Vdo Hills. Thur-di'mto and Saturdava at n.fWL BW Stable, Silcm, Oregon. WIDE-AWAKE is wltr... doubt tlio most uniform breoder in the State H ' never sired a colt only ol a gray or roan color ' ' Terms) Season, iii; Insurance, $35; saaioa do. the end of tho season; Insurance due when thenuni knowi to bo with foat Good pasture tor mumiZl distance at J1.60 per month. Will not be remoSi! for accidents. Descrlptloni Wide-Awake is 72 irra); 17 hands hl-jh; weldn 1,800 pounds; IsS-nsJ?, this Spring. Was Imported by James A. Perrt S w llmlngton, 111., and Is an extra traveler. '' ' T. J. EDMONSON, LOUIS NAPOLEON. Ak .. The JTeleliratrd II nn STALLION will make tho season of 1881 commencing Marih mh ..1 " - ... 11 .-1- . , ,., sri rfcf " "ui ukij ma, ul Hrjiiiia mile north of Sublimit on MondiUB and Tn-..,.. at SjTAITON on WcdnC8da and ThursJug; M(l 5 bCIO on Fridajs and Saturdays of each week, Irrnm Lean, due at service, ylO: S&mnn Aui end of season, fcl'i; hisuruncy, due wliciunireli known to be ulth foal, old LouH ha pro.cd himself one of the btst eiris In Oregon as well os California. IeM'rJtloii! Louis Napoleo.i waa sired bj Old Loula Napoleon the first Perchcron Norman Imported to Illinois; his? dam was h) Old Sampson, Imported tr Colonel Oiklej, of Taswell count), lllinoia, hit krand dun was a Canadian mare; he wefgha 1,500 poundi height, 10 hands; color, white ' " PHIL. GLOVER. NURSERY. Havener brouilit to town, says the Prineville Newi, the sail news by drowning of tho death of a man named William McBritle. Mr. JIcBricle, with his wife and two children, left town that mi'riiiiiL' in a two hot so wagon for Sam New- some's ranch, having arranged to take charge there. Iu atteinptiiiir to cross the river ut tlio ford just ab .vo tho mouth of Eagle creek, it seems tho horses becaino unruly, and Mo Urnle got into the river to unhitch them, the water at the ford being not more than three feet deep, but deeping below. Whether Mc Undo was injured by one of tho horses, or was taken with cramps, is not known, but he wa3 carried under in sight and almost within reich of his torior-strickeii wife and children, w hoso cries for. help were heard by a sheer herder about a mile distant. He, with othcis, rej aired to the spot and without much ditficulty rescued the team and family, who are being kindly cared for at the home of Ililey Khodes. Mr. Havener piocured a boat and hooks, and every ifl rt will be made to recover the body of the unfortunate man. Deceased came here last Fall from the Wil lamette, his father being a farmer near Shedd'a station, Linn county. He was 28 years of age, and a man of integrity and worth. MIIOOL H.MI UlMTItlUlllO.N. The following is the distribution of county sc.iool fund, March 20, 1SS2. Amount dis tributed, S17.943 12; rate per pupil, $2 13; rumber of children of school age in county, 8,424: . TANGENT (Started 1857 30 vcars a Nursorvmaa.) ii. w. sKTri.Fiiim:, ALL SORTS OK Fruit, Ornamental and Shade Tret, AND VINES tt SllllUBBEItY. Semi to Tangent, Oregon, Tor price list ail ectl-cin ilt'Ncrlpsltc catalogue. Garrison is a public bencfaator, because'hi sells better sewing machines for less monej than has ever been done in Oregon before, tf No ot No. ot Amt. to No. ot No ot Amt. to Dist. Cr.il. each Uist. Chll. each 4-20. Put 4 20. D St. 1 UU $11,318 82 25 211 55 33 2JJ 600 07 20 No Sch'l 3 .. 4 87 IU 27 170 SU2 10 4 ... M 131 in 28 .. 31 7 42 5 .. 124 2(14 12 2D .. .No Sch'l e. . ..58 125 67 30 22 ' 40 Wl 7 31 100331 280 590 40 8. . , 3 70 03 12 53 123 54 8 . ..No Sch'l 33 HI 2,7 ;i 10 .. .. 04 ISO 32 14 17 36 21 11 15 31 (15 35 . 23 48 08 12 ... 72 153 3030 37 78 81 13. . .. 41 9159 37... i 30 03 1)0 11 ... 70 14') 10 33 . 11 29 82 15 43 9169 33 12 25 58 10 . 31 00 03 40 63 144 84 17 . . 67 121 41 41 . 17 36 21 18 . 30 U DO IS" 10 21 10 19 .,.. 30 70 1.3 70 39 83 07 20 . 23 59 04 S3' 10 2180 2' 922 1,903 80 t 20 42 00 22 ..33 80 91235 . 10 24 OS 23 44 93 72 24 No Sch'l Total., .8124 J17.9I3 12 Chlclumas Did Multnomah. tColumbia and Multnomah $Uahintuii and Multnomah. MILWAUKIE NURSERY. Greatest Variety of FRUIT TREES IN OREGON, CONS STINO OF 1'K AH. I'KAl'lf, I'M M, ami CHEERY, CUirK, and CIIKKKY 4TBUENT, Ultlll.V ItLACKIIKKIlY.KASI'llF.KBY BTBAWBEItKY SET, And CALIFOItMA WALNUTS. BLACK WALNUT ItlTTKIIMT, HLItEKT t BAY TBEK. Tfl-Which will he sold low tor CASH. Special in ducements to parties who wish a large quantitv of GERMAN or ITALIAN PRUNES. We have a few thousand Cherry Grafts of loading varieties ready for vdanthij? at 20 per thousand S. LUELLING, feblm2 l'roprletors, Mllwaukle, Oregon. WOODBURN NURSERY Keeps a full stock of FRUIT TEERS, Shade, Ornamental and NUT TREES, Vines and Shrubbery, At the Very Lowest Rates. X( APHIS OK UTHKK I'F-STS O.V TREES U MY MBStfRY. For price list and descriptive catalogue send to J. H. SETTLEMYER, oct7-9m Woodburn. Ore on. Work on tuk N. ! R. R. The Railroad Gazttte, of March 10, says oj work on the Northern I'acidc: "At the Mullan tunnel'in the Rocky mountains the heading ia now about 330 ft. ami work is proirreaaing well. From the tuuuel west to lake Pen d'Oreillo a considerable force is emplocd in grading and getting out ties aud trestle timber. Kat of the tunnel the SO Miles between Missoula and Deer Lodge are uuder contract and more than half graded. On tho eastern end the track is laid to the Little Roaeburd 20 nulea west of Kt. Keogh, Montana. Much of the grading is completed from the end of the track west ward for 50 miles, and work is progressing rapidly." Seso name and addreu to Cragin 4 Co., 1'hiUdelphia, Pa., for cook book free. Another K.ui.koui Entebpiiisk, The project to -i.-xtend tho railroad of the Mill Creek Vlumo and Manufacturing Co. on Dry Creek, sajs the Walla Walla Union, has reached such a state of forwardness that but little remains to do before the work of con struction is commenced. Major Truax has surveyeda practicable line trnm Mill Creek to Charley Actor's place, a distance of about eight miles. A meeting of the farmers on Dry Creek was held, and a committee an. pointed to raise funds to pay for the right of way. The committee have received subscrip tions amounting to $'2,700, a sum great enough to cover all claims for damaces. A day or two ago H. E. Holmes bought Charlie Actor's place, containing 200 acres, for $7,000, and yesterday Mr. Holmes, accompanied by Dr. Baker, M. C. Moore and others, went out to view his new purchase. While there they picked out the site for the terminus of the new railroad, and the inevitable town, which Mr. Holmes named Hiker, in honor of our distinguished fellow -citizen, Dr. D. S. Baker. We understand that a grist mill will speedily be erected at Baker, to be driven by the waters of Dry Creek, which aro ample for the pur pose. It is understood that as soon as the right of way question is settled, the work of construction will be commenced, and the road bdilt aa rapidly as possible. PACIFIC NURSERY. SALMI, OBF.GO.V. Prettyman & Potter, General Nursery Stock. APPLES, PEAKS, CHERRIES, PLUMS, pltl MES, PEACHES, YINES AD SHALL FRITH, SIIAUE AND NUT TKEES. Everything propagated and grown with caro and at tenticn paid to proper taklmr up, packing and amp ping. Give us a call or address at Salem for dcscriptin Catalo-ue. JanJO. ROSES -.- onnr UUSINEI establishment making a SPECIAV OFROBEB. SOL11CEHUVH alona. We deliver Strona Pot rim.- .Mtusa Bcsi.ie.-vs. The amount of $75,000 has been subscribed to the fund for procuring a powerful tug to operate oa the Columbia bar. Messrs. Donald Macleay, Ellis Q. Hughes and W. J. Burns hate been appointed to prepare the article of incorporotion for the company. toe on for ROSES alona. suitable zcunm-diata '"'vmij o aiucuuia varaw o r. .r -K- -nail fWMnVU-V -- -, . . ...,, Deieti,-!' I 7SB in Pre most ( 3i';j 100 for 3. Vie CIVE AWAVT- Lnlumtl ana arrraa nw-t Binir fhan mi iahUahmeaU grow. Our NKW GUIDE, a ""F!. m THE OsNCkSf C&NARD CO. JL Posd urevsn, Wss7 0m Ousts Co.' A SUPERIOR HARROW! FAJUIEBS EtEKrtVHEME WAST IT- CH.1.MCS Et EHVttHEEE CAS MAKE I will rr-all the plan, and right to make one, toths flnt In any place who sends ine II. Harrows and parts t Harrows Far Sal. I have used this harrow two ear, and ' eral of ni) neighbors, and we know It li superior toauj other harrow of similar coat. For further particular address me at ButUrUle. Oregon- " JOHN W. nATCmaOB, Agtnt- USE ROSE PILLS.