i i -i WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OlxGON, MA.ROH 24, 1882 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The FlneiU Klvr lulling- Memphis, March 15. River continues fall- ling and now marks 35 feet 6 inches on the Igauee ana ii tuning at an points, uown ine riier. Helena, Ark.. March 15. me river con tinues falling at the rate of 2J inches in24 hours, and the overflow in the city is parsing off in like ratio. The worst is over, although there is little or no diminution, in the suffer ings, except whee aid is furnished by the government, which is nothing compared to wnat me country requires 10 save ua - u-j. people. Mn.rnv Mai-nli lfl The Drohibitory liquor bill passed to third reading in the House by N15 to 8. The Senate passed a resolution in favor of biennial State elections ny -u to i, Xoiable Catherine. Pinr-Ann. M.ircli 15. The meetine of the Iroquois club to morrow evening will be ren- uerea an interesting uvunt iu n -; jl-ciuu-cratic politics by the presence of Senator Lamar, ex uov, nenancxs, -congressmen anu ex Congressmen Hurd, Watterson, Harrison, rrumbull, iireckenridge, una Kan kittle ana i. I'. Merntt of Washington, J. s. uiack ana filas of Wisconsin, all of whom will deliver riilres8es. Letter will be read from Senator liayard and Govs. Palmer and Tilden. Bearing the Stork Murkel. New York. March 15. -.Tbe Commercial IVulktin says the bear party, which has had until lately complete control ot the market, Bndioe there were good buyers for all Van- derbilt and Gould st cks, they wanted to sell ft advancing prices, turned their attentions lo stocks which have no friends, like D. and G.. and N. J. Central, and in lees degree, he Louisville and Nashville. These stocks hev raided from time to time, but with iu- , r t ! 1 .1- lluerent success BU lar no --reaiuiL- gvuvrni uu- iioralization is concerned. These stocks losed lower than yesterday, but other stocks cere all higher. There was an absence, ivs the Mail and Express, of that uneasiness il'iicli has characterized the market for some lime pass sue urauua inquest- Ouaiia. Neb.. March 12. The coroner's jnueat over the remains nf Uenree P. Arm- ttrong, who was bayoneted to death on Sun ay evening by militiamen was concluded last veninz bv the jury returning a verdict that he deceased came to his death by a biyonet round at the hands ot a militiaman while in he discharge of his duty, and who is unknown i the jury. Armstrongs ueatn caused great udiguation-amont; labor union men, who will Ittend the funeral en masse to-day. Will Contest. Sas Francisco, March 15. At a meeting eld last evening by the League of Freedom, i organization composed ot all classes ot per- Ins who are in the habit of keeping open aces of business un Sunday, the league re lived to contest the Sunday law, which has r a decision of the supreme Court been de ar ed constitutional, and to ktep open their aces of business as heretofore. UiirJeld'nnd Roserruu. I Pittsburg, March 15. Gen. J. S. Negley, unug bill reiieuiuu uivisiui uuiiimuuuci, ami bo one of the seventeen Generals mentioned Garfield in the Chase letter, was inter ns ed to-dav. He said he denlored the so- lllcd Garfield and llosecrans controversy. I sum up the whole Case to be about as fol- wo Han fla-.A-.l-l upnta frAalir tit hia fripnit trine utterance to his hopes and political tws, without the slightest intention of doing, Justice to his superior, and ,it was only in er vears this untimely and unfortunate let- became a source of unexpected irritation, . to-dav it attains its chief proportions in i ill-advised attempt to glorify the already kstnous memory of President Uarheld at i expense of the feelings and honor of his ling comrades. That he would condemn it ivme. 1 am certain ; that every true lnend (his condemns the act I am certain, ana iry lover ot justice ard truth should hesi e to deprive Rosecrans of the credit he de ves for the achievements of the army under command at Stone river aud lullahoina. Ul doubt as to how Garfield a letter to the i Chief Justice Chase became public has In removed by the admission oi J. A. huckera, former private secretary to Mr. ase, that he furnished the copy to liana, ot ! New lork bun. Washington, March 15. Gen. Kosccrans submitted a long interview to be pub- bed in a local paper to-morrow morning dd the Garfield letter. He speaks more in Irow than anger on what he terms a breach laitn ot ins oniei oi Stan, ana aeienus nis lniaign as worthy ot the tnanks oi uon- Ibs, received at the instance ot Uen. uar- Id. Members of the Army of the Cumber- bJ express much regret at the opening of ch a controversy. River and Harbor Mil. Washington, March 15. The House com- lute on commerce is holding meetings daily the river and harbor bill ana other import- : measures before it. The question of ap- pptiations for the Pacific coast has not yet en reached and will not be for about two eks. Until then it will be impossible to Ite how much will go to the various public ruv cments ot that section. As rage ot Eifornia is chairman and George of Oregon a Imber, they will see that the Pacific States u Territories obtain as large a snare oi ap Donations as it is possible to obtain consist- : with the earnest demands oiajiiner sec- George is 'busily engaged in prepare- i of a sDeecu upon imDrovement of the lersand harbors of the northwest Pacific, lich he will soon deliver in the House. Keducing the Kevennc Tax. Hie ways and means committee will recom pd to-morrow, a bill to reduce the tax on tsky from 00c to 50c a gallon ; on malt purs Irom aajc to ouc per oarrei ; toDacco, I to 10c per pound ; cigars, SO to $4 per lusand. and cigarettes from $1 75 to 60c a lusaud, and a seduction of 50 per cent, iu cial tax on the above article ; also to re- I laws taxins bank capital and deposits. Ickr, matches, stamps, medicines, perfume- etc. The redaction will amount to aoo,- 1,000. Antl-Honon-sltst. Spbincfielu. IU.. March lo. ihe anti- IoodoIv convention to-day ad .p ted resolu. Ins reaffirming railroad legislation of Illinois lit corporations are subject to control oi tne pilature; that railroad laws should bestrictlv forced ; that the governor and warehouse amission should prosecute the almost con st violation of laws; that pan giving is in set bribery, and that no candidate should :ivc the support oi this convention tor any :e who will take such bribery, or will not r a law to make oflenag or taking passes ery, and disqualifying men Irom omce; ; the railroad and warehouse commission I neglect its duty unless it fix at two cents mie ine rates, lor passengers on leading i of the State, and cut down freight rates impare with other States. r lesuuu achwalka om the JtaBBelle. JICAGO. March 17. Lieut. Schwatka. ic explorer, said in aa interview yester he docs not think there is any chance of ivsl of anv of the Jeannette crew except -I- m uuai, wuicu may uvo guuo mnucr on the Siberian coast, and may work hu ' out on the Pacific coast: but the chances gainst him too. DeLonz ha no chance. Ipoks for definite information about the ile oi June. Indictment of the Rioters. Omaiii, March 17. The grand jury this afternoon returned twenty-five indictments against rioters, charging them with assault to commit murder. The first arrest is that of ex-Conncilman Barney Shannon, acainst whom are two indictments,. with $2,000 bail. Ed Watch, against whom there are four in dictments, is in jail, not et being able to give the requisite I ail of $4,000. He is pres ident of the so-called labor union and is chief ringleader in all demonstrations and has ut tered the most incendiary speeches. Other arrests are to immediately follow. Brpnbllean Caucus Resolution. WAsmsaTOX, March 16. At a caucus of Republican representatives to-msht a resolu tion was adopted without dissent tn the effect mat any legislaton at preteut looking to a re duction of internal revenue taxes upon whisky, tobacco and ciga s are inexpedient. .Republican members of the House were in better spirits to-day than' for w eeks past. It was very generally felt action in caucus last night cleared the political atmosphere. The determination not to favor a reduction of whisky and tobacco taxes and make an earn est effort to reach the tariff commission bill under the present rule, give definiteness to the purposes of tVo majority heretofore lack ing. Extreme protectionist admit the cau cus action was a surprise. The Snow lllorkade. Emigrant Pass, March 17. Of two plows bound east, one ii broken down at Gold Run and the other is stuck east of Blue Canyon. Snow is about twelve feet deep and it is snow iug now; wind southwest. One hundred and twenty men are working between Blue Can yon and Alta, shoveling snow. The chances are slim for any trains getting through to night. The plow is still here with, eight engines waiting for orders. Wells, Fargo x Co. are transfemng letters between Truckee and Alta by carrier on snow-shoes. Arrlilrnlnlly Killed. Virginia, March 17. This morning Rev. T. H, McGrath accidentally shot himself iu the region of the heart. At 9 o'clock to-nicht he was still alive, but rapidly sinking. Doc tors say he will not live through the night. The weapon was a self-cocking pistol ot poor construction, which went off while he was trying to revolve the cylinder. The Flooded Itcglons. Nkw Orleans, March 18. There are now reported thirty-three breaks in levees between Hushpuckata and Greenville, and terrible suffering is experienced. A dispatch says that water from Wilkeu's bend has s"bmerged the land down to Buckport. Houses are floating for miles into the country. The steamer Cannon arrived at Vicksburg yesterday. Cap tain Campbell says he rescued over two hun dred head of cattle, mules, etc., and a num ber of families at the ends of levees. At one place ho went out into the swamp abou,t a mile for peoplo who were literally starving ts death. The captain reports a terrible condi tion of things below, aud says in many in stances there is not only a lack of means, but absolute poverty. Pilots of Canton report five feet of water over New Town, Miss. Be- .low New Town the whole country, with the exception of Natchc'z, is submerged. Un the Louisiana side the Uiouland plantation at Point Coupee, Hogspoint, four miles below Red river, Gibson place, sixteen miles from Natchez, and the Coleman plantation, about two miles above Waterproof, are. the only ites where land can be seen at all. Gov. McEnery received application for rations for 70,000 people, Madison parish having added 12,000 to previous applications. The clerk of the steamer Natchez says ma'tters ore a good deal worse than last trip. Stock is in a ter rible condition. On any little knoll in' the overflowed district you can see cattle, and sometimes several dead ones lying beside their living companions. The situation at Helena. Helena, Ark., March 18. The water is falling slowly in the river but the overflow in the city, remains stationary and the general situation brighter. Effects of the overflow are being roughly estimated and the figures reach millions. The suffering at points not easily accessible still continues and new stories of distress reach Helena hourly. The city is full ot homeless people who have escaped from the low-lands, aud hundreds of hands will go into the upper country, ccscrting their old homes forever. Additional news from that region shows still more the frightful con ditionaof the people. ' They raise cotton, corn and hay, and are said to be among the best st ck raisers upon the face of the globe. A thousand head of cattlo of- the finest Ken tucky breeds are filiating around dead or are upon scaffolds or on rafts that have been tied to trees to keep them floating. The few In dian mounds that appeir show the only grtmnd for nearly four hundred miles and are the only remaining vestige of that prehistoric country and these will be used to land rations on, it bing unsafe to select any houses on the route. Destitution In Arkansas. Helena, March IS Destitution in the sunken lauds ot upper St. Francis were never equalled in the annals of disasters. These people, all white, and received no help what ever. Hundreds of families are living on rafts, eating dead animals aud grasping at any re volting food. Families are huddled together like animals, praying tor toou. JNo land is visible for 300 miles. Stories of disaster and destitution received from all lower Mississippi river points con tinue to coniH up. The river is rising again, aud levees giving away about Vicksburg and flooding entire prairies. Reported Apaehe Outbreak. Santa Fk, March 18. The following wa received to-day by Governor Sheldon from the captain ot a territorial militia conipauyj dated at' Lbrdaburg, a station 04" the Southern Pacific railroad, about 30 miles from the Gali river. Yesterday seventy mounted Apachn scouts rode to the reservation, went upon'the war path on the Gall river and killed Michael Connell, Assiatauce is asked immediately from the government t j help us. ill start with a squad of my company to day. A. U. liLACK, Captain Shakspeare Guards. Foist Cummins, March 18. Lieutenant Colonel Forsyth'has investigated the reported outbreak of 0 Apache on the Gali river aud finds but little ,(uhdatipn for 'the story ,-as they reached San Carlo reservation in a quiet manner. Wasuisctox, March 18. ty. A. Cook, of tne star route prosecution, state bis reason for resigning was owing to the 'evident pur pose to freeze him out, as had been done fn the case of Gibson, an original detective em ployed on the case. He claims there is no encouragement from Arthur's administration and that the last indictments were not shown him, and cite a a remarkable fact the pur chase by Bliss some time ago of the National Republican for $1000, which he paid Brady, and at one time keeping on tha jpaper all the friends of the star route men. The attorney for defense stated today that he thought Cook had made a mistake in talking, but ad mitted that be (Cook) had not IkcU treated right. Cook's resignation,! now in the bauds of the attorney ceiieral. Cook further said Lthst be was confident that conviction would have followed in must of the case but for ex traordinary proceedings since the adrsnt of Bliss. He did net think it ausrured well for the (access of prosecution. The interview sue succc-us wi iin-n--.". ... ..- i icite (treat comment, and Cook ' intention J to say more excites all parties intsrested in the case. He also tays the present adminis Jration does not manifest the same earnestness in the prosecution of these caes as that of Ueneral Garfield, with whom he had a long interview three nights before the assastina tiou. Croeked shlpherd. Several members of the committee here ex press the opinion that Shipherd is trifline with or evading the committee. Orth moved the committee report the matter to the house and ask compulsory process. Walker favored positive action, and after pretty general dis cussion of the best course for the committee to pursue, Belmont moved the committee send a messenger to New York to ascertain facts. the motion was carried and jfhe committee uujuurnea. Shlpherd Wot at Home. New York, March 18. Inquirv at the of fice of Mr. Shipherd concerning his failure to appear before the committee at Washingtin to-day, drew forth the statement that Ship herd was ill at his home at Long Island, though not seriously sick A dispatch of in quiry to a citien at the place where Shipherd resides, elicited the following reply: "Mr. Shipherd is not at home." Small-pov Kpldemlr. READING. March 18 The ama.ll.nnx noniiroo is making terrible havoc in districts reported io-uay ior tne nrst time, an along south Mountains. From McCunele. Lehish countv. to Shamrock, Berks county, the plague is spreading. BETHLEHEM. March 18 The amall.nnT epidemic in South Bethlehem still prevails with great violence, and anthorities are power less to stay its progress; 200 cases are re- porteu. llled Without a Slrugcle. The Senate committee's amendment to the post-office appropriation bill, providing$2,500, 000 per year for ten years for carrying ocean maiia iu Ainerican-uuiiG vessels, was unex pected disposed of to-day when Davis ruled it out as new legislation. No effort was made over this decision, and the amendment fell without a struggle on the part of its friends. ITJK.HS BY TELEGKAPU. A British steamer arrived in San Francisco on the 14th with 80S Chinamen on board. The number of immigrants arriving in the United States during the eight months ending February 28, were 375,291. The Secretary of War will send army offi cers south, to make detailed reports of dutri- oution caused by the Hoods. John Brady, tho policeman in New York City who assisted in cutting off a Chinamau's qui-ue, has been dismissed from the service, G. M. Thurmond, ex-mayor of Dallas, Tex., and a desperate character,, was killed in the court room on tne loth mst. by it. H,. Low rant, a prominent lawyer of that city. The Southern floods are rapidly subsiding, Col. W. A. Clark, special attorney in the star route cases, has resigned. A large labor demonstration occurred in Philadelphia on the ISth. Stroug anti-Chinese resolutions were adopted. The O. K. ft N. Co.' stock was quoted at 133 in New York on the 17th. Sergeant Mason has been incarcerated in the penitentiary at 'Albany, N. Y. A "boom" in business and real estate is an nounced as occurring in Victoria, B. C. All trains on the C. P. R. R. were stopped by snow slides near Emigrant on the 16th. The Wisconsin Legislature has defeated the bill to establish capital punishment in that state. The U. P. R. R. is reported as discharging a targe numoer 01 its conductors ior supposed "crookedness." Gen. Rosecrans has been elected Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. A tornado passed over the town of San Mateo, Cal.. on the 15th. doine considerable damage. No lives lost. Oscar Wilde, the apostle of ajstheticism and sunflowers, is coming to the Pacific coast at an early day. Strong efforts are now being made through out the Eastern States to induce President .Arthur to pirdon to Sergeant Mason. Cant. Snarks. of the shin Gatherer, wai ar- restedon his arrival in San Francisco for al leged inhuman treatment of his men. The Pacific Mill Co., of Lawrence, Mass., have announced a reduction of wanes. The employes scopped work, and 64,000 spindles are now idle. The Gentiles at Salt Lake are roioicinc over the passage of the polygamy bill. A division in the Mormon church is reported as immi nent. Jacob R. Shepherd was before the House committee to investigate the Peruvian affair, on the 15th. Ho was required to furnish cop ies of all letters passing between himself, Blaine, Evarts, and others. The Philadelnhia Time nrinta two Iettera from Lieut. Melville, of the ill-fated Jeanette, one written befoie and the other after start ing, expressing a conviction that the vessel was unseaworthy and that the expedition would prove disastrous. TERRITORIAL. There still remains some small-pox in Co lumbia county, W. T, The Oregon Improvement Co. ia flumiug large quautities of wood at Dayton. The Nez Perce .Wj thiuiis the grade from Texas to Rebel Flat will yet be used by the O. R. & N. Co. The Board of Trade at Wall Walla unani mously favors the purchase of another (team fire engine. Tho. O'Brien and wife have charge of the hotel at Wailula Junction. -Tney will at onca erect a temporary structure. The North Pacific bridge across the Pen d 'Oriel le Lake is completed 'and traits art crossing upon it. There was two feet of snow remaining in Colville Valley on the 10th, and stock men are wearing long faces. The Palousc Gazette is authritv for the statement that all the horse sVtlonging to the uregon improvement vo., in w nituian coun ty, have been attached for tares. A party of O. R. 4 N. Co. surveyor, under Mr. Zahuer, are running a line from Endicott to Sprague...,Mr. Zahuer is instructed to find the most praftoabU . imm for a track from Union Flat o th N. P." , One day recently ooe of the saloons at Sprague was discovered on fire. A keg of steam beer'.was used as a fire extinguisher, and it worked like a" charm. Moral; no fam ily should ' be without a ktg of beer, in the house. The Walla Walla Watcl,ma is responsible for this item: A petrified and almost crystal itei heart w now on exhibition at Holme' drug store. It came from Hboalwater Bay, Puget Sound, W. T and is quit a curiosity. The original owner ot it most have been nat urally a very uarj-neanea being, inaeeu, Physician tell us that the heart of deljn u;ww.. -- -.- -.-- M---M--.W. M-.MH- quent subscriber get that way, ao-its-time. THE AMERICAN BARB FENCE. Galvanized, Painted or Japanned. The Handsomest. Stlffost, and Most Durable. Mo Rust. No Decay. Secure against Fire, Flood and 'Wind. It Is the only Rnrbed W Ire that nlll preterit small animals, such a rabbits, hares, plgs,.dogs, cats, etc., from passing through, under or oref It, !' the barbs aro ao near cash other. ' The Barbs betnir trla'nirular-shaped, like the teeth ot a saw, anil close together, there la- no cruelty to animals, as they cannot pierce the hide; they oahr prick, 'which Is all that Is etcr necessary, as no animal As the Wire I not bent or twisted, its tenslbie strength Is much greater than the wire In all other Barbed wire Fences, as they are all made of twutM or bent n ire. Unit or rold rnnnot nflrrt the American Rarb Fence, as it can be allowed to sag when put up, enough to coter contraction and expansion,' W cause It Is a continus Darb and cannot slip through the staples one tncb. Each panel ol tenco takes care of lUelf. The Barbs cannot be displaced or nibbed oft, and are notpounded on and Indented Into the wire to hold them In place, as in other Barb Wire, thersbf.oV creasing the strength, ot tho w Iro. The Barbs are short and broad at tho base, w here strength Is required. The Painted w elf b a pound to the rod, so that the purchaser knows exactly how much fencing he Is getting. Galvanised weighs slightly more. -w. irV. nvEoaT.cxjjEi -& oo., 110, 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery Street, San Francisco, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. Z. F. MOODY, The Dalles, Oregon, agent for Eastern, Oregon. Tho Fanners' Favorite HARROW ! (Patented June 29, 1S30) HAS ADVANTAGES OVEll ANY HAUIKHV ever yet Invented. It Is so constructed that it conforms to uneven surfaces, and Is tho Hoat Easily Managed Implement or the Klnu Iu Use By meant of the lever either section can bo readily lifted, so as to avoid any obstruction, or to clean it. A Small Hoy can Operate It. 3TIt has taken the FIRST premium at all the Fairs where it has been exhibited. A reliable agent wanted in every County on tho PudSc Coast States. County rights for sale. Address: J. J. SITTON, llosebur?, Oregon; General AgentJ! for Paciflo Coast fiblOtf USE KOSE PILLS. THE NEW SILENT. NO. 8. No Shuttle to Thread I Makes the Lock Stitch? Embroiders, Darns, Mends, Letters, .and makes Insertion, Sews on Buttons with out any attachment. Lightest running and most durable Machines in thcnVorld. One nf these will Outwear any two Shuttle Machines, and a child can manage it. EVERY O.VE WHO TRIES IT IS DELIMITED. Husbanla who wish to save doctor's bills and their wives' health, buy it Tne best of all kinds of Needles and Oils Aiwars on band MACHINES REPAIRED AND WORK WARRANTED Wheeler & Wilson MunufgCo., 88 Morrlaon St., Portland. CIUIGE SHARP, Jr., Muuugcr Orders for the country filled promptly. j novt-iy. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A Sure Cure Guaranteed. DTa. ions, N K.C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT' ment, ft specific for Hysteria, Dizzine, Conrul- ma, nciiuui iifiusmm. hviimi s;j(CBatuii, uumi wi Memory, Spermatorrhea, fmpotoncy. Involuntary KinU slons. Pre tint ure Old Aire, caused by overexertion. Be If 'Abuse or OverIndulirence, which leads to misery. decay ana death, une box will cure reoent cases. B?Kit Slav Anntslns'Ana mAhtkfi tmatmMnt A1 tYl Vk or six boxes for $5 00; sent by mail, prepared on receipt of price, we guarantee six iwxes w cure any cue. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompa nied with 5 00, we will send the purchaser our guar antee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued onl; br WOODAKD, CLARKE k CO., Wholesale and Retail DnnryisU. Portland, Or. Or Jen by mail it regular prices JanH-Jy - H. CARPENTER, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. (Late of Salem.) Oflee up stairs, N. W. Comer of 2d and Morrison Bt ' J-OKTLAND, .7. OREGON. Will practice la Portland and surroundin'r countrr, auKl-U. DRS. A. a.' A- Z. B. NICHOLS, WHOSE OBEAT SUCCESS IN TREATING' Chronic anal sa--1 Incurable Vis is wmi snowu, can oe rouna as weir rooms, m ft I'ulnn Mock, fortlaasL Tlesldenc on Stark street between First and Second, No fee for consulattioo. Kefer Oor. W, W. Thayer Gilbert Bros., Bankers of Salem, and Uoo, II. A. J oho o-j-Krt Broi 'son, Salem. jasiu will fro near a Darb Fence twice. RAILROAD LANDS. Liberal Terms, Low Prices, Long Time, Low Interest. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAILROAD COMPANY. OFFER THEIR LANDS FOR 8ALK UPON Till following liberal terms: One-fourth of tho prict in cash; Intorest'on the balance at the rate of seven pel cent one ear after sale, and each following year one tenth of the principal and interest on the balance at the rate of seven per cont per annum. Both principal interest payable In U. S. Currency. A discount of ten per cent will be allowed for cash. Letters should be addressed to PAUL SC1IULZE, Land Agent, fcS6 O. & O. R. R., Portland, Oregon FARMER'S EXCHANGE ! AH Sorts of Merchandise Exchanged for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dry Goods, Grocerios, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Everything a Farmer wants for sale Ever, thing a Far mer raises wanted. S. HERMAN, Corner, Maillsou ana First Hlrcets, Portland. Opposite Seg-man, Sabin & Co' Agricultural Wars house. oct2S.t CHRISTY & WISE, Agents for Wool Growers. Commission Merchants for the Sale of Wool, Hides, Tallow, & Grain. .. ALSO.... Wool Baca. Twllir. Dips, and nil Ifanrh Bup purs Tiiruiauru usiouirrs ai Lowest ttnli's. Liberal Advances IMude on Consignments SAN KRANCIbCO OFFICE: 07 Front Street, bet. Jackson and l'acific 1'ortlaud: St Front Strict. WOOL BUYERS. FIMZIER & SPERRY, Wool Commission Merchants, REOTOINFOKMTIIE FAKMEDS) OF THE WIL lametto Villev that they will be in the market this year for buying and selling- wool. They have un equaled facilities for transacting- and negotiating wool suies. Cash Advances made on Approved Consign ments. Their present address Is Pendleton. Umatilla I'onalr. Ore-con. Office will be at 107 North Front street, Portland, Oregon. JanO U JOIIN MINTO, SRStss or MERINO SHEEP, rpAKKS PLEASURE IN OFFEHINU TOTHE WOOL- I growers of Oregon and adjoining Territories Hit chance to purchase Thoroughbred llerlnos, and aosarlBi mwiiv, t .w.via iiiviwu,uuii-t -.viiiiw, -m.u -iiirinf parties Interested that they can. and will endoavor tc sell Sheep of the same qualltramjralueatmuchcheapes raie vuau eucn cay puwiuiy ue imporuMj. cxamuiauoo . and comparison with other sheep in the market ar oor I diallr Urltod. Address, JOIIN UINTO.Balem, Oregon. The Kama and Ram Lambs of the flock can be soen on the Island Earm, adlolnlnir Salem. Tie Ewes at tin same place, or at the If Ul arm four and a half miles soum oi we cur. ' JOIIN A. MACDONALD, Salem Marble and Granite Works. CoauMrcUl St., South of Post OSIe. (rost-Offic Dos SO, Balam, Otegon )w --AN1IVAJTVBKH V Scotch sod California Oran,IU and kUrble monumenti, Head Stonss CEMETERY LOTS EaJosed with California Granite and Stone Walls built of erery description Prices Reduced ene Half. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. yrtlil s& I GUARDIAN SALE. "VTOTICE IS HEKElir GIVEN. THAT, IN PUR' 11 suance ot license grantod me on the 20th day of February , A.U., lS-)2, h) the County Court of Mult nomah county. In the matter of the Guardianship of . tho persons and the estate of Uan-aret Ann Tomiilisoifr Minnie Ollie Tomlinsun and Nellie Gillie ToruUosOD, minors, I will on tho l.ltli Day or April, A.B., ISM. at tho Court IIouso duor In said Multnomah .county, at 1 o'clock I'. M., sell by public auction to the highest bidder, for iti-h, all tho right, title. Interest and wtstf of the said minors In and to the following described tracts or parcels ot land 1 lug and being In said Uult nomah county, to it: ' heN E quarter of th N K quarter of seition flfti en, (15), Township one (I) Souta, range three (3) East, containing forty (40) acres. Also. atractcontalnliigt''0(2)acrisl)iligln the BouthWSW corner nf Moses Stanley's land, In section ten (10) town ship ono (1) South, range three (3) East, together wltH all tho improt cments thereon. Terms of sale: Ctujb gold coin of the United States. , marlTnt T. K. WILLIAMS, OuardUo, JOHN HOWES, ' General Commission Merchaat In receipt of Uraln, Potatoes, Fruit, Butter, Ecta- PasU'' try, and iame FURS, HIDES, Choice Prunes, and Dried Fruits. Established In IMT and member of Produce Exchange, 504 and M6 ISA some street, San FranUsco. uichl7m3 H. P. GREGORY & CO.. 43 Front St., Portland, Or., inroaTsas and d-ulsss ix WOOD AM IRON WORKING MACHINERY, Engines and Boilers, Mill Sup plies, .Etc., Jstc. nov4-tf King of the Blood u not a "cure nil;" It Is a blood purifier and tonic, impurity ot blood wuons the system, derange llitt circulation, ami thus ludut on many dlsorders, ih t htm ao tranches or , linpurltr achv Vtwkaahe, (fenrml ICrahiM. lltart B(aeaM4t lrtntU. Ktltwu UiUn. IHlm l!hin,H.m SVi! itlimlil it. As-r-f-rnia Matit-v ? ItmnA -si I It. js.-( jl i ij """t cj jwit-Mrr-fllltivt. VU Swelling, dotdto. Klnir of t lit) lllood presents uui auras thise hy altucslnif the catiM. Impurll e ca VKlt- :. ruiiinfr ic"incnHMt Kviiuine and efficient prep calling It " th most wnulne and efficient pre! ratlnnfnrlhM nnrruMu... M..I.I t.w tn..-..i. m. bottle, tve tentlnionlala. directions, 40., In nam 1'hlec, ' Treatise on Dlm-ics ot tho Moot" wrapuwl around each bottle. l). lltliNUH, HUN to., rrops.. Buffalo. N. I. WILL CERTAINLY CURE Cough, Colds, Hoarseness, Sort Throat, Bronchitis, Inflnenu, Asth ma, Whooping- Cough, Croup, aad every Aneotion of tho Throat, Lungs and Clfest, including Con sumption. Sold ty all Druggist. M ICROSCOPES 'teZfiSSA 9 mm m-sstaj-s nAft.rm.xmm- If. A .. tVf'MI 7pmtmnt'rjkwCompats .lt.d Mwutertnrtntf .UicUns. I'hll.d fv-HuoaiuruiMMraxearrM Corben's Fire Proof Stable LIVERV, FEED ANU HACKS, CORNEK SECOND snd Tarlor streets. Portland. Ori-im-i. IteuntuLLU cTiarires. 'articular attention iwld to l-oardln-r horaa Hacks In attendance at all trains and LoaU, day aa nla-ht. Connected br ail Telephone Comnanlea. When jrou come to 1'ortland Inquire for "Corbett's Hecks." spiv wuot-AKDaalAGOON.rroirt I Kituwii vy uinrtui numfs w aisiinflru eortllniC to elTt-oU, but Ix.iug rtully phiwui of that jrr-nt fretx-rlo dlttorder l lllpotl, Uach arv bysjM-psia, IitUo vomviaint.uutu .-a-'I-H W 1 ' 1 mi