Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 24, 1882, Image 6

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Gold are the skies above,
Gold is the earth beneath,
As gold will glow the trove
When Autumn's chillier breath
Shall warn the earth to think iUclf
How swift must wane its garnered pelf,
How sjif t come nakedness and tleftth!
But Summer still is here,
Our brows with kiss to greet,
A golden lies the here
Beneath our lagging feet,
Such as we hold not in our hands,
The willing.tithe of grateful lands,
For God s good gifts oblation meet.
There's gold upon the clouds
A glimmer from Heaven's streets;
Red gold the brown earth shrouds
So earth with Heaven meets;
And so they join in all our lives,
Toiling men and. loving wives,
And bairn that quickly laughs and greets!
" 7 J "
Sing for the sunset glow!
Sing for the warm, sweet earth,
As evening breezes blow
Abroad our quiet mirth !
Earth is mother, wbate'er befall,
Heaven bends tenderly over all
To fend despair and fear of dearth!
Djr a ranuer'a Wife.
"Good morning, Mr. Farley. I just called
40 see if you would like to join a club for tak
ing the I 'hardly know how to
top, my work is so pressing, but our subscrip
tion list expires this week, and wc cannot af
ord to lose a single number."
"I wOB't hinder you if you are in a hurry. I
(han't tako no paper till times aro easier than
they are now. I can't aflord it. 1 never saw
iny nse in so many papers and books; they
hinder work, and they don't help com grow.
The girls borrow Mr. Green's papcn,and they
gt their heads full of notions."
"But, Mr. Farley, it is good economy lo
take paper; you get all thu market reports,
you know what your product is worth; then
there aro such nice receipts"
"A fiddlestick for newspaper receipts! My
trfrU can fry pork, mako johnnny cakes and
brsad, and a hasty pudding, and folks can live
on them. I shan't take it; no uso in talking.
HaTe you sold your butter yet!"
"No; I am going to hold it a little longer. I
see it is quoted higher than last week."
"I sold mine yesterday, and havo got the
cash in my pocket. It was a nice lot, too."
"No doubt of that ! Mrs. Farley is a nice
dairy woman. Do you tell how much you
"Yea; I got eighteen cents per pound; six
hundred pounds; just as sweet as a nut! I got
two dollars extra for drawing it to the depot.
One hundrod and ten dollars, sir! All churned
in my mother's old churn, and worked by
hand; no now.fangled machinery in my milk
jnom" (-s ; ,
,,"You. do not' mean to say that you sold
your-lot of butter at eighteen cents!"
"Yes, sir! Cash down; right in my wallet!"
"I am sorry you won't take a paper; if you
did, you would have known that butter is up
at twenty-eight cents! I was offered that for
mine yesterday. You aro out just fifty dol
lar. Better tako it now."
"I won't ! That man lied to met Confound
"U you will not post yourself on the mar
ket prices, you must expect to get imposed
upon, Faruham bought it, I suppose ? He
offered me twenty five cents last wcok, hut I
knew it.was rising"
"Don't talk any moro about it ! Fifty dol
lars!", So Mr. Kdson drove on to finish up his
club for the newspaper, and Mr, Farley turned
into the kitchen door to grumblo over his bad
luck. His wife was one of these poor, hard
working women that one tto often sees presid
ing Over the household of a farm. She was
ironing at a table under the window; Yinny,
the oldest girl, was kneading bread in the
pantry, and Hetty, the next, was churning in
the oldr family heirloom churn. "Up and
down, up and down, one, two, three, four!
Oh, mother ! Will it ever come ? My back
achesijmy arms ache! Why dont father have
the boys churn, as other people do? The Kd
son girts never churn, and they havo just ai
many cows, and Mr. Ktlson always works over
the butter in a lever worker. I wouldn't hate
housework if we could havo the conveniences
other folks have, but we havo to do just as
Rrandm thcr did. Ker)thiug ilillerciit is
jtonsenso mid fnl do rol. I cornier what Mr.
lulson has been saying to vex father; ho is
coming iu, m cross as two sticks,"
"That Far n ham is a kna el a cheatl a Hart"
exclaimed Farley, as lie sat down on the settle
and drew a long sigh of sadness.
"What has hu done now !"
"Cheated mo-out of fifty dollars in the but
ter trade. It is enough to male a saint swear,"
"Why, father I he gae you all you asked
or It. If you had asked more, he would havo
paid it."
"How did I know that butter had taken
such a jump! The last time I heard about it,
thirteen cents was all they could get for it."
"I saw in a paper over at Mr. Kdsou'a last
August that it was up to twenty cents,"
"Yes, I dare say; the newspapers Luow it
II I Kdson w as trying to get mo to sulucribe
or one this morning, but I set'my foot down
years ago, and I ain not going to make a fool
ef myself now by taking a paper; besides, I
tao't afford it."
"I should like a good newspaper, and so
would the children; they could learn a great
"Learn nothing I Half of the rubbish they
print Is false. As if those editors knew 'as
much about farming as I do, w ho w aa turn
nd bred oil this farm I They are a pack of
"They know enough to print what butter is
worth, and perhaps we could learu a better
way of) making butter than to churn in this
everlasting old churn ; it is enough to break a
'"r ty
il'i back."
oil need not preach or gi limbic; my)
mother used that churn, and she made as good
butter as anybody, and never scolded about it
either' '
Just then John, the largest boy of ttaFnr
leys, came in.
"Father, there is a man down in the lot w ho
wants to buy your potatoes. He says he will
give you a good prico if you wish to sell."
Mr. Farley put on his hat and walked off
with an abused air, as if he had just suffered
"I wonder who has come now," said Vinny,
as she turned from the stove oven to look out
of tho window, just in time to sec a man drive
"Has Mr. Farloy sold his fat hogs yet,
ma'am?" said the stranger, as he stepped on
the door stone and looked in at the kitchen
"No, sir; Mr. Farley is in the potato lot.
Now, Hetty, let me churn, and you run over
to Mr, Kdson's and get his weekly market re
port. Father won't let ns borro a newspa
per, but we can find out by that what potatoes
and hogs ore worth. Thee speculators do
cheat father awfully, because he is not posted
better."' '
So Hetty scampered over to her neighbor's
and met Mr. Kdson driving into the yard, just
as she came out at the irate., Hetty was a fa
vorite of his.
"What is the hurry, Hetty?" asked he.
"Don't stop me, please. 'There are two
men at our place; one wants potatoes, the
other hogs. You know Vinny and I have each
raised a pi? of our own, and we don't intend
to get cheated when they are sold."
"Make them give you six 'cents, live
weight; that is what they are worth, and tell
Johnny and l'aul to ask seventy-five cents a
bushel for their potatoes. Set your prices and
stick to them."
Hetty sped back home faster than she went,
thpiking all tho way how much her pig would
bring, if it weiuhed 300 pounds, at six cents a
pound. When she came to the house, she saw
that her father was coming up tho road with
tho pork buyer. He came into the kitchen by
the time Hetty had refumeifchurning. "Girls,
do you want to sell your pigs? This man will
give you four cents, live weight."
"I shall not sell mine for less than six."
"Why, Hetty, that is what thoy pay for
dressed pork!"
"What they paid last year; pork is high in
"Six centsj Why, you goose, I never heard
of such a price."
"That's becauso you don t tako the papers,
sir. Vinny and 1 win nave six, or we suaii
not sell."
"Mr. Farley, I reckon I shall havo to give
tho girls six cents, for I want to make up a
carload to-day," and pulling out his pocket
book, he gavo them ten dollars npiece to bind
tho bargain. "See, Mr Farley, you said I
might have yours at four cents."
"Thunderation! No! If you pay them six
you will pay me the same! My hogs are just
as good as theirsl"
' "Well, just aa you say. How did it happen
they are so much better posted than you on
current prices?"
"Just as if wo don't know that potatoes are
worth soventy cents, and butter thirty, and
live pork six; oats fifty cents, and beans"
"Hold on, Hetty ! There's a man over in
the lot that wants to buy our potatoes at thir
ty cents a bushel."
"Don't sell at less than seventy, Johnny! If
you wait a few days, you will get more than
"Here, wife, is two dollars! Send it over to
Kdson and tell him yon want that paper. I
said I novcr would subscribe for a paper, but
you may. I don't like to have girls know so
much more than their father."
When Mr. Farley sold his potatoes, he got
75 cents a bushel for thein. The boys had $20
apiece. Ono sent to tho Country Gentleman
for a year's subscription, and the other sub
scribed fo tho Scientific American. The girls
each took a part of their pig money and sub
scribed for magaiines. Mr. Farley enjoys
reading as much aa any of them. He is too
poor yet to subscriba for a newspaper himself,
but ho has introduced a new churn and butter
worker into his dairy, and half promised the
boys he would get a mowing machino and
horso rako next ear before haying, ami lie
talks seriously of putting in a hydraulic ram,
and throwing water up to tho house and barn.
He knows it would bo a saving of labor, but is
rather afraid it would gho his folks too much
leisure if they had things too convenient.
"Never mind, father," said his wife, mild
ly, "you and I aro getting old; wo had better
save our strength, and we do not want the
children to work as hard as we used to."
A Rural Scene.
"Mother," somebody's a comin'," said Levi,
as he rushed frantically through the door, ap
parently almost out of breath. Immediately
the whole family rushed to the doors and win
dows, aud every place w here they had any
hope of getting a glimpse at the carnage which
was approaching at a rapid rate. The small
children pushed chairs up behind the larger
ones on which they stood, and the whole fam
ily gazed for a moment with interne earnest
ness, discussing at the same time' very ani
mately who the stranger might be.
"He is going to stopl" exclaimed oje. The
whole party made an abrupt turn, and iu so
ilniug they upset the chairs on which the small
fry had perched themselves, aud they were all
throwu into a squalling heap iu the middle of.
the floor. A general stamptde was made for
the broom and the brush the floor was to
sweep, the house was to put in order; some
were told to comb their hair; others to wash
their faces, and two hour' work was to be
doue in about two minutes.
Meanwhile the stranger arrived, and having
successfully repelled a multitude of dog,Va
vainly endeavoring to make himself heard by
loud and repeated rape ou the door. Prvtoiit
ly three or four faint, half -scared voices
squeaked out simultaneously, "Come iu 1"
The stranger entered, and after the usual
salutation, was aslvd to take a seat. Thru the
mother commenced to apologize, blaming all
the dieoider on the children, saying: "I
never sec sich work; they are worse to-day
than I ever knew them to be."
Tho children having rallied from the panic
began to move around the room, eyeing the
stranger hawkishly, and every now and then
passing between him and the fire
Presently some one, in a coarse imitation of
a whisper, said: "Mother, who is that?"
The stranger to relieve the parental embar
rassment said to little Johnny: "Well, sir,
do you go to school?"
Little Johnny stuttered like a wind mill,
but finally got out a "Y-o-s."
"Johnny, say, yes -sir," said the father,
and he proceeded to give the whole family a
lecture on manners.
The stranger's endeavor to get some talk
out of the children having ended so disas
trously, he at once proceeded to lay before the
household his business.
The father in the meantime tried to keep
order by various threats. Order and discipline
and manners are never thought of when
strangers are not there, and as strangers are
seen so rarely the children grow up and are as
likely to say "Yes, ma'am," to a man as to a
woman. Severe whippings, ugly threats and
perpetual scoldinir are the order of the day.
Kind words, good manners and loving disposi
tions are out of the question in such families.
These parents who have no order, no dis
cipline, no control over their own children,
are the fiist to find fault with the teacher of
the country school. They place a teacher in a
school room with 40 or 50 children, many of
whom have been raised as above described,
and every jar is noticed, every flaw is picked,
and on tho slightest provocation the teacher
is denounced as a failure. They, too, are
O, how many parents in our land, if judged
by the standpoint of theory, science and com
mon sense, are failures.
How pleasant it would be for that teacher
if they had not been failures. How much
purer and nobler would many children be if
their parents were not failures.
Mr. Chas. Logns sold to Gov. A. Harding
a half block on Main street in Oregon City,
for $10,000 cash
Several large brick buildings will be
erected at Pendleton this Summer.
The Reveille says that considerable stock is
(lying in me an&Ke river uuiujuis.
The La Grande Record says an order has
been issued, by the railroad company to "re
ceive no more bridge tinnier on the line above
Uro IJell, lor the present.
N. B. Avery was recently elected chief of
the Uorvallis tire department, ana aa Bel
knap, 'assistant.
The lower po-tion of the mast of a vessel
came ashore at Alsea bay, recently. Is this
another wreck ?
A correspondent of the Corvallis Gazette
writes that paper from Alsea bay: He says
times were never better new settlers flock
ing in every day and room for plenty more.
The cannery at the mouth of the Siuslaw is
to be put into active operations during the
coming fishing season.
Albany has raised saloon licenses from $200
There are over 200,000 sheep around
Heppner within a radius of about twenty
miles. The wool from these yields about
A three-foot vein of coal has been discov
ered and is being worked near the Oneatta
mills, Yaquina.
Luther Myers, of Salem, has been awarded
the contract of plumbing and gas fitting in
the new insaue asylum building.
The new Catholii church at Benton, Coos
county, will be dedicated on the first of
Potatoes are selling at Marshfield, Coos
county, at 2 cents per pound.
Twenty tons of wheat wero shipped last
week from Myrtle Point, on the Coquille, to
San Francisco. The people are beginning to
have an outlet for their products in that lo
cality. The Democratic primaries for Polk county
will be held March 31st, and the county con
vention on April 1st.
About three million feet of saw-logs were
brought down the Luckiamutte during the
recent rise in the river.
A large warehouse is to be erected at
Ileal estate appears to be impro'ing in
value at Kugene City.
Frank W. Osborn has been appointed re
corder of Kutienn City. A good appointment.
"VBsmm99ffinc- '
Hard and cold rains for tho last few days.
Snow two inches deep this morning and still
suowing hard.
Kugen is overrun with the invincible
"bummer." Scarcely a day passes but what
brines from three to eight to haranguo aud
" auger " our merchants.
The second w eek iu April is to be a week
of vacation at the State University. The
average student rejoiceth
While wandering in quest of items ono day
thiswtek, wo dropped mto Cherry k Days
factory aud found Geo. Midgly at work on a
water wheel for the woolen nulls, to be erect
ed here this comiug Summer.
Mr, P. B. Suttel, proprietor of the Warm
Springs, situated on the McKeuzie River,
about sixty miles from Kugeue, died while
out hunting, from hemorrhage of the lungs.
He went out hnntiug alone and was fouud
dead iu an old deserted cabin, where it is
supposed he died Tuesday or Tuesday night.
He leaves five orphaned children to mourn
his loasj.
A spiritual medium, in the form of a table
tipper and rapper, has been creating quite au
excitement here for the last two weeks, afford
ing everyone au opportunity to converse with
their departed friend. Your humble corres
pondent was present one evening. But from
some unknown cause none of , the spirits would
have anythiug to do with him.
J. A. B.
Wandxrino Buk, A wandering tailor
giving bis name as Frank Morgan located here
a few weeks ago, says the Ewjeite Guanl, and
by steady appearance toon gained the confi
dence of some of our merchants and ran small
bills. He had plenty of work to do, but the
balk element wis predominant in him, and
the tint of this week h jumped the town,
leawu? his ere iitort unpaid. We would ad
vise the newspapers of the place he next lo
cates iu to collect their bills of him in ad-vuc.
Reclaiming White and Bog Lands. Etc.
We had a pleasant call on Wednesday from
Mr. Croly, of Polk county, a successful
farmer and old subscriber of this paper, who
called to renew his subscription, and to con
gratulate us upon having adopted the prepay
ment system, with a prediction that we wouiu
do much better on that principle. In course
of conversation we gathered some practical
experience from Mr. Croly. that is valuable.
It is by such gathering of facts from good men
that we inform ourselves, and can give valu
able information in these columns. Mr. Croly
says he values the paper, because he learns
important facts fiom it; and we acquire them
bv careful sifting of other people's experience,
and so endeavor to make the Willamette
Farmer the exponent of the common sense of
farm life.
In conversing about reclaiming white lands,
Mr. Croly says that eleven years ago lie re-
claimed sixteen acrei that had been practical
ly worthless, by plowing a drain furrow, three
feet deep, along the upper side, from which
the w ater came that stood on the land. His
theory is to cut otTthe supply by plowing or
ditching across the upper end, from which
water came on the land, and then make an
other ditch to lead the water off. He says the
white soil is from 4 to 18 inches deep oh his
land, and under that is a body of black muck.
His policy is to plow deep enough to bring up
some of this black sub stratum, aud mix with
the sunace soil, which also enabled the water
to drain from the surface. The first year af
ter doing this, the previously white land
turned to a reiTdish culor, and after being
summer-fallowed, produced the best crop of
winter wheat he ever grew. The soil has
since become a dark color. He plowed a laud
thirty feet wide, until It was three feet deep
iu the center, aud prefers that to a ditch, as
teams can cross it aud it can all be cultivated.
This land has now been cultivated for eleven
years, and is equal to any he has.
Mr. Croly also has had experience with a
piece of bog land, that would shake with the
tread of an animal upon it, and which could
not be made useful, though the former owner
had expended three hundred dollars in run
ning a ditch, three feet deep, to dram it. He
filled up the expensive ditch and dug a ditch,
two feet deep, ot irregular shape, at the foot
of the rising ground close by, from which the
water suped through and filled this bog, and
so successful was this reclamation that the
other day, when he left home, immediately
after the late heavy rains, his son was plowing
this land, which was unusually dry for the
season. He says there is within four miles of
his place, in Polk county, such land that
needs to be and can easily be reclaimed, suf
ficient to tupport quite a number of families.
As such is the case all through this valley we
believe his experience will be valuable to
many others, who have more or less of such
soil to contend with.
Mr. Croly says he has acquired valuable in
formation from the Farmer about grasses,
and fully endorses our position that more
land should be kept in pasture, and more at
tention waid to sheep, swiue, etc., to create a
variety of products aud fully sustain the fer
tility of the eoil. It is very pleasant to us to
find thinking men so friendly to our eflorts,
and really those are the kind of men we gen
erally have for friends. We regret, often, that
such men do not more frequently incline to
correspondence and give us the benefit of their
views and their experience.
In the course of- conversation pasture
grasses were somewhat discussed, and Mr.
Croly spoke favorably of the commonly called
mesyuitc grass, otherwise known as velvet
grass, and Mr. J. P. Geer, of Butteville, gave
the experience of his brother, Fred Geer, who
is sowing this grass wherever he finds a bare
spot iu his pasture, ann says that his hogs
keep fat on it. NY e have taken much pains to
ascertain the success of those who grow
moquite grass, and are pleased to learn that
it has generally realized all we have ever
claimed for it, and that it satisfies in a great
measure those who need a grass that willgrow
through Winter, which seems to be oue of the
prime qualities of the mtujuite.
Washington Wheat In New Orleans.
Philip Ilitz writes from Deming, on the
eastern line ot Arizona : "At Yuma we cross
the Colorado river and enter Arizona, aud at
Tucson we be,in to find plenty of grass. I
am surprised to find so much level ground in
Arizjua aud New Mexico. There are high
mountains in tight all the time, but more
thau nine-tenths of the tune we are passing
through level valleys from one to forty miles
wide, and mostly covered with grass. I have
changed my opinion about this line as a prac
ticable route tor our whtat to the Gulf of
Mexico. I have now come over the road to
Deimug, J.IWS miles from San Francisco, and
with the exception of the Tehachepi moun
tains, betweeu Los Angeles aud San Fran
cisco, I have never traveled over 1,200 miles
of such magnificent road. It is very level and
-very straight, and will be capable of doing an
immense amount of traffic I should think
that if our wheat it to come over this line it
would be best to take it to San Diego, This
would sate some 1,400 miles of land transpor
tation and the crossing of the heavy moun
tains between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
I do think favorably of this route for our
wheat; it can certainly be taken over to the
Gulf very cheaply. I am surprised to find so
large a busiueas done on this extreme south
ern route. They make the same time from
San Francisco to New York as is made over
the Central and Union; the fare is the same,
the accommodationsfirtt-clast, all of which are
making this a very popular route. The mines
of New Mexico and Arizona are developing
wonderfully. This, with the great trade that
is starting towards the' City ot Mexico, will
make a great business for this country in a
few years. Seattle I'cut.
The PriucYille A'ctrs says: Some idea of
the extent of business ot this town may be
Sained when we truthfully say that on many
ays our merchants' sales amount to fifteen
buudrvd or two thousad dollars.
24 1882
toss of appetlte.Nausea,bowels costive,
Fmrfinhenead.withaBull sensation In
the back part, Palnjjndertne-sfiouraer-BmTcTTulluess
after eating, with a disln
STrnntlnnto exertion oTbody or mind,
ImtabTTttyof temper. I.ow spirits. Xiose
of memory, with a feeling of haying neg;
Iected some dutj, wearinesSjJJlzzJnessj
lutterlngoftfieHeart, Dotsbefore tha
eyesrY'ellow'BHnnreadache. MesHesT
Bess at night, hiehly colored UrTn e.
TuTT'S PIIX8 ire especially a.. :r,'',to
of feeling as to astonish the sufferer.
They Inci-eisae the- Appetite, and cause the
body to Take- on rirata. thus the system Is
IHseatlvr Organs. BmrnljrSlools arerro
dueed. 1'flce S rents, aa Wnrrny St- M.T
Omv ltitn or Whiskers changed to iOmbt
It lack by n nlnitla application of thl DYB. It
linparn n natural color, aria Innsntsneonsly.
f-otd I j DrufEKMts, or sent by Mjre.H en receipt or 1.
Office, 35 Murray St., Now York.
Pr. TITTS ini. r VlMkU rrru k
(.Mini K.'.ipi, ui b.11. rars ttfimut-W
Oregon Railway and Navlgaj
tion Company.
Between Ban Francisco and Portland.
Leae San Francisco II leae l'ortland
at 10 A.M. II at 12 05A.M.
Pal a a las
I s s g I S3
Jan.. 4 Jim... D'Jan ,.141 Jan ... 3 Jan ..10 Jan ..16
Jan ..19 Jan. ..24 Jan. .29 Jan. ..20 Jan ..25 Jan. .30
Feb.. 3 Feb... 8 Feb. .13 Fob .. 4 Feb.. 9 Feb. .14
Fob. .19 Feb. ..23 Feb. ,28 Feb. ..19 Feb. .24 Mch.. 1
Men.. 6 Mch.. .10 Mch. .15 Mch .. e Mch. .11 Mch. .16
Mch..2) Mch.. ,25 Mch..30 Mch.. .21 Mch. .20 Mch..:i
Right Is reserved to change steamers or sailing days
Tlirongh Tickets sold to all principal cities in the
Uulted States and Canada.
Fare Cabin. 820: Stccrwro. 810. Children. 12 years.
full fare; from 12 to 5, half faie; under 5, free.
Colombia, Willamette and Yamhill Siren,
NOVEMBER 20, 1881.
Leave Portland
Tuea. Wed.
Dallies, Walla
waua, Uma
tilla and up
river points.
7 AM
7 AM
7 AM
7 AM
7 AM
Astoria, Kala
ma, Taccma,
6 AM
6 AM
6 AM
6 AM
6 AM
Victoria, New)
Westminster )
Cath'am't, Bay )
6 AM
6 AU
6 AM
i( AM
way, urooania )
Westport, Cllf-1
6 AM
6 AM
lon,ftnappa. )
7 AM
7 Ail
7 AM
Corvallis and 1
intermediate V
points j
6 AM
East Side Division.
u. &j. jt. a. to wooaDurn.
liaye. I AaaiAS.
Portland 7:30 A.M Brownsville S.17 P,M
BrswDtvllle 8:30 A.MPortland 4:25 P.M
West Side Division.
u& o. s. u. k. k. to unites.
Airle 4:25 P.M
Portland 8.16AM
Sheridan 9 65 A.M
Alrlee 7.00 A.M
Sheridan 1:20 P.M
Portland 8:20 P.M
For all points en Narrow Oaun Division will be re-
calved and forwarded by the O. & c. K. R., East and
West Side Divisions, respectively.
General OMecsCor. Front and a Streets
Ag-ta State of California.
Ticket agent O. R. N. Co.
Snperlntendent of Traffic.
RrHIAN WH1TF.. Beat In culti
vation, loo bushels per acre. Hardy,
proline, rust proof, 1 lb, postpaid 60c;
3 lbs. tWStDafd. 81: l.bu hv freight or
express, not prepaid, 81.25; i-bu, not prepaid, 82. New
bags, 25c, each, extra. Ask your merchant for circu
lar. Auaros: i), n, FEKK1 A CO..
marl04 Detroit, Michigan.
Corner First and Alier Strs., oier Fishel & Robert
OFFICE: No, 167 First Street, betiesn Ma
Jrison and Yamhill, Portland, Oregot . tin
the Author. A new and great Med
ical Work, arranted the best and
cheapest, indispensable to etery
man, entitled "The Science of Life,
or belf-Prescnatlon ;" bound In
finest French muslin, embossed,
full gilt, 300 pp. contains beautiful
steel enirrsungs, 125 -prescriptions,
price only 1,!5 sent by
send'now. AddTeai uKatSdy Medi-'KNOW TnTSCTT
"iLJn"ii' or Dr- w- PARKER, No. 4 Bulflae-
, ... IU1V161V.
Most Patents, Premiums.
lntU. 91.000 MwaodWood
u4 riMK, Stll to SlSi.l 1,.
VAUiavT oa to Kut. Joint!
tTM. jug urpuu, fra
.imti Vast
I. aa. ABjliatLL ft CtX.
Cor. Markst and Powell. S. F.Ca,
JVTfW ""JH"? couT sajs that WAUkmXL,
na (Jitfe Powders SK.W here are wu3eaSlh, IlS
par and hmmrrwiv valuable.
r. .n.1 knniSiT,; V ST Vr.KL "M!
- Kothlnj to eana wit
uaae oros lay lue eoenawa Con tluon Powdera. ,v.7
llJMou. il-iii., IcruKrly lkuor MtT '
. .it iiiifiuii,uiii.,i,iiii,i(it vuiimry tiiA
Mexican Mustnng Liniment hnsbecn
known to lilllllotiu nil over tho Am Mas
the only sale, rullnnco for tho relief or
ncclilcnts nml pain. It Is n mocllcliio
T-nM .nm 4 l.o. n tlil. a.- a... -
kind. For ovory foun of external naui
the ' "
Montana Llnlmsnt ta without nn n,..t
It penetrates flesh and lnuicle to
ine vci-y oone iiiujtiuK too conlinu.
imcoofputniinillnflumfUlnii impossible
lis effects upon Iliimun Mesh ami t,0
Urate Creatlun uro equally vomlerful
The Mexlcun
Liniment Is nrocleil ly somebody n
every house. Every ilny bring!) new s of
the ngouy of an aivfiil Scald or Lurn
8iil(lueil, ot rliemnntlo martyrs re
stored, or ft valuable liorse or os
saved by tuo healing power of tlila
wlileli spoeillly rnrps such ailments of
Itlitunistlsm, Ntvellluiis, SllfT
JOIUCS, t ouirncieti jiauscics, Jjurns
and Scalds, Cuts, llrulnos and
Sprains, Poisonous Bites mid
Stlntcs. titlfrhrss, Lameness, old
Horrs, Ulcers, Frostbites. Chilblains,
Sore Nipples, Caked Itrenat, and
Indeed every form at external dis
ease, at neais wnnoiu senrs.
For the IIkute CRHATIOH it tiros
Nnralns. Mvlnnv. NtlflT Jnlnta.
Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof Ills
cases, Foot Rot, Screw Worm, Scab,
Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind
Rails, Spavin, Thrush, Itlngbone,
Old Sores, l'oll llvU, Film upon
the Night and eveiy other ailment
to which ine occupants or tue
tttnblo and Stock Yard are liable.
Tlia Mexican Mustang Liniment
niwuys curcn unci nuver uisappoinu;
nml It Is, positively,
gue mixture
Chills and Fever are permanently
cured by Dr. Jayne'a Ague Mlxi
tare.' With a little care on tho pari
of the patient to avoid exposure, and
the occasional use of Jayne's Sana,
tivk Pills, this remedy will be found,
to be certain in its operation, and rad
ical in its effects. In many section)
of the country sublect to Ague anc
other malarial dlseasea it has an es
tablished charactor as a popular spe
cific for those harrassing complaints,
and the number of testimonials re
ceived show that its reputation I
constantly increasing.
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
are effectually cured by Dr. Jayne's
Ague Mixture. In these com
plaints care should be taken to follow
the directions closely, and espedsl
attention given to the liver, which
should be assisted in performing IU
functions by Db. Jayne's Sanativi
HODGE, DAVIS & CO. Wholesale Dealers PortM
Catarrh. Oyapepsi. Headache, eol'T
lty, NeurnlKln, KlieuniallHm, and all
Chronic and Nervous IilNorders. .ro''
aces snny be conveniently arut by
press, ready ftor Imuirdiii tense ntlioneej,
Send for free treiulne on 'the Oxjce"
treatment. Addreaa the proprietor
1109, lIMHIrarclKtreet, Phlla..rsw
or II. K. MATHEWS, Pacific Deposit"?
606 Mouteomery M.twsu Francisco.
rCnOIUnO widows. laUnrs. msunn
chiHreoi Thousands j.l enlitl.J. Trasisu l
luriosser safer, tut. trs or roptors, Tanssse
r.lna rwMT Ulscaae Thousands of wasna;
Kiii.'.".1'""' oatiUtd to laCltEAMC aai
ors, Solditrs laad warrants srosartd. kewst
aa sold,
stoats. Soadastaape for Psasloa aat
Boidicrs and bolts apply !i
.lr ftr roar
'ws. Masks aad lastraeUoss. rots as-
W. VA.aa .ktoaBa o. BV.1
" 9UBt-'. A4drw. K. H.Qft4Ston
v.visua AH'I.LOti iHim,W ui
manner both the share named branches nt
ness. Ilartut; sccuroulate4 a Urea assortment ot
He eu do work for Stock-craven and Frail Oritur
utsln a better stjle aiul at cheaper rates than aJ
oU In the State, IUMmt a
Can bind Mazarines, Muilc, etc. In tint claasstjlj
and at lo.est tiring wricea. tar BLANK BOOKS W
every kind of uslneas made to order.