I WILLAMETTE FARMER; PORTLAND, OiuGON, MARCH 24, 1882 H I id TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Xew from the Jranrlle. 11 .. H.k On Tho f.thar nf S. P. ni.ni ti-iB received a letter from his son, dated Viltutak. Siberia. January 7th Noros was one of the men selected by Lieutenant De- Long to go ahead tor reliei. in me lewer as fiaVB! "We traveled about two weeks short of nmviainni. and then the' 'cantata decided to send Ninderman and myself ahead to look for assistance. We walked 120 miles without anything to eat for six days. We had not a . 4 .,.. 4 inhoH mouthiui ol lool ann were moss iwrvtu n..v j..a kt. n.tiMi Tim fAntn and ten men have, I tear, died from starvation and cold." Trail Robber Arrrie. Indkpi.vdkck, Mo.,. March 18. This com. nnnitir wu thrown into a siaie oi inicuao ritement this morning by the arrest of John Mott for complicity in me roooery oi me Chicaco & Alton express train at Blue- Cot last September. At the time of the robbery Mott was telettrapn operator at me vmcaguu Alton station at Qlendale, and the charge is that ho kept the ijang posted as to the move ments of trains and movements of panning officers after the robbery. . Monster Petition. Chicago, March 20. W. E. Dickson, of this citv, started tor Washington to-night with a petition for the pardon of Sergeant Mason. 1 ne petition is xtuu ieet lone, ana is S&1U tO CUaUllU 1AV,WV Uttiiico. iv h .muu' rifi.lv irnttun mi. and rrauired two expert pa per-haiigers two hours to fold it properly. The Tribuntt Sergeant Mason fund amounts to 1320. Sunday Law Evaded. Sas- Fhascisco. March 20. Despite the Sunday law all the saloons in the city Were open as usual yesterday. A number of gro cery stores, uootoiacK siauus auu news aiituiis were Closed, no attempt was inaus uy pu lice to arrrst violators. Officers confined themselves solely to collecting evidence. Dispatches have been received from 37 in terior towns of the State in reference to the obsorvance of the Sunday law. No attention was paid to the law except in 12 places out of ffio 37. Heavy gnowsllues. ItoiiiK. March 20. Wednesday night a anowslide iu Lake canyon buried several men, four of whom Rober Trumbull, Alex. Me Keon and D. B. Grant, miners, and tlcnry Schumaker, engineer were killed. .Thebod ies were recovered, but a second slide buried them under forty feet of snow. Over forty slides occurred in Lake and Mill creek can yons between Wednesday and Saturday.bury f II iL!-i.. -:ui ...... wuu i.- . lug IU aii fclllifcy'CIKUI. JJClOUUa. Ill.ll HIW VA' ception ot the above named, the only one se riously injured is unrisuan noDiiczeii. who was buried for nineteen hours and is likely to die from injuries. ITEMS BY TELEGRAPH. Ex-Senator Dorsey feels confident, and says lie is anxious for a speedy trial. Four hundred more operatives have joined the strikers at Lawrence, Mass. Juiltre Blatchford's nomination for supreme court justice has been reported favorably. The consular and railitaryacadeniy bills have been reported to the House. Roscoe Conkling is'said to be keeping; him i If in training, so to speak, for the next elec tion of U. S. Senator from New York. The steamer Screamer, coal ladened, from I'hiladelphia to New Orleans, was lust in a irate on the 10th inst. Three lives lost. The trial of Crow Doe. for the killing of Spotted Tail, in August last, is in progress at ri 1.1 i n-i. .seauvvuuu, ij&uh Great destitution continues to exist in the Hooded districts of the South, notwithstand ing the ctrenueus efforts being made to ren- per aid. Sonfo of the labor unions have held meet ings at which Minister Lowell was denounced Br " ii' t ii t :- I..L.H A.-: or accuuinp iu iu&enere iu uuuau v amcu pan citizens in England. Fred. Newburc. while clerk of the Board of Public Works, forged checks on the Ohio State Treasury for $20,000, and lias been con victed and sentenced to thirteen years in the penitentiary. Some anxiety is manifested in shlppini; ciiclcs at San Francisco, regarding the safety of the British steamer Uevonshire, which ailed from Hong Kong on the 15th nit. with cargo of 1,100 Chinamen. It is understood that friends of the Union nd Central Pacific Railroad Companies are orking vigorously against the passage of the hinese bill in the House. 'They are inter- j ted in head money, and also in Chinese labor. H. M. Vanarm has been confirmed as secre Ury of tbo territory of Arizona. Five beys were buried in a side hill tunnel they were digging, at St. Joe, Mo., on the 17th inst. Delaved trains on the C. P. road got through on thoJ7th after which the road was again blockaded and all trains stopped. It is now aliened that Dana, of the Sun, new of the Moiey letter and its authors sev- ral days before its publication. Nine nolveamists of the eleven members composing the city council of Ogdcn have re' signed and it is said that the vacancies have been filled bv the mayor by the appointment ol others who are not polygamiaU in practice. At Tampa. Fla.. a young Englishman, CD. Owens, recently attacked a young lady and stabbed her nearly to death., ae was cap tured and placed in jail, but within an hour lie was taken out by a' mob and hanged to a shade tiee in the court house yard, where the V, S. court was in session at the time. o TERRITORIAL Au extensive iron ledge has bten discovered near Tacoma. The city election takes place in Olympia on 3d of April. Several families from the East arrived at Olympia last week. " Davton is to have a new bank, to be known as the Columbia National Bank. The people of Dayton are divided on the question as to whether to buy a steam or hand fire engine. The latter by all means. The owner of Dayton was fined $7.50 for tiring off his shot-sun in the town limits. Suppose he wishes it was a farm again so he could do as be. pleased. Harry Lord, long an engineer on the Goliah, nut for a ear past on the Geo. E. Star, has ceived the appointment of assistant engi eer on the U. S. steamer Shubrick, with eadquarters at Astoria. iThe rumor is prevalent, says the Yakima rcoru, tnat anotner ncn sinks nu been ade in the Prshastm mines. Times are reported, as imDrovincr in the akima. and a proposition to erect a new rist mill is being discussed there. The Yakima Record states that a nutnbsr f persons in that vicinitv are fiiinff eal-n !onds and procuring the fish with which to tock them. The Carbonade Coal Comranv are shinnin? 1 the rate of 400 tons of coal per day. and by -. . uiv, w uiereuc it o i.iaaj tons r day. They employ a fores of 400 men. LT.MH LAW. Langdon, the Murderer r Croaks and Jei-j, Shel, and Harrison, Mnsncrtrd of Bring an Accomplice, Hanged' by Mob at rrlnevllle. The murder of A. H. Crooks and his son- in-law, S. J.-Jory, by Lucien Langdon, at Big Willow Creek, Wasco county, on Wednes day last, has culminated in a most shocking display of mob vengeance. As soon as the news of the murder was received, at Prineville, a posse started out to capture the perpetrators. They succeeded in. securing the horse and rifle oi Langdon on Wednesday evening. On Thursday evening he returned to his house to change his clothing,, and as he was leaving he was surrounded by man armed with Win chester rifles, and compelled to surrender. Langdon and his wife both begged that he might be guarded from mob violence, which his captors promised. He was taken to Prineville and placed under guard in the Jackson House, where he laid down on a lounge in the corner of a room srud went to sleep. Our correspondent at Prineville fur nishes the following account of the subse quent proceedings. In the mean tims, A MASKED HOB Assembled at the ringing of the school bell, and at about 5 o'clock in the morning, broke into the hotel, overpowered the guards, and one of the men struck Langdon two blows over the head with a six-shooter, after which he fired five shots at Langdon, three of which took effect, death resulting instantly. And just to show the marked coolness of the man who did the shooting, it is enouuh to say that afttr he had done the shooting, he stepped hack a step or two and waited some time to tee if his work was complete. Nor was this the end of this fatal affair. A youn? man by tho name of W. H. Harrison who had been around Langdon's for some time conduc ted himself -so shamefully at the inquest of Crooks and Jory, that it was thought he must have been implicated in tho murder in some way, for he remarked that "That was the way to pile them up," and that "Ho knew TUKV WOOLD OIT IT Before long." This had so enraged tho peo ple that after finishing Langdon they seized Harrison and hustled him off to the brjdge on Crooked river. He made somo slight resist euce and begged lustily fur mercy s.iying "Give me a chance for my life!" and "I know nothing ol the attair. lint his cries only has tenen him into eternity, as he was felled to the ground by a blow from some one and drac aeil to tho bridffe bv the neck where he was found suspended to a beam this morning, liy - . ---Q-. ---- ----- . --- - this awful affair three homes arc made des olate and three widows and their children are left to mourn the loss of husbands and fathers. The Prineville News gives the fallowing ac count of the murder: It appears that one L. L. Langdon had had somo difficulty about a piece of disputed land with two men living near him by the name of Crooks and Jory. Langdon went to theso men and compromised matters with them, and the three run the lines in an apparently satisfactory manner. This was done in the moraine, and Lauedon told Uroons and Jory that the business was then settled. Crooks and hiB son-in-law (Jory) then went to work on the disputed land, cut ting wood. While they were gone to dinner Langdon went to w here they had been at work and waited for them to return. When the men came from their dinner. Lansdon met them at their work, and without any provo cation shot and killed them both) Mr. Crooks was shot in the right shoulder and breast, the shot passing through his lungs, and killing him almost instantly. Jory was shot in the face, eleven buckshot entering there, and threo Senetrating the brain. The wives of the mur ercd men were looking on at a distance of a quarter ot a mile, and saw the whole affair. Word wus soon brought to town, telling of the murder, and Justice Powers, acting as coroner, and accompanied by several citizens, repaired to the place where the killing was done, and found the bodies just as they had fallen when shot. No one had gone to the bodies except their wives, who had approach ed and placed their aprons over the hoads of the dead. A jury was impaneled who return ed a verdict that Crooks and Jory came to their death by gunshot wounds inflicted by Lucas Langdon. From the following concerning Harrison, it would appear as if he was not altogether in nocent : At about five o'clock in the morning a band (number not known) of armed and masked men entered the hotel, instantly overpower ing the officers. Langdon was called, and upon being aroused, was riddled with bullets instantly. Harrison was seized, taken from the hotel, gagged, haltered and dragged to the Crooked rivet bridge, a distance of per haps a quarter of a mile, and his body hung to the timbers of the bridge, where it was found in the morning. Harrison admitted being implicated in the murder of Crooks and Jory. Upon hearing that Langdon had suc ceeded in killing both men, he (Harrison) was heard to exclaim " Bully for ua! Big Injun me! ho laid 'em out 'just about right. And these remarks were repeated before several, in the pretence of the dead, and in hearing of the wails of the poor widows and children of the murdered men. It appears that afte. Langdon got his fright on Mill Cieek on Wednesday night, that he succeeded in footing it back to his home, a distauce of probably 15 miles, intending to secure another horse and gun. As good for tune had it the company who went to arrest Harrison, intercepted him just as he was leav ing hn home. He mot the boys and was in their midst before he knew it. He very read ily surrendered at the muzzles of the Win chesters and was captured wjtlt- the above result. THE INQUESTS. At 1 1 o'clock Wednesday, Justice Powers, acting as coroner, held inquests on the re mains of the two men foubd dead, and the following verdicts were returned : We, the jury empaneled at the inquest held on the body of a man found .dead at the Jack son House on March 17, 1832, find that the namo of the deceased is Lucius Langdon, and that he came to his death at the hands of a party of meu unknown, by being shot with a Sistol. Gus. Winckler, J. Sommerville, W-. . Foren, J. M. Colver, J, M. Blakely, J. w. Howard. We, the jury empaneled at the inquest held on the body found hanging beneath thei Crooked River brp'ge, on March '17, 1882, find that the name of the deceased is W. H. Harrison, and that ne came to his death at the hands of a party of men unknown, by be ing hanged by the neck until he was dead. R. H. Volrath. L. B. Nichols. J A. Blakley, S. T. RichardsoD, W. It. Pollard, T. M. Baldwin. And Stili They Com. The number of divorce appliad for this month bids fair to exceed the number of marriage licenses issued. Scarcely a day passes but what some couple, who are "married but not mated," make ap plication to be restored to a state of single blessedness. The applicant yesterday was Mrs. Mary Shields, who wishes a divorce from Thomas Shields. In view of the great number of mistake which appsax to have been made in cheesing partners, intending couple will do well to look before they leap. THE LISfKslLLF. TKAGEDV. Depatr HherllT Uwl Killed by a Hob Who Attempted to Take a Msoarr from Ills Custody lo Lynch lllai. The following account of the terrible tragedy at Greenman's Hotel, Linkville, which resulted in the death of a deputy sheriff at the hands of a mob who were at tempting to take H. C. Laws fiom his custody for the purpose of lynching him, we copy from the Ashland 2'uling. At tho inquest held upon the liody of S. Lewis, C. S. Moore testified as follows': I was sitting in the hotel barroom, or office, about 10 o'clock, was sitting near the door. I heard an order given outside to halt. Wm Wright, J. P., stepped to the door and opened it. Some one outside ordered him to go back and shut the door, which he did. Just afterward the door opened and from eight to ten men came in with guns cocked. The leader said, "every man of vou sit still 1" Just then Deputy Sheriff Lewis came into the room from the hall. When the order was given to sit down he knelt on one knee at tho corner of the telegraph office, 'lhe leader then said, "where is the prisoner ? wheto is me constaDie; ne nas to go to Lookout. Air. Wright, J. P., then spoke, and being asked who he was, said, "I am justice of the peace of this precinct. I warn you to desist." The leader again asked him where the prisoner was, and said he had o go to Lookout. Mr. Wright then replied that the prisoner was under strong guard and would be dealt with according to law. The leader'said, "yes, you will deal with him like you do here." Mr. Wright said he believed he had generally done his duty. The leader again demanded the constable, and put the muzzle of the gun in my face. I said, "I do not kuow where he is. He is not here." The leader then crossed the room, took a lighted candle from the wall and tried to pass into the adjoiniug UAuuit uc nas bum iiiivta iiua uu uiiu there. Then he held the caudle to Ed. Reed, saying, "Here, carry this candle aud you shall not be hurt." Reed declined and the leader, carrying the light, moved toward the door of the hall, bidding his followers to move l?i He opened the hall door and started in, Grcenman said, "I warn you uot to go in there. As he stood on the threshold, some one fired a shot from the direction of the stairway. The candle was extinguished. From the noise I thought someone fell in the hall, The leader said, "That's all right boys, stand your ground." The mob closed up to ward the hall door. Just then another shot was fired, which I think was the one that killed Mr. Lewis. Another shot wa.i fired almost instantly. Tho mob then re treated rapidly, as did also the other in mates of the room, until only three or four were left. By this timo all tho lights in the room wero out. After being shot, Mr. Lewis rose up, holding his thigh with both hands. He said, " Oh I oh !" three or four times while standing, and then, losing hold of his thigh, he fell upon the floor, and I heard the gush of blood. We hastened to his assistance with a light, but in five min utes he was dead. The shot that killed him seemed to como from the midst of the mob. The weapon was a gun loaded with four bul lets and held so close that it set his clothing on fire arouud the wound. The leader of the mob was a tall man, rather slender, with sandy complexion, light beard, three or four inches long on his chin, was 3d or 40 years old, had a falsetto voice, wore a slouch hat, was slightly disguised by blacking the face, as were tho others. I knew none of the crowd. Two guns were left iu the room by the mob one barrel of each had recently been dis charged. The cause of the sudden death of Officer Lewis from the wound was the severing of tho femoral artery, from which the blood spouted in a torrent. Tho persons in the office of the hotel at the time the mob entered were i W. C. Greenman, W. A. Wright, J. P. Samuel, J. Lewis (deputy sheriff), Charles S. Moore, Henry Striplin, Charley blade, E. U. Brooks, Ed Reed and Mr. Sutliff, telegraph operator, nearly all of whom were unharmed. The deputy sheriff was killed without any excuse whatever. He sat down, as did tho rest, when ordered to by the leader of the mob, and was still sitting when shot. Justice Weight, with some others, went out a window, and was shot in the muscle of the left arm afttr he was outside of the hotel. It is believed that one of the pirty nf lynchers was bacly wound ed by the shot fired in the hall of the hotel, but nothing positive is known concerning it, except that blood was found, indicating that one of the lynchers was hurt. The excitement of Linkville is great, and efforts will be made to discover the partici pators in the mob. It is reported that t o young men nf Alkali valley have been arrested of being connected with the attempted lynch ing. Tho examination of H. C. Laws was first arranged to take place at Linkville last Mon day, Gut, in consequence of the last tragedy, it was postponed, and is not yet fairly begun. Col. C. A. Cogswell, of Lakeview, will appear as counsel for Laws, weare told. lhe O. A C, It. U. Extension. The work of construction on the extension of the O. & C. R. R. Co's road to California is being pushed forward with vigor, Nearly 900 Chinese laborers, says the Jacksonville Sentinel, arc at work, some of them grading as far south as the Robert's hill. Two tun nels have been located, one through tho Cow creek hill 2.800 feet in length, and the sec ond through the Grave creek divide below where it is crossed by the present stage i oad, aud 3,300 feet long and approoched by an open cut 1,000 feet long. Bids for construc tion of both these tunnels were to have been opened on Thursday, and it is thought then will nut be finished before next Spring. If this should ba the rose, the road will not be finished lurther south than Cow creek this year. It is thought that trains will be run ning to Myrtle creek by the middle of August. The saw mill on Myrtle creek is now running and at work on timbers for the two bridges at that point. Much change has been made in the line of the road to Grave creek and it is possible that when the country is examined, a detour may be made that will take the road through the "Pleasant" creek divide and bring it to Rogue river at the mouth of Evans creek. This is mere con jecture, however, and only to be determined by the survey. During April, when the weather settles it is expected that there will be a force of several tl.outand men put to work and lit ely times along the line may be looked for. Comstock k Miller have pur chased a steam pile driver which will be at work along the line of the railroad extension in a few days. Died. Mr. Isaac Mitchell, one of the pio neers of the State, who settled in Marion county in 1840, and has been engaged in mer cantile business there for 33 years, died sud denly at his residence at St. Louis on Sunday night of congestion of the lungs, aged 03 years. His remains were brought to this city yesterday and interred in the Jewish cemetery. Have Wistar's liilsain of Wjld Cherry al ways at hand. It cure cough", coldj, bron chitis, whooping cough, croup, iufluenzs, con sumption and all .throat and lung complaints, $50 cent and $1 per bottle. Conattniptlon Cnred. Since 1870 Dr. Sherar has each year sent Irom tins othce the means of relief and cure to thousands afllicted with disease. The corres pondence necessitated by this work becoming too heavy for him, I came to his aid. He now feels constrained to relinquish it entirely, and has placed in my hands the formula of that simple vegetable remedy discovered by an East India missionary, and found so effective for the speedy and permanent cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Diseases : also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility aud all Nervous Complaints. Its remarkable curative powers have been proven in many thousand cases, and, actuated by the desire to relieve suiienng numanity, 1 gladly assume the duty of making it known to others. Address me, with stamp, naming this paper and I will mail you, free of charge, the recipe of this wonder ful remedy, with full directions for its pre paration and use. printed iu German. French or English. W. A. Noyiss, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. decl5-3mos a card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a reciepe that will cure you, free of charge. This great remody was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send self-addressed envelooc to tho Rkv. JosKrn T. Is mast, Station D, New York City. dec30-6m Garrison's Sewing Machine Store, 167 Third street, Portland, is the best place in Oregon to get your sewing machines repaired and for buying all kinds of needles, attach ments and oil. tf One or more Burgeons From the Pacific Surgical Institute, 305 Kearney street, San Francisco, will be at the St. Charles Hotel, Eugene City, March 21st and 22d; at the St. Charles' Hotel, Albany, March 24th and 25th; at tho Chemeketa Hotel. Salem, March 27th und 28th: at the Umatilla House, The Dalles, March 3lst and Aprii 1st; and at the St. Charles Hotel, Port land, April 4th and 5th, fully prepared to treat all the Diseases and Deformities treated at this Institute such as Spinal Diseases and all Diseases of the Joints, Rupture, Nas el Catarrh, Rhcuma'ism, Lung Disease, Paraly sis, Ne-vous Diseases, Piles, Fistula, and Female Diseases. This is tho only authorized branch of the Groat Northwestorn Surgical Institution on the Pacific Coast, and desires not to be confounded with auy other Institu tion. DELINQUENT LIST. We give below a list of the persons whoso papers wero discontinued several weeks ago (February 1) because they were in arrears and took no notice after having three or four notices sent to them. Thoy will receive a copy of this week's isue, and we hope they will see tho point and remit, so as to have a public credit. We are sorry to say there more whose turns will come unless we hear from them. hundreds due timo, NAiiE. rosTorncs. AM'T. W Baltimore Albany 9 Chas Craft Albiny Jas Daiidson Albany.... J T Huglies Albany CNStenart Albany ;... Hcnrv Watson Albany A R Morris Albany ,,,,. D Kuble Alsea Jlldson Seeley Alsca Win Harriett Apulcgate Wro McNew Applegate VIniUin Iiroun llakcrity II CMorln Iluena YUU John Fnulr Cartwrltrht JWOole Cottage Oroie Jas HenJcrsliott Covo LO Allen CorvallU S 75 2 75 2 76 8 00 7 M 2 75 0f) 4 25 2 75 5 00 2 CO 3 25 0 00 2 76 0 00 5 00 5 00 5 50 7 S5 i 76 2 60 7 00 1 60 0 60 35 00 0 60 2 75 7 25 5 76 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 4 25 ti 75 0 M 4 00 2 76 6 25 ti 00 4 50 2 75 2 75 10 00 7 60 lfl 75 7 00 1(1 60 8 00 5 25 J II Netthouse Conallis WBullaril Corvallls KM Owens Conallla A II Crooks Chetcoe Jas A Cootey Chetcoe A McCourt Cornelius TJ Piinton Camp Creek Wmnibwn. Dalles, The J W Fletcher DaUon Ifcnn Bhephertl. Dalla .J Jone. .. Eola East Portland , . Gaston , .Gaston . Ilarrisburjr Halsiy . ...llakey ...Hood Rtur , Mood ltlver ...Hood lliver ,.. Howell l'ralrle. . ..Hepnntr ....Illllsboro.., ...UlandCit) , Jacksonville .. Klrli)tll!o ....Kirbjtllla Kind's Valle . . . Lebanon. ... . Lnitrt.1 ,, .Looking llass , ,. Liurcl .La Grande i. La Grande .. ,'. Lebanon . . . .. McMliinvllle .Monmouth . .. .Mountain Dale MtMinntille.. . . , Monroe , .Monroe . .Monroe ,,'. .Mllwaukie , . . Mountain Dale ..,... ...Mthauia.,., , .Orejron City.. . . ...Oakluid ...Pnttstl'io . .I'oh til's Valley . .. . . Pow til's Val.o . Philomath... ,.1'hl'oiiiath . Philomath ...Philomath i. .. Philomath.. ... . Philomath . Prairie City. Portland ...Pendleton .Print. Ill ...Ptrrdale ...Perry dale ...Pleasant Hill .llher.lde Pound Prairie, . ...Sweet Home.. Spanish Hollow , Sheridan ...Salem , .foheridan . .Sprinuwater .foiiriniraaUr , .Muilaw Bclo .Stafford ...'prlnirficld ...Taiijrent .bklptnon Silter Wills ..Sllier Wells .Upper Othoto ..Union Willamette Forks. Villhunlna .Wilbur Vinson Weston West-Chehalem.. . .Collax, WT. . Calfal, WT .Dayton, WT Dayton. WT ..PafouaoCtty, WT. .hpokan Falls, WT. Spokan Kails, WT. White Salmon, W T .Walla Walla, W T .Walla Walla, W T. . Wall Walla, W T. .Collins Und nif, W T Steptoe, W T ..St Louis, Or ,AIorth, WT.., .Enterprise, Or. . . Xspotint, WT ..MaUl.Or .SUjton, Or,,,, . ... James roueil. . Alfrul Florey S E Wilcox JCAIford .... Mrs M Tonne,.. II Thouus .. MJl'uttin O LHtrunahan,. (Ico Hudson. ... J A Loone) . . , J PMunkers It H liCLtO.. .,., V 11 Huchanin.. E W Gale. Bam'l Ilout;. .. J 1'MIIU I. o Trice. , . J II Johnson M F Mfs-lnirer A A Mathews,. , C WWiUiams.. Jno Ilakcr J U Connalh . . 5 25 J Y Iccoe Joel Martin. . 2 75 3 00 J Hobbs 11 I) Johnbon. 3 00 2 75 4 60 8 00 7 75 10 76 0 00 0 25 11)76 U 25 2 75 3 00 8 00 4 00 7 60 7 60 7 76 4 76 2 75 2 75 a ou 2 60 3 60 4 00 1 25 4 00 0 25 2 76 2 75 23 00 6 00 6 25 5 75 (1 00 4 50 2 75 7 00 3 00 6 25 8 00 a 00 3 25 5 7 6 00 3 60 2 76 0 60 6 00 600 2 76 3 60 6 60 8 60 5 75 8 25 5 25 8 25 U 50 5 00 8 00 7 U) 1 75 0 76 h on 6 50 a it t (0 760 7 75 6 76 S60 M V Emily JItno)d. X Uird Jan MiMurray . N Bcnuyicr Wm Adams, I) II Johnson . W II Kelloifif . S Sutherland . . , . DA Harvey . , J M Horn . ... A II Wheeler . II Grant Y J IleudtrbOii... II ltutt Gbtroup ,, Jno La)ton, , Albert Tailor. II Anderaon Wm Coburn M O'llrien b E lthrxle L C Harirent J W WiUon. . , Geo Patrick. . ,. J C Johnson . , Jas D llurnett Win t'lilpp Clark Dunlap, E Carlile . . E Wards orth..., Jno 1.) nch . II Wallen.WIn ... W T hmltb . J F Vi bite v J V Anderson. M F lllrd J C Mcl'henton . , L F bmlth 1' Gondii At Thomas A IlK-k'enun a ACbrtl Jones & Johnson,, O W Vaughn JnoLe'rhi er J C Smith. WT HUH ton FM MntlllD J II AUhlnson J Llsooou W A lll.hop G HunUr Th Komlne Win Klnif . A E luiidson C II Kin Win Gilmer, M L Smith Wm hUnneld, Jo himonton CIim Clancy THCoU.ell . A Dehaien. A Hart W'uLnttr , J It Ito.tll D Rhodes.. Abner aloftr. PACIFIC Life Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. MANAGER FOR State of Oregon and Idaho and Washington Territories, 102 Firat Street, Portland, Oregon. KrTtmrf, CHARLES HODGE, ot Hodge, Davis ft Co. JAMES STEELE, Cashier FirstNatlonal Bank. J. A. 8TR.OWnp.lnOE, Wholesale Leather A Ftndtnn. 0 A. DOLPII. ol Dolph, Pronauch. Dolph ft Simon. L a HENRICHSEN, Henrlchsen ft Greenbcrg. Col J. McCRAKKN, of J. McCraVen ft Co. O.E.NOTTAOE, Examlnerand Physician. J. K. GILL, ot J. K. Gill ft Co., Stationers. M. S. BURREI.T.. of Knapp, nurrell 4 Co. FRANK ZANOVICH ol Zan Brothers. Portland Carriage Factory. Between Front nd First Street, on Yamhill. Fortland. W. W. 13 BETTEK PREPARED TriAN EVER BEFORE AND OPENS THE SPRING SEASON OF 1M FULL equipped with the best skilled tabor procurable at the Est and the best material found In the world. t0 manufacture certhlnj;ln the line of Buggies, Carriages, Pheatons, Webfoot Doj Carts, Light Speed Wagons, Light and Heavy Buck Boards, Dexter Wnjront, Sldo Spar and White Chapel Wagons, Spring and Thorotighbrace mail wagona, the Eipey Ilaok, Trucks, Drays and Delivery Wagons, Hotel Wagons, etc.. built of the best Eastern material. Largest and btct facilities of any shop on tho Patlflc Coast and guarantee every article of our work, and prices that cannot b bo beat by any dealer and man facturer. Wrlto to me fo anything jou want, and compare with any of my competitors andbecomlnctil. M. MAS TO EASTERN READERS I SEND THE "FARMER" TO FRIENDS IN THE EASTERN STATES. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. We will send tho Willamette Farmer to any address in tho Kaatorn State or to' Canada, postpaid, upon receipt of S2.00 for one yonr or $1.00 for aix months. . Wo make this offer, to the readora of the Fawmeh, in the interest of immigration. W will further allow the sender (if already a subscriber), a credit of THREE! MONTHS OK their own subscription for each yearly subscriber sent. This splendid offer will remain in force witil April 1st. Remit to ui, free of expense Ut ourselves, by Money Order, or Registered Letter. Address : WILLAMETTE FABMER T UB. CO,, S. A. CLAKKK, Manager, Portland, Oregon. ESTABLISHED lit C1IAS. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, HODGE, DAVIS & CO., 92 and 04 Front Street, (cor. Stark) - Portland! Oregon. Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise Trade a Complete Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, OI.LSswnre Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO WINDOW GLASS OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITY Of all the leading brands, In kegs and tint. COLORS IN CANS AND DRV. Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and VarniBhefr Including the fluent brand (or Coach iwlntcra' use. Paint, Whitewash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrel and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neats Foot Oi Fish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Casses. Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash. Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc. We are Agents for Oregon and Washington Territory for THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN USE. MiUInckrodt'H Carbolic Sheep Dip, Wnkclce's Sheep Bath and Squirrel Poison, und Ayer'sund Dr. Jnyuo's Proprie tary Medicines. Wo buy our goods from first hands, tlms rnaliling us to compete with any market On th Coast aa comparison of our prices will prove. rUX fRA.M'IM'U, IIS FKW.NT HTUKKT. AgAIN IN 11USINK8S, Manufacturers und Importers of Saddles,BarnesSpBridles WHIPS, SADDLERY, HARDWARE, ETC. 110. Front Street, East Side, - - Portland, Oregon N. II. Itepalrlnff Promjttly Attended to. SUCCESSORS TO SHINDLER & CHADBOURNE, MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, Wheleaale and Kelall Btnltn In Furniture, larpets, Wall Paper, Bedding, Etc. mm mm tern m WBH W W 7TJ JyH LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES! SCHOT. DESKS A SPECIALTY. Warerooms Extend Through 200 feet, from 166 First to 167 Front Street, fuktijAIMJJ, utusuujN. hkh roa catauhui: ASU MUCK UisT. MUTUAL eflrrvnero. W. W. BPAIILDIKO, Packer and Cattle Dealer. ANDREW ROBERTS, ol Flshel ft Roberts. JOHN CRAN, ot Jonn Cran ft Co. a M. WIBERO. Root and Shoes. JOSEPH BURKHARD, Burkhardt ft Spauldlni;. All the alio e mmed businass men of lrtuuid resent 9160,000 Insurance In this above nam! com GOOB AUENTH WANTKl. apply U A. MrKINNlE, 102 FIrt Street, Portlaosl w. Ert:i. iio Biie. Portland. QrtKn.fKJf I. F. POWERS, HAirCrACTlTRKR, IMfOITRR iSD ttBBI OF FURNITURE, .Bedding, Carpets, Paper Ilanf-' ing, Stoves, and Crockery and Glassware. Steam Faetorj Northwest Corner Front and Jeffertoo Strceti. Warehouse 1S3 and 186 First anil 134 Second Streets, I'OKTLAMI, OREGON.' aepOtf 1851. GEO W. 8NELL, P. K. ARNOLD, an M!W YOIIK.-S3 t'FI'AK HTBEET, bptl n u I 41 tJ III !iH U t n't kin 'tl ST iKr'TU ','.;'( PM i' j ! I