fr jrtwfeSSSSHHSH m- ri, f J 'i V r 'f?t,: t, tillanuttt Sfarnwr. I880KI) KVKRT M1DAT, BV rttnLtsiiKns and rnorniKTona. Ttrmi orffnbscrlplloni ecjjr cnejesr (dnvnUra), In diri(t....f 2 00 On copy six month (16 umlxr) - 1 00 is cop tlm months (It numbtrt) 0 PORTLAND, DF.O. S, 1870. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN STATES. More Mormon IVrlnry. Siw Lakk, Not. 29. TLo grand Jury, from which mi much wns expected by luo government, closed their labor nllor finding but flvo Indictments against polygninlsts. In their report they recommend an amend men! 10 tho Jury luw and say they nro as tounded nt tho perjury of Mormons. In many instance mother testified that their daughter wero not In polygamy, when sev eral children had been lorn to thcru in that rotation. When nuked who wero tho fathom they would answer that they had uono, thus making slrurnnetH oi their daughter and bastards of chlidroti to shield polvgamist. Opera Ilotiae Ilnrarel. Tonosio, Ont Not. 23. Tho Grand Opera IIouhc, oh Adohtldo street, was burned early this morning. Tho Janitor, named Wright, hlfl wlfo and young daughter nro missing and aro supposed to hare been burned to death. A young man named Thomas Hoott leaped from n window to the street and escaped with n broken arm. Tho building was regarded ns ono nf the finest thoatrcs on tho continent. IiiTKn Tho bodies of Wright and family hare been recovered. They wero burned to cinders. The loan on the building and ap ointments is intimated at $200,000. Daniel audmnnn, tho tragedian, who wa tilling nn engagement at tho Grand Opera Houso, bad all bin Taluablo theatrical wardrobo In tho building, and oil is lost. Ho will suffer to the extiut of $123,000. t'riii kfil 1'olltlri. Niew Yoitit, Dec. 1. Tho Telegram pub llnb(H a report that Clarkson N. l'otttr will rccclto tho certllknto of election as Llouten. ant Governor from thn Democratic board of canvnnscr on n technical quibble. Washington 1'.. Hull, Inspector of elections, who wn convicted of making false returns at tho election ol lb7r), liuu been nentcuce'd to eighteen months in tho Htnto prlsou. Hlierli IlllMrlBllIIM. Hpccio importations to this port for tho week ending Novembtr 28th aggregate $7,HU,70U, nf which $7,05U,DV;s was gold and only $00,178 silver. Tho total from January 1st to dato Is $77, 185.080, Including $07,001,101 gold and U,282,HoO. Tho atuamshll) Celtic, from Liverpool on Haturday. brought JJ2GO.O0O In American gold coin, Katuo Old tlnnio. Pinr.Nix, Nov. 29. An attack was tnado near Oillettr on n l'rrscolt stago last nl;ht by threo Mutlcaiis, who carried on mo mall and homos, nud rubbed tho driver and only passenger. The latter they shot and stabbed o badly a to uako recovery Impossible Ifiilrlwr ol Urcenbaek. Wuiiiwiton, Deo. 1, Western Itopubll. cans very generally agree- with tho great body of Democrats In condemning that por tion which counsels retirement of Grcwn. liaokx, and it is perfectly evident that tho Iiresldoul' advice in this partlonlar will lavo no effect during tho existence of the present Congress, except possibly to mako party capital for tho Democrats. rnrlllc ('unit Member. Tho l'aclflo Const member of Cougro. find very little, ground for eucouragoiueut in tho president' atatenieitt conoorulng the tirgollatlou with the Ckluoso govornmsnt in regard to tho wibject of restricting Mon golian immigration, Terrible Kilolon. KaucumK, Wis., Deo. 1. Tho bollorlu the l.auclairo lumbar company' pinning rulll exploded with terriflo forro this after noon, killing F.uglneor llaskius, Fireman llospllu, aud a teamster uamod Gallagher, The force of tho explosion was ho great n to be felt all over tho city, and frapmeiit of the wreck were scattered for blocks dlstaut. Hevoral other employe wero mro or loss In jured. A Jury Is holdlug an Inquest ovor tho dead bodies to-night. Hemes- I.nud Company. Dinvkii, Col., Doc. 1. In tho United Ktates Court to-day Hlduoy A. (Irani, who was connected with the no-called "Denver Laud Ooinpauy," which has been advertis ing lotH for sale in North Denver at $1, waa foutat guilt)' of tttlsttslng tho mails, and will bo nenteuced to-morrow, the penult being 300 lino or Imprihonmuut, or both, Hfoiiilniillnn. Tlu president aont tho following nomin ation to tho rieuato: (luo. W. BliGrary, Iowa. II. tt. Jtnlgo mnitli circuit; Win. Hayes, Ky U. H. district Judgo for tho distiict ol l.enlnihy; Chat. 11. French, chief justice nt Arizona Territory, Norman Duck, Idaho, tuibooliiti' justice Hiipreme court Idaho Ter ritory, II. K. Attorneys Joseph II. Leake, for tho nurthuu district of Illinois; lldward Guthildgt', fin ihe) eastern distiict of Texas; J. W. Cincotl, West Virginia, for tho tvni lory ol Idaho. llegistcr nf laud eiftlcos Win, 1'.. Hopping, Shasta, Oal., Jiiiium 1!, Oondidl, Huilio, Uul ; lllehard Hurvey, Oeu tral City, Colnrado, Kiiiiuel W, blurfry, recehd of publtu money at LaMehHllla, New Mexico, AlherN Jolmsoii, aurveyor pi nrral, Colorado, James 1',. SK'iiccr, sgeut Indian agency. llehl Malrutrul, Tho debt ktateuuut issued to-davhowa tho drcreaio of tho dtbt for NovemlKr to ho $70'J,b,J3i cnili in tie.ury, J.-JU7.'2l7,C8rti gold cutiflealiK, 17.O07.1UO: certificates of deposit mil.tjuding. $11,100,000; refunding oertltuMtct, i-.01l,750; l.igal teuJers out btaudiug, $Jlli llsl.Olli, (r.u'ltoual utrrciicy outhtaudiiiv;, $iri,70l,'JU. 1'tiHlnl t'lutuceo. l'cstnlU;e4 ihtuhlUhedt l'mt IxUuuth, Lako c.iuuty, Ut(ii., John Ooldbred, )inl master; l'mmlllu, Wasco county, (igii., Mia Mary J, Mackie, jttnltn ; Alnxnoitb, Whitman comity, W, T,, Win. Kpraguo, IKistmautcr, DUcuutiuued I'.IJoudo, linker county, Ortgoii, Tim Jloriiuiiis with Hie Hies, Ia 1'jm Aiikm't Nov, i"J. yU L.tke City. Col,, I)ic. 1. Tho fouiiuuwlou is ju tleully waiting tho arrival of Wlillo river Utis. Kox'rnl propasllious have been luadu by llie ludlaua through Ouray tn return ttoek mid properly capiurml ut Whltu liter, to.t..11 k.iu-1, )(ii have Ihvii rvirtlvril Latkbt, 1:30 1. M. Ouray informs the commission that tho troops reported to him ns advancing on tho Uintah Agency wero Mormon militia, that they havo urrived thero and nro trying to persuade tho Indians to renew tho fighf, offering to Join tho Utes and furnish men and nrms. Jack Is in camp, twenty miles from Wblto river. Ouray thinks it is doubtful about his coming here, ns he is afraid of tho commission. The Work ol the Mcoalon, WAsnt-voioK, Dec. 1. Senator and rep resentatives to-day in discussing tho outlook for tho session generally agreo that it ia likely to extend into next Hummer; that no very great amount of legislation will bo ac complished, but that each party will bo kopt busy watching tho other and taking up as good a position as possible for tho presiden tial vcar. The policy of tho dominant ma jority in both houses in regard to such mat ters as tho proposed renewal of last year's contest over tho election laws, and upon financial moasurcs llko Warner's sliver bill will not bo settled in Imsto, nor without inaturo inucus deliberation concerning th m. It ia not likely, then, that ntiy indefinito forecast can bo tnado roiiKcllnif tlieso sub jects until after tho Christmas recess. Tho nununl appropriation bills nro not expected to bo reported very cnily this session, but tho IIouso will bo occupied for sumo tlmo with tho dlscasslon of a thorough revision of its rules soon to bo reported from Speaker Itandall'H committee, and wltJ contested election cases 10 in all which Chairman Springer promises to bring bcloro the IIouso for notion this session with much greater promptitudo than has been unfortunately tho custom in provious sessions of Congress. Another subject that will bo brought for ward for speedy action, niilcst a resignation forestalls its main purpose, Is tho impeach ment of Minister Howard. Tho Henato will shortly receive reports from the Ingalls and Kollogg investigations, from tbo Wallace coinraltleo of Investigation in Ilhodo Island and clsowhcro, and prob ably also from tbo l'reedmtn's Dank com mittee. It is apparent, therefore, that neither branoh of Congresi is in danger of running abort of subjoota for consideration, oven it tho transaction of ordinary legislative busi ness bo wholly deferred for a month or two, Grout fcr llin NlrnrnKiinn Cnunt. Orant has written n letter to n friend In this city concerning tho proposal of I'uropo- nn capitalists to tako n largn iutercnt In tho Nicaragua!! canal schnmo. Tho (luueral ad vises that Congrois bo asked to incorporate tho company, because ho vuit n project will havo higher credit iu Kurope if it has n na tional rather than Htnto frauchlso, IIo sug gests lint tho namcHol n considerable nuin Lor of prominent citizen of high character mid flnnuclal ability to bo inverted in tho net incorporators, and thinks It mhlsablo that this government shall obtain n now treaty with Nicaragua, not in the nature of conces sion of right of way which would bo fcr tho company to acquire, but n treaty covering tho wholo project and guarding tho use of tho canal and the right of thn United State to its use aud protection, l'lnnlly, In this letter, thoso who havo seen it say that ho declares hiiuielf ready lo tako a prominent part In tho enterprise! wbenover theoo condi tions are cntcrtaiued. Meantime, tho pro. loct is to rcceivo itmuidluto attention in both hOUBCB. Iii both Louses of Congress resolutions will bo offered immediately favoring a con cession by tbo government of Nicaragua and guaranteeing tho pesoeful enjoyment of righto so granted, rlnnkrm Aurrv Willi lln)r. Prominent bankers speak warmly in praise of tho financial recommendations in the president's montage, The clause that called forth their heartiest approval was that In which tho retirement of legal tender note was advocated. They pointed out the dif ference betwoen the repoit of the secretary and tbeprcsldout' mecsage, which rellccted, they mid, great credit tipon tho latter docu ment, wuiio banker aro ot one mind upon tbo main question of cancellation of legal tender notes, a gTOat diversity of opinion was found to exist among them a to tho proper time and method ot uvcuring tho do hired result. One wished tho not funded immediately Into bonds bearing a low rate of Interest; another advocated retiring (hem by flxed amounts annually, while he doubted the expediency at thli time of agitating tho matter, .While silver Ute. A spool al dispatch to the Denver Tribune aays that the White lliver Utes camo Into Ik4 l'inoa last Saturday and went before the comuiitslon. A now plan of cxamiuing wit nesses has been adopted, nud a number allowed to enter the commission room nt oiioe. Tbey nil wear nrms, though con cealed, Member of tho commission and attache all keep gun and rovolveia near that they may bo used on quick notice. (JoiiM'a Last t'ouibluiillou. According to trustworthy information, tho control that (lould ha obtalnol over tho Iron Mountain and Missouri, and Kansas and Texas ltailroada, ha enabled him to compel Col, Tom Hoott and Yfcn l'rcsident Huntlagton to entertain proposition which ho resulted in a combination ot tho Union l'acillc, TVxaa l'atiflo and Central 1'aclQo Ciiiupnuivi, whereby they agteo lo employ their joint credit and capital lo complete tin Southern Tram continental lttilnud on tho DJd parallel a i-pocdily a their practically unlimited resource"! can cou.lntct it. Ilriuil on (lie elilnl IVriu. A ncutliman who, with one or two other fnendsof Orant, a talk with him at the bonne of the (ioveruor ol Nev.idj, and who, from hi iutlmary with the (, m liberty to nk him directly what he thought of the ii!gftod iiointii.vioii eif himarlt tor tho pirauleucy, M)s that Grant rrpllul promptly nud with hoauucri iy honed that noci'siliy for hu uoiuiiullnii would not urine. Kubeiiiirnt coiivvrtatton showed that tho mvcily which he had in mludwaa iMiiiit'cttil with tho condition of affair iu the South. N)inilliy Ijc JreUinl. Ciiu'jmio, Deo. 1, A meeting ot arti uiw wniheldat McCormick Hall, which ludig up nt a lato hour, tho purpose living to ii pre Byuipnthy with llm jutiplo ef Ire-laud in their preaeut agit itlou for relief from tip- proslHii el nun ieMtiit iiiuiiortis. nitre wa an immeiikO audience in tho I.erjjo build ing and many htiudnd wero unable to oh lam ndiuliaiou. Thn ItUli Amerlcau do iiieut e'custituted n very large portion of the audience, blthuugh i-uuio of the most ronii lit lit American citizen e'ccupiedhtula on the platform. All nddit--! was iiuM Iu the people of tho U nihil 8latc ciiibraeiug in slruugekt tt rm the idea eipri'kacd by the various upeaLem, I'nrnell t'uiulni;, U(vtin, Dew. 1. A mi din j of citizen was held hero to-night to tako nititsure for f;reetiu Chaa. H. I'arncll upon his arrival irre. The oiiciual couimitteo appointed bv Irish cltiztius, who Uao icaolred lorv-iIvv t A-daiokiJiiriiell nt I'uuiuil Hull, wa increased lo -wi!iuu)Ljuianydh WILLAMETTE FARMER. wm brokon up by n mob from the Fourth ward, and several of their men were shot, ono llcrnard llellly dying on tho way to tho hospital. Nloekn Must rumble. New Yobk, Dee. 3. Jamca Keono is re ported as having said to-day that he thought Vandcrbllt had dono well in his salo of Cen tral and would probably also sell aorao Lako Shore and Michigan Central, which nro en tirely too high. Tho first thing holders of this stock will know, it will be down to $75. Dy tho mlddlo of next month the Grand Trunk will hnvo completed it line to Chi cago and taken at least ono-qnarter of tho Michigan Central's bnsinees. Thn vnlnea of all stocks are too high. IIo predicted a grand tumble. Tho business of the country is not on a dividend pa ing basis. The best thing tho people can do la to sell ovory time a stook rallies. nisgrnccfiil. ; Milwackkk, Dec. 3. Tho report ot tho ommittee appointed by the Supervisors to iuvosligato tho management of tho Milwau kee houso of correction, state that the charges havo been substantiated that cruelty, oppression, incompetency and filth havo prevailed, and that prisoners havo been Bliamefully maltreated, llazo and Kennedy, inspectors nnd warden, nro condemned se verely, and recommendation is rnado that a thorough reconstruction of tho system be made, Ttio Slnlno lBttlon, AOODHTA, Mo.. Dec. 3. Tho Governor nn,l Council havo been in session all tho fore noon and till 1 o'clock, when they adjourned. They allowed the returns of tho county offi cers to bo examlnod by Senator! and llepro-soBtatives-eleet, or thsir attorneys, but re fused to exhibit the roiirua of vote on Sen ators and lieprenontatives. Just bofore ad journment they declined as at present ad vised, to exhibit the return of votes on Sen ators and Representatives, aa tbey have no power to alter, correct, or substitute returns, and therefore tt would be no uso to exhibit thorn. Ilonrol John Hold III Heal, WiSIIIHOTON. Deo. 3. In tho riun nf Ma. Dowoll v Whlicoker, Democrat, of Oregon, no ovldcnco or brief have becu presented and It will bo dropped. Illro to bo Reaiovrd. Tho Mil introduced by Dclford to-day for the removal of Utes, provides that tho presi dent with flvo commissioners to solect In Homo ttnltory a reservation for the Utes nnd mnko ntr.ingcuienU with them for their pcneeiui romoval. Tlio bin propone nn appropriation of $200,000 to meet tho expenses of removal, (niiu'rrkiloiinl Cnucuase. Tho ilepublicans of the Henato met to con sider thn tilling of tbo vacancy on commit' teen causetl by tho d'nith of Senator Chan dler, Democratic Senators met nnd concluded Hint no chnugc wero ncccssiry information of committee, (.ending word to Itcpubllcana that tho vacancies caused by tho death of Chandler wero at their dlsposul. Henatqr llaldwlti, of Michigan, will proba bly All Chandler' places on Uouato commit tees. Aiproirlitlloua to lie Hurried, The IIouso appropriations committee to day wero unanimous in (desiring an early completion of tho appropriation bills. The deficiency appropriation bill for the pay of marshal and their deputies will doabtlca bo tho first provided for. It was thoroughly dlsouisod, r'OUKlQN NEWS. Ilornl MarriHiir, Madbid, Not. 29. The weather had im proved iu the morning to such a degree that as early as 7 o'clock the streets and balco nies wero thronged with people and much aulmation provailed. Many house hod ben decorated and triumphal arcbe are ejected nt various point. In the morning tho band of tho regiments quartered in the city played a reveille before the royal palace nnd afterward marched through the princi pal street. The bride left the l'ardo jialaco in the morning for the ministry of marine, where apartment had been prepared for her, in which she wa robed for the mar riage. King Alfonso left the rsyal palace for Ahtochl church shortly before 11 o'clock, Tho bride wa richly dressed in white and woro a diadem of brilliant and insignia of the Marie Louise order, Troop lined tho treets through which tho procession moved. The Antocbl church wa splendidly illumlu ated and decorated with silken draperies. The dlploinstio body aad SpanWh grandee and a deputation from the senate and cham ber of deputies received the K'ng at the church aud occujiied the uavo, The bene diction wa given iu behalf ot the I'ope by Cardinal l'atriarch, of Indu, who officiated ut the nuptial maa. Women' ItlKltlH Iu Ignition. London, Nor. 2'J. Of the fifty member of tho London school board olvcted Thurs day iiiuei aro womon. Irlxli MiiiiMttlij In I.ltcrpool, LivKiirooi., Nov, 20. A lucetiug, tho at. tendance at whloli is estimated at about IS,. (XXI persons, was held opposite Saiut George' hall to-day, l'urnell fully cndoised tho spotiche for which the rocent arrest iu Ire-laud were made. He Mrongly denounced tho action of the government, whleh he pre dicted would utterly fall in ila object, llrs olutlou moved by i'lmioll nud curried with oiithiiida.iu, are to tho ttlWt that tho ariett aro arbitrary, unconstitutional and calcu lated lo woakeu tho coutldeuce of the of Ireland iu the impartiality of tho law nud thut tho goferumciit whleh equaiuler the blood nud treasure of the people in unjust wnih ubroad, wlillo iniutry aud famine ore iiiirt'lievod nt home, stand coudjuiiie.l in the i ye of all iit)hi minded nud thoughtful man, llriiioiKilrnlliiii In London, T.umiom, Nov, 30, Tho gathering iu Hyde l'ark to-day consUti"l ot uu inuiiemo mob, A fair mhiuUiIij of green favor wax ob servable, li.t by far tho grratet-t number of ptuou prekeut seemed to bo nttracteHt moro ) euiiouy ma.) ny bjmpaiiiy. i no pro - onioii win Huollcii by Iho TiehUirue IIh Iii.ii ion. Iho Ooniocralio Wurkiiii;- uirllV Oiul), mid hliiii'nr bodies, not iu miy luauuoreeiuue-etil with Ireland or Irish rgi Utlon. Tlte or.itora of theae ouUidn snuocln Hon addre' n-parilo grouji, while tho main meeting was iu progietui iu the jurk. Tho kpeaker were mrior-nded by u deuto throng which elite-red o cnthiuialtcally i.a to rt'lider tho tipeehea utttrly iuaiuhibli, except jvihapa to tUofo on Iho ataud. The noofutiiHi prottating ngaiunt tho rcceut arret ot ln-h ngilxtor and deuounciug pit-bent prnprUtary in Ireland weio car. ried by acvUiiiatiou. Tho lea uottsl rpeak er, particularly ut the side meeting, utvd mokt i.edit!oua language, aud their ulRrnucra MH'iuol to croato much amiueuieiil. The authorities had apparently taken no prvpu ratinna whatever for order, a only thrtlo po Hivincii wero iu tho vicinity of the tiultuj;. When il.ul.iiws came Urn thtoni dU'.lcrsol, mil tlio delegation mare hel back to their vMu Uflt) Capt. Tiiraor and guard, no will reach hi destination in eight manhis. Freedom ol I be Vmi. St. l'BTeniBUiio, Deo. 1. 1'ubllcatlon of tho Goloa newaj)apor,has hecuauspended for Pro months. llUlres In Irclrtiitl. Lonijo.', Deo. 1. An appeal from Cardi nal Manning for subscriptions to alleviate diatrcss in Ireland, was read in all the Cath olio churches nf tho metropolis yesterday. It is stated that in tho west of Ireland Buch hunger, poverty and waut are now to bo seen as has never been known bIuco the great Irish famlno. A general collection for this purpose is appointed for Sun Jay next. Illamnrck's Holme. BEniJM, Deo. L Illsmarck will probably arrive Thursday. It Beema that negotiation betwoen Bismarck and the Vatican have sud denly closed, as Bismarck will not agrco to the restoration of German Bishop. There sooms to bo every probability that tho old struggle are recommencing. Bismarck ban written private letter to Iho leader of the National Liberals, thanking them for tho support given by that party to tho government on tho railway question, nnd expressing n hopo that tho former friendly relations between himself nnd tho National Liberals may bo renowed, Clericals nro much dissatisfied with tho turn oi cllalrs. Pronch I'olltlc. 1'ams, Deo, 1, Tho resolutions of tho Republicans to submit n programme to min isters for their acceptance is generally con sidered as a friendly notiee to quit. Wuddington, l'resldout o( tho council nnd minister of foreign nffalrs, will be out ot ofllco In the early part of next year aud per haps sooner, and (Jambettn, l'resident of the Chamber of Deputies, wilt then havo an op portunity of inaugurating a parliamentary government under llcpublican regime. At tho third Hitting of bureaux of group of tho left ou Sunday, tho following poluts on which tho cabinet will bo questioned, wero nettled, namely: tho modiilcntion of tho principle of judicial immovability ; tho transfer of tho geu d'aimleriu from tho war ministry to that of thu interior, and tho In) mcdlnto dismissal of rcactiouary function aries. Alintrln Willi HiiKlntnl. Vikna, Dec. 1. Count Z.iohy' resigna tion ia tho llrat Hign of Baron Havmcilo huv ins decided upon great change in AuMrlati diplomacy, Tho fullest conviction prevails hero that Auitiia will support all BnjJUli ef forts at Constantinople us f,r m possible. liu-pii Vlrtorlii III. Losnos, Deo, 1, Tho Queen I reported ns suffering from a sevcru billion attack, and although tho court phyticiau necm to attach but lllll.i iiiipoittuee tu this lllnea, many persons nru inclined to look upon lie r majesty' klckncu in u much morn serious light. Tlio Queen I now (!0 year ef nn and hnsalwajH enjoyed e xceptlonally good health, but has n constitution iinbto to break down suddenly under form of llluoxs to which alio may now be. cuusidorcd subject. Considerable aolicitude I publicly expressed over tho matter both fur periaxial reasons and In view of tho political effect which might, attend her potstblu tUiuiso at tho present time. , Til rh Nil AllHlri. Coxhtaxtinoi'lk, Dec. 1, ll.tkcr Baibo ha started fur hi post at representative ot tho Hullati to kuperiutoud thu introduction of reform throughout Iho wbolj ot Asia Minor. The split In thn Cabinet threatens to pro duce a ministerial criuls, owing to differences beteon tho primu minister nud tho minister of the interior. The result will probably ba tho reaiguatiou of llie Utter, Inlerunl Slueliliio rr llie t'anr. Hkiimm, Doc. U. Kaiperor WiHlnm ha Just received dispatch announcing i fresh attempt upon the lifo of tho Ozar at i i.eow, Au iuferual inushliie waa exploder .m hi passajo. rurtiiiiitely It did not b -U until hi majesty had pi4d. Tho Cza iscaped without injury UeriKitn Haclnllvtt, III the 1'rUMinn illt to day, Count Vou l'nteuburg, inlnUter of the interior, in re plying to tho qucstiuu ne to thn reason fur the coutluuauce of the minor atnto of aeigo, declared that tho same atnto of things that wa prevalent last ) car Mill oiUtod, Secret sucisl democratic; nglutlon, lis anlil, hid in creased and connection with foreign agitators wero maintained. The l'ope not Infallible, London, Dec. 3. A dispatch from Pari say that tho Arehblshop of Meachllu, Bel glum, iu a recout paatoral, asserts that the l'ope i not infallible, except when ho Judges what rest on the lestimouy of God and that of his revealed truth or hi revealed law. I'Hknoli Kltllll. The l'nst commenting upon Yakooh Kabu'it departure' from Cabin lor I'cshnwaur, say thia new i nf great sigsiflcauce, It probably meant ihvt AfithaiiUtau ha seen the last of iU An t-r It also point to Iho restraint of iiotiuimil p'liiWhnicut being In store for Yakneili fur hu c.iieloiine if not connivance of I ho ihusji icro of the cmbaiiy, IllllHU Ailiiiliilitrnllon, Bkiii.ik, 1)c. 3 A dinpatch nay tho Ozar will inform the nubillly of Moscow at hi reception to-day ed hit, dettriuiuatinn to call a number ot nualUoiul mhiaurs to AsuUthlm in Iho goverunuut nf Iho empire. Thu ciiiiucil will liopuuly deliberatlvu without any light of control or niterfeiencc, and will bo chiMt'ii partly by auffragi-n of tho middle and iinut classes, nnd partly by direct nominilloii. Iiy tho Czir, from tbo ranks nf liticJitnry nobility. Other meas ure' of loeil ii-fnr.u will nUo be aunouuecd. Thcso imiov.itImit hvo been strongly ml vocated by llu l'z irowitch. r.t inrtkiwr III Iti'thicy Iturnril. Kn Boi'NAMuiia, Nov. 2S, This after noo'i llie bin) ling of iho r.niiKjlvuni.t oil rcrlniry, which tuelusod ,va e-uglne and boiler, ncciilt-utaliy e'aiight lire. The heat caused the litlir In explode, throvlug fug uit nti. iu all direction. Though quito a number of men wore ut hand trjmg to ex. titmn!i thn tlames. foituuately no oue irjurttl, .KUrr mi IMItur, Waivonvili.i:. Nov. 28. At about three o'clock this iillernoon ciiu&Iderablo excito-. umil wanniwi-d by 1). llothwell icmchlng far Yi II, Whftler, cdllur of IheTraiucril'l, withn hhutgiiu. It ik anld that Wheeler thou,;ht iluctetlon Iho better part ot valor aiidhliqud. Tim put isiu the fact ll.tit Ihe gun was not loaded, llothwill nv.'iar ent;nioe uiul it i probablu that iu hi excited ititont mind ho had forgotten tn charge tin weapon, rSiif school I'rmiiU, Kan l'rANCiex. Nov. 20. At the rxsmin. atlon of upplicaut for teuehen before iho cily exaiuinu'g Uiard yesterday, oue of the leu.nb appll. uta wu dis-ov red copjing tboausu'tr lo quesiluiii. li)ia una ol her ineii e-uU4, biiti rotutrtl tin.latowuerot.Lt got her inido iuformaiion, but it waa mUo qurutly aictrtatntd that she obtjJnexl li iroiu a uiHiinuiu uacrauieuio, wuo ia said lu ' ""iv iha ?tate board. lee field of tlio North. San TflANCHCo, Nov. 23. Tho whaling bark Helen Mar arrived from the Arctic ocean last night. She brings tho officers nud crow of the bark Mercury abandoned in the ice October 21th in latitude 71 10 north, longitude 172 weBt, Just north of Herald tdioala. They left tho bark Ylgilant iu the samo pack of ico frozen in, but tho crow wero nil well. dipt, llickmott, oi luo Mercury, llko other whalemen, fear that the Jeanetto may bo frozen up lu tlio pack oi Ice, iu which caso thoy havo but litllo hopes nf llin voajifd flvnr anltlmy nut. tlinllafi IllA ( rrew tnnv rpnflh n ntnea of safety. The Mercury had on board, when abandoned, 1,000 birrels of oil, 0,000 pound ot bono, aud 4,000 pound of ivory. Tho vessel was owned by Bartlott Si Sou, of New Bed ford, nnd insured for about $10,000, her policy having becu made out for four year and had ono year to run. A Test (,'nac. San TnANCHCo, Deo. 1. In tho Fouith District Court thi morning Judgo Dwindle rendered n decision iu Iho case ol Stuart vs Koynolde, thu former bring county clerk and Iteynolds, tho incumbent, to tho cflect that lleynolds' term of offlco expired to tiny, Tho case wm ut onvo tukeii to tho Hupremo Court, nud n decision is momentarily looked fur, Thi is u test caso affecting all other city olllces. Vending tho decision nf tho Supremo Court nu nuxloim crowd is to day hanging around the City Hall, nvialting the sott'emctit of tho vexed question of mic cession. Neu Ciller of l'nllcc. Tho police commisHloucrs this morning choso ex Chief Patrick Crowley Chief of l'olico. Tho appointment Booms to givo sat isfaction nbout tho City Hall. Ante of Mine. San Fuancisco, Dec. 2. It transpires to day that n chaugo ha tnken place in tho ownership of Halo k Norcroas nnd Yellow Jacket mines, tho bonanza Arm having sold out their Interu-it lu thu former to Alvinzt Haywnrd, nnd iu thu latter to ltobert Graves. The report of the ehango Is confirmed by Mr. I'lood. TIi'ho nro two of tho mines which Coll Deaue at his recent lecture de livered in Union Hull declined contained two or three now bonnnz.H ho believed to havo boon discovered on Iho Cumstook. Tho NupervJaor Muddle. At n Hpecial mooting of tho Board of Su pervisors thi evening Glbbi resigned and withdrew, holding that his term expired nt uilJuhjhl, but tlio other continued buiiuess. Crooked !( Alleged, Auditor Dunn refused to audit tho sower cleaning hill, stating, iu very direct lauguago in hi communication, that the work had nut been dotio in accordance with tho specifica tions, and that thu odlclnl who accepted It wa guilty of negligence nud incompetence. Tlio Ne'iv ltillo t'oniiiii-iii'tN. Han IViancisco, Doc. 3, After rccem this afternoon Judgo Wallace said that the de cision of the lower court, which glvi a tho offices to tho now tillloo a, wa utllrinud, nnd that tho decision would bo tllod to-morrow or the following day. Till decision places tho now odecra iu their new positions hlucu 12 o'clock yesterday. Trierv was a gouirul fueling of relief around tbo new city hall when tho new waa telephoned that Iho su premo court had decided In favor of tho In coming olll.iel. 4 To night Myjr Bryrnt will read lit faro well mosiuigo aud Mayor Kallochwlll deliver hi Inaugural nddrosk. Thu old Huporvisors will introduco their tucccur with the on tomary compliment of tho ooosalon, nud peace will roigu at thu cily hall after the long COlltOitt, rrlatiilul Areldi-iil. A Yfrginii dispatch says that the engineer at Ihe Uulrm shaft on changing tho shift thi raorniug rnu a cage iuto the shoaves. Kigh teen men win in the c.-.go and on tho skip boiiuiith. Nearly nil wero moro or lem in jnruil. One T. O. McCirty hn since died. Several oihera. it i feared, nru fatally hurt. The engineer left immediately niter tbo nc ciduiit. A commit teo ot miner are looking for Mm. State aud Turntorlal. Wlllninrllo VhIIc). Wheat hit been OS cent at Independence. Dr. Belt, late of Salem, is building a resi dence ono tloor soutli of Mr, T. W. Bolt' rca idence at Independence. Hcvcral cows have died from tho effects of eating too much grain out among the ruin of tho warehouse burned at Albany lately, Tho Dall.w Iteinlzer taysi Uncle Tol Savcry waa at his mouutaiu ranch the other day and camo iu with a flue lot of wild How crs, which lookod at fresh as in Spring time. l'ruit packing commenced at thu old Alden Fruit Dryer, at Albany. The Corvalli Fruit Co. havo several thounand p-iundi of the riummer fruit it pack for the Kuglith market. At IndeiicnJciice the dent-.' fog that has covered tho valley during thu latter lioition nf last week and thu forepart of tin, tho Uiveraide Independent M's, hi not only been very uncomfortable, but has caused much sickiieMa, Nonllirrii lirvcoti. Civil lknd, Don gin j county, ha an old latly 01 year of agu. The l'lsiiidoalcr toy tlii'. emigration has materially swelled tlio imputation of Hoso burs. A tlh ladder hit been constructed at lto.eburg dam, ht full can hereafter visit Caiiyoiivillc. Mr. Vin. Jackson loin ?19J by tho wah. t'lg away of a mill dam he vv.ti builJin.; at Mjrtle Crek, The Oregon Sentinel toll nf a bilk who liorrowcd id liMgins of the Franco-American hotel and stolo tlio hhuihcU While tho Star Gulch Miniii,; Co. wero re moving nn ail; stump by b'ajtiiig, a chunk of wood stiuck Mr. W. A. Hmiiltoii, who has since died, Mr. B. Wilson, of Camas valley, Douglas couuty, was vittorioiuiii Milium a 'large buck deer, w Idle her moit uob'.e lloma:i waa out hunting iti vain. Tho lady deserves encomi um fur he did it with her "little hatchet." Janm Alexander and Uuo Winniuglivn wero arretted at tho nitani.e of Stev, Miuard for obstructiiij tho county road in Happy Valley, Douglas county They gave Iwinls for appearance nt tho preliminary e-ximinatioii sat for next we-ek, A correpoiidentof ths Kn-'hurg Stir siyn Tho stockraitcrs of thi locality havo sheared their shoeji thi Fall. Tiny look we'd ami aro fat. If this plan should lo adopted throughout tho country, it vrou'.d Umcfit kco raisers without a doubt. Tlio l'laindcaler aaysi Mr. U. G. Hulbert. County Surveyor for l'ougla county, will compute, tha survey of tho railroad lino bj-twei-n lloselmrg and Coo lk'.y. This will rv quire aUmt ten daj; after this survey is mada cttitnair will lu calculated aud the eiitcrpro will then hi plac d ou a eloSnite basis. Tho Jackson countv farmer f.ndi In laUir. uniodcd by tbo heavy froU that have pre vailed for some timo past without interruu- instances, render tto During tho first week in ,Novemlor thero wero mailed at tho Ashland post olUco 711 iottcrs, 715 newspapers, 73 potal eaids and 32 packages. Doctors Aiken aud Vroomau of Jackson ville, made a post inortom examination of the body of Mario l'fluff, it having boon allegod that tlio immediate causo of her death was a blow on tho head, inflicted by a formor resi dent of Jackson creek. Bvhce's race trarlc near Jacksonville ha been repaired and will bo put in a gxxl condition as (losviblo for tho December races, and a new Judges' stand 20 feet high has hewn otcotcd. Over $173 has been subscribed for purses. The Jacksonville Times saysi Tlio con struction of n wagon road and tho consequent development of tho resources of Southern Oregon and Northern California may encour age the building of a railroad to tho sea and induca tho O. & O. K. It, to moro up from Koscburg, fur the trado nf thesu sections is not to ba enccrod at. This should bo kept In view. A correspondent of the Modoo Independ ent saysi Tho country north of Lakcviow has settled up with wonderful rapidity during tho past Hummer. Thero nio said to he flvo dif ferent valleys in that suction at intervals of n. hundred miles. Summer Lake, about fifty miles north, is about ten miles loug and six miles wide, and is surrounded by very fuio agricultural lauds. Silver Lake, about one hundred miles to tho noith, is nearly as largo as Goose Lake, and tho land in ito vicinity is being rapidly appropriated, Quito an excitement attended tho Heppnor races. Five hundred eoplo wuru in attend onco and money being scarce, horse nnd teams changed hands freely as betting debts wero decidod, Tho Knst Orcgoulau claims that tlio Uma tilla rapids are not navigable a great portion of tho yoar and that tho railroad to Walla Walla should havo commenced at Umatilla instead of Wallula. Gnnrpn Ktilrfrill nf It-iLnr Mtml.. ,Mi .-lit. a very Painful accident by falling off a load of hay. He had driven into a slough, and while tho tf?atr. won ftriturtnr, tlm txnnMn .... .1.. bank it came uncoupled and tho sudden fall lit llin l-.rwin .m..l...l,(a.l 1 CI... -II ... -. ...-,.....'ii .ir. oiurglll io ino ground with forco that his shoulder wo dislocated. Tlio Bed Bock Democrat saysi A man by tho namo of "HhiillW Lnvim ulm .,...,,:..... --. r ....w nu..IW ,.,.., miito inanicii ouo .iioningue, or "rwenty-ono Suo," at Canyon City, committed in Bakor City the brutal act of scalding his wife, by pouring hot roffeo down her neck iu front. I'ho woman is badly scalded and it is not known whether she will recover or not. I'liiret Konnd. A forco of six men from tho pcniUrntiary began work iu tho Hcatco coal mine, gcttinr out another 100 tons of coal for the I'oitland market. Tho Transcript tayst A territorial convict, named James V. lain, escaiicii from the working forco at tbo co penitentiary last month, and a reward of $7fi is oflcred for his apprehension by thu superintendent. Ho is 42 years of ago, flvo feet iiiuo and a half inchea high, bluo oyes, giny Iron hair, and weight 115 lbs) had on brown pant aud Jumpir, striped shirt nud light felt hat. Thu I'uyallup barrel factory will shut down in a few days to allow timo tor repairing and making sonio additions. Whon this U done it will resume work fur tlio Winter. From a gentleman from Coupvillo wo arc informed that thero nro at least 100,000 bush els of potatoes on Whidby Island, the greiator part of which can bo bought lor from 20 to 2.1 cents per bushel. Speaking of tho lumber combination tho Seattle 1W aaysi On Monday next all of tho mill on tho Hound will coinmeiico run ning on two-thirds time, excepting tho MIL ton, and it is reported two other mill, subsi elized to shut down entirely. Tho arrtngo ment hold good, it is said for ono year. However, should tho condition of tho market Improve aulliciently to Justify it, aa now scorns probablo, tho production will bo in creased greatly by Spring. At all events it haa been determined to hold the price of lum ber up, Mt or III Mountain. Tlio town of Ainsworlh is rapidly Incom ing a permanent thing. A gravu yard ho, boon started thcrv, tho first ocvupxnt Iwing a Chinaman. During Thanksgiving night Jimmy Jonee, a woll known charactor, wa severely cut by ono W. Morrow, in Khoduwald's saloon at WaiUburg. A reservoir 100 feet long and CO foot wide on the bottom, with 12 feot aide, ha been constructed by the Water Co. about a mile above thn Main street bridge at Walla Walla. There aro now 8 feet of water iu tho reservoir. Tho Walla Walla Uniou asysi The lat graud jury, composed of our wealthiest citl zeus, report iu favor of tlio erection of a Court Houso and Jail bv Walla Wall county. Why this county, the i ichest in tho Terri tory, should rest content with it miserable apology for Court Hojao aud a jail, whoso butaiilo apjicarauca is :e difgrace, and it in. side arrangements an outrago on humanity, ia a quetiun wu have never been nblo to solve. The boating au.iaon i nearly over. Thro heavy draft fctcatuer. namely, the Fanny Faxon, Dr, Baker nud Harvest Queen, havo I ready gone into Winter quarters. Uvea light draft sWaiuer find it difficult to navi gato the river now, mi-iug to a dense fog and low water. Navigation on th Upper Colum bia usually ceate in the beginning of Decem ber and is resumed again about the middle of March. During that interval wd are usually considered bottled up, The Walla Walls Statesman saysi Bo causo one firm iu this city imported ono ton of butter from California and promincnoo was given to it in a contemporary, tho idea hat gimo abroad that uo good butter can bo made iu this country. This can easily he re futed by any of our merchants. Wo know of one who, this laU wevk, purchisod no less than 5,000 poiiudi. One farmer supplied 1,000 pound of good packed butter and was paid 35 cent per pound therefor. John Goodwin and two other men feuced up tho stage road lK.tno:cii Dayton and To kanon, and when tho ttace came aloin; in fnimctl the driver that he could only pass Ihom by driving over their bodies. A the driver was witnoiit weapon, aud tho three men had guns, lis turned back to Dayton. Charliu Fond went out, arrested tl.o men, brought them to town, ami after an examina tion before Judge Wimjanl, thoy wero held to aiuwer at tho Dayton court. This is favorable) weitber for torna iloe, but that'K no e-xcuso for baibers u.inej mucilngi? by inisiako for lia'r oil. Most hair is firmly clinched. Many girls would rather wiw their atockinjjswith IioIpsiu than liav. them elanieti, laecatuso when darned they ani mended, nnd girU jn-offr men alive. Two ladie3 m-ettfnted themselves at tlio door of a fancy ball, ani on being ntkeel by tlio usher vlmtcharacteis they iwrsonateHl, they i- jtjjo.1 that they wero not iu bpecial, wliureujion bo uawiuu out, "I'wo lAdies without 7 Url"