r; WILLAMETTE FARMER r (pc fjonu $irck. Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clarke. A PERPLEXED HOUSEKEEPER. . I wish I I1.11I .1 dozen pair Of lianils thin very minute, 1M soon Jiut all thins to right TI10 very deuce is in it. Here's a big washing to he ilono, O110 ji.iir of hands to do it, Sli-nts, shirts and stucltiiii;. colt and pant, How will I ever get through it! Dinner to pet for six or more, Xo loaf left over from Sundays And haliy as troasns ho ciu lito He's always soon Mondiy. And thoro's tho cream, 'tis petting (our, And must forthwith Lu churning! And here's llob wnnts n bntton mi Which way shall I ho turning! Tl time tha meat wis in tl.o put, 'I lu bread won wortcil for Inking. T10 clothes were taken from the loll 0 dear tha baby's unking. llus'i baby there hush sli-ali, 1 with lio'.l kcp 11 littl?, Till I cnul 1 1 1111 and at omo woixl To liuriy up the Kittle. 0 dear, 0 ilf.tr, If I' tomes hoino And fliuls things in this potlisr, Hu'll Just begin to toll 1110 nil. About IiIj tidy mother. How nice her kitchen used to b, Her dinner alwajs ready latnetly whtn thu nnnn.bvit ratio Hush, hush, dear little l'reddy. And then will come sumo hasty word Itlgnt out beforo I'm thinking! They say that hasty wonls from wives Sot color men to drinking. Now Isn't it a great idea That men should tako to sinking llccnuao .1 weary half-sick wife Can't always rmilu so winning. When I was young I used to earn My living without trouble; Had clothes and ik(Mnntiey, tO, And hours of ldmru double. 1 nocr drtamed of such n fnto When 1 ft Ijm was cimrted Wife, mother, nurse, seamstrvM, cook, house kcejHT, ilir.nilicrinr.iil, laundress, dairy vomaii and scrub generally, doing tie work of six ' l'or tho s iko of being supported! THE APPLE. Womlrouslv, 0 goddess fair, Hast thou kept thy promise rnro When thino orchards lit tho night With their lamps of pink and white, And their etiuors tilled the day With an ince-iio lit for May. Well did roVins welcome tlieo In their matin miiistiel.y. As thou oomust with tho dawu, Tripping or tho lawn, 'J'o rvsiimo that potent wand Whoio rich fruitago lllls tho land. Out amid tho applo trees, .Shorn by ruthless hand and breeze, Heck ho not now wistfully, l'or our fair divinity. I.iko a (jucon discrowned and lone, Never more to win a throne. Homo shall henceforth bo tho thrice Of l'omona tho divine, Where in robes of rrgr.1 gold And of irimsxn shall unfold Charms that make her yet more dear WI1II0 without tho winds blow drear. On the hcarthstono let the sire l'.nild a blazing altar-re, In whoso glow may loving eyes I'ind tho duo to l'aradise, And tho npplo so repaiu What it lost for tho tlrst twain. Springfield llcpublicau. HOKE UI5TJ FOIt TOl'.NU 1I01SE KF.Kl'EUS. I would Ilka to Impress nioro firm ly on tho minds of young girls tho necessity of "svMom" In houso-peop-Ing, for If It Is not practiced In tho oarlydiiyaofmarrlod life, it will not bo HystomiUlc wliou tho caros and grow ing respomlbllltles como that ovory now year briiifs with It. Onco I was young, and If tho slstow of tho Homo Cirdo wont think It ogotlstlcnl I would llko to glvo n way or managing tho work. To ho euro thora will ho dajM of slckuoss, of oxtro work, of oxtr. company, (hat will Interforo with rogular routine, but system will help so much that ono need not bo much put out for theo extra duties. It I.s only noccs sirytohavo a clean calico wrapper and tho hair tidy to commonco tho day. Tho nost Mop Is to tho kitchen whoro, by a Uttlo fjrothaught tho evening boforo In having tho coffcu und potatoes prepared, a broakfast miy toon lio got out of n low and glmplo materials. Somo dishes aro hotter for bolng warmed over and it Is well to have plenty of cold potatoes and mo it on hand to hash up or warm over. It is nlco to eat breakfast In tho kitchen ir tho room Is large enough to m-t tho table, and wo ad vtitu that tho kitchen shall bo a comfortably mom uhva.s. Havo 11 clem lablecloth, it gooj a long way towards giving a good appetite, thus good bread, butter and apples, cooked lu somo way uro always nlco As soon as tho meal Is over wash and put away tho dishes, never lotting them stand.as thoy draw flies and aro harder to clean If loft to dry. Then sweep and dust, arranging tho bed rooms and sitting room. This dono first, theff comes tho various extra cares and duties that tho several dayn of tho week bring. Getting tlieso out of tho way leaves less con fusion in tho way If unexected company drop in. Thoso who Hvo on a farm and havo tho caro of milcn iia nml hnttor nrO lillblo to l0 OVOr- lookod, and yot with tho cdditlon of. thoso, If system bo observed, tho work .will como easier. Dinner may bo in tho cottrso of preparation so that It bo on tho tablo by twelve. Supper should bo only 11 lighter affair, with llttlo cooking. In this way there ought to bo two or threo hours loft In tho afternoon for rest, If It may be called rest to bo nllowcd to sit nt Ihe machine, or sow by hand. Yearn nnd years I followed this plan, and being blessed with strength nnd ex cellent health I found much time to read, visit, nnd oven do considerable fancy work. INuvr did my tewing or work cot ahead of mo very much. Some peoplo hav naturally a knack for management. A lady, tho wife of a will known physician, this Stale, has given nrj many 11 lesion in do mestic economy; felic, with n largo family, nover was seen to be lit a hurry, always seemed to bo at lelsuroj happen lu when you would, tho clean swept hearth hid u welcome corner; without any fuss orappnicnt exertion tho regular meal appeared on the table at the uxtiitl hour this was ac complished with Utile or no help ex cept from tho children, who were each taught, from the, first habits of system, each having their own dutle to perform at Muted times, nnd to the household went llko clockwork-. We nover qulto como up to her standard, though alio was our intern house keeper. A WK1.CU3U. LKTTKi:. Wo welcome tho following letter from a valued correspondent, who ha1) been silent n long that wo feared alio had forgotten tho Homo Circle. This comes timely, for it Is Just what wo have been trying to advocate that Itf, get our lady readers to ex change thoughts and experience through this column. Wo hopo the writer will send n recipe for Pork. Cake, It is nice, and wo know and are sure our readers would llko It. IMitor Homo Circlet 1 hesitated, when I .sit down this evening, whether to take up my pen or not. It ecemed so co.y and com fortable to hit up by tho II ro and knit tho pretty rod and white blockings I urn knitting Tor my boy's winter wear. Nut I havo been wanting for some tlmo to wrlto to you on a sub ject that Interests mo very much. Ono of iijy neighbors takes a paper called The Household, It Is published at Uuttloboro, Vt. Perhaps somo of your readers aro ncmialnted with It. It Is essentially n Woman's paper, and tho contributors do onjoy It to much. Evory wool: tlioro aro a number of intorcKtlug letters on domestic topics. Now It seems to mo tho farmors' wives of Oregon nnd Washington might furnish each other a great deal of valuable Information through the Homo Circle if they would only take a llttlo time. I know occasionally tlioro is a letter or two from somo ono and then, Just as wo nro Interested to hear them talk they stop and aro llko the wife In tho song "Dumb, dumb, dumb." I saw my neighbor, Mrs. K., the ono that takes Tho Housohold, working In her kitchen ono cold morning not long ago, and Instead of having her arms bare sho had slipped on a pair of calico sleeved that pro tected her dres nicely. Well, I thought I must try that, so I cutout tho hleovcs of an old wrapper and rolled up my dress sleeves u llttlo ways, ami put en tho sham slcoves. They are very nice, and with a largo apron ono can wear a woolen dress In the mornings without fenrof spoiling it. I wonder If any reader of tho Homo Circle lias over made Pork Cake'.' I havo scon n number of recipes, but have never talked with anyone who had mado It. If anyone who has tried will tell mo of their success. I would bo much pleased Or, Ifnnyone wishes tho rccipo I will send It. I wish too that somo of tho old and experienced mothers would tell mo como way to umuso my boy. Ho Is a year and a half old. Is a vory busy llttlo fellow ami sometimes con trives to drive mo nearly wild as ho gets tired of all his playthings and I am at my wits ends to dovlso homo- thing now. Hut I must not wrlto too long a lettor or our editress will drop it into 1110 wnsto uaiKut. j. Woman's Vote, Graco Grcon.wood says: "That wo. men aro going to volo Is Jut ns in evitable as tho falling of an avalanche from an Alpluo slope. It must come. Anybody who looks at It must see It. That manhood suffrage includes wo. manhood nuffrage, and equal rights and equal wages and universal edu cation aro tho logical results of our form of government, I cannot eon celvo that there can bo a doubt Un less wo go back on tho very principles of tho Declaration of Independence, theso things must be. They nro tho tho express train of God's providence; and unless wo mako up our mind to go along with tho train, wo had bet ter stand out of the way." An honest Hibernian, in recom mending a cow, stld sho would givo milk year after year without having, calves, 'because," said he, it runs In tho brado; for she camo from a cow thatiever.hailjwir' pOr THE CfllUJUEJIi A MOTHER'S DIARY. Mnniincl ftiby on tho floor, Makiug for tho Makiuc for tho fender; Sunlight seems to mako it sneeze) llahy "011 a uenucri All tho spools upset and gone, Chairs drawn into file, Harnessed strings all strung across, Ought to mako ono smile, Apron clean, curls smooth, cyis blue, (Hnw theso charms will dwindle,) l'or I rather think don't you liaby "isn swindle!" Noon! A tangled, silken Hots (Jetting in blue eyes; Apron tiiat w ill not keep cleau, If a baby tries I Ono blue shoo untied, and ouo Uudcrncath tho tables Chairs gono mad, aud block and tojs, Well fti they aro able', Baby is in a high chair, too, Yelling for his dinner. Spoon in his mouth) 1 thi-iU dontyou, Baby "is a sinner!" Niahtl Chairs nil set hack again, lilooks and spools in order; One blue shoo beneath the lu.it Tolls of a mar.iuder; Apron folded on u chair, l'laid dress torn rnd wrinkled, Two pink foot kicked pretty bare, Llttlo fat knees crinkled; In Ids crib, and completed, too, By sleep, blessed uvtllipel. Now I surely think don't you Biby "is nn angel!'' lllaltiinoro Sun. LKTTEKS FIWJJI L1ITLK FOLKS. IiATHAM, Or., Nov. , 1871). Editor Homo Circle. As I saw no letter in this weok's Faumuk I thought I would write n fow linos. Our school was nut last Friday; I am not In as good luck ns Olto C. to got to start again lu 11 day or two. Girls, don't lot a paper miss without u letter from somo ef you. Tho hoys nro all cowards; only ono has written for tho Faumuk; go In girls and beat them. Wo would llko to henr Otto C. and Kmtnu Jlcisncr and all tho other little girls, and boys too, If they are not afraid, mid from Aunt Hetty too. I will close for this time, hoping to iiear from you soon. Yours, Katii: S. Wi:ston, Or., Nov. 20, 1871). Udltor Homo Circlet 1 would havo written leforo but I havo been so busy I havo not had time. I am twelve yearn old; 1 llvo on u farm two nines irom wcsioti. Wo eninu from tho Willamette valley nine years ago; 1 do not remember much about that country. 1 llko out door work much better than In-door work, but I don't have much out-door work to do. Tho farmers up hero aro busy putting In their gram. I am go ing to cut out all tho letters in tho Homo Clrclo from little boyunnd girls and put them In iny scrap book; they are tho drat tiling I read when we get a now paper. I sond my best wishes to tho Faiimbu, and long may It pros per. Louizk M. Russell. A UOXDEUFUL PET. You havo heard of wondorful dogs and horses by tho score, but I fancy you have not often heard of n pit ele pliant, lu India whero ele phants nro numerous, they aro cm ployed In different kinds of service, und I will now tell you a true story of ono who was a pet. Old Soup (for that was his curious name) was born moro than a hundred years ago, nnd ho lived about two years since on tho banks of tho river Ganges, near the city of Cawnport. Tho story of his llfo would bo n very Interesting ono, If ho could only toll It; but, yon see, ho has outlived all his early friends, and so there is no one to tell It for him. When Old Soup (or Soupramany, as tho natives called him) was young, ho was trained for war; nnd used to go out fighting nud hunting with his black ma-tors, and many nsavago bat tle did ho have with tho hard skinned ono tusked rhinoceros. Well, Old Soup was 0110 day working with a number of other olohants and somo soldiers in lending 11 ship with bags of rlco. Mnjor Daly was the officer In charge of tho soldiers, and Old Soup and other elephants belonged to him. This wunjuht about tho time of Old Soup's hundredth birthday, aud ns the elephants ono by ono, marched up to tho ship's sldo and delivered their bags of rlco, Major Daly's llttlo boy and girl stood watching tho old fellow at their work. What was the renxm I cannot say whether It was the heat of thosun.or tho hardness of the work. It Is Impossible for me to toll but all at once ouo or the elephants began to throw his bags of rlco Into tho river, and the major soon fuw that tho mil m.tls had gono mad. The mad ele phant, having killed his keeper, turn ed nud ran tomards the major's chil dren, who werohtirr inguith thoir uuros to get in-doir-'. How they would havo fired if they had been left to themselves I cannot say; but old Soup was them, and when ho saw tho mad elephant ehalng tho major's children, ho dashed lu be tween thorn nud fought tho mad crea ture until I10I11I1I htm dying on tho ground. It was a terrible tight. It lasted for an hour and 11 half; tunl though old So 11 11 wascoiuiuerorln the end, ho had many wounds to remind uimortiie struggle, ills ears were badly tore, and his head bruUed, and one ol tusks was broken off short; bat he saved the lives oritls master's chil dren, and I am not surprised that iney niuuo mm 11 potiulor tliut. nut he became something moro tluui a net: he became a uumo as well, and often would ho tako ttm children out by tho hour together: and tho iinl.ir sild, over nnd ovvr ngiln, that ne would lar rather trust his chlldiojt wjth old fSnnuJi ' - flshcrmnn, too, nnd might often Lo seen on tho banks or Gauges helping his llttlo friends to catch the Golden caicn wiucn aoound in that river. Ono of tho hoy; would bait tho hook for Mm mill taknnirtlwi (lal, l.nt t.n ,,...i.i hold tho fishing-rod with tho tip of 11 tiumt, mm uuuiu niwnys Know when ho had a bite, and would land tho Hlsh as well as any one Chil dren's Magazine. oil: uooiTrluix ScribncrforXovembcrconlnIiisev- oral articles of special Interest to our- renders. Among them Is 11 timely pa per on Tho Agricultural Distress In Great Hritain, contributed by Mr. 1 T. ijuinn, or tho New Jersey State Agricultural Association, who con cludes from perponnl observation of Kngllsh farming during tho pastyenr, that It lias Irretrievably lot Itttproni Inonco as an Industry of tho country of tho kingdom. This effect Is at tributed partly to tho system of rent ing, partly to tho conservatism of tho farmers themselves, but chiefly lo American competition. A strong contrast to this state of affairs is pre sented by Mr. Henry King's Pictur- cquo leatures of Kansas Farming, which luclduntall.v shows an unex ampled state of prosperity; Kansas types of character, tho SpinMi ranch ero, tho Mennonlto vlllnges, tho prairie fire, and tho negro exodus form the chief topics of a paper io murkablo us n successful piece of lit erary work. Illustrated papers of an Interest somowhat allied to these are on Itaro Lawn Tree?, by Mr. Samuel Partons, Jr., of Flushing, L. I., mid on Success with Small Fruits by Itov. i:. P. Itoo, of Cornwall, N. Y. Iloth of theso papers aro by experts, and contain much Information for the planting season. Mr. Itoo deals cs peclally with strawberries, and tho genera subject is to be continued lu future numbers. The extraordinary success of St. Nicholas from Its vory beginning as 11 literary venturo u easily accounted for. It met a want long felt lu tho family aud home, viz : A pure, healthful, thought-Inspiring periodi cal for the young people which should instruct, while it amused, and do light the eye, while It assisted In forming tho mind. From title page to cover the volume which lies on our table Is 11 genuine fairy-laud of Juven- Ho amusement and culture. Health ful stones of ndvontnre, rhymes which rival Mother Goose's moludles, delicious absurbllles, animal talcs, hu morous 'fancies und fairy stories, nil Illustrated, and made vivid by pic tures of wonderful design nnd taste, make up n volume which must bo a novor-endlngsourcoof ploasuro and delight to its readers. tilOlli; KECirKS. Tako a quart of atowed inplos; add to them u pint of milk, four well- neaien eggs, sugar to tasto; a teaspoon ful of extract of lemon and a llttlo nutmeg; beat together. Lino a link-lnir-dish with slices of buttered bread: put In tho apple, cover them witli slices 01 tno orcati uuucroti sine up and bako until brown. To bo eaten cold with sweetened cream. Another nlco pudding is mndo as follows: Tako tart nnplos; paro and chop them fine; nut n layer of them In a dish; add sugar and splco, then a layer of bread crumbs, nud so 011 un til) tho dish Is full; pour over It acus tard nnd let It bake slowly until the apples arc done. This is also to bo oaten cntd,but does not rcquiro cream. Apples nro vory delicious and wholesome simply baked. Tako good cooking nppti-H, ripe, put them in a (lrlni)IiiL' nan with tho bottom woll covered with water; lot them bako until nearly dono, then ndd the sugar and cook until tho syrup Is thick nnd rich; thou they aro a dish fit for a mtcon. Applo dumplings nro much better If the flour Is scalded after rubbing In It a llttlo lard and salt: nour on suffi cient boiling water to make n s'.lir dough; let It cool a little, and then flour your hands nnd work a pleco of dough until It Is Inrgo enough to cover thoapnlo; drop In boiling water; eat w 1th I uttor, cream nnd sugar. A favorlto dish with us Is what wo call half-preserved apples. Paro and quarter sweet apples aud put them In u syrup that is lulling nnd only sweet enough to bo ngreeablo; lot thorn cook slowly a long tlmo. They nro very fine to seal up In cans for winter use, keeping as ! ig as thoy aro needed. Fruit Pudding. Ouo cup mobsses, ono cud sweet milk, one of suet chop ped fine, or a half cup butter, ono of rallies, mill cup currnuis, iwn nun 11 luilfcnin ll')ur,half teaspoon sod i;mlx well and splco to ttnto, and sieam two boms. Dried Applo Custard. One cup of iric! apples, m.itiiifii nun hirtincn; two i'L'lm !, mm with the I'.liples; sweeten nud splco In liistejndd a half tumtiierorercam or rich mm:, iiuko In piite, and when done cover with a meringue Wt.vpow IJahickts. Get a medium sized fruit bowl, ono that slopes Inw ard the Ifittom, and, with a scarlet yarn and a bono ero"tiiiet needle, knit a cover ot ontin wo-k to fit It, and finish It with a narrow flaring bolder around tho Iwtloin edge, a tus sel In the conter. und threo stout I'oidsof tho double wjistcd tied to ll.u upper edge to hing It by; fill iho l)wi with sand and leaf iiiojd, Thp 0. HiiiNnt.nu, rottlmiil. r;vr.Yi!Lijii:n isr.7. SKINDLER & JfkttZ2jfii. HAWLEY, DODD t CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Offer for Solo at tlio Lowoot Pricoo Possiblo, HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL and; -A-grric-ULlt-ULxa-l Im.plem.erLts, SOLE AGENT FOR JOHN DEERE'S CELEBRATED -fS IAS InHsUMlltttatticST"!" "mfmmmtmma yVTyjpjjjsWffi5 nn wining 4(iw,wiu iwicamt quai.i.i, pr d jr. Doero's 40, GO and 72 Tooth Harrows. Farm, Food and Grist Mills, RANDALL'S PULVERIZING HARROWS,. Buckeye Broadcast Seeders & Grain Drills, Schuttler, Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons STUDEBAKER WAGONS, with Patent Roller Brake. Too well known to need comment. Send for Circulars and Price Lists. HAWLEY. DODD & CO. "And the LiMves of thoTranroro fortho Healing ofllioiNutiona"' Nn moro winJvrf ul rxhitUIoi '( t'io uMomart't p..irof lh CruUr cam lo Llitn tlivi the i-rUIon inte (or lit airlni; 4 ill to. y thu un of tho rciiuillt hC N'Aturv f.irt.Mitxi In tit rout, Urtu, ttv iutl LwrrttuF tlitt iwiiih.ii trw urnl v'truln wilvh ahrn our lnM.itlfi.1 iJ,v., nj mount. iii. Tho n.UcUou am. cwuhliMtigii uf th lid)nti iUi!lt.'tM nf thuo form Mktutljrm nofuunJ nl Intertill. m V tnij.tojr Ui rtiUtinlnli(.f tiivft,rt- V4t.rnr tu-uli abiut t.m Aiiiuut-o uf.Httllcul NcU'iur, I ut HUt U It moru Man thu JlHmry ot the i.-r.tlM i'i-birtlsj ot 00333SO2T E3LuaLrrrJL! Willi xliklincry t'KP'i.'! ol InhaliiUnU I n Wtn foii.Ularl Ttinll.t dliioitry In tlilt Una I. TURK flifjax B3 jOI tdtlKI ssinBCiniltMlsltfl tssssslkHI ' m ImMM milllul lull A Vegetable Production Wondorful Cures. Pains in thu Buck, Non-Jtctontion of Urine, Iiillniiiiimtioii of tho liliuhhi' or Kiduoyfl, Mi'ick Dust Deposit in Urine, Lcticorrhocu, P.iinfitl or Supiiressutl renstrimtiou Anil all roin.UiDU ari'ln from a itlltAxd nr dtlilllUtwl Hour iroiu fuai to t.Vo l'. FIS . T JIKU1UINKS. tt, und liuitlnl cl MIM.Il.M, I'OUONU. Lut tho OREGON KIDNUT TEA. 1'n.ciitd the Lenf in its Natunil felato Ami th Tea li uu.lj I tiac.ic ul It, thu. Iniuiin,,' lu ADSnLUTE PURIFY AND FREEDOM ltlatmititiry vMi.t-mmliitll tho '.'OSTIU'Ua ill cjnviiii el iv.i'i. tf lei in ir.t 11 mi tn.iii, inn nv iid.fjr Ilii4i.iuil.ui. ail lv viurul .iii.mmi f.,.1 1, Tho Orofjon Kidnov '"ca lias l'UI.l', DIlMXTlONS IN ...N'.iMMJI AM) (IKItMA?: AHU O.N' IUCII TACKAtJi:. Head tho fdbyiag Tttstiraonialn i'voii sorao of cur most ?.cspoctil Citise3 : li H l!i'rY 'i.ir Hi-: JJ) Hiliwn vimv, I , I. . I ...,i!it(i , T'j url,,. a, n. h . i. u.d I aul- frli,vntil. .1 kin my UtHc Ml (ji.iji.v. u a uli.v.i (fti.v u.uuliiu,; l.ii nvlui; itIL'. IViiiuvn. Or, Auk a 1670. IK. n. Hmev--Ov.tr fir; lUtlni; trry Uw..t.'H ha riV.r, I wail iluual t.. to tr o.UlON KID .NT.Y .U . I finnnl It iry UuurloAt 1 1 il H.nW. a it. u.t i.uw mituit it UiLv Iim i oiiir tia rtKnnuiKi.(l It lotiAiw k.u,i... a, I ua, JUII.S I' lAMill.lU li.m.i. Or. Ju i SI, 179. lis. Wv. lUsLcr-lirklr Voir (llimo I i::i.Si:v TCV litniirIm lu. .i.lLlli. ...ii J I va.' aWatsi -uj ,-riliMli n) i y.i. m'i , It lliav .Ivuai ' ,ii, aii'iar t 4a in my i j , i ji, u -4 uuiUiUrr On Or..m l.'diity i-4 'uii y. i. i-.i.jli . lU,lnUUKl. ... r.'i' Inc. Wji ! n.rr-t'.rtf. WM'-Jan. u -1- . ll.!nc), aj t'i.t I" a.Hi!i.t fn i lUlir i '. OIIU.K.S' I." '.i.C II l 1 f ...! i. . 1-,,-v ii. .. hl-li:y (cu u.eil i.liaJi aluuid ,j,. mhii... J ISSlTaSarT.TS?yit f?T Ar.JlVlJk. ill tf-ilIllU EiW:vttmvi,itl-.i v. b. aiAnnotinxR, Sin Frandwo CHABBOURNE, WIIOt.'JrALi: AND KCrAtb DKAUJIIS IN FURNITURE A BEDD1M Of 5 vory Description. CAHPET8, OIL CLOTHS, Mlrrpio Wall Papers, Etc first M..tcr. i:orrlsoii niwl Vnmlilll. imi'i l.,.'D. i'UMJuX wnxm virMf0TFnVFFr?jrjriJiiwi SULKY Over 1,000 Sold In Oregon uu. w. 1. in tno last a years. Tha lectillsr srrnnccment of tills unrltMlmt liiiilniiiiil nreds otilylobd -n totsitf rklnL A.k your ncliihtor vilitl lis thin' suauiii, Mii-omnnmioii 01 tavrrs. A Ian tan niajiaga It, nul 1I0 totter vioik than s iimu. which is Performing It is a pecific for la'. l Ilia HI Inc) r I'rlnirjf Oiipin. uf tlllur Ms. r uwrulau miliiiuaii llinlil uuy txj l.iJJtu llw mwt FfTJM ANY INJURIOUS DRUGS lili'iorii '11 KOM IN UOrrMM aliuls trl 1 1 lai.n, arl.ii. from a d.fuitlirtf .wllu of tliii Klil iji ti tluatf.iol llm UUvan. (Juro-A Many Suoli Onaos . i.-.:l'u i.i'il I trUI t!. HKJ.i." I.IUM.. TKA Wi.atru.j, 11 tl litil.loN. ..'n t . im hI4Ujuh dl.ti.i. .r Mlnu.eu, ..j;i wm1 I L.la uny lirla yil. I Li.i uiiv iv , i.l hl.i.i rAuiuuiMid IbijrJI in. irivkili u.id as ' J, II. I'OAM.Vi (alt I kallllfa.) ruaium. Or,, July M, UN. W( I, '. r .iit-r I i-aaarimuil altlia ,UI in; laiiuia .ii'owtil '.llun I "jSiivIu I wa I iJ.iwd W ir( tlif iv.iwja Hum it, aidl' tj.r-lfdH,lilr'" I l.aa,UuI!y jauo, .. cll.s;.. aaaralliSStlfal I I I Ki: l -"" I tt. 1.1